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Chapter 1 Priyanka Gharti Magar

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Chapter 1


Tricky Terms
Formula a sequence of values, cell reference, function, and/or operators in a cell that produces a new value from
existing value
Text string a sequence of characters on which subtraction, multiplication, and division cannot be performed
Concatenation the process of joining text values in a series
Function a pre-defined formula that performs specific calculations
Pointing adding a cell reference to a formula by clicking a cell or a range

 A formula in excel always starts with an equal (=) sign.
 Formulas can be entered in the formula bar or in a cell.
 There are three types of cell referencing- relative, absolute, and mixed.
 The default cell referencing is relative.
 The $ sign is used for absolute referencing.
 Text formula involve concatenation of text strings.
 The concatenation operator is & (ampersand).
 Numeric formulas involve the use of various arithmetic operators (^, *, /, +, and -).
 The AutoSum feature automatically adds numbers in the selected cells.
 The AutoSum menu provides access to Sum, Average, Count Numbers, Max, Min, and other functions.
 The insert function button on the formula bar is used for selecting a function in a worksheet.



Chart a pictorial representation of data
Data table the data points from which a chart is derived
Y-axis the vertical axis of a chart, usually the value axis
X-axis the horizontal axis of a chart, usually the category axis
Chart area the area within which all chart components are found
Data label a label that provides additional information about a data mark

MEMORY bytes
 We can create various kind of chart in Excel 2016, such as line chart, column charts, bar chart, scatter
chart, pie chart, and 3-D surface charts.
 Column and bar -chart compare values across categories. In a column chart, the category axis is
horizontal and the value axis is vertical. Bar chart are similar to column charts but the category axis is
vertical. Each column chart or bar represents a single data value from the data table.
 A doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to t5he whole in a manner similar to a pie chart.
 A line chart shows change over time intervals.
 A scatter chart shows the relationship among numeric values, or plots point between x and y values.
 A chart has the following components: x-axis, y-axis, axis titles, chart area, plot area, legend, gridlines,
and data label.
 When a chart is selected, two new chart tools tabs-design and format-appear on the ribbon.
 You can change the size of a chart by dragging its corners.
 You can move a chart to a different part of the worksheet by dragging the white background.
 change the chart layout, and the chart style.
 On the format tab, tools are available for formatting a chart.
 A combination chart is a single chart that consists of series which use different chart types. It may
include a second value axis.
 A sparkline is a miniature chart embedded in a single worksheet cell.

Chapter 3

computer language and number system

Tricky terms
Hardware physical components that make up a computer system.
Program a set of instruction that performs a particular task.
Software a set of computer programs that provide instruction to the hardware about what to do and how to do it.
System software a computer program designed to control and manage the operation of a computer system.
Application software a computer program that helps the user in performing a certain type of work
Computer language a system of commands used to develop for computers
High-level language a programming language written using English words, mathematical symbols, and numbers
Source code a program written in a high-level language
Object code a translated program in machine language
Assembler a program that translate an assembly language program into the machine language program
Compiler a software that translates all the instructions of a source code into an object code at once
Interpreter a software that translate one statements of a source code into object code
Linker a program that take one or more object files generated by a compiler and combines them into one,
executable code
Binary digit or bit the smallest data unit in a computer containing the symbol 0 or 1
Least significant digit (LSD) the rightmost digit in a number, which has the least positional value (weight)
Most significant digit (MSD) the leftmost digit in a number, which has the maximum positional value (weight)
Decimal number system the number system with a base of 10, and has ten digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Binary number system the number system with a base of 2, and has only two digit 0 and 1
Octal number system the number system with a bases of 8, and has eight digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
Hexadecimal number system the number system with a base of 16, and has ten numeric digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9 and six letters A, B, C, D, B, E, F

Memory byte
 The computer system comprises hardware and software. Both work together so that the computer can
process data and instructions, and give result.
 Software can be classified into system software and application software.
 Information in the computer is store in the form of strings of 0s and 1s.
 The commonly used number system in digital representation are the decimal, binary, octal, and
 You can convert from one number system to another by following the proper method.

Chapter 5

apps Smartphones, tablets, and

Tricky terms
OR quick response
HTTP Hyper Text Translate Protocol
API Application Program Interface
APP Application
Memory bytes
 Smartphones and tablets have application program called apps.
 The four most popular mobile platform are IOS, Android, Blackberry, and Window.
 The platform language used are Android and Blackberry (Java), IOS (Objective C), and
Windows 10 mobile (C#).
 The three types of Apps are Native, web and hybird.
 Apps work on client-server model.
 You can install and uninstall an application from your device.

 There are many free apps development software available on the internet.

Chapter 8


Tricky terms
Home page the first page of a website
HTML a computer language used to create documents (webpage) for display on the world wide web
HTML elements building blocks of HTML documents (webpage) for display on the world wide web content
between them
HTML tags identifiers of HTML elements that being with a less than sign < and end with a greater than sign>
Container elements HTML elements that include both ON and OFF tags
Empty element HTML element that do not require an OFF tags
HTML attributes extra bit of information that appear inside the opening tag of an element
HEAD part of the HTML document containing information about the webpage
BODY part of the HTML document containing everything displayed on the webpage
Cascading style sheet a set of style rules for displaying HTML element in a webpage

 Memory bytes
 a website is composed of three sections: the home page, main section and subtractions.
 A website contains of webpages written in hypertext markup language (HTML).
 An editor is required for creating and saving an HTML document. This can be a WYSIWYG HTML editor or a
text editor.
 A web browser is used to view HTML document.
 Tags, element, and attributes are the component that make up an HTML code.
 An HTML document consists of two distinct parts: the head and the body.
 The HEAD section contains information about the document.
 The BODY section contains everything that is displayed on the webpage and includes text, graphics, etc.
 The <title> element has the title of the webpage which is display in the title bar of the web browser.
 <br>tag is used to insert a line break. It is an empty element.
 CSS is a style sheet that provides a set of style rules for displaying HTML.
 Background-properties are used to set the background style of an HTML element:
 Background-color: sets the background color
 Background-image: set the position of the background image
 Background-attachment: sets the background image as fixed or scrolling
 Background-repeat: specifies if the background image is to be repeated


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