1 - Marx's Capital Is Thermodynamics - 3mb PDF
1 - Marx's Capital Is Thermodynamics - 3mb PDF
1 - Marx's Capital Is Thermodynamics - 3mb PDF
Издательские решения
По лицензии Ridero
УДК 51
ББК 22.1
Bourbaki Ivan
B81 Marx’s capital is thermodynamics / Ivan Bourbaki. —
[б. м.] : Издательские решения, 2022. — 250 с.
ISBN 978-5-0059-4424-5 (т. 1)
ISBN 978-5-0059-4425-2
УДК 51
ББК 22.1
ISBN 978-5-0059-4424-5
ISBN 978-5-0059-4425-2 © Ivan Bourbaki, 2022
Formula commodity and its graph.
ɋommodity by Russian the TOVAR. Therefore, the product is designated by the letter T, and not by
the letter C.
Preface 14
Category table in Russian and English 15
Chapter I. Formalization of Hegel’s dialectic 18
§ 1.1. Multiplication of dialectical pairs 18
The two-dimensional space of Marx categories ȳଶ is unusable to build a
§ 1.2. 20
consistent theory
§ 1.3. The four-dimensional space of Marx’s categories ȳସ . First order laws 20
§ 1.3.1. Product of dialectical pairs 20
§ 1.3.2. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
The appearance of a four-dimensional vector LABOUR 21
§ 1.3.3. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
The appearance of a four-dimensional vector COMMODITY 21
§ 1.3.4. The appearance of a two-dimensional vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
The most incomprehensible theorem of Marx is “MONEY is the RELA-
§ 1.4. 23
§ 1.5. The dialectical pair THING – RELATION in Hegel’s dialectic 24
Hegel’s theorem on the THING. Consequence: “Marx’s theorem of
§ 1.6. 25
The theory of RELATIVITY (the principle of relativity) is contained in
§ 1.7. 26
§ 1.8. Hegel discovered the disease: “THING FETISHISM” 27
Marx’s theory of capitalist fetishism. Fetishism No.1. The theory of
§ 1.9. 27
§ 1.10. The eight-dimensional space of Marx categories ȳ଼ . Second order laws 28
§ 1.10.1. The appearance of an eight-dimensional vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ܴܷܱܤܣܮ 28
The appearance of an eight-dimensional vector
§ 1.10.2. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦሺܴ݅݊݊ܽ݅ݏݏݑሻ
ሬԦ ൌ ܱܸܴܶܣ 29
ܻܶܫܦܱܯܯܱܥൌ ܶ
The appearance of a four-dimensional vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ VALUE
§ 1.10.3. 30
The secret of Marx: “What does Marx mean by the word FORM?”
§ 1.10.4. 32
The Marx’s category FORM means the vector coordinate
The small-scale market as an ideal political economic gas with two
Chapter II. 34
degrees of freedom
Axioms of a market ideal political economy gas with two degrees of
§ 2.1. 34
§ 2.2. Table of analogies between political economy and thermodynamics 34
The half of the main political economic graph is the vector graph
§ 2.3. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ൌ ሬTԦ ൌ TOVAR
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦሺinRussianሻ 35
§ 2.4. Non-logical name systems. Definition of the VALUE category 35
§ 2.5. Marx’s theorems in the eight-dimensional space of categoriesെȳ଼ 36
§ 2.6. Thing category ܯൌ ܯ௧ െ“Labour thing”. Mass of commodities 37
§ 2.7. Value category ܸʠ is labour value. Labour volume 39
Thing category ܳ௧ is money thing. The total money supply.
§ 2.8. 39
Thermal energy is as THING, as tons of coal.
Value category ܳ is money value, or value contained within total mon-
§ 2.9. 39
ey thing ܳ . Thermal energy is as energy
Thing category ܼ௧ is total VALUE (abstract) THING, total VALUE (ab-
§ 2.10. 39
stract) THING-GOLD, with real VALUE inside
Value category ܼ is total abstract VALUE. The energy obtained
§ 2.11. 39
through the real work of real people. NEW VALUE
Thing category ܿܯ is consumer mass (thing). In the transition process,
§ 2.12. 40
it is the total heat capacity of the market -ܥ. Thermal mass
§ 2.13. Value category ܵ. The theorem. Entropy is the use value 40
Two Boltzmann constants. ൬ ௧ ൰ . The value (entropy) Boltzmann con-
§ 2.14. 41
stant ݇ is a unit of use value. The thing Boltzmann constant (heat ca-
pacity) ݇௧ ሺܿݎ ? ሻ is unit of consumer mass
Verbal description of the categories of the halves of the main political
§ 2.15. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ. 41
economic graph - the graph of a vector COMMODITY
Chapter III. Five theories of thing fetishism 45
The first theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.1. Karl Marx’s theory
§3.1. of THING-VALUE FETISHISM. Dialectical pair ൬ ൰ ൌ goldvalue െ 45
The second theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.2. The theory of
§3.2. THING MONEY fetishism. Dialectical pair: ൬ ൰ ൌ money supply as a 45
value and as a thing (value carrier)
The third theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.3. The theory of
§3.3. THING CONSUMER fetishism. Dialectical pair: ቀ ቁ: use value and 46
thing (carrier)
The fourth theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.4. The theory of
§3.4 46
THING LABOUR fetishism
ܸ ܸ
§3.4.1. Dialectical pair: ቀ ቁ ൌ ൬ ൰ is labour value and labour thing (carrier) 46
ܯ ܯ௧
§3.4.2. Is there a universal market molecule? 46
The fifth theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.5. The theory of social-
§3.5. 48
ist (state) fetishism of Marx-Lenin
§3.6. Table of thing fetishistic theories 50
Chapter IV. Axiomatization of the VALUE, not MONEY MARKET 52
Small-scale value market as an ideal two-dimensional political economic
§ 4.1. 52
§ 4.2. The functioning of the VALUE, not the money market 55
§ 4.3. The axiom of the FUNDAMENTAL VALUE CONSTANT 56
Half of the main political economy graph is the graph of unit values of
§ 4.4. ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ. 59
the vector COMMODITY
THE LAW OF VALUE and the ideal gas law of Mendeleev-Clapeyron
§ 4.5. 61
are one and the same law
The money market and golden FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT of
Chapter V. 67
§ 5.1. The small-scale money market with two degrees of freedom 67
§ 5.2. Determination of the fundamental constant of value of the money market 67
Political economic sense of the golden FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT
§ 5.3. 68
of value
Two ways to calculate the gold FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT OF
§ 5.4. 68
VALUE: via people and via commodities
The theory of duality between people and commodities in a two-
§ 5.5. 69
dimensional space of categories
§ 5.6. Comparison of the categories of biology and political economy 71
Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism. Socialism is a semi-
§ 5.7. 72
communist and semi-bourgeois system
How do COMMODITIES AND MONEY COME to LIFE in the politi-
§ 5.8. 73
cal economy? Money and commodities are LIVING predatory creatures
The duality between people and commodities is a formal, but not a sub-
§ 5.9. 75
stantive reason for commodity-money fetishism
§ 5.10. Contradictions of the golden fundamental constant of value 79
Indirect methods of calculating the gold FUNDAMENTAL CON-
§ 5.11. 82
STANT of value
Chapter VI. THE THERMODYNAMIC MODEL of the money market 85
§ 6.1. Fundamentals of thermodynamics via insulators 85
Hypothesis. Marx’s “COMMODITY” category is a complicated mole-
§ 6.2. 86
cule, composed of two first-order “COMMODITY” categories
Political economy is the human science dealing with the feelings of mil-
§ 6.3. 88
lions of people (classes)
Four feelings create a four-parametric model. These feelings materialize
§ 6.4. 89
in Marx’s Capital
§ 6.5. Lenin’s theorem on THE DUALITY of peasants-small-scale producers 90
Axiomatic construction of the set of rational numbers coincides with the
§ 6.6 91
method of Marx
Small-scale production operates according to the following scheme:
§ 6.7. 92
Consumed-Produced-Sold-Bought: ܥെ ܲ െ ܵ െ ܤ.
Dear friend!
The team of Russian mathematicians created a mathematical model of MARX’s CAPITAL
(parts). The task of turning CAPITAL into a mathematical model was set by Marx. Furthermore, he
even tried to create it. For this purpose he studied the works of the great mathematicians – Lagrange
and others. There is a whole book of Marx’s mathematical manuscripts.
Thus, Marx’s CAPITAL is not a political book. Marx’s CAPITAL is a mathematical model
of the world capitalist economy (CALCULATION SCHEMES OF MARX).
Marx believed that his work would be able to predict the date of the next global crisis, and it
would only be necessary to put statistical data of the world economy into the mathematical model.
And that is true. The mathematical model will really be able to predict the date of the next global
crisis. Marxism is a science, because Marxism is a precise mathematical model of capitalist society.
What was the most difficult part of our work? The most difficult thing was to work not with formu-
las, but with axioms.
1. The authors first gave the axioms of political economy.
2. The authors first introduced the FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANTS of the political economy
of capitalism (and communism, not socialism).
3. Any science can be considered a fundamental science only after there will be FUNDA-
The authors have created a mathematical model of not all of Marx’s CAPITAL. Mortals cannot do
that. Marx’s CAPITAL is the greatest scientific work and scientific discovery in the history of man-
kind accomplished by ONE PERSON (two).
Marx’s CAPITAL is more complicated than the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics com-
Example. It is quite possible to create a QUANTUM MODEL OF MARX’S CAPITAL, and we
have shown this in our work.
The authors created a mathematical model of only one part of Marx’s CAPITAL, but the most im-
portant part of the work.
UNAMBIGUOUSLY define all categories of Marx’s political economy. So now it is possible to
However, for this we need brilliant mathematicians and physicists. Marx's CAPITAL is not for in-
experienced researchers.
Therefore, the authors ask to transfer this work to mathematicians, physicists, computer scientist,
and technicians.
MATHEMATICIANS and PHYSICISTS need to create a TEAM to build a complete mathematical
model of Marx’s CAPITAL. The strength of the authors is gone.
This book is a communist (neither socialist nor capitalist) form of ownership. In other words, it is
the NATIONWIDE form of ownership, it belongs to all mankind. It means:
1. Everyone can translate this book into any languages and publish it and make a profit.
2. No one can forbid other people to publish this book.
The authors.
14 14
The situation in political economy is the same as it was in Maxwell’s time. Faraday is the author of
the theory of the electromagnetic field. He discovered the most important laws of electrodynamics.
And Maxwell turned Faraday’s theory into his equations.
Marx is Faraday in political economy. But the left-wing politics did not find its own Maxwell.
Karl Marx is the unknown leader of mankind. The party pseudonym is ZEUS! Marx’s CAPITAL is
a grandiose mathematical model of the world capitalist economy. Marx believed that his work
would be able to predict the date and scale of a new world crisis. And so it is. All that is needed is
to put all the basic data of the world economy in the Marx’s CAPITAL.
Our work has shown that Marx’s CAPITAL is a logical thermodynamic system. And the work of
Marx is more correctly called “THERMODYNAMICS OF CAPITAL” or political economic ther-
Our main results are as follows:
1. It turns out that Karl Marx’s LAW OF VALUE is the MENDELEEV-CLAPEYRON EQUA-
2. It turns out that the capitalist enterprise is a heat engine operating on the CARNOT cycle.
Theorem. The thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle and the Marx profit rate are the same formula:
ܶଵ െ ܶଶ ݉
ߠൌ ൌ .
ܶଶ ܿݒ
Bourgeois scientists have discovered a new science, it is ECONOMIC PHYSICS. But they did not
make any real calculations. They cannot predict world crises, and crises are objective. Bourgeois
scientists carry out all calculations, taking into account only money. And money is just a superstruc-
ture over time. It is impossible to understand the essence of political economy by studying only the
The real ECONOMIC PHYSICS is Marx’s CAPITAL. Economic physics as a science was created
long ago by Karl Marx. And the main idea of this science is that “Man is the statistical atom of his-
tory”, which belongs to Friedrich Engels (Dialectics of Nature).
The Germans and Vikings have a legend about the second coming of their pagan deities. And that
hour has come. Zeus promised to return and it is his second coming!
This book is written for physicists of quantum mechanics, thermodynamic physicists, mathemati-
cians and logicians. Only they are able to create a complete mathematical model of Marx’s Capital.
And our work makes it easier for them.
18 18
V. I. Lenin: “Categories must bederived”
Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin are the greatest LOGICIANS, they are mathematicians. They derive
axioms and prove theorems. Therefore, the formalization of their work was the main task of the
day. The authors began the formalization with the Hegelian dialectic.
The task of formalizing Hegel’s dialectics and turning it into mathematical logic was set by V.I.
And this is no coincidence. Lenin’s father, Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, is a candidate of physical and
mathematical sciences. He is a student of the great mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,
the creator of non-Euclidean geometry.
The results of the formalization of dialectics are presented in the authors’ book “Mathematized dia-
lectics of Hegel”. Here we present small fragments of this book.
Metaphysics Dialectics
Constant categories, “dead” Function categories, “living”
Merit of the authors
Instead of concrete pairs such as essence – phenomenon or form – body, the authors
introduced abstract pairs A – B, C – D. And all the laws of Hegel’s philosophy set out in the
abstract form with abstract pairs.
If you substitute specific pairs, such as mind – faith, form – body, into the abstract
theorems, you can get all of Hegel’s theorems.
Visualization of Hegel’s philosophy. Authors introduced pictures of pairs
Metaphysical pair Dialectical pair
Purpose of work
The authors introduced the multiplication operations of metaphysical and dialectical
pairs. Purpose: to get all of Hegel’s great theorems by multiplying dialectical pairs.
The authors put triadic indices to all Hegel’s categories. It is impossible to study Hegel’s
books without triadic indices.
§ 1.2. The two-dimensional space of Marx categories ષ is unusable to build a consistent theo-
ܴܷܱܤܣܮvector names
Name 1 ܴܷܱܤܣܮ
Name 2 letter ܮ
Its graph is as follows:
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ .
§ 1.3.4. The appearance of a two-dimensional vector ܸܧܷܮܣ
ʡݐk ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
Thing concrete form of COMMODITY
COMMODITY െ ܶܩܰܫܪ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ʡ ˃ݐThing abstract form of COMMODITY
COMMODITY ʠ ݇ݎUse value (concrete) of ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
COMMODITY െ ܴܱܰܫܶܣܮܧ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ or just
Abstract value ofCOMMODITY
the value of the commodity
Marx’s theorem:
§ 1.4. The most incomprehensible theorem of Marx is “MONEY is the RELATION OF PEO-
Marx’s theorem:
“Value is a special social-production relation of commodity producers… Gold forms only a con-
necting link between the metamorphoses of commodities and constitutes but their transitory money
form; furthermore, that it realizes the price of one set of commodities only in order to realize that of
another, but in no case does it constitute a stable form of exchange value or appear itself as a com-
modity in a state of rest. The reality which the exchange value of commodities acquires in the pro-
cess and which is represented by gold in its circulation, is the reality of an electric spark. Although
real gold, it plays the part of fictitious gold, and can, therefore, be replaced in this function by a to-
ken of itself”.
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels. An Essay, Book 13, page 98.
24 24
According to Marx, VALUE is the RELATION OF PEOPLE, i.e., IDEAL, not material. People’s
relations are GREEDY, COMMANDING. Love and friendship are also relation of people. How to
understand Marx?
According to Marx:
1) CAPITAL is the RELATION (of people),
2) MONEY is the RELATION (of people),
3) PROPERTY is the RELATION (of people),
According to Lenin, CLASSES are the RELATION OF PEOPLE. How to understand that money is
the relation of people, if money is gold, it is material, and the relation of people is IDEAL. Is Marx
right? The leader is always right.
In the West, electronic money has replaced paper money. That is, the MONEY-THING has disap-
peared, there is no material money. And there is electronic money, but it is a spark in the computer!
Nothing has changed in capitalism, because Marx is right: “Money is the ideal, it is the greedy rela-
tions of people, and it is the spark in the computer.” Money is the mass greed of people.
If you take the greed of billions of people, you will get a huge idol out of them. This IDOL is the
world CAPITAL. According to Marx, MONEY is the COLLECTIVE GREED of people. The de-
struction of money is the DESTRUCTION OF THE COLLECTIVE GREED of billions of people,
the destruction of the terrible IDEAL one.
Hypothesis. Perhaps Marx’s commodity molecule consists not of one commodity, but of two com-
modity atoms. That is, the Marx’s commodity molecule is a diatomic molecule. After all, two peo-
ple or two commodities converge in the market.
To justify this hypothesis, it is necessary to find four independent parameters for each commodity.
Then the two atomic molecules will have eight independent parameters.
After that, it will be possible to combine the theory of diatomic molecule with the theory of eight-
dimensional space. And we consider the theory of eight-dimensional space to be correct.
In this case, Marx’s category of “RELATION” becomes explicit. We can say that it materializes.
“NOT A RELATION” means the property of one common commodity.
“RELATION” means that this category is a function of a diatomic molecule.
The thing-relation pair is the main pair of Hegel’s dialectics. In philosophy, it is an ABSTRACT
PAIR, which has the highest degree of abstractness. Hegel first proves the dialectic theorems on this
pair. And then he obtains the pairs: FAITH–MIND, WHOLE-PART, ART-SCIENCE. And he gets
new theorems.
1) The THING is the totality of all RELATIONS with other things, about other things.
2) The ESSENCE OF A THING is not in the thing itself, but in its RELATIONS.
Hegel describes the transition RELATION՜THING, according to the type of transitions: mag-
netismlelectricity (Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction).
The world is dual. Therefore, theorems and definitions must always exist in pairs. Marx gave only
one definition of man. He did not give a definition of a man in the world of PHENOMENON, and
this is wrong. Marx consciously gave theorems only from the world of ESSENCES. Why? The sci-
ences study essences, so theorems from the world of ESSENCES are more important than theorems
from the world of PHENOMENON.
Marx did not give definitions and theorems from the world of PHENOMENON for the sake of
brevity. So Engels and Hegel (sometimes) did the same. The theorems from the world of PHE-
NOMENON were to be given by the readers. It is time to add to Marx’s theorems the dual theorems
from the world of phenomenon. So Marx’s books will grow.
Lenin is an exception from the ranks of Hegel, Marx and Engels. Lenin set the task of formalizing
dialectics, and began to fulfill it himself. Lenin gave absolutely all his theorems and definitions,
such as matter, classes, states, in PAIRS both in the world of PHENOMENON and in the world of
26 26
The second direction in which Lenin led the formalization of dialectics is the COMPRESSION of
formulations to the INCOMPRESSIBLE, because the fundamentalization of knowledge is the com-
pression of the formulations of theorems to the incompressible.
1) “A person (in psychology) in THE WORLD OF ESSENCES is the totality of all his PER-
SONAL RELATIONS (i.e., EXPERIENCES) with other people, about other people.
2) The essence of a person is stored not in himself, but in his relations with other people, about
other people.
§. ૠ.The theory of RELATIVITY (the principle of relativity) is contained in Hegel’s DIA-
Example. The FAITH–MIND categories are both ideal, not material. But according to Hegel’s
PRINCIPLE of RELATIVITY, we can assume that the FAITH category is material, compared with
MIND category.
Why does Marx have MONEY as the RELATION OF PEOPLE, i.e., ideal?
Now, with the help of Hegel’s principle of relativity, we can answer this question. Marx is right,
money is really something ideal, but COMPARED with…
In dialectics, theorems must always be in pairs. That is, both TRANSITIONS are always signed:
WAVEĺ PARTICLE and PARTICLEĺ WAVE. These transitions occur at different points in log-
ical time.
Marx describes only one transition. Why? A THING is defined through the RELATION, because
the RELATION is the ESSENCE of the THING. The sciences study essence, so the leader de-
scribes the most important part of the theory. The readers themselves should describe the second
half of the theory. But the political philosopher Lenin always describes both TRANSITIONS, and
always formulates two theorems, not one.
§ 1.9. Marx’s theory of capitalist fetishism. Fetishism No.1. The theory of THING-VALUE
The authors clarified the name of this political economic disease: Marx called it commodity-money
fetishism, but now it is called “THING-VALUE FETISHISM”. Marx’s theory of fetishism is a
consequence of Hegel’s theory of thing fetishism.
The thing VALUE fetishist mistakes GOLD-THING for the real VALUE (money). But this is not
so: VALUE is not the GOLD-THING. The value is perfect, and it is enclosed within the GOLD-
THING. Gold-thing is a skin or carrier of real value.
The REAL VALUE is the GOLD-RELATION. The Marxist sees living people buried in GOLD-
THING as in a prison. He hears their groans: “Mighty brothers! Where are you? Help me”. The
Marxist considers these people, their lives and time, to be the real value; and gold-thing only a
golden skin, a golden prison for people-values.
At equilibrium, the calculations of the Marxist and the fetishist coincide. But it turns out that the
fetishists are wrong in transition processes (in crises). VALUE is not GOLD-THING.
Example. There is an isolated market where the treasure was found. The volume of gold money has
doubled, and the total VALUE has not changed.
Example. Thing fetishists consider the coal (THING) to be thermal energy. But this is not so: if
there is no oxygen, then it is impossible to extract thermal energy from coal. So the thermal energy
that contained in the coal is actually NOT THING, but RELATION. And ENERGY-RELATION is
the relation of coal to other substances.
Those who are sick with commodity-money fetishism consider the Golden Idol (THING) to be a
real god. They believe that he is powerful, eternal, immortal. From morning to evening, the prayers
of fitishism believers are heard: “And, Olla, dollar. And, Olla, dollar”. The priests of this terrible
religion sacrifice millions of people to their insatiable Golden Idol in countless warriors. And they
also want to sacrifice our magical Earth.
28 28
§ 1.10. The eight-dimensional space of Marx categories ષૡ . Second order laws
ܶ݇ݐ ۊ ݇ܽݐܶ ۇ
ܶݐ ۈ ۋ
ܻܶܫܦܱܯܯܱܥൌ ቀ ቁ ܿ ݕݐ݅݀݉݉ൌ ቌ ܶ ܽݐቍ ܿ ݕݐ݅݀݉݉ൌ ݕݐ݅݀݉݉ܿ ۋ ܽܽݐܶ ۈ
ሬԦ ൌ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ܶݎ ܶ݇ݎ ۋ ݇݇ݎܶۈ
ܶܽݎ ۋ ܽ݇ݎܶۈ
ܶ ݇݇ݐThing twice-concrete form COMMODITY
ܶ ܽ݇ݐThing concrete-abstract form COMMODITY
COMMODITY െ THING ܶ ݇ܽݐAbstract-concrete form
COMMODITY ܶ ܽܽݐTwice-abstract form COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ʠ ݇݇ݎTwice -concrete value of commodity
ʠ ܽ݇ݎConcrete-abstract value of commodity
ܸܧܷܮܣ ʠ ݇ܽݎAbstract-concrete value of commodity
ܽܽݎܥTwice-abstract form of value of commodity.
Value of commodity according to Marx
Here, we can see that the use value in a four-dimensional space is a vector in an eight-dimensional
Labourvalue ሺȳ ሻ
Usevalueሺȳସ ሻ ൌ ቀ ቁ ଼
Analogically, an abstract value in a four-dimensional space is a vector in an eight-dimensional
Abstractvalueሺȳସ ሻ ൌ ቀ ቁ ሺȳ଼ ሻ
Results: the same word in the spaces ȳସ andȳ଼ has different meanings and different forms.
§ 1.10.4. The secret of Marx: “What does Marx mean by the word FORM?”
The Marx’s category FORM means the vector coordinate.
The answer is that under the word FORM Marx means “VECTOR COORDINATE”. The first form
is the first vector coordinate. The second form is the second vector coordinate.
ܻܩܴܧܰܧ. We have: ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
Example. There is the vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ܻܩܴܧܰܧൌ ቀ ቁ ݁݊݁ݕ݃ݎ.
But the use of vectors makes it possible to simplify the presentation of Marx’s CAPITAL.
Therefore, we can say that the first coordinate of the vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ܸ ܧܷܮܣis the first form, the second co-
ordinate is the second form. This presentation will exclude logical contradictions.
The purpose is to create a unified designation system for political economy and physics. In addi-
tion, the designation system must be consistent with the Russian and English languages. The task
is difficult and it is not solved. So, contradictions have arisen in the authors’ designation system.
Dialectical pair: ݇
ቀ ቁ
concrete-abstract. ܽ
34 34
Chapter II. The small-scale market as an ideal political economic gas with two degrees of
§ 2.1. Axioms of a market ideal political economy gas with two degrees of freedom
COMMODITY Political Economy Physics
Thing categories. COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ൌ COMMODITY െ THING.
Logical categories Non-logical categories.
A labour THING. Commodity mass. Meters of
Thing twice- fabric. Tons of wheat.
ܶ ݇݇ݐconcrete form of ܰ Number of commodities. Mass
COMMODITY The quantity of labour (Marx) as a THING, as a
mass of commodities. Labour thing hours.
˔ܯ A consumer THING. The total consumer mass
in the equilibrium state. The total heat capacity of Thermal
Thing concrete- ܰ݇௧ the market. mass.
ܶ ܽ݇ݐabstract form of Total
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ܥ heat ca-
COMMODITY The total consumer mass of commodities in the
ߜܳ pacity.
ൌ transition process.
Thing abstract- Thermal
Money THING. The real money supply of mar-
concrete form of energy
ܶ݇ܽݐ ܳ௧ ket as a THING. Grams of gold. Determined after
Thing twice- Abstract THING is GOLD. GOLD as a THING, Work is
as gold bar. Grams of gold. VALUE AS A energy
ܶ ܽܽݐabstract form of ܼ௧
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ THING, like a piece of gold. Real work of real as a
Value categories. COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ ൌ COMMODITY െ RELATION.
Labour value. Marx’s “a quantity of labour” as
݇݇ݎܥvalue of ܸ ൌ ܸ Volume
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ the volume of labour. Labour value hours.
ܽ݇ݎܥConcrete- S Use value Entropy
abstract value
Abstract- Thermal
Money value. energy as
ʠ ݇ܽݎconcrete value ܳ
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ Money supply of market as a value a RELA-
Twice-abstract Abstract value of Marx. Gold is as a value. Work is
The VALUE is as the real work of real people. energy as
ܽܽݎܥvalue of ܼ
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ Value in Marx’s CAPITAL a RELA-
§ 2.3. The half of the main political economic graph is the vector graph ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
The left half of the graph contains thing categories, and the right half of the graph contains value
Theorem. The value in Marx’s CAPITAL is the eighth coordinate of the vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
the fourth coordinate of the vector ܸܧܷܮܣସ :
ܽܽݎܥൌ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
COMMODITY଼ ൌ ܥ ሬሬሬሬԦସ ൌ ܸܧܷܮܣ
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦସ .
It is ABSTRACT value. Non-logical name system is as follows:
ܸ labour
ܵ consumer
ܥԦ ൌ ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
ܸ ܧܷܮܣൌ ൮ܳ ൲ ൌ ቌ money ቍ value.
ܼ abstract
Thus, it is necessary to create a SPECIALIZED MATHEMATICAL LOGIC for Marx’s CAPITAL.
So we need mathematicians-logicians.
36 36
It is impossible to create a mathematical model of the world economy according to Marx’s “CAPI-
TAL” without specialized mathematical logic. We are working for mathematicians and logicians
who will undertake this hard work. And we try to make all categories unambiguous.
It should be different from classical mathematical logic. Why? Should it also include simplified
Russian (English, German)?
What for? In order to be able to obtain Marx’s theorems by reading graphs. The embryos of such
languages are available in databases. They are called languages for reading ER diagrams. They are
arranged as follows: a certain number of words are selected from the Russian language. These
words are placed on the edges or nodes of the ER diagram. After that, some of the words are de-
clared as verbs, nouns or adjectives.
Then the theorems of database theory can be obtained by reading ER diagrams. Is there currently a
developed language for reading ER diagrams?
No, there is not. Why? These languages are made by engineers. And we need mathematicians-
linguists who will create an axiomatic language for reading ER diagrams.
Here we combine the two graphs and get the Marx theorems.
An ideal political economic gas is a market with the same type of commodities. There is only one
commodity on the market. For example, a pair of boots: the boots are exchanged for boots. All
commodities are absolutely identical, and they have the same quality. If the same commodities have
different quality, then the market must average them. But this means that we must also average a
mathematical model.
Example. There are 100 tons of bad tea on the market, which is equivalent to 60 tons of average tea
across the country, on the world market. If one ton is one molecule, then we put M=N=60 mole-
cules into the mathematical model.
Marx’s political economy does not describe a real market where 100 tons of various teas were sold.
Marx’s political economy is a virtual, abstract model of the market.
Question. Is it possible to determine the commodity mass M(N) by calculation before the first com-
ing of the market?
Yes, it is. This is the task of the non-political “Commodity Science”. How is the average molecule
determined? How is the average quality tea determined? The quality of tea is determined by chemi-
cal composition: caffeine, vitamins, minerals. Then we average over the amount of tea on the mar-
Example. The car after-market. 100 old cars were thrown onto this market.
Can “Commodity Science” determine an old car of average quality before the first coming of the
Yes, it can: The quality of the car is determined by car longevity, mileage and the careful car-
ownership. So, the commodity science has determined that 100 old machines give only 30 commod-
ity molecules. We put ܰሺܯሻ ൌ 30 in the mathematical model of Marx’s Capital.
38 38
An old car is a molecule, a virtual car is determined by averaging across the country.
Lemma 1. The number of virtual old cars will be equal to the number of real old cars when aver-
aged across the country.
Lemma 2. But in another market, the number of virtual old cars, the number of cars-molecules may
not coincide with the number of real cars. Thus, Marx’s Capital is a virtual science.
Question. Does it turn out that we do not see the real sale of a real old car? This task is dealt with by
commodity science and economics in the accounting sense.
Political economy deals with mass quantities, classes. Applied sciences are engaged in the fate of an
individual person or good.
Lemma. The total calculations of political economy and commodity science will coincide with the
accounting economy.
But why do we need calculations of political economy?
Political economy calculations are the ESSENCE of accounting economics calculations. Account-
ing economics deals only with PHENOMENON, or even with the APPEARANCES of phenome-
non (according to Hegel). It cannot explain the crises. It cannot explain anything at all. And it can-
not predict anything. So, the commodity mass M(N) can be determined by calculation before the
first coming of the market.
ʠൌ – ݏݏ݈ܽ݉ܽ݉ݎ݄݁ݐ, ݕݐ݅ܿܽܽܿݐ݄݈ܽ݁ܽݐݐ
ඎ ݀ߠ
It is no longer possible to determine the consumer mass by calculation before the first coming of the
market. It is the thermal mass or the total heat capacity of the gas. In fact, it is the heat capacity of
the entire market.
Although it can be determined by calculation after the first coming of the market.
Objection. If the commodity mass M(N) can be determined without a market, so it is not a capitalist
category. But the following axiom is true.
Axiom. All categories in the political economy of capitalism are capitalist categories.
So the commodity mass M(N) can be determined only after the first coming of the market.
§ 2.8. Thing category ࡽ࢚ is money thing. The total money supply. Thermal energy is as
THING, as tons of coal.
It is determined after sales. This is the real money of the real work of the market in one day. It is
measured in grams of gold.
§ 2.9. Value category ࡽ is money value, or value contained within total money thing ࡽ .
Thermal energy is as energy.
§ 2.10. Thing category ࢆ࢚ is total VALUE (abstract) THING, total VALUE (abstract) THING-
GOLD, with real VALUE inside.
It has the shape of a gold bar, the shape of a THING. This is a gold bar with labour hours inside.
The great wizard CAPITAL turned people into a golden sculpture. But people have not died yet.
We can feel their hearts beating. We hear their voices: “Mighty brothers! We are still alive. Help!
Break the Golden Idol”.
§ 2.11. Value category ࢆ is total abstract VALUE. The energy obtained through the real
work of real people. NEW VALUE
Abstract value ܼ is contained within the GOLD-THING, but it is not a GOLD-THING. The value
of real work of real people.
40 40
Example. There is an isolated market. There someone finds a large quantity of gold. The total
quantity of gold doubles, but the total value remains the same.
§ 2.12. Thing category ࡹࢉࢂ is consumer mass (thing). In the transition process, it is the total
heat capacity of the market -. Thermal mass.
It is the total heat capacity of the market ൌ . If we apply additional amounts of money ߜܳ to the
market, the heat capacity of the market can be calculated from the market reaction. The statistics of
international markets are so huge. It is possible to calculate the heat capacity of the market using the
similarity theory, without resorting to experiments.
Unit of consumer mass at constantܸ . Thing category. Thermal mass unit (heat
1 ൌ ݇௧
capacity of a body):
ൌ ˔
Heat capacity at constant labour valueܸ ܳ ൌ ܰ݇௧ ߠ.
The total heat capacity and the total entropy form a dialectical pair:
§ 2.14. Two Boltzmann constants. ൬ ൰ . The value (entropy) Boltzmann constant is a unit
of use value. The thing Boltzmann constant (heat capacity) ࢚ ሺ࢘ࢉࢂ ? ሻ is unit of consumer
The value Boltzmann constant ݇ is the unit of entropy in the Boltzmann formula: ܵ ൌ ݇ ݊ܮሺܹሻ.
In political economy, it is a unit of use value. The thing Boltzmann constant ݇௧ ሺܿݎ ? ሻ is the unit
of heat capacity of a body in the formula ܳ ൌ ܰ݇௧ ߠ. It is a unit of thermal mass. In political econ-
omy, it is a unit of consumer mass with a constant volume of labour value ܸ .
Some inaccuracies are possible here. But physicists will be able to correct these inaccuracies.
§ 2.15. Verbal description of the categories of the halves of the main political economic graph
- the graph of a vector ۱۽ۻۻ۽۲۷܇܂
compared to
thing category
ܯ௧ ܿ is once
once thing categoryܯ௧ ܵ is once thing category compared to once thing categoryܸ
Description of categories
Commodity mass. Consumer mass The total money Labour value. Use value Money value Three times abstract
ܯ௧ ܥ ܳ௧ ܼ௧ ܸ ܵ ܳ ܼ
Tons of grain. The total heat supply of real thing, as a value The volume of value. This is the real
ܼ௧ is gold as a
a thing, as a
ߜܳ ܳ௧ is money as
value carrierܳ
ተ ݀ߠ
44 44
How to number categories in complex dialectical pairs: “Bottom up or top down?” That is how
we need:
In this paper, we do not adhere to a strict numbering system for categories. It is more correct to
put the primary categories to the bottom in dialectical pairs. But in mathematics, the numbering
of the elements of vectors goes from top to bottom. It is a contradiction.
In this matter, mathematics is more important than political economy. We need to number it
from top to bottom. At the top are the thing categories, and the value (ideal) ones are at the bot-
tom. The graphs nodes are numbered from left to right.
Chapter III. Five theories of thing fetishism
§3.1. The first theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.1. Karl Marx’s theory of THING-
VALUE FETISHISM. Dialectical pair ൬ ൰ ൌ ܍ܝܔ܉ܞ܌ܔܗെ ܖܑܐܜ܌ܔܗሺܚ܍ܑܚܚ܉܋܍ܝܔ܉ܞሻ
Value ܼ is an es-
Secondary Ideal compared The consequence,
ܼ sence of gold – thing
compared to... to... compared to...
Primary Gold – thing ܼ௧ is a
Material The cause,
ܼ௧ compared to... compared to... phenomenon of val- compared to ...
ue ܼ .
A “sick” thing fetishist confuses cause and consequence. He understands value as gold - thing.
But the disease is found only in the transition process.
The task. Hegel’s theory of TRANSITIONS. Examine transitions: ܼ ՞ ܼ௧ . Each transition is a
great theorem. Marx called this disease a commodity-money fetishism. But authors called this
disease a commodity-value fetishism or thing-value fetishism.
§3.2. The second theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.2. The theory of THING MON-
EY fetishism. Dialectical pair: ൬ ൰ ൌ money supply as a value and as a thing (value car-
Dialectical pair: ൬ ൰. Category ܳ௧ is the total real money supply from the sold commodities
within one day or one month. ܳ is the amount of real values, which are inside the real money
ܳ ܼ
supplyܳ . Obviously, the pair ൬ ൰ does not coincide with pair ൬ ൰in the transition pro-
ܳ௧ ܼ௧
cess/emergency situations.
Example. There are some interruptions in the supply of food and prices has instantly increased.
Traders benefit because the profit are much higher than the real value of their commodities. Al-
so the rate of gold money can change.
But the categories ܳ , ܳ௧ may also not coincide with each other. A “sick” thing fetishist un-
derstands the thing category ܳ௧ as an essence.
Task 1. The logical scheme needs to be filled with real political economic content. It is neces-
sary to give examples of a sick thing fetishist who confuses the categories ܳ௧ andܳ .
46 46
Task 2. Hegel’s theory of TRANSITIONS. Examine TRANSITIONS: ܳ௧ ՞ ܳ . Each transi-
tion is a great discovery.
§3.3. The third theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.3. The theory of THING CON-
SUMER fetishism. Dialectical pair: ቀ ቁ: use value and thing (carrier)
݇ is unit of en-
tripy in the
ܵ is the total use ݇ is unit of use
Entropy Boltzmann formu-
value value
ܵ ൌ ݇ ݊ܮሺܹሻ
݇௧ is unit of con- Thermal mass .
ܥis the total
sumer mass in the is the total Is it ܿ௩ in the for-
consumer mass:
formula heat capacity mulaܿܯ௩ ?
