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Listen Up! To Jonjonthewise Jonjonthewise

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MARCH 2023 V1.0

Writing and Design by JonJonTheWise•Editing by J Gray and James Hutt

Art Direction by Jaye Kovach•Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray

Copyright © 2023 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.


L isten up, chooms !

If you’ve visited my YouTube channel, you know I love Cyberpunk RED.

I love Cyberpunk RED because it provides us to explore the many complicated facets of what makes
us human. We learn more about ourselves as we make decisions for a person we fabricated by spending
points, rolling dice, and consulting a book. Our characters mean so much to us because they are an
extension of ourselves. We walk in their shoes and observe how they grow into a survivor of the Dark
Future. Our games provide a front-row seat to the theater of our mind.
Being a Gamemaster in the Dark Future can seem like a daunting task. Your decisions can impact the
game for many sessions to come, and you feel a special responsibility to “do it right.” Sometimes being
a GM means you play the rules as written, and other times you may be required to interpret the rules in
ways the rules didn’t forsee. That’s part of the finesse of being a Gamemaster.
You may have ideas about creating variations to the existing rules during your gameplay and campaign
preparations. Making and changing the rules is a normal part of gaming, colloquially named homebrew.
It isn’t just allowed but encouraged as a way to customize the game to the unique variables represented
by your gaming group.
While homebrewing can improve your experience, it can also result in unintended consequences to
the balance and playability of your game. It is a fine line requiring careful consideration. In this guide,
I’m offering some of my own personal homebrew ideas. I’ve found they improve my table’s gameplay
experiences while minimizing the overall impact of the consequences of my changes to the game at large.
When it comes to homebrew at my table, these are my guidelines.
1. Know and play the rules as written first. You can’t change the rules if you don’t know them. I know the
Mayor of Balancetown personally, and he’s worked very hard in tuning them.
2. Apply a soft change to the rules. Big changes have big consequences. Small changes minimize the
impact on the game as a whole, making them easier to incorporate into play.
3. After seeing your homebrew implemented, reflect on its impact on your game. Determine if you need
to pull back or double down. If necessary, be ready to scrap the homebrew entirely.
4. Remember, this is supposed to be fun.

We’re at the end of this transmission, and I have to run. I have a date with Zigurrat, and Microtech isn’t
too happy about it. You have everything you need. Now it’s time to do what you do best.

JonJon’s been kind enough to illustrate his wise council with examples from his
actual table. You’ll know you’ve run into one of JonJon’s examples because
it will be italicized, in quotes, and next to picture of his friendly face!


