GX50 60 65 - Im
GX50 60 65 - Im
GX50 60 65 - Im
No part of this document may be transmitted, reproduced, or copied in any form or by any means
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constantly improve the quality and performance of our products, information contained in this
document is subject to change without notice.
UPS Aviation Technologies, II Morrow, Apollo, and Flybrary are registered trademarks of
II Morrow Inc.
“The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance
standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install this article on or within a specific
type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft operating conditions are within TSO
standards. The article may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents
an acceptable installation and is approved by the Administrator.”
Source: FAA TSO-C129a, TSO-C37d, TSO-C38d, and TSO-C128
To receive additional copies of this publication, order part # 560-0959-04, Apollo GX50 GPS
and GX60/GX65 GPS/Comm Installation Manual.
Table of Contents
SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ..................................................................................................................... 1
APOLLO GX50/60/65 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 1
FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................ 3
SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS ............................................................................................................... 4
VFR GPS NAVIGATION INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................4
IFR GPS NAVIGATION INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................5
COMM TRANSCEIVER - GX60/65...............................................................................................................................5
DATABASE UPDATES........................................................................................................................ 5
REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................. 5
UNPACKING THE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................... 6
PACKAGE CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 6
OTHER REQUIRED MATERIALS......................................................................................................... 8
SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED............................................................................................................... 8
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION.................................................................................................. 9
PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION................................................................................................... 9
INSTALLATION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 9
INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 9
MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................................................9
MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................................................9
ALTITUDE INPUT ........................................................................................................................................................9
EQUIPMENT MOUNTING ................................................................................................................. 10
MOUNTING TUBE INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................11
UNIT INSERTION.......................................................................................................................................................12
UNIT REMOVAL .......................................................................................................................................................12
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 14
POWER .....................................................................................................................................................................14
AVIONICS OUTPUTS .................................................................................................................................................14
SERIAL INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................................................14
SPEAKER AND HEADPHONE OUTPUTS (GX60/65 ONLY)..........................................................................................15
MICROPHONE INPUTS (GX60/65 ONLY)...................................................................................................................15
TRANSMIT KEY INPUT (GX60/65 ONLY) .................................................................................................................15
INTERCOM SELECTOR SWITCH (GX60/65 ONLY) .....................................................................................................15
REMOTE FLIP/FLOP INPUT (GX60/65 ONLY) ...........................................................................................................15
ANTENNA INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS ............................................................................... 15
COMM ANTENNA (GX60/65 ONLY).........................................................................................................................15
GPS ANTENNA ........................................................................................................................................................16
POST INSTALLATION CHECKOUT .................................................................................................... 25
TEST MODE CHECKOUT AND SETUP.........................................................................................................................25
GPS NAVIGATION CHECKOUT .................................................................................................................................27
VHF COMM CHECKOUT (GX60/65) ........................................................................................................................28
FINAL SYSTEM CHECK ............................................................................................................................................29
INTERFACE CHECKS .................................................................................................................................................29
SECTION 3 - SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 33
ELECTRICAL ................................................................................................................................... 33
PHYSICAL .......................................................................................................................................33
ENVIRONMENTAL ...........................................................................................................................34
GPS RECEIVER PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................................34
AVIONICS OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................35
ALTITUDE INPUT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................36
ANNUNCIATOR REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................36
COMM RECEIVER PERFORMANCE (GX60/65 ONLY) .......................................................................37
COMM TRANSMITTER PERFORMANCE (GX60/65 ONLY).................................................................37
INTERCOM PERFORMANCE (GX60/65 ONLY)..................................................................................38
CONTROL INPUTS ............................................................................................................................38
ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................38
GPS ANTENNA ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
COMM ANTENNA ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
SERIAL INTERFACE .........................................................................................................................38
REAR CONNECTOR PINOUT .............................................................................................................39
SECTION 4 - LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................41
INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................41
APPENDIX A - TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................43
CONTACTING THE FACTORY FOR ASSISTANCE ................................................................................44
APPENDIX B - PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ........................................................................45
LITHIUM BATTERY REPLACEMENT .................................................................................................45
EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION ..............................................................................................................45
REFERENCE OSCILLATOR (GX60/65)...................................................................................................................... 45
CLEANING THE FRONT PANEL.........................................................................................................45
APPENDIX C - ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATIONS...................................................47
APPENDIX D - ACCESSORIES ...............................................................................................49
FROM II MORROW ..........................................................................................................................49
COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE ..........................................................................................................52
APPENDIX E - SERIAL INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS .................................................55