ܥൌ ܳ ൌ ܰ݇௧ ߠ of the entire
݀ߠ gas (body)
Physicists will be able to describe this disease better than authors. Note: commodity mass ܯ௧
and consumer thing (mass) ܥare different categories.
Theorem. Entropy is the value of heat capacity.
§3.4. The fourth theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.4. The theory of THING LA-
BOUR fetishism.
ࢂ ࢂ
§3.4.1. Dialectical pair: ቀ ቁ ൌ ൬ ൰ is labour value and labour thing (carrier)
ࡹ ࡹ࢚
We are studying an ideal political economic gas, i.e., a small-scale market where only one
commodity is sold and bought. For example, boots. Boots are changed to boots. The market
with five commodities is a mixed gas. But thousands of commodities are sold on the real mar-
ket. The calculation of a mixed gas with 1000 different types of molecules will be very diffi-
cult. Is there a universal commodity molecule?
At first glance, a universal commodity exists, and it is gold. After all, gold is a commodity of
commodities, it is a universal commodity. But gold functions as a value, as a half of a universal
commodity. And there is no second half.
Hegel. The philosophy of law.
Hegel’s theorem. “By alienating the whole of my time, as made concrete through work, and the
totality of my production, I would be making the substantial quality of the latter, i.e. my univer-
sal activity and actuality, or my personality itself”.
Consequence 1. According to Hegel, from the point of view of the essence, the worker of capi-
talism is also a slave. And it is true. The worker of capitalism is a money slave.
Consequence 2. According to Hegel, a small-scale producer sells his essence on the market, so
he sells himself.
According to Hegel, we can assume that a small-scale producer sells his labour time on the
market ܸ௧ . In this case the commodity mass is not tons of wheat, it is the total thing labour time.
The half of the main political economic graph can be as follows:
ܸ ܸ
Dialectical pairቀ ቁ can be as follows: ൬ ൰ Units of measure
ܯ ܸ௧
ܸ is the total labour time ܸ is twice the value category
Labour value hour
as a value compared toܸ௧
൬ ൰ ܸ௧ is the total labour time ܸ௧ is twice the value category
ܸ௧ Labour thing hour
as thing, as mass compared to ܸʠ
Categoriesܸ௧ , ܸʠ have different dimensions.
Lemma. The category commodity MASS (thing) ܸ௧ and the category labour value ܸ do not
coincide numerically during crises.
If the value of one labour thing hour is equal to two grams of gold, then the universal market
molecule (if it exists) will be as follows:
If an expensive car costs 1000 labour hours, then it can be represented as 1000 molecules. And
here we see that it is easy to confuse the categories ܸ andܸ௧ , and sick labour fetishists will
definitely do it. Thus, we have restored the number of theories of thing fetishism. There are
four of them now. One contradiction has resolved, but there is a new problem.
Category ܯൌ ܯ௧ is the commodity mass. It is measured in meters of fabric or tons of wheat.
And if we enter the ܸ௧ category instead of ܯ௧ category as COMMODITY MASS, then one unit
of measurement will disappear. And this is very bad. There are two options.
48 48
Option No.1. There is no ܸ௧ category and ܸ ൌ ܸ. Dialectical pair: ቀ ቁ. There is no universal
market molecule.
Option No.2. There is ܸ௧ category. And there is universal market molecule. Dialectical pair:
൬ ௧ ൰. There is no more one unit of measurement.
Results. The question of the existence of a universal market molecule is still open. In the future,
we will not be looking for a universal market molecule. So now we understand commodity
mass as tons of wheat or meters of fabric. We need simplify the notation system:
ܯ௧ ൌ ܯ, ܸ ൌ ܸ.
§ 3.5. The fifth theory of thing fetishism. Fetishism No.5. The theory of socialist (state) fet-
ishism of Marx-Lenin
This theory is also a consequence of Hegel’s theory of thing fetishism. It is stated in the works
of Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin. Lenin’s book is “The State and the Revolution”.
Hegel’s theorem. In the world of ESSENCES, the STATE is ideal, it is the RELATION of
people (classes).
Hegel’s theorem. In the world of ESSENCES, the STATE is “PARTICULAR WILL OF IN-
According to Hegel, in the world of essences, the STATE is a COMMAND, the state is a UNI-
Consequence. The COMMAND and the UNITY of COMMAND is the ESSENCE of the
Hegel gave only half of the definition of the state: only in the world of ESSENCES. And there
is no definition of the state in the world of PHENOMENON. Lenin always gives all the defini-
tions and theorems in pairs.
The second half of Lenin’s theorem.
Theorem. The state in the world of PHENOMENON is a THING, this is the police, this is the
army, these are the courts, these are the chiefs. The state is a dialectical pair:
The STATE-THING is the courts, the army, the police, the chiefs. STATE-RELATION is the
production relation of people in the state. In the state, people communicate with each other not
in a human way, not as humans. They communicate with each other by COMMANDS, like ro-
bots, like machines.
And when millions of people turn to each other with COMMANDS, then a GREAT IRON
ROBOT STATE is born. And this robot is a LIVING MACHINE. No one controls it, not min-
isters, not presidents, not Stalin. The state grows itself. The state is a living iron robot. Stalin
did not rule the STATE. He faithfully served his iron God STATE. Through its greatest priest,
Stalin, the Socialist State fulfilled its historical destiny and went down in history.
The great Hegel is the first person in history who gave the correct definition of the STATE. But
no one knows Hegel. Hegel is still the unknown leader of mankind. One more time we repeat
Hegel’s theorems:
Definition of the STATE. Hegel.
In the world of essences, the STATE is “PARTICULAR WILL OF INDIVIDUALS”.
In the world of essences, the STATE is the COMMAND, it is the COMMANDED RELA-
The essence of the state is in the COMMAND.
The essence of the state is the STATE-RELATION, this is the commanded relation of people.
From the point of view of the essence, the state is a command, it is the UNITY of COM-
Marx. Communism is the abolition of the state, including the socialist state. The commune is a
global community.
Returning to the community according to Hegel’s triad:
Community (primitive)՜state՜ scientific community.
According to Hegel, the state is not an army, not the police, not the courts. No, the state is an
COMMAND. What is the cause of violence in the modern world? Answer: the police, the ar-
Hegel replies: “This is not true”. The state is neither the army nor the police. And the cause of
violence is neither the army nor the police. The cause of violence is the COMMAND and
UNITY of COMMAND. People, bound together by COMMANDS, turn into a huge iron robot
– the state.
The theorem of Marx and Hegel
The destruction of the state does not mean the destruction of the army and the police. The de-
struction of the state is the DESTRUCTION of the COMMAND.
Under communism, the army and the police become Communes of Brothers. All decisions are
made by the COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE. The violence disappears. Hegel’s theorem says
that communism is possible in a separate state.
Sick thing fetishists did not study Hegel, and they do not know the Hegel’s theory of the state.
They think that real state is STATE-THING, what means: courts, army, police. And these peo-
ple get sick with a mental illness called THING FETISHISM. They see the whole story upside
These sick thing fetishists are faithful Stalinists. They worship their IRON IDOL – the Socialist
State. They do not believe in any communism. And they are not going to build communism.
They consider communism to be the great iron robot machine of the Socialist State. They con-
50 50
sider their IRON IDOL to be a real god, powerful, eternal, immortal. Therefore, the Stalinists
destroyed all the thousands of Communes that Lenin had founded.
It is impossible to combine communism and socialism. Communism is a stateless system, it is a
system without a leader. Communism is a GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Under communism, the
Supreme Soviet, the General Staff, ministries, factories, schools, hospitals, divisions will be-
come Communes of brothers. Issues will be solved by COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE, not
by issue. The UNITY OF COMMAND will be destroyed.
These are the mistakes made by the theory of socialist state fetishism. Stalinists: “Stalin won
the war. Stalin built factories”.
The Stalinists understand the POWER of the PEOPLE in the hands of the State as the POWER
of the state itself. They do not understand simple things. They do not understand that all the
victories of socialism were won only because workers believed in The Socialist State, and they
considered The Socialist State a just system.
It is time for the second coming of Lenin. Lenin said: “Any state is NOT A PEOPLE’S state”.
The socialist state has fulfilled a historical role, and has ceased to be a deity for the working
people. So, it is time for a new deity.
The working people stopped supporting the socialist state, and without such great support, the
socialist state was blown away by the historical wind. And it turned out that the socialist state
has no power anymore.
The Stalinists became metaphysical fanatics. They were living machines, they were parts of
their iron robot. Machines do not have minds. That is why the Stalinists had a big problem.
Their eternal and all-powerful God-state had disappeared. At first, this great iron ROBOT per-
formed feats, saved the country and all of humankind. And then he was gone. “Stalin, Stalin” –
called the Stalinists their great Iron God. But there was silence in response. Socialism died of
old age. It has fulfilled his historical duty. Socialism was no longer possible, and was no longer
needed. He honestly passed his valiant and noble path.
Communism was built bypassing socialism. The socialist king, General Secretary, was dead!
Long live the new queen:
All theories of fetishism are consequences of the Hegel’s theory of THING FETISHISM. We
need the eight-dimensional space of Marx’s categories to include the theory of fetishism in the
general logical scheme.
Fetishism theories
ʋ Dialectical pairs Political economy sick THING
Marx’s theo-
ry of ܼ is value
1 Sick people take the GOLD-
ܼ௧ is gold-thing that con- THING for VALUE - ܼ௧
FETISHISM tains value
ܳ is the value that is con- Sick thing fetishists take mon-
2 MONEY tained within a money ey-thing for real wealthQ ௧ .
thingܳ௧ But they are wrong. The real
wealth is the valueQ େ , which
࢚ܳ is real money supply. It
is contained in the money sup-
is determined after sales.
Sick thing fetishists take a
S is use value (entropy)
consumer thing for a use val-
? ఋொ They take the heat capacity of
3 CONSUM- ܥൌ is consumer thing the body for entropy.
ER (thermal mass). The theorem. Entropy is the
value of the thermal mass, the
ܥܯ , ܰ݇? value of the heat capacity of
the body.
The value market is a market where people pay with VALUES, not with gold money.
Dialectical pair:
For mathematicians
Philosophy and political economy are not commutative. Therefore, the expressions “thing la-
bour hour” and “labour thing hour” may not be equivalent. But there is only one truth.
Suggestion. Within the framework of creating a minimal political economy, we suggest to call
the category ܸ not the quantity of labour, but the volume of labour.
VALUE is denoted as ܷ. The unit of value is denoted as 1[C].
THE AXIOM OF VALUE. If the market is large, isolated and equilibrium, then we can as-
sume that the QUANTITY of LABOUR and the VALUE are approximately EQUAL, so
ܷ ؆ ܸ .
The category VALUE is born in a total form, as the total value. And only then, a small part of
the value is selected for the commodity.
There is the birth of the value of the only one commodity. The total value is denoted as ܷ. The
value of the commodity is denoted as ܷଵ , and the quantity of similar commodities is denoted as
ܰ. It is for similar commodities:
Uଵ ൌ .
ܯ ܥ ܳ௧ ܼ௧ ܸ ܵ ܳ ܼ
Labour thing Consumer thing Money thing Value thing Labour value Use value Money value Value
ܶ௧ ܶ௧ ܶ௧ ܶ௧ ܥ ܥ ܥ ܥ
Commodity Thermal mass. To- A real mass of Gold bar, which Labour vol- Entropy Energy Work. Real
massܯ. Tons of tal heat capacity of money. It is deter- contains the ume. transferred work of real
wheat or meters gas mined after sales value Labour value by heat people. New
of fabric ߜܳ hour. value
Thing categories, but only compared to the right side of the graph. It is still a Value categories, but only compared to the left side of the
question what kind of relation they have. graph. It is still a question what kind of relation they have.
The main market in the world of essence is THE VALUE MARKET, not THE MONEY MARKET.
Definition. The VALUE MARKET is an abstract market in which payment is made directly by the VALUE. The laws of the value market should be
studied above all, because MONEY is only a SUPERSTRUCTURE over VALUE.
§ 4.2. The functioning of the VALUE, not the money market
ܰ ൌ ܰଵ ܰଶ ܰଷ ൌ 4 5 6 ൌ 15
The total quantity of labour. In labour hours, the quantity of labour is equal to:
ܸ ൌ ܸଵ ܸଶ ܸଷ ൌ 9 10 11 ൌ 30
According to the AXIOM of VALUE, the total quantity of labour and the total value are equal
to:ܷ ൌ ܸ . We get the total VALUE: ܷ ൌ 30values. The value of one pair of boots is equal to:
ݏൌ ൌ 2 values.
The first shoemaker lost this game. He actually worked 9 labour hours, but got only 8 values. The
second shoemaker did not lose or win. The third shoemaker won. He worked 11 labour hours, but
got 12 values.
We have got the distribution of values by labour hours. In the value model of the market, this distri-
bution should be set axiomatically, as Maxwell did. It follows from the law of the unity of the world
that there must be a fundamental value constant in political economy.
Labour hours are called value labour hours.
56 56
§ 4.3. The axiom of the FUNDAMENTAL VALUE CONSTANT
ܳ െheater
Money value Value οܳ
Fundamental constant ܷ ܥ ܸ݈ܽ݁ݑ െmarket
? ൌ ൨
of human value ܸ ݄ܮܥ ܸ݈ܽ ݎݑ݄ݎݑܾ݈ܽ݁ݑpressure
ܯ Meters of fabric or tons of wheat Mass
Commodity mass
Number of
ܰ thing
ܿܯ The thermal
mass. The to-
Consumer mass ܰ݇ Thing categories tal heat ca-
ܥ is ܥൌ .
Money value of con-
ߠ Temperature
sumer mass units. Price
Heat capacity The unit of consumer mass in the for- Unit of heat
݇௧ ܿ ؠ ?
Boltzmann constant mula capacity
Use value ܵ Entropy
The unit of use value in the formula:
Boltzmann’s entropy ܵ ൌ ݇ ݊ܮሺܹሻ Unit of
constant entropy
Labour value of unit ܸ
of consumer mass (not ? ?
a commodity) ܰ݇
The labour value of the ܸ
Value labour hour
commodity unit ܰ
The labour value of the ܸʠ Valuelabourhour
commodity mass unit ܯ Meteroffabric
A logical contradiction in the definition of a fundamental constant: ൌ .
The category ܸ ൌ ܸ is the value category in our model. But the value should answer the question:
“The value of what?”. Therefore, the value can only be the value of the thing. There is no value of
value. But we have defined the fundamental constant precisely as the value of value. What should
we do then?
58 58
The labour value ܸ has a logical name on the main political economic graph: ܥ . Thus, the la-
bour value category is once a value and twice a thing category. And the value categoryܷ has the
logical name ܥ . It is three times the value category. According to the principle of relativity, the
labour valueܸʠ compared to ܷ category is a double thing category.
Formal abbreviation of fractions:
ܽܽ ܽܽݎtwiceanabstractcategory, comparedto
ൌ ൌ
݇݇ ݇݇ݎ twiceathingcategory, comparedto
Note 1. It was not easy to accept the hypothesis that the fundamental value constant is an analogue
of pressure. All the time we wanted to take it for a temperature. But, then the ideal gas law did not
Note 2. We took the price of the commodity in energy units as the market temperature. We believe
that only one commodity is sold on the clear market. And if there are several commodities, then you
need to consider a mixed gas, consisting of several different gases.
Note 3. The fundamental value constant is equal to one, only in stationary conditions. In transition
processes, it will differ. All equations are written in differentials in transition processes:
ܷ݀ ൌ ݀ሺܸሻ ൌ ܸ݀ ܸ݀.
Crises are transition processes. In crises, unsold commodities are destroyed, and the total value can
remain unchanged. This means that in crises: ് 1.
1. The Boltzmann’s entropy constant is a unit of USE VALUE.
2. The Boltzmann’s entropy constant is not a unit of commodity, not a unit of commodity mass, but
a unit of consumer (thermal) mass.
After all, we have a market for only one commodity, for example, “pair of boots”. The molecule of
our market is “pair of boots”. We exchange boots for boots. The market with various commodities
is a mixed political economy gas.
§ 4.4 Half of the main political economy graph is the graph of unit values of the vector
Lenin’s theorem. Categories must be derived!
There are only the total values on the graph of vector ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ
COMMODITY. This graph is obtained by mul-
tiplying three pairs:
60 60
There is no temperature and pressure on the graph, but they must be there. How can we do it? Fol-
lowing Lenin, it is necessary to specify some logical process that leads from the total values to unit
values. We have not found such a process, but we set the graph of unit values:
Here is a possible way to switch to unit values. There is a market, which contains one copy of the
commodity with individual characteristics. There is nothing to exchange it for. If we are given the
fundamental constants, then all the other market parameters can be derived, but we will not do this.
We want to give a list of extensive quantities and point out that not all of them are independent.
Therefore, not all of them will be unit. You need to set the basic values and calculate all the other
The values , ߠare pressure and temperature. They are value (energy) values. But now we
have the thing pressure ௧ and the thing temperature ߠ௧ .
There are no such values in physics. And we need to explain this contradiction. After all, one such
small contradiction can destroy the entire work of the authors.
There must be discrepancies between physical thermodynamics and political economic thermody-
namics, and they must be found.
In physical thermodynamics, only transition processes make sense. This is not the case in econom-
ics. The total values (gross product) are important in the economy.
The authors doubt about the question: “WHAT IS THE VALUE?”
The authors have written a whole book. However, doubts do not leave them even in the very first
question. So, the main question is: “What is the value?”
Version No.1. The total value is the total internal energy.
Version No.2. The total value in transition processes is only a WORK, so by value, we mean only
the newly created value. Maybe the whole secret of value is kept in transition processes?
Question. Energy and pressure have different dimensions. So the fundamental value constant p
(pressure) is not a value. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
§ 4.5. The LAW OF VALUE and the ideal gas law of Mendeleev-Clapeyron are one and the
same law
The ideal gas law has three value categories and one thing category
Abstract value Value category
ߠ Money value Value category
62 62
ܸ Labour value Value category
ܰ݇ Thing category. Thermal mass. The total heat capac-
ܿܯ ity of the body in the equilibrium state
Consumer mass
The total heat capacity of the body in the transition
Some categories are three times value, other categories are three times thing, and so on. It is neces-
sary to adhere to the principle of relativity: thing category in compared to...
Formulations of THE LAW OF VALUE in the ideal gas law.
ߠൌ THE LAW OF VALUE . In the isobaric process, the theoretical price of a unit
ܰ݇ of consumer mass of commodities is directly proportional to the labour value of a
unit of consumer mass of commodities. The proportionality coefficient is a
ܸ fundamental constant.
The law of value. In the isobaric process, the money value (price) of a unit of consumer mass is di-
rectly proportional to its labour value
The law of value. THE VALUE OF WHAT? The value of the thing.
ܸ valuecategorycomparedto … labourvalue
ൌ ൌ
ܿܯ thingcategorycomparedto consumermassሺthingሻ
ൌ thevalueofaunitofaunitofthingcategory!
ተ ܸ
ൌ thelabourvalueofaunitofCONSUMERMASSሺthingሻ
The equation shows that the payment is not for a unit of commodity massܯ, but for a unit of con-
sumer mass ܿܯ .
Lemma. In the isobaric process, the money value (price) is not the value of a unit of commodity,
not a unit of COMMODITY MASS M, but the value of a unit of CONSUMER MASS ܥ.
Theorem. In the isobaric process, the money value (price) of a unit of consumer mass is directly
proportional to its labour value.
Entropy is the value of heat capacity.
Here we study the society of small-scale producers, a society that has never existed. We consider
the global market to be a THERMOSTAT. It is assumed to be in an equilibrium state. Supply and
demand on a global scale equalize each other. As it should be in thermodynamics, we do not study
the world market. We select a small part of the global market and study it.
So, we are considering a separate local market within the global market. World market (thermostat)
this is a huge ocean. We assume that it is in equilibrium state. This ocean has some waves (fluctua-
tions). Since the ocean is huge, large waves are likely to appear. Such waves for the market are a
crisis and a disaster.
The fundamental constant of value for the ideal world market of small-scale producers is equal to
ܷ ܥ ܸ݈ܽ݁ݑ
ൌ ൌ 1 ൨ ൌ 1 ൨.
ܸ ݄ܮ ݈ܾܽݎݑ݄ݎݑ
The introduction of the fundamental value constant is a discovery. Indeed, we have discovered that
the pressure of the world market is equal to ONE. This discovery is comparable to the discovery of
atmospheric pressure on the planet. The fundamental constant of value expresses the great idea of
the EQUALITY of people as values. Two groups of producers are equal to each other if their fun-
damental value constants are equal.
Closure of the dialectical spiral. Return to Pythagoras
Theorem. The greatest FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT of humankind is the VALUE CON-
ܥ ܸ݈ܽ݁ݑ
ൌ 1 ൨ ൌ 1 ൨
݄ݐ ݎݑ݄ݎݑܾܽܮ
There are many great fundamental constants in physics, but the greatest of them is the UNIT
( ൌ 1ሻ.Pythagoras would have been delighted.
The distribution of VALUES must be set AXIOMATICALLY. As you remember the example with
shoemakers, we calculated the distribution of values by labour hours, but the distribution should be
set by an axiom in the general model.
The value distribution curve is the most important curve in political economy. Finding the shape of
this curve is the main task of the axiomatization of Marx’s political economy. We did not find it.
An important question: Do political economy and physics completely coincide or not? The mean-
ing of the question is as follows. A molecule can have a small speed and a small energy, 20% of the
average energy. But a person cannot systematically sell his commodities at 20% of the average
price. He is not a molecule, he can starve to death.
The mathematical meaning of the question is as follows: In political economy, are the distribution
functions TRUNCATED OR NOT? If we believe that small-scale producers can starve to death if
they sell less 20% of the real price, then the distribution function will be truncated. So the question
is still: “TRUNCATED OR NOT?”
This question is equivalent to the question: “Are the random variables of political economy CON-
STRAINED OR NOT?”. Is it forbidden for the random variables of political economy to take any
impossible values?
The normal law is a general philosophical law. The general philosophical form of this theorem is as
The central limit theorem or the normal law theorem
Theorem. The normalized sum of a large number of independent commensurate random variables is
always a normal random variable.
And we managed without it. Maxwell deduces everything from the normal law. It must work like
this. But we were not able to repeat Maxwell’s scheme.
Question. Can the VALUE of a unit of LABOUR VALUE be a normal random variable?
It cannot. The value is positive, and no approximations are allowed in strict axiomatic systems.
One of the possible ways to make Maxwell’s scheme
If all small-scale producers work with the same productivity, then there is no competition and there
is no market either! After all, the market is a competition and an accident. Therefore, the speed of a
person’s work should be understood as the degree of his superiority over other small-scale produc-
If a worker sells his labour hours, dividing them into equal shares of ȟܸ, but each element of the
commodity contains a different number of values, then there will be such commodities on the mar-
ȟܥଵ ȟܥଶ ȟܥଷ ȟܥସ ȟܥ
, , , ,…,
ȟܸ ȟܸ ȟܸ ȟܸ ȟܸ
66 66
Perhaps, it is necessary to define axiomatically the distribution of the following values:
These values can also be negative. It means that a normal law is possible.
Chapter V. The money market and golden FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT of value
In the money market model, the role of abstract value is played by gold (not by abstract time). But it
does not play very well.
Criticism of GOLD-THING. If treasure is found, then prices will rise in an isolated market, but the
total value will not change. So gold-thing is not a value. We have to consider the dialectical pair:
Definition. The value is this dialectical pair in a philosophical sense. The transitions GOLD-THING
lGOLD-RELATION determine the laws of the money market functioning.
The answer to the criticism of GOLD-THINGS. When the scale of prices changes, the gold-thing
ceases to measure value in a linear way in the transition process. This is true.
But according to statistics: we can calculate the real change in the abstract value by the quantity of
money and commodities. We can assume that gold is a golden thermometer with a nonlinear scale.
And with this nonlinear scale, we can accurately calculate all the characteristics of the market. So
that is all right: gold plus a mathematical model accurately measures all values.
But there is still a question. Therefore, consider the following categories of the money market:
V volumeoflabour
อ U timeasanabstractvalue
Z goldasavalue
Is it possible to create a model in which the value is abstract time (not gold)?
Is it possible to create a model to include all three categories:ܸ, ܷ, ܼ?
Version 1. It is impossible.
Version 2. It is possible. It is necessary to introduce gold producers in gold mines and organize the
exchange of gold for food and other commodities.
Version 3. Producer classes, as well as the exchange between them, are needed.
There is the first coming of the market. All categories have already been born. The market is in
Definition of the category ܼ. ܼ is the sum of the prices of all commodities sold on the market for a
fixed period. Prices are always expressed in grams of gold.
ܸ is the volume of labour spent on the production of the entire commodity mass.
Definition. The golden fundamental constant of value is called the value:
ൌ .
68 68
Results of building a money market model
For example, ൌ 0.5 . This constant is the answer to the American’s question: “How
much are you worth?”. Ivanov costs one hundred grams of gold, and Petrov costs a ton of gold.
There are no people, people have not yet been born. There are only pieces of gold on the streets.
The philosophical interpretation of the inverse constant is much better:
1 labourhour
Here we can assume that two human lives are buried alive in one piece of gold. Only one of these
two versions can be correct, but it is not known which one. Marx’s theory of fetishism is terrible
thing, as you never know if you are standing right or upside down.
Service for calculating the gold fundamental constant of value
1) THE GOLD FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT OF VALUEሺሻ of the world market on the planet
is an analog of the atmospheric pressure on the planet.
2) It is necessary to calculate the gold fundamental constant of value with accuracy, both in the
world market and in private markets.
3) Physicists have a service for calculating fundamental constants, the same service should exist for
political economists. The law of the unity of the world!
4) The semi-universal constants of value of partial markets, when they function, generate one UNI-
5) The universal gold fundamental constant of value (pressure p) of the world market is the regula-
tor of all economic processes on the planet.
§ 5.4. Two ways to calculate the gold FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT OF VALUE: via people
and via commodities
The first way to calculate the total labour time via people
Version 1. There are the ideal political economic gas and the idealized market of small-scale pro-
ducers. If we have N small-scale producers, and all of them work the same way for ten hours a day
and two hundred and fifty days a year, then, the total physical time is
ܸ ൌ ܰ כ10 כ250 labour hours.
Version 2. There are the ideal political economic gas and ܰ small-scale producers. But all of them
work at different physical times in a year: ܸଵ , ܸଶ , ܸଷ , … , ܸெିଵ , ܸெ . The quantity of labour or total la-
bour time is equal to: ܸ ൌ ܸଵ ܸଶ ܸଷ ڮ ܸெିଵ ܸெ .
Version 3. There is modern monopolistic market. We take into account only labour hours, not para-
sites. We take only the labour part of the semi-parasites’ labour time in the variable V.
Example. The head of the department, when he works as a teacher, is a worker. We take into ac-
count the teaching time, since his work as the head of the department is parasitic. This time is not
taken into account, since it does not create value.
Example. The airport dispatcher and the power grid dispatcher are workers and their labour hours
are taken into account. The Energy Minister is a parasite. Accountants and cashiers are parasites.
Their parasitic time does not create value.
Example. Sellers are money parasites, but if the seller is forced to carry the commodities, to lay
them out, then this part of the time will be counted. It is not easy to count the labour time of semi-
The second method of calculating the total labour time for commodities is as follows:
We observe COMMODITIES, not people. The second method IS TIMING required for the produc-
tion of commodities. There is timing in all monopolies. If we have N commodities, and labour time
ܸଵ , ܸଶ , ܸଷ , … , ܸேିଵ , ܸே , spent on each commodity, then the total labour time is equal to:
ܸ ൌ ܸଵ ܸଶ ܸଷ ڮ ܸேିଵ ܸே .
The results of two different methods of calculating the total quantity of labour should coincide, be-
cause political economy is an exact science.
So, the total labour time was born. Then the gold fundamental constant of value is born. It is the
pressure of the market:
ܼ gramofgold ܼ ݃݃
ൌ ൨ ൌ ቂ ቃ.
ܸ labourhour ܸ ݄ܮ
§ 5.5. The theory of duality between people and commodities in a two-dimensional space of
Marx’s political economic law in the ideal gas equation contains a duality between PEOPLE and
Lemma. It is impossible to give an absolute and unambiguous definition of the law of SUPPLY and
the law of DEMAND within the ideal gas model.
The reversible transition process can be interpreted twice: both as a manifestation of the law of
SUPPLY and as a manifestation of the law of DEMAND. The answer depends on the direction of
the process.
The simplest version of the law of DEMAND and the law of SUPPLY separately
ܰ݇ ൌ
ܰ݇ߠ ߠ
˔ܯ ൌ
THE SUPPLY of labour values to the market will The DEMAND for the consumer mass
be fixed if the parameters mutually cancel each will be fixed if the parameters mutu-
other out ally cancel each other out
These theorems are not correct, but they can be made correct. Why? Because:
1) theorems outside of processes are prohibited;
2) the words supply and demand depend on the direction of the processes.
Note. The market does not sell commodities and massܯሺܰሻ. The consumer mass is sold on
the market. These are the values˔ܯ or ܰ݇ in the equilibrium state.
Consumer mass in transition processes is the total heat capacity:
ఋொ ఋொ
ܥൌ . Thus, in transition processes, the market sells the consumer mass ܥൌ , not the
ௗఏ ௗఏ
commodity massܯሺܰሻ.
Lemma. In the isobaric process:
a) The market priceߠ is not the price of the one commodity, because consumer masses (not
values or commodities) are sold on the market.
b) The market priceߠ is the value of a unit of consumer mass (not value). since: ߠ ൌ
These theorems are only methodological in nature. Only the formulas of transition processes have a
calculated sense.
Lemma. Theorems of political economy are prohibited outside of processes. These theorems do not
exist outside of processes.
In the eight-dimensional space of categories ȳ଼ we will have four laws of supply and four laws of
demand for each process!
Lemma. If a person does not know how to work, then he is armless in the political economy of Karl
Marx. He has no political economy hands.
Question. Is this lemma an exact theorem of political economy or a figurative literary analogy?
Answer. Political economy is an exact science. Everything is political economic in political econo-
my. There are no biological categories in political economy. Marx does not study biological nation-
ality. Marx is not a biologist.
72 72
Biology Political economy
Nationality by education. You love the his-
Political economic na-
tory of Russia and Germany. You are fluent
Biological nationali- tionality.
in Russian and German. You have three po-
ty. You are English. Variable (dialectical) na-
litical economic nationalities. You are a rich
man according to the theory of communism.
A political economic You are a teacher. You love your students.
family. But you also love your children. You have a
Biological family
Dialectical, variable fam- large dialectical political economic family.
ily. Some students leave, new students come.
The Ivanov family
This biological family is not a political economic family.
is not a friendly one.
But they are not bio-
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are political economic brothers.
logical brothers.
Hegel, Marx, En- But they are living in po- The theory of communism of the leaders
gels, Lenin are dead litical economy will save the rotting planet of people.
The working people come to life only dur-
ing revolutions. They perform miracles.
The proletarian is The proletarian is dead in
When the revolution is ending, the worker
living in biology political economy
becomes dead again. We are dead in politi-
cal economic.
Money destroys oceans with garbage. If we
kill GREED – MONEY (not people), we
Money is dead Money is a predatory will revive ourselves.
paper creature The black soul of money (greed) will be
killed and the money will become dead pa-
If we kill the greedy soul of the commodi-
The commodity is The commodity is a pred-
ties, we will revive ourselves. Under com-
dead atory living creature
munism, commodities will be dead.
§ 5.7. Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism. Socialism is a semi-communist and semi-
bourgeois system
Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism. Socialism is a dual semi-communist and semi-bourgeois
Lenin. Consequence. All categories of the political economy of socialism are dual, composite.
Political economy of
capitalism socialism communism
living half-dead dead
Dead money (tickets, re-
Living money Money-Signs (Lenin)
Living commodity Product– commodity (Lenin) Product (dead commodity)
Dead proletarian A half-dead man Living, powerful man
Proletarian (Hired Proletarian –Worker. Worker. Free man
worker) Half hired worker – half free man
There is a complete table of Lenin’s categories of socialism and communism in the books of the
authors. Lenin proved this theorem twice: the first time he did it with the help of the Hegelian
PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT, and the second time with the help of Marx’s great theory “ON
§ 5.8. How do COMMODITIES AND MONEY COME to LIFE in the political economy?
Money and commodities are LIVING predatory creatures.
Definition. A commodity is a product of labour that can MOVE without social control. How did
Lenin prove that PRODUCT-COMMODITIES are a category of the political economy of social-
There was a planned economy in the USSR. Under socialism, market trade was considered specula-
tion and was severely punished. The products of labour were not allowed to MOVE, so, it is NOT A
COMMODITY . But there was MONEY in the form of PAYMENT FOR LABOUR, which means
Therefore, the category Product -Commodity or semi-product-semi-commodity is a category of the
political economy of socialism. The money of socialism was also half-dead.
But commodities and money are predatory immortal creatures. Five thousand years ago, these crea-
tures were born, and they are going to live forever. They are immortal creatures, because they can
come to life.
Under socialism, the evolution of money was not killed. But the evolution of money is the evolution
of GREED. Socialist money has always dreamed of turning into a great predator CAPITAL.
How did the half-dead MONEY and half-dead COMMODITIES of socialism come to life?
MONEY came to life during the evolution of greed. It has decomposed the state apparatus: the po-
lice, the ministries. MONEY instilled GREED in the souls of the socialist elite and turned it into the
It is impossible to stop speculation with political measures in the long term. The elites of entire re-
publics began to engage in speculation. The elite transferred state products to private hands, and it
was sold as personal products of peasants, because it was allowed to sell personal products grown
on their small household plots.
Result. The products of socialism CAME to LIFE and began to MOVE outside of social control.
They have turned into predatory creatures, into COMMODITY.
Axiom of Marxism. MONEY and COMMODITIES cannot be controlled for a long time.
They are immortal predatory creatures. Sooner or later, they will begin to control their supervisors
and the police, and the entire state.
Marx’s theorem. Living MONEY and living COMMODITIES must be KILLED, as living
creatures (not people). We need to get rid of their GREEDY black souls, and then money will be-
come just papers, and commodities will become just products.
Why did the product of labour become a commodity, a living, predatory creature?
How do things come to life in the political economy of capitalism and communism?
Examples of the living things and process of its reviving in the theory of communism:
74 74
Example 1. A grandmother taught her granddaughter to play the piano. They lived happily to-
gether. But within the time grandmother died. The granddaughter often played the piano, remem-
bering happy days. The girl’s father bought a new piano. He thought that the girl would be delight-
ed to have the new piano. But for the girl, the disappearance of the old piano was a disaster, and she
refused to play. After all, the old piano was LIVING for her, because her grandmother’s soul lived
in it. And the new piano was a beautiful, but dead instrument.
Grandmother revived the piano. She put her love and her soul into the piano. Old lady was
gone. But her living piano still brings her granddaughter to life.
Example 2. This example is well known to all parents who have more than one kid.
There are two sisters. The elder sister is ten years old, the little one is five. The elder girl is
like mother to another one. Just imagine: she gave a drawing book to little sister, and started doing
her homework. Then she left room for a while. The little girl took her sister’s notebook and began
to draw there. The notebook with the homework is ruined. The children quarreled and both cried.
Question. Why did little girl want to draw in her sister’s notebook (instead of drawing in her
Answer. It is all about emotions. The elder sister did her tasks with great emotional strain. She
revived her notebook with these emotions. Her notebook has become a LIVING NOTEBOOK for
the baby. A living notebook attracts the little girl.
Examples of the living things and process of its reviving in the political economy of capital-
ism and socialism:
SELL OUT the Motherland and BETRAY the Motherland are the same thing in the Russian lan-
guage. The proletarian of capitalism is a hired worker. He is the owner of private property. The pro-
letarian believes that his hands are his private property. Therefore, the proletarian has not only the
proletarian ideology, but also the bourgeois ideology of the hired worker. But with the help of the
theory of communism, the workers are able to discard the ideology of the hired worker.
The worker of socialism was also a semi-hired worker and semi-free. He worked for a SALARY.
He wanted to make more money. Salary develops GREED. He put GREED into the labour thing.
And his labour thing began to COME to LIFE. During perestroika (political movement for refor-
mation), the labour thing CAME to LIFE forever and turned into a predatory creature, into a LIV-
ING COMMODITY, into a living MONEY.
The evolution of money and greed began. And in the course of this terrible evolution, real money
merged into SHARKS.
What is the difference between the living labour things of communism and capitalism?
1) Love is embedded in the living things of communism.
2) Malice and greed are embedded in the living things of capitalism.
§ 5.9. The duality between people and commodities is a formal, but not a substantive reason
for commodity-money fetishism
The duality theory establishes a kind of equality between people and commodities. This equality is
the formal mathematical reason for the existence of the disease of the thing VALUE fetishism. Ac-
cording to the theory of fetishism, statements about commodities can be interpreted as theorems
about people and vice versa.
Advertising of raisins: “Izyum Vasilievich”
(“Izyum” is a raisin in the Russian language; “Vasilyevich” is the second (patronymic) name).
The TV series La Piovra (Octopus, poulpe): “When MONEY sings, the muse is silent”.
“Diamonds are girls’ best friends”.
