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English: Quarter 4: Week 1 Learning Activity Sheets

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4 Department of Education-Region III


Juan Luna St., Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City 2300
Email address: tarlac.city@deped.gov.ph/ Tel. No. (045) 470 – 8180

Quarter 4: Week 1
Learning Activity Sheets

Name of Learner: ____________________________________ Grade Level: 4-Q4-Week 1

Section: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________

Writing a Short Story (Fiction/Non-Fiction) with its Complete Elements

Background Information:
Anybody is capable of writing his/her own masterpiece of short story. By tapping your
own experiences or getting idea from the content of your readings, then putting pen to paper,
you can create and engage an interesting story.

Short story is a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than
a novel. Because of the shorter length, a short story usually focuses on one plot, one main
character (with a few additional minor characters), and one central theme. You can write
stories which are either Fiction or Nonfiction.

Fiction refers to plot, settings, and characters created from the imagination. It is a
make-believe or made-up story. It can have unrealistic scenes like fire breathing dragons,
flying people, talking animals or objects. It must be written in order like it has beginning,
middle and end. The fiction materials can be in the form of novel, fairy tale, comic book, and
fable. We read or watch these materials for fun or to entertain us.

Example 1: A film about a cat that talks

We know that this cannot be real, and it is created from the

imagination of the writer; therefore, this film is considered
a fiction.

Example 2: A cartoon
on television

Cartoons generally have plots or settings and characters

that are made up by the writer where animals or objects
can talk, wear clothes, and have jobs.

Non-Fiction refers to factual stories that are based on real people, scientific ideas,
and true events. Non-fiction books have photos with captions or graphs, and they give us
information with so many different things. The non-fiction materials can also be in the form of
encyclopedias, dictionaries, letters and journals, speeches, essays, news articles,
autobiographies, and biographies. We read or watch these materials for information.

Example 1: Example 2:
A Science A Documentary
book on YouTube

Both the Science book & Documentary video clip are likely to have facts and true
information, and therefore considered as non-fiction.

Elements of a Story

1. Characters - Anything can be a character who

takes part in the action of the story. It may be human
or maybe very different like aliens. Other characters
in fiction stories are animals, objects, and plants.
Animals or objects may do the things we do or they
may have magical powers.

2. Settings- Fictional stories have a place or a time in

which the story happens. A place may seem real or
maybe a fairy tale place. The time can be long ago,
now, or far to the future.

3. Plot - The series of events and actions that take

place in a story. It has the beginning, the middle, and
the ending events.

4. Conflict/Problem - The
characters in the story need to
deal with the problem. Like for
example, a prince must fight
with a fire breathing dragon.
The problem is the most important thing that
happens in a story. It makes the story exciting.

5. Solution- It tells what the character does to solve the problem.

The story ends when the problem is solved, like the prince who
saved the princess by killing the dragon.

6. Theme- The theme is the message or lesson that the author

tries to teach the characters and the reader. It is usually
summarized in one or two words like love, family feud, friendship,
revenge, or survival.

In writing your own short story, make sure you follow these elements because these
make the story interesting and exciting. The elements should also have to work with each
other in an organized way to make it readable and appreciated by the readers.

Learning Competency with code:

Write a short story (fiction/non-fiction) with its complete elements (EN4WC-IId-20).


Read carefully the directions indicated in the following activities then, provide what is
asked in each item.


A. Identify if the following are fiction or non-fiction by sorting and writing the
title/topic in the correct column.

Fiction Nonfiction
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
____________ ____________

● A story about a mouse that sings ● An essay about the benefits of daily
● An article about travelling to another exercise
country ● Life Cycle of a Frog
● A duck driving a truck ● A story about a talking turtle

B. Read the story, “The Ant and the Grasshopper”, carefully. In the next page, identify
its elements by writing on the blank if the item tells about the character, setting, plot,
problem, solution, and theme.

Every day, Ant got up early and walked far to gather seeds.
He balanced seeds on his head and walked it backed to his
home and then went again to the field to gather more.

As ant worked, Grasshopper spent his days playing music

and lazing all day long. He would frequently call Ant to join
him singing and dancing, but Ant always refused. When the
winter came, the grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to go. He begged the ant for
food, but Ant said, “When I worked hard, you sang. Go away. There is no food for you”.
On the other hand, Ant was enjoying the fruits of his hard work. He had a nice and cozy home
and plenty to eat.

The Grasshopper learned his lesson the hard way. He regretted not working hard when he
should have.

_________________ 1. The ant

_________________ 2. Every day, Ant got up early and walked far to gather seeds.
As ant worked, Grasshopper spent his days playing music
and lazing all day long. When the winter came, the
grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to go.
_________________ 3. Grasshopper
_________________ 4. winter
_________________ 5. When the winter came, the grasshopper had nothing to eat
and nowhere to go.
_________________ 6. The Grasshopper learned his lesson the hard way. He
regretted not working hard when he should have.
_________________ 7. ant’s cozy home
_________________ 8. work today and you can reap the benefits tomorrow

C. Number the events in order they happened (1 being first) by using 1-6. Write
your answers in the boxes provided.
Mr. Matters and His Morning Exercises
Mr. Matters wanted to feel better, so he followed the good
doctor’s advice. Every morning he woke up, he followed the
same routine.