MOVING MAP OUTPUT ...................................................................................................................56
ANNUNCIATOR OUTPUTS (WHEN EXTENDED DATA IS ENABLED ONLY).........................................60
NAVCOMM DATA OUTPUT .............................................................................................................62
REMOTE LOCALIZER LIST........................................................................................................................................ 64
DISTANCE/SPEED/TIME MESSAGE ..................................................................................................66
ALTITUDE ENCODER/CONVERTER INPUT ........................................................................................67
FUEL/AIR DATA COMPUTER INPUT .................................................................................................68
“S” DATA FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................. 68
“Z” DATA FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................. 70
GPSS SERIAL OUTPUT ...................................................................................................................72
TABLE 1 PACKAGE CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ 7
TABLE 2 COMM INTERFACE CONNECTOR PINOUT ......................................................................... 39
TABLE 3 NAVIGATION INTERFACE CONNECTOR PINOUT............................................................... 40
TABLE 4 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ............................................................................................. 43
TABLE 5 RS-232 SERIAL INTERFACE SELECTIONS ........................................................................ 55
TABLE 6 MOVING MAP ASCII NAVIGATION DATA ...................................................................... 57
TABLE 7 MOVING MAP BINARY ROUTE DATA.............................................................................. 58
TABLE 8 NEAREST WAYPOINT LIST DATA .................................................................................... 59
TABLE 9 ANNUNCIATOR OUTPUT DATA ....................................................................................... 60
TABLE 10 FLIGHT PLAN WAYPOINT TYPE .................................................................................... 61
TABLE 11 ALTITUDE INPUT DATA ................................................................................................ 67
TABLE 12 FUEL/AIR DATA MESSAGE DATA (S FORMAT)............................................................. 69
TABLE 13 FUEL/AIR DATA MESSAGE DATA (Z FORMAT) ............................................................ 71
TABLE 14 - ASCII AUTOPILOT DATA .............................................................................................. 72
FIGURE 1 GX50 FRONT PANEL ....................................................................................................... 2
FIGURE 2 GX60/65 FRONT PANEL .................................................................................................. 2
FIGURE 3 - FULL STACK MOUNTING TUBE SPACING...................................................................... 11
FIGURE 4 MOUNTING FRAME ASSEMBLY ...................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 5 CABLE ROUTING............................................................................................................ 13
FIGURE 6 REAR COAX CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY ............................................................................ 17
FIGURE 7 TNC COAX CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY............................................................................. 17
FIGURE 8 GX50/60/65 POWER AND AVIONICS CONNECTIONS ...................................................... 18
FIGURE 9 - APOLLO ACU TO APOLLO GX50/60 WIRING DIAGRAM.............................................. 19
FIGURE 10 - APOLLO ACU TO APOLLO GX65 WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................. 20
FIGURE 11 APOLLO 50/60 CONNECTIONS WITH MD41 ANNUNCIATOR / RELAY .......................... 21
FIGURE 12 RS-232 SERIAL CONNECTIONS.................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 13 GX60/65 COMM WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................ 23
FIGURE 14 GX60/65 TYPICAL AUDIO PANEL CONNECTIONS........................................................ 24
FIGURE 15 UNIT DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................................... 34
FIGURE 16 - EXAMPLE ANNUNCIATORS ......................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 17 MOVING MAP DATA OUTPUT (EXTENDED DATA DISABLED)...................................... 61
FIGURE 18 MOVING MAP DATA OUTPUT (EXTENDED DATA ENABLED)....................................... 62
FIGURE 19 ALTITUDE DATA INPUT ............................................................................................... 68
FIGURE 20 FUEL / AIRDATA DATA INPUT (S FORMAT) ................................................................. 70
FIGURE 21 - FULL STACK INTERCONNECT DRAWING ..................................................................... 73
This manual describes the installation of the Apollo GX50 GPS and GX60/65 GPS/Comm
units. It is intended for use by persons certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
to install aircraft navigation devices. It includes installation and checkout procedures for the
GX50, GX60, GX65 and units to standards described in FAA advisory circulars AC 20-138
(for GPS) and AC 20-67B (for comm).
The GX50 and GX60/65 units are equivalent except that the GX50 does not include the VHF
Comm. Throughout this manual, references to the GX50/60/65 are for the GX50, GX60, and
GX65. The GX65 differs from the GX60 in that it is not certified for IFR approaches.
The GPS navigation features for the GX50 GPS and GX60/65 GPS/Comm include:
· High resolution, daylight readable graphics display
· Automatic display intensity
· Back-lit buttons
· Simple “Direct-To” navigation
· Datacard database for easy user update and replacement
· Nearest waypoint and airspace search (includes airports, VORs, LocDMEs, NDBs,
intersections, and user waypoints)
· Remote waypoint search
· Navigation displays -
- Lat/Lon to 0.01 minute
- Bearing and distance to waypoint
- Ground speed and track angle
- Track angle error
- Desired track and distance between waypoints
- Cross track error with numeric and graphic CDI
- Display of the “TO” waypoint ident
- ETE and ETA to the “TO” and destination waypoints
- Altitude (from altitude encoder/converter input)
- Minimum safe altitude and en route safe altitude information
· Map Displays -
- Full screen map with bearing, distance to waypoint, and zoom level
- Split screen map with distance, speed, bearing, track, crosstrack error, To
waypoint, and zoom level
- Split screen with nav data and comm frequency display (GX60/65 only)
- Smart key, 1 button map declutter, Tri-state
- On map waypoint selection for information, direct-to nomination
- Track up, desired track up, and magnetic north up options
- Runway diagrams and runway names displayed
- 5nm ATC rings around airports with control towers
- Airspaces displayed by sector or outer boundary
- Airspace display controllable by type
- Approach preview page (GX50/60 only)
- Route line displayed
· Automatic waypoint sequencing
· Vectors to final input (GX50/60 only)
· DME arc assist
· Built-in simulator for trip planning and training
· User definable navigation pages with auto sequencing
· 30 flight plans of 20 legs each
· 500 user waypoints created by lat/lon or by radial/distance from a reference waypoint
· Real time clock (time and date) in UTC
· Countdown timer
· Flight timer
· Automatic or manual magnetic variation
· Parallel track offset
· Alerts for -
- Loss of navigation data
- Arrival at waypoint
- Special use airspace
· Full range (10VDC to 40VDC) input supply voltage
The VHF Comm features of the GX60/65 GPS/Comm include:
· 760 channels
· Frequency range of 118.000 to 136.975 MHz
· Active and standby frequency display
· Transmit status indicator
· Stuck mic time-out
· Frequency monitor function - listen to Standby frequency while monitoring Active
frequency for any activity
· Weather channels - tune in to National Weather Service channels
· Built-in intercom function
· Frequency memory and recall functions
- from navigation data base
- 10 last used
- 10 user stored
· Two microphone inputs
· 12 watt audio amplifier
· Remote flip/flop input
The GX50/60/65 can be installed in several configurations based upon individual
requirements. This includes VFR or IFR GPS navigation. This section defines the minimum
The GX50/60/65 can also be connected to other external devices such as:
· an external non-numeric indicator, such as a CDI or HSI
· external lamp annunciators including “MSG” and “PTK”
· an “OBS/HLD” external annunciator (with switch)
· an autopilot
· a moving map display connected to an RS-232 serial output
· an altitude encoder/converter
The GX50/60/65 utilizes a Flybrary database stored on a standard plug-in memory card for
easy updating and replacement. Simply plug in the new datacard to update your existing
database or change to a new database.
Contact the II Morrow factory for information on databases available for the GX50/60/65.
The Apollo GX60/65 is designed and tested to meet the following TSOs:
FAA TSO-C37d for transmit
The Apollo GX60/65 comm complies with the FCC requirements specified in:
CFR 47, Part 87, Aviation Services, Subpart D, Technical Requirements
The Apollo GX50 and GX60/65 comply with the FCC requirements specified in:
CFR 47, Part 15, Radio Frequency Devices, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators
The Apollo GX50/60/65 software is designed and tested to RTCA/DO-178B, level C.
As shipped from the II Morrow factory, the Apollo GX50/60/65 package includes most items
necessary for installation other than supplies normally available at the installation shop, such as
wire and cable ties, and required input and output equipment. The standard items included in the
package are listed in Table 1.
