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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 15490 (2004): Cylinders for On-Board Storage of

Compressed Natural Gas As a Fuel for Automotive Vehicles
[MED 16: Mechanical Engineering]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15490 : 2004
(Reaffirmed 2010)

Indian Standard

ICS 23.020; 43.040

© BIS 2004


NEW DELHI 110002

June 2004 Price Group 9

Gas Cylinders Sectional Committee, ME 16

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Gas Cylinders
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.
This standard is for seamless steel cylinders for on-board storage of compressed natural gas used as a fuel essentially
for automotive vehicles service.
This standard is mainly derived from the ISO 9809-1:1999 'Gas cylinder—Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders
— Design, construction and testing — Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less
than 1 100 MPa'. However, considering the prevailing practices in the country, necessary additions are made
wherever necessary. Assistance also has been taken from:
ISO 11114-1:1997 Transportable gas cylinders—Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas
contents—Part 1 : Metallic materials
ISO 11439 : 2000 Gas cylinder — High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel
for automotive vehicles
ISO 13769 : 2002 Gas cylinders — Stamp-marking
While implementing this standard, the manufacturer and the inspection agency shall ensure compliance with
statutory regulations.
The purpose of this standard is to provide a specification for the design, manufacture, inspection and testing of a
cylinder for worldwide usage. The objective is to balance design and economic efficiency against international
acceptance and universal utility.
Owners and users of cylinders should note that cylinders designed to this standard are to operate safely, if used in
accordance with specified service conditions. It is the responsibility of the owners and users to ensure that cylinders
are periodically tested as per norms laid down in Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981 as amended from time to time and as
enforced by statutory authorities under the rules.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex F.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

[Page 2, clause 3.4.2(a), second line] — Substitute ‘+ 82 ° C’ for

‘+65 C’.

(Page 4, clause 6.2.1) — Insert the following new clause after 6.2.1:

‘ For cylinders manufactured from plate, the thickness, b, at the centre
of a convex end shall be not less than that required by the following criteria:

where the inside knuckle radius, r, is not less than 0.075 Do.

In order to obtain a satisfactory stress distribution in the region where the end
joins the shell any thickening of the end that is required shall be gradual from
the point of juncture, particularly at the base. For the application of this rule the
point of juncture between the shell and the end is defined by the horizontal line
indicating dimension H in the Fig. 1.’

[Page 7, clause 8.1(c)] — Substitute the following for the existing:

‘c) It is manufactured from a steel of different specified chemical composition

or supplier of the material changes; or’

(Page 10, clause 8.3.1) — Add the following at the end:

‘In no case actual maximum tensile strength Rm shall exceed 1 100 MPa.’

(ME 16)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India


(Page  1,  clause  3.3.2)  ―  Insert  the following new  clauses  after  3.3.2: 

3.3.3 Gas Composition  General  ―  Cylinders  shall  be  designed  to  tolerate  being  filled  with 
natural  gas  meeting  the  specifications  either  of  dry gas  or  wet  gas  as  follows. 
Methanol and/or glycol shall not be deliberately added to the natural gas. Dry gas ― Water vapour shall be limited to less than 32 mg/m3 (that is a 
pressure dew point of –9°C at 200 bar). 

Constituent maximum limits shall be: 

Hydrogen sulfide and other soluble sulfides  23 mg/m3 
1%  (volume 
fraction)  ― 
Hydrogen, when cylinders are manufactured  2%  (volume 
fraction)  ― 
from steel with an ultimate tensile strength 
exceeding 950 MPa)  ― Wet gas ― This is gas that has a  higher water  content than that  of dry 

Constituent maximum limits shall be: 

Hydrogen sulfide and other soluble sulfides  ―  23 mg/ m3 
Oxygen  ―  1% (volume fraction) 
Carbon dioxide  ―  4% (volume fraction) 
Hydrogen  ― 0.1% (volumefraction) 

(ME 16) 
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India 
AMENDMENT NO.  1  MAY  2007 
(Page  1, clause 3.2) — Delete and renumber subsequent clauses. 

(Page  2,  clause  4)  —  Insert  'P b  =  measured  burst  pressure  in  bar  or 
kgf/cm2'  after  'Lo  = original gauge length,  in millimetres'. 

(Page 2, clause 4) — Insert 'Rm = actual  value of tensile strength in MPa or 
kgf/mm2  as  determined  by  the  tensile  test  (see  8.3.1)'  after  'Rg  =  minimum 
guaranteed value of tensile strength,  in MPa or kgf/mm2. 

(Page  3,  Table  2,  col heading 3  and 4)  —  Substitute  the  following  for the 

'Rm  <  950  MPa'  for  '<  950  MPa'  and  'R m  ≥ 950  MPa'  for  '≥   950  MPa'. 

(Page  4,  clause  6.1.1)  —  Substitute  the  following  definitions  below  the 
formula  for the existing: 

'f  =  maximum  allowable  wall  stress  at  hydrostatic  test  pressure,  in 
= 5/6 Re, Re  being  the  minimum  value  of the  yield  strength  in 
kgf/mm2;'  and 

(Page 8, clause 8.2.6, title) — Substitute the following for the existing: 

'Leak —  Before —  Break  Test (LBB)' 

(Page  14, clause 14) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: 


Records  of all  the  tests  made  at  the  cylinder  manufacturer's  works  shall  be  kept 
for the  life  time  of the cylinder and copies  shall be  forwarded to  the  purchaser of 
the cylinder and the inspecting authority.' 

Amend No. 1 to IS 15490 : 2004

(Page 14, clause 15) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:


Prior to despatch from the manufacturer's works, all cylinder shall be
thoroughly cleaned and all particles of grit, fillings or other matter which may
have collected inside the cylinder in the course of manufacture, heat treatment
and testing shall be removed completely and the cylinder dried internally by
heating uniformly to a temperature not exceeding 300°C; if required. Cylinders
not immediately closed by the fitting of a valve and safety devices if applicable,
shall have plugs, which prevent entry of moisture and protect threads, fitted to
all openings. The outside surface of the cylinder shall be given a suitable
protective coating before despatch.'

