009 Ratings D101463X012
009 Ratings D101463X012
009 Ratings D101463X012
August 2002 P/T Ratings for Valves
Product Bulletin
P/T Ratings for Valves August 2002
Standard Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ANSI Class 150 and 300 Valves
Fisher valve materials that conform to ASME B16.34-1996 Standard Class pressure-temperature ratings are listed
in tables 2 and 3. These ratings apply to all Fisher cast, forged, and fabricated steel valves.
Table 2. For ANSI Standard Class 150 Valves (1)
TEMPERATURE (_F) LCB LCC WCB WCC WC6 WC9(2) CF8(2,3) or 304(2,3) CF8M(2,3) or 316(2,3) CF3M 316L CG8M or 317 CF8C(2,3) or 347(2,3)
–20 to 100 265 290 285 290 290 290 275 275 275 230 275 275
200 250 260 260 260 260 260 230 235 235 195 235 255
300 230 230 230 230 230 230 205 215 215 175 215 230
400 200 200 200 200 200 200 190 195 195 160 195 200
500 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 145 170 170
600 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
650 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
700 --- --- 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
750 --- --- 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95
800 --- --- 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
850 --- --- --- --- 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
900 --- --- --- --- 50 50 50 50 --- --- 50 50
950 --- --- --- --- 35 35 35 35 --- --- 35 35
1000 --- --- --- --- 20 20 20 20 --- --- 20 20
1050 --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1100 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1150 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1200 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1250 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1300 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1350 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1400 --- --- --- --- --- --- 20 20 --- --- --- 20
1450 --- --- --- --- --- --- 15 20 --- --- --- 15
1500 --- --- --- --- --- --- 10 20 --- --- --- 15
1. Table information is extracted from the Valve—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End, ASME Standard B16.34-1996. These tables must be used in accordance with the ASME
standard. The ASME standard states in paragraph 1.2.2: “1.2.2 Code and Regulations. A valve used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME Code
for Pressure Piping, or governmental regulations is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation for a material or rule governing
the use of a material at a low temperature.” Information copied with permission of the publisher; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New
York, 10017.
2. Flanged end ratings terminate at 1000_F.
3. At temperatures over 1000_F, use material only when carbon content is 0.04% or higher.
Product Bulletin
August 2002 P/T Ratings for Valves
Product Bulletin
P/T Ratings for Valves August 2002
Standard Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ANSI Class 600 and 900 Valves
Fisher valve materials that conform to ASME B16.34-1996 Standard Class pressure-temperature ratings are listed
in tables 6 and 7. These ratings apply to all Fisher cast, forged, and fabricated steel valves.
Table 6. For ANSI Standard Class 600 Valves (1)
TEMPERATURE (_F) LCB LCC WCB WCC WC6 WC9 CF8 (2) or 304(2) CF8M (2) or 316(2) CF3M 316L CG8M or 317 CF8C (2) or 347 (2)
–20 to 100 1390 1500 1480 1500 1500 1500 1440 1440 1440 1200 1440 1440
200 1315 1500 1350 1500 1500 1500 1200 1240 1240 1015 1240 1320
300 1275 1455 1315 1455 1445 1455 1080 1120 1120 910 1120 1230
400 1235 1410 1270 1410 1385 1410 995 1025 1025 825 1025 1145
500 1165 1330 1200 1330 1330 1330 930 955 955 765 955 1080
600 1065 1210 1095 1210 1210 1210 875 905 905 720 905 1025
650 1045 1175 1075 1175 1175 1175 860 890 890 700 890 1010
700 --- --- 1065 1135 1135 1135 850 870 870 685 870 990
750 --- --- 1010 1010 1065 1065 830 855 855 670 855 985
800 --- --- 825 825 1015 1015 805 845 845 660 845 975
850 --- --- --- --- 975 975 790 835 835 645 835 970
900 --- --- --- --- 900 900 780 830 --- --- 830 900