An aircraft radio station license is required for operation of the GX60/65 comm transmitter
once installed in the aircraft. An application must be submitted on FCC Form 404, which may
be obtained from the FCC in Washington, DC, or any of its field offices. Procedures for
applications are in CFR 47, Part 87, Aviation Services, Subpart B, Applications and Licenses.
This section describes the installation of the GX50 and GX60/65 including mounting, wiring,
and connections. A post installation check-out procedure is included at the end of this section.
Always follow good avionics installation practices per FAA Advisory Circulars (AC) 43.13-1A,
43.13-2A, AC 20-138, and AC 20-67B, or later FAA approved revisions of these documents.
Follow the installation procedure in this section as it is presented for a successful installation.
Read the entire section before beginning the procedure. Perform the post installation check-
out before closing the work area in case problems occur.
A successful installation should start with careful planning including determination of
mounting location for the GX50/60/65, antenna mounting, cable routing, and other required
modifications. Once the mounting location has been determined, prepare the mounting frame
for installation. It may be easier to complete the wiring harness and attach the connectors to
the mounting frame before installing the mounting frame.
The GX50/60/65 is designed to mount in the avionics stack in the aircraft instrument panel
within easy view and reach of the pilot. The standard package includes a mounting frame for
ease of mounting, connections, and service of the unit. Allow an additional one inch clearance
to the rear of the mounting frame for connectors and cables.
For typical installations, the GX50/60/65 does not require external cooling. When mounting the
unit, ensure that a clearance of 1/8 to 1/4 inch exists between avionics units to allow for air
The GX50/60/65 includes an altitude input, which is used by the GPS RAIM calculations as
well as providing for altitude assist functions such as altitude preset and hold and 3D airspace
alerts. The altitude input is required for installations approved for non-precision approach
operation, optional for other installations.
The GX50/60/65 altitude input can be connected from either an altitude encoder/converter or
an air data converter. The minimum requirements for the altitude input are listed in the
specifications on page 36.
The GX60 and GX65 is qualified for helicopter installation with certain mount tube and
GX60/65 configurations (see Section 4 - Limitations).
Once the cable assemblies have been made, attach the 15 and 37 pin d-sub and coaxial cable
connectors to the rear connector mounting plate and the mounting frame as illustrated in Figure
4 and Figure 5. Route the wiring bundle as appropriate. The rear connector plate should be
attached to the mounting frame before installing the frame in the instrument panel. The rear
connector plate can be used to tie down the cable assemblies. Use the supplied edge guard to
protect the cable from sharp edges. Connect the shield grounds directly to the connector
mounting plate.
Once the cable assemblies, the connector mounting plate, and the mounting frame are
assembled, install the mounting frame assembly in the instrument panel as illustrated in
Figure 3. Be sure to use low profile head screws so the unit will slide in and out freely. Attach
the front of the mounting frame to the instrument panel. Use support brackets to attach the
rear of the frame to the aircraft.
Position the cam lock as shown below. The front lobe of the cam should be vertical. The cam
lock mechanism should be fully unscrewed (turned counter-clockwise). Slide the unit into the
frame. Turn (clockwise) and carefully hand-tighten (4 in-lb max.) the cam lock mechanism
using only the 3/32" hex driver provided in the installation package. Using a larger tool than
the one provided makes it easy to exceed the allowable torque on the cam lock resulting in
damage to the unit. The unit will be pulled into the frame securing the unit and the connectors
will fully engage. Do NOT overtighten. The back of the bezel must only be flush to the
mounting tube. If the cam lock is hard to turn or the unit does not seat fully, the unit is
probably binding and the mounting tube should be checked.
To remove the unit from the mounting frame, turn the screw counter-clockwise with the hex
driver to unscrew the cam lock mechanism. The unit will begin to pull away from the
mounting tube. Turn the screw until slight resistance is felt and then pull the unit from the
frame. Do not exert excessive turning force at the end of the cam lock travel or the unit
may be damaged. With the cam lock fully disengaged, pull the unit straight out holding onto
the sides of the bezel. It is not recommended that you pull the unit out by the rotary knobs. No
special extraction tools are required, if the mounting tube is properly installed.
Wiring necessary for installation of the GX50/60/65 includes the rear panel electrical
connections and the antenna cable placement. The 15 and 37 pin d-sub connectors and coax
connector(s) may be wired before or after being installed in the mounting frame. The
recommended connecting wire size for the connectors is 20 to 24 AWG. Wiring diagrams are
included on pages 18 through 24.
The GX60/65 requires two power connections, one for the GPS navigation side of the unit,
the other for the comm. Make the power connections to the unit using 20 AWG wire.
The GPS navigation power input is internally fused at 3 amps. A separate 2 amp (maximum)
circuit breaker or fuse should be installed for downline overload or short circuit protection.
The comm power input (GX60/65 only) is internally fused at 7 amps. A separate 5 amp (maximum)
circuit breaker or fuse should be installed for downline overload or short circuit protection.
Note: Circuits should be protected in accordance with guidelines in AC 43.13-1A,
chapter 11, section 2, paragraph 429.
When connecting power to the GX unit, reversing the polarity of the connection
will blow the internal fuse. The internal fuse is soldered onto the circuit board
and requires repair at the factory.
The GX50/60/65 includes avionics outputs for CDI/HSI indicators, autopilot, and
annunciators. These outputs are to be connected as appropriate for the particular installation.
The CDI/HSI outputs may be connected to a dedicated CDI or HSI or to a shared indicator
using an appropriate switching relay. The avionics outputs available are listed in the Avionics
Outputs specification on page 35. Connect the annunciator outputs to lamp indicators as
described in the specifications. The minimum connections required for different installations
are listed in the System Configurations on page 4.
When making connections to the GX50/60, use a three-conductor shielded cable (for two-way
serial communication) or a two-conductor shielded cable (for one-way serial communication).
Make RxD, TxD, and signal ground connections to the 37-pin connector. Connect the shield(s)
to the rear of the mounting frame. The shield leads must be <1.25 inches. See Figure 5.
Complete serial interface specifications are included in Appendix E.