(ME 16)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

IS 15490 : 2004

Indian Standard
This standard deals with seamless steel cylinders of For the purpose of this standard, the following
water capacity not exceeding 250 litres intended only definitions and those given in IS 7241 except for the
for on-board storage of compressed natural gas as a following shall apply.
fuel, intended to be permanently fixed to the automotive
vehicle. This standard lays down the minimum 3.1 Gas Cylinder — Any closed metal container
requirements of the material, design, construction, having a volume exceeding 0.5 litre but not exceeding
marking and testing. 1 000 litres intended for the storage and transport of
compressed gas, including compressed natural gas
Maximum working pressure of compressed natural container fitted to a motor vehicle as its fuel tank, but
gas (CNG) cylinder on-board should correspond to the not including any other such containers fitted to a special
maximum filling pressure at 15°C, that is 20 MPa transport or under carriage.
(200 bar/204 kgf/cm2).
3.2 Design Minimum Burst Pressure — Calculated
2 REFERENCES by the designer based on the minimum tensile strength
of the material specified and the minimum wall
The standards listed below contain provisions which, thickness mentioned on the drawing.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions 3.3 Service Conditions
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this 3.3.1 Service Life — The service life for which
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility cylinders are safe shall be specified by the cylinder
of applying the most recent editions of the standards manufacturer on the basis of use under service
indicated below. conditions specified herein. The maximum service life
shall be 20 years. The service life shall be based upon
IS No. Title the rate of fatigue crack growth. The ultrasonic
1500 : 1983 Method for Brinell hardness test for inspection, or equivalent, of each cylinder shall ensure
metallic materials (second revision) the absence of flaws which exceed the maximum
1586 : 2000 Method for Rockwell hardness test allowable size. This approach permits the optimized
for metallic materials (Scales A-B- design and manufacture of light weight cylinders for
C-D-E-F-G-H-K 15N, 30N, 45N; natural gas vehicle service. The service life shall be
15T, 30T and 45T) (third revision) demonstrated by appropriate design methods, design
qualification testing and manufacturing controls.
1608 : 1995 Mechanical testing of metals-
Tensile testing (second revision) 3.3.2 Maximum Pressure — This standard is based
1757 : 1988 Method for Charpy impact test upon a working pressure of 20 MPa (200 bar) settled
(V-notch) for metallic materials at 15°C for natural gas as a fuel with a maximum filling
(second revision) pressure of 26 MPa (260 bar) regardless of filling
condition or temperature.
3224 : 2002 Valve fittings for compressed gas
cylinders excluding liquefied 3.4 Temperature Range
petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders —
3.4.1 Gas Temperature — Cylinder shall be designed
Specification (second revision)
to be suitable for the following gas temperature limits:
4379 : 1981 Identification of the contents of
industrial gas cylinders (first a) The settled temperature of gas in cylinders,
revision) which may vary from a low of -20°C to a high
of +65°C,and
5844 : 1970 Recommendations for hydrostatic
stretch testing of compressed gas b) The developed gas temperature during filling
cylinders and discharge which may vary beyond these
7241 : 1981 Glossary of terms used in gas
cylinder technology (first revision) 3.4.2 Cylinder Temperatures — Cylinder shall be

IS 15490 : 2004
designed to be suitable for the following gas temperature Di = nominal inside diameter of the cylinder, in
limits: millimetres;
a) Temperature of the cylinder material which may DF = diameter, in millimetres of former (see Fig. 6);
vary from -20°C to +65°C, and
b) Temperature over +65°C shall be sufficiently H = outside height, in millimetres, of domed part
local, or of short enough duration, that the (convex head or base end) (see Fig. 1);
temperature of the cylinder never exceeds l = length of cylindrical part of the cylinder, in
+65 °C, except under the condition 3.4.1 (b). millimetres (see Fig. 4);
3.5 Normalizing — Heat treatment in which a cylinder Lo = original gauge length, in millimetres;
is heated to a uniform temperature above the upper
critical point (AC3) of the steel and then cooled in still Ph = hydraulic test pressure, in bar or kgf/cm2, above
air. atmospheric pressure;

3.6 Quenching — Hardening heat treatment in which Pw = working pressure/service pressure in bar or
a cylinder, which has been heated to a uniform kgf/cm2, above atmospheric pressure;
temperature above the upper critical point AC3, of the r = inside knuckle radius, in millimetres (see
steel, is cooled rapidly in a suitable medium. Fig. 1);
3.7 Tempering — Softening heat treatment which Re = minimum guaranteed value of yield stress
follows quenching, in which the cylinder is heated to a (see 3.1), in MPa or kgf/mm2;
uniform temperature below the lower critical point,
AC1, of the steel. Rg = minimum guaranteed value of tensile strength,
in MPa or kgf/mm2;
3.8 Yield Stress (Re) — Value corresponding to the
upper yield stress, Re or, for steels that do not exhibit a So = original cross-sectional area of tensile test piece,
defined yield, the 0.2 percent proof stress (non- in square millimetres according to IS 1608.
proportional elongation), RP. NOTE — 1 bar - 105 Pa = 0.1 N/mm 2 (1 kgf/mm 2 =
9.806 65 MPa).
3.9 Batch — Quantity of up to 200 cylinders plus
cylinders for destructive testing of the same nominal 5 MATERIALS
diameter, thickness and design, made successively from
the same steel and subjected to the same heat treatment 5.1 The steel used shall be such that its properties meet
for the same duration of time. the requirements of the finished product. The steel shall
be aluminium or silicon killed with non-aging
3.10 Working Pressure (Pw)/Service Pressure — properties, other than rimming qualities. The chemical
Working pressure for permanent gas means the internal composition of all steels shall be declared and defined
pressure of the gas in the cylinders at a temperature at least by:
of I5°C.
a) Carbon, manganese and silicon content in all,
3.11 Test Pressure (Ph) — Test pressure means the and
internal pressure required for the hydrostatic test or the
hydrostatic stretch test of the cylinders. b) The chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium
and that of any other alloying elements
NOTE — It is used for cylinder wall thickness calculation.
intentionally added to the steel.
3.12 Burst Pressure (Pb) — Highest pressure reached
in a cylinder during burst test. 5.2 The carbon, manganese and silicon contents and,
where appropriate, the chromium, nickel and
4 SYMBOLS molybdenum contents shall be given, with tolerances,
such that the differences between the maximum and
a = calculated minimum thickness, in millimetres, minimum values of the cast do not exceed the values
of the cylindrical shell; shown in Table 1.
a' = guaranteed minimum thickness, in millimetres, 5.2.1 Sulphur and phosphorus in the cast analysis of
of the cylindrical shell (see Fig. 1); material used for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall
A = percentage elongation on gauge length not exceed the values shown in Table 2.
5.3 Maximum tensile strength shall be limited to
b = guaranteed minimum thickness, in millimetres 1 100 MPa and hardness should not exceed 330 BHN.
at the centre of a convex base (see Fig. 1); In case tensile strength exceeds 950 MPa (design value)
Do = nominal outside diameter of the cylinder, in materials shall be subjected to sulphide stress cracking
millimetres (see Fig. 1); resistance test as given in 8.3.4.