950 --- --- --- --- 640 755 765 775 --- --- 775 775
1000 --- --- --- --- 430 520 640 700 --- --- 700 725
1050 --- --- --- --- --- 350 615 685 --- --- --- 720
1100 --- --- --- --- --- --- 515 610 --- --- --- 645
1150 --- --- --- --- --- --- 400 475 --- --- --- 550
1200 --- --- --- --- --- --- 310 370 --- --- --- 345
1250 --- --- --- --- --- --- 225 295 --- --- --- 245
1300 --- --- --- --- --- --- 170 235 --- --- --- 185
1350 --- --- --- --- --- --- 125 190 --- --- --- 135
1400 --- --- --- --- --- --- 95 150 --- --- --- 110
1450 --- --- --- --- --- --- 70 115 --- --- --- 80
1500 --- --- --- --- --- --- 55 85 --- --- --- 70
1. Table information is extracted from the Valve—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End, ASME Standard B16.34-1996. These tables must be used in accordance with the ASME
standard. The ASME standard states in paragraph 1.2.2: “1.2.2 Code and Regulations. A valve used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME Code
for Pressure Piping, or governmental regulations is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation for a material or rule governing
the use of a material at a low temperature.” Information copied with permission of the publisher; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New
York, 10017.
2. At temperatures over 1000_F, use material only when carbon content is 0.04% or higher.
Product Bulletin
August 2002 P/T Ratings for Valves
Product Bulletin
P/T Ratings for Valves August 2002
Standard Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ANSI Class 1500 and 2500 Valves
Fisher valve materials that conform to ASME B16.34-1996 Standard Class pressure-temperature ratings are listed
in tables 10 and 11. These ratings apply to all Fisher cast, forged, and fabricated steel valves.
Table 10. For ANSI Standard Class 1500 Valves (1)
TEMPERATURE (_F) LCB LCC WCB WCC WC6 WC9 CF8 (2) or 304(2) CF8M (2) or 316(2) CF3M 316L CG8M or 317 CF8C (2) or 347 (2)
–20 to 100 3470 3750 3705 3750 3750 3750 3600 3600 3600 3000 3600 3600
200 3280 3750 3375 3750 3750 3750 3000 3095 3095 2530 3095 3300
300 3190 3640 3280 3640 3610 3640 2700 2795 2795 2270 2795 3070
400 3085 3530 3170 3530 3465 3530 2485 2570 2570 2065 2570 2870
500 2910 3325 2995 3325 3325 3325 2330 2390 2390 1910 2390 2700
600 2665 3025 2735 3025 3025 3025 2185 2255 2255 1800 2255 2570
650 2615 2940 2685 2940 2940 2940 2150 2220 2220 1750 2220 2520
700 --- --- 2665 2840 2840 2840 2125 2170 2170 1715 2170 2470
750 --- --- 2520 2520 2660 2660 2075 2135 2135 1680 2135 2460
800 --- --- 2060 2060 2540 2540 2015 2110 2110 1645 2110 2435
850 --- --- --- --- 2435 2435 1980 2090 2090 1610 2090 2425
900 --- --- --- --- 2245 2245 1945 2075 --- --- 2075 2245
950 --- --- --- --- 1595 1885 1910 1930 --- --- 1930 1930
1000 --- --- --- --- 1080 1305 1605 1750 --- --- 1750 1820
1050 --- --- --- --- --- 875 1545 1720 --- --- --- 1800
1100 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1285 1525 --- --- --- 1610
1150 --- --- --- --- --- --- 995 1185 --- --- --- 1370
1200 --- --- --- --- --- --- 770 925 --- --- --- 855
1250 --- --- --- --- --- --- 565 735 --- --- --- 615
1300 --- --- --- --- --- --- 430 585 --- --- --- 465
1350 --- --- --- --- --- --- 310 480 --- --- --- 345
1400 --- --- --- --- --- --- 240 380 --- --- --- 275
1450 --- --- --- --- --- --- 170 290 --- --- --- 205
1500 --- --- --- --- --- --- 135 205 --- --- --- 170
1. Table information is extracted from the Valve—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End, ASME Standard B16.34-1996. These tables must be used in accordance with the ASME
standard. The ASME standard states in paragraph 1.2.2: “1.2.2 Code and Regulations. A valve used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME Code
for Pressure Piping, or governmental regulations is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation for a material or rule governing
the use of a material at a low temperature.” Information copied with permission of the publisher; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New
York, 10017.