The mounting location and cable connections for the GPS antenna are very important. The
antenna should be mounted no closer than two feet from VHF comm transmitter antennas, six
inches from other antennas emitting less than 25 watts, and two feet from higher power
antennas. Special care should be taken to ensure that the GPS antenna is not mounted in close
proximity to antennas that may emit harmonic interference at the L1 frequency of
1575.42 MHz. Refer to the antenna installation manual for installation instructions.
The connectors are included in the installation kit, and are intended for use with RG-142B size
coax cable. If using a different diameter coax, alternative connectors may be required. Assembly
instructions for the connectors are included in Figure 6 and Figure 7. RG-142B cable can be used
as long as the length is less than 20 feet. For longer lengths, use a low loss 50W coax.
Suggestion: Temporarily locate the GPS antenna with coax connected to the GX50/60/65 and
check the GPS performance as described in the GPS Operation and Position test in the Post
Installation Checkout on page 27. Once a suitable location has been verified, then
permanently mount the antenna.
Note: If using a GPS antenna that was already on the aircraft, or if mounting the antenna
closer than two feet from a comm antenna, conduct the GPS Operation and Position test in
the Post Installation Checkout on page 27. If the GX50/60/65 passes the test, then moving the
antenna is not necessary.
Once the antenna mounting position has been prepared, route the coax cable from the antenna
to the GX50/60/65. Proper selection of coax cable and assembly of connectors is critical to
GPS signal performance. The cable loss from the antenna to the GX50/60/65 should be
limited to a maximum of 4 dB. Minimize the coax length for optimum performance and DO
NOT coil excess cable. Leave only enough for service loops. The coaxial connectors and
adapters, such as TNC to BNC, add additional loss to the cable and should be considered
when computing the maximum 4 dB loss. A typical loss of 0.2 dB can be used for each
connection. The typical cable loss for 20 feet of RG-142B coax with a connector on each end
is 4 dB.
During the post-installation checkout, susceptibility to harmonics of VHF comm transmitters
will be evaluated. If problems arise, then better isolation, or distance, may be required
between the GPS and comm antennas, or a notch filter may be installed in series with the
antenna coax of the VHF comm transceiver to reduce or eliminate the harmonic interference.
A notch filter for this use (part #162-1059) is available from II Morrow.
Note: GX60/65 performance has been verified in typical installations and has not shown
problems with the built-in comm interfering with the GPS when installed according to
the recommended installation guidelines.
If a VHF comm transmitter causes problems with the GPS on the selected frequencies as
listed in the post-installation checkout, the problem may be due to the ELT. This can be
verified by disconnecting the ELT antenna coax at the ELT unit. If the ELT is found to cause
the problem, then contact the ELT manufacturer or replace the ELT.
NAV 15
(CDI/HSI) NAV Valid(+)
NAV Valid(-)
GS +Up
GS Valid(+)
GS Valid(-)
30 36 UNIT
VDI (+)Up
31 37 (ACU)
VDI (-)Dn
28 42
VDI Valid(+)
29 25
VDI/Nav Valid(-)
15 8
33 12
34 9
APOLLO 16 10
GX50/60 26 13
17 11
14 30
13 31
11 18
12 19
10 24
Nav Valid(+)
From+ 16
Receiver Nav Valid (+)
Nav Valid(-)
GS Valid (+)
GS Valid(-)
NAV enable
GPS enable
Lamp Test
Dimmer High
Dimmer Low
(CDI/HSI) 21
NAV Valid(-)
GS +Up
GS Valid(+)
GS Valid(-)
28 42
VDI Valid(+)
29 25
VDI/Nav Valid(-)
30 36
VDI (+)Up
31 37
VDI (-)Dn
APOLLO 16 10
17 11
14 30
13 31
11 18
12 19
10 24
Nav Valid(+)
From+ 16
NAV To+ 17
Receiver Nav Valid (+)
Nav Valid(-)
GS Valid (+)
GS Valid(-)
NAV enable
GPS enable
Lamp Test
Dimmer High
Dimmer Low
CH Rx Tx
1: NAV MapCom
2: AltEnc GPSS
Comm Radio Setup
The Test Mode settings may also be used to preset the Microphone (Mic) Gain and the
Receiver Squelch levels.
Mic Gain
Set the microphone gain for microphones 1 and 2 for values from 0 to 255.
1. In the Test Mode, rotate the LARGE knob to select "Mic Gain."
2. Press SEL to activate selection. The Mic 1 value will flash.
3. Turn the SMALL knob to change the value.
4. Turn the LARGE knob to the Mic 2 value. Turn the SMALL knob to change the value.
5. Press ENTER to accept and save the settings.
Receiver Squelch
Preset the receiver squelch level for values from 25-100.
1. In the Test Mode, rotate the LARGE knob to select "Receiver Squelch."
2. Press SEL to activate selection. The value will flash.
3. Turn the SMALL knob to select a value.
4. Press ENTER to accept and save the settings.
“SYSTEM INITIALIZATION” ............Factory use only. Used to reset all internal memory
including user waypoints, flight plans, and configuration
Caution: Using the system initialization function
will cause all user data to be lost!
“SERIAL PORT TEST” .....................Factory use only. Used to check the RS-232 serial ports.
"Extended MovMap
Data Format" ................................Enable/Disable extended moving map data. This should
be enabled when interfaced with an Apollo MX20 or
Sandel HSI. Call Customer Service if you have questions.
“A/D CHANNEL 1”.........................Factory use only. Used to check internal circuits and
display voltages.
“EEPROM BYTE 0000:” ...............Factory use only. Used to display eeprom setup memory.
3. Check the signal reception using the GPS sensor displays in the System mode. Press the
SYS button, rotate the LARGE knob to the “GPS SENSOR:” page, and press ENT. Then
rotate the SMALL knob to display the GPS info. Typical signal levels are 50 or better.
4. Turn on other avionics one at a time and check the GPS signal reception to make sure it
is not affected.
5. Check for VHF comm transmitter interference. This must be completed on all IFR
a) Verify that 5 to 8 satellites are in DATA and the NAV flag is out of view.
b) Tune the comm to 121.150 MHz and transmit for 20 seconds.
c) Verify that the position is not lost.
d) Repeat for additional frequencies as follows.
121.125 MHz 131.225 MHz
121.175 MHz 131.250 MHz
121.200 MHz 131.275 MHz
121.225 MHz 131.300 MHz
121.250 MHz 131.325 MHz
131.200 MHz 131.350 MHz
e) Repeat for each comm transmitter.
f) If the GX50/60/65 is susceptible to VHF comm transmitter interference, then better
isolation, or distance, may be required between the GPS and VHF antennas. With
some comm transmitters, a notch filter may be required in series with the VHF
comm antenna coax at the rear of the comm unit.