J onJonTheWise’s GM Advice
j o n j o n t h e w i s e s g m a d v i c e
Need some help plotting your game? Here’s some
”You’re five hands into a tense game of Texas
Hold ‘Em with Pact, leader of The Black Sand.
Sam Ectoplasm and Drex, you’re sitting across
an aged veteran of violence. Throughout the
advice from one of the best Cyberpunk RED GMs
last hour, you’ve watched his facial expressions
change from confident to enraged. You’re winning. He’s
On Making A Cyberpunk Plot losing. Pact doesn’t like to lose and sometimes he lets his
gun show his displeasure. ‘I’m all in.’ he growls, as you
In my experience, the best Cyberpunk plots involve look at your fresh-dealt hand for the first time.”
your Players’ backstories. So, being familiar with your
Third, keep the action going. Add a burst of prob-
Player Character’s Lifepath is always beneficial. Scour
lem-solving to your session by introducing an obstacle.
their Lifepath and look for nuggets of inspiration to
This could be a patrolling guard, a roadblock ambush,
inject into your plot.
or even a keypad lock at the secret backdoor entrance.
Need a bad guy? Look at their enemies. Need
”Sam give me a Gamble Check…a 15?
an ally? Look at their friends and partners. Need to
Yeah, that’s enough. Statistically, you know
connect Characters to one another? Look at their past
Pact is making a mistake. Going all in right
experiences on their Lifepath and see where they might
now doesn’t make sense. Clearly, you’ve
pushed him into letting his emotions get the
”In the preparation phase of the campaign, better of him unless he means to subvert the rules of the
I look over the Lifepath of every Character. game. Drex, give me a Perception Check…22? You
The Continental Brands Exec who wiped out notice some of the other Black Sand present. You
Talo’s Nomad family will be a great villain. observe three goons congregating around Pact, but
Co-Pay’s estranged father is a doctor. you’ve also clocked two pairs of his enforcers in the
Maybe he works with the Exec unwillingly. I can use rear corners of the room. From a quick stolen glance,
these links to motivate both Players to buy into the plot you notice your game is the focus of their attention.”
and work together.”
It is important you allow your Players to resolve the
On Starting A Session With Style obstacle as they see fit. Player agency is vital to role-
playing games.
If we want our Players to feel excited to play, we need
Last, end it with a bang. After some time, the location
to get their blood pumping and their dice rolling. After
you’re in will have served its purpose and the players
you’ve introduced the world of Cyberpunk RED to
will want to enact their plans to overcome your obsta-
your crew, it’s time to throw them in the pool and force
cles. Trust your gut in this situation and be ready to
them to swim.
move things along. You may decide more obstacles
First, set the scene. Where are they? Why are they have emerged from the player’s actions. Or you may
there? What makes this place a Cyberpunk RED decide the time has come to move on to a new location.
location? If all else fails, start blastin’.
”Central Dallas, a beautiful Corporate zone ”Your intuition proved correct; Pact is a dirty
the size of a city. You’re just outside of The cheater. But he didn’t expect you to cheat as
Zone, in a place that’s far from luxurious. well. Before you can shovel your winnings
You’re in Flash Point, a neon-soaked night- into a bag, Pact flips the table over in anger.
club and casino. More importantly, you’re His goons jump to action and they mean to
inside the favorite hangout for the Black Sand, merce- start a shootout in this fine establishment. Your covert
naries for hire.” communications with the rest of the Crew pay off as
Talo, Co-Pay, and Liber pounce on unsuspecting Black
Second, put them in the middle of the action. It’s time
Sand goons. Pact makes a mad dash towards cover
to shove your Players face-first into an action-packed
and right into Wasp’s crosshairs. Roll for Initiative!”
scenario filled with tension and intrigue.


F ive of JonJon’s House Rules

f i v e o f j o n j o n s h o u s e r u l e s
Every table is different, making your game the unique
Using the Combat Number and some additional
stats, I devised a system to create NPCs on the fly. If
my Players start a fight with a small group of baddies,
the 3-Goon Method provides me with the necessary
experience we all strive for. To reflect my own unique
tools to create the encounter quickly, without impacting
experience and adapt Cyberpunk RED to my play-
the game’s pacing. I never need to worry about having
style, I’ve created some homebrew rules. The following
a character sheet ready for every encounter.
section contains some of my personal homebrew ideas
that have been tried and tested. With my compliments, Instead of individually plotting out an NPC’s stats,
use them at your discretion, and feel free to make any gear, and skills, I assign them a set of numbers similar
changes needed for your own game. to the Combat Number of a Demon. Each one of these
numbers is rolled with 1d10 to determine if the NPC
Rule 1: The 3-Goon Method has passed or failed. I also provide a fixed value or
simple choices for the Armor SP, Hit Points, MOVE
When running the game, I’m at my best when I am
STAT, Initiative, Cyberware, and Weapons available
relaxed. To enter this zen state, I’ve noticed it has
to these goons.
everything to do with letting go of the responsibility of
planning every appropriate response to my Players’ ▶ Reading the Goon Stat Blocks ◀
gameplay and giving myself permission to improvise.
Goons come in three flavors. Easy, Average, and
My brain can only process a finite amount of ideas at Elite. The type determines how much of a challenge
a time, and I risk overwhelming myself in critical moments a Goon provides when facing off against your Crew.
if I try to keep track of every possible outcome. I have Here’s how to read the Goon Stat Blocks.
often found myself paralyzed with indecision because
I am processing too many ideas simultaneously. I am ▶ Skill
processing my notes, the rules, the dice rolls, my Players’
This covers all the skills the Goon logically has some
decisions, and many more variables. Cutting the number
proficiency in. For example, a low-level ganger
of variables down makes them easier to manage and
probably knows how to throw a punch, so you would
gives me room to make better decisions in the heat of the
this number for Brawling but probably can’t solve a
moment. Most of all, I feel more relaxed and can enjoy
quadratic equation, so you would add a 0 to their
my part in the shared tabletop gaming experience.
Check if they had to roll Science (Mathematics). Use
You can see the problem, though. If my players want Skill + 1d10 to determine if they succeed or fail at a
to fight a group of doombas who look at them the Skill Check.
wrong way, then I have to be ready with those stat
At your discretion, you may feel a Goon is more
blocks but if I wasn’t planning on the fight, I don’t have
proficient or less capable with some Skills compared
those stat blocks ready to go.
to others. Note which Skills you feel deserve such treat-
Spending an hour of precious game time to create ment and assign them a positive or negative modifier
stat blocks for a spontaneous fight is not an ideal sit- between 1 and 3.
uation to be in. An action-packed scenario comes to
For example, an Easy Goon Boosterganger might
a screeching halt as I toil over my notes to create the
roll a -1 for all Human Perception Checks because the
perfect opponents to battle the Players.
doomba is always high on something, clouding their
To solve this problem, I scoured the Cyberpunk RED judgement.
core rulebook for help and came across “Demons” in
Note: Only Elite enemies can attempt to
the Netrunning chapter. I noticed they had a special
dodge bullets.
stat called a “Combat Number,” simulating the Demon’s
ability to fire meat space weapons connected to its NET
Architecture. To make an Attack Check for a Demon, ▶ Initiative
the GM rolls 1d10 + Combat Number to determine if it Roll Initiative + 1d10 to determine when a Goon’s turn
hits with its weapons. occurs during a combat Round.