Discussion. Man had a voice before perestroika. He could sing. He had friends. He had a proud sur-
name, inherited from his heroic grandfather. Now the working man is NOBODY. His voice went to
the MONEY. Now money is able to sing, and the worker is sullenly silent. Even his last name was
taken away from him. His surname and patronymic name passed to RAISINS. Izyum Vasilyevich
subdued all Russians. Here comes Mr. IZYUM VASILYEVICH, bow to our benefactor. He gives
us a job. Do not leave us, our benefactor.
Karl Marx’s theory of the thing VALUE fetishism. Fetishism No. 1.
Earlier, money was just pieces of paper serving people, but now the money took the GREEDY
SOULS of people and came to life. It took away a beautiful wife and children from a working man.
Money drove a man out of his house and began to live in this house with his wife and his sons. The
money took away man’s first and last name. It took away a man’s divine smile and beautiful voice.
76 76
It hired political economic hairdressers. And living MONEY became like people when people were
still people.
This theory, according to which COMMODITIES AND MONEY CAME TO LIFE and turned into
PEOPLE, and people turned into lifeless creatures, is called Karl Marx’s theory of THING VALUE
FETISHISM. This theory is true. It is hard not to believe when IZYUM VASILYEVICH proudly
walks across Russia. He performs on television every day. Our great artists sing songs to him.
Another advertisement. Russians like sunflower seeds. “LISA SEMECHKINA” is written on the
sunflower seeds product. “SEMECHKA” is a seed in the Russian language.
The world of Russian women is fantastic: Elena the Wise, Blue-eyes-Wonder-woman, Alyonushka,
Liza the Golden-haired, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. And now Lisa the Golden-haired has become a
sunflower seed. We see that the commodity IZYUM has turned into a powerful person, and the
beautiful Lisa has turned into a seed.
Question. Is it a figurative expression or reality?
Political economy is an amazing science. In political economy, the dead Marx turns out to be a liv-
COMING. And the Russian people, which seem to be living, today are the dead people. Two dozen
people subjugated everyone.
Example. The time when Soviet people were living. Wikipedia.
Evacuation in the Soviet Union was the mass migration of western Soviet citizens and its industries
eastward as a result of Operation Barbarossa, the German military invasion of June 1941. The evac-
uation made it possible to preserve the main economic base and industrial potential of the country
and became one of the factors that ensured victory in the war.
In terms of its scale and effectiveness, it has no analogues in world history: during the first 4
months of the war, 8 million people, 2.5 thousand industrial enterprises, 1.5 thousand collective
farms (kolkhoz) and state-owned (sovkhoz) farms were withdrawn from the German attacks.
Discussion. It is impossible to understand how the Soviet people could have done such a thing.
Now the Russians are political economic dead.
The bourgeois is a person in biology, but he is DEAD in political economy. Only LIVING MONEY
put him in motion. The source of movement and life of the bourgeois is only MONEY. It means
that from the point of view of ESSENCE, the bourgeois is a DEAD. He is not a human in the high-
est and divine sense of the word “human” (“who has laid down his life for their friends, and en-
dured everything to the end” by Tyutchev). The bourgeois is only a SHELL for LIVING MONEY.
The bourgeois looks like a normal living person, but it is an illusion. Mimicry also exists in political
economy. Do not believe your eyes. You can look and see something living person in a beautiful
suit, but, no, it is the illusion. This is a LIVING omnipotent MONEY, and it is laughing at the pa-
thetic little people.
LIVING MONEY learned to speak the human language, put on a tailcoat. Image makers are the po-
litical economic hairdressers, who help the money to put on human form.
The octopus crawled out of the dead shell and ran away. The same thing happens with the bour-
geois. In this example, the bourgeois is a shell, and the money is an octopus, when the bour-
geois/shell is dead, the money/octopus is looking for a new living shelter.
This beautiful theory is called Karl Marx’s THEORY OF ALIENATION. According to this theory,
MONEY ALIENATED from a person his beautiful smile, divine voice, name, and came to life
themselves. And the man ceased to be a man. Now he is a LABOUR-POWER, a freak with no eyes
or ears, no voice, no name.
There is the great mystery of humanity.
Some grand-looking men with gold chains, expensive watches and very expensive ladies walk
along the avenue. You can see that people are walking, but you should not believe your eyes. In
fact, they are LIVING MONEY, disguised as people. They just have good political economic hair-
dressers, image makers.
But Marx will return with the second coming, and will reveal his secret to humanity. Then everyone
will exclaim: “Men! These are not people! This is MONEY. WE ARE PEOPLE”. And people will
regain their voices, ears, eyes, names. And they will start to sing and dance. People will get their
beautiful wives back. They will take back their homes. And people will live as a world Commune.
But the theory of fetishism should be stated briefly. All theorists are obliged to simplify the formu-
lations TO AN ATOM. This simple and intelligible knowledge will be fundamental knowledge. It
is also important to give such a formulation artistic expressiveness. The law of the unity of the
world is Lenin’s favorite law.
The theory of the thing VALUE fetishism. Fetishism No. 1
The theorem of thing value fetishism. Capitalism.
1) Dead MONEY took away the FEELINGS of (greedy) people and CAME to LIFE in the po-
litical economy.
2) People, from whom MONEY took away all feelings, DIED in the political economy.
The phenomenon of thing fetishism exists objectively. The reality is that money came to life, and
people died in political economy. It turns out that the theory of fetishism is a true theory, since it
reflects reality. What should we do?
Yes, the MONEY came to life, but only because they fed on the GREED of PEOPLE. Half of the
world’s gold is in America. And if you mold a golden IDOL out of it, then the idol will come to
life. This is living huge IDOL rules the planet, and not the American oligarchs.
The difference between Marx and the bourgeois theorist is as follows. The bourgeois fetishist theo-
rist sees his Golden God and faithfully serves him. And Marx sees living people buried alive inside
this golden idol.
And the leader shouts to the people buried alive: “People! You are not dead yet. I can hear your
hearts. Drink the LIVING WATER OF COMMUNISM (not socialism) and your power will return
to you. And the dark Gods will be defeated”. When LIVING MONEY (not people or the bourgeoi-
sie) dies, and when people move to a non-monetary economy, then PEOPLE WILL COME TO
Lenin’s theorem: “THE WAGE IS BOURGEOISE. The labour penny is bourgeois. It must be
killed by a TOTAL EQUALITY of the LEADERS and the WORKERS!”
Lenin: THE EVOLUTION OF MONEY needs to BE KILLED. We need to kill evolution!
The proof of the theorem is contained in Lenin’s book “THE STATE AND REVOLUTION”. Lenin
proves everything from the theorems of Hegel and Marx. This book also contains criticism of the
socialist state. The book is directed against the socialist state. The book is the bible of communism,
not socialism.
78 78
The name “THE STATE AND REVOLUTION” means that a communist revolution, will also
ABOLISH the socialist state. And it will establish the Commune as a GLOBAL COMMUNITY.
Author’s proof of Lenin’s theorem. The evolution of money begins with the LABOUR PENNY,
with the wages of a working man. But the evolution of MONEY is the evolution of GREED.
The labour penny is small, but it has the terrible power of her mother, the MONSTER CAPITAL. If
the LABOUR PENNY is living, evolution will certainly give rise to SHARKS, to oligarchs.
The USSR did not kill the LABOUR PENNY, and therefore it died. The labour penny is a cage of
CAPITAL. The evolution of money has started in the USSR, and then the greed began to evolve.
The half-dead socialist MONEY came to life and crushed the Russians. The evolution of money and
greed cannot be stopped. It goes every day and every hour. The one and only we are able to do is
“TO KILL A LABOUR PENNY”. And then the money biosphere and the CAPITAL will disap-
pear. We need to kill a penny, and then the CAPITAL (not people) will die.
Lenin’s great PARTMAXIMUM (a limit on the salary of a member of the Communist Party in
the Soviet Union, a maximum wage). A real EQUALIZATION is considered to be an equalization
of Lenin himself and other leaders. The leaders of the future communism must live like workers.
And the common people do not need to be equalized, because the common people have always
been equalized by poverty for all thousands of years of human history.
Why should the WAGE be KILLED by total equalization? We can explain it with the help of the
theory of fetishism.
A worker makes a children’s slide. The slide is the product of labour. But if the worker makes a
slide for MONEY and wants to get more money, and make the slide faster, then the worker puts his
LIVING GREEDY SOUL into the slide, and the slide comes to life. So now this children’s slide is
not a product anymore, it is the COMMODITY.
Definition. COMMODITY is a LIVING PRODUCT. The product is a living and scary creature.
The commodity is able to move outside public control. During perestroika, half-dead socialist
MONEY and COMMODITIES came to life and crushed the Russians.
Results. The worker put his GREEDY HEART into the children’s slide. The worker tried to earn as
much as possible, that is why he made some mistakes. He could redesign the project and make the
slide safe, but he did not it, because he was a slave of the Golden Idol. The slide came to life and
became a predatory commodity, which crushed a child to death. Nowadays predatory commodities,
that can MOVE, destroy entire oceans.
The thing value fetishism and the theory of pure communism, not socialism
The thing value fetishism does not allow people to understand the beautiful and logical theory of
communism by Marx.
The communism program of Marx: “Destruction of money”.
Those people who are sick with thing fetishism under the category of “money” understand
THINGS, the material shell of money. Well, how can we live without money? If we come to the
store and take what we want, it will be the anarchy.
Money is not a thing. Money is a RELATION OF PEOPLE, money is a function. And the destruc-
tion of money is the destruction of the functions of money. Therefore, none of the fetishists suspects
that the communist, non-socialist revolution has already been moving around the planet. There is
Theorem. The introduction of UNCONDITIONAL INCOME in Catalonia and other countries is the
fulfillment of the communist program of Karl Marx.
What is the main thing in this program? The main thing is “REAL EQUALITY OF PEOPLE”. Eve-
ryone is paid EQUALLY 500 euros. Why is it important? If one is given 501 euros, and the other
499 euros, then there seems to be no difference. But there is also a very significant difference. If
there is an inequality of even one euro, we will need an official, who will determine to whom to pay
499 euros, to whom 501 euros.
Under equal conditions an official is not needed. And with total equality, when all people will have
the same wages, the STATE BECOMES UNNECESSARY. And the STATE can be ABOLISHED.
Marx said: “The state is a PARASITE”.
So, with unconditional income in Catalonia, money has already lost some of its functions as a
MEASURE OF LABOUR and MEASURE OF WEALTH. Even if they lost only partially, this is
the beginning of the destruction of money, predicted by Marx.
Semi-equality in the USSR also played a positive role. Semi-equality in the USSR gave rise to
The TOTAL EQUALITY OF communism will give rise to the TOTAL BROTHERHOOD of all
the peoples of the planet. And the great unification of all mankind will definitely take place.
Theorem. According to Marx, the destruction of money is the destruction of the political economic
functions of money, such as a measure of labour, a measure of wealth, a measure of exploitation,
Money will become Marx’s dead papers after losing its political economic functions. To destroy
money means to KILL MONEY as living political economic predators, to kill their dark soul of
MONEY. And the living things will die, they will become dead papers.
We need to kill LIVING MONEY and the greed (not people). And first of all, we need to kill our
greed and our money. Kill the MONSTER MONEY in YOURSELF. It is Lenin’s partmaximum.
But with total equalization, it will be necessary to introduce a VARIABLE (DIALECTICAL) DI-
VISION OF LABOUR (the Program of Communism from Hegel). All people will get higher educa-
tion. All 100% of the population work both with common labour and sciences.
The intelligentsia and the working classes will be destroyed as classes by merging into the global
Thus, the money will get very sick. Poor and unhappy with broken legs, they will wither and, even-
tually, die. Their corpses are dead pieces of paper. Marx called the corpses of money – labour
vouchers (tickets, receipts, signs). Marx’s labour vouchers are not money in the political economic
sense of the word. They are no different from toilet paper.
80 80
§ 5.10. Contradictions of the golden fundamental constant of value
Justification. A strong worker will produce more commodities and therefore, his contribution to the
fundamental constant of value will be greater. So the strong worker will get more values in the mar-
ket than the weak worker. There is wages in the market version.
The Marx-Lenin theorem. Wage is bourgeois. In the USSR, a strong worker, in agreement with a
foreman, selected profitable jobs for himself, and the weak workers could take only heavy, poorly
paid, common labour. Wages cause competition among workers. And strong workers do not teach
weak workers, but on the contrary exploit them.
The WAGE is the formula “THE STRONG ONE GETS MORE”.
The strong man is fine even in prison. During the history humankind has been guided by the formu-
la: “THE STRONG GETS EVERYTHING”. Therefore, Marx and Lenin are right: WAGE is not a
fair communist principle. So wages will be destroyed by the TOTAL EQUALIZATION under
Theorem. Under communism wages will be abolished. It will be replaced by Russian communist
leaderism: “Strong leader of the weak. AND THE STRONG MAN GIVES MORE!”
The principles of COMMUNISM. Two FORMULAS of communism
The famous PARTMAXIMUM of Lenin. Wikipedia
Lenin forbade himself and the leaders of communism, communist generals, communist scientists
TO HAVE and ACCUMULATE MONEY. Lenin received the same salary as workers did. Accord-
ing to Lenin, the path to communism lies through a new SPARTA!
The LEADER of COMMUNISM should be a leader FOR FREE. The leaders of communism have
This digression into the theory of communism was necessary in order for the reader to understand
that wage is BOURGEOIS from the point of view of pure communism. This means that the formu-
The inequality of the strong and the weak workers is expressed in the numerator, since a strong
worker will produce more commodities than the weak one in the same time. And he lives richer
than a weak worker, and does not help him. A strong worker exploits the weak one. Having agreed
with the foreman, he chooses profitable types of work for himself.
Marx on Aristotle
Marx noted that Aristotle did not discover the LAW OF VALUE for the following reason. He could
not add up one labour hour of a free peasant and one labour hour of a slave and get the number two.
For Aristotle, the sum of 1 hour of a peasant + 1 hour of a slave did not make sense. Of course, 1
hour of a peasant + 1 hour of a slave = 2 from the point of view of mathematics, but 2 of what? We
can say: 2 labour hours of people. But the slave was not a man for Aristotle. He was a talking tool.
Therefore, such an addition for Aristotle was a psychologically impossible operation.
The logical law of inverting pair was discovered by Marx.
An amazing example of a inverting pair. Bourgeois theorists stand upside down, and their conclu-
sion is as follows:
݈݀݃݊݅ݎܽ݁ݕݎ݁݀݁ܿݑ݀ݎݏ݁݅ݐ݂݅݀݉݉ܿݏ݁ܿ݅ݎ݈݈݂ܽ݉ݑݏ݄݁ݐ EQUALITY
ൌ ൌ
ݏݎ݁݇ݎݓ݈݈݂ܽݏݎݑ݄ݎݑܾ݈݈݈݂ܽܽ݉ݑݏ݄݁ݐ INEQUALITY
There is a conditional calculation of the gold fundamental constant of value of the working people
for AvtoVAZ in 2007.
There is the gold fundamental constant of value of the worker at Toyota in 2007.
Data for Toyota company for 2007:
The number of employees is 264,000.
Production of cars: 8,000,000 units.
The price of gold is 25.72 dollars per gram.
The price of an average car is 10,000 dollars.
The number of working days per year is 270.
The number of labour hours in one day is 8.
The percentage of parasites is 30 percent.
The percentage of other people’s components is 35 percent.
There is the gold fundamental constant of value of a worker in a gold mining company in
Russia for 2007.
The number of employees is 550.
The planned gold production is 1 ton per year.
84 84
The percentage of parasites is 30 percent.
So we get:
1000 כ1000 ݈݂݃݀݃݉ܽݎ
ൌ ൌ 1.203
550 כ270 כ8 כ0.7 ݈ܾܽݎ݁݇ݎݓܿ݅ݐ݅ݏܽݎܽݐ݄݊݁ݐ݂ݎݑ݄ݎݑ
How to calculate the percentage of parasites in Russia? It is difficult, but possible. We remind you
that the labour on political economic management is parasitic and is not included in the fundamen-
tal constant of value.
There is the gold fundamental constant of value of labour hour of the worker in America in
35.63 כ0.9 ݈݂݃݀݃݉ܽݎ
ൌ ൌ 1.61
19.93 ݈ܾܽݎ݁݇ݎݓܿ݅ݐ݅ݏܽݎܽݐ݄݊݁ݐ݂ݎݑ݄ݎݑ
The capitalist methodology is possibly wrong. It is quite possible that they consider parasites to be
workers. If we assume that the percentage of parasites is 30%, then the fundamental constant will
increase and become like this:
1.61 ݈݂݃݀݃݉ܽݎ
ൌ ൌ
0.7 ݈ܾܽݎ݁݇ݎݓܿ݅ݐ݅ݏܽݎܽݐ݄݊݁ݐ݂ݎݑ݄ݎݑ
ൌ 2.3
Philosophy of the law of value
Bourgeois The law of value
Time is MONEY! Money is TIME!
Karl Marx: “Capitalism is the UPSIDE DOWN WORLD”.
EVERYTHING is upside down in this
A man is a strong and loving man, and a woman is
world! Women are men, and men are
a charming and beloved woman.
women (homosexuals)
Yes, it is true. Money is free under capitalism. But
Fetishes. Advertisement in the store:
man is enslaved! Let’s enslave the money and be-
“Money is freedom in gold”
come free!
Advertisement: “We love you, mortgage” We love our women, and we hate money.
Marx’s theory of alienation. MONEY AND COMMANDS turn brothers into STRANGERS
and enemies. It is necessary to kill MONEY (not people) and COMMAND. And the alienation
will disappear. All the people of the planet will become brothers.
Theorem. The law of inverting pair is a general law of logic. It is presented in a logical form in
the authors’ book: “The Mathematized Dialectics of Hegel”. Thus, the mass transition of men
to women in the West is a special case of the general law of logic. The law was discovered by
Chapter VI. THE THERMODYNAMIC MODEL of the money market
Thermodynamic system
Definition. A thermodynamic system: gas + vessel with pairing conditions with a thermostat, and
terms of interaction with a power storage device. In economics, a thermodynamic system is a local
market or a market of one particular small state. The thermostat is the global market. Therefore, we
study the development of an individual market and its interaction with the global market under var-
ious external influences made by power storage devices.
Definition. The pairing conditions of the thermodynamic system and the thermostat are set by dif-
ferent types of insulators.
Definition. The power storage device of a specific parameter is a thermodynamic mechanism capa-
ble of forcibly changing the value of this parameter without forcibly changing the other system pa-
The power storage device of a specific parameter is an external system both in relation to individual
and global markets. The impact of a particular power storage device should be thermodynamic in
nature. This means that this impact should be exerted in small quantities so that thermodynamic
equilibrium is reached after each of them. The power storage devices are real, i.e. physically realiz-
able, and exist for any parameter and any variable.
Lemma. It follows from the law of the unity of the world that there are several axiomatic theories in
political economics, i.e. categories can be defined differently.
Refutation. Any category runs along the path of a triad, which is only one. Therefore, the category
is single-valued.
Contradiction of refutation. The triad depends on the frame of reference.
There is another way of category formation. A new scheme is of evolutionary nature and irrelevant
to the main graph.
Let’s consider a small-scale producer:
Let’s assume that political economy as a science and its categories have not been established yet, as
well as the “political economic man” category has not been determined.
That is why a small-scale producer is by no means a man in political economics. The “man” catego-
ry must be defined.
Theory. Marx’s political economic man consists of two small-scale producers united in a dialectical
First-order categories
ݓଵ ݓଶ ݏଵ ݏଶ
the first worker the second worker the first seller The second seller
Multiplying the pairs, we get the second-order categories
ݓଵ ݓଶ ݓଵ ݏଶ ݏଵ ݓଶ ݏଵ ݏଶ
Doubled worker Worker-seller Seller-worker Doubled seller
Marx’s greatest category "RELATION"
ݓଵ /ݓଶ ݓଵ /ݏଶ ݏଵ /ݓଶ ݏଵ /ݏଶ
First-order categories are embryonic categories, not political economic
Slash means division, comparison, RELATION. As a result of comparison, there are the SEC-
OND-ORDER categories, which are political economic.
Classes. Second-order categories
Cleavage of society of small-scale producers into classes
ݓଵ /ݓଶ ݓଵ /ݏଶ ݏଵ /ݓଶ ݏଵ /ݏଶ
Doubled worker Consumer Seller Doubled seller
proletarians capitalists
§. .Political economy is the human science dealing with the feelings of millions of people
The market molecule consists of two people connected in a complicated way. Why does Marx con-
nect them? “MONEY IS THE RELATION OF PEOPLE”. Marx studies the relation of two small-
scale producers since their greedy relations generate money.
Political economy is the human science.
Lenin: “We must express what the people feel”.
Lenin’s theorem: “Political economy is the psychology of classes”.
In this regard, political economy is the psychology of a great many people, while classical psychol-
ogy is the science dealing with the feelings of one person.
In current times there is a world crisis. Millions of people are going crazy. But there are doctors.
Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin are great political economic psychologists and even psychiatrists. They
cure millions and even billions of people of anger, greed and squalor.
Conclusion. In place to properly draw up a mathematical model, you need to calculate how many
feelings are in the model and materialize each of them.
Question. Two small-scale producers are faced with each other in the market. How many feelings
do we have?
Answer: Four feelings. Let’s demonstrate this using the example of countertrade transaction:
Small-scale producers
First-order categories
the first Bid the second
First-order mass of com-
ܯ1 ൌ 10kgofsausages M2=15 kg of sour cream
First-order labour value ܸ1 ൌ 25labour hours ܸ2 ൌ 20 labour hours
§. .Four feelings create a four-parametric model. These feelings materialize in Marx’s
Karl Marx in the section “MONEY” describes the Hegelian triadic evolution of the VALUE catego-
ry: simple, expanded, universal. In this paragraph, Marx describes the struggle between two greeds.
But there is no conflict between two gluttons.
Hegel’s theorem. Any category of any science faces a triadic logical evolution. The birth of a cate-
gory is impossible in isolation of the triadic logical evolution.
The evolutionary triadic scheme is to build for all categories: gene, set, form, body, essence, phe-
nomenon, temperature, pressure, function, revolution.
Therefore, a logical evolution for the “use value”
category must be created. “Use value” category demonstrates the struggle of two gluttons.
Conclusions. When creating a mathematical model according to Marx’s Capital, it is necessary to
make models of feelings. If we mention only commodities and money, then we will morph into a
Example. In 30 years after perestroika, not a single theoretician with left-wing views has understood
why the working classes did not begin a fight for socialism? And why? It is because they have be-
come half bourgeois. They constantly write about salaries, benefits, retiring pensions, and free edu-
cation and never – about the feelings of the workers. The leftists are infinitely distant from the peo-
ple. They are blinded to what people think, what they want, what they would fight for. And in order
to find out the feelings of the workers, one has to work in the mines for six months, in which event
everyone would have known 30 years ago. But nobody went.
The objective aim. Materializing a statistical physics model. Atoms are small-scale producers. But
there are the following questions:
1. What parameters of a small-scale producer are observable?
2. How do molecules collide with each other? What happens then?
3. What variables are phase variables?
4. How to make a vessel model in which molecules of small-scale producers are running?
5. The small-scale producer molecule hit the vessel walls and bounced off. What is the
meaning of this?
Is a statistical physics model possible with these complicated molecules?
6.5. Lenin’s theorem on THE DUALITY of peasants-small-scale producers
Lenin’s theorem. A peasant-small-scale producer is a dual political economic organism. The peas-
ant-small-scale producer is a dialectical pair:
Consequence. On the one hand, he is a WORKER and has the working-class ideology. On the other
hand, he is a petit bourgeois and has a bourgeois ideology. He is a heavy speculator and profits from
famine in cities since he can strike it rich.
The ambiguous behavior of peasants-small-scale producers during the Russian Civil War
The Bolsheviks gave peasants-small-scale producers land that they never had. All the peasants
rushed to the Bolsheviks, shouting: “Bolsheviks are such good guys!”
But there is famine in the cities. People are dying. The Bolsheviks forced the food rationing into
application and began to punish for speculation and greed for gain from the mass death of towns-
Then the peasants, shouting: “Bolsheviks are such bad guys”, rushed to the Whites. But Whites are
upstairs. White generals shot the peasants who took the masters’ lands in possession.
Then the peasants, shouting: “Whites are such bad guys!”, rushed right back to the Bolsheviks. So
they ran back and forth over and over again!
Lenin explained to the communist workers the ambiguous behavior of the peasants with his theo-
rem. And why? Lenin inculcated a SCIENTIFIC WORLDVIEW in people. He fulfilled Marx’s
precepts: “To talk to workers only in a SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE”. Lenin tried to teach the social-
ist leaders the theorems of dialectics. But the socialist leaders were reluctant to study. Dog-like,
they bit Lenin from all sides.
§ 6.6. Axiomatic construction of the set of rational numbers coincides with the method of
The set of rational numbers ܳ is created from a set of natural numbers ܰin the following method:
1) Pairs of natural numbers ሺ݉; ݊ሻ are considered from the direct product ܰ ൈ ܰ.
2) An equivalence RELATION on the set of these pairs is introduced.
3) The factor – set theorem is applied.
The obtained factor – set is the set of fractions ܳ.
The first small-scale producer produces sausages. Sausages have no use value for him since it is
commercially made. Nevertheless, his sausages have a use value for the second small-scale produc-
er. By analogy, smetana (sour cream) produced by the second small-scale producer has a use value
for the first small-scale producer.
Small-scale producers
First-order use values.
the first the second
They are embryonic categories
of the first small scale M2=15 kg of smetana
producer Use value 1 (sour cream)
of the second small
M1=10 kg of sausages
Use value 2 scale producer
The first-order use value is also a relation between small-scale producers. Then Marx’s use value is
the RELATION between RELATIONS. Marx’s scheme coincides with Lenin’s theorem on the
Lenin’s theorem on the LAW. Version 1.
1. The law is a RELATION. First-order theorems.
2. The law is a RELATION between RELATIONS. Second-order theorems.
Lenin’s theorem on the LAW. Version 2.
1. The law is the ESSENCE. First-order theorems.
2. The law is the ESSENCE of ESSENCES. Second-order theorems
Lenin defines all classes and states through the RELATION (of many people) category. Lenin pre-
sents all the theorems in PAIRS, two by two. He acts like a mathematician, like a mathematical ma-
The transition theory in a double, complex dialectical pair. The new formula describes transitions
not in a simple, but in a complex pair, where each transition is a logical theorem that must be ex-
What is the dimension of the small െ scaleproducer vector? We identify the small-scale producer
category with the assembly LABOUR ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ vectors. The product of these vectors forms
the main political-economy graph with 16 branches.
Results. A small-scale producer is a 16 vector dimension.
ተ getsmoneyinthemorning;
These assumptions are wrong, but so far we are not interested in it.
We accept without justification that the formula of the proletarian is as follows:
94 94
We get that the proletarian and the bourgeois are four-dimensional vectors. The proletarian func-
tions according to the scheme:
Result 1. It makes no sense to determine the dimensions of vectors (and people) until it is indicated
to which space we are working. On the graph COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ the vectors have eight coordinates, and
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ COMMODITY
on the main political economic graph LABOUR ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ the vectors have sixteen coordi-
Result 2. There can be several such chains in the Marx’s CAPITAL.
ܲଵ ՜ ܵଵ ՜ ܤଵ ՜ ܥଵ ՜ ܲଶ ՜ ܵଶ ՜ ܤଶ ՜ ܥଶ ՜ ڮ՜.
Comparison of author chains and Karl Marx chains.
Chain of authors:
ܲଵ ՜ ܵଵ ՜ ܤଵ ՜ ܥଵ ՜ ܲଶ ՜ ܵଶ ՜ ܤଶ ՜ ܥଶ ՜ ڮ՜.
It is formed by four categories:ܲ, ܵ, ܤ, ܥ.
The Marx Chain money - commodity:
moneyଵ ՜ commodityଵ ՜ moneyଶ ՜ commodityଶ ՜ ڮ՜.
It is formed by only two categories. Why?
Marx studies only values. Value categories are entities. But now we need to add things cate-
gories to Marx's CAPITAL. And then we will have not three volumes of CAPITAL, but six vol-
umes of Marx's CAPITAL.
Result 3. Our aim is not to prove great theorems. We just need to involve mathematicians and phys-
icists to modeling the grandiose work of Karl Marx’s CAPITAL.
Ultimately, it is necessary to create a mathematical model that accurately predicts the date and scale
of the new global crisis. Therefore, we strive to show the beauty of Marx’s CAPITAL, to show
what beautiful tasks are hidden in this great work. But it is useless to start modeling Marx’s CAPI-
TAL without a minimal and axiomatic system.
Chapter VII. PROCESSES in political economic thermodynamics
Theorem. The thermostat energy ߜܳ, transferred to the gas in a thermodynamic way, is spent on
changing the internal energy of the gas and on the operation of the gas against the thermostat:
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ߜܣ
The first law of thermodynamics in political economic thermodynamics.
Theorem. The money value of the world market ߜܳ, transferred to the local market in a market way,
is spent on changing the total market value and creating new value by the workers of the local mar-
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ߜܣ
There is a description of the isobaric process. After slow operation of the heater, an isobaric expan-
sion of the thermodynamic system occurred. For simplicity, we can assume that the temperature of
the thermostat and the initial temperature of the thermodynamic system are equal to each other:
ܶ ൌ ܶଵ .
The ideal gas law:
ܸൌ ߥܴߠଵ
ฬ ଵ ֜ ሺܸଶ െ ܸଵ ሻ ൌ ߥܴሺߠଶ െ ߠଵ ሻ ֜ ȟܸ ൌ ߥܴȟɅ
ܸଶ ൌ ߥܴߠଶ
The change in the internal energy of a two-dimensional gas:
ȟܷ ൌ ߥܴ݀ȟ.
The gas expansion of the system is as follows: ȟ ܣൌ ȟߠ.
Consequence. The increase in the internal energy of the gas is equal to the work of the gas:
ܣൌ ȟܸ ൌ ߥܴȟɅ ൌ οܷ
The first law of thermodynamics:
ܳ ൌ οܷ ܣ
ተ 2
οܷ ൌ
Final volume:
ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ
ܣൌ ȟܸ ൌ ֜ ȟܸ ൌ ֜ ܸଶ െ ܸଵ ൌ ֜ ܸଶ ൌ ܸଵ
2 2 2 2
Final temperature:
ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ
ȟܷ ൌ ߥܴȟɅ ൌ ֜ ȟɅ ൌ ֜ ߠଶ െ ߠଵ ൌ ֜ ߠଶ ൌ ߠଵ
2 2ߥܴ 2ߥܴ 2ߥܴ
We transform:
ߥൌܰ ܳ
ቚ ֜ ߠଶ ൌ ߠଵ
ܴൌ1 2ܰ
We calculate the entropy and have:
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ݀ܣ
อ ܷ݀ ൌ ߥܴ݀ߠ ֜ ߜܳ ൌ ߥܴ݀ߠ ܸ݀
݀ ܣൌ ܸ݀
The ideal gas law:
We get:
98 98
ߜܳ ൌ ߥܴ݀ߠ ܸ݀ൌ 2ߥܴ݀ߠ
The second law of thermodynamics:
ߜܳ ݀ߠ ߠଶ
݀ܵ ൌ ֜ ȟܵ ൌ 2ߥܴ න ൌ 2ߥܴ ݊ܮ൬ ൰
ߠ ߠ ߠଵ
ߠଶ ߠଵ
ȟܵ ൌ 2ߥܴ ݊ܮൌ 2ߥܴ ݊ܮቌ 2ܰ ቍ
ߠଵ ߠଵ
We transform:
ߥ ൌ ܰ ܳ
ቚ ֜ ȟܵ ൌ 2ܰ ݊ܮ൬1 ൰
ܴ ൌ 1 2ܰߠଵ
ߜܳ 2ߥܴ݀ߠ
ߜܳ ൌ ܥ ݀ߠ ֜ ܥ ൌ ൌ ൌ 2ߥܴ ൌ 2ܰ
݀ߠ ݀ߠ
§ 7.2. Is the physical isobaric process with a heater a political economic process?
Question. If the working day is not established by law and the border is open for workers, what will
happen? Will local workers increase their labour hours, or will migrant workers get ahead of them?
Answer. We need to specify additional conditions. For example: local workers are lazy, and migrant
workers are hardworking ones. Or local workers are educated, and migrant workers are illiterate
The theorem of the great Friedrich Engels is that “MAN IS A STATISTICAL ATOM OF HISTO-
RY” from the book “Dialectics of nature”.
Here is a migrant worker as a molecule of political economy gas. We know that in order to intro-
duce an external molecule into a vessel with a gas, it is necessary to expend additional energy,
which is given by a special chemical potential. The pressure in the formula ܣൌ ȟܸ is that
chemical potential for workers. A migrant worker must withstand competition in the new labour
market. A competition is the pressure.
The dialectical pair of worker-money is a pair of electron-hole
The worker leaves the thermostat and comes to a new local market, and a hole is formed in its old
place. The money in the amount of ܣൌ ȟܸ goesfrom the local market to the thermostat and clos-
es this hole.
Lemma. The small-scale market creates unemployment and a reserve army of labour.
Justification. In the isobaric process, excess workers can leave the local market for the thermostat,
the world market. The workers of the local market are made superfluous by the law of value in the
ideal gas equation.
We can use the people accumulator in the form of heater-refrigerator instead of the thermostat. In
economics, this accumulator is called the reserve army of labour or the class of the unemployed.
Thus, unemployment and the reserve army of labour exist in a small-scale society, but in an embry-
onic state.
Each such transition in thermodynamics has its own chemical potential.
ߥൌܰ ܳ
ቚ ֜ ߠଶ ൌ ߠଵ
ܴൌ1 ܰ
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ݀ܣ
อ ܷ݀ ൌ ߥܴ݀ߠ ֜ ߜܳ ൌ ߥܴ݀ߠ
݀ ܣൌ ܸ݀ൌ 0
ߠଶ ߠଵ
ȟܵ ൌ ߥܴ ݊ܮൌ ߥܴ݊ܮ ܰ
ߠଵ ߠଵ
We transform:
ߥ ൌ ܰ ܳ ܳ
ቚ ֜ ȟܵ ൌ ܰ ݊ܮ൬1 ൰ൎ
ܴ ൌ 1 ܰߠଵ ߠଵ
What does an increase in prices and an increase in the fundamental constant mean in an isochoric
isolated market?
Answer. It means the inflation of gold money. The quantity of prices has changed here. Nothing has
changed in the economy. New value was not created.
This means that the TOTAL QUANTITY OF VALUES was not increased, it is still the same. Alt-
hough the quantity of gold has increased.
GOLD-THING IS NOT A VALUE! Gold is money, gold money. Gold money is also subject to in-
flation, but the VALUE of inflation is not subject to inflation.
§ 7.4. Is a physical isothermal process with a volume reductor a process in political economy?
Final pressure:
ଶ ൌ
The change in the internal energy of the gas is: οܷ ൌ ߥܴοߠ ൌ 0.
The work of an external force against a gas in an isothermal process is:
െߜ ܣ 0;
ߜ ܣൌ ܣ ֜ ܸ݀ൌ మ ܸ݀ൌ మ ܸ݀ ൌ ߥܴߠ ݊ܮቀ మቁ ൏ 0.
భ భ భ
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ߜ ܣൌ ߜ ܣ൏ 0
Physics Economy
The isothermal insulator does not pass pressure
The walls of the vessel are rigid,
There is a pressure insulator. Free movement of labour-
and the piston is fixed with
power across the borders of a small state is prohibited.
The pressure in the thermostat The fundamental constants of value of the small market-
and inside the vessel does not state and the world market do not equalize. They do not
equalize. affect each other.
The isothermal insulator passes the temperature (price) ߠ
The free movement of commodities and money from the
The walls of the vessel and piston
local market to the world market and vice versa is al-
are thin.
The temperature in the vessel and
Prices on the local and world markets are equalized.
the thermostat are equalized.
Free movement of traders with the money from the sale is allowed.
A local trader sells commodities in the world market and brings money home to the local
market. This money starts to press on the local market.
A trader from the world market can bring the commodity and sell it in the local market, but he
takes the money home to the thermostat. The withdrawal of this money from circulation in the
local market affects the market.
What external forces did the work of compression during isothermal compression in physics?
We compressed the vessel. It means that the external forces are also us. We are a volume reductor.
Thus, we have three objects: a thermostat, a thermodynamic system, and a volume reductor. We
have done our work by compressing the gas.
ܣൌ ߥܴߠ ݊ܮ൬ ൰ ൏ 0
Our energy was transferred to the gas, and then it completely went into the thermostat through the
walls, since Q ൌ A.
Description of isothermal compression in political economy.
Our thermodynamic system is surrounded by a pressure isolator. Therefore, the transition of labour-
power to a thermostat, to the world market is prohibited. Consequently, the quantity of labour can-
not decrease due to the emigration of workers abroad.
The total quantity of labour in the isothermal market can decrease only for internal reasons. What
are these reasons? For instance, it is forced or involuntary reduction of the working day. But in or-
der for us to apply thermodynamics to political economy, it is necessary that the reduction of the
working day or week occurs slowly and in small parts.
Reasons that can cause a reduction in the total working time:
1) Aging of nationality.
2) Diseases and death, as a result of changes in the state of the habitat.
3) The reduction of coal deposits leads to a decrease in production and a reduction in work-
What happens to the commodity after the purchase?