Note: Older VHF comm transmitters may emit higher levels of harmonic interference
causing greater problems and may be more difficult to deal with.
The interfaces to other equipment, such as the SL40 or a moving map display, should be
checked. Make sure the other equipment is connected and switched on. The Apollo GX must
have a seed position and be navigating to a waypoint to check the interfaces.
Apollo SL30
When your Apollo GX is connected to and configured to communicate with an Apollo SL30
Nav/Comm, your Apollo GX will exchange information with the SL30. If the following steps
do not perform correctly, check the electrical connections and configuration setup.
1. In the Apollo GX, view Tuned Station page in Nav mode. The tuned station identifier and
frequency sent by the Apollo SL30 should be displayed.
2. In the Apollo SL30, Distance, Speed, and Time information for the selected station should
be displayed. The Distance, Speed, and Time information for the selected station shown in
the SL30 ensures that the GX and SL30 are communicating.
If your Apollo SL30 is only configured to receive, use the following steps for checkout.
1. In the SL30, press NAV.
2. Then, press SEL.
3. Note the you should see the three to four letter designator for either the Localizer for the
destination or the closest VOR to your current position.
Apollo SL40
The Remote function will allow the SL40 to access the airport frequency database in an
Apollo GPS receiver. If the following steps do not perform correctly, check the electrical
connections and configuration setup.
This section includes detailed electrical, physical, environmental, and performance
specifications for the Apollo GX50 and GX60/65.
Input voltage............................................. 10VDC to 40VDC, reverse polarity protected
Input current (GPS navigation input) ....... 500 mA typical, 750 mA max. at 13.75 VDC
250 mA typical, 375 mA max. at 27.5 VDC
Input current (comm input) ...................... 270 mA typical, 2A max. at 13.75 VDC, receive
130 mA typical, 900 mA max. at 27.5 VDC, receive
2.1 A typical, 3.2 A max. at 13.75 VDC, transmit
1.0 A typical, 1.4 A max. at 27.5 VDC, transmit
Note: Receive max. at full receive audio, transmit
max. at 90% modulation at 1000 Hz
Input power (GPS navigation input) ........ 7 watts typical
Input power (comm input)........................ 3.7 watts typical, receive
28 watts typical, transmit
Internal fuses ............................................ Nav input: 3 amp fast blow, surface mount on-board
Comm input : 7 amp fast blow, soldered in-board
Fuses must be replaced with the same or equivalent
type (contact the factory).
Memory backup........................................ Internal lithium battery with a service life of
approximately 4 to 6 years. See Appendix B for
battery replacement instructions.
Note: The GX50/60/65 will provide a message on the display when the Lithium battery is
running low and needs replacement.
Height ....................................................... 2.00 inches (5.08 cm)
Width ........................................................ 6.25 inches (15.88 cm)
Depth ........................................................ 11.45 inches (29.1 cm) behind panel, including
mounting frame and connectors
Weight (with mounting frame)................. GX50: 2.6 lb. (1.179 kg)
GX60/65: 3.1 lb. (1.409 kg)
The Apollo GX50 and GX60/65 units are designed and tested to meet appropriate categories
of RTCA/DO-160C. The Environmental Qualification Form is included in Appendix C.
Operating temperature ..............................-20°C to +55°C
Storage temperature ..................................-55°C to +85°C
Temperature variation...............................2°C per minute
Humidity ...................................................95% at 50°C for 6 hours (2 day cycle)
Maximum altitude.....................................55,000 feet
Cooling......................................................Not required
CDI L/R deviation.................................... ±150 mv full scale, will drive up to 200 ohm load
TO/OFF/FROM flag ................................ ±250 mv, TO/FROM indication, will drive up to
200 ohm load
Nav valid flag ........................................... +300 mv for valid indication, will drive up to 100
ohm load
Nav superflag ........................................... Vin - 2 volts minimum for valid, source capability
of 400 mA
VDI up/down............................................ ±150 mv full scale, will drive up to 200 ohm load
VDI valid flag........................................... +300 mv for valid indication, will drive up to 100
ohm load
VDI superflag........................................... Vin - 2 volts minimum for valid, source capability
of 400 mA
Annunciators ............................................ Open collector outputs capable of sinking up to
400 mA for turning ON annunciator lamps
· MSG (message) ON indicates message(s) active
· PTK (parallel track) ON indicates parallel track
is enabled
· OBS/HLD (waypoint sequencing hold) ON
indicates waypoint sequencing is on hold
· APPRCH (approach enabled) ON indicates the
approach has been enabled
· ACTIVE (approach active) ON indicates the
approach is active
The GX50/60 installed for IFR non-precision approach operation requires the following
annunciators (upper annunciator pictured below). Each annunciator should include a lamp of
the proper voltage for the installation. The lower annunciator is suitable for the GX65.
Legend Color
MSG amber
PTK blue or white
OBS/HLD blue or white- with included momentary switch
APPRCH blue or white
ACTIVE green
Installations that do not include non-precision approach operation may be made with the
MSG and PTK annunciators only.
The annunciators should be connected to a suitable dimming circuit for night time operation.
Simulator select.........................................Must be connected to ground for normal operation,
leave open for built-in simulator operation
Hold select ................................................Waypoint sequencing hold input, connect to
momentary button to ground for hold input
operation, should be combined with the OBS/HLD
annunciator (optional on GX65)
Transmit key (GX60/65)...........................Input pulled low to ground to enable the transmitter
Intercom select (GX60/65) .......................Input pulled low to ground to enable the intercom
Flip/Flop (GX60/65) .................................Remote comm flip/flop input, connect to a
momentary button to ground for remote flip/flop
The GX50 and GX60/65 are designed to operate properly with the A-33 or A-34 GPS
antennas. The GX50/60/65 supplies 5 volts for the antenna.
The Apollo GX60/65 requires a VHF comm antenna meeting the following specifications.
Standard 50W vertically polarized antenna with a VSWR < 2.5:1.
RS-232 ......................................................Defined in Appendix E - Serial Interface
For minimum equipment and connections required for VFR or IFR installations, refer to the
System Configurations on page 4.
Installations of the GX50/60/65 GPS navigation functions are to be made in accordance with
AC 20-138, or other appropriate FAA approved guidelines.
Installations of the GX60/65 comm functions are to be made in accordance with AC 20-67B
or other appropriate FAA approved guidelines.