▶ Move ▶ Average Goon

This covers the MOVE STAT for the Goon. The most common combatant in the Dark Future, these
goons have some training and combat experience.
▶ Armor Examples include beat cops, Corporate security, body-
guards, and militia members.
Two armor SP values are present — one for the head
and one for the body. Skill 11 • Initiative 6 • Move 6
Armor 4 SP (Head) / 7 SP (Body)
▶ Health
This is the total amount of Hit Points the Goon has. Health 25 HP
Possible Weapons: Heavy Melee Weapon•Heavy
▶ Possible Weapons Pistol•Heavy SMG•Very Heavy Pistol•Very Heavy
These weapons are available to the Goon, including Melee Weapon•Either 2 Armor-Piercing Grenades
special ammunition and grenades. You decide what or one gun is loaded with Special Ammo of your
they’re packing. choice.
Possible Cyberware (Choose 1 or roll 1d6)
▶ Possible Cyberware
1. Skate Foot 4. Anti-Dazzle
A list of potential Cyberware available to the Goon.
You either decide or roll to determine what they have. If 2. Rippers 5. Internal Agent
your Goon receives Cyberware requiring foundational 3. Pain Editor 6. Talon Foot
Cyberware, they have that as well.

▶ Types of Goons◀
▶ Elite Goon
Here are stat blocks for the three Goon types your
These goons are the scariest of them all. They dodge
Crew will encounter.
bullets, evade melee attacks, and have a terrifying
kill count. Use these goons sparingly to support a
▶ Easy Goon final boss or to give your players a major challenge.
This goon is the dim-brained doomba who thought Examples include experienced Solos, hitmen, MaxTac,
they could pickpocket one of your players. They’re a and cyber-ninjas.
low-level enforcer barely capable of loading a gun. In
Skill 14* • Initiative 8 • Move 7
large numbers, they could be a problem. But individu-
ally, they’re easy pickings. Armor 11 SP (Head) / 11 SP (Body)
Skill 8 • Initiative 4 • Move 5 Health 35 HP
*can use this to dodge bullets
Armor 0 SP (Head) / 7 SP (Body)
Possible Weapons: Very Heavy Pistol•Very Heavy
Health 15 HP
Melee Weapon•Shotgun•Assault Rifle•2 Grenades
Possible Weapons: Light Melee Weapon•Medium of your choice and one gun loaded Special Ammo of
Melee Weapon•SMG•Medium Pistol your choice.
Possible Cyberware (Choose 1 or roll 1d6) Possible Cyberware (Choose 2 or roll 1d6 twice)
1. Light Tattoo 4. Chyron 1. Skate Foot 4. Anti-Dazzle
2. Big Knucks 5. Internal Agent 2. Wolvers 5. Sandevistan
3. Chipware Socket 6. Grip Foot 3. Pain Editor 6. Low Light/Infrared/UV