If the buyer is not a producer, then after the purchase he consumes the commodity. The commodity
disappears. The value contained in the commodity also disappears without a trace.
There is a market with two commodities: leather and boots. How does the small-scale producer
1) If the consumer is not a producer, then he completely consumes the commodity. Both the
commodity and the value contained in the commodity disappear.
2) If the buyer is a small-scale producer, then a small-scale producer is a buyer-producer. He
also consumes the purchased commodity. It also destroys the value of the purchased com-
3) But then he creates a new value.
108 108
Question. The consumer has consumed the commodity and the value has disappeared. Does this
mean that the commodity-molecule has disappeared and there is no model of an ideal gas?
Answer. The producer produced a new commodity with the same value (in the small-scale market
model) with money from the consumer.
So, we can assume that the consumer is the walls of the vessel, and that he does not absorb the
commodity, but the commodity-molecule hit it and bounced off.
We need to show that the ideal gas law correctly reflects the functioning of the market.
What happens in a crisis?
The quantity of labour or labour value ܸdecreases. ܸ݀ ൏ 0
ܸൌ ܰ݇ߠ
ܷ ൌ ܰ݇ߠ ܸ݀ ܸ݀ ൌ ܰ݇݀ߠ
ተ ֜ฬ
ߜ ܣൌ ܸ݀ ߜܳ ൌ ܰ݇݀ߠ ܸ݀
ߜܳ ൌ ܷ݀ ߜܣ
ܸ݀ ൏ 0
ฬ ֚ ߜܳ ൏ 0.
ߜܳ ൌ ܰ݇݀ߠ ܸ݀
But if the price falls, it becomes less than the world price.
1) Foreign consumers will buy commodities on the local market, not on the world one. And
they will leave the money in the local market. The commodities and their values will be ir-
revocably destroyed. Commodities-molecules are removed from the market, and money-
molecules take their places.
2) Foreign traders will buy commodities on the local market and sell them on the world market.
They will leave money in the local market. They will profit from the thermostat. This profit
has nothing to do with the local market. Here everything is similar to point 1.
3) Foreign producers will buy leather at the local market. They will create boots from them in
the thermostat.
4) Local producers will take out their commodities, sell them on the world market and bring
the money home.
5) Local traders will buy commodities on the local market, and sell them on the world market.
They will leave the money at the local market. They will profit from the thermostat. They
will also bring their profits home to the local market.
6) Local consumers will act as usual.
ଶ ܸଵ ଶ
ൌ൬ ൰
ଵ ܸଶ
ߠଵ ܸଵ ܰ݇ ߠଵ ܸଵ ܰ݇ െ1 1
ߜ ܣൌ ܸ݀ൌ ଶ
ܸ݀ ֜ ȟ ܣൌ න ଶ
ܸ݀ ൌ ߠଵ ܸଵ ܰ݇ ൬ ൰
ܸ ܸ ܸଶ ܸଵ
ߠଵ ܰ݇ሺܸଶ െ ܸଵ ሻ
ȟ ܣൌ 0
The internal energy:
ܷ݀ ൌ ܰ݇݀ߠ
ȟܷ ൌ ܰ݇ሺߠଶ െ ߠଵ ሻ
ተ ߠଵ ܸଵ
ߠଶ ൌ
ተ ܸଵ െ ܸଶ
ȟܷ ൌ ܰ݇ߠଵ ൏0
ߜܳ ൌ 0
อ ߜܳ
݀ܵ ൌ ൌ 0 ֜ ȟܵ ൌ 0
Total heat capacity:
ߜܳ ൌ 0
ฬ ֜ʠൌ0
ߜܳ ൌ ʠ݀ߠ
§ 8.1. Assumptions for the realization of the Carnot cycle in the Marx’s CAPITAL
We designate such a market as a market under normal conditions, or a normal market. In this case,
it is possible to calculate the fundamental constant of value within small limits; a separate letter is
necessary to denote it, the same we denoted gravitational acceleration with the letter g, and it is
equal to 9.81 m/s2.
We denote this constant with ୬ and call it NORMAL FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT OF
VALUE. This constant of value of the world market is analogous to atmospheric pressure every-
where on the Earth. Then, the world market under normal conditions is ሺ , ܼ, ܸሻ.
However, the weather is constantly changing on the Earth, and there can be low-pressure or high-
pressure areas in certain locations. It is the same on the world market. During an economic storm,
some regions are able to set local constants of value (higher or lower than the normal fundamental
constant). The market molecule is PROLETARIUM.
1. The capitalist enterprise is a political economic HEAT ENGINE.
2. This political economic heat engine operates ON THE REVERSED CARNOT CYCLE, i.e, it is
3. The capitalist produces HEAT using this engine, i.e, MONEY VALUE. It converts the (working)
TIME OF PEOPLE into money value.
4. All parameters of the Carnot cycle are uniquely determined by the Marx’s formulas.
We recall that pressure ൌ is the universal gold fundamental constant of value of
the world market, i.e. of the thermostat. On this market-thermostat, we define and research the mid-
dle market. We equate pressure with the universal gold constant of value on a figure of the Car-
not cycle below:
ൌ 5 , i.e.: ൌ . This means that we determined the vertex ܣሺܸ , ሻof the Car-
not cycle.
The proletarian is a dual creature. In one respect, he is a commodity (labour power) on the market,
in another – he is a WORKER-PRODUCER.
Consequence. The proletarian in the political economic ideal gas law formula must appear twice:
once on the left, once on the right. But it is not known if the numbers ܯand ܰ are equal. After all,
the proletarian as a commodity is not equal to the proletarian as a worker! Moreover, the number of
proletarians as commodities may not coincide with the number of the same proletarians, but consid-
ered as workers.
Lemma. If one vertex of the Carnot cycle is given, then all the others are uniquely determined by
the Marx’s equation:ܳଵ ൌ ܿ ݒ ݉.
There is a picture found on the Web that shows the operating principle of the heat pump. Let us
change the direction of the arrows. The Carnot cycle consists of two isotherms and two adiabats.
The heat pump operates on the reversed Carnot cycle, i.e., counterclockwise.
ܿ ݒ ݉ ൌ ܳଵ ൌ ܰ݇ߠଵ ݊ܮ
In isothermal
ܸଶ processes
ܿ ݒൌ ܳଶ ൌ ܰ݇ߠଶ ݊ܮ
ܸଵ ܸଶ
ܸ ܸଷ
For an adiabatic
ߠଵ ܸ ൌ ߠଶ ܸଷ process
ߠଵ ܸଵ ൌ ߠଶ ܸଶ
Step 3. We determine the lower temperature (lower value of labour power) of the Carnot cycle
െߠଶ . Dividing one equality by another, we obtain:
116 116
ߠଶ ܿݒ ܿݒ
ൌ ֜ ߠଶ ൌ ߠ , ߠ ൏ ߠଵ .
ߠଵ ܿ ݒ ݉ ܿݒ݉ ଵ ଶ
Step 4. We determine the volume ܸଵ (in hours). Variable ܸଵ can be uniquely found from the equa-
ܸଵ ܸଵ ܸଵ ܿ ݒ ݉
ܿ ݒ ݉ ൌ ܳଵ ൌ ܰ݇ߠଵ ݊ܮ ൌ ݊ܮ ֜ ݊ܮݒൌ , ܸଵ ܸ .
ܸ ܸ ܸ ݒ
Step 5. We determine the pressure, i.e. the new gold fundamental constant, from the equation:
ଵ ܸଵ ൌ ܰ݇ߠଵ ൌ ֜ ݒଵ ൌ .
Upon performing steps 4 and 5, we have uniquely determined the vertex ܤof the Carnot cycle.
Step 6. We determine the vertex ܥof the Carnot cycle.
We defined two upper vertices and isotherm temperatures. It means that the isotherm graphs are
built. But only one adiabat can pass through one point. On that basis, two lower vertices are also
uniquely determined. After all, let us calculate these vertices using the adiabatic process equation:
ߠଵ ܿݒ݉
ߠଵ ܸଵ ൌ ߠଶ ܸଶ ֜ ܸଶ ൌ ܸଵ ൌ , ܸଶ ܸଵ .
ߠଶ ܿݒ
We determine the pressure from the adiabatic equation:
ଶ ܸଵଶ ߠଶଶ ܿݒ ଶ
ଵ ܸଵଶ ൌ ଶ ܸଶଶ ֜ ൌ ଶൌ ଶൌ൬ ൰ , ଶ ൏ ଵ .
ଵ ܸଶ ߠଵ ܿݒ݉
ߠଶ ܿݒ ߠଵ ܿ ݒ ݉ ݉ ߠଵ ݉
ൌ ฺ ൌ ൌ1 ฺ െ 1 ൌ .
ߠଵ ܿ ݒ ݉ ߠଶ ܿݒ ܿݒ ߠଶ ܿݒ
Theorem. The profit rate of a capitalist enterprise, calculated using the Carnot cycle, is:
ܶଵ െ ܶଶ ݉
ߠൌ ൌ .
ܶଶ ܿݒ
Theorem. Thermal efficiency – the efficiency of the Carnot cycle and the Marx’s profit rate are the
same formula.
Everyone is trying to stress the point that political economy and physics have much in common. But
one should do the opposite. It is necessary to tell the difference between these sciences, so that we
make new discoveries basing on them.
The variable capital ݒis involved in the Carnot cycletwice. The first time we use it to determine the
1st vertex of the Carnot cycle – vertex ܣሺܸ , ሻ. Area of the rectangle ܱܲ ܸܣ is equal to the varia-
ble capital ݒ. The 2nd time we use variable capital in the value ܳଶ ൌ ܿ ݒ, that is, purely geometri-
cally variable capital enters the area of the curvilinear trapezoid ܸଷ ܸܥܦଶ .
It is not good. But it is what it is. Up to this point, it appeared that one variable corresponds to each
area, i.g. three categories ܿ, ݒ, ݉ can be located at three different areas. Failed.
We have constructed a political economic engine that operates on the reversed Carnot cycle, but
there are only two of engines: a heat pump and a refrigeration machine. All of a sudden, it turns out
that the constructed political economic engine is an unknown third type. Both the heat pump and the
refrigeration machine are the same heat engine, but their goals are different. In view of this, their
design and efficiency coefficient are different too.
The left picture was taken from the remarkable book written by I.M. Chukhin; the right picture was
found in the book written by an anonymous author.
118 118
TYPES OF MACHINES operating on the reversed CARNOT cycle
d) Marx’s political economic machine is capi-
b) Refrigerator ɫ) Heat pump
talist enterprise
Exhaust as much heat as Transfer as much en- Make as much profit as possible, i.e., the
possibleݍଶ ergy as possibleݍଵ variable݉ ൌ ܳଵ െ ܳଶ ൌ ܣ
The most expensive resource in limited quantities
? ? Initial capitalܳଶ ൌ ܿ ݒ
The cheapest resource in almost unlimited quantities.
They are different.
Low-grade exhaust heatݍଶ . The Surplus value, i.e., variable ݉ ൌ ܳଵ െ
Heat ݍଵ
larger this value, the better. ܳଶ ൌ ܣ
Efficiency ratios. They are different.
ߠଶ ݍଶ ݍଶ ߠଵ ݍଵ ݍଵ ܣ ܳଵ െ ܳଶ ߠଵ െ ߠଶ ݉
ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ ൌ
ߠଵ െ ߠଶ ݍଵ െ ݍଶ ܣ ߠଵ െ ߠଶ ݍଵ െ ݍଶ ܣ ܳଶ ܳଶ ߠଶ ݒܿ
CONCLUSION. All three types of machines have different efficiency ratios, cheap and expen-
sive resources; this is why they are different from each other in terms of construction. This
means that the Marx’s political economic machine is a new type of machine operating on the
reversed Carnot cycle. Therefore, the term “Karl Marx’s heat engine” has a right to exist.
We introduce new notations for the united market (No. 3) and get:
We formally derived the unified market equation, without reference to Dalton’s law. It is easier.
1) The commodity price on the united market is:
ܰଵ ݇ߠଵ ܰଶ ݇ߠଶ
ߠଷ ൌ .
ܰଵ ܰଶ
The united market is a new America-Ethiopia state with common laws. If there is no unified state,
then there is no united market. Fundamental constant of the united market ଷ regulates the market
in the new country of America-Ethiopia.
There is no world money yet, they were not born. World money will be born only when the whole
world is united into one state.
What is the difference between advanced capitalism and a society of small-scale producers?
Answer. The society of small-scale producers is the ideal political economic gas. It is governed by
one fundamental constant, the value constant.
The economy of advanced capitalism is more complex. There are two fundamental constants: the
value constant and the rate of profit.
§ 8.5. The theory of thing VALUE fetishism No.1 and the fundamental constant of value
americanbreadሺ100ሻ ethiopianbreadሺ10ሻingoldprices
ଷ ൌ ൌ
ሺ100000Americans 100000Ethiopiansሻ2000
There is the communist formula of the equality of men in the denominator:
100000Americans 100000Ethiopians ൌ 200000people
There is also inequality between Americans and Ethiopians expressed in the numerator. One Amer-
ican produces as much bread as ten Ethiopians.
TION between the capitalist principle of INEQUALITY and the communist principle of EQUALI-
And where do things stand regarding unfortunate economist-physicists from the bourgeoisie? The
idea of inequality is deep in heads of all bourgeois theoreticians. That is why they are indignant
with the communist formula:
100000Americans 100000Ethiopians ൌ 200000people
They say, “What are you doing, man? One unfortunate Ethiopian is not to be compared with the
great American! Who is he and who is American! No way! In mathematics, 1+1=2. But political
economy does not work in this way. One American is worth 10 Ethiopians and therefore: 1 Ameri-
can + 10 Ethiopians = 2 Americans”. In other words, they use INEQUALITY TWICE!
On the contrary, they believe that the idea of EQUALITY is expressed in the numerator. The idea
of domination of equality on the market sinks into their mind. So, all bourgeois theoreticians use the
formula: . They count inequality twice.
Through this example we see that Marx’s law of pair inversion is correct. A thing fetishist considers
equality to be inequality, and inequality to be equality!
For bourgeois economist-physicists, the fundamental constant of the united market is:
americanbreadሺ100ሻ ethiopianbreadሺ10ሻingoldprices
ൌ ൌ 2.295
ሺ100000Americans ሻ2000
As we can see, the fundamental constant of economist-physicists is overestimated and incorrect.
This means that all the scientific works of bourgeois economist-physicists are misleading.
Theorem. The political economy fetish lens is an optical lens. It is not able to turn over some imag-
es without turning over others. It turns over 100% of the images.
Consequence. Among thousands of works of bourgeois economist-physicists, it is impossible to
find one true work.
122 122
§ 8.6. Small-scale producer is an oscillator
Quantity of labour ܸ is the phase variable. We assume that a small-scale producer works eight
hours a day, and we choose a new letter ݔሺݐሻ, then the oscillation period of the small-scale producer
is ܶ ൌ 8hours. The circular frequency is equal to ൌ . The equation of small-scale producer’s os-
cillations is:
ݔሺݐሻ ൌ ܰ݇݊݅ݏሺ߱ݐሻ
Hegel said: “To appropriate a person’s labour time means to appropriate his ESSENCE”.
According to Hegel the capitalist appropriates the labour time of the proletarian. Hegel identifies a
PERSON with his LABOUR TIME. According to Hegel, the capitalist also takes the soul of the
proletarian. But person is a very complex being. So a person’s TIME is also a very complex catego-
ry. Therefore, this is the main curse of political economy: Time is multidimensional.
Perhaps, a small-scale producer is not one single oscillator, but two?
Can a quantum model of Marx’s CAPITAL be created?
Is it possible to create a mathematical model of the political economy of communism? Is it possible
to make a model of a man of communism? Yes, it is.
Engels: “MAN is an ELECTRON OF COMMUNISM”. The political economy of communism will
be quantum. A man is to be modeled by an electron in this model. In the books by the authors, the
initial stage of such a model is made.
There is a natural quantization in economics. Coins with the face value of less than one cent do not
make economic sense. The production expenditures of small coins are greater than the economic
effect of using them. The value of such a coin is the new Schrödinger constant.
124 124
Chapter IX. Formalization of Marx’s CAPITAL with the help of MATHEMATIZED HE-
§ 9.1. The logical (Hegelian) scheme of the origin of money discovered by Marx.
Dialectical pair:
In the course of the Hegelian logical evolution of categories, real VALUE and its shell GOLD-
THING are born. We get:
The Marx’s evolution of money has already been completed in equilibrium situations. The MONEY
category has already been born and grown. Therefore, there is no need to consider the Marx’s evo-
lution of money in equilibrium systems. The old money dies and a new evolution of new money
begins in transition processes. Therefore, it is possible to use the presented evolution of Marx’s
money categories in transitional processes. But it is not necessary to add it into the calculation
schemes. This is a methodological theorem.
We know that Marx’s political economy is the science of the money man, the science of the Ameri-
can. So Marx models the feelings of a money man. We have:
firstsmale െ scaleproducer ᇱ sfeelings:ሺ݃݀݁݁ݎଵ , ݈݃ݕ݊ݐݐݑଵ ሻ
secondsmale െ scaleproducer ᇱ sfeelings:ሺ݃݀݁݁ݎଶ , ݈݃ݕ݊ݐݐݑଶ ሻ
Marx is primarily interested in VALUE. Therefore, Marx uses only two feelings of the money man
in his scheme:
ሺ݃݀݁݁ݎଵ , ݃݀݁݁ݎଶ ሻ
And this is the right decision, because the evolution of money is the evolution of greed. The birth of
the USE VALUE category is described by the evolution of the pair:
ሺ݈݃ݕ݊ݐݐݑଵ , ݈݃ݕ݊ݐݐݑଶ ሻ
And now every reader is able to draw Hegel’s evolutionary triad for the use value category.
Is it possible to put all the categories of Marx’s Capital in one huge binary graph? Will all Marx’s
theorems be easily deduced from this graph?
There is the full exposition of the laws of dialectics in the second book of the authors “Mathema-
tized Hegel’s dialectics”.
Why did Hegel call his dialectics “ABSOLUTE IDEA”?
The answer is that the laws of dialectics have no exceptions. In particular, the evolutionary path, the
path of the triad passes through all categories of mathematics, physics, chemistry and linguistics.
The theory of degeneration is true for all categories of all sciences. The law of inversion is also true
for all sciences.
Therefore, Hegel’s ABSOLUTE IDEA DIALECTICS is the absolute invincible weapon of man-
kind. There is nothing more than this weapon and there will be nothing more. If young people learn
Hegel’s dialectic, then a new world will be built quickly and without civil wars.
Hegel’s dialectics can help to solve problems of physics, mathematics, and chemistry. And com-
munism can be built. Hegel’s dialectics is a universal weapon of mankind.
a man and a woman form a dead metaphysical pair in America and the West:
In Russia, a man and a woman form a semi-dialectical, semi-metaphysical pair. This follows from
Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism. Under communism, man and woman pair would become
a dialectical pair:
§ 9.2 The theory of duality. There are FOUR laws of SUPPLY and FOUR laws of DEMAND
in the eight-dimensional space of categories.
However, there will be four laws of supply and four laws of demand in the eight-dimensional space
of categories ȳ଼ .
The law of supply No.1. We assume that we sell commodity mass on the market.
128 128
This option is described by a thermodynamic system with a variable mass or with a variable number
of molecules.
The law of supply No.2. We assume that we sell thermal mass, the total heat capacity of the market:
The law of supply No.3. We assume that we sell the total labour value ܸ .
The law of supply No.4. We assume that we sell the total use value, entropy ܵ.
It is impossible to unambiguously define the laws of supply and the laws of demand. It all depends
on the direction of the transition processes. Here is an example.
Example No.1. There is a barter market (not money market) with no money; money hasn’t been
born yet.
Two small-scale producer barter. The first small-scale producer exchanges the sausage, and the sec-
ond one exchanges sour cream. The sausage as a commodity has two states. The first state is zero.
And the sausage has no use value for the first small-scale producer. He produced it only for sale.
The sausage has a use value only of the buyer.
Consequence. Truth is not absolute. The truth depends on the side from which you look. What
should we do then? We should consider the sausage as a two-dimensional vector and keep track of
both coordinates of this vector.
Lemma. It is impossible to give an absolute and unambiguous definition of the law of SUPPLY and
the law of DEMAND within the ideal gas model.
Lemma. A thermodynamic process is a reversible process if entropy (use value of the process) is
Consequence. Isothermal and adiabatic processes are reversible.
Lemma. The law of supply and demand can be reversed for reversible processes.
Consequence. Isothermal and adiabatic processes can be interpreted as a demonstration of both the
law of SUPPLY and the law of DEMAND.
The law of supply and the law of demand lose their significance with the ideal gas law. After all,
political economic thermodynamics allows us to answer any question.
Where is a man in political economy? What place does a man occupy on the main political econom-
ic graph? The category LABOUR ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ can be identified with a man. But COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ is what a man pro-
duces. Therefore, the category COMMODITY ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ can also be identified with a man. So, the main political
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ COMMODITY
economic graph LABOUR ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ is the political economic man and the political economy of
Marx is the science of the sixteen-dimensional man.
§ 9.4. The fundamental value constant ʠ is the soul of a man in a golden shell, in a golden
The main political economy graph is built according to the degree of increasing abstraction:
ܯ, ܥ, ߠ , , ܸ , ܵ, ܸ , ߠ ,
The mass of commodities ܯis tonnes of wheat or meters of fabric. It is close to hands of a man.
Then we get further from the hands of a man and come to the soul of a man.
Definition. The SOUL of a man is PERFECT.
Theorem. The fundamental constant of value ʠ is the soul of a man in a golden shell, in a golden
In Russia: “What kind of person are you?”
In America: “How much do you cost?”
You are how much values you have, and what your fundamental constant of value is. A woman of
pleasure costs 30 dollars; it is half a gram of gold. She is nobody in America; she is not even a hu-
But if there is a businessman, he is like a ton of gold. In America, being human means being a piece
of gold.
There is a wonderful Soviet film “Shadow” (1971) with Oleg Dal. This film can help to show the
essence of Marx’s CAPITAL. And those who want to study Marx’s CAPITAL should definitely
watch this film. The idea of the film is taken from Marx.
The plot is as follows: the film tells about the confrontation between a smart and kind scientist and
his shadow. Scientist Christian-Theodore comes to a magical land. He falls in love with the frivo-
lous princess Louise. He asks his shadow to find her. The shadow, leaving its master, deceives him
and becomes a man named Theodore-Christian.
The scientist gets sick. Annuanciata, hotel keeper’s daughter, nurses him. SHADOW-Theodore per-
suades Louise to marry him.
Then SHADOW-Theodore becomes a king. The scientist is arrested and brought to Theodore. He
offers the scientist to become his shadow.
An indignant Christian tries to prove to everyone that the new king is just his own shadow. But they
do not believe him, even when Theodore, obeying the words of the spell, returns to his original ap-
When SHADOW-Theodore returns to the human body, he orders the scientist’s head to be cut off,
but he also loses the head.
All the ministers, frightened by the headless ruler, remember the source of living water. Annuanci-
ata revives the scientist.
A frightened shadow asks the scientist to stay. The scientist refuses and leaves the kingdom with his
beloved Annuanciata.
§ 9.5. The problem of constructing a model dual to the ideal gas law
Thermodynamics with a variable number of particles can describe the flow of commodities across a
border. That is right. However commodities and money form the ELECTRON-HOLE system. And
if the commodities cross the border, then a HOLE is formed in its place. This hole is covered by
MONEY. It is unknown whether it is possible to model such a phenomenon.
The theory of thing fetishism has a formal basis. According to this theory, the WORKER can be
considered a DEAD commodity-molecule. And MONEY can be considered LIVING PEOPLE. So
we can construct a dual equation to the ideal gas law.
The first attempt: we convert thing categories into value categories and vice versa.
We have:
ܸ ൌ ܰ௧ ݇௧ ߠ
We get:
௧ ܸ௧ ൌ ܰ ݇ ߠ௧
We transform the equation:
ߠ௧ ሺܰ ݇ ሻ ൌ ܸ௧ ௧
ߠ௧ െ ݊݁݁ݎݑݏݏ݁ݎݓ
ሺܰ ݇ ሻ െ ݊݁݁݉ݑ݈ݒݓ
ܸ௧ െ ݊݁ݏݏܽ݉ݓ
௧ െ ݊݁݁ݎݑݐܽݎ݁݉݁ݐݓ
There is a system of equations:
ܸ ൌ ܰ௧ ݇௧ ߠ
ߠ௧ ሺܰ ݇ ሻ ൌ ܸ௧ ௧
It is unknown whether the equation and the whole system have any sense.
The second attempt: the main political economic graph has three axial symmetries.
We reflect the graph relative to the largest central axis of symmetry. We get:
ሺܯ ܥ ߠ௧ ௧ ܸ ܵ ߠ ሻ ՜ ሺ ߠ ܵ ܸ ௧ ߠ௧ ܥ ܯሻ
We reflect the graph with relative to the two middle axes of symmetry. We get:
ሺ ߠ ܵ ܸ ௧ ߠ௧ ܥ ܯሻ ՜ ሺܸ ܵ ߠ ܯ ܥ ߠ௧ ௧ ሻ
We reflect the graph with relative to the four small axes of symmetry. We get:
ሺܸ ܵ ߠ ܯ ܥ ߠ௧ ௧ ሻ ՜ ሺܵ ܸ ߠ ܥ ܯ ௧ ߠ௧ ሻ
ሺܵ ܸ ߠ ܥ ܯ ߠ ሻ
We replace commodities with people. The molecules are people. We get the table:
132 132
No. Categories
new old
1. ܵ New mass of people ܯ
New consumer mass. New total heat ca-
2. ܸ ܥ
pacity of people
3. New thing temperature ߠ௧
4. ߠ New thing pressure ௧
New labour value. New volume of com-
5. ܥ ܸ
modity mass
6. ܯ New entropy. The new use value of people ܵ
New temperature. New value of people,
7. ௧ ߠ
not commodities
New pressure. New fundamental constant
8. ߠ௧
for a commodities (not people)
If Lenin is right and the law of the unity of the world is a universal law, then there must be a system
of dual equations in political economy. The market should be modeled by two vessels with different
molecules. They must be connected by matching conditions with thermostats and heaters.
ሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬሬԦ concretelabour
LABOUR ൌ ቚ ֜
֜ Labourproductivity ൌ ฬ ൌ
Marx called the PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOUR the productivity of concrete labour. And he called
the productivity of abstract labour the INTENSITY OF LABOUR.
An increase of labour productivity due to a new technology, a good organization of labour, and a
rationalization of labour is a PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOUR. It is related only to concrete labour.
Lenin said: “The intensity of work is the intensity of labour per unit of time”.
The authors want to call the INTENSITY of LABOUR a measure of the labour exploitation. But
neither Marx nor Lenin made such a conclusion. Probably, the INTENSITY of LABOUR has a
slightly different physical sense. It is much better to follow the teachers of humankind in matters of
the economic sense of categories.
INTENSITY OF LABOUR is a measure of abstract labour per unit of time.
Lemma. The theorems of political economy do not exist outside of thermodynamic processes.
Marx describes various thermodynamic processes with his theorems.
There is Marx’s theorem of the productivity of concrete labour.
This thermodynamic process is possible when:
ቂ ֜
§ 9.7. Marx’s theory of the productivity of concrete labour (POWER OF LABOUR) is mod-
eled by an isobaric-isochoric process with a variable number of particles
We have:
ܸൌ ܰ݇ߠ
ۍ ൌ ܿ ݐݏ݊ൌ ଵ
ێ ܸ ൌ ܿ ݐݏ݊ൌ ܸଵ
ێ ܰ െ ݈ܾ݁ܽ݅ݎܽݒ
ێ ߤ െ ݄݈݈ܿ݁݉݅ܿܽܽ݅ݐ݊݁ݐ
ێ ܷ ൌ ߠ݀ܵ െ ܸ݀ ߤܰ
ێ ܰ݇
ێ ݀ 0
ݏ݁ݏܽ݁ݎܴܱܿ݊݅ܤܣܮܨܱܴܧܹܱܲێ: ൦ ܸ
ێ ܵ
ۏ ݀ 0
Option No.1.
a) Isobaric-isochoric process with a variable number of particles is possible in physics.
b) It adequately reflects Marx’s theory.
Then such a process can be modeled as follows:
1) There is no thermostat-world market.
2) There is an accumulator of commodities.
3) There can be several chemical potentials regulating the transfer of commodities to the ac-
cumulator and vice versa.
It is possible to consider cases when the taxes are different or when commodities can be exported,
but money cannot be exported. There are many options. It means that political economic thermody-
namics is more complicated than physical thermodynamics. We have given one more argument in
favor of the existence of a system of the ideal gas law in political economy.
In the isobaric-isochoric process, the tax must be set as a function ߤ ൌ ߤሺ, ܸሻ.
§ 9.8. Marx’s theory of the productivity of abstract labour (LABOUR INTENSITY is modeled
by an isochoric-isothermal process with a variable number of particles)
We have:
ܸൌ ܰ݇ߠ
ߠ ۍൌ ܿ ݐݏ݊ൌ ߠ
ܸ ൌ ܿ ݐݏ݊ൌ ܸଵ
ܰێെ ݈ܾ݁ܽ݅ݎܽݒ
ߤ ێെ ݄݈݈ܿ݁݉݅ܿܽܽ݅ݐ݊݁ݐ
ܷ ێൌ ߠ݀ܵ െ ܸ݀ ߤܰ
ݎݑܾ݈݂ܽݕݐ݅ݏ݊݁ݐ݊݅ ۏ: ݀ 0
It is still unclear how the two values , differ in the calculations. The variable ߠ is a gold bar
which is the carrier of the money value ߠ ൌ ߠେ . It is still unclear how the two values ߠ , ߠ differ in
the calculations.
Probably the model needs to be expanded. Gold producers should be introduced into the model as a
separate class. There should be the exchange of gold for commodities. Then probably these varia-
bles make sense.
If 0 then the fundamental value constant increases.
Why did we choose these four partial derivatives as different types of labour productivity? Why not
others? It is because Marx’s productivity of concrete labour is precisely identified.
డௌ డௌ
The value is the productivity of a concrete labour. If 0, then the use value increases. It
డ డ
means that the value is the POWER of LABOUR according to Marx.
డ డಳ డ
Other values , , are determined in accordance with the theory of duality.
డெ డఏಳ డఏ
America Hellas
“You look like a million dollars”. It means “The bridge is beautiful as a GIRL”. For the Greeks,
that you are fantastic, you are the spitting the girl was the goddess of beauty. She was the
image of a golden idol, and you are a ton of measure of everything beautiful. The Greeks com-
gold. pared everything to a girl.
American. Of all things and people the Protagoras. OF ALL THINGS THE MEASURE IS
measure is GOLD (value) of the things that MAN, of the things that are, that they are, and of the
are, that they are, and of the things that are things that are not, that they are not.
not, that they are not.
The bottom line is that everything turns upside down!
Marx’s theorem. Capitalism is a world that stands upside down. And the task of people is to fix it
and put SOCIETY on its feet.
140 140
The law of total inversion under capitalism was discovered by Marx. And it is included as part of
Marx’s theory of thing VALUE fetishism.
Fetishistic glasses turn everything upside down. Absolutely everything. The thing fetishist sees the
world upside down. He takes the cause for the consequence, and the consequence for the cause. The
thing fetishist thinks that his inverted world is the real world. The massive conversion of MEN to
“WOMEN” and WOMEN to “MEN” is a consequence of the reversal of Marx’s theory. This con-
version shows that capitalism has come to an end. However, socialism also died of old age. Only
§ 10.2. The need to create a new science “MODEL THEORY” for Marx’s CAPITAL
Lobachevsky’s axiomatic geometry is difficult to understand. For this reason, even famous mathe-
maticians did not accept it. But model theory has changed everything.
After the Poincaré half-plane model of Lobachevsky, the non-Euclidean geometry became clear
since all its axioms and theorems can be clearly demonstrated in the Poincaré model. And soon a
new science appeared in logic, which is called the model theory.
The main postulate of this new science is:
“Any axiomatic theory must have its own visual model”. Thus, it is the turn of political economic
thermodynamics. It needs a model more than Lobachevsky’s geometry does. The political economy
Everything in it IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMES. Let’s show it.
Here we consider any market in any city. Consider any market in any city. Can it be described by a
thermodynamic model? It is hard to be described. After all, both buyers and sellers of commodities
are variable people. And this market gas does not exist from the point of view of thermodynamics
of a glass vessel.
The vessel must be modeled! Next, we need to model a commodity-molecule in thermodynamics. It
is also necessary to model its collision. However, it is not easy either.
A man comes to the market. He looks around the entire market with greedy eyes. This man-
molecule can be considered to have collided with all the other traders-molecules.
How does Marx differ from all other scientists? Marx always sees a person, not a commodity. So
we, following Marx, depicted the collision of commodities as a collision of people. And it turned
out that it is not so easy to model a collision of commodities in the market.
From Marx’s point of view, our planet is the planet of the dead. People are just bodies of nothing.
People only seem living. In fact, they are dead. They cannot walk without LIVING CAPITAL or
LIVING STATE. The socialist revolution was an outbreak. The people of socialism came to life for
a while, and living people performed miracles. But then the social idea exhausted itself, and people
PEOPLE WILL COME TO LIFE, and states and money will die forever in a communist (non-
socialist) revolution.
Why were slaves called “living dead” in ancient Egypt and Rome? The answer is that slaves were
forbidden to laugh. But even now, people do not laugh at factories and universities. The dead can-
not even smile. But soon people will say to both businessmen and chiefs: “Let us laugh”.
Hegel’s great theory of IDEALISM
The idea of socialism lived in the souls of the Soviet people. Socialism was also alive. But social-
ism has fulfilled its historic duty. The idea of socialism has aged and died in the souls of people.
Socialism died of old age. And no one is to blame for this.
But soon a new IDEA will be born in the souls of people – it is the IDEA of a global commune.
§ 11.1. Multiplication of dialectical pairs and transformation of a complex pair into a graph
Philosophers felt the need of their ancient science to be mathematized. But having humanitarian
mindset, they could not grow as high as Viet, who introduced notations into algebra and immediate-
ly derived Vieta’s theorem for a quadratic equation. Philosophers have not tumbled to an idea of
studying the A-B abstract pair. Nevertheless, they had one. The THING-RELATION pair served as
an abstract pair. Let us introduce the notation and multiply the pairs:
Lenin’s theorem
Theorem-axiom. The LAW is an ESSENCE and a RELATION between ESSENCES. There are
several equivalent formulations.
Theorem-axiom. The LAW is a RELATION and a RELATION between RELATIONS, i.e., a sec-
ond-order relation.
Theorem-axiom. The LAW is an ESSENCE and an ESSENCE of an ESSENCE, i.e., the second-
order ESSENCE.
We have already obtained the Lenin’s definition by multiplying pairs. Multiplication of suitable
pairs makes it possible to obtain various versions of Lenin’s definition of the law:
§ 11.3. Interpretation of Lenin’s theorem on the LAW in linear and projective geometries
Linear geometry
Thales’ theorem. THE RATIO OF SEGMENTS is an invariant of a parallel projection, i.e., with a
parallel projection, the following equality is true: ൌ
Projective geometry
The works of Lenin, Hegel, Marx, Engels are COMPLETELY IDENTICAL to each other. There
cannot be two physics, two biologies. It is just as true as it is impossible to have two dialectics or
two political economies of socialism, or two political economies of communism. In pursuance of
the principle of DETERMINISM, there is always ONE TRUTH.
§ 12.1. Market model in the form of an ideal gas state equation with VALUES enclosed within
§ 12.2. The local LAW OF VALUE acts in differential form in the TANGENT SPACE of the
manifold of states
The parameter is constantduring the entire isobaric process. The law of value is similar to the law
of direct proportion. However, this formulation veils the essence of the ongoing events even for the
isobaric process due to the nonlinear dependence. The law of value is by no means similar to the
equation of a straight line. To correctly represent the law of value, we must use differentials. So, we
have the following for the isobaric process:
݀ߠ ൌ ݀ .
Therefore, the law of value is indeed the law of direct proportion for an isobaric process, but there
are the following additions:
1) The law of value for the isobaric process acts as the law of direct proportion only in dif-
ferential form.
2) The law of value is performed only locally, in the tangent space of the manifold of
Local law of value for the isobaric process
148 148
An infinitesimal change in the value of labour time per unit of use value causes a proportional infin-
itesimal change in price. The direct proportion coefficient is the fundamental constant of value.
The law of value for arbitrary processes
The , ܸ, ߠ variables generate a state surface. But the equations themselves do not form a closed
system of equations. The process itself must be specified. This selected process is a specific line on
the surface of states. Let us fix the point , ܸ , ߠ . At this point, we consider a tangent surface and a
straight line tangent to the process line. The tangent curve is on the tangent plane. Let us write the
equation of state in differential form:
ܸ݀ ܸ݀ ൌ ܰ݇݀ߠ.
At this stage, we consider the number of commodities (commodity weight) constant. This is incor-
rect, but there are problems with variable commodity weight. Our goal is to obtain accurate equa-
tions of the market state. We get:
ܸ ܸ
݀ߠ ൌ ݀ ݀.
ܰ݇ ܰ݇
Using the coordinates of a specific point, we get as follows:
ܸ ܸ
݀ߠ ൌ ݀ ݀
ܰ݇ ܰ݇
But the law of value is only the first part of this equation, i.e., the following formula:
݀ߠ ൌ ݀ .