When the GX50/60/65 is installed for VFR, a placard stating “GPS Limited to VFR Use
Only” or an FAA approved equivalent statement must be placed next to the primary indicator.
When Nav tuning is provided to the GX, the GX will output Distance, Speed, and Time
(DST) information on the MapCom output. It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that
this information is displayed in an acceptable fashion. For instance, in an installation where
two Apollo SL30’s are integrated in the system, it is not appropriate to display DST
information on the SL30 that is not providing the tuning information. Apollo SL30 SW
version 1.2, or later, provides the means for disabling the display of DST information.
The GX60 and GX65 are qualified for helicopter installation only when the correct mounting
hardware and GX configurations are used. Mount Tube p/n 310-5184-01 and Connector
Mounting Plate p/n 310-5188-01 (or later FAA-approved revisions) are required for
helicopter installations and recommended for all installations. GX60 p/n 430-6050-605 (or
later FAA-approved revision) or GX60 units upgraded with Mod AD should be used in
helicopter installations. GX65 p/n 430-6050-805 (or later FAA-approved revision) or GX65
units upgraded with Mod AB should be used in helicopter installations.
An approved Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement is required for IFR installations.
Note: A sample AFM supplement is available from II Morrow (UPS Aviation Technologies)
listing operational limitations.
An aircraft radio station license is required with the GX60/65 for transmitting.
For approach use with software version 3.3 or greater, a data card with a cycle date of
7/12/01, or later, must be used.
This appendix provides information to assist troubleshooting if problems occur after
completing the installation. Use Table 4 to assist in troubleshooting.
The battery may explode if mistreated. Risk of fire, explosion, and burns. Do
not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C, or incinerate.
Dispose of batteries promptly. Keep away from children.
Be sure the battery is inserted in the right direction.
The GX50/60/65 design requires very few adjustments or calibration to be made. In fact,
there are no internal manual adjustments.
The Apollo GX60 and GX65 have been tested to the following environmental categories per
procedures defined in RTCA/DO-160D to support helicopter installations.
This appendix includes information on accessory items available for the Apollo GX50/60/65.
Refer to the information that is provided with those items for complete specifications and
installation instructions.
A-33 Antenna
II Morrow Part #:...................................... 590-1104
Manufacturer: ........................................... Aero Antenna
Manufacturer #: ........................................ AT-575-9
The A-33 GPS antenna is a standard accessory item with the GX50/60/65. The A-33 includes
a built-in preamp with 26 dB gain and has a low profile, low drag radome mounted on a die
cast aluminum base. It has a maximum altitude of 55,000 feet and weighs only 3.9 oz. See the
installation manual for the A-33 for complete specifications and installation instructions.
A-34 Antenna
II Morrow Part #:...................................... 590-1112
Manufacturer: ........................................... Aero Antenna
Manufacturer #: ........................................ AT-575-93
The A-34 GPS antenna is an optional accessory item with the GX50/60/65. The A-34
includes a built-in preamp and has a low profile, low drag radome mounted on a die cast
aluminum base. It has a maximum altitude of 55,000 feet and weighs only 7.0 oz. See the
installation manual for the A-34 for complete specifications and installation instructions. The
A-34 mounts in the same footprint as the II Morrow A-16 and A-23 Loran antennas to
simplify upgrading.
The power cable is intended for operation of the GX50/60/65 unit out of the aircraft. It
includes a power cable for connection to a 10 to 40 volt DC power supply.
Note: Operation of the GX50/60/65 with a PC is not currently authorized under
FCC Part 15 regulations.
Note: Operation of the GX60/65 comm transmitter in a residential or industrial
environment is not permitted without an appropriate FCC license.
These Apollo ACU annunciators provide the required annunciation for the GX50/60 for IFR
en route, terminal, and non-precision approach operation. See the instructions provided with
the annunciator module for complete specifications and installation instructions.
These following West Coast Specialties annunciator provides the required annunciation for
the GX50/60 for IFR en route, terminal, and non-precision approach operation. The module is
standard with 28 volt bulbs and includes a wiring pigtail. See the instructions provided with
the annunciator module for complete specifications and installation instructions.
The following annunciator provides the required annunciation for the GX65 for IFR en route
and terminal operation. See the instructions provided with the annunciator module for
complete specifications and installation instructions. The annunciator should be connected to
a suitable dimming circuit for night operation.
Audio Panel
The Apollo SL10 audio panel includes audio selection and a six place intercom, and,
depending on configuration, may also include a marker beacon receiver and stereo inputs. The
SL10 and SL15 audio panel configurations available are:
· SL10 basic audio panel
· SL10S includes stereo inputs
· SL10M includes marker beacon receiver
· SL10MS includes marker beacon receiver and stereo inputs
· SL15 basic audio panel
· SL15 with DRAWS
· SL15M with marker beacon
· SL15M with DRAWS/marker beacon
The following accessories and equipment are available from sources other than II Morrow.
Other suitable equipment may also be available that is not listed here. Although the
GX50/60/65 is designed to work with these items, it is the responsibility of the installer to
ensure the equipment is suitable for the installation (including that the environmental and
airworthiness requirements are met), to make proper connections to the equipment, and to
ensure proper operation is obtained.
There are a number of sources of suitable annunciators. Several possible sources of suitable
annunciators are:
· Series 814 from West Coast Specialties
· Series 582 from Eaton
The GX50/60/65 may use the avionics outputs and serial interface to connect to an autopilot.
GPSS information for roll steering is provided to the appropriate autopilot. See Table 5, or
contact Customer Service.
The GX50/60/65 may use the avionics outputs to connect to a CDI. A CDI tested with
GX50/60/65 is:
· Mid-Continent Model MD200-306
Switching Relays
Typical installations require an 8-pole relay for navigation source selection without the
glideslope connections, or 12-pole with glideslope connections. Several relays suitable for
navigation source selection include:
· RS08 relay (8-pole) from Northern Airborne Technology (NAT)
· RS12 relay (12-pole) from Northern Airborne Technology (NAT)
· AIS 80-1 CDI switch unit (8 pole) from Avionics International Supply
· AIS-12020 remote switch unit (12 pole) from Avionics International Supply
Several switches that can be used to control the relay and for annunciation include:
· PB08 switch/annunciator from Northern Airborne Technology (NAT)
· Series 582 switch/annunciator from Eaton
Altitude Encoders & Converters
The GX50/60/65 can use altitude data from encoder or converter units that output information
on an RS-232 serial interface. Check the altitude input requirements on page 36. The serial
interface specifications required from the encoder or converter units are included in
Appendix E.
