NWR Previous Proposal
NWR Previous Proposal
NWR Previous Proposal
Sub: Approval of Sub works under Umbrella works of 2022-23 of North Western
Under consideration on this file are proposals for sanction of sub works
furnished/uploaded on IRPSM portal by North Western Railway under Umbrella
sanctioned vide PB item No. 390/2022-23 under PH-53 ‘Customer Amenities’. The
proposal has the concurrence of PFA/North Western Railway and approval of GM/NWR.
2. In pursuant to Board’s instructions contained in para 3B (iv) & (v) of Board’s letter
19.07.2018, North Western Railway is required to obtain formal/prior approval of
Board (CRB) to all works costing more than ₹ 2.5 crore each as per Office Order No.
01/2017 dated 02.01.2017. The gist of already sanctioned sub works of sanctioned
umbrella work is tabulated below:
(Fig. ₹ in crore)
DF1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. On scrutiny of the sub-estimate of Civil, Electrical (G), Signal & Telecom and
Electrical TRD, it is observed that additional charges like D&G etc are not in compliance
of Railway Board Instructions vide letter no. 2022/E&R/3(2)/1 dated 28.12.2022.
Therefore, the sub-estimate costs of the above-said work has been modified in
compliance to Railway Board recent policy instructions and is summarized below: -
Cost in Rs
(Proposed by
Department Item Cost in Rs. (Modified) NWR)
Base Cost 4,47,08,146.00
Contingency @1% 4,47,081.46
Cost including Contingency 4,51,55,227.46
Departmental Charges for Civil
Civil Estimate
@5.28% 23,84,196.01
Sports Development Charges @0.1% 45,155.23
Civil Sub-Estimate Cost(T1) 4,75,84,578.70 5,00,19,473.74
Base Cost 9,33,763.00
Contingency at 1% 9,337.63
Total including Contingency 9,43,100.63
Electrical (G)
Departmental Charges for Electrical at
7.13% 67,243.07
Sports Development Charges at 0.1% 943.10
Electrical (G) Sub-Estimate Cost(T2) 10,11,286.81 10,37,526.19
Base Cost 16,63,098.34
Contingency @1% 16,630.98
Total including Contingency 16,79,729.32
Signal & Telecom Departmental Charges for Electrical
Estimate @10.04% 1,68,644.82
Sports Development Charges @0.1% 1,679.73
Signal & Telecom Sub-estimate 18,82,461.01
Cost(T3) 18,50,053.88
Base Cost 10,06,276.20
Contingency @1% 10,062.76
Total including Contingency 10,16,338.96
Electrical TRD Departmental Charges for Electrical
Estimate @7.13% 72,464.97
Sports Development Charges @0.1% 1,016.34
Electrical TRD Sub-estimate 11,49,600.1
Cost(T4) 10,89,820.27
Total Cost (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) 5,15,35,739.65 5,40,89,000
Hence, the proposal of NWR for sanction of above-said 1 sub-work with modified cost
under the umbrella is tabulated below:-
No. of Cost
S.No. Name of Umbrella Allocation
(₹ in cr.)
Total 1 5.154
4. The work proposed under the umbrella seems to be in order .It can be seen that 31
works costing ₹64.41 crore under allocation CAP have been sanctioned under GM’s
power and 2 works costing ₹7.37 crore under allocation CAP has been sanctioned by
Railway Board. Therefore, the total cost of already sanctioned 33 works and above-said
1 proposed sub-work will be ₹ 76.942 Cr. under allocation CAP which is within the
sanctioned umbrella cost.
5. Thus, the proposed work of “Provision of additional high-level PF & foot over
bridge at Sangariya station of BKN Division” at a total modified cost of ₹ 5.154
Cr under allocation CAP is recommended for formal approval of Board (MI, MF & CRB)
and sanction of this 1 sub-work at a total cost of ₹5.154 Cr is solicited under Umbrella
of NWR under Plan Head – 53- “Customer Amenities” for inclusion in Sanctioned
umbrella work for 2022-23.