IS 15490 : 2004 
Table 1  Chemical Composition Tolerances 
(Clauses 5.2 and 5.4) 
Sl No.  Maximum  Content  Maximum  Permissible 
in  Percentage  Deviations in  Percentage 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 

i)  Carbon  < 0.30  0.06 

≥  2 0.30  0.07 
ii)  Manganese  All  values  0.30 
iii)  Silicon  All  values  0.30 
iv)  Chromium  <  1.50  0.30 
>  1.50  0.50 
v)  Nickel  All  values  0.40 
vi)  Molybdenum  All  values  0.15 

Table 2  Maximum Sulphur and Phosphorus Limit in Percentage 
(Clause 5.2.1) 
Sl No.  Element  < 950  MPa  ≥  950  MPa 

(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 

i)  Sulphur  0.020  0.010 

ii)  Phosphorus  0.020  0.020 

iii)  Sulphur  +  Phosphorus  0.030  0.025 

5.4 The cylinder manufacturer shall obtain and provide  5.7  Heat Treatment 

certificates of cast (heat) analysis of the steels supplied 
for the construction of gas cylinders.  The  actual  temperature  to  which  a  type  of steel  is 
subjected for a given tensile strength shall not deviate 
Should check analyses be required, they shall be carried  by more than 30°C from the temperature specified by 
out  either  on  specimens  taken  during  manufacture  the cylinder manufacturer. 
from  the  material  in  the  form  as  supplied  by  the 
steelmaker  to  the  cylinder  manufacturer,  or  from  After end forming, the cylinders shall be heat treated 
finished cylinders. In any check analysis, the maximum  (quenched  and  tempered)  to  the  hardness  range  as 
permissible deviation from the limits specified for the  specified in the cylinder approved drawing. 
cast analyses shall conform to the values specified in  During heat treatment the following temperatures shall 
Table 1.  be maintained: 
5.5  Typical Steels 
Heat Treatment  Material 
Two typical nationally/internationally recognized steel 
types which have provided safe performance over many  C­Mn  Cr­Mo 
years are:  (Type 1)  (Type 2) 
a)  Chromium  molybdenum  steel  (quenched  and  Hardened  820 °C, Min  820 °C, Min 
tempered); and 
Tempered  550 °C, Min  540 °C, Min 
b) Carbon  manganese  steel  (quenched  and 
tempered).  The  cylinder  manufacturer  shall  certify  the  heat 
The chemical compositions of these steels, subject to  treatment process applied to finished cylinder. It shall 
the controls specified in 5.2 are given in Table 3.  conform the requirement given at 10.1. 
5.6  Suitable  steels  other  than  above  may  be  used  6 DESIGN 
with  the  prior  permission  of the  statutory  authority.  6.1 Calculation of Cylindrical Shell Thickness 
In such a case, the yield strength of the steel taken for 
the  purpose  of calculating  the  wall  thickness  of the  6.1.1 The wall thickness of the cylindrical shell of the 
cylinder shall not be greater than the minimum specified  cylinder may be calculated by following formulae: 

IS  15490 : 2004 

f  =  ...(1)  R =  inside dishing radius, in millimetres; and 
r = inside knuckle radius, in millimetres (see Fig. 1). 
a ≥  D o /250+1  ...(2)  The wall thickness of the end will be acceptable, if it is 
with absolute minimum of a = 1.5 mm  nowhere  less  than  the  value  te  when  calculated  with 
the  formula: 
f  =  maximum  allowable  wall  stress  at  hydrostatic 
test pressure,  in kgf/cm2; 
where  F  is  a  shape  factor,  the  value  of  which 
= 5/6 Re, Re is limited to 85 percentage of the yield  depends  on  the  value  of H/Do  and  if  H/Do  ≤  0.25, 
strength  in kgf/mm2; and  also  on  te/Do,  H  being  the  outside  height  of  the 
Ph =  hydrostatic test pressure above atmospheric, in  domed part of the convex end. 
kgf/cm2 (5/3 × working pressure).
For wall thickness up to and including 5 mm, the value 
6.1.2 The value of the wall thickness as calculated of F shall be obtained from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. 
from above formula shall however, be not less than
6.3  The  outside  height  H mentioned  at  6.2.2  is  the 
0.136√ Do. 
distance  from  the  plane  of the  cross­section  at  the 
6.2  Calculation of Convex Ends (Heads and Bases)  extreme  limit of the cylindrical  part  of the  cylinder to 
the farthest point of the centre of the connecting formed 
6.2.1  When  convex  ends  (heads  as  well  as  bottoms)  end. For the application of this rule: 
are  formed by forging of cylindrical parts (see Fig.  1) 
the wall thickness in the centre of the formed end shall,  a)  The  cylindrical  part  of  the  cylinder  includes 
provided that the inside corner radius r is not less than  any  portion  with  slight  deviations  of  the 
0.075  Do,  be  at  least  1.5a  if the  outside  height of the  geometrical cylindrical shape,  such  as more  or 
domed part is less than 0.5 Do but not less than 0.25 Do,  less conical  wall inside or  outside  or  at  both 
and at least 2a if the outside height of the domed part is  surfaces,  reduction  in  diameter  for a  foot­ring, 
less than  0.25 Do but not less than 0.2 Do and a being  etc; and 
the calculated minimum wall thickness of the cylindrical  b)  The top of the cylinder bearing the  valve  shall 
shell.  be considered without extrusion and without hole 
6.2.2  Nevertheless,  if the  shape  of the  convex  end  is  in the centre (see Fig.  1). 
such that the  following conditions are  fulfilled: 
6.3.1 The cylinder manufacturer shall in any case prove 
R  ≤  Do  by pressure cycling test as given in 8.2.3 that the design 
r ≥  0.1 Do  is satisfactory. 

Table 3  Internationally Recognized  Steel Compositions 

(Clause  5.5) 
Sl No.  Element  Steel Grade and Conditions (in  Percentage) 

Cr­Mo(Q & T)  C­Mn(Q & T) 

(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 

i)  Carbon  0.25­0.38  0.38, Max 

ii)  Silicon  0.1­0.4  0.1­0.35 
iii)  Manganese  0.4­1.0  1.35­1.70 
iv)  Phosphorus  0.02,  Max  0.02,  Max 
v)  Sulphur  0.02,  Max  0.02,  Max 
vi)  Chromium  0.8­1.2  — 
vii)  Molybdenum  0.15­0.40  — 
1  In  case  the  steel  is  chromium  with  nickel,  its value  shall  be  nickel  2.30­2.80,  molybdenum 0.40­0.70  and  chromium  0.50­0.80. 
2  When  aluminium  or a combination of aluminium and  silicon  is  used  for  killing.  The  steel,  the  requirements  regarding minimum 
silicon  content does  not apply. 
3  When steel  is aluminium killed nitrogen content shall be limited to 0.01  percent. 
4  When steel  is aluminium killed by aluminium alone, nitrogen content is limited  to 0.007 percent 

IS 15490 : 2004

NOTE — Shape B shall not be excluded from this requirement.