Several altitude encoders compatible with the GX50/60/65 include:
· Model AK-350 altitude reporter (encoder) and AK232C serializer from Ameri-King
· Model AK-350-RS232 altitude reporter (encoder with serial data output) from Ameri-
King Corporation
· Part #8800M altitude encoder from Shadin
· Model SSD120-RS232C-1 altitude encoder from Trans-Cal
Several altitude gray code converters compatible with the GX50/60/65 include:
· Part #9000 gray code converter from Shadin
· Model IA-RS232C-1 interface adapter from Trans-Cal
· Model 3000U altitude serializer from Icarus
Fuel / Air Data Sensor
The GX50/60/65 includes an interface to a fuel / air data computer that provides fuel flow and
airdata information for the GX50/60/65 navigation displays, and also altitude input.
For fuel/air data computers compatible with the GX50/60/65 see Table 5, or contact Customer
Accessory Vendors
For West Coast Specialties annunciators:
West Coast Specialties Phone (425) 392-3118
1105 12th Ave. N.W. Suite 7 - Bldg. A Fax (425) 391-0535
Issaquah, WA 98027
For Eaton annunciator / switches:
Airtechnics, Inc. Phone (316) 267-2849
230 Ida (800) 544-4070
Wichita, Kansas 67211 Fax (316) 267-1482
Avionics International Supply, Inc. Phone (214) 248-2233
4389 Westgrove (800) 553-2233 (US)
Dallas, TX 75248 Fax (214) 250-2794
For relay switch units:
Mid-Continent Instruments Phone (316) 683-5619
7706 E. Osie (800) 821-1212
Wichita, KS 67207 Fax (316) 683-1861
Avionics International Supply, Inc. Phone (214) 248-2233
4389 Westgrove (800) 553-2233 (US)
Dallas, TX 75248 Fax (214) 250-2794
Northern Airborne Technology Phone (604) 763-2232
1925 Kirshner Road Suite 14 Fax (604) 762-3374
Kelowna, B.C.
Canada VIY 4N7
For altitude encoders and gray code converters:
Shadin Company Incorporated Phone (612) 924-1141
6831 Oxford Street Fax (612) 924-1111
St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426
Trans-Cal Industries Inc. Phone (818) 787-1221
16141 Cohasset Street Fax (818) 787-8916
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Icarus Instruments, Inc. Phone (301) 799-9497
7585 Washington Blvd., Suite 108 Fax (301) 799-8320
Baltimore, MD 21227
Ameri-King Corporation Phone (714) 963-6977
18842 Brookhurst Street Fax (714) 963-6200
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
CH Rx Tx
1: NAV MapCom
2: AltEnc GPSS
a single remote VOR list, so each list received will replace any previous list. There may be
up to twenty entries in the remote VOR list. Any entries past twenty will be ignored.
Remote VOR Input
This input is used to input VOR frequency data used for the remote recall function.
The data consists of five characters for the VOR station identifier followed by two characters
defining the VOR frequency.
Message format:
“V”.................Message Class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“20”................Message Identifier.
vvvv ...............VOR station identifier. Note that if the station identifier is less than four
characters, then the trailing characters will be filled with spaces. Station
Identifiers are restricted to using ASCII characters 0-9 and A-Z.
mk ..................Frequency: m = MHz, where m = desired MHz frequency – 30h, with the
desired frequency ranging from 108 to 117, or 3Ch to 45h; k = kHz, where
k = (desired kHz offset / 25 kHz) + 30h, with desired frequency range of
000 to 975 kHz in 50 kHz steps, or the even numbers from 30h to 56h.
Note that the field will be checked to ensure that it is in range and a valid
VOR frequency. Frequencies used for localizers, which are in the range
of 108.10 to 111.95 MHz, will not be accepted in this message type.
Example message:
Message format:
“V” Message Class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“21” Message Identifier
Example message:
previous list. Subsequent receptions of localizer lists for the same airport are ignored. There
may be up to twenty entries in the remote Localizer list. Any entries past twenty will be
Example message:
Indicates the start of a remote localizer list associated with the airport “SLE ”.
Remote Localizer Input
This input is used to input Localizer frequency data used for the remote recall function.
The data consists of three characters to identify the runway associated with the localizer,
followed by two characters defining the frequency.
Message format:
“V” ................ Message Class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“23” ............... Message Identifier.
iiii .................. Station or Runway identifier. This field will provide an identifier for the
localizer which can be either the actual station identifier or a string
indicating the runway associated with the localizer. The station identifier
can be up to four characters long. A runway identifier will typically be
two numbers that indicate the runway direction followed by the character
“R”, “C”, or “L” to differentiate between parallel runways (right, center,
and left). Note that if either type of identifier is less then four characters,
then the trailing characters will be filled in with spaces. Identifiers are
restricted to using ASCII characters 0-9 and A-Z.
mk.................. Frequency: m = MHz, where m = MHz frequency – 30h, with the desired
frequency ranging from 108 to 111 MHz, or 3Ch to 3Fh; k = (desired kHz
offset / 25 kHz) + 30h, where the desired frequency ranges from 000 to
950 kHz, or the even numbers from 30h to 56h. Note that the field will be
checked to ensure that it is in range and a valid localizer frequency.
Frequencies used for VORs, which can also be found in the range of
108.10 to 111.95 MHz, will not be accepted in this message type.
Example message:
Identifier is “31 ”, indicating a runway, and the localizer frequency is 110.300 MHz.
If an SL30 is connected to the GX with MovMap or MapCom output the following message
will be sent to the SL30.
xxxx is the distance to the station in 0.1nm units
yyy is the ground speed in knots
zzz is the time to the station in minutes
This message is used to output the range, ground speed, and ETA decoded from an external
RNAV sensor (DME or GPS).
Message format:
“V”.................Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“41”................Message identifier.
rrrr ..................Range from DME station in 1/10th of a nautical mile units. The first two
digits are the 10s and 1s place of the range, and the last digit is the 1/10ths
place. This field may range in value from 0.0 NM (“0000”) to 999.9 NM
(“9999”). If the distance from the DME station is greater than 999.9NM,
the value should be encoded as “----”.
sss...................Ground speed with respect to DME station in knots. This field may range
in value from 0 knots (“000”) to 999 knots (“999”). If the ground speed
with respect to the DME station is greater than 999 knots, the value should
be encoded as “---”.
hmm ...............Time to station in hours and minutes. This field may range in value from
0 hours and 0 minutes (“000”) to 9 hours and 59 minutes (“959”). If the
time to the station is greater than 9 hours and 59 minutes, the value should
be encoded as “---”.
