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a. Content Standards

The learners demonstrate understanding of key concept of combination

and probability.

b. Performance Standard

The learner is able to use precise counting techniques in formulating

conclusions and solve problem involving permutation.

Learning Objectives:


 The students will be able to:

 Illustrates the permutation of distinguishable objects
 Solve problems involving distinguishable permutation of objects; and
 Apply permutation in real life setting

II. Content

Distinguishable Permutation

III. Learning Resources

A. References

1. Grade 9 Learning Modules-Mathematics 9

2. Textbook - Module 27 pp. 8-11

3. Visual Aid, Power Point Presentation

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

1. Greeting

Teacher: “Good Morning Class” Good morning, Ma’am!

2. Prayer

Before we start our class. Prayer Leader S: (Let us put ourselves in the holy
kindly go here in front and lead a prayer. presence of God, let us pray.)

Before you take your seat, please pick up (Students will pick those scattered
those scattered pieces of trash under trashes under their chairs)
your chairs.
3. Checking of Attendance
None, ma’am.

Secretary, may I know who is absent


None ma’am.
Do we have any assignment?

4. Review

T: Before we start our lesson today, let Ma’am we discussed permutation of

us have a review on our last topic. distinguishable objects.
Anyone among you here who can recall
the previous topic?

Okay very good!

B. Motivation

At this point, I want you to take a look

and observe the arrangement of goods in
the grocery store.

There are various types of goods.


1. What have you notice with the They are arranged according to their
illustration shown above? brands.

The same products are arranged in an


It guides a viewer where to look or find a

certain thing.
2. What do you think is the importance
of arranging objects since he/she
mentioned earlier the word arranged?
Very good! So, therefore, arranging an
event/tasks help us to be organized and
allows us to concentrate on what needs
to get done. For example, arranging
people, digits, numbers, alphabets and
so on.

C. Lesson Proper

Distinguishable Permutation- Refers to

the number of ordered arrangements of
identical objects. The number of
permutation of n things where a things
are alike, b things are alike, and c things
are alike and so forth.

Distinguishable Permutation Formula:

n1 !  n2 !… n

Suppose you are the owner of a sari-

sari store and you want to put 12 pieces
of canned goods in a row on the shelf. If
there are 3 identical cans of meat of loaf,
4 identical cans of tomato sauce, 2
identical cans of sardines , and 3
identical cans of corned beef, in how
many different ways can you display
these goods.

Identify the identical objects and its


n1 Meat loaf-3

n2= Tomato Sauce-4

n3= Sardines-2

n4= Corned Beef-3


Apply in the formula:

n1 !  n2 !… n
12 !
3! 4! 2! 3!


There are 277,200 ways.

Find the number of distinguishable

permutations of the letters from the word

n1 ! n2 !… n




453,600 ways

D. Developmental Activity

The teacher will group the students into

4 and each group will be given a task to
answer the following questions.

Group 1.

Find the number of permutation in each


1. Find the number of

distinguishable permutations of
the digits of the number 348 838.
2. What is the number of possible
arrangements of nine books on a
shelf where four algebra books
are of the same kind, three
geometry books are of the same
kind, and two statistics books are
of the same kind.

Group 2.

1. Find the number of

distinguishable permutations of
the letters from the word
2. If there are two cans of orange
juice, three cans of lemonade,
and five cans of iced tea in a
cooler. In how many ways can
these drinks be consumed by a
Group 3.
1. Ten students are going to the
food station to get their meal. In
how many ways can they be
arranged in a row in the food
station if 4 of the wear green t-
shirt, 3 wear blue t-shirt, and 3
wear yellow t-shirt?
2. How many distinguishable
permutations are possible with all
the letters of the word
Group 4.
1. The number of permutation of
letter in the word VANILLA can
be represented as?
2. In one of the math corners in our
school library, what is the number
of possible arrangements of 10
books on a shelf where 5 are the
same Math 7 books, 3 are the
same Algebra books and 2 are of
the same Calculus books?

D. Generalization
It help us understand the world around
us because these methods able us to
make better decision without overlooking
any possibilities.

It is essential in our daily life as it help

solve problems by providing shortcuts
As you have noticed, the books on the and additional possibilities.
library are arranged accordingly. Based
on that image what do you think is the
significance of our topic on our daily life?

Very Good!
Are there any questions or in need of
clarifications? Let me know.

If none, kindly get ½ crosswise of paper.

E. Evaluation

The teacher will let the student answer

the following questions individually.

Direction: Find the distinguishable

permutations of the letters of the


G. Assignment

Direction: Find the number of

distinguishable permutations of the
following words or numbers.

2. 344999394
5. 14314341344

5 4 3
Completion All of the assigned Most of the Some of the assigned work
work is complete assigned work is is complete

Accuracy All the answers Most of the answers Some of the answers are
are correct are correct correct

Teamwork All the member of Most of the Some of the members did
the group member of the not participate
participated in an group participated
activity in the activity

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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