▶ Special Goons ◀ Rule 3: Excessive Damage Stun Saves
I know this is called the Three Goon Method, but there
In Cyberpunk 2020, the rules had more mechanics
is one more goon worth mentioning. These are special
to simulate the visceral realism of battle, resulting in
bosses or unique enemies with an important role in your
significantly slower combat and frequent Edgerunner
game. They can’t just be faceless enemies. You can use
death. Cyberpunk RED has streamlined many of
the method above to create them, but you may want
those features to speed up combat and increase the
to hand-craft each sub-category to reflect the unique
chances of your Edgerunner living long enough to tell
nature of the enemy better.
a full story. One of the Cyberpunk 2020 rules I’m
”Back at the nightclub, Talo, Co-Pay, and talking about here was the Stun Save. Designed to
Liber took out three targets with their surprise simulate how any wound can cause shock, failing a
attacks. That leaves Pact and four goons. Stun Save forced combatants to spend time regaining
Pact is a Special Goon, so I have his stat their faculties before they could carry on with combat.
block ready. I wasn’t sure how the scene
The Excessive Damage Stun Saves rule reintroduces
would go down, though, so I didn’t prepare the other
Stun Saves into Cyberpunk RED without slowing
Goons. Two of Pact’s henchmen can be Elite Goons, as
down play. It also helps big damage numbers feel like
they are his personal retinue. I decide on Assault Rifles
they have a truly notable impact.
for weapons, and Pain Editor and Anti-Dazzle
Cyberware. The other two will be Average Goons
because they are not as well-trained. They’ll carry
When a combatant is successfully hit by a
Heavy SMGs and come equipped with Rippers
Cyberware. If it devolves to hand-to-hand, every Goon single Attack resulting in 20 or more damage
will also have a Heavy Melee Weapon to defend (after all damage reduction) they must
themselves. I also quickly check to determine special make a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check.
ammo and grenades available to the Goons. The
Average Goons each have Expansive Ammunition
loaded. The Elite goons will each have 2 Armor If the combatant passes, they keep their footing and
Piercing Grenades and Armor Piercing Ammunition continue as normal.
loaded.” If the combatant fails, they are Stunned and fall
Prone. A Stunned Character must use their next Action
Rule 2: No Death Saves For Mooks to shake off the effect of being Stunned and pull them-
In the Dark Future, life is cheap and it is cheapest for selves together. They remain Prone after doing so and
the numerous faceless doombas that make the mistake must use their Move Action to get up.
of crossing your table’s Crew. During my sessions, I’ve ”While running away, Pact fires his custom
found I can better illustrate the unimportance of some Very Heavy Pistol at Drex. His shot connects,
combatants compared to others by skipping their Death dealing 27 damage! Drex, give me a DV13
Saves altogether. If a Mook is less significant than Resist Torture/Drugs check… an 11 is not
the boss they work for, when their HP reaches zero? enough! The impact of the round sends you
They’re gone from this world. This speeds up combat reeling, and you lose your footing. Down on your back,
and makes Death Saves entirely a mechanic signifying you are Stunned as a stream of blood begins to flow
more important NPCs such as bosses and leaders. from your gunshot wound. You must spend your next
”Talo swings his axe and cuts a mortally Action getting your wits about you.”
wounding gash across the belly of one of
Pact’s Elite goons, dropping them to 0 HP.
Rule 4: Major Successes and Failures
See CP:R
means The poor sod’s shocked expression is Cyberpunk RED’s signature rules of “imploding” and
check the
Cyberpunk instantly replaced with a dead one as they “exploding” dice (see CP:R page 130) are wonderful
RED core slump into a pile of their own gore and breathe their mechanics but they don’t assign any unique benefits or
last breath. The enemy is slain.” losses to your Skill Check result. My Solo Player once

