Protection Settings For 11Kv Bus Tie
Protection Settings For 11Kv Bus Tie
Protection Settings For 11Kv Bus Tie
1 BUS TIE 11kV BUS TIE AB02 4000 5 11 ABB REF 620 50P Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Instantaneous stage PHIPTOC
1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 -
3 = 3 out of 3
Reset delay time - ms 1 0….60000 20 -
1 BUS TIE 11kV BUS TIE AB02 4000 5 11 ABB REF 620 51P-2 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - High Stage PHHPTOC
1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 -
3 = 3 out of 3
1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT -
3 = Peak-to-Peak
1 BUS TIE 11kV BUS TIE AB02 4000 5 11 ABB REF 620 51N-1 Non-directional earth fault protection - Low Stage EFLPTOC
1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off
1 BUS TIE 11kV BUS TIE AB02 4000 5 11 ABB REF 620 74 Alarm relay
1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
Current Value 0.05…….1.00 xIn 0.05 0.30 0.10
1= 2 out of 4
Set to failure detection based on phase
CB failure trip mode 2= 1 out of 3 1 = 2 Out of 4 2 = 1 Out of 3
current exceeding the set value
3= 1 out of 4
1= Current
CB failure mode 2= Breaker status 1 = Current 1 = Current
3= Both
1= Off
CB fail retrip mode 2= Without Check 1= Off 1= Off
3= Current check
1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
Department Author Status Lang. Rev. Date
1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
Synchronous mode is selected as the
1 = Off
source to be controlled are the GTGs
Synchro check mode 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous
which are near to the synchronisation
3 = Asynchronous
1 = Continuous Synchronising scheme shall be verified for
Control mode 1 = Continuous 1 = Continuous
2 = Command control mode selection
Close pulse ms 10 200…..60000 200 200 Applicable for command control mode
Maximum syn time - ms 10 100…..6000000 2000 2000 Applicable for command control mode