݀means that the local law of value is constantly violated in all processes, except for the isobar-
ic process. But the sum of these violations is zero. So, the law of value is divided into the local law
of value and the global law of value.
This law of value is the universal law of conservation of matter and energy.
Let us write the equations of state in increments in the tangent space at a given point.
Industry I is a heat engine I.
Industry II is a heat engine II.
Simple production is a system of two connected heat engines. A process must also be defined.
In accordance with our loose calculation, the fundamental constant in the United States is:
ൌ 2.55
The minimum wage in the U.S. is ݒൌ 10 dollars per hour. The gold value is 50 dollars per gram.
Thuswise, the minimum wage is ݒൌ 0.2 grams of gold.
Abstract surplus value
The United States worker produces ൌ 2.55 grams of gold per labour value hour and receives
ݒൌ 0.2 grams of gold. Let us calculate the surplus value using Marx’s formula:
ൌ ݒ ݉ ֜ ݉ ൌ െ ݒൌ 2.55 െ 0.2 ൌ 2.32gramsofgold
It turns out that the surplus value is incredible high. And the worker receives an incredible slight
share of the value created by him:
ݒ 0.2
ൌ כ100% ൌ 7.8%
The average weekly wage in America is 881 dollars. The working week is 35 hours.
It follows that the average hourly wage is ݒൌ 25.2 dollars per hour. We have ݒൌ 0.5 grams of
݉ ൌ െ ݒൌ 2.55 െ 0.5 ൌ 2.05gramsofgold
ݒ 0.5
ൌ כ100% ൌ 19.6%
1. The real number of workers and the number of workers-molecules coincide with each other in the
large model (in the entire country’s model).
152 152
2. The real number of workers and the number of workers-molecules may not coincide with each
other in the model of an individual company.
Example. The simple labour-molecule is defined in the model of the entire country. We consider an
individual company, where
complicatedlabour ൌ 2simplelabour
one ൌ complexworker ൌ 2simpleworkers ൌ 2people
Conclusions. In the mathematical model of this company, there are twice as many workers-
molecules as the real number of workers.
Marx’s axioms of simple production
Parameters of the industry I (production of the means of production) are denoted by capital letters.
Parameters of the industry II (production of the means of consumption) are denoted by small letters.
The further exchange scheme can be as follows. Workers I buy machines. We get:
Marx’s theorem. For the functioning of simple production, the following equality must be ful-
filled: ˔ଶ ൌ ܸଵ ܯଵ
Exchange results
In- Capital Workers
constant variable surplus value They have machines for the
amount of
I ܥଵ - machines ܸଵ – money ܯଵ – food ܸଵ (food Workers I
products products)
II ˔ଶ – machines. ˔ଶ ൌ ܯଵ ܸଵ ݒଶ – money 0 0
The fundamental constant of value, the rate of profit and the constant of the organic composition of
capital are not included in Leontief model. From there, Leontief’s equations are not fundamental
equations of economics. There is a lack of logic in the economic process. Let us try to fix the weak
points of these equations using Marx’s work.
The sums are denoted with bold black letters. The notation of the sum of all matrix elements:
156 156
ൌ ܣൌ ܣ,
ୀଵ ୀଵ
Capital Constant capital in the form of ma- Variable Surplus value The workers
of chines and engines. Machines, en- capital in in the form of received
In- industri gines and materials (things) are newly the form thing money. Their
dustri es created of thing money is not
es machines engines materials capital
I ෪ଵ
ܭ ෪
ܥ11 ෪
ܥ12 ෪
ܥ13 ܸ෩ଵ ܯ෪ଵ ෪
II ෪ଶ
ܭ ෪
ܥ21 ෪
ܥ22 ෪
ܥ23 ෪ଶ
ܸ ܯ෪ଶ ෪
III ෪ଷ
ܭ ෪
ܥ31 ෪
ܥ32 ෪
ܥ33 ෪ଷ
ܸ ܯ෪ଷ ෪
Let us describe the variable capital and surplus value in the form of thing:
ܸ෩ଵ ෪
ܸ11 ෪
ܸ12 ෪
ܸ13 ෪ଵ
ܯ ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
ܸ෨ ൌ ቌ෪ ෪
ܸଶ ቍ ൌ ൭ܸ21 ෪
ܸ22 ܸ23 ෩ ൌ ቌܯ
෪ ൱ ;ܯ ෪ଶ ቍ ൌ ൭ܯ21
෫ ܯ22
෫ ܯ23
෫ ൱.
ܸଷ ෪
ܸ31 ෪
ܸ32 ෪
ܸ33 ෪ଷ
ܯ ෫ ෫ ෫
ܯ31 ܯ32 ܯ33
The industries have created new machines, engines and materials. The exchange of machines, en-
gines and materials begins.
The leading question. Is there an exchange, at which the technological matrix will be renewed?
Theorem. An exchange, at which the technological matrix will be renewed exists.
Quantitative accounting
Technological matrix Newly created machines, en-
gines and materials
ܥ11 ܥ12 ܥ12 ෪ ܥ12
ܥ11 ෪ ܥ13 ෪
൭ܥ21 ܥ22 ܥ23൱ ෪ ෪
൭ܥ21 ܥ22 ܥ23 ෪൱
ܥ31 ܥ32 ܥ32 ෪ ܥ32
ܥ31 ෪ ܥ33 ෪
We consider these matrices in terms of value, not quantity. The sums of values row- and column-
wise are the same for both matrices. Let us consider the difference between matrices:
ܥሚ െ ܥൌ ܼ
෪ ܥ12
ܥ11 ෪ ܥ13
෪ ܥ11 ܥ12 ܥ12 ܼ11 ܼ12 ܼ12
෪ ܥ22
൭ܥ21 ෪ ܥ23
෪ ൱ െ ൭ܥ21 ܥ22 ܥ23൱ ൌ ൭ܼ21 ܼ22 ܼ23൱ ൌ ܼ
෪ ܥ32
ܥ31 ෪ ܥ33
෪ ܥ31 ܥ32 ܥ32 ܼ31 ܼ32 ܼ32
Let us demonstrate the proof with a numerical example. The matrix ܼ is as follows:
It can be seen that 100 excess machines were produced by industry I. Industry II produced 150 few-
er machines than it needed. Industry III produced 50 excess machines. Consequently, the value can
be transferred from industries I and III to the industry II: 50 + 100 = 150 values. The value ex-
change was made. We only exchange machines for machines, not for engines or materials.
It means that we can apply the equivalence lemma, whereunder value exchange is equivalent to
quantitative exchange. From there, industry II receives enough machines to renew the technology
matrix. The same exchange between industries can be performed individually both for machines
and materials.
Results. The exchange between industries is made. The technological matrix ܥis renewed.
The exchange was equivalent. Nobody stood to gain from the exchange, as well as nobody got the
short end of the stick. The results are reviewed at the end of the exchange; provisional monetary
results are not summed up. And therefore, the exchange matrix is not to be symmetrical. Summing
up the monetary results at the end of the exchange simplifies the model.
The end of the production. The end of the year. Technological matrix is renewed.
Capital Constant capital in the form of thing. Variable Surplus val- The workers
of in- Machines, engines and materials are capital in ue in the receive mon-
Indus- dustrie newly created the form form of ma- ey. Their
tries s of ma- chines and money is not
Machines Engines Materials chines engines capital
I ෪
ܭ1 ܥ11 ܥ12 ܥ13 ܸ෩ଵ ෪ଵ
ܯ ෪
II ෪
ܭ2 ܥ21 ܥ22 ܥ23 ෪ଶ
ܸ ෪ଶ
ܯ ෪
ܭ3 ܥ31 ܥ32 ܥ33 ෪ଷ
ܸ ෪ଷ
ܯ ෪
ܭ ܥ11 ܥ12 ܥ13 ෪ ܸ12
ܸ11 ෪ ෪
ܸ13 ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
෫ 1
෪ଶ ቍ ൌ ቌ൭ܥ21
ቌܭ ܥ22 ෪ ܸ22
ܥ23൱ ൭ܸ21 ෪ ෪ ൱ ൭ܯ21
ܸ23 ෫ ܯ22
෫ ܯ23
෫ ൱ቍ ൭1൱
ܭ ܥ31 ܥ31 ܥ33 ෪ ෪
ܸ31 ܸ32 ෪
ܸ33 ෫ ܯ32
ܯ31 ෫ ܯ33
෫ 1
The beginning of the year. Hired workers. Purchase of labour in the labour market.
Indus- Capital Constant capital in the form Variable cap- Surplus value The workers re-
tries of indus- of food products ital in the in the form of ceived money.
tries Bread Meat Milk Wine form of food food products Workers and their
products money are not
IV ෪ଵ
݇ ෪
ܿ11 ෪
ܿ12 ෪
ܿ13 ෪
ܿ14 ݒ
෦ଵ ݉
෦ଵ ܞ
V ෪ଶ
݇ ෪
ܿ21 ෪
ܿ22 ෪
ܿ23 ෪
ܿ24 ݒ෦ଶ ݉
෦ଶ ܞ
In the consumption industry, the capitalists eat their surplus value. Workers buy food from the capi-
talists and eat it. The money is returned to the capitalists and becomes capital again.
The end of the year. Industries IV and V are the production of the means of consumption.
After consumption.
Indus- Capital Constant capital in the form of Variable capital in the Surplus There
tries of indus- food products form of money for the value are no
tries Bread Meat Milk Wine next production cycle workers
IV ݇ଵ ෪
ܿ11 ෪
ܿ12 ෪
ܿ13 ෪
ܿ14 ݒଵ 0 0
V ݇ଶ ෪
ܿ21 ෪
ܿ22 ෪
ܿ23 ෪
ܿ24 ݒଶ 0 0
Total ݇ ܿ෩ଵ ܿ෪ଶ ܿ෪ଷ ܿ෪ସ 0 0 0
The system of equations of state after consumption in two semi-equivalent forms: value and thing:
݇ଵ ෪ ܿ12
ܿ11 ෪ ܿ13෪ ܿ14෪ ݒଵ
ተ ൬ ൰ ൌ ൭൬ ൰൱ ቌ1ቍ ቀ ݒቁ
݇ଵ ෪ ܿ22
ܿ21 ෪ ܿ23෪ ܿ24෪ 1 ଶ
Bread ෪ ܿ21
ܿ11 ෪ 1
Meat ෪ ܿ22
ܿ12 ෪ 1 ෪ ܿ12
ܿ11 ෪ ܿ13෪ ܿ14 ෪
ተ൮ ൲ൌ൮ ൲ ቀ ቁ ~൭൬ ൰൱ ቌ1ቍ
Milk ෪ ෪
ܿ13 ܿ23 1 ෪ ෪
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23෪ ܿ24 ෪ 1
Beer ෪ ܿ24
ܿ14 ෪ 1
Variable capital is returned to the capitalists in the form of money, which has served its purpose in
the current production cycle. Therefore, we leave money out of account in the thing equation of the
The production cycle is completed when the capitalists of the production of the means of consump-
tion exchange constant capital in the form of food products for machines, engines, materials.
Industries I, II and III are production of the means of production. Consumption matrix.
The workers-molecules must have the same consumption and the same consumption pattern. The
capitalists-molecules must have the same consumption and the same consumption pattern. But the
consumption of the capitalists-molecules is distinct from the consumption of the workers-molecules
in the consumption pattern and the consumptionquantity.
At the moment, we do not tackle the issue of people’s equality. What is critically important for us is
to make production consistent with consumption. Let us assume that people’s consumption is dif-
ܭ ܥ11 ܥ12 ܥ13 1 ෪
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13
ܸ12 ෪ 1 ෫
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
ܯ12 ෫ 1
෪ଶ ቍ ൌ ൭ܥ21
ቌܭ ܥ22 ෪
ܥ23൱ ൭1൱ ൭ܸ21 ෪ ܸ23
ܸ22 ෪ ൱ ൭1൱ ൭ܯ21
෫ ෫ ܯ23
ܯ22 ෫ ൱ ൭1൱
ܭ ܥ31 ܥ32 ܥ33 1 ෪
ܸ31 ෪ ෪
ܸ32 ܸ33 1 ෫
ܯ31 ෫ ෫ 1
ܯ32 ܯ33
Lemma. For industries IV and V, the condition for the value equivalence equation of constant capi-
tal in machines and food products is as follows:
1 1
ܿ11 ܿ12 ܿ13 ෪ ܿ12
ܿ11 ෪ ܿ13
෪ ܿ14
ቀ ቁ ൭1൱ ൌ ൬ ൰ ቌ1ቍ
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23 ෪ ෪ ෪ ܿ24
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23 ෪ 1
1 1
Equations of state of simple production:
162 162
ܭ ෪ ܸ12
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13 ෪ ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13 ෫ 1
෪ ෪ ෪ ෪ ෫ ෫ ෫
ተ ቌܭଶ ቍ ൌ ቌ ܥ ൭ܸ21 ܸ22 ܸ23൱ ൭ܯ21 ܯ22 ܯ23൱ቍ ൭1൱
ܭ ෪ ܸ32
ܸ31 ෪ ܸ33 ෪ ෫ ܯ32
ܯ31 ෫ ܯ33 ෫ 1
ተ ൭ Engines ൱ ൌ
෪ ܸ12
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13
෪ ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
ተൌ ൮ሺ1 1 ෪ ܸ22
1ሻ ቌ ܥ ൭ܸ21 ෪ ܸ23
෪ ൱ ൭ܯ21
෫ ܯ22
෫ ܯ23
෫ ൱ቍ൲
෪ ܸ32
ܸ31 ෪ ܸ33
෪ ෫ ܯ32
ܯ31 ෫ ܯ33
݇ଵ ෪
ܿ11 ෪ ܿ13
ܿ12 ෪ ܿ14෪ ݒଵ
ተ ൬݇ଵ ൰ ൌ ൭൬ܿ21 ൰൱ ቌ1ቍ ቀ ݒቁ
෪ ෪ ܿ23
ܿ22 ෪ ܿ24෪ 1 ଶ
ተ Bread ෪ ܿ21
ܿ11 ෪
Meat ෪ ෪ 1
൮ ൲ ൌ ൮ܿ12 ܿ22൲ ቀ ቁ
Milk ෪ ෪
ܿ13 ܿ23 1
ተ Beer ෪ ܿ24෪
1 1
ተ ቀܿ11 ܿ12 ܿ13ቁ ൭1൱ ൌ ൬ܿ11෪ ܿ12෪ ܿ13 ෪ ܿ14 ෪
൰ ቌ1ቍ
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23 ෪ ܿ22
ܿ21 ෪ ܿ23 ෪ ܿ24 ෪ 1
1 1
Theorem. The following system of equations is to be fulfilled for the operation of simple reproduc-
෪ ܸ12
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13
෪ ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
ܿ11 ܿ12 ܿ13 ෪ ܸ22
෪ ܸ23
෪ ൱ ൭ܯ21
෫ ܯ22
෫ ܯ23
෫ ൱ቍ
ሺ1 1ሻ ቀ ቁ ൌ ሺ1 1 1ሻ ቌ൭ܸ21
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23
෪ ܸ32
ܸ31 ෪ ܸ33
෪ ෫ ܯ32
ܯ31 ෫ ܯ33
ܿ11 ෪
ܿ21 ෪ ܤ21
ܤ11 ෪ ܤ31
෪ ෫
ܹ11 ෫
ܹ21 ෫
෪ ෪ 1 ۇ෪ ෪ ෪ ෫ ෫ ෫ ۊ1
൮ܿ12 ܿ22 ൲ ቀ ቁ ൌ ۈ൮ܤ12 ܤ22 ܤ32൲ ൮ܹ12 ܹ22 ܹ32 ൲ ൭ ൱
ܿ13 ෪
ܿ23 1 ෪ ෪ ෪
ܤ13 ܤ23 ܤ33 ෫
ܹ13 ෫
ܹ23 ෫ ۋ1
ܹ33 1
ܿ14 ෪
ܿ24 ෪ ܤ24
ܤ14 ෪
෪ ܤ34 ෫
ܹ14 ෫
ܹ24 ෫
ۉ ی
1 1
ܿ11 ܿ12 ܿ13 ෪ ܿ12
ܿ11 ෪ ܿ13
෪ ܿ14
ቀ ቁ ൭1൱ ൌ ൬ ൰ ቌ1ቍ
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23 ෪ ෪ ෪ ܿ24
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23 ෪ 1
1 1
෪ ܸ12
෪ ෪ ෫ ܹ12
ܹ11 ෫ ܹ13
෫ ܹ14
෫ 1
ܸ11 ܸ13 1
෪ ෪ ෫ ܹ22
෪ ൱ ൭1൱ ൌ ቌܹ21 ෫ ܹ23 1
൭ܸ21 ܸ22 ܸ23 ෫ቍ ൮ ൲
෫ ܹ24
෪ ܸ32
ܸ31 ෪ ෪
ܸ33 1 ෫ ܹ32
ܹ31 ෫ ܹ33
෫ ܹ34
෫ 1
෫ ܯ12
෫ ܯ13
෫ 1 ෪ ܤ12
ܤ11 ෪ ෪ ܤ14
෪ 1
ܯ11 ܤ13
෫ ܯ22
෫ ܯ23 ෪ ܤ22
෫ ൱ ൭1൱ ൌ ቌܤ21 ෪ 1
൭ܯ21 ෪ ቍ൮ ൲
෪ ܤ24
ܤ23 1
෫ ෫ ෫
ܯ31 ܯ32 ܯ33 1 ෪ ܤ32
ܤ31 ෪ ෪ ܤ34
ܤ33 ෪ 1
The 1st equation is a condition for the thing renewal of the technological matrix for industries IV
and V:
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13
ܸ12 ෪ ෫ ܯ12
ܯ11 ෫ ܯ13
ܿ11 ܿ12 ܿ13 ෪ ෪ ෪ ෫ ෫ ෫ ൱ቍ
ሺ1 1ሻ ቀ ቁ ൌ ሺ1 1 1ሻ ቌ൭ܸ21
ܸ22 ܸ23൱ ൭ܯ21 ܯ22 ܯ23
ܿ21 ܿ22 ܿ23
ܸ31 ෪ ܸ33
ܸ32 ෪ ෫ ܯ32
ܯ31 ෫ ܯ33
In this equation, industries I, II and III sell their variable capital and surplus value to industries IV
and V.
Lemma. The technological matrix of industries IV and V will be renewed.
Proof. The first columns of the equation describe the sale of machines. We obtain:
ܿ11 ෪ ൱
ሺ1 1ሻ ቀ ቁ ൌ ሺ1 1 1ሻ ൭ܸ21
ተ ܿ21
෪ ܸ21
˔11 ˔21 ൌ ܸ11 ෪ ܸ31
෪ ܸ21
Industries I, II and III supplied the required total number of machines : ܸ11 ෪ ܸ31෪.
Industries IV and V divided the total value in the ratio of ˔11: ܿ21. The same goes for engines and
Results. The technological matrix of industries IV and V has been renewed in the form of thing.
The 2nd equation is the sale of constant capital in the form of food products to industries I, II and III:
ܿ11 ෪
ܿ21 ෪ ܤ21
ܤ11 ෪ ܤ31
෪ ෫
ܹ11 ෫
ܹ21 ෫
෪ ෪ 1 ۇ෪ ෪ ෪ ෫ ෫ ෫ ۊ1
൮ܿ12 ܿ22൲ ቀ ቁ ൌ ۈ൮ܤ12 ܤ22 ܤ32൲ ൮ܹ12 ܹ22 ܹ32 ൲ ൭ ൱
ܿ13 ෪
ܿ23 1 ෪ ෪ ෪
ܤ13 ܤ23 ܤ33 ෫
ܹ13 ෫
ܹ23 ෫ ۋ1
ܹ33 1
ܿ14 ෪
ܿ24 ෪ ܤ24
ܤ14 ෪
෪ ܤ34 ෫
ܹ14 ෫
ܹ24 ෫
ۉ ی
We sold actual bread. The same goes for meat, milk and beer.
Conclusion. The sale is real.
Lemma. The exchange of machines, engines and materials for food products is an equivalent value
Proof. Let us consider the 1st line of the equation:
෪ ܸ12
෪ ܸ13
෪ ෫ ܹ12
ܹ11 ෫ ܹ13
෫ ܹ14
෫ 1
ܸ11 1
෪ ܸ22
෪ ܸ23 ෫ ܹ22
෪ ൱ ൭1൱ ൌ ቌܹ21 ෫ ܹ23 1
൭ܸ21 ෫ቍ ൮ ൲
෫ ܹ24
෪ ܸ32
ܸ31 ෪ ܸ33
෪ 1 ෫ ܹ32
ܹ31 ෫ ܹ33
෫ ܹ34
෫ 1
We obtain:
164 164
ተሺܸ11 ܸ12 ෫ ܹ21
෪ ሻ ቆ1ቇ ൌ ሺܹ11
෪ ܸ13 ෫ ෫ ܹ14
ܹ13 ෫ ሻ ቌ1ቍ
ተ 1
෪ ܸ12
ܸ11 ෪ ܸ13
෪ ൌ ܹ11
෫ ܹ12 ෫ ܹ13 ෫ ܹ14
The industry I exchanged its machines for food products. This exchange was equivalent
since the industry I received the same variable capital that it had. At this point, the variable capital
is in the form of food products, which can be sold to the workers. The same goes for industries II,
III and for the exchange of surplus value for food products.
On the left, there are machines bought by industry IV, on the right – food products sold by
industry IV. Equality means that the exchange was equivalent. The same goes for industry V.
In Marx’s scheme, the constant capital of industries IV and V is exchanged for variable capi-
tal and the surplus value of industries I, II and III. This scheme remains the same if there are several
industries. However, we need to add the conditions for the thing exchange and the technological
matrix reproduction. Why is everything complicated?
Let the industry I exchange its machines, engines and materials for food products.
The exchange matrix for industry I is as follows:
Marx obtained all the necessary formulas and studied the logic of processes.
§ 13.6. Marx’s scheme of simple reproduction adjusted for the number of workers
Lemma. Fundamental constant of value is equal to the new value created by the worker in 1 la-
bour hour.
An approximate calculation of the fundamentally constant for the U.S. is performed. We obtain:
ൌ 2.55
Let us assume that the gold price is 50 dollars per gram. Let the average labour price in the U.S. be:
dollars gramofgold
ݒൌ 20 ൌ 0.4
labourhour labourhour
Lemma. The surplus value produced by an American worker in 1 labour hour is calculated using
Marx’s formula:
ൌ ݉ ݉ ֜ ݒൌ െ ݒൌ 2.55 െ 0.4 ൌ 2.15
From there, the average American produces 4,539 kg of gold per year and receives 0.712 kg of
Let us introduce the number of workers into the scheme of simple production.
Industries I, II and III are production of means of production. The end of the year.
All values and prices are in grams of gold.
In- Cap Constant capital in the form of Variable Surplus value in a Numbe The work-
dust ital thing. Machines, engines and ma- capital form of thing r of ers receive
ries of terials are newly created in a worker money.
in- form of s Their mon-
dust Machines Engines Materi- thing ey is not
ries als capital
I ܭ෪ଵ ෪
ܥ11 ෪
ܥ12 ෪
ܥ13 ܸ෩ଵ ෪ଵ ൌ ሺ െ ߠሻܰଵ ݀
ܯ ܰଵ ෪ ൌ ࡺ ࢊ
II ෪ଶ
ܭ ෪
ܥ21 ෪
ܥ22 ෪
ܥ23 ෪
ܸଶ ෪ଶ ൌ ሺ െ ߠሻܰଶ ݀
ܯ ܰଶ ෪ ൌ ࡺ ࢊ
III ෪ଷ
ܭ ෪
ܥ31 ෪
ܥ32 ෪
ܥ33 ෪
ܸଷ ෪ଷ ൌ ሺ െ ߠሻܰଷ ݀
ܯ ܰଷ ෪ ൌ ࡺ ࢊ
Production process
Step 1. Purchase of labour-power. Workers sell their commodities (their labour-power), but they do
not get money. The workers advance the capitalists. Variable capital changes its shape. Variable
capital takes the form of living people, living workers.
Step 2. Production. Variable capital takes the form of living people, living workers.
Depreciation. Old machines disappear and the old technology matrix is gone. Workers create new
machines. New constant capital, new variable capital, and new surplus value have the thing form.
They exist in the form of new machines, engines, and materials. The workers transfer the old value
of constant capital to the new constant capital. The value of constant capital is not created, but
transferred. Workers create new value: variable capital and surplus value.
Step 3. There is exchange of old constant capital for new constant capital. Industries I, II, III ex-
change elements of constant capital among themselves. Exchange is equivalent. Nobody wins, no-
body loses. Technological matrix is resumed.
168 168
Step 4. Payment of money to workers for the commodity (labour power). The technological matrix
is resumed. The workers get money.
Step 1. Purchase of labour-power. Workers sell their commodities (their labour-power), but they do
not get money. The workers advance the capitalists. Variable capital changes its shape. Variable
capital takes the form of living people, living workers.
Step 2. Production. Variable capital takes the form of living people, living workers.
Depreciation. Old machines disappear and the old technology matrix is gone. Workers create con-
sumer products.
New constant capital, variable capital, and surplus value are in the form of food products. The
workers do not create the value of the new constant capital. They transfer the value of new constant
capital from machines, engines, materials to constant capital in the form of food products. Workers
create new value: new variable capital and surplus value.
Step 3. Consumption. The capitalists eat their surplus value. Workers get money for a commodity
(labour-power). This money is not capital in the hands of the workers, because the workers ex-
change money for food products. Workers eat food, and money returns to the capitalists and turns
into variable capital again.
IndustriesI, II, III are production of means of production. Variable capital and surplus value exist in
the form of machines, engines, and materials.
IndustriesIV and V are production of consumer products. The constant capital exists in the form of
food products. There is no more variable capital in this production cycle. The variable capital exists
in the money form, but it is intended for the next cycle of production, which is the last for it.
§ 13.8. List of authors’ books: Book I, Book II, Book III, Book IV, Book V
The authors have four more books written. Here are their summaries.
1. Book I: Marx’s capital is political economic thermodynamics. The law of value is the ideal gas
law (Originally: Ʉɚɩɢɬɚɥ Ɇɚɪɤɫɚ ɷɬɨ ɩɨɥɢɬɷɤɨɧɨɦɢɱɟɫɤɚɹ ɬɟɪɦɨɞɢɧɚɦɢɤɚ. Ɂɚɤɨɧ ɫɬɨɢɦɨɫɬɢ
ɷɬɨ ɭɪɚɜɧɟɧɢɟ Ɇɟɧɞɟɥɟɟɜɚ-Ʉɥɚɣɩɟɪɨɧɚ).
3. Book III: The political economic world of Marx-Engels (Originally: ɉɨɥɢɬɷɤɨɧɨɦɢɱɟɫɤɢɣ ɦɢɪ
4. Book IV: Lenin completely built the political economy of both communism and socialism (Orig-
inally: Ʌɟɧɢɧ ɩɨɥɧɨɫɬɶɸ ɩɨɫɬɪɨɢɥ ɩɨɥɢɬɷɤɨɧɨɦɢɸ ɢ ɤɨɦɦɭɧɢɡɦɚ, ɢ ɫɨɰɢɚɥɢɡɦɚ).
5. Book V: Marx’s theory of the universal man or every child is a genius (Originally: Ɍɟɨɪɢɹ ɭɧɢ-
ɜɟɪɫɚɥɶɧɨɝɨ ɱɟɥɨɜɟɤɚ Ɇɚɪɤɫɚ ɢɥɢ ɤɚɠɞɵɣ ɪɟɛɟɧɨɤ ɝɟɧɢɣ).
Chapter XIV. The contents of the author’s book II: “MATHEMATIZED HEGEL’S DIA-
The task of “creating dialectics” was set by Lenin. It was necessary to formalize Hegel’s dialectical
logic and turn it into mathematical logic or into an analogue of mathematical logic. The authors
have completed the preparatory stage of this great task.
a) The authors introduced abstract dialectical pairs: A–B, D–F, and introduced operations of multi-
plication of dialectical pairs.
b) The authors stated all the laws of philosophy for an abstract dialectical pair.
c) The authors created the science of DEVELOPMENT in the book “Mathematized Hegel’s dialec-
The principle of DEVELOPMENT is not only the principle of continuity. This is a whole science
dual to Hegel’s “Science of Logic”, which means that it must contain as many theorems as Hegel’s
“Science of Logic”.
Mathematics is divided into the science of Logic and the Science of Mathematical Analysis. Logic
studies the discrete world, and Mathematical Analysis studies the continuous world. However, the
World is one and only, and there is the law of the UNITY of the WORLD. Therefore, the discrete
world and the continuous world are sides of the same World.
Philosophy is also divided into the Science of Logic and the science of DEVELOPMENT. Hence,
the science of DEVELOPMENT is a mathematical analysis of philosophy, and we need to draw
graphs of the theorems of philosophy in the science of DEVELOPMENT. But no one did it. So,
there is no science of development yet.
In the science of DEVELOPMENT in the book “Mathematized Hegel’s dialectics” the au-
thors’ drawings are as follows:
2. All drawings have rough edges that mean catastrophe. They have great resemblance to the draw-
ings of the creators of Catastrophe Theory, mathematicians Vladimir Arnold and Rene Thom. Why?
It is so according to Lenin’s theory “Dialectics is the science of catastrophe”.
To be more precise, the authors laid the foundation for the science of DEVELOPMENT.
The authors paved the way for the COMPLETE MATHEMATIZATION OF HEGEL’S DIALEC-
TICS. It is necessary to create an alphabet, language, inference rules, and also to introduce addi-
tional algebraic operations on dialectical pairs. The authors have partially completed this work.
before Darwin. According to Hegel, categories and laws are living beings. They are born, bloom
and die.
How to explain the greatness of Hegel? Hegel considered ink categories to be living beings when
stupid humanity considered living nature to be dead and not evolving. So, Hegel is an EVOLU-
TIONIST. And he created the theory of LOGICAL EVOLUTION long before Darwin!
Hegel’s doctrine is the doctrine of the dead and living water of humanity. If dead humanity drinks
the living water of dialectics, it will come to life. And then the universal humanity-hero will be
Question. Is it true that Hegel pointed out the laws of the birth of ancient Spaniards’ words?
No, it is not true. Why?
There is the theorem of the great Engels. The laws of political economy are statistical. It means:
1. A specific phenomenon could be random. It may not obey general laws.
2. But the more statistics, the stronger the general laws are.
What did Hegel discover? Hegel discovered a general (logical!) scheme for the origin of speech of
all ancient peoples. Hegel is neither a historian nor a linguist. Hegel is a LOGICIAN! Marx, Engels,
Lenin are also the greatest LOGICIANS. They are actually mathematicians.
Hegel discovered not only logical evolution, but he also discovered all the laws of logical evolution.
And this means that Hegel discovered EVERYTHING! He discovered all the general laws of all
When we independently discovered the evolution of categories, we became proud. Each of us
thought: “Are we close to Hegel now?”. But the leader of the dialecticians hit us on the heads with a
magic hammer.
According to Hegel: “Philosophy does not study categories. It studies the evolution of IDEAS!”
And we became small as microbes and looked up in amazement at the cosmic figure of the leader of
mankind. We were proud of what Hegel, it turned out, did not do.
Hegel worked with much more complex tasks – the evolution of IDEAS. And it means that the level
of abstractness of Hegel’s thinking is much greater than ours. And we again began to crawl along
the leader’s legs on his shoulders.
It means that the creator of the new science “CATASTROPH THEORY” is Hegel, and neither
mathematician Arnold nor mathematician Tom. Hegel is the first scientist on the planet with CAT-
Today, catastrophic processes are taking place on the planet. The time has come for Hegel’s dialec-
tic; the magical hour of the SECOND COMING OF THE LEADER OF MANKIND has come. Our
Thor returned with the second coming, as he promised to return in Germanic myths.
The universe was born instantly with a big bang. Life on the planet was born by a biological ther-
monuclear explosion. Huge planets, that swallowed by a black hole, died instantly.
The great USSR also died instantly. According to the theory of catastrophes, there is a great mys-
tery in the death of the USSR.
Theorem. Socialism died of old age. The death of the great USSR means that socialism is outdated,
and the epoch of socialist revolutions has passed into history.
The new epoch is the epoch of pure communism and pure communist revolutions. History has
reached the finish line of mankind.
Socialism was only a GHOST of communism, and now real communism is going to come. This is
the secret of the catastrophe of socialism.
Dumb and greedy humanity has started the process of global warming. And not many people under-
stand that global warming is a DEATH MACHINE. And it is picking up speed.
Humanity will die instantly. The temperature rises a little every year. But according to Hegel’s the-
ory of CATASTROPHE, there will come a time when the temperature of the planet will rise in a
single stroke. And on that day, all the people of the planet will understand that it is the end of hu-
manity and we need to prepare its funeral. Humanity has no time anymore.
It is necessary to kill not people, but it is necessary to kill DARK IDEAS of elitism: the idea of
riches, the idea of gluttony, the idea of commanding.
This is the secret of human history.
DARK IDEAS must be KILLED in OURSELVES, as the Great Che Guevara did it! Che Guevara
was a minister, and on weekends he worked as a loader. Command of the leader: “Kill the dark ide-
as in yourself”
Image translation: But it was necessary to touch briefly here once more on some of its features, be-
cause in Germany particularly the superstitious belief in the state has passed from philosophy into
the general consciousness of the bourgeoisie and even of many workers.
According to Marx, Engels and Lenin, communism can be built quickly. So, the state is no longer
Image translation: “The state, then, has not existed from all eternity. There have been societies that
did without it, that had no idea of the state and state power. At a certain stage of economic devel-
opment, which was necessarily bound up with the split of society into classes, the state became a
necessity owing to this split. We are now rapidly approaching a stage in the development of produc-
tion at which the existence of these classes not only will have ceased to be a necessity, but will be-
come a positive hindrance to production. They will fall as they arose at an earlier stage. Along with
them the state will inevitably fall. Society, which will reorganize production on the basis of a free
and equal association of the producers, will put the whole machinery of state where it will then be-
long: into a museum of antiquities, by the side of the spinning-wheel and the bronze axe.”
The blame is on the left-wing intelligentsia. Hegel’s dialectics has been ready for 200 years. And
the left-wing intelligentsia does not understand a single word of Hegel. Left-wing intellectuals are
primitive fetishists.
The most general definition of a communist (not socialist) revolution from Hegel
Theorem. The communist revolution is a dialectical revolution.
According to Hegel’s idealism, the communist revolution is an IDEAL revolution, it is an uprising
of an IDEA.
The communist revolution is the uprising of the living against the dead. The purpose of the uprising
is to revive the dead, to revive the dead humanity.
§ 14.5. Hegel predicted the birth of the USSR with the doctrine of LOGICAL MONARCHY
Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin are LOGICIANS, i.e., MATHEMATICIANS. Humanitarians do not
understand their works.
All Hegel’s categories mean ABSOLUTELY NOT what is ACCEPTED in society.
For Hegel, FREEDOM is not that freedom, RELIGION is not that religion, NATIONALITY is not
that nationality, FAMILY is not that family, MONARCH is not that monarch that in history, He-
gel’s MONARCHY is not a historical monarchy.
All categories of Hegel are only LOGICAL!
Hegel predicted the coming of the Great Socialist State and Stalin with his doctrine of LOGICAL
The word MONARCHY means LOGICAL MONARCHY, and the category THE HIGHEST means
the highest in logic! “The highest” does not mean “the best” according to Hegel!
Hegel had nothing to do with historical monarchy. There was no Hegel historian. But in the history
of mankind there was only one LOGICAL MONARCHY with 100% MONOCRACY. And this
was the Great Stalinist State.
Hegel and Lenin created the THEORY OF PERSONIFICATION.
180 180
Hegel’s theory of personification is the doctrine of the MONARCHY. Hegel is a Logician. He does
not study historical monarchies.
Lenin’s theory of personification.
Lenin’s theorem. The will of a class can be expressed in the will of ONE PERSON, i.e., one person
can be the personification of pure communism.
Definition. PERSONIFICATION is the representation of SOCIAL ORDER by one person or one
The theory of personification:
Hitler is the personification of CAPITAL. Hitler is the terrible power of CAPITAL embodied in one
person. Hitler (fascism) is the essence of the beast CAPITAL.
But CAPITAL is not people, and not oligarchs. The oligarchs are the great priests of the dark God
Stalin is the personification of the socialist state.
Lenin is the personification of the Commune – the global community.
Hegel is the personification of the DIALECTICAL SOCIETY. But there is only one dialectical so-
ciety – pure communism.
The Mother Goddess is the personification of the primitive Commune. And therefore, her image can
be used for the theory of the scientific GLOBAL Commune.
Stalinists at rallies shout: “Stalin! Stalin!”. The faith in Stalin is not faith in a particular man; it is
faith in the pyramid of power, and in the power of the state.
The great Stalinist state is the largest pyramid of power in the history of mankind.
The state is an organized force of millions. It is power, it is strength.
Is the theory of personification correct?
Stalin embodied both the best features of the socialist state and the worst properties of the state.
Is Hitler exception or regularity according to the theory of personification?
Hitler (fascism) is the essence of the Beast CAPITAL. And democracy is just a tailcoat of the beast.
But once again: the CAPITAL is neither people, nor capitalists.