rolled a 34 on an Attack Check, and all I could tell him Rule 5: Police Response Time
was, “you definitely hit.” There is no special ruling for
such a success of that magnitude. That’s when I was In Cyberpunk RED, the Lawman Role can call in
inspired with the idea of introducing Major Successes backup to a combat encounter (see CP:R page 158)
and Failures. and the efficacy of the backup varies depending on
their Role Ability Rank. That’s all well and good, but
Major Successes mean the Skill Check is perfectly the most intriguing part of the mechanic to me was the
executed and may offer additional benefits to the mechanic for the backup’s response time.
results as determined by the GMs. Major Failures,
meanwhile, do the opposite, creating additional neg- I wanted to extrapolate on the idea to offer a sense of
ative consequences. a police/security presence in the setting we’re playing
in. After all, combat tends to be extremely loud and can
I encourage GMs to focus on the narrative aspect cause abrupt chaos in an otherwise peaceful area. In
of any results triggered by this rule. In my experience other words, people usually notice when it happens.
adding to the story elements, such as one of your Players Therefore I wanted to add a sense of urgency and con-
rolling so well on an Evasion Check against gunfire they sequence to public displays of violence. If the Players
also manage to dive behind cover in the process, has a decide to spit lead at some boosters in the middle of
more lasting impact than simply offering an additional Little Europe, they had better be ready to face NCPD’s
d6 to damage or +1 bonus on their next Check. finest.
At the beginning of Round 2 of a combat
A result of 25 or more on a Skill encounter, roll 1d6 divided by 2 (rounding
Check triggers a Major Success. up). A nearby patrol unit or security force shows up
in a number of Rounds equal to the result.

To qualify for a Major Success, the Check This rule only triggers in public places with an estab-
must be against DV21 or lower. Any lished police or security presence. There’d probably be
no need for it in a Combat Zone. The arriving police
Check with a DV higher than 21 already
force size and ability level is at the GM’s discretion. I
qualifies as a special moment if passed. recommend you start small and increase the arriving
police force incrementally every round. Raise their
A result of 5 or less on any Skill efficiency and firepower as the combat drags on.
Check triggers a Major Failure. ”Bam! Good work, Wasp. Your shot con-
nects and Pact stumbles as your bullet
”Smash and Connor arrive late to the party causes a Broken Leg Critical Injury. He
and missed the start of the fight against Pact tumbles to the ground, screaming in pain.
and his goons. Standing at the entrance, the You see Smash and Connor enter through
bouncer and his retinue block entry. They another entrance. They immediately grab Pact and
won’t let you in until they get a handle on the start dragging him away to the new truck they’ve
violent breakout inside. Connor, you wanted to Persuade acquired. Hopefully, he doesn’t bleed out before you
the bouncer to stand aside? Go ahead…a 31! You abso- can extract some information about his client,
lutely smashed it! Your angry ranting and finger-wagging Continental Brands. Since this is the second Round
forces this stoic bouncer to question his very existence. of combat with everyone present, let’s see when the
What if you’re right and the owner of the club is your Dallas Police Department will arrive… a 1! Oh, no!
brother? He won’t just lose his job. He’ll lose his head! The sirens are close. Too close. Hell, they must have
With a fearful response, he mutters the shipping entrance been in the parking lot of the donut shop next door!
is a safer entry point. The code is 1313. He also, reluc- They’ll be upon you all in mere moments. If you have
tantly, gives you the keys to the truck parked there in a plan, you’d better enact it now or face their reck-
case you need to get out quickly. You’d better act fast oning. Dallas cops habitually shoot first and carry
before he second-guesses himself.” extra body bags for later.”


easy goon
15 easy goon
modifiers modifiers

weapons weapons

armor armor
Head SP 0 Head SP 0
Body SP 7 Body SP 7
cyberware cyberware

average goon
25 ELITE goon
modifiers modifiers

weapons weapons

ammo ammo

grenades grenades

armor armor
Head SP 4 Head SP 11
Body SP 7 Body SP 11
cyberware cyberware

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