Mr. Matters was a very well-liked neighbor that we had for years.
One day he woke up and didn’t feel so well.

Dr. Jerome did some blood work on Mr. Matters. He found out
that his blood contained very little vitamins and minerals. He
recommended that Mr. Matters begin to eat more fruits and
vegetables. In addition, he wanted Mr. Matters to exercise three
times a week for thirty minutes every time.

As months went on, Mr. Matters felt a ton better. He began to

help Ms. Stella prune her garden every night after work. As a
form of payment, Ms. Stella would always make Mr. Matters a
healthy dinner.

First, he ate a grapefruit and drank a glass of water. He would

then walk two miles. He would end off with a full body stretch.
Then he would ride his bike to work.

He decided to go to see Dr. Jerome to see what the problem

might be. Dr. Jerome is the best!
Source: https://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/language_arts/sequence/ver2/

D. Write a story about your momentous experience in school like when you joined
a competition (cooking/dance/singing contest/quiz bee, etc.) or when you had
your GSP/BSP Backyard Camping, or anything worth sharing. Write your own title
and make sure to use the story elements in your narrative.



Rubrics for scoring the story written

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Story Elements
● Character,
Setting, Plot, The writer includes The writer includes The writer includes The writer is
all the story most of the story some of the story unable to include
elements. elements. elements. story elements.
Solution and
There is unclear
The story is clearly There is an sentence and
written. Words are The story is clearly awkward phrase awkward phrases
Word Choice
chosen to express written. makes reading the making the story
ideas concisely. story little difficult. very difficult to
The story is very The story is pretty The story is a little The story is hard
well organized. well organized. hard to follow. The to follow. The story
The beginning The story has a story has does not have
Organization creates interest, clear and beginning, middle, clear beginning,
the middle is well- interesting, and end but needs middle, and end.
developed, and the beginning, middle, details to make
end is satisfying. and end. interesting.
1-2 spelling, 3-4 spelling, 5-6 spelling, So many spelling,
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation and punctuation and
Spelling and Grammar grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical error
that interferes with
the meaning
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/quimmlee/story-writing-rubric-40666961


Put a check (√) mark on the blank which corresponds to how well you learned the lesson.

Very well A little Not really

1. I know the meanings of short story, fiction ________ ________ ________
and non-fiction.
2. I can classify fiction and non-fiction stories. ________ ________ ________
3. I can sequence events in a story.
4. I can write a fiction/non-fiction story with its ________ ________ ________
complete story elements.
5. I can identify the elements of a short ________ ________ ________


Angeles, Evelyn B. and Kristine Erika Castillo, (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Araneta
Avenue, Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.: 36-38.

Education.com. “The Ant and the Grasshopper” Accessed February 12, 2021.

Lexico. Accessed February 5, 2021. https://www.lexico.com/definition/short_story

Mangaser, Victoria C. et.al., (2015). English 4 Learner’s Material Grade 4 Pasig City: Vibal
Group Inc.: 194-205.

Photo Credits:

Page 1, IMOBPRO, A talking Cat!?! 2013, Andrew Helm,

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2511190/Common Attribution-Credit source as
commercial use
Page 1, Anime Japan University, Doraemon 2004,
https://randomwire.com/doraemon/Common Attribution-Credit source as
commercial use
Page 1, https://www.shutterstock.com/search/science+book
Page 1, Most Dangerous Ways to School | PHILIPPINES | Free Documentary
Page 2, Source: StockFresh, Stickman Kid Story Books Characters by Lenm,
characters,CommonAttribution- Credit source as commercial use
Page 2, Helping Writers become Authors, Settings in a Story by K.M. Weiland,
Attribution-Credit source as commercial use
Page 2, https://www.pinterest.ph/pin /382806037047258842/
Page 2, https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-dragon-prince-review-netflix-animated-series/
Page 2, http://clipart-library.com/pics-of-dragons-breathing-fire.html,Common Attribution-
Credit source as commercial use
Page 2, Alamy, Prince saves princes, High Resolution Stock photograph,
Attribution-Credit source as commercial use

Page2, Dreamstime.com, Abstract heart outline, https://www.dreamstime.com/ abstract-
draw-design-all-art-image156756734, Common Attribution- Credit source as
commercial use
Page 3, Sir john Hargrave, The Ant and the Grasshopper,
https://jhargrave.medium.com/the-ant-and-the-grasshopper -free-downloadable-
ebook-7887b11d4455Common Attribution- Credit source as commercial use
Page 4, https://www.pngitem.com/middle/iTmhmi_stick-figure-png-draw-stick-figures-sitting-
Page 4, https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vectors/workout-stickman-vectors
Page 4, https://www.signsilo.com/index.cfm?/imagedetails_EN&imgid=99760231
Page 4, https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/354940014375119842/
Page 4, https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/stickman-doctor.html

Answer Key:
based on the Scoring Rubric.
Pupils’ answers may vary. Scores will be 3,1,4,6,5,2
Activity D Activity C

An essay about the benefits of daily exercise

An article about travelling to another country
8. theme 4. setting A story about a talking turtle
7. setting 3. character A duck driving a truck
6. solution 2. plot A story about a mouse that sings
5. problem 1. character Fiction
Activity B: Activity A:

Prepared by: Reviewed:


Teacher III EPSvr-English


Head Teacher I

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