The West should not brag about its democracy. It was the Russians who taught not to shoot the
§ 14.6. Hegel predicted the coming of Stalin with the doctrine of LOGICAL MONARCHY
Why does Hegel write so much about the MONARCH? Hegel writes about the logical monarch,
i.e., Stalin. Hegel develops his theory of PERSONIFICATION.
In the book, we have shown that Hegel predicts the coming of Stalin and the Great Stalinist state.
We have written out the Hegel’s epithets of the LOGICAL MONARCH and the logical monarchy
and compared them with the epithets of the Stalinists. They are identical.
Most importantly, we have shown how Hegel PROVES the future coming of the great socialist state
and the coming of Stalin.
§ 14.7. Hegel predicted the death of the USSR, as a METAPHYSICAL, non-dialectical system
The great Hegel criticized the LOGICAL MONARCHY. He also predicted the future death of the
Great Stalinist state after fulfilling its historical role.
It is very easy to show that. For Hegel, the STATE category is in the METAPHYSICS section. And
as we know, metaphysics will perish and dialectics should be born instead. There is no dialectic un-
der socialism. The socialist state is a MACHINE that makes the same monotonous movements.
It was possible to save the USSR, but only with the help of Hegel’s DIALECTICS as the doctrine
of a VARIABLE WORLD. But no one knows Hegel’s dialectics. No one after Lenin was able to lift
the logical hammer of the new Thor.
§ 14.8. Hegel’s dialectics is the doctrine of the VARIABLE, i.e., the LIVING, i.e., the DIA-
Hegel divided philosophy into METAPHYSICS and DIALECTICS.
The authors used the methodology of the collective of mathematicians “Nikolas Bourbaki” when
working on the mathematization of Hegel’s dialectics.
We modeled the categories of philosophy with the help of set theory. The set-theoretic description
of categories and laws (IDEAS) made it possible to give mathematical clarity to the theorems of
Hegel’s theorem. Hegel’s dialectics is the science of the VARIABLE WORLD, i.e., the LIVING
Consequence. All Hegel’s dialectical categories are VARIABLE, i.e., LIVING, i.e., dialectical, i.e.,
constantly evolving.
Hegel’s dialectical categories: FAMILY, NATIONALITY, RELIGION are VARIABLE categories.
And they have nothing to do with the biological family, biological nationality, and traditional reli-
Lenin: “Philosophical categories are the most GENERAL, the broadest categories”.
Hegel gives each of his categories and each of his laws the MOST GENERAL, the most abstract
definition. It is impossible to make better than Hegel. It means that Hegel has the biggest brain in
the world.
182 182
There is an example of the leader of mankind’s method of work.
There is a definition of the “religion” category according to Hegel’s method.
Definition. RELIGION is a FAITH in the IDEAL.
Metaphysical religion is the world religion. Dialectical religion is the communist religion.The faith
of scientists in science, its power, and in the power of human knowledge is also a dialectical reli-
So, the thing is that Hegel gave to all his categories the most abstract definition. And there are hun-
dreds of categories. Do you realize the cosmic dimensions of Hegel’s brain? Hegel is literally the
new THOR with a huge LOGICAL HAMMER.
How did Hegel develop the theory of the VARIABLE, i.e., the LIVING WORLD, i.e., the DIA-
He took the permanent, dead, METAPHYSICAL category of capitalism and declared it LIVING.
he revived the dead.
There were scientists, cleaners, plumbers under socialism. In order to pay wages, people need to
COMPARE the LABOUR of people with each other. This comparison is made by the market under
early capitalism. And under socialism, comparison of the results of the LABOUR is made by the
socialist state with the help of the bourgeois PRINCIPLE “PAYMENT according to LABOUR”
In order to compare the results of the LABOUR of different people, people need to MEASURE the
LABOUR of all people. Parasites are needed: norm setters, foremen, rectors, deans, and the entire
184 184
The LABOUR is getting more difficult. The number of norm setters is constantly growing. And it is
the moment when the PARASITIC LABOUR of measuring LABOUR has equaled REAL LA-
There is only one solution. We need to destroy the parasitic LABOUR of measuring LABOUR. It
means that we need to stop measuring LABOUR. And then we will be rich, as all parasites, norm
setters and foremen will go to real work.
What is wrong with the bourgeois PRINCIPLE “PAYMENT according to LABOUR” (wages)?
This principle generates the RIGID DIVISION OF LABOUR. And the permanent division of LA-
BOUR is the main SETBACK of humanity. As soon as we fulfill the will of Lenin and destroy
wages, the VARIABLE Hegel’s DIVISION OF LABOUR will be immediately born.
It is impossible to have a variable division of LABOUR under socialism, as the socialist state is a
MACHINE for a permanent division of LABOUR.
Hegel is the LEADER of MANKIND
Lenin would not be a leader without Hegel, Marx and Engels.
Why has STUPID HUMANITY not been able to STUDY HEGEL’S THEORY for 200 years?
It is not about the difficulty of the theory. The thing is that capitalism is a dead world with dead
people in political economy. But people do not know this. They think they are living. The dead get
used to the dead world. And the dead world seems to them a good real world.
The dead are unable to understand the living world of Hegel’s dialectics and the living world of
communism. A dead man is okay being a dead man.
They consider the living world of dialectics and communism to be an abnormal and hostile world.
And the dead will fight against the LIVING WORLD of the dialectic of communism. The dead will
fight to die, to make our dying planet disappear, as the state of dying is a blissful narcotic state.
AND THE DEAD THINK they are living and they are fighting to keep the planet living!
CONCLUSION. “ONLY YOUTH CAN UNDERSTAND” Hegel’s dialectics and the theory of the
living world of communism (as Lenin said). The brains of young people are not in the form of the
Egyptian pyramid of power yet. They can still be revived if they drink the living water of Hegel’s
The communist revolution is a BATTLE between the LIVING and the DEAD (in political econo-
The living fight to revive the dead. The slogan of communism is: “If YOU are ALIVE, REVIVE
YOUR COMRADE”. It is difficult for the FIRST to come to life. The first living man will revive
the others. Live the DEAD! Come to life! Russian legends about living water are true.
§ 14.9. It is IMPOSSIBLE to study Hegel’s dialectics WITHOUT TRIAD INDICES of the au-
What did the authors do to facilitate the study of Hegel’s works? The authors introduced TRIAD
INDICES to all categories of Hegel. There is triad indices work on the example of the “RELI-
GION” category.
Hegel’s DIALECTICAL WORLD does not exist yet, because only PURE COMMUNISM can be a
dialectical, i.e., VARIABLE world.
Consequence. There are no DIALECTICAL categories of Hegel yet. They are NOT BORN!
There are no Hegel’s dialectical categories: dialectical freedom, dialectical necessity, dialectical
religion, dialectical DIVISION OF LABOUR, dialectical classes, dialectical CONTROL THEORY,
dialectical political economic nationality, dialectical LEADERS, dialectical new tribes, dialectical
PRIVATE PROPERTY, dialectical (variable) MATRIARCHY! They are NOT BORN!
According to Hegel, we are still in the METAPHYSICAL WORLD, where EVERYTHING is
Our categories are: metaphysical freedom, metaphysical religion, metaphysical (permanent) DIVI-
SION of LABOUR, metaphysical (permanent) classes, metaphysical CONTROL THEORY, meta-
physical political economic nationality, metaphysical LEADERS, metaphysical (permanent) PRI-
VATE PROPERTY, metaphysical (permanent) PATRIARCHY. All these categories are dead. We
are dead, but we think we are alive. We are in the matrix of CAPITAL. We do not live. We do not
know what a free life is.
186 186
HEGEL’S DIALECTICS is the book of the FUTURE! The book of the future has already been
written by the Great Hegel!
There is no DIALECTICS of PEOPLE under capitalism and socialism.
Question. Under capitalism, the market changes and new electronics are created every day. It turns
out that there is the dialectics. But this is the DIALECTICS of MONEY and the METAPHYSICS
of PEOPLE. Under capitalism and socialism, a human is an ETERNAL SLAVE or an eternal sub-
ordinate. So, there is no dialectics of people under capitalism and socialism.
CONSEQUENCE. Hegel’s dialectics is the theory of PURE COMMUNISM.
So the dialectical revolution and the communist (not socialist) revolution are synonymous.
All Hegel’s books with collection of hundreds of Hegel’s dialectical categories are the BIBLE of
the new FUTURE WORLD. Hegel has nothing to do with the past. He is a PROPHET of the FU-
Metaphysics Dialectics
Newtonian mechanics Poincare and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
The law of the metaphysical pair. The law of the dialectical pair. Theory of transitions.
Spacem and Timem are dead categories Spaced and Timed are living categories
in comparison with the categories of the in comparison with the categories of Newtonian me-
theory of relativity. chanics.
Timed is spaced
Spacem is spacem Physicists should properly describe this definition.
Timed is the totality of all directed changes in spaced.
Spacem is not timem. Transition: spacedo timed
Spaced is timed
Timem is timem.
Physicists should properly describe this definition.
Timem is not spacem Transition: timed o spaced
The outstanding French scientist Henri Poincare played a decisive role in the creation of the theory
of relativity. In general relativity, Hilbert (not Einstein) created the cosmological equation. Given
the great contribution of Einstein, it is fair to call this equation the Hilbert-Einstein equation.
Are the categories of the theory of relativity dialectical?
Hegel’s principle of relativity. The categories are dialectical only in relation to Newtonian mechan-
ics. And their role is unknown in relation to other sciences.
Consequence. Bohr’s correspondence principle, Dirac equation and all other laws of correspond-
ence in all sciences that have already been discovered or will be discovered are consequences of
Hegel’s law of correspondence.
Physicists boast that they have discovered two or three laws of correspondence. But they do not
know that Hegel discovered all of them.
Metaphysics Dialectics
Capitalism and socialism are metaphysical, Communism is a dialectical, living world.
dead worlds.
Permanent, dead categories. Constants. Living, ever-changing categories. Functions. Variable
Permanent division of LABOUR Variable division of LABOUR.
Permanent classes “ALLEGEDLY” variable classes. “ALLEGEDLY”
category from Lenin.
Permanent control Variable control.
Permanent private property “ALLEGEDLY” variable private property
There are no tribes Variable tribes. “ALLEGEDLY” throwback to the
tribes. The tribes will be dialectical, i.e., temporary.
Permanent nationality Variable political economic nationality.
Definition. The political economic nationality is a
nationality by education.
Permanent family Variable political economic family. The spirit of the
Permanent patriarchy Variable, dialectical matriarchy.
Permanent sectors. Permanent dominance Variable, dialectical pair: sector-territory with transi-
of the sector in the economy tions sector l territory.
Hegel-Marx theorem. METAPHYSICS will die out in the course of the dialectical revolution, be-
sides, the metaphysical family, the metaphysical division of LABOUR, metaphysical control, meta-
physical classes will also die out. The world of the dead will disappear.
Important. Dying out means dying out in political economy, not biology!
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Thus, DIALECTICS will be born. The dead will come to life. The dialectical nationality, dialectical
family, dialectical, living classes, and dialectical control will be born.
The Global Commune is not a machine, but a LIVING BEING, like the biosphere of people. Every
day something old will die and something new will be born in the Commune.
§ 14.11. Hegel formed the theory of pure communism with the help of his famous TRIADS
The communist (not socialist) revolution is the world-historic defeat of the old people.
The theory of communism.
Hegel’s triad Territory – Sector – Dialectical territory means that under communism there will be a
principally territorial control system, but with transitions:
We have supplemented the list of Hegel’s TRIADS with our own triads. Read it in Book II.
Hegel’s axiom. The communist REVOLUTION is the UPRISING of the IDEA!
The rise of a NEW IDEA over the rotting living planet of human and animals.
The uprising of the IDEAS of BROTHERING.
The uprising of MIND, not POWER.
The uprising of the BRAIN, not ARMS.
The uprising of KNOWLEDGE.
The dialectical (communist) revolution is the IDEAL REVOLUTION! The uprising, as the second
socialist revolution will lead the planet to death.
Therefore, the communist revolution must be as the Hegelian revolution, as the IDEAL REVOLU-
TION, as the uprising of a NEW IDEA.
It is not October 1917. There are millions of the smartest scientific youth on the planet.
Theory of inversion
What rotates under
capitalism? socialism? communism?
Money (capital) Commands IDEAS
Living money seizes Living commands seize A LIVING IDEA gets into dead person, revives
dead people and dead people and lead him and leads him to build communism.
leads them to build them to build capitalism. The commune is not a machine.
capitalism. But under socialism, the Communism is a rotating galaxy of ideas and
IDEA of communism is people.
also living. Only Lenin Rotate, rotate, rotate!
led to communism. Lenin. Chiefs need to be constantly replaced by
workers and other employees. Lenin began to ro-
tate Russia with a mighty hand.
And at a certain speed, the Commune of Russia
will begin to rotate without any help and go to the
Hegel’s idealism is beautiful
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Theory of communism inversion
IDEAS AND PEOPLE will rotate under communism.
We all have studied at the best universities in the world. We have spoken at conferences attended by
hundreds of scientists from all over the world. And Hegel was born when the witch trials were still
going on in Germany.
It is impossible to understand how a person born in the prehistoric era rises above us today. There is
only one thing to say: GERMAN NATIONAL CHARACTER:
The Germans, like the Russians, retained their primitive honesty and courage. They are as naive as
the Russians. They are also easily deceived. But it is not forever.
§ 14.14. Hegel’s idealism says that “We must kill the DARK IDEA of ELITARISM” and this
idea must be killed in OURSELVES!
The whole power of capitalism rests on the dark idea of elitism. According to Hegel, it is impossi-
ble to build a happy world without killing the dark idea of elitism. Otherwise any revolution is
doomed to die.
The dark idea of elitism is terrible and strong. It generates new dark fighters every moment. And it
is even more terrible when it turns revolutionaries into traitors to the revolution.
The dark idea of elitism needs to be killed; ONLY THE IDEA needs to be killed. How many people
does it take to kill the dark idea of elitism? It is all about the first one. Who will go the first?
Example. A German professor becomes a communard and cleans the toilets of his faculty in the
evenings. This news will spread on the Internet and all over the planet. And it is quite possible that
the only one person will be enough. And the dark IDEA of elitism will shrink and disappear.
Hegel says that if the DARK IDEA of elitism is killed, then CAPITAL will die too.
The idea of elitism is the thirst for wealth, the idea of exclusivity, gluttony, and the thirst for power.
How can you kill the state? You need to kill the idea of the state in your heart. You can give your
power to the team and solve all issues collectively, without commands. And thus the idea of the
state will be killed in your heart.
§ 14.15. The necessity of creating a new science – MODEL THEORY for MATHEMATIZED
Hegel’s dialectics
It is easy to model one pair. There is a BODY-SHAPE pair. The ball is a body. The shape of the
ball is a sphere. It is necessary to determine which of these categories is primary and material in re-
lation to the second and which of these two categories is secondary and ideal in relation to the first
There is property of these two categories dual to each other.
1. Both categories are equal to each other. They are commensurate. Neither of them is worse or bet-
ter. They are just different.
2. Both categories are opposite to each other. They are qualitatively different categories. Obviously,
the surface and the body are completely different categories. So, mathematical formulas for surfaces
and bodies are different.
3. Transitions: BODY-SHAPE and SHAPE-BODY can also be demonstrated.
Here is another PHENOMENON-ESSENCE pair. If we multiply both pairs, then we notice that the
product changes from a permutation of the factors. We get complex double pairs. They need to be
MODELED. But how? We couldn’t even model two pairs. But young mathematicians will be able
to do it.
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§ 14.16. Hegel’s dialectics is the THEORY of the GREAT UNIFICATION of mankind
The capitalist unification of Europe was supposed to be a progressive phenomenon, but there was
no real happy unification. The reason is that metaphysical systems cannot be happily combined.
And dialectical countries-communes will definitely unite into a dialectical global Commune. There
will be contradictions between countries and peoples, but the contradictions will be dialectical, so
they will be resolved with the help of collective mind.
§ 14.17. The development of the theory of communism with the help of Hegel’s IDEALISM
The authors are fanatical Hegelians. We know that the leader has created the theory of the evolution
of categories and ideas. The fact that he discovered logical evolution and established its laws means
We understand that among Marx, Engels, Chernyshevsky, Hegel and Lenin only Hegel is right. He-
gel is the God of Logic and he is the new Thor. We know that our leader is great. He is the God in
this universe. We should hold on to our greatest leader with all our might, and he will bring us free-
dom and peace. He will.
We decided to develop the theory of communism only with the help of Hegel’s IDEALISM.
How? There is only one answer: IDEALLY.
Here are some examples from our work.
Question 1. What should be the new communard (not socialist) party?
Answer. It should be ideal. People should be united in it only with the help of an IDEA embodied in
them. This party may include a billion people, as it is without a fixed membership.
Question 2. What should be the revolution? It should be ideal. Only the ideal revolution can be
Question 3. What should be killed in this revolution? The DARK IDEA need to be killed in our
Hegelian evolution of the “EQUALITY” category
Capitalism. The equality in the market. The money equality. People are equal as two dollars are
equal to each other.
Socialism. Equality before the state.
Question 4. What should be equality under communism?
The answer according to Hegel: IDEAL EQUALITY is EQUALITY BEFORE THE IDEA!
Question to the reader. And what is EQUALITY before AN IDEA?
The answer is very beautiful, but we need to know what Hegel’s IDEA category means.
That is how we managed to understand the theory of communism. The theory of communism in the
form of Hegel’s IDEALISM is a very beautiful theory.
§ 14.18. Hegel deceived the Prussian and socialist elites!
Hegel’s theorem. The highest form of the state is monarchy. Here is a clarification.
Hegel’s theorem. The highest form of the state is a logical monarchy. The logical monarchy is a
huge ROBOT STATE. All 100% of people are its parts.
However, the highest one is not the best. The state is in the METAPHYSICS section, and meta-
physics will be destroyed by DIALECTICS.
Hegel did not go to church. Why? Because Hegel is the God of LOGIC.
Did Hegel know that he was preparing a great dialectical revolution? Did God know that he was
God? He did. All his actions speak about it.
He celebrated the French Revolution day.
Hegel disapproved of the terror of the French Revolution. So wasn’t he a revolutionary?
We will answer for Hegel. Hegel said: “Put your guns down. Stand up with my dialectics and my
logical hammer! And there will be no civil war”.
Hegel’s idealism theorem. Axiom of Communism.
The ideal revolution is much more important than the real one.
The revolution of brains is immeasurably more important than the revolution of arms.
Revolution is impossible without revolution in the minds.
Why? The theoretical revolution will win, and then millions new Hegels, Marxes, Engels, Lenins
will be born. Capitalism almost died because of only one Marx.
Lenin spoke of the general arming of the people.
Lenin spoke of a socialist revolution in an illiterate peasant country.
However, it is not October 1917. There are millions of the smartest young people on the planet with
a university education.
The socialist revolution will lead the planet to death. The revolution must be IDEAL, as Hegel or-
Not a universal armament of hands, but a universal armament of brains!
Not to rifles, but to theoretical weapons, to the IDEA!
1. The evolution of Hegel’s categories begins with the materialistic category! The great Logi-
cian could not make a mistake.
2. If the material conditions are all set, then it is not necessary to write about them.
3. Hegel’s IDEA is not the idea that journalists write about.
Hegel does! Hegel’s dialectics is the doctrine of the global Commune. And we should take into ac-
count that Hegel is a logician and political economy is an applied science compared to logic.
Example. Hegel’s theorem: “Real science is always idealism”. Hegel says that logic is the highest
science and the categories of Logic are abstract (ideal). And that is true. After all, mathematics is
also an ideal science.
Perhaps, Hegel has written about the Commune. Hegel’s works must be read with a magnifying
glass, and every word must being checked for weeks. This job is not for mortals. Hegel and Lenin
wrote concisely and briefly. Every word of the leaders can be a great discovery as the equivalence
Example. In Lenin’s book The State and Revolutions, you can see the word SEMI-STATE only
once. Although this word means a new type of socialist state. This is the second transition form of
socialism and detailed description of this word can take a dozen new books. Lenin’s form of social-
ism was never built. And that is why socialism died.
The THEORETICAL REVOLUTION is much more IMPORTANT than the practical revolu-
Chapter XV. The contents of the author’s book III: “The POLITICAL ECONOMIC
WORLD of Marx-Engels”
§ 15.1. Marx’s theorem on the withering away of the nationality is TRUE, but as about PO-
LITICAL ECONOMIC nationality! Marx is not a biologist.
The authors included only one “POLITICAL ECONOMIC” category into Marx’s political economy
and Marx’s theory became simple and clear.
Definition. Political economic nationality is a nationality by education.
Marx’s theorem on the withering away of metaphysical nationality and the birth of dialectical, i.e.,
variable political economic nationality.
Nowadays young people speak several languages. That means the variable political economic na-
tionality has already been born. It was predicted by Hegel and Marx.
The birth of a dialectical nationality is the first sign of pure communism. That means communism is
coming. Marx has nothing to do with biological nationality. Marx is not a biologist.
§ 15.2. Marx’s theorem on the withering away of the family is TRUE, but as about POLITI-
CAL ECONOMIC family! Marx is not a biologist.
Definition. A political economic family is a family in spirit. For example, a coach and his students
are a political economic family. And biological, but dysfunctional family is not a political economic
Marx’s theorem on the withering away of the metaphysical family and the birth of a dialectical, i.e.,
variable political economic family. The law of conformity.
Universities, factories, schools will become Communes under communism. They will become new
TRIBES. These tribes will be variable, i.e., dialectical. So your institute will be your first family,
the tribe of sportsmen will be your second political economic family. Such families will be variable.
Marx has nothing to do with the biological family. Marx is not a biologist.
Hegel said that we need to destroy the PERMANENT, METAPHYSICAL, rigid division of LA-
BOUR, and replace it with DIALECTICAL, i.e., VARIABLE division of LABOUR.
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All 100% of people will work two or three days a week as WORKERS, and the other two or three
days they will be engaged in science and art.
And then The Global Commune, socially uniform system will be born. So communism is a system
Under capitalism, beautiful women are the private property of the rich people. Under socialism,
beautiful women are the private property of the socialist elite. Under communism, women and men
will be common property of all men and women. How?
Marx’s theorem on the political economic nationalization of women under communism means the
following: “Theoretically, any beautiful woman can be yours. There are no social barriers, but you
need to prove yourself and surprise the beautiful woman”.
Marx said: “Destroy the classes of WORKERS and INTELLECTUALS by merging into the
Global Commune”
Definition of class. The class is a part of society; the class is not the entire society.
MARX. Destroy the classes of WORKERS and INTELLECTUALS by merging into the GLOBAL
The Global Commune is a socially uniform system.
Marx, Engels, Lenin. Under communism, all 100% of people should become WORKERS!
Marx’s theorem. All 100% of people will become WORKERS with the emancipation of LA-
BOUR! And productive LABOUR will cease to belong to a certain class. Marx. The Civil War in
The workers will become a WHOLE society. And the WHOLE is not the class; the CLASS is a
PART of society. And they are also scientists. All 100% of people will be engaged in science.
Communism is a system of WORKERS AND SCIENTISTS.
A WORKER is a political economic MULE in the theory of communism. The peasants give milk,
so the peasants are political economic cows. This is not a figure of speech. This is an exact mathe-
matical theory in political economy.
Oligarchs are political economic sharks. This is also an exact theory in political economy. Miners
are political economic mining donkeys. Their life is stupid and meaningless. The goal of com-
munism: the destruction of the worker as a class (in political economy, not biology). How? It is
possible by turning him into a worker-scientist with a variable division of LABOUR.
Two theories of Marx
The first “Emancipation of LABOUR” theory describes socialism.
The second “Destruction of LABOUR” theory describes pure communism.
We need to turn to Hegel to understand Marx.
Hegel’s order: “Truth is a process”.
Hegel means that “Truth is evolution; the truth is logical (unreal!) evolution of category”. The lead-
er orders: “Build the logical evolution for each category. Only evolution gives the truth. The logical
one is the essence of the historical one”.
We have always followed our dialectical leader. We’ve always fought alongside him. Hegel ordered
to create the evolution of categories. And we carried out the leader’s order.
We have created the evolution of categories by Hegel’s order. We have shown how the category of
capitalism passes into the category of socialism, and how the category of socialism will pass into
the category of communism by negation. We have made an evolutionary scheme of three tables.
Universal higher fundamental education is necessary to realize the “RIGHT to CREATIVITY”, alt-
hough it is not the only one what we need. Under socialism, even the scientists of the Academy of
Sciences did not have the right to creativity. They could think only with the permission of the chief.
It is necessary to abolish all chiefs and the entire state in order to realize the “RIGHT TO CREA-
TIVITY”. Only then the number of new discoveries will increase.
A complete evolutionary scheme of three tables is contained in book III “THE POLITICAL ECO-
§ 15.6. The law of shortening the social formations lifetime. Communism will live ZERO
We carried out the Hegel’s order to creat the evolution of the category “Time”.
Lifetime of
Primitive Slave-owning Feudalism Capitalism Socialism Communism
Commune system
20000 4000 1500-200 400 100 0!
Theorem. Communism will live for ZERO years. Communism is an eternal revolution, not a class
revolution. The Communist revolution, once started, will go on forever. Everyone will have hun-
dreds of ideas and everyone will try to embody them. The struggle of people will begin again, but it
will be not a class struggle. The law of correspondence is fulfilled.
Alexander Blok, Russian poet, guessed the essence of pure communism with his brilliant intuition.
Alexander Blok (translated by Yevgeny Bonver): “And endless battle! We only dream of peace”.
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§ 15.7.The political economy of communism is a quantum science!
Socialism Communism
Marx: “The state is a political economic A human is the electron of communism according to
machine” Engels
The epoch of Classical Mechanics The epoch of Quantum Mechanics
Human energy
Money IDEA (idealism of Hegel)
If there are a lot of money, If there are a lot of IDEAS,
then you will rotate in elevated orbit of
capitalism communism
You bring tactical ideas to the administration.
You bring strategic ideas from the administration to
your factory
Theory of inversion. Inversion of
money IDEAS and people. Hegel’s idealism
To cross over to elevated orbit, there should be a lot of
money new ideas
The difference between the struggle of people under communism and under capitalism.
The primitive world of great Germanic battles and great primitive leaders.
Leaders were obliged to fight. The cult of heroism.
According to Lenin, a subordinate is a slave. And there will be no slaves under communism. Ac-
cording to Lenin, communism is a system of LEADERS. And every person will be a leader under
communism. Even a three-year-old the child will be brought up as a great leader under communism.
Lenin’s theorem. All political categories of communism should be with a prefix SELF-:
Self-movement (Lenin), self-discipline (Lenin), self-organization (Lenin), self-management (Len-
in), and so on.
Lenin completed the political economy of communism. Now all the categories of the political econ-
omy of communism are defined.
According to Lenin, every person must be a leader. Everyone has to move by himself (self-
movement) and lead others. There is a logical contradiction in this sentence, but this contradiction is
There will be an ALLEGEDLY (Lenin) return to the great Germanic epoch of great leaders under
communism. Great mathematical, physical, sports, chemical, and poetic leaders will be born and
will lead people into the great Cosmos.
The difference between academicians-leaders of socialism and academicians-leaders of com-
The leaders of communism will not have a document that says that he is a leader (academician).
And it means that the leader of communism will have to fight every day for the title of leader.
Millions of talented young lions will be born under communism. Young lions grow fast and they
can ALLEGEDLY overthrow you. It is an eternal struggle. It is a human life and a human struggle.
But if there is at least one penny left (in the political economic sense), then animal life will begin
again. People will turn into political economic beasts and begin to compete and eat each other. They
will tear off each other’s ears, and break the bones of weak people.
Many people misunderstand Marx.
Everyone believes that religion according to Marx is a fantasy, because of Marx’s expression “Reli-
gion is a fantastic reflection…” But according to Marx, religion is reality.
Marx: “All religion, however, is nothing but the fantastic reflection in men’s minds of those exter-
nal forces which control their daily life.”
That is REAL political force behind every great god according to Marx. The pagan god PERUN
became the main one not by chance during the reign of Vladimir. At that time, a state with a perma-
nent army was created; a professional caste of officers was born. This was the incarnation of the
God Perun. And history has proven it. The Russian officers were gods. They won all the battles and
saved Russia more than once. Only Gods are able to do this.
Law. Every the Great Goddess had a daughter. In Russia, the Mother Goddess had a daughter, La-
da. But birth does not coincide in biology and political economy. So, when was daughter Lada
There is a consequence from Marx’s theorem. Daughter Lada could be born only when a new polit-
ical force was born. Which one? The first political force is the power of the primitive Commune.
And the second one? The second political force is the power of the caste of female priests. So,
daughter Lada was born when the power of female priests appeared and strengthened. There was no
way daughter Lada could be born earlier than this period.
This part is for historians. Historians can confirm or refute our statement.
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Chapter XVI. The contents of the author’s book IV: Lenin built the political economy of both
§ 16.1. What is the difference between Lenin’s works and the works of Hegel, Marx and En-
Hegel and Marx gave only half definitions from the WORLD of ESSENCES. For brevity, they left
out of consideration definitions from the WORLD of PHENOMENON.
The task of CREATING DIALECTICS was set by Lenin. He set the task to turn LOGIC into math-
ematical logic. An alphabet, axioms and inference rules are need.
Lenin started making efforts to compress theorems and definitions. For that reason, Lenin provided
all the definitions in PAIRS and by way of PAIRS.
It is quite simple to formalize Lenin’s works. The point is to insert definitions made by him into
drawings of dialectical pairs. That is exactly what we did.
Lenin: “Categories must be deduced”. Lenin proves all major economic and political decisions. He
derives them from Hegel’s theorems.
Giving a speech to working women and weavers, Lenin always touched upon Hegel’s theorems. In
conversation with anyone, Lenin unexceptionally used the language of philosophy. He had no other
Conclusion of the authors. Philosophical logic cannot be built by analogy with mathematical logic,
i.e. it is impossible to built philosophical logic deductively.
Lenin FINALIZED the political economy
Lenin compiled two TABLES of CATEGORIES.
But not a single Marxist across the globe is aware of these tables!
Lenin compiled a table of socialist categories and a table of communist categories. There is nothing
in common between political economy of socialism and political economy of communism. There
are no common categories. As a matter of fact, they have different times.
The political economy of socialism is the science of LABOUR TIME.
The political economy is the science dealing with FREE TIME.
The political economy of communism is the science of the time for FREE CREATIVITY that does
not include production of engines, machines and refrigerators, as well as the LABOUR category.
The last will be replaced by the CREATIVITY category.
Lenin drew up all practical measures for the real building of real communism. It is understood, what
to do and how. Lenin’s complete theory and practice on the building of real communism are pre-
sented in the BOOK IV:
“Lenin built the political economy of both COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM”.
Lenin is the greatest political philosopher. His father is Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, who had the de-
gree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He was a student of Nikolai Ivanovich
Lobachevsky, the geometer, who created non-Euclidean geometry.
In all fifty-five books written by him, Lenin uses all the laws of Hegel’s dialectics and the whole
philosophy reference book. He uses the principle of determinism, the theory of reflection, the prin-
ciple of universal connection, the law of the negation of the negation, the theory of transitions
(wavelparticle), the law of time reversal (new Sparta), the law of the unity of the world, the Hege-
lian triad, etc.
Triad indices must be substituted in all Lenin’s books, and the laws of dialectics must be described
in detail. Lenin’s works are written laconically because Lenin was a leader engaging in war.
Example. Lenin proves the theory of the duality of socialism by using the PRINCIPLE OF DE-
VELOPMENT (the continuity principle). However, the principle of development is not just the
principle of continuity but a whole science that does not exist yet!
Mathematics is divided into the Science of Logic and the science of Mathematical Analysis. Logic
studies the discrete world, and Mathematical Analysis studies the continuous world. However, the
World is one and only, according to the law of the UNITY of the WORLD. Therefore, the discrete
world and the continuous world are sides of the same World.
Philosophy is also divided into the Science of Logic and the science of DEVELOPMENT. Hence,
the science of DEVELOPMENT is a mathematical analysis of philosophy, and we need to draw
graphs of the theorems of philosophy in the science of DEVELOPMENT. But no one did it. So,
there is no science of development yet.
The authors created the science of DEVELOPMENT in the book “Mathematized Hegel’s dia-
The authors’ drawings are as follows:
1. All drawings accurately reflect Hegel’s laws.
2. All drawings have acute angles that mean catastrophe. They have great resemblance to the draw-
ings of the creators of Catastrophe Theory, mathematicians Vladimir Arnold and Rene Thom.
Why? According to Lenin’s theory “Dialectics is the science of catastrophe”.
To be more precise, the authors laid the foundation for the science of DEVELOPMENT.
Mathematics gave birth to the great Lenin. It was an influence of Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,
the creator of non-Euclidean geometry.
Lenin: “We see a striking manifestation of the dialectical LAW OF THE UNITY OF THE WORLD
in differential equations”. Lenin is right. Lenin is always right.
Lenin and Hegel created the whole set of categories of the political economy of communism.
The state, money, law, constitution, propaganda and discipline will disappear under communism,
i.e. propaganda of the revolution will be prohibited. There must be SELF-PROPAGANDA of the
revolution. Lenin: “We must EMBODY the IDEA in OURSELVES”, not in your language.
Theory of communism. A subordinate is a slave. There will be no slaves under communism. Com-
munism consists of LEADERS. Everyone is a leader, even a three-year-old child is brought up as a
great leader.
Lenin created a party of leaders. He created a SELF-MOVING PARTY that is capable of moving
without a leader, i.e. a general secretary.
Lenin restricted newspaper editors to sing the praises of him. Seeing the leaders’ portraits on the
wall, he said contemptuously the following: “New icons have been hung once again”.
Lenin: “Leader… (contemptuously). The people are LEADER!” Lenin completed a formidable
challenge – he created the LEADER who was the PEOPLE.
Lenin conducted party discussions. What for? After all, it was just a loss of time for him. The truth
of the matter is that Lenin wanted the workers to stop being executive monkeys and mindlessly fol-
low orders. Lenin created the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of the party that would give rise
to hundreds of thousands of new great leaders from the working class.
Lenin brought up leaders. And he was absolutely right. Executive monkeys could not bear reform-
ing the economic and political system called perestroika.
§ 16.2. Lenin discovered the SECOND TRANSITIONAL FORM between capitalism and pure
Lenin’s new KNOWN to nobody THEORY about the SEMI-STATE
In his works, Lenin indicated the cause of death of socialism and the dissolution of the USSR. Did
socialism exist in the USSR?
Yes, it did. But there was pure socialism with absolute MONOCRACY. Pure socialism is a semi-
fair system with semi-equality. Lenin’s new theory made it clear that there could not be a seamless
transition from pure socialism to communism.
Lenin’s logic is as follows. An anthropoid ape could not morph into a human overnight. There were
many TRANSITIONAL FORMS, such as Sinanthropus, handy man (homo habilis), upright man
(homo erectus), working man (homo ergaster), pioneer man (homo antecessor), etc.
The same goes for socialism. Pure socialism cannot pass into communism in one go. There is a
need for a TRANSITIONAL FORM between socialism and communism. And Lenin created such a
TRANSITIONAL FORM between Stalin’s pure socialism and communism.
Lenin named this form a SEMI-STATE, i.e., a SEMI-STATE and SEMI-COMMUNE, i.e., semi-
socialism and semi-communism. It was Lenin’s socialism in the form of SEMI-STATE and SEMI-
COMMUNE that would peacefully go into communism.
In his typical manner, Lenin proved the theory of a new transitional form through the Hegelian
principle of DEVELOPMENT.
The authors described in detail Lenin’s theory of a new transitional form between socialism and
communism. Similarly, they represented the practical TRANSITION TO COMMUNISM according
to Lenin’s model of SEMI-STATE and SEMI-COMMUNE.
The practical construction of communism according to Lenin’s scheme of
Factory level. The Board of Shop Managers is appointed by the Commune. The factory director is a
subordinate of the Commune of Shop Managers. The Commune of Shop Managers is in a position
to change the director a whole bunch of times. The director becomes an agent of the Shop Manag-
The Commune of Shop Managers resolves all issues COLLECTIVELY by using COLLECTIVE
Shop level. The Board of Shop Foreman is appointed by the Commune of Foreman. The Commune
of Foreman is in a position to change Shop Manager a whole bunch of times. The Shop Manager is
an agent of the Commune of Foreman. The Commune of Foreman resolves all issues COLLEC-
Work team level. The work team is appointed by the Commune. The work team is in a position to
change Foreman a whole bunch of times. The Foreman is an agent of the work team.
The scheme is clear. Each chief hands over power to subordinates and takes share of power from his
According to Lenin’s scheme, elections are not needed. Everyone keeps their position. But what
will be changed?
Marx: “In the world of essences, political economy is the science of the PRODUCTION RELA-
Communism will change the production relations of people.
The pyramid of power is a machine, a huge iron robot, where people are the cogs. But people will
come to life. The TRANSFORMATION OF PEOPLE AND IDEAS will begin. Leaders will be
changed on a regular basis. Why?
Example. A computer re-equipment of the factory is considered at the Commune of Shop Manag-
ers. And the Shop Manager is not able to make head or tail of it. In his stead, the best computer spe-
cialist goes to a meeting in the central Commune. Similar situations will be repeated.
And the great transformations of people and ideas will change the factory into a LIVING BEING.