IS 15490 : 2004


IS 15490 : 2004

7 MANUFACTURE and without check, machined to gauge and concentric

with axis of cylinder.
7.1 The cylinders shall be produced by any one of the
following methods: 7.6.2 The cylinder valve, if fitted shall be tightened to
a) From billets pierced and hot or cold rolled required torque using suitable tape or by suitable sealant.
drawn; 7.6.3 When a neck ring is provided, it shall be securely
b) From plates, cupped, and hot or cold rolled attached by a method other than welding, brazing or
drawn; soldering.
c) From hot or cold rolled seamless tube rolled or 7.7 Out-of-Roundness
extruded or flow formed; The out-of-roundness of the cylindrical shell, that is
d) By any other process approved by the statutory the difference between the maximum and minimum
authority; and outside diameters at the same cross-section shall not
e) End closing may be carried out by hot spinning exceed 2 percent of the mean of these diameters.
process or any other process approved by the 7.8 Mean Diameter
statutory authority.
The mean external diameter of the cylindrical part
7.2 Examination of Cylinders Before Closing-in- outside the transition zones on a cross-section shall
Operation not deviate more than ±1 percent from the nominal
design diameter.
Each cylinder shall be examined before final closing
in operation for thickness and surface defects. 7.9 Straightness
7.3 Cylinder Shape and Wall Thickness The maximum deviation of the cylindrical part of the
shell from a straight line shall not exceed 3 mm/m
The cylinder design shape and wall thickness shall be length (see Fig. 4).
such that the requirements for performance are
complied with and the dimensions of all cylinders fall 8 TYPE APPROVAL PROCEDURE
within the tolerances shown on the approved design 8.1 General Requirement
A technical specification of each new design of cylinder
7.4 Surface Defect [or cylinder family as defined in (f)] including design
drawing, design calculations, steel details and heat
Maximum size of allowable defect shall not exceed treatment, shall be submitted by the manufacturer to
5 percent of minimum wall thickness. the statutory authority, through the inspection agency.
7.5 Water Capacity The test detailed in 8.2 shall be carried out on each
new design under the supervision of the inspector.
The water capacity of cylinders shall have the tolerance
of ±2.5 percent of nominal water capacity. A cylinder shall be considered to be a new design,
compared with an existing approved design, when:
7.6 Cylinder Neck Threads and Fittings a) It is manufactured in a different factory; or
7.6.1 The cylinder shall have threads as per IS 3224 or b) It is manufactured by a different process; or
any other threads specification approved by statutory c) It is manufactured from a steel of different
authority. Threads shall be full form, clean cut, even specified chemical composition; or


IS 15490 : 2004

d) It is given a different heat treatment beyond the 0.25 Hz (15 cycles/min). The temperature measured
stipulated limit; or on the outside surface of the cylinder shall not exceed
e) Ends or ends profile has changed for example 50°C during the test.
convex, hemispherical, torispherical, ellipsoidal The test shall be considered satisfactory, if the cylinder
or also if there is a change in base thickness attains the required number of cycles without
cylinder diameter ratio; or developing a leak.
f) Overall length of the cylinder has changed more
than 50 percent (cylinders with a length-diameter After the test, base of one cylinder shall be sectioned in
ratio less than three shall not be used as reference order to measure the thickness to ensure that the
cylinders for any new design with this ratio thickness is not less than the minimum prescribed in
greater than three); or the approved drawing. Another cylinder shall be
subjected to burst test.
g) Nominal outside diameter has changed more
than 5 percent; or 8.2.4 The minimum actual burst pressure shall be not
less than 45 MPa (450 bar).
h) Hydraulic test pressure has been increased
(where a cylinder is to be used for lower pressure 8.2.5 The cylinder shall burst without fragmentation.
duty than that for which design approval has
been given, it shall not be deemed to be a new 8.2.6 Leak-Before-Brake Test (LBB)
design); or One finished cylinder shall be pressure cycled between
j) Guaranteed minimum yield stress (Re) and/or the 2 MPa (20 bar) and 30 MPa (300 bar) at a rate not to
guaranteed minimum tensile strength (Rg) have exceed 15 cycles/min.
changed. All cylinders shall either withstand 12 000 cycles and
8.2 Prototype Tests then fail by leakage or exceed 45 000 pressure cycles.
8.2.1 A minimum of 50 cylinders which are guaranteed 8.2.7 Bonfire Test
by the manufacturer to be representative of the new One or two cylinders as appropriate shall be tested in
design shall be made available for prototype testing. accordance with Annex A and meet the requirements
However, if for special applications the total number listed therein.
of cylinders required is less than 50, enough cylinders
NOTE — This test is for finished cylinder complete with fire
shall be made to complete the prototype tests required, protection system that is, cylinder valve, PRV and/or integral
in addition to the production quantity in such case for thermal insulation.
the next production batch, additional leak-before-break
(LBB) (see 8.2.6) on one cylinder shall be performed. 8.2.8 Changes of design specified in Table 4 shall
require only the prototype testing as specified in the
In the course of the type approval process, the inspector table.
shall select the necessary cylinders for testing and
supervise the following tests on the cylinders selected. 8.2.9 Type Approval Certificate
8.2.2 The tests specified in 8.3 (material tests) on one If the results of the checks are satisfactory, the inspector
cylinder, the test pieces being identifiable with the batch. shall issue a type approval certificate (a typical example
is given in Annex C).
8.2.3 Pressure Cycling Test and Hydraulic Bursting
Test 8.3 Material Tests

Two finished cylinders after marked, from the first batch The following tests shall be carried out on heat treated
made to new design shall be subjected to pressure steel cylinders:
cycling test. This test shall be carried out with a non- a) Tensile Test — One in longitudinal direction
corrosive liquid subjecting the cylinders to successive (see 8.3.1),
pressurization at an upper cyclic pressure which is equal b) Bend Test — Four in circumferential direction
to the hydraulic test pressure followed by de- (see 8.3.2),
pressurization to lower cyclic test pressure. The cylinder c) Impact Test — Three each in longiodudinal or
shall withstand 12 000 cycles without failure. transverse direction (see 8.3.3), and
The value of the lower cycling pressure shall not exceed d) Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistance Test
10 percent of the upper cyclic pressure, but shall have (see 8.3.4).
an absolute maximum of 30 kgf/cm2. NOTE — For location of test pieces, see Fig. 5.

The cylinder shall actually experience the maximum 8.3.1 Tensile Test
and minimum cyclic pressure during the test.
The tensile test specimen shall be made from the strip
The frequency of reversals of pressures shall not exceed cut longitudinally from the finished cylinder and shall

IS 15490 : 2004 

Table 4  Change of Design 
(Clause 8.2.8) 
Sl No.  Design Change  Type of Test

Hydraulic  Pressure Cycling LBB Bonfire

Bursting  at Ambient
(8.2.3)  (8.2.3) (8.2.6) (8.2.7)
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) (5) (6)
Diameter change ≤ 20 percent  × × - -
ii)  Diameter change > 20 percent  × × × ×
iii)  Length change ≤ 50 percent  × - - ×

iv)  Length change > 50 percent  × × - ×

v)  Working pressure change ≤ 20 percent2)  × × - -
vi)  Dome shape  × × - -
vii)  Opening size  × × - -
viii)  Change in  manufacturing process  × × - -
ix)  Pressure relief device  - - - ×
  Test only required when length increases. 
Only when thickness change proportional to diameter and/or pressure change.