Example message:
Range from DME station is 98.3 NM, ground speed with respect to station is 55 knots, and
the estimated time to the station is 1 hour and 47 minutes.
The altitude input can decode several status or error codes. These codes would be in place of
the altitude data in characters 5 - 10 as follows.
“-09980”............................................ Heater not ready: expected during encoder warm-up
or if there is a loss of signal from the encoder.
“-09981”............................................ Possible hardware problem: expected from encoder
indicating a temperature greater than 55°C or if data
is invalid.
“-09982”............................................ Altitude out of range: expected from the encoder
indicating that the altitude is outside specified range
of the encoder.
The Apollo GX Series will output serial data in the following format:
<STX> is the ASCII start of character (1 byte <0x02> )
<id> is the item designator (1 byte i.e. “B” )
<data> is the item data (see item format in following pages)
<it> is the item terminator (1 byte Cr <0x0d> )
<ETX> is the ASCII end of character (1 byte <0x03>)
1. This diagram is provided to show the interconnection between UPS AT
units. Full wiring diagrams for each unit are provided in the appropriate SL30 #1 MD200-306
Note 2 Note 2
installation manuals. Refer to all documentation to ensure successful Note 3 Note 3
installation. Note 12
2. Connect cable shields to the mounting frame: pigtails < 1.25 inches. OBS_H{R Hi} 24 1 Rslvr{H}
3. Connect shields to chassis ground at both ends of each shielded cable. OBS_C{R Lo} 25 Note 12 2 Rslvr{C}
OBS_D{S1} 7 3 Rslvr{D}
4. Reference the ACU installation manual if installing NAV/GPS source
selector. OBS_E{S3} 26 Note 12 5 Rslvr{E} Rev Date
5. ILS and spare annunciator relays are only available in the Mod A ACU. OBS_F{S4} 16 4 Rslvr{F}
6. Terminate shield to within 2 inches of connector. Heat shrink over edges. OBS_G{S2} 34 6 Rslvr{G}
7. Either a serial or parallel altitude encoder may be installed. A serial Back Crse 15 18 BC Ann.
version is the perferred option. In this diagram, the parallel installation 37-Pin Connector
is identified by . NAV+ Valid (Flag) 10 22 NAV Valid + (Flag) 20 7 +NAV Flag
8. The audio ground and mic ground connections may use a common point NAV- Valid (Flag) 29 23 NAV Valid - (Flag) 21 8 -NAV Flag
on the audio panel. 15-Pin Connector
Note 2 GS+ Valid (Flag) 28 40 GS Valid + (Flag) 38 15 +Vert (GS) Flag
9. Not all audio panel connections are shown on this drawing due to the Note 3 GS- Valid (Flag) 32 41 GS Valid - (Flag) 39 16 -Vert (GS) Flag
Initial distribution
TxD1 5
MX20 must be operating before the echoed data can pass through the MX20. Backlight Dimmer 14 V Systems 23 14V Dimmer
Serial port change to support new SL30 Interface
6 Speaker Spare 60
Audio Gnd 20 (Common) Backlight Dimmer 28 V Systems 22 28V Dimmer*
Note 2 (GND if 14V)
Nav Audio Out 23 Note 3 To Auto-Pilot 21 Ground
57 HI Sense
High Sense
GX50 + 78 Power (+VDC)
* Ground for 14V lighting
- 1 GND
**Appropriate Aircraft Bus
SL30 #2 Note 2 Note 2 MD200-306 VDI Valid (+) 28 42 VDI Valid (+)
SL15 Note 3 Note 3 GND 29 25 VDI/NAV Valid(-)
Note 1 ACTIVE 15 8 Active
OBS_H{R Hi} 24 1 Rslvr{H}
APPRCH 33 12 Approach
Speaker Hi W OBS_C{R Lo} 25 Note 1 2 Rslvr{C}
Hold 34 9 OBS/Hold
Speaker Lo 22 OBS_D{S1} 7 3 Rslvr{D}
Note 1 MSG 16 10 MSG
OBS_E{S3} 26 5 Rslvr{E}
Hold Select 26 13 GPS/SEQ
NAV 1 Audio 12 OBS_F{S4} 16 4 Rslvr{F}
PTK 17 11 PTK
OBS_G{S2} 34 6 Rslvr{G}
CDI+L 14 30 CDI+L
Back Crse 15 18 BC Ann.
CDI+R 13 31 CDI+R
37-Pin Connector
+From 11 18 From+
NAV+ Valid (Flag) 10 7 +NAV Flag
+To 12 19 To+
Com 1 Audio Hi 9 NAV- Valid (Flag) 29 8 -NAV Flag
15-Pin NAV + Valid 10 24 NAV Valid (+)
Connector GS+ Valid (Flag) 28 15 +Vert (GS) Flag
Note 2 Note 13
GS- Valid (Flag) 32 16 -Vert (GS) Flag Sim Select 7
Note 3 ACU MX20 Altitude
Note 8 +TO (Flag) 12 9 +TO Flag GND 25
Com Mic 1 Audio Hi P 5A (14 VDC) Encoder
+From (Flag) 11 10 +FR Flag 2A (28 VDC)
SL70 or Digitizer
GSI+ Up 30 13 +UP + 1 Power +
Com 1 Mic Key R A/C Power
5A GSI+ Down 31 14 +DOWN - 2 Power GND
Avionics + C4 15
1 Power +
Power - CDI+ L 14 11 CDI Left 4 Port 1 IN C2 34
9 Power GND
CDI+ R 13 12 CDI Right 23 Port 1 GND C1 16
Com 2 Audio Hi 10 14 Headphone ILS Energize 33 B4 32
Note 7
2A 24 NAV Ann. 7 Port 3 IN B2 14
13 Audio GND Power + 1 + Avionics Note 11
17 GPS Ann. 25 Port 3 GND B1 33
15 Mic 2 Power Ground 2 - Power
Com Mic 2 Audio Hi 8 Mic 1 25-Pin RxD1 4 Port 3 OUT A4 12
H 6
7 Mic GND Connector Serial GND 3 A2 31
RxD1 4 TxD1 5 Note 15
Gray Code Altitude Input