2. At temperatures over 1000_F, use material only when carbon content is 0.04% or higher.
Product Bulletin
August 2002 P/T Ratings for Valves
Product Bulletin
P/T Ratings for Valves August 2002
Standard and Special Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ANSI Class 4500 Valves
Fisher valve materials that conform to ASME B16.34-1996 Standard and Special Class pressure-temperature
ratings are listed in tables 14 and 15. These ratings apply to all Fisher cast, forged, and fabricated steel valves.
Table 14. For ANSI Standard Class 4500 Valves (1)
TEMPERATURE (_F) LCB LCC WCB WCC WC6 WC9 CF8 (2) or 304(2) CF8M (2) or 316(2) CF3M 316L CG8M or 317 CF8C (2) or 347 (2)
–20 to 100 10415 11250 11110 11250 11250 11250 10800 10800 10800 9000 10800 10800
200 9845 11250 10120 11250 11250 11250 9000 9290 9290 7595 9290 9900
300 9565 10925 9845 10925 10830 10925 8100 8390 8390 6805 8390 9215
400 9260 10585 9505 10585 10400 10585 7450 7705 7705 6190 7705 8605
500 8735 9965 8980 9965 9965 9965 6985 7165 7165 5725 7165 8100
600 7990 9070 8210 9070 9070 9070 6550 6770 6770 5400 6770 7705
650 7840 8825 8055 8825 8825 8825 6445 6660 6660 5255 6660 7560
700 --- --- 7990 8515 8515 8515 6370 6515 6515 5150 6515 7415
750 --- --- 7560 7560 7970 7970 6230 6410 6410 5040 6410 7380
800 --- --- 6170 6170 7610 7610 6050 6335 6335 4930 6335 7310
850 --- --- --- --- 7305 7305 5940 6265 6265 4825 6265 7270
900 --- --- --- --- 6740 6740 5830 6230 --- --- 6230 6740
950 --- --- --- --- 4785 5665 5725 5795 --- --- 5795 5795
1000 --- --- --- --- 3240 3910 4815 5245 --- --- 5245 5450
1050 --- --- --- --- --- 2625 4630 5155 --- --- --- 5400
1100 --- --- --- --- --- --- 3855 4575 --- --- --- 4835
1150 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2985 3550 --- --- --- 4115
1200 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2315 2775 --- --- --- 2570
1250 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1695 2210 --- --- --- 1850
1300 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1285 1750 --- --- --- 1390
1350 --- --- --- --- --- --- 925 1440 --- --- --- 1030
1400 --- --- --- --- --- --- 720 1130 --- --- --- 825
1450 --- --- --- --- --- --- 515 875 --- --- --- 615
1500 --- --- --- --- --- --- 410 620 --- --- --- 515
1. Table information is extracted from the Valve—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End, ASME Standard B16.34-1996. These tables must be used in accordance with the ASME
standard. The ASME standard states in paragraph 1.2.2: “1.2.2 Code and Regulations. A valve used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME Code
for Pressure Piping, or governmental regulations is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation for a material or rule governing
the use of a material at a low temperature.” Information copied with permission of the publisher; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New
York, 10017.
2. At temperatures over 1000_F, use material only when carbon content is 0.04% or higher.
Product Bulletin
August 2002 P/T Ratings for Valves
Product Bulletin
P/T Ratings for Valves August 2002
Fisher is a mark owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc., a business of Emerson Process Management. The Emerson logo is a
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The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,
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Fisher does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and
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12 Controls International, Inc. 1989, 2002; All Rights Reserved Printed in USA