IS  15490 : 2004 
be carried out  in  accordance with  IS  1608 on a test  Table 5  Bend Test Requirements 
specimen with a gauge length equal to 5.65 √ So. The  (Clause 8.3.2) 
two  faces  of test  piece  representing  the  inside  and 
outside surface of the cylinder shall not be machined  Sl No.  Actual  Tensile Strength  Bend Test 
but  shall  represent  the  surface  of the  container  as  Rm(MPa)  Value of  n 
manufactured.  The  ends  only  may  be  flattened  for 
(1)  (2)  (3) 
gripping in the testing machine. The tensile strength, 
yield strength shall not be less than minimum specified  i)  Up to and  including 43  2 
in  design  and  drawing  and  percentage  elongation  ii)  Above 43 up to and including 51  3 
measured shall not be less than 14 percent. 
iii)  Above 51  up to and including 59  4 
8.3.2  Bend Test  iv)  Above  59 up to and  including 69  5 
The  bend  test  (see  Fig.  6)  shall  be  carried  out  on  v)  Above 69 up to and  including 78  6 
specimen obtained by cutting a ring into four strips of  vi)  Above  78 up to and  including 89  7 
equal  length.  The width of the ring shall  be 25  mm  vii)  Above  89  8 
unless  25  mm  is  less  than  four times the  minimum 
agreed  finished  thickness  (including  additional  8.3.4 Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistance Test 
allowance, if any) in which case the width shall be not 
less than four times the agreed finished thickness. Each  If the  upper limit of the specified tensile strength  for 
strip shall  be machined only on the edges.  The strip  the steel exceeds 950 MPa, the steel from  a finished 
shall remain un­cracked when bent inwards around a  cylinder shall be subjected to a sulphide stress cracking 
mandrel  of appropriate diameter as given  in Table  5  test  in  accordance  with  Annex  B  and  meet  the 
until the interior edges are at a distance apart not greater  requirements listed therein. 
than the diameter of the mandrel Dt: 
8.3.3  Impact Test 
Each batch of 202 or less cylinders shall be produced 
Except for the requirements set out below, the test shall  from the material of same source and subjected to same 
be carried out in accordance with IS 1757.  heat treatment. 
The impact test pieces shall be taken in the direction as  9.1  The following tests shall be carried on each batch 
required in Table 6 from the wall of the cylinder. The  of cylinders: 
notch shall be perpendicular to the face of the cylinder 
wall (see Fig. 7).  For longitudinal tests, the test piece  a)  Material test on one cylinder that is, 
shall be machined all over (on six faces).  If the wall  1) Tensile test as per 8.3.1, 
thickness does  not permit a  final  test piece width  of  2)  Bend test as per 8.3.2, and 
10 mm, the width shall be as near as practicable to the 
nominal thickness of the cylinder wall. The test pieces  3)  Impact test as per 8.3.3. 
taken in the transverse direction shall be machined on  b)  Pressure cycling and burst test as per 9.3. 
four faces only, the outer face of the cylinder wall un­
machined and the  inner face  optionally machined as  9.2  Re­tests 
shown in Fig. 8.  In the event of failure to meet the test requirement in Minimum  acceptance  values  are  given  in  hardness testing individual cylinder shall be hardened 
Table 6.  and tempered to meet the specific requirement. It shall 

Table 6  Impact Test Acceptance Values 

Sl No.  Cylinder Diameter Do, in  mm  >  140  ≤ 140 

(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 

i)  Direction  of testing  Transverse  Longitudinal 

ii)  Test temperature, in °C  ­20  ­20 

iii)  Impact  strength  Mean  of 3  specimens  40  60 

in J/cm2, Min 
Individual  specimen  32  40 

IS 15490 : 2004




IS 15490 : 2004
continue to be part of original batch unless the repeat a) Non-compliance of the requirements of
heat treatment temperature differs by more than 30°C hydraulic test under 10.2, or
from the first heat treatment. b) Non-compliance of the requirements of
In case of failure in carrying out the batch testing as hydraulic bursting test under 8.2.3.
per 9 following re-testing procedures shall be followed.
No further cylinder shall be accepted from the batch
9.2.1 If the sample fails in any of the test specified until it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
in 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 and if the inspecting authority inspecting authority that the cause of the failure has
considered that failure was due to an error in carrying been identified and corrected. No cylinder from the
out the test, a fresh test shall be made on a test piece batch in which the cylinder failed shall be accepted by
taken from the same cylinder. The defective test shall the inspecting authority unless it has been demonstrated
be ignored but otherwise, at the cylinder maker to the inspecting authority that each of such cylinders
discretion, one of the following procedures shall be is free from the defect which caused the failure. Any
adopted: cylinder not accepted by the inspecting authority shall
be rendered unserviceable for holding gas under
a) The test in which the failure occurred shall be pressure.
repeated on the cylinder or test ring originally
tested and, in addition, the test specified in 8.3.1, NOTE — If manufacturer convince failure in burst test is due
to heat treatment and if inspection authority convince about
8.3.2 and 8.3.3 shall be carried out on another the reason, the permission may be given by statutory authority
cylinder or test rings from the same batch of the in consultation with inspecting agency.
cylinders. If both test rings comply with the test
requirements of 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 the batch 9.3 Pressure Cycling and Burst Test
may be accepted. One cylinder shall be drawn at random from a batch of
b) The batch may be reheat-treated as given in 5.7 202 or less heat treated cylinders and shall be subjected
and the tests specified in 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 to pressure cycling test as given in 8.2.3 at upper cyclic
shall be carried out on two cylinders or test rings pressure equal to working pressure for 40 000 cycles.
at the discretion of inspecting authority, which The value of lower cyclic pressure shall not exceed 10
have not been previously tested. If all the percent of upper cyclic pressure, but shall have absolute
cylinders or all test rings satisfy the test maximum pressure of 30 kgf/cm2. The test shall be
requirements, the batch may be accepted. considered satisfactory, if the cylinder attains the
required number of cycles without developing a leak.
9.2.2 If any of the tests specified in 8.3.1, 8.3.2
Subsequently, same cylinder shall be subjected to burst
and 8.3.3 fail, the batch may be reheat-treated as given
in 5.7 and retested as given in 8.2.1 (b). If all cylinders
or all test rings satisfy the test requirements, the batch 10 TEST ON EVERY CYLINDER
may be accepted.
Following tests shall be performed on each cylinder of
9.2.3 No cylinder shall, however, be reheat-treated every batch:
more than three times. Also, if more than five cylinders
in a batch are reheat-treated, they shall constitute a new 10.1 Hardness Test
batch as given in 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.3.3.
Hardness of each cylinder shall be recorded by testing
9.2.4 Not more than five cylinders or test rings from on the parallel wall at the centre. None of the results
batch shall be submitted to the test and the limitations shall be outside the limits specified on the design
on reheat-treatment given in 9.2.3 shall be complied drawing.
Hardness testing shall be carried out in accordance with
9.2.5 If after the permitted number of re-tests and IS 1500 or IS 1586. The indenter and applied load shall
reheat-treatments the tests requirements have not been be such that it shall not damage the cylinder. The test
complied with, the cylinders in the batch shall be shall be carried out after final heat treatment.
rendered unserviceable for holding the gas under
pressure. Test values for hardness at the top, mid-section and
base have been specified for those processes where
9.2.6 Failure in Mechanical Properties cylinders are quenched by vertical immersion into the
quench tank. Where the cylinders are immersed
Cylinders which have been rejected for not fully
horizontally into the quenchant, hardness test shall be
satisfying the mechanical properties of steel may be
carried out at two points around the cylindrical mid-
reheat-treated and re-offered for inspection. To be
section of the parallel wall.
acceptable each cylinder shall pass all prescribed tests.
9.2.7 If a cylinder fails due to any one of the following The hardness values obtained thus shall be in the range
reasons: specified for the design.