§ 16.3. Lenin destroyed MONEY (greed) within the PARTY using partmaximum
The PARTMAXIMUM is the maximum salary for Communist Party members. Through the use of
it, Lenin destroyed MONEY within the party. Lenin’s logic is simple. If the communists want to
destroy MONEY and GREED, they must start with their MONEY and their GREED.
Lenin issued a prohibition against having and accumulation of MONEY by leaders of communism
and therefore by himself. Under Lenin’s law on the PARTMAXIMUM, the leaders of communism
have to live like workers. Lenin was the new Lycurgus. He proved that one must come through
Sparta (a new Sparta) in the transition to pure communism.
Lenin knows that his Stepan Razins are still executive monkeys. As soon as he says: “Sparta”, they
will run and brandish swords without a second thought. Therefore, Lenin shook his finger and said:
Ancient Greece was the world’s unique ethnic group that was born as a dialectic pair: ATHENS-
SPARTA. There are undisguised conflict and unity of opposites. This stage was the stage of embry-
onic dialectics. There was a divarication of the one.
The next step is metaphysics. A metaphysical conflict took place between Athens and Greece. The
metaphysical conflict means the war. And the Athens-Sparta pair disappeared.
But this pair will be reborn under communism. A communist society will be both Sparta and Athens
with Sparta-Athens transitions.
According to Lenin, communism will be Athens-Sparta, but ALLEGEDLY Sparta and ALLEG-
EDLY Athens, i.e. there will be no acts of cruelty and no elite.
§ 16.4. The statistical accuracy of Marx’s theorems is determined. SIX DECIMAL PLACES!
Marx’s theorems are satisfied within an accuracy of six decimal places.
Marx and Engels’s theorem. Social existence statistically generates ɫollective consciousness.
The theory of communism as a variable system was created two hundred years ago by the great He-
gel. Later, it was developed by Marx and Engels. Lenin compiled a table of socialist categories, as
well as communist categories. In addition, he set out all the practical measures for building the real
But not a single left-wing leader knows about it!
1. Not a single left-wing leader knows what DIALECTICS is, i.e. none of the left-wing politics
knows that dialectics is the science of a VARIABLE WORLD.
The left-wing leaders all over the world do not even understand the meaning of the term
DIALECTICS. Do you doubt? Ask any great leader and he will give you a lecture for an
2. Not a single left-wing leader knows the Hegelian scientific definition of the state.
3. Not a single left-wing intellectual knows Marx’s THEORY of the UNIVERSAL MAN.
4. Not a single left-wing intellectual knows what PURE COMMUNISM IS.
5. Not a single left-wing leader knows the difference between the socialist and communist cat-
egories. He cannot give examples.
6. Not a single left-wing leader knows that all the provisions of the Hegel, Marx, Engels and
Lenin’s theories are RIGOROUSLY PROVEN. None of them have a clue that there is proof
of theorem.
7. All left-wing leaders are not scientists but PRIESTS of SOCIALISM. They even sound like
priests: “Marx himself said”. Compare: “The Buddha himself said”.
How is it so? Why does no one know the theory that was created two hundred years ago?
Theorem. The intelligentsia exploits the COMMON PEOPLE by means of a rigid unfair DIVISION
Consequence. The existence of the LEFT-WING INTELLECTUALS is BOURGEOIS. The left-
wing intellectuals are also exploiters. Exploitation by a rigid unfair metaphysical division of labour
is none the worse than the exploitation by a capitalist.
Under Marx’s theorem, the left-wing intellectuals have a bourgeois philosophy. Which is why the
left-wing intellectuals are unable to understand Hegel’s dialectics and Marx’s theory.
What is this all-powerful huge bourgeois poop that suppressed millions of left-wing intellectuals? It
is called the idea of ELITISM.
Question. Why could not the left-wing intellectuals understand the complete theory of communism?
The death sentence imposed by Lenin: “The left-wing intellectuals are a BOURGEOIS STRA-
The left-wing intellectuals exploit people using an UNFAIR DIVISION OF LABOUR and want to
exploit the common people for eternity.
§ 16.5. The historical role of socialism is monopolization. But CAPITAL accomplished a mis-
sion of socialism. Thus, socialism is not needed, and not possible.
Why was it impossible to build communism between 1917 and 1930? Socialism is needed not for
the suppression of the bourgeoisie, but for monopolization. It was necessary to monopolize the pet-
it-bourgeois peasant class.
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§16.6. E-money is the death of TECHNICAL MONEY, i.e. the technical base for the destruc-
tion of POLITICAL ECONOMIC money is already present.
There was a monetary reform in Federal Republic of Germany after the war. The Germans de-
stroyed 95% of the money in a day. They handed over 30 DEM per person, and they destroyed the
speculators and shadow economy in a day. And the industrial sector came alive again!
§ 16.7. Lenin compiled a table of categories of political economy of socialism. But no one
knows it!
The theory of the duality of socialism as a system
Lenin’s theorem. Socialism is a semi-communist and semi-bourgeois system.
Hegel’s theory. TRUTH IS a PROCESS.
The leader says that the truth can be found only in EVOLUTION of CATEGORIES and IDEAS.
An evolution must be created for each category.
This table shows both Lenin’s theory of duality and Hegel’s evolution.
We show that the evolution is as follows: Moneyotoken money otoken.
Lenin proved this theorem twice. For the first time, he used the Hegelian PRINCIPLE of DEVEL-
OPMENT (principle of continuity). For the second time, he used Marx’s theory “Inequality of
communist law”.
Consequence. All categories of the political economy of socialism are DUAL-COMPOSITE. They
are composed of two categories: communist and capitalist.
Lenin’s complete table of categories can be seen in Book IV “Lenin built the political economy of
both communism and socialism”. It also contains a detailed explanation of each category.
Lenin’s theory of the dual role of trade unions under socialism.
Lenin’s theorem. In contrast to capitalism, under socialism the role of trade unions must be dual.
1) For one part, trade unions must protect workers.
2) For the other part, trade unions must participate in the industrial engineering, organization of
the experience transfer. Persuasion, making low-performing workers do their job, encour-
agement of foremost workers.
The theorists of the bourgeois system raised an objection: “It is bad that the trade unions should co-
erce the workers. They should only protect them”.
Answer: Under socialism, there was procuracy that is a government bureau concerned with ensuring
administrative legality in the former Soviet legal system. The procuracy protected workers far better
than the trade unions did. Under capitalism in Russia part of the procuracy, which adore the rich
and despise the poor workers, deliberately came down to the capitalists’ side.
Trade unions are parasites. That is why they will disappear under communism.
Lenin developed the theory for himself. If he had organized the work of factories on the basis of
COLLECTIVITY, there hardly would have been much coercion. Although coercion was necessary
back at the time. As distinct from Germany, Russia was a peasant country. And the peasants are an-
Results. Lenin derives all practical measures from Hegel’s theorems, i.e. theorems of dialectics.
Lenin’s theorem on the dual role of the working class under socialism.
Lenin’s theorem. Any state means oppression. The workers are obliged to fight even against the
Soviet state while also cherish it as the apple of their eye.
Source: Lenin quotes https://burido.ru/843-tsitaty-lenina .
Lenin led the socialist revolution.
Lenin built a socialist state that is also a machine of coercion and violence.
Theory of Communism. The COMMAND of the head teacher is the worst COERCION against
What was the main difficulty in building socialism?
In contrast to Germany, there were few regular proletariats in Russia. The country was anarchistic.
The front-line soldiers feared neither Heaven nor Hell.
As distinct from Germany, there was NO STATE in Russia, neither socialist nor capitalist. LEN-
IN’S COMMANDS were NOT FOLLOWED. The local revolutionary leaders did whatever they
There was bread in Russia, but it was impossible to deliver it to the regions suffering from starva-
tion. There is no executive state machine that follows all commands right away.
Recall that there were very few regular experienced workers in Russia. Under the socialist state,
peasants, who were former revolution heroes, were turned into proletarians. Coercion was needed.
How difficult it is to make the heroes of the revolution work hard. And Stalin got this job done by
fire and sword.
But complete oppression of the working class by the socialist state was not on Lenin’s agenda. Len-
in made the struggle and unity of opposites, i.e. he built an embryonic dialectical pair:
An embryonic dialectical pair is able to pass into a real dialectical pair, i.e. it is capable of unlimited
development and constant modernization.
Stalin’s state completely oppressed the working class, i.e. Stalin built a metaphysical pair:
The metaphysical system was destined for failure without Lenin. But if transformed into a dialecti-
cal system, the USSR could pass into communism.
Conclusion. The theory of the dual role of the working class under socialism follows from Lenin’s
theorem on the duality of socialism.
The dual role of Stalin
After the death of Lenin, Stalin laid a course for mass literacy, collectivization and industrialization.
Stalin: “We must achieve collectivization and industrialization in ten years. We must make the way
that took the capitalist countries a hundred years. Failing that, there will be death”. All the other
great leaders were against it and attacked Stalin. Stalin hardly withstood attack. But he was support-
ed by workers and communists.
The theory of socialism in the form of a monopoly and a single socialist state was developed by
Lenin. He assures that there should be a unified property, i.e. the property of the socialist state. Un-
der Lenin’s theory of duality, socialist property is semi-public and semi-non-public.
Under communism, property will also be unified. Communist property will be completely public.
Public property will appear only if The Global Commune, socially uniform system, is born. Under
communism, the division of society into classes (workers and intellectuals) will be eliminated.
Stalin’s merit
Back in 1930, there was no regular proletariat. In the USSR, there was nothing but famine and total
illiteracy. By 1941, factories and universities were built and scientists and workers did their job.
The first generations of literate youth grew up and saved the USSR and socialism.
It is difficult to realize how such a giant leap into the future could be made in ten years. If there had
not been Stalin, then Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin and other petite bourgeois leaders would have
won. And this would mean death, because only ten years remained before death. Thus, Stalin was
an outstanding leader of socialism during that time.
Stalin’s negative role
But the terrible year of 1937 is also the truth. The historical reason for the events of that year is that
the country was a peasant and petite bourgeois. Illiterate peasants are inclined to religion and the
deification of leaders.
Lenin: “Petite bourgeois anarchy has swept the small regular proletariat”.
Czechoslovakia was an industrial country with a larger regular proletariat. Petite bourgeois anarchy
and the events of 1937 could not take place in Czechoslovakia.
Thus, Stalin’s role was dual
Conclusion. Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism was confirmed in Stalin’s personality with
terrifying accuracy.
Lenin led the communist revolution in parallel to the socialist one!
But the communist revolution is a negation of the socialist revolution. It is directed against the so-
cialist revolution. Communism will remove the socialist state from power and create a global
Commune. However, the transition from socialism to communism is only a semi-class revolution
with reference to Lenin’s theory of duality.
Therefore, it could take place peacefully according to Lenin’s semi-state and semi-commune
scheme. But the left-wings abandoned Lenin and Marx. They rejected Marx and Lenin’s doctrine of
communism as a society without a state.
2. The original version of the article “The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government”
The quote: “Each FACTORY, each artel (company) … is an INDEPENDENT COMMUNE with an
internal organization of labour. In each COMMUNE, there is an increase in SELF-DISCIPLINE.
This is how we can and must ensure that the influence of example becomes, above all, a moral
model for the labour organization, and then a coercively introduced model in the new Soviet Rus-
Analysis. By the Commune Lenin understands precisely the Commune. Take note of that the com-
mune must have SELF-DISCIPLINE. Under socialism there was the DISCIPLINE as well, which is
210 210
as it should be. However, it is not the same. The COMMUNE is SELF-MOVEMENT, and social-
ism is the MOVEMENT under the leadership of the socialist state. They are absolutely opposite.
3. Lenin’s work “How to organize competition?”. The quote:
“All COMMUNES – any factories, and any villages – must compete with each other. These are the
practical successes our COMMUNES should be proud of”.
4. Rough outline of the DRAFT PROGRAMME. The 7th Congress of the RCP(b).
“Organisation of competition between the various communes”.
5. Lenin “Measures governing the transition from bourgeois-co-operative to proletarian-communist
supply and distribution”Lenin’s Collected Works, book 37 pages 471-472.
“The whole difficulty of the task springs from the fact that we have to work out a system of practi-
cal measures governing the transition to a REAL COMMUNE”.
Discussion. Note that LENIN emphasizes THE REAL COMMUNE on purpose.
6. Lenin “Speech Delivered at the First Congress of agricultural COMMUNES and agricultural
DECEMBER 4, 1919
The quote: “We shall bring about situation when each of the SEVERAL THOUSAND EXISTING
COMMUNES will become a genuine nursery for COMMUNIST IDEAS and VIEW”.
Question: Where have THOUSANDS of Lenin’s communes gone?
The communes did not fall to pieces, but were DESTROYED. Even congresses of COMMUNES
and ARTELS were HELD under Lenin.
Communes and the socialist state are not compatible. Communes raise proud and insubordinate
people. Socialism and communism are opponents.
Lenin uses both terms ‘artel’ and ‘community’ as synonyms for the ‘commune’. But it is important
to realize that the old commune is a primitive one. The modern scientific community is the theater
community, the university community, the Academy of Sciences community, and the division
community. Scientific communities (communes) are most effective in the most complex sectors
7. Lenin’s work “Addendum to the draft regulations on subbotniks”.
“Subbotniks are a form of propaganda of the ideas of compulsory labour service and SELF-
Discussion. When Lenin uses a prefix SELF-, it is referred to the THEORY of COMMUNISM. Af-
ter this comment, any worker can distinguish Lenin’s theory of socialism from theory of com-
munism. We have given only a small number of examples demonstrating that Lenin built both so-
cialism and communism.
All quotes are from “On COMMUNIST LABOUR” by Marx, Engels and Lenin.
Marx’s proposition is to jump over socialism. Marx proposes not to build socialism and start build-
ing communism from the first.
Marx’s theorem. Socialism is not a transition period, but it can and must be MADE a TRANSI-
TIONAL SYSTEM to communism.
Under Lenin’s theorem on the duality of socialism, socialism is a transitional system to capitalism.
Why? The point is that the bourgeois side of socialism will be under progression.
Any system with money sooner or later becomes capitalism. After all, money always wants to turn
into capital. Under socialism there was an evolution of money, but the evolution of money is the
evolution of greed. Money is a self-increasing greed of people.
Biological evolution starts with the cell. The evolution of money also starts with a cell, which is a
LABOUR PENNY (wage). Evolution must be killed!
You need to kill your LABOUR PENNY to get the evolution of greed killed. CAPITAL will die as
a consequence.
Lenin was building a socialist state and teaching the workers to neutralize its disadvantages. And
when the workers become literate, then the chiefs will go by the board. Lenin wanted abolish the
socialist state, i.e. to abolish himself as the chief.
It was difficult for Lenin.
Russia is not Germany. Almost the entire nation (80%) could neither read nor write. Russia was a
peasant country, and the peasants are the petite bourgeoisie. There was no state. There were no dis-
ciplined regular workers to follow orders.
Lenin was building a state that did not exist. He also taught the workers (who were few) to abolish
the state when it is built.
Lenin was leading two revolutions at once. He was also led a communist revolution against social-
ism that had not yet been built. Socialism must first be built and then abolished.
The October Revolution was organized by Lenin ALONE
The Central Committee (CC) was against the revolution and rendered a decision to burn all Lenin’s
letters! Why? They were intellectuals. They were afraid.
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Trotsky, Kamenev, Rykov, Nogin, Stalin, Sverdlov, Bubnov, Bukharin, Oppokov [Lomov], Kollon-
tai, Dzerzhinsky, Uritsky, Ioffe, Shaumyan, Sokolnikov, Milyutin.
Lenin’s letters
The Central Committee decided to call a meeting shortly to discuss tactics. Comrade Stalin propos-
es that letters be sent to the most important organizations and that they be discussed. It is decided to
postpone to the next meeting of the Central Committee.
The following question was put to the vote: preservation of only one copy of Lenin’s letters.
The vote was six in favour, four against and six abstentions.
Comrade Kamenev moved the adoption of the following resolution:
After considering Lenin’s letters, the CC rejects the practical proposals they contain, calls on all
organizations to follow CC instructions alone and affirms once again that the CC regards any kind
of demonstration in the streets as quite impermissible at the present moment. At the same time, the
CC makes a request to comrade Lenin to elabourate in a special brochure on the question he raised
in his letters of a new assessment of the current situation and the party’s policy.
The resolution is rejected.
In conclusion, this decision is adopted:
CC members in charge of work in the Military Organization and the Petersburg Committee are in-
structed to take measures to prevent demonstrations of any kind in barracks and factories.
Neither Trotsky, nor Bukharin, nor the others were theoreticians. They were dull, lacking in under-
standing, with delusion of grandeur. Lenin led all of them forward, and they shortened Lenin’s life.
How could one person perform such a formidable challenge? How could one person lead two revo-
lutions in the face of a dying state? It is more than the human can bear. Lenin is not a human being.
Lenin is the GOD of the REVOLUTION!
Lenin wrote his fifty five books in philosophical language. These books are philosophical and
political scientific works containing theorems of dialectics.
Example 1. Mother took the child in her arms and carried him to take a bath.
Did she do EVIL? From the viewpoint of philosophy, she did. No harm done if she did it one or two
times. This is not evil, but the communication between the mother and her child. If she behaves in
this way many times, then the child will grow up weak-willed.
Under the theory of communism, DISCIPLINE is EVIL. And discipline will be destroyed under the
theory of communism and replaced by SELF-DISCIPLINE (Lenin).
Example 2. Under socialism, teachers forcibly keep D-students after school and worked with them.
The teachers did a great job spending their time helping children. They did the right thing in the
context of socialism. But from a philosophical standpoint, teachers committed philosophical (not
political, not juridical) pedagogical EVIL. But this pedagogical EVIL was necessary at that time.
And what is not EVIL from a philosophical standpoint? An IDEA is not evil.
Theory of communism. Under communism, people can be controlled but by the means of emotions
and IDEAS. This can be done only through personal example “DO AS I DO”, not as I commanded.
Under Lenin, the socialist state is a philosophical EVIL. Any COMMAND or instruction is vio-
lence under the theory of communism. The goal of communism is to destroy COMMANDS.
And what form of the philosophical EVILP of the socialist state will come out under socialism?
Pedagogical evil will; everything is all right then. But even in this case, the socialist state will turn
towards capitalism at the end of track. It will reverse. Perestroika meant that the socialist state had
fulfilled its historical role. It got old. Ancient Rome and the socialist state died of old age.
Perestroika proved that Lenin was right. But Lenin is always right, because he worked under the
theorems of Hegel’s dialectics. During perestroika in the USSR, capitalism was built by the STATE
itself. According to Marx, the state is a machine. And it reversed.
Perestroika meant that the time had come for a communist revolution, not a socialist one. The Rus-
sians were one step away from pure communism. It was necessary to abolish the socialist state and
set up a global Commune.
According to Hegel, the abolition of the state is understood as the abolition of MONOCRACY, but
not the destruction of the army or the police. The army and police will become Communes.
Lenin: “Such an army is possible”. Lenin’s work “State and Revolution”
It means that communism is possible in a single state. But what about Marx’s idea of a worldwide
communist revolution? According to Marx: if conditions are suitable in many countries, then a
chain reaction is likely to start.
At the meetings of the Leninist party, soldiers and generals addressed each other informally. They
were equals, they were brothers. Addressing each other formally was prohibited by Mehlis’s special
Heroism of Lenin
On the morning of August 30, 1918, Uritsky was killed. The left Socialist-Revolutionaries, who
were part of government, began the hunt after Lenin. The chairman of the Cheka (The All-Russian
Extraordinary Commission) was Dzerzhinsky. The left SRs were his deputies and they arrested
Dzerzhinsky during the uprising.
Lenin’s relatives and comrades dissuaded him from giving a speech that day. But Lenin was ada-
mant about it and went to face certain death.
On August 30, Lenin gave a speech unguardedly! After performance he was wounded. Lenin’s her-
oism shook the Russians to the core; they realized that they had a great proletarian leader. Brave
men, Stepan Razins, began to join the party. The net result is that socialism won due to Lenin’s her-
oism. After all, the size of the party is unimportant. Nothing matters more than great fighters, Ste-
pan Razins.
The first attempt on the life of Lenin
For the first time, the SRs sent a socialist-revolutionary worker to kill Lenin. The socialist-
revolutionary worker stood next to Lenin and had a chance to fulfill an order. But he did not shoot.
The SRs asked him why. His reply was as follows: “I could not take away the God from two thou-
sand of my comrades”. From that moment on, the Socialist-Revolutionaries have ceased to trust the
SR workers.
Death of Lenin. Lenin: “I am the same as EVERYONE”
Lenin was dying, but he did not eat delicacies. Why? Lenin: “I AM THE SAME AS EVERYONE”.
However, he ate good food one of these days. The next moment, Nadezhda Krupskaya, his wife,
entered. Lenin started crying with shame. He sweared himself.
He told himself: “Shame on you! You led Stepan Razins to the battle for EQUALITY and COM-
MUNISM. And when at death’s door, you immediately began to eat delicacies”.
If you cannot understand Lenin’s theory of communism through the example of his life, then study
it through the example of his death.
The leader did not want to save his perishing life. He knew to whom his mighty but primitive Ste-
pan Razins would be handed over. They would be handed over to the so-called intellectuals-leaders.
Lenin introduced uniform for soldiers and generals. Lenin built a commune-communism YOU ARE
During perestroika, it was possible to build pure communism in the USSR as follows:
1. To destroy the position of general secretary.
2. To abolish the Politburo.
3. To declare the Central Committee of the Party a PARTY COMMUNE. To resolve issues by
All authorities would be reorganized under Lenin’s scheme of semi-state and semi-commune. A
peaceful transition to communism would occur. Labour productivity would increase. A faith in pure
communism would be born.
Under Lenin’s scheme of semi-state and semi-commune, not a single chief should be fired in semi-
socialism and semi-communism. Elections are not needed. Production relations should be replaced
by human relations at every level of management.
According to Lenin’s scheme, theft and delusion of grandeur are impossible. People should turn
from robots into people. A new evolution will begin, i.e. the human evolution.
216 216
But Lenin is forgotten. All left-wing parties gave up on him. Not a single left-wing party in Russia
wanted to be called Leninist and insert Lenin’s name in the name of the party. Parties are not Lenin-
ist, therefore there is not a single working person in all the left-wing parties of Russia.
Only two websites are dedicated to Lenin on the Internet!
Under Marx, socialist COMMAND production relations outlived their usefulness. They must be
replaced by communist production relations, which are ordinary human relations. It is necessary to
communicate with the help of emotions, logic and IDEAS. People are not robots.
Example. Try to interact with your wife like this: “Wife, wash the floors. Cook dinner. Undress and
go to bed”. In a short time, she will pour a plate of soup on your head.
Under communism, communication with your brothers should be the same as with your wife: gen-
tly, persuasively.
And hundreds of thousands of left-wing theorists cannot understand this. Why? The reason is that
the left intelligentsia exploits the COMMON PEOPLE through an unfair DIVISION OF LABOUR.
Therefore, all their thoughts are exploitative. Marx’s theorem “Social being statistically generates
social consciousness”.
Hegel is right: “The rigid division of labour must be abolished. It is necessary to replace the meta-
physical division of labour with a dialectical one, i.e. with VARIABLE.
The first embryonic communist (non-socialist) revolution in Russia was in 1874. It is called
Marx’s theorem. With the emancipation of labour, EVERYONE will become a WORKER!
And productive labour will cease to belong to a certain class. Marx. Civil War in France.
Lenin: “The intelligentsia is a bourgeois stratum”.
Consequence. Therefore, even the left-wing intelligentsia has a bourgeois consciousness and a
nega-tive attitude towards the ideas of equality and communism. The left intelligentsia believes that
the COMMON PEOPLE should serve them throughout the thousand years of the new socialism.
They turn up the thumbs on eternal slavery. They are worse than priests who promise equality in
Kingdom of Heaven. The left intelligentsia does not promise equality even in the communist para-
The intelligentsia exploits COMMON PEOPLE by means of the unfair division of labour. It devel-
ops its talents on the backs of the working people.
Under communism, the intelligentsia will have to become SCIENTISTS-WORKERS and head over
to SELF-SERVICE: to wash their toilets and work in the canteen in turn.
We have to prove logically that the Going to the People (1874) had the features of a communist
revolution, not a socialist one.
Answer. The revolutionary youth realized that the INTELLECTUALS are the exploiters of the
working people.
Pyotr Lavrov, a Russian theorist of populism: “Intellectuals, return the favor to the people!”.
“The youth of St. Petersburg was overflowing with energy and fired up by their great expectations
and sense of misson. Everyone was overtaken by a ferocious thirst to dissociate oneself from the old
world and dissolve in the element of the people in the name of its emancipation. People trust their
great mission implicitly, and there was no earthly reason to call in question this belief. It was ‘a
kind of purely religious ecstasy’, wherein rationality and sober thought no longer had any place.
And this collective excitement grew continuously until the spring of 1874, when a real, truly cru-
sade to the villages of Russia began from almost all cities…” (from the memoirs of N. A. Charush-
“To the people! To the people!”. There were no dissidents. Everyone agreed on the need for stu-
dents to take up a manual trade before going ‘to the people’. They must also be able to turn into a
working man, a craftsman. Hence there was the increase in the organization of all kinds (carpentry,
shoemaking, blacksmithing, etc.) workshops, which began to grow throughout Russia like mush-
rooms after rain from the autumn of 1873. Then it got to the point that those who wanted to finish
their education, even being in their 3rd or 4th year, were called traitors and scoundrels. Workshops
began to grow in place of schools.
The most important is:
“Before ‘going to the people’ it is necessary to acquire skill in a manual trade, i.e. BE ABLE TO
Coming to the peasants with propaganda is called coming for tea-drinking. Under the communist
revolution, propaganda of the revolution is prohibited. There can be only SELF-PROPAGANDA
(Lenin’s category). The propaganda of the revolution by left-wing intellectuals is actually counter-
revolution. After all, they call the people to the revolution to drive out the capitalists.
The future communist revolution is the SECOND GOING TO THE PEOPLE for MANUAL LA-
BOUR. We will not leave the people anymore.
The thoughts and actions of that great Russian revolutionary youth are applicable for the program of
the future revolution.
Communism slogan is INTELLIGENTS! RETURN the FAVOR to the PEOPLE!
The great leaders of the future revolution should BE the FIRST to go to the PEOPLE
(for two days according to variable division of labour).
But the first great communard is already standing on the battle field. The Great CHE GUEVARA
returned with the Second Coming. He went to the people first. He was a minister, but worked as a
worker on weekends. He had 14 working professions.
The Hegelian triad:
The Going to the People of 1874. We all came out of the people. The Second Going to the People.
The Going to the People was led by the organization named the GRAND PROPAGANDA SO-
CIETY, which was a party Commune. This organization did not even have its own CONSTITU-
TION. Constitutions are for robots. And they are great people. They did not have general secretar-
ies. Moreover, they expelled people with delusion of grandeur. The grand propaganda society is the
embryo of the future Communard Party Commune.
The Hegelian triad:
The embryonic Party Commune of 1874 is the Party of the Soviet Union in the form of a machine
(except for Lenin’s stage), the future Communard party. the NEGATION of the NEGATION!
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The Going to the People of 1874 has no analogues in the history of mankind.
The boys and girls of that time were divinely intelligent and very naive. They wanted to build com-
munism quickly, and did not know that 150 years of fierce battles were ahead: great victories and
terrible defeats. And tens of millions of their grandchildren will fall in battle.
The source: http://chtooznachaet.ru/xozhdenie-v-narod.html
The best book about the populists is “Crusaders of Socialism”, Troitsky N.A. – Saratov: Edition of
Sarat. un-ta, 2002.
The title of the book couldn’t have been worse. Students left their studies at Moscow University and
became workers. Do they look like crusaders? Nothing in common.
Lenin’s communist, non-socialist revolution.
Lenin led a real communist revolution. He introduced the ideology of EQUALITY into the party.
Then 1,000 communes were created.
There were thousands of street children in Russia after the Civil War and the World War I. Many of
them were criminals. Communes for street children began to be created by order of Lenin. Felix
Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky was director of the All-Russia Extraordinary Commission to Combat
Counter-revolution and Sabotage – usually known as the Cheka. In 1927, Makarenko was appointed
as the head of the Dzerzhinsky labour commune, an orphanage for street children. Lenin was an idol
(and so were Marx and Engels) for Anton Makarenko. Makarenko spent every penny he earned –
searching for Lenin’s works. And that is why he managed to build a real scientific Commune of
young criminals. 5,000 people passed through the Makarenko Communes.
Logical analysis of the Makarenko Commune
The principle of dialectics: THE DIVARICATION of the ONE. The first theory of power under
pure communism. In the Makarenko Commune, there was a division of power into two: opera-
tional power – strategic power. So, Makarenko created a dialectical pair.
Theory of Power
Theory of Control
under pure communism, not socialism
Strategic power Operational power
Strategic control Operational control
The power of the general meeting The power of the duty officer
The general meeting Dispatching
Absolute power. The dispatch operator is Stalin, but he is temporary, for one
The dispatch operator is Stalin, but dialectical. Stalin is al-
legedly Stalin. He is a temporary dictator.
There are no two different mathematics or two different political economies. Therefore, all Com-
munes are identical from the standpoint of political economy. For that reason, the General Staff
Commune will function in the same way as the Makarenko Commune. Here is a description of the
General Staff Commune on the example of the Makarenko Commune.
Preface. The whole army is a commune. Lenin: “Such an army is possible”. Lenin’s work “The
State and Revolution”. Generals and soldiers wear the same uniform and eat the same food. They
have the same salary and apartments. Generals also wash the toilets and work in the dining room.
There is no exception in the theory of communism. Lenin: “I AM the SAME as EVERYONE”. Ex-
ception is considered treason to communism. EQUALITY GENERATES BROTHERHOOD. There
are fraternal relations between soldiers and generals.
Army Commune
The General Staff Commune
Power in the Commune
Strategic power Operational power
Power of the Commune of Generals Power of the General on Duty
The army is ruled not by soldiers, but by a col- The General on Duty is temporary (kind) Stalin.
lective – a commune of Generals.
If there are twenty Generals in the Commune, All generals and the whole army obey the Gen-
then the general meeting of twenty Generals is eral on Duty. If the General on Duty shouts
the highest strategic authority in the army. The “War”, then the whole army and generals will be
general meeting is the highest authority only on the move. There is no one higher than the
when 80% of the Generals are present at the General on Duty in the country.
general meeting.
The dialectical contradictions in a dialectical pair
The Commune of Generals can only replace the The General cannot change the command of the
General on Duty when the generals are gath- General on Duty alone. It means that the General
ered together. on Duty is above him when he is alone.
The second theory of power under pure communism. According to Hegel’s idealism, IDEA (not a
person) will rule under communism.
The striking example:
The Law of the Commune. The general meeting can be started only by the duty officer of the com-
mune. So Makarenko has no right to start the general meeting.
The communards did not let the People’s Commissar on the podium!
In those years, it was the same as not letting Stalin on the podium.
Why did not the Communards let the People’s Commissar on the podium? Answer: The dictatorial
power of the duty officer of the Commune expressed the OPERATIONAL POWER of the future,
real communism.
Makarenko Commune was a Commune of leaders
Every communard was the commander of a temporary detachment and was infected with the ideol-
ogy of Russian communard leaderism.
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A real commune can only be a Commune of Leaders. And that is why the Makarenko Commune is
the first scientific commune in the history of mankind.
Theory of inversion. Inversion of people and ideas.
There were permanent detachments and permanent commanders in the Makarenko Commune. And
it is bad as permanent commanders can seize power, and it will be the end of the Communards.
Hegel is actually right. The leader is always right. The idea of Communism (not socialism) won in
the Makarenko Commune. And the ideology of commanding became despised and insignificant.
The Commune was controlled by a Council of Commanders of Permanent Detachments between
general meetings. But any member of the detachment instead of a permanent commander could
come to the Council! And who came? Who had an IDEA! There is inversion of people and ideas in
the Makarenko Commune.
Cleaning the toilet in the Makarenko Commune. Repetition of Labour of Heracles.
There was a big cleaning in the commune before the holidays. Only the best detachment could do
the dirtiest work. Since cleaning the toilets was the highest honor to be earned. Only Great Leaders
could clean toilets. Only the best detachment had the right to clean the toilets. The rest of the de-
tachments did not deserve this great work.
The second coming of Heracles. Heracles rerouted the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to clean out the
Augean stables. And the great leader of the communards is the new Heracles, so he should clean out
the idea of elitism by cleaning public toilets. According to Hegel, if DARK IDEA is killed, it is a
victory. All elite classes will also be flushed down the toilet.
The Makarenko commune was created by “terrible” Chekists (agents of the Cheka). Makarenko: “I
met real communists in the Cheka”. Chekists defended the Makarenko commune, intercepted de-
nunciations. Makarenko would not have lasted even a week without the Chekists.
Did the Komsomol members of the Central Committee of the Komsomol destroy the commune?
Everything is the opposite! Why? The country was peasant. And most of the Komsomol members
were the children of peasants. The peasants do not rely on their brains; their main goal is to execute
orders in full obedience.
The pyramids of Egypt are monuments to all the great statesmen: Ramses, Frederick the Great, Sta-
lin. The state is power, the organized power of millions. The state is the great Egyptian pyramids of
power, created from living people.
The judgment of Komsomol members to the Makarenko Commune
The Makarenko commune is not a Soviet system, so it must be destroyed.
And Komsomol members are right. The Makarenko commune is not a socialist system. It is not a
pyramid of power.
Why should it be destroyed?
The Communards do not go into the pyramid. They destroy the pyramid. They are enemies. The
power of the Commune is in the IDEA. And the IDEA is something ephemeral. The peasants can-
not realize the power of the Idea. They consider variable constructions weak and insignificant and
the dead pyramid seems to them omnipotent.
Their thinking is metaphysical, not dialectical.
Khrushchev’s Communist Revolution
1. Khrushchev followed Lenin. He understood that socialism is limited. Khrushchev’s course
on communism was correct, so he continued the course of Lenin-Marx. The main reason for
the defeat of socialism is the rejection of pure communism. Socialism is a system with a
very short lifetime, so you goeither backwards or forwards. But if you do not go forward to
pure communism, you goback to dirty communism.
2. The course towards pure communism stimulated work on the theory of communism. And
those wonderful books that we have are the merit of Khrushchev.
3. Khrushchev saved the left-wing movement in Russia. Communism is incompatible with the
torture and murder. The truth about 1937 had to be revealed. If there was no Khrushchev,
there would be transition of Russia and other countries of socialism to capitalism anyway.
But if the truth about 1937 had been revealed at the beginning of perestroika, then the left-
wing movement would have come to the end.
But Khrushchev published only part of the truth, what was right. Otherwise, there would be
a new 1937 (Khrushchev’s words).
4. Khrushchev wanted to build communism, but he did not understand that communism is a re-
jection of monocracy, and a transition to collective life. Khrushchev did not understand that
communism would abolish him.
5. Khrushchev wanted to destroy the army shoulder marks. And he was right: everybody
counts or nobody counts.
An attempt to solve the SECTOR-TERRITORY problem.
The problem of cross-hauls in the USSR: one ministry transports concrete blocks from Moscow to
Leningrad, and another ministry transports the same concrete blocks from Leningrad to Moscow for
And it is impossible to organize an exchange, although the exchange is beneficial to everyone.
There will be no need to transport blocks at all. Why is it so?
The SECTOR dominates the TERRITORY under capitalism and socialism. The sectoral system
dominates the territorial system. Such a phenomenon is described by a metaphysical pair:
222 222
The theorem of philosophy. The exclusion principle. Two categories cannot fully manifest simulta-
neously; one category excludes the other at every moment of logical time in a metaphysical pair.
The situation is the same in a dialectical pair. However, pay attention to the word “FULLY”.
Consequence. Only the SECTOR is in the foreground under capitalism and socialism. The territory
category is almost invisible. Therefore, the SECTOR category is in capital letters, and the territory
category is in lowercase letters.
The ministries of the USSR are huge political economic machines that rotate at high speed. Interac-
tion is impossible without a theoretical solution to the problem.
Khrushchev saw the problem of cross-hauls. And he decided to break the sectoral management sys-
tem and approved the territorial system. Sovnarkhoz (Regional Economic Soviet) was created in
each region, and the sectoral enterprises were subordinated to the territorial authorities. Khrush-
chev’s metaphysical pair began to look like this:
1. 5% of all resources are withdrawn from all ministries of the USSR. Resources are combined.
2. An assembly of all ministers is organized.
3. A territorial collective firm is created.
4. Resources are returned to the ministers for collective use.
5. The Supreme Council and the Senate provides their capabilities. And they are huge.
6. A communist management system is introduced on the principle of equality: one minister has
one vote.
Why did not the leaders of the USSR find such a solution? There are two reasons:
The Stalinists shout: “Stalin, Stalin!” But in fact they shout: “State, state, pyramid, pyramid!” So
Stalin is the personification of the pyramid.
For thirty years Russian left-wing parties have been fighting for the second socialism. Their slogans
are: “Pyramid, pyramid! We are building into a pyramid”. But it is useless. The pyramid is not
growing. The times of the Egyptian pyramid of power have gone down in history. The socialist idea
is dead. The word “comrade” disappeared from the Russian language. Nobody uses this word any-
more. Comrade is a half-brother in the Leninist duality of socialism. The comrade can die for you,
or kill for failure to obey the command.