IS 15490 : 2004
The cylinders which are found to have hardness value pneumatic pressure equal to 60 percent of the
beyond the specified range shall be subjected to hydrostatic test pressure, and shall thereupon show no
appropriate re-heat treatment to achieve the hardness signs of leak.
values within specified range.
10.2 Hydraulic Test
Each batch of cylinders shall be covered by a certificate
Cylinders shall be subjected to test as per 10.2.1 signed by the inspecting authority's representative to
or 10.2.2. the effect that the cylinders meet the requirements of
this standard in all respects. An example of a suitable
10.2.1 Hydraulic Proof Pressure Test worded certificate is given in Annex E.
The cylinder shall be subjected to test pressure which Copies of the certificate shall be issued to the
is equal to hydrostatic stretch test pressure within manufacturer. The original certificate shall be retained
±3 percent or 10 kgf/cm2, whichever is lower. On by the inspector and the copies by the manufacturer in
attaining the test pressure, the cylinder shall be isolated accordance with the regulations of the relevant statutory
from the pump and the pressure shall be held for a authority.
minimum period of 30 s during which period the
pressure as registered on the test gauge shall remain 12 CYLINDER MARKING
constant. Under this test condition, the cylinder shall
not show any sign of leakage, visible deformation, or Each cylinder shall be permanently stamped with the
defect. If during the test, leakage is observed in the following:
pressure system, it shall be corrected and cylinder(s) a) Serial number;
re-tested. b) Identification of manufacturer;
More than one cylinder may be tested at a time provided c) Month and year of hydrostatic test, such as
that they all have the same test pressure and that each 06-2004;
individual test point is capable of being isolated. d) Number of this standard;
One cylinder out of a batch of 202 or less manufactured e) Test pressure, in kgf/cm2;
shall be subjected to hydrostatic stretch test. 0 The tare weight, in kg, and nominal water
10.2.2 Hydrostatic Stretch Test capacity, in litres;
g) Inspector's official mark;
Test shall be carried out in accordance with the method
specified in IS 5844. Pressure greater than 80 percent h) The design charging pressure in kgf/cm2 at 15°C;
of the test pressure shall not be applied to any cylinder j) 'ONB-CNG' to show the intended application;
before the test. and
The cylinder shall be rejected, if it shows a permanent k) "DO NOT USE AFTER XX/XXXX" where
expansion (that is volumetric expansion after the XX/XXXX identifies month and year of expiry.
pressure has been released) in excess of 10 percent of NOTES
the total volumetric expansion measured at the test 1 The period between the dispatch date and the expiry date
pressure Ph. shall not exceed the specified service life. The expiry date
may be applied to the cylinder at the time of dispatch, provided
The total and permanent expansion readings shall that the cylinders have been stored in a dry location without
be recorded together with the corresponding serial internal pressure,
number of each cylinder tested, so that the elastic 2 The markings shall be placed in the listed sequence but the
expansion (that is total expansion less permanent specific arrangement may be varied to match the space
available. An acceptable example is:
expansion) under the test pressure can be established
Serial Number,
for each cylinder.
Manufacturer/ Identification number,
10.3 Ultrasonic Examination Month and year of hydrostatic test such as 06/2004,
IS Number and ISI Certification Mark,
Each cylinder shall be ultrasonically examined for T.P. 334 bar or 340 kgf/cm2,
defects in accordance with Annex D.
Tare weight and nominal water capacity,
Examination of such cylinders shall be carried out after W.P. 200 bar or 204 kgf/cm2 at 15 °C,
heat treatment. ONB-CNG,
10.4 Leakage Test
Cylinders which have been closed at the end by forging
or spinning, and which have passed the hydrostatic The cylinder may also be marked with the Standard
stretch test or proof test shall be subjected to a Mark.
IS 15490 : 2004
13.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by with the colour scheme specified in IS 4379 or as
the provisions of the Bureau Indian Standards Act, specified by statutory authority.
1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
The details of conditions under which a license for the 13.3.1 Export Market
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to the Cylinder manufactured for export shall be painted
manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the externally as agreed to between the purchaser and the
Bureau of Indian Standards. manufacturer.
13.2 The marking shall not be made on the body of the 14 RECORDS
cylinder but shall be at areas in the formed neck where
the thickness of metal is greater than the minimum Records shall be kept of all the tests made at the cylinder
design thickness and where it is adequate for marking manufacturer's works and copies shall be forwarded to
to be carried out. the purchase of the cylinder and the inspecting authority.

13.2.1 The characters in marking shall normally be at 15 PREPARATION FOR DESPATCH

least 6 mm in height. The identification shall not be of Before being despatched from the manufacturer's
excessive depth. works, all cylinder shall be thoroughly cleaned and all
particles of grip, fillings or other matter which may have
13.2.2 The stamps used for marking shall have small collected inside the cylinder in the course of
radius at change of section to avoid the formation of manufacture, heat treatment and testing shall be
sharp edges in the stamped cylinder. removed completely and the cylinder dried internally
13.3 Colour Identification be heating uniformly to a temperature not exceeding
300°C. The outside of the cylinder shall be given a
The cylinder shall be painted externally in accordance suitable protective coating before despatch.

(Clause 8.2.7)
A-1 GENERAL direct flame impingement on the cylinder surface across
its entire diameter.
The bonfire test is designed to demonstrate that finished
cylinders, complete with the fire protection system Any fuel may be used for the fire source provided it
(cylinder valve, pressure relief devices and/or integral supplies uniform heat sufficient to maintain the
thermal insulation) specified in the design, will prevent specified test temperatures until the cylinder is vented.
the rupture of the cylinder when tested under the The selection of a fuel should take into consideration
specified fire conditions. air pollution concerns. The arrangement of the fire shall
Precautions shall be taken during fire testing in the event be recorded in sufficient detail to ensure that the rate of
that cylinder rupture occurs. heat input to the cylinder is reproducible.

A-2 CYLINDER SET-UP Any failure or inconsistency of the fire source during a
test shall invalidate the result.
The cylinder shall be placed horizontally with the
cylinder bottom approximately 100 mm above fire A-4 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE
Metallic shielding shall be used to prevent direct flame Surface temperatures shall be monitored by at least three
impingement on cylinder valves, fittings, and/or thermocouples located along the bottom of the cylinder
pressure relief devices. The metallic shielding shall not and spaced not more than 0.75 m apart.
be in direct contact with the specified fire protection
system (pressure relief devices or cylinder valve). Metallic shielding shall be used to prevent direct flame
impingement on the thermocouples. Alternatively,
Any failure during the test of a valve, fitting or tubing thermocouples may be inserted into blocks of metal
that is not part of the intended protection system for measuring less than 25 mm2.
the design shall in-validate the result.
Thermocouple temperatures and the cylinder pressure
shall be recorded at intervals of every 30 s or less during
A uniform fire source of 1.65 m length shall provide the test.

IS 15490 : 2004
A-5 The cylinder shall be pressurized to working a) If the cylinder is fitted with a pressure relief
pressure with natural gas or compressed air and tested device at one end the fire source shall commence
in the horizontal position at working pressure and at at the opposite end of the cylinder;
25 percent of working pressure if a thermally activated
b) If the cylinder is fitted with pressure relief
pressure relief devices (PRD) is not used.
devices at both ends, or at more than location
Immediately following ignition, the fire shall produce along the length of the cylinder, the centre of
flame impingement on the surface of the cylinder along the fire source shall be centred midway between
the 1.65 m length of the fire source and across the the pressure relief devices that are separated by
cylinder diameter. the greatest horizontal distance; and
Within 5 min of ignition the temperature at least one c) If the cylinder is additionally protected using
thermocouple shall indicate a temperature > 590° C. thermal insulation, then two fire tests at service
This minimum temperature shall be maintained for the pressure shall be performed, one with the fire
remainder of the test. centred midway along the cylinder length, and
the other with the fire commencing at one of the
For cylinders of length 1.65 m or less, the centre of the ends of a second cylinder.
cylinder shall be positioned over the centre of the fire
For cylinders of length greater than 1.65 m, the cylinder The cylinder shall vent through a pressure relief
shall be positioned as follows: device.

(Clause 8.3.4)

B-1 Tests shall be conducted on a minimum of three tested specimens shall not fail within test duration of
tensile specimens with a gauge diameter of 3.81 mm 144 h. Specimen that fails outside gauge are considered
machined from the wall of a finished cylinder. The as invalid test.
specimens shall be placed under a constant tensile load NOTES
equal to 60 percent of the specified minimum yield
1 This is a test for type of material, duly heat treated, and
strength of the steel, immersed in a solution of distilled results can be used for any cylinders from that material, with
water buffered with 0.5 percent (mass fraction) sodium same heat treatment.
acetate trihydrate and adjusted to an initial pH of 4.0
2 For guidance Method A — NACE Standard tensile test
using acetic acid. The solution shall be continuously procedure, as described in NACE standard TM0177-96 may
saturated at room temperature and pressure with be referred.
0.414 kPa hydrogen sulphide (balance nitrogen). The

IS 15490 : 2004

(Clause 8.2.9)

This Annex provides an example of a suitable form of a type approval certificate. Other formats also acceptable.


Issued by

(Authorized Inspection Authority)

applying IS Standard

Approval No: Date:

Type of cylinder:
(Description of the family of cylinders (Drawing No.) which has received type approval)

Ph bar, Dmin mm, Dmax

mm, a' mm

Shape of base: b mm

Lmin mm, Lmax mm,

Vmin litre, Vmax litre

Material and heat treatment:.

Material and characteristics: Material Re MPa, Rg MPa

Manufacturer or agent:

(Name and address of manufacturer or its agent)

All information may be obtained from

(Name and address of approving body)



(Signature of Inspector)

IS 15490:2004

(Clause 10.3)

D-1 DEFECT DETECTION and their width shall be not more than twice the nominal
depth. The notches depth shall be 5 percent of the
D-1.1 General minimum wall thickness. The tolerance on depth shall
This method covers the pulse echo testing of seamless be ±10 percent of the nominal notch depth with
steel cylinders. 0.025 mm minimum. The cross-section of the notch
shall be nominally of rectangular section but if spark
Cylinders less than 375 mm external diameter shall be erosion methods are employed the bottom of the notch
tested for defects in the parallel walls. Cylinders of may be rounded.
375 mm and larger diameters shall be tested at the ends
in addition to the testing of the parallel walls. D-1.6 Calibration of Equipment

D-1.2 Surface Condition Using the calibration standard specified in D-1.5 the
equipment shall be adjusted to produce clearly
Both the testing and the reflection surface of the cylinder identifiable indications from inner and outer surface
shall be clean and free from any material that will notches. The relative response from notches shall be as
interfere with the test (example loose scale). near equal as possible. The indication of smallest
amplitude shall be used as the rejection level and for
D-1.3 Equipment
setting visual, electronic monitoring or recording
The test equipment shall be of the pulse echo type and devices.
shall be capable of detecting the calibration notches to
The equipment shall be calibrated with the reference
the degree required in the calibration procedure
standard/or probe moving in the same manner, in the
specified in D-1.6.
same direction and at the same speed as will be used
D-1.4 Coupling during the inspection of the cylinder.

A coupling method that ensure adequate transmission D-1.7 Frequency

of ultrasonic energy between the testing probe and the
The ultrasonic test frequency shall be between 2 MHz
cylinder shall be used.
and 6 MHz.
D-1.5 Calibration Standards
D-1.8 Procedure
D-1.5.1 A calibration standard of a convenient length
D-1.8.1 Parallel Walls of Cylinders
shall be prepared from a cylinder of similar diameter
and wall thickness, material, surface finish and The cylinder to be inspected and the search unit shall
metallurgical condition to the cylinder to be inspected. have motion and a translation relative to one another
The calibration standard shall be free from such that a helical scan of the cylinder surface will be
discontinuities which may interfere with the detection described. The speed of rotation and translation shall
of the reference notches. be constant within ±10 percent.
D-1.5.2 A longitudinal and a transverse reference notch The pitch of the helix shall be less than the probe
each shall be introduced on the outer and inner surface diameter and shall be related to the effective beam width
of the calibration standard. The transverse and so as to ensure 100 percent coverage at the speeds and
longitudinal notches may be positioned within 25 mm feeds used during the calibration procedure.
of each other but the pairs of notches on the inner and
outer surfaces shall be separated by at least 50 mm along The cylinder wall shall be tested for longitudinal defects
the axis of the standard. with the ultrasonic energy transmitted in both
circumferential directions and for transverse defects in
The standard notches depth shall be 25 ± 0.25 mm long both longitudinal directions.