There will be no comrades, but there will be brothers under communism. And the day will come
when all will shout “BROTHERS”. After all, the future communard revolution is the last BROTH-
ERHOOD on planet Earth.
What would give the solution to the problem of SECTOR-TERRITORY for the economy of the
It would double the economy of the USSR.
The Cause of the Great Terror in 1937. Hegel’s idealism
Here is Hegel’s method of work. Hegel proved various theorems with the help of IDEALISM.
Hegel’s theorem. All categories are living beings.
1. They are born, bloom and die.
2. Each category strives to reach the pinnacle.
Categories are born in the form of embryos. Then the metaphysical stage of their life comes: they
are cocooned, they are butterfly caterpillars. They are dead compared to the butterfly. It is the prin-
ciple of relativity. Then, finally, they become butterflies.
Consequence. Ideas die, like people do. The idea of a Republic died in the souls of people in the
West. The socialist idea also died of old age. And no one is to blame for this.
And no one can revive the rotting corpses of ideas.
Thousands of years ago, the IDEA of a State, the Idea of a Great Machine, the Idea of a huge Robot,
the Idea of a huge pyramid was born. The Idea grew and grew and became a great IDEA. It became
an IDEA-GOD. And this Idea is the SPIRIT of the state.
Hegel’s theorem. The IDEA must be embodied.
And in 1917, the great IDEA-SPIRIT was flying over the planet and looking for a body, for great
priest. It wanted to materialize and it found Stalin, a man with a heart of stone.
The Idea said to Stalin: I appoint you as my Great Priest. Serve me faithfully and I will take you to
socialist heaven and give you immortality. You will become God and my eldest son. Build a pyra-
mid. The pyramid is my future body. Use living people as stones. The pyramid should be great and
perfectly smooth. If a man’s hand or head sticks out of the pyramid, cut it down.
Do not listen to Marx. Marx is bad. He wants to kill me. Chop off the heads of Marxists, Leninists,
and anarchists. Chop off the heads of everyone who does not want to get into the pyramid.
When you build the great pyramid, I will get my body. I will materialize. And then the universe will
I will give birth to millions of robots, your loyal Stalinists. And you will save Russia and the USSR.
You will defeat all nations. You will be remembered for thousands of years. Your younger brothers
Pharaoh Ramses and Frederick the Great are already gods. They are immortal.
Frederick the Great stated that he was the first servant of the state. Frederick: “I am a priest of my
God, the Great Pyramid”.
Stalin, Pharaoh Ramses, and Frederick did not rule the state. A priest cannot control his God. Fred-
erick: “I am a servant of the state”. The pyramid God controls his priests and through them the God-
state fulfills its historical role.
Question: Are you trying to justify Stalin? Answer: we are logicians, we are Hegelians. We show
the laws of dialectics.
The socialist state is different from capitalist state. And therefore the above description of the Sta-
linist USSR is incorrect. Only Lenin’s theory of the duality of socialism gives a correct assessment.
The second half of the assessment of the USSR.
It is impossible to unite by force the peoples living in the mountains of Tajikistan, Siberia and other
places. There was not only a ROBOT-State under socialism. There was also the communist IDEA
of equality and brotherhood. That IDEA united the peoples into the great USSR. It was impossible
to win the Great War without the brotherhood of peoples.
The old form of brotherhood is no longer relevant. New USSR is inevitable in the form of a global
How did Hegel prove the coming of the great Stalinist state and the coming of Stalin?
Theorem. The metaphysical idea of the STATE (pyramid) is a living IDEA. And a living idea al-
ways strives to reach the pinnacle.
How did Hegel predict the death of the great socialist state, the death of the USSR?
Hegel’s theorem. The state is a metaphysical category. And metaphysics must die.
Here we apply Hegel’s method of idealism to the homosexual movement in the West.
God-homosexuality in Western countries.
The dark IDEA of mass homosexuality is flying over the planet. This Idea also wants to materialize
and reach the pinnacle. Therefore, it is looking for a body, great homosexual. The Idea says to its
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great priest: “Serve me faithfully and create a completely homosexual society. All men should cut
off their penises and make vaginas. All women should sew up their vaginas and sew penises. And I
will give you immortality. And I will take you to homosexual heaven. I will make you the God of
Hegel’s idealism.
The goal of the homosexual movement is to turn all men into “women” and all women into “men”.
That is why homosexuals conduct aggressive propaganda.
The theory of degeneration of a metaphysical pair.
1. The goal of a dead metaphysical pair is to come to life. It wants to become a dialectical pair. And
the dialectical pair is constantly inverted.
2. If a metaphysical pair cannot turn into a dialectical pair, it turns into a degenerate pair.
3. The law of inverting pair was discovered by Karl Marx.
That is the second proof that homosexuals try to turn the entire population of the country into ho-
mosexuals. God-IDEA of homosexuality wants to materialize.
The theory of the degeneration of the metaphysical pair and the law of time reversal (ALLEGED-
The first living cell was an asexual being. It was an amoeba cell. During the evolution it was divid-
ed into male and female organisms. Evolution begins to move backwards at the moment of death or
degeneration of an organism.
Consequence. The Americas and Western countries are turning into societies of asexual beings, into
a society of political economic amoebas.
Consequence. Communism is late.
The transition of women into men in dialectics, not metaphysics
The transitions of men into women and women into men will continue under communism. But
these transitions will be imaginative and beautiful.
Example. A million women fought in the Red Army for the life of the USSR. They fought face to
face with the terrible and ferocious Germans. Only girls went to the battle against the dark god Ge-
stapo (on reconnaissance).
“Warriors!” This is how commanders addressed them before mortal battles. They were real men!
Question: The IDEA of pure communism has already been here for a long time, so why is there no
1. The people of the planet are the political economic dead. They are metaphysicians. It is hard
to come to life. When the first man revives, it will be the victory. The first man will revive
the second one.
2. “Who will go first with a new communard idea?”
3. There are no grandchildren of THOR and children of Odin left. They died in the world bat-
tles. There is no one to lift the logical hammer of the new Thor.
Was a rapid transition from socialism to communism possible? The plan of Marx and Lenin.
The experiment is needed here. Take a big factory with 100,000 workers and create a Commune-
factory with shortened work week and single salary for all. Chiefs, accounting, personnel depart-
ments, secretaries, cashiers, trade unions, etc. are not needed. The workers should study and then
The fantastic superiority of the Commune over socialism and capitalism
The fantastic superiority of the Commune is due to the EMANCIPATION OF CREATIVITY. The
emancipation of creativity will lead to the birth of a COLLECTIVE BRAIN, a collective con-
sciousness. A hundred thousand people will start thinking. And one day people will generate a hun-
dred thousand ideas.
The Commune factory will explode like a huge intelligent atomic bomb. Atomic explosions also
occur in political economy. the LAW of the UNITY of the WORLD is Lenin’s favorite law.
Faith in socialism will disappear. A new faith in the global Commune “YOU are the SAME as
EVERYONE” will be born. In the same manner Marx was up to build pure communism in the Paris
Marx predicted a world communist, non-socialist revolution. Marx means that a chain reaction of a
new communist, non-socialist idea will begin. And there will be a political economic explosion.
The creation of the great Khudenko Commune is the merit of Khrushchev. 1962-1969 years.
Wikipedia. Ivan Nikiforovich Khudenko was a front-line veteran. He became the head of the de-
partment of financing state farms in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR. Ivan voluntari-
ly (!) left such a high position to realize his idea to become the director of the state farm and create
a scientific commune.
Was there withering away of the state? There was.
There was no administration. Everyone worked! The office was empty. The driver came to an
empty office, filled in an application, took a ticket and went to Almaty.
Was there a variable division of labour? There was.
The driver drove up to the excavator, climbed into the excavator and loaded his car.
It is impossible to introduce such a system under socialism. If a person works in different places,
then his labour cannot be counted, and it is impossible to pay him.
Theorem. Payment according to labour (wages) generates a rigid division of labour. Lenin per-
suaded that WAGES must be destroyed. Lenin is right. The leader is always right.
Was there the destruction of money in the political economic sense of the word? There was.
Khudenko called his system moneyless.
Was there the emancipation of creativity? There was.
The workers made many discoveries.
Was there the uprising of the idea? There was.
People were inspired by an IDEA. However, they did not understand that they were building
communism, not socialism.
People had human non-machine relations. They were brothers.
Productivity of labour increased twenty times. The Khudenko commune defeated the USA,
Germany, Sweden and socialism.
The defeat of the Commune and the death of Khudenko.
The Khudenko commune was defeated. He died in prison.
Socialism and communism are incompatible.
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§16.8. Lenin compiled a table of categories of political economy of com-munism. But no one
knows it!
Lenin. Table of categories of the political economy of Communism, not socialism
Hegel’s theorem Lenin’s theorem
The categories of communism are dialecti- The categories of communism start with -SELF
Variable division of labour SELF-MOVEMENT (Lenin)
Variable classes SELF-ORGANIZATION (Lenin)
Variable control SELF-DISCIPLINE (Lenin)
Variable private property SELF-MANAGEMENT (Lenin)
Variable tribes SELF-PROPAGANDA (Lenin)
Variable political economic nationality SELF-PEDAGOGY
Variable political economic family SELF-MOVING (Lenin)
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Chapter XVII. The contents of the author’s book V “Marx has already prepared the theory of
During the anthropological evolution, an anthropoid ape turned into a human. Human beings are the
pinnacle of anthropological evolution. But Marx declares man to be the BOTTOM of a new politi-
cal economic evolution. Marx declares capitalism to be a society of political economic animals.
Competition reigns under capitalism. People live, just like animals, eating each other. So, the people
of capitalism are noble, political economic animals from the point of view of the ESSENCE.
The people of capitalism look like people (not monkeys or wolves), but it is illusion. It is AP-
PEARANCE according to Hegel. Diogenes was looking for PEOPLE in the daytime with a lantern.
He did not find PEOPLE in the highest divine sense of the word.
Capitalism is a world of business sharks, bitches, chicks, animals (movie titles). The people of capi-
talism call themselves sharks, bitches, chicks, animals, jackals (movie titles). They feel themselves
like animals, and they are proud of the fact that they look like ferocious representatives of the ani-
mal world. And there is no movie called “HUMAN”.
So, we are starting from scratch according to Marx. We are political economic apes or even political
economic sharks, and we need to evolve again. We need to become “HUMANS”, new political
economic CRO-MAGNONS.
17.3. Marx’s theory is the doctrine of the NEW POLITICAL ECONOMIC CRO-MAGNONS.
Marx spoke twenty languages, including Russian. But it turns out that Marx is not a genius from the
point of view of the theory of communism. Neither Gauss nor Kolmogorov are geniuses from
Marx’s point of view. They are ordinary new political economic Cro-Magnons, and we are apes.
They were the first political economic Cro-Magnons, and now they lead us. Under communism,
everyone will become talented; everyone will become the new political economic Cro-Magnons. A
detailed description of the political economic evolution of Marx is introduced in the book of the au-
Example. If a mathematician has been working at the same level for a long time, then he no longer
creates the value of communism.
The total communist revolution will create new types of evolution: mathematical, physical, musical
evolution and so on.
Who is a brilliant violinist from the point of view of communism?
Can this violinist prove the Pythagorean Theorem? He cannot. That is not good, as here is the mod-
ern world, and he still lives in 500 BC. No mathematical consciousness, no physical consciousness.
He cannot do anything with his arms. He is armless violinist with no brain.
He is a political economic ape. He is 5% musical person and 95% political economic ape. Why?
The capitalist elite likes trained musical monkeys. Pull the musical monkey’s tail to hear Beetho-
ven’s music, and pull the second time to hear Mozart’s music. Excellent!
Communism does not need trained musical monkeys. Under communism, everyone will receive all
forms of consciousness. And they will become 100% human in the highest divine sense of the
Everyone will play music under communism. Everyone will compose music and lyrics, write po-
ems, paint pictures. Everyone will develop all forms of consciousness.
The communist revolution is the SECOND TRANSITION from the political economic apes to the
This is Marx’s theory of the UNIVERSAL HUMAN of communism.
Marx’s theorem. The human of communism will develop all forms of consciousness, and will be-
come 100% human in the political economy of communism. He is the new divine political econom-
ic Cro-Magnon. There will be no political economic musical monkeys under communism.
We have included only one POLITICAL ECONOMIC category into Marx’s political economy, and
that is it. It turns out that the theory of the leaders of mankind is grandiose, very beautiful, and that
it has been ready for 200 years. But the stupid and lazy left-wing intelligentsia exploits the COM-
MON PEOPLE with the help of an unfair division of LABOUR. Intelligentsia is unable to under-
stand the world of dialectics and communism.
§17.4. Hegel and Marx created the UNIVERSAL (!) POLITICAL ECONOMY
Not many people will understand the meaning of the words UNIVERSAL POLITICAL ECONO-
MY, but those who understand will be shocked.
We have the following sciences: the political economy of the primitive commune, the political
economy of the slave-owning system, the political economy of the feudalism, the political economy
of capitalism, the political economy of communism. These are different sciences that do not have
any common category.
Hegel and Marx decided to create the UNIVERSAL POLITICAL ECONOMY for the entire history
of mankind.
It is necessary to give definitions and theorems that are appropriate for all societies in order to cre-
ate the UNIVERSAL POLITICAL ECONOMY. Is it possible? Is it possible to give a definition
that is appropriate for the primitive commune, for capitalism and for communism? Yes, it is!
Example 1. Marx’s THEORY of REWARD.
It is clear that there should be a reward under both capitalism and communism.
Marx’s theorem. The certain place in society can be reward for a person.
The definition of Marx is applicable for all societies, but it is necessary to describe Marx’s defini-
tion in detail for each epoch. So, we need to include additions to Marx’s definitions in each epoch.
Example 2. Definition of religion according to Hegel.
Definition. Religion is a FAITH in the IDEAL. This definition is applicable for any epoch.
Metaphysical, rigid religion is the world religions. But Hegel’s dialectical religion is the faith of
scientists in their science. There are permnent transitions in dialectics:
1. Destruction of the MONOCRACY (commands). Communes are formed at all levels of manage-
Example. The General Staff will be managed by the Commune of Senior Generals.
2. Marx. Destruction of money. Lenin: “The destruction of wages, the destruction of pensions”.
Unified wage of, let’s say, 1,000 dollars to each person. Generals, soldiers, priests, criminals, pen-
sioners will receive the same wage.
It is necessary to study the experience of destroying money in Federal Republic of Germany after
the war.
Here we do not need old government anymore. Any law is a division of money. If there is no mon-
ey, the laws are not needed. There were no laws in Sparta. Accountants, cashiers, banks, HR de-
partments are not needed anymore. We do not need chiefs and secretaries.
3. Marx: “The nationalization of children”. The children will be supported by the Commune. Wages
for each child can be about 500 dollars. Computers, phones, books will be free.
4. Destruction of the market and trade. Introduction of the principle of free-of-charge basis. Trade is
not needed, the parasite must be destroyed. Free meals will be at all factories, schools. Then 70% of
the products will pass by the trade.
Books, backpacks, pens, computers, tablets will be delivered to schools bypassing trade.
5. Living money must be killed. We need to break money’s legs. Under communism, it will be im-
possible to transfer money from one card to another. Destruction of all banks.
6. Transport, theaters, all kinds of education are free.
7. Introduction of a three-day working week. The other 3 days everyone will study at universities.
Universal higher and working education.
home SLAVERY”. Meals at factories, schools, universities are free. Why is it good? Cooking can
be automated.
9. It is necessary to organize large dining rooms on the ground floors of multi-storey buildings. The
first floors can be for clubs and meetings of the residents of the house. The apartment house will be
a new variable tribe.
10. Refrigerators, televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines will be free.
11. Destruction of the housing market. Nationalization of housing. All private houses will be na-
tionalized. So it will be possible to live and exchange house, but not to sell it.
Unified and open housing exchange system. Creation of a special housing fund for exchange.
12. Destruction of the car market. Nationalization of cars. So it will be possible to drive, but not to
sell it.
13. Marx’s program is the NATIONALIZATION OF HUMAN. The arms of workers, the legs of
dancers, the heads of scientists, the ears of musicians will be nationalized.
14. The program of the Cultural Revolution. Marx’s theory of the universal man.
It is necessary to organize Communes of mathematicians, physicists, sportsmen, chemists and give
them buildings, computers, meals. So mathematical, physical, sports, theatrical revolution will start.
15. Marx’s theory: “The DESTRUCTION of LABOUR”. The LABOUR category will die. The cat-
egory CREATIVITY will replace it in the political economy of communism.
The RIGHT to CREATIVITY and the duty to LABOUR.
Everyone should also engage in creative labour.
Question. Is the labour of surgeons’ a creative labour? No, it is not creative.
Definition. Creative labour is labour that is performed in free time, not working time. It is necessary
to form the Commune “Surgeon”, where surgeons will work one day a week. There they will find
something else to do. Science is mandatory. Variable division of LABOUR. All 100% of people
will be engaged in science under communism. There will be no common workers. The workers as a
class will be destroyed by the merger into the GLOBAL COMMUNE.
Communism is a system of WORKERS-SCIENTISTS.
16. Introduction of TOTAL SELF-SERVICE. Self-service will be introduced in all universities and
institutions. Scientists will cook meals and wash toilets one by one once a week. They will not have
slaves as common people. At universities people will work for 3 days as workers, and then they will
study for 3 days as scientists.
17. The intelligentsia as a class will be destroyed by the merger into THE GLOBAL COMMUNE.
Intellectuals will stop exploiting the COMMON PEOPLE with the help of a cunning division of
LABOUR. Intellectuals should also work and serve themselves.
18. Marx: “The production of communism is the PRODUCTION of HUMAN”. There will be tran-
sition from the production of things to the production of human. Communism will produce millions
mathematicians, physicists, sportsmen, artists, musicians.
236 236
Realization of Marx’s idea. We need to destroy art as a spectacle. Theaters will be turned into theat-
rical schools, which will produce millions actors. Hundreds of pupils from nearby schools will
study there. So students will develop their theatrical consciousness. The old theater buildings are
not applicable for communism. We need to build new ones with dozens of scenes where dozens of
students will learn to play.
19. Hegel: “It is necessary to destroy the permanent division of LABOUR and replace it with a var-
iable, dialectical one”.
Theater Commune. The director’s power is destroyed. His right passes to the collective. All 100%
of people are actors in the Theater Commune. Everyone is an actor, an illuminator, a cleaner, a re-
pairman, and a cook there. There is no slave.
§17.6. The power structure under communism.
City commune includes factories, hospitals, universities (not people). The factory can change its
representatives in the city commune every day.
1. Lenin: “Elections are organized on the basis of production, not territory”.
2. The central commune includes not PEOPLE, but ENTERPRISES.
3. Power is a process of factorization under communism. The FACTOR-GROUP theorem ac-
curately describes power under communism.
§17.7. The FACTOR-GROUP theorem describes the power structure under communism
Definition. Two people are equivalent to each other if they work at the same enterprise.
Theorem. The Central Commune is a factor set according to the introduced equivalence relation.
Consequence. Each enterprise is included in the factor-set (central Commune) as a whole.
There is communist equality and communist inversion theory in the factor-group theorem.
In this theorem, the correctness is proved by an operation group on a FACTOR-GROUP. All ele-
ments of the classes are multiplied in the proof. Thus, the INVERSION of all the ELEMENTS of
the group is organized.
Results. We tried to convince readers that: “The central commune includes not PEOPLE, BUT EN-
In fact, it is not so scary. The modern city government is mainly engaged in the parasitic division of
money. There will be no such work under communism. If there is no money, people’s relations will
become fraternal. That is the main thing. People will also change. They will become great.
How can communards win the elections? How?
Answer: Factories need to be selected. One factory can have 20 candidates; the other can have 30
candidates. The number of candidates must be large in order to oust all bourgeois parties from the
Factories should not choose masters, chiefs, workers with delusions of grandeur.
Slogans. Do not vote for one, he is going to be smashed. Vote for the factory. Together, we are in-
§17.8. On the scientific name of the party that builds communism, not socialism.
Name theorem.
1. The parties building socialism and the socialist state are socialist parties, not communist
ones. There were no pure communist parties except for the stage of Lenin.
2. All left-wing parties are semi-communist-semi-bourgeois according to Lenin’s theory of the
duality of socialism.
3. The pure communist party aims to abolish the socialist state. The communist party stands
against the socialist parties in the struggle for communism.
However, they work together against capitalism (according to Lenin’s theory of the duality).
4. According to Hegel’s idealism, the pure communist party should be an IDEAL PARTY. The
members of this party are united by an IDEA. There are no commands in this party. The par-
ty apparatus are the State, a machine of coercion; therefore, the party apparatus should be
destroyed in the party. Dispatching instead of monocracy. People are not robots.
5. The party building communism must be a PARTY COMMUNE. It will be born soon, and a
chain reaction of uprising of non-primitive scientific Communes will begin!
It should be called communist party. But left-wing movement call themselves like this, and they are
all socialist. They are for the state, what means they are against communism. There is confusion.
We suggest calling party communes COMMUNARD PARTY. And its members can be COMMU-
Question. Did Lenin name his party incorrectly?
1918. The 7th Congress of the RCP(b). The renaming the RSDLP(b) into the RCP(b).
1. Lenin also built pure communism. He made the name of the party for himself. He did not think
he would die so soon. But Lenin forbade other left-wing parties to be called communist.
2. The decision was forced. As all the socialist parties in Europe voted for war and became pure
bourgeois parties. It had to be different.
Marx, Engels, Lenin forbade all left-wing parties to insert the words “Socialist state” into the party
Image translation: It should be borne in mind that this letter refers to the party programme which
Marx criticized in a letter dated only a few weeks later than the above (Marx’s letter is dated May 5,
1875), and that at the time Engels was living with Marx in London. Consequently, when he says
“we” in the last sentence, Engels undoubtedly, in his own as well as in Marx’s name, suggests to the
leader of the German workers’ party that the word “state” be struck out of the programme and re-
placed by the word “community”.
What a howl about “anarchism” would be raised by the leading lights of present-day “Marxism”,
which has been falsified for the convenience of the opportunists, if such an amendment of the pro-
gramme were suggested to them!
Let them howl. This will earn them the praises of the bourgeoisie.
And we shall go on with our work. In revising the programme of our Party, we must by all means
take the advice of Engels and Marx into consideration in order to come nearer the truth, to restore
Marxism by ridding it of distortions, to guide the struggle of the working class for its emancipation
more correctly. Certainly no one opposed to the advice of Engels and Marx will be found among the
Bolsheviks. The only difficulty that may perhaps arise will be in regard to the term. In German
there are two words meaning “community”, of which Engels used the one which does not denote a
single community, but their totality, a system of communities. In Russian there is no such word, and
we may have to choose the French word “commune”, although this also has its drawbacks.
The leaders demanded that only the “Commune” or the “global Commune” be inserted into the par-
ty program. Lenin gave the correct definition of the global Commune as the Commune of Com-
Image translation:What a howl about “anarchism” would be raised by the leading lights of present-
day “Marxism”, which has been falsified for the convenience of the opportunists, if such an
amendment of the programme were suggested to them!
Let them howl. This will earn them the praises of the bourgeoisie.
1. Lenin considers all the left-wing parties opportunists.
2. Lenin contemptuously calls the general secretaries of the left-wing party “ringleaders”.
3. Lenin calls all the left-wing parties bourgeois.
Lenin: “This will earn them the praises of the bourgeoisie”. Why? They are absolutely safe, and the
workers feel it. All the left-wing parties stink of bourgeois poop of inequality and elitism.
4. The left-wing parties must build communism mainly in their own party. They must destroy the
party machine of coercion by expelling the general secretaries and turn into a party commune. Oth-
erwise they should disappear. No third is given.
The left-wing parties confuse billion workers of the planet with the names Marx, Engels, Lenin, and
Hegel. However, in fact they are their opponents. Therefore, not a single left-wing party in Russia
wanted to be called Leninist.
Lenin was right: “The left-wing intelligentsia is a bourgeois class”. And it does not like pure com-
munism. The intelligentsia wants to exploit the COMMON PEOPLE through unfair division for all
the thousands of years of the second socialism! The intellectual class is rotten and stinks. People
need to leave this stinking class and come to the Global Commune, to workers-scientists. It is clear
that left-wing intellectuals also does not like Hegel’s theorem on the abolition of the division of la-
bour. Communism is the SECOND GOING to the PEOPLE, to the Global Commune. And we will
not leave the people anymore.
On the scientific name of the future revolution.
It should be called the communard revolution or the communist (not socialist) revolution.
§17.9. The best collection of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin: “SOCIALISM
Edited by: V.P. Kuzmin, G.A. Bagaturia, S.E. Grechikho, V.P. Kuznetsov. Moscow, POLITIZ-
DAT, 1986, 495 pages.
This is a one-volume book. The shorter the collection, the more fundamental it is. Everything is
there. The deepest gratitude to creators.
In 1874, the first communist (not socialist) revolution was in Russia. It was called The FIRST GO-
ING to the PEOPLE. The students moved into communism.
The theorist of going to the people, Pyotr Lavrov:
“INTELLECTUALS! Return the FAVOR to the people!”
The embodiment of this great idea in the PROGRAM of the revolutionary youth of 1874:
“Be able to turn into a WORKING MAN!”
Practical realization of this greatest idea in the history of mankind by students in 1874:
Students left universities and CREATED WORKSHOPS, handicraft enterprises and worked in
them as workers!
The authors are fanatical Hegelians. And therefore we are obliged to rework Lavrov’s theory of
“Going to the people for BLACK LABOUR” with the help of Hegel’s dialectic.
The theory of the leader of the narodniks P. Lavrov “Going to the people for black labour” in Hege-
lian form.
Intellectuals! The class of intellectuals is a METAPHYSICAL, e.g., PERMANENT, e.g., DEAD
CLASS. The class of intellectuals is a dead class; it is the class of the dead. And you are the dead of
Intellectuals! Leave the METAPHYSICAL (dead) CLASS for the DIALECTICAL (living, varia-
ble) class WORKERS-SCIENTISTS. And you will come alive!
Come to life the dead of history, come to life. There is a LIVING WATER of history, there is. And
the God of LOGIC, the great Hegel, boiled this living water in the cauldron of history.
Communism is the Russian way. It is paradise for humanity. Russians will return to their commune,
from which they grew up. And this is the GLOBAL COMMUNE. You will have millions of sisters,
brothers, aunts, and grandparents. And you will be happy forever. You will throw away the stinking
money. You will not sell, you will give.
The Russian way is a return to the Mother, to the Great Mother Goddess LADA (theory of personi-
And for 150 years now, Russians have been following the fiery path of communism, Russian path
to the Great Mother Goddess:
1874 – The first Going to the People.
1905 – The Russian Revolution.
1914–1918 – World War I.
February 1917– the bourgeois revolution.
October 1917– the Socialist Revolution.
1917–1922 – The Russian Civil War.
1917–1924 – Allied intervention (Entente attack) in the Russian Civil War.
England and its allies Australia, India, Canada captured the cities of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, No-
vorossiysk, Transcaucasia (Batumi, Baku), Vladivostok, the Caspian Sea, the Baltic Sea, etc.
The United States captured Murmansk, the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok.
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France captured the South of Russia: Odessa, Kherson, Sevastopol. It consists of colonial forces:
African, Algerian, Indochinese, Senegalese.
Japan captured the Far East. The intervention involved the forces of Italy, Greece, Poland, Roma-
nia, Finland, and Denmark.
1919–1920 – Attack of Poland and Latvia. Poland captured Belarus and part of Ukraine. This is a
small part of the attacks of foreign states on revolutionary Russia.
The enemy was coming from all sides to revolutionary Russia. But the revolution defeated the En-
tente. Why? Lenin: “We took away soldiers from the Entente”. Entente soldiers and sailors took a
side with the revolution.
1932–1933 – The Soviet famine.
1929–1941 – Industrialization and collectivization in the Soviet Union.
1941–1945 – The Great Patriotic War (The Eastern Front of World War II). This was not a war with
Germany. All of Europe attacked the USSR.
On the Eastern Front:
Romania – 700000 soldiers. Romania is a supplier of oil for German tanks.
Finland – 340000 soldiers. The encirclement of Leningrad was impossible without the Finnish ar-
my. Finland is also to blame for the deaths of millions of women and children from starvation.
Hungary – 250000 soldiers. Hungarians near Voronezh brutalized the civilian population. And the
soldiers decided not to take the Hungarians prisoner.
Italy – 230000 soldiers.
Czechoslovakia. It supplied tanks and other types of military equipment. Czechoslovakia was an
advanced industrial power. Its excellent military equipment killed million soldiers of the USSR.
Slovakia – 36000 soldiers. SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Bohemia Moravia. A total of 70,000
Czechs and Slovaks were captured by the Russian.
The forces of Spain, Denmark, Norway, and Holland participated in the battle against socialism.
SS Panzer Division Wiking: Dutch, Belgians, Scandinavians.
SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Nederland. Destroyed by the Russians.
SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland: Scandinavians, Dutch.
SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonia: Belgians, French, Spaniards.
SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Langemarck. Belgians, etc.
The entire economy of Europe served fascist Germany. Even France was actually an ally of Germa-
ny. Therefore, Germany could use ammunition indefinitely.
During this war the Russians and their brothers won with the greatest heroism. World War II losses
of the Soviet Union from all related causes were about 27,000,000 both civilian and military.
1945 – The end of the war. Post-war famine in the USSR.
1945–1953 – The restoration of the USSR.
1953–1970 – New industrialization. Development of science.
1970–1985 – The quiet life of socialism.
1987–1991 – The crisis. The death of socialism. The dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Lenin’s theory of the DUALITY of SOCIALISM. According to Lenin, socialism is a dual semi-
communist-semi-bourgeois system. The state is a bourgeois, non-communist construct. The state
will always evolve towards capitalism. Any chief is a cocoon from which a bourgeois butterfly
flies. It is necessary to eliminate the socialist state and replace it with a Commune to build pure
The Russian workers forgot Lenin and his theory of communism. For a long time they considered
the socialist state to be communism. But during perestroika, the socialist state shot Russian workers
in the back.
There are thousands of nations and billions of people in the world. They all fight for themselves, but
Russians fight for everyone, for every living being in this world.
One hundred and fifty years of fierce battles: great victories and terrible defeats. This is the Russian
way to communism, to Mother Commune.
The great killer CAPITAL shoots Russians at point-blank range, and the great traitor State shoots
them in the back. This is the fiery Russian way to communism, to the Commune.
There are two worlds: the world of the dead and the world of the living. They are separated by the
fiery river and Kalinov Bridge. Kalinov Bridge is guarded by Russian heroes. The God of Death
and his servants strive to cross the Kalinov Bridge and destroy the world of the living. This battle
on the Kalinov Bridge has been going on for thousands of years between the world of the living and
the world of the dead. For thousands of years, Russian heroes have been holding back the attacks of
the God of Death.
Years passed, but Russian mothers have always been telling their children the same thing: “Our
children! We are standing on the Kalinov Bridge. We were born on the Kalinov Bridge. We will not
leave the Kalinov Bridge. We will not leave our Mother Goddess alone. It is our Mother Russia”.
Our children, today your fathers are fighting on the Kalinov Bridge, but tomorrow you will fight.
“Study, study, study communism” (Lenin). Become geniuses and become equal to the gods to fight
Capital and the state (command).
They are not people, they are immortal dark gods. They kill the millions. Dark gods were born
thousands of years ago and are going to live forever. They are immortal, but you can kill them.
The dark IDEA of elitism is the soul of the dark gods. Kill the IDEA of elitism in your heart and the
immortal creatures will die.
Hegel’s idealism. We need to kill dark IDEAS, not people.
Lenin. Dark ideas must be killed in OURSELVES!
“Economics and politics in the epoch of the dictatorship of the proletariat” by Vladimir Ilyich
244 244
Image translation: Theoretically, there is no doubt that there is a certain transition period between
capitalism and communism. It combines the features or properties of both of these ways of public
economy. This transition period is a period of struggle between dying capitalism and emerging
communism; – other words: between the defeated, but not destroyed, capitalism and the born, but
still very weak, communism.
The Theorem of Russians. Russian theorem. Socialism is the Kalinov bridge of heroic Russian his-
Capitalism Socialism Communism
Hegel Metaphysics Dialectics-metaphysics Dialectics
Hegel The world of dead The world of half-dead The world of living
The world of living money The world of half-dead people and The world of living
and dead people half-dead money people and dead money
(Marx’s labour vouch-
Why did socialism die? Socialism is a transition period. When MONEY (not
Half-dead socialist money It is a bridge between the world of bourgeois) dies, people
came to life and destroyed the living and the world of the will come to life.
the Russians. dead.
“Socialism is a period of strug- When the living state,
gle”. Socialism is a BATTLE i.e., the COMMAND
Lenin FIELD between the world of the (not chiefs) dies, peo-
dead and the world half-dead peo- ple will come to life.
The Kalinov Bridge of Socialism is the fiery Russian way. The battle with the world of the dead is
the Russian fate. Everything is true in Russian legends.
Russians are neither gods nor people. They are the best of men and gods.
There are thousands of nations and billions of people in the world. They all fight for themselves, but
Russians fight for everyone, for every living being in this world. The Mother Goddess whispers
(theory of personification): “Win, sons, win!”
§17.11. The prophecy
Hegel pointed out the road to life, the road to the rebirth of mankind. WE
NEED TO REVIVE THE DEAD. It is necessary to build a DIALECTICAL, that is,
A VARIABLE, that is, A LIVING WORLD (pure communism). Hegel's dialectic is
the doctrine of the LIVING WORLD.
Under communism, EVERYTHING WILL BE ALIVE, that is, dialectical, that
is, VARIABLE. Under communism, there will also be CLASSES, but they will be
dialectical, that is, variable, that is, ALIVE.
Under communism, there will also be PRIVATE PROPERTY, but it will be
dialectical, that is, variable, that is, ALIVE.
Hegel's dialectic AS A TEACHING ABOUT THE LIVING WORLD has been
absolutely ready for 200 years. But not a single person on the planet knows Hegel's
dialectic. The dead don't see the LIVING WORLD.
When the prophecy comes true, then the German communist gods will return
with the second coming: Hegel, Engels, Marx. Lenin and Chernyshevsky will come
with them.
But there will be no battle, no political revolution. And what will happen? And
what is written in the German myths?
It says there will be a REBIRTH FESTIVAL (the feast of the revival of the
dead). And so it will be. Humanity WILL COME TO LIFE.
Millions of people will take to the streets. They will hug and kiss. The great
unification of humanity will take place.
Millions of people in the squares will shout: "Long live Hegel. Ɉur THOR has
returned with the second coming!" As promised to return in German myths.
Therefore, the title of the program of future communism should only be this:
COMMUNISM is a PARADISE on Earth. Communism is a LIVING PARA-
The slogan of communism. Long live PARADISE on Earth! For the PARA-
DISE of the living, for the living PARADISE. At dawn, the idea of pure communism
will rise over the planet of people rotting alive. And THE IDEA will start looking for
This one is weak, this one is greedy, this one is an elitist. But this young man is
just right – he is the new CHE GUEVARA. Che Guevara – 17 working specialties.
Hegel's theorem. THE IDEA should find the BODY.
The idea of a new LIVING PARADISE will flare up. And millions of people
in the squares will shout: "Long live PARADISE on Earth! For the PARADISE of
the living, for the living PARADISE. For PARADISE, for PARADISE."
248 248
People are really waiting for PARADISE. They are waiting for a new deity.
Why? Because PEOPLE are DIVINE beings.
Fantastically beautiful women of different nations. Wonderful songs of the
peoples of the planet. Some people go down to the oceans and swim next to sharks,
others study space. How beautiful young people are. Incredible dances of young peo-
ple, their smiles, happy faces, love.
People! You are a miracle of the universe, you are beautiful, you are gods and
But why do you live under capitalism, on this garbage of human souls and
hearts? Socialism does not suit us either. Why did the Soviet people stop supporting
socialism? Answer: "Because socialism is not a deity, not a PARADISE."
The political economic dead create dead theories and dead worlds.
Christian Paradise is the Paradise of the dead, communism of the dead.
Communism is the Paradise of the living.
We have brought Hegel's idealism to the highest point, to the highest utopia, to
the PARADISE of the LIVING. And this means that we have completely completed
the development of Hegel's idealism.
If we abandon Hegel's idealism, if we abandon communism as a PARADISE,
then the left intelligentsia will again lead the peoples into socialism. And socialism is
outdated, socialism itself has become a dead man of history. The IDEA of socialism
has died in the souls of people. The IDEA died, and socialism died. And Hegel was
right again. But the leader is always right.
The riddle of human history:
So who is
1. Afanasiev V. Karl Marx’s great discovery: The dual-nature-of-labour doctrine its methodo-
logical role. – Moscow: Mysl, 1980.
2. Bulygin V.S. Heat capacity of an ideal gas in various thermodynamic processes. Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
3. Engels F. Dialectics of Nature
4. Lenin V.I. Philosophical Notebooks
5. Marx K. Capital
6. Marx K., Engels F., Lenin V.I., Collection “On Socialism and Communism”, Moscow:
Politizdat, 1986.
7. Peregudov D.V. Lectures on Physics http://www.peregoudov.narod.ru/lectures/lectures.html
8. Putilov K.A. Thermodynamics.
9. Troitsky N.A. Crusaders of Socialism – Saratov: Edition of Sarat. un-ta, 2002.
Ivan Bourbaki