IS 15490 : 2004

(Clause 11)

This Annex provides an example of a suitable form of acceptance certificate. Other formats are also acceptable.

Acceptance certificate for seamless steel cylinders No.

A consignment of cylinders consisting of test batches have been inspected

and tested.. according to IS 15490.
(Designation or type of gas):
Manufacturer's Nos: to

Owner's Nos.1): to

Manufacturer: Manufacturer order No.:

Country: Date:
Owner/Customer Purchase. Order No.:

Country: Date:

Water capacity, V: Nominal1) litre Nominal length: mm
Minimum1) litre (without cap and without valve)
Test pressure, Ph : bar Outside diameter, Do: mm

Working pressure1) at 15°C, Pw : bar Minimum wall thickness, a : mm

Maximum filling charge1): kg Drawing No.:

Specified analysis3) : C S Mn P S Cr Mo Ni
Percent, Max:
Percent, Min:
Heat treatment:
Stamp-markings :3)

Date Manufacturer

Delete as applicable.
If required by customer.
To be quoted or drawing to be attached.

IS 15490 : 2004


1. Measurements taken on one representative cylinder of the batch 4)

Test No. or Covering Serial Water Mass Minimum Measured

Batch No. or No to Capacity, Empty, Thickness, mm
Cylinder No. litre kg Wall Base

2. Mechanical Tests4)
Tensile Test Bend
Hardness Impact Test Test
Test Cast Yield Tensile Elong-
No. No. Stress Strength ation Charpy(V)....°C
(Rea) (Rm) (A) Direction 180°
MPa MPa % HB Average Minimum Without
J/cm2 J/cm2 Cracking
Minimum values

This is to certify that the cylinders covered by this Acceptance Certificate have passed the hydraulic pressure test
and all the other tests as required in 10 of IS 15490 and they are in accordance with this standard.

Special remarks:

On behalf of

Date (Signature of Inspector)

Need not be filled in if test reports are attached.

IS 15490 : 2004

Gas Cylinders Sectional Committee, ME 16
Organization Representative(s)
Department of Explosives, Nagpur SHRI R. H. BHALEKAR (Chairman)
All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers Association, New Delhi DR P. L. BHATIA
SHRI B. N. QANUNGO (Alternate)
Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd, Mathura SHRI K. GOPINATHAN
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Mumbai SHRI GEORGE PAUL
SHRI S. K. DEY (Alternate I)
Bharat Pumps & Compressors Ltd, Allahabad SHRI K. C. JOSHI
SHRI S. K. TIWARI (Alternate)
SHRI N. R. PAL (Alternate)
Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd, Aurangabad SHRI AJIT K. PARIKH
SHRI P. M. SAMVATSAR (Alternate I)
SHRI A. G. KHAMKAR (Alternate II)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Mumbai SHRI K. KRISHNAN
Hindustan Wires Ltd, Faridabad SHRI R. TANDON
SHRI N. K. SAWHNEY (Alternate)
Indian Gas Cylinders, Faridabad SHRI E. M. PATEL
SHRI D. C. JAIN (Alternate)
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Mumbai SHRI B. L. BANSAL
SHRI A. N. KHAPRE (Alternate)
International Industrial Gases Ltd, Kolkata SHRI DEVENDRA K. GARG
J. R. Fabricators Ltd, Mumbai SHRI ASHWIN H. MEHTA
Kabsons Gas Equipments Ltd, Hyderabad SHRI SATISH KABRA
SHRI S. SONI (Alternate)
Kosan Industries Ltd, Mumbai SHRI A. T. AZAVEDO
SHRI D. R. BHAGALIA (Alternate)
LPG Equipment Research Centre, Bangalore SHRI I. M. BHOLA
SHRI S. M. VENUGOPAL (Alternate)
Maruti Koatsu Cylinders Ltd, Mumbai SHRI NITIN J. THAKKAR
SHRI A. S. SARAN (Alternate)
Met Lab Services Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI S. C. PARIKH
Ministry of Defence (R&D), Pune SHRI N. K. CHOPRA
SHRI A. BASU (Alternate)
Ministry of Defence, Pune SHRI K. PARTHIBAN
SHRI D. D. BANGAR (Alternate)
Nagpur Fabriforge Pvt Ltd, Nagpur SHRI G. L. NEEMA
SHRI A. M.TURE (Alternate)
National Safety Council, Mumbai SHRI H. N. GUPTA
Shri Shakti LPG Ltd, Hyderabad SHRI J. P. RAMAPPA
SHRI K. V. C. RAO (Alternate)
In personal capacity (303, Shantikunj, Athwalines, Surat) SHRI L. D. THAKKAR
BIS Directorate General SHRI M. L. CHOPRA, Director & Head (MED)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]

Member Secretary
Director (MED), BIS

IS 15490 : 2004

High Pressure Gas Cylinders Subcommittee, ME 1 6 : 3

Organization Representative(s)
Bharat Pumps & Compressors Ltd, Allahabad SHRI UTTAM KUMAR TIWARI (Convener)
SHRI S. K. TIWARI (Alternate)
All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers Association, New Delhi SHRI A. R. SINGH
SHRI S. DEB (Alternate)
Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd, Aurangabad SHRI AJIT K. PARIKH
SHRI P. M. SAMVATSAR (Alternate)
Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd, Tarapur SHRI V. K. KHOT
SHRI A. G. KHAMKAR (Alternate)
Inox Air Products Ltd, Greater Noida SHRI B. N. QANUNGO
International Industrial Gases Ltd, Kolkata SHRI DEVENDRA K. GARG
Jai Maruti Gas Cylinders Pvt Ltd, Gwalior SHRI ASHOK K. NIGAM
SHRI P. K. NIGAM (Alternate)
M. N. Dastur & Co Ltd, Kolkata SHRI A. K. CHAKRABARTY
Maruti Koatsu Cylinders Ltd, Mumbai SHRI NITIN J. THAKKAR
SHRI A. S. SARAN (Alternate)
Met Lab Services Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI S. C. PARIKH
Ministry of Defence, Pune SHRI K. PRATIBHAN
SHRI S. K. DAS (Alternate)
Tekno Valves, Kolkata SHRI Y. K. BEHANI
SHRI R. BEHANI (Alternate)

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. ME 16 (0568).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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