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DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q4 - W1

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School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Ma'am ANNALICE R. QUINAY Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: MAY 1 – 5, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES The learner………..
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of volume of solid figures and meter reading.
B. Performance Standard is able to apply knowledge of volume of solid figures and meter reading in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies / determines the relationship of the determines the relationship of derives the formula for finding derives the formula for finding derives the formula for finding
Objectives volume between 70.1 a rectangular the volume between 70.2 a the volume of cylinders the volume of cone the volume of spheres.
prism and a pyramid. cylinder and a cone. M6ME-IVa-96 M6ME-IVa-96 M6ME-IVa-96
M6ME-IVa-95 M6ME-IVa-95
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 21ST Century Mathletes 21ST Century Mathletes 21ST Century Mathletes 21ST Century Mathletes, 21ST Century Mathletes

2. Learner’s Materials pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6, 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 21st Century Mathletes 6
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6
4. Additional Materials from Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, power point Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power
presentation point presentation point presentation point presentation point presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Drill: A. Perform the indicated Drill: Find the surface area of the 1. Mental Computation 1. Mental Computation Drill by group: Name each
presenting the new lesson operation: ff. Drill: Solving for Volumes of Drill: Multiplying Whole figure. Then write the formula
35 x 25 Prisms Numbers in finding the
125 x 2.5 a) Teacher divides the class volume of the given figure.
30 ½ x 25 into 6 groups (per column). Each Multiply the following Choose your answer from the
450 ÷ 20 group is provided with an mentally:(use flash cards or box.
50 ½ x 15 1 use power point presentation)
B. Find the surface area of the ff. illustration board ( 4 ), chalk, and a. 15 x 4
1. e=25cm eraser.
2. l=16cm, w= 9cm, h=8cm b) Teacher flashes a card d. 3 x 4 x 4
3. d=14cm, h=23cm with the dimensions of a prism.
Review: A.Identify the figure below: For ex.: l = 8 cm w = 5 cm
2. Review: Finding the
h = 10 cm
Volumes of Cylinders
B = 18 m2 h = 3 m
1 1
l= 2 m w= 5 m Prepare different sizes of cans
(as many as the number of
Volume of the pyramid= ______x
volume of rectangular prism. 1 groups).
For a rectangular prism, V=lxwxh h= 4 m Each group will get one can Review:
So for pyramid, V= _____ lxwxh= c)The first student from each and do the following:
lxwxh/? group solves mentally for the measure its height and its
volume of the prism and writes radius in cm
the answer on the illustration find its volume
board provided. share the solution and answer
B.Solve each situation. d)When teacher say “boards up,” to the class
1. a rectangular box has a length of they raise their boards up.
24 inches, a width of 18inches, a e)Whoever gives the correct
width of 18 inches and a height of answer, with the proper label,
30 inches. What is the surface area? gets 2 points for his/her group.
2. A sphere has a radius of 23cm. f)Teacher flashes another card
What is the surface area? and the next student in each
group solves mentally for the
volume and so on.
g)The group with the highest
number of points wins.

B.Establishing a purpose for the Have you ever gone to a family Show the pupils a cylinder and a Present a story problem: Let pupils give examples of Let pupils give examples of
lesson outing to a resort? There are many cone. Let the pupils say Water is indispensable because objects that are conical in objects that are round like a
different kinds of swimming pool, something about the figures. of its many uses. However, some shape. Have them define or ball. Have them define or
isn’t it? There are swimming pools places do not have enough supply describe a cone. describe a sphere.
for kids and for adults. There is also of water. People need to store Original File Submitted and
Jacuzzi. If you will be asked how water using jars, plastic Formatted by DepEd Club
much water is placed in the containers, drums, and water Member - visit depedclub.com
swimming pool, how will you do it? tanks. for more
Carlo lives in a barangay with a
low supply of water. They need
to store water to ensure that
they have enough water to use
for their daily needs. To make
sure that they have a good supply
of water, his father installed a
new cylindrical water tank behind
their house.
The water tank, which is 18 dm
high with radius of 6 dm, assures
Carlo’s family that they have
enough water for their daily
consumption. How much water
can the cylindrical tank hold?
C.Presenting Examples/Instances The volume of prism is the amount Group activity: a. Let each group/pair Present a Story Problem: Volume is measured in cubic
of new lesson of space inside the prism. Volume is Materials: a cylinder which discuss the following questions Marie attended a birthday units. A circle on the sphere
measured in cubic units, which is open at one end and a cone and record their answers or party where all children were with the same center as the
means it tells you how many cubes that is open ideas. Afterwards, they can share given party hats and ice cream sphere has an area of r2.
of a given size it takes to fill the at the base (note: the cylinder them to the class. in cones. One little girl Imagine this same circle as the
prism. We can use the diagram on and the cone must have 1) Why is water important? accidentally dropped her ice base of a cylinder that exactly
page 288 to show why the formula congruent bases and altitude), What are its uses? cream, so she started crying. contains the sphere.
of any prism works. sand, worksheet 2) Do you only need to Marie saw the incident. She
Procedure: conserve if your place do not went over to the girl and gave
Let the children fill the cone with have enough supply of water? her ice cream. The little girl
sand then ask them to guess how Why or why not? gave her a big smile and said
many “conefuls” of sand it would 3) How can we conserve “thank you.” Marie was very
take to completely fill the water? happy.
To find the volume (V) of a prism, cylinder. Let them check their 4) What did Carlo’s father Discussion: The volume of this cylinder
multiply the number of cubic units guesses by filling the cylinder install in their house? What is its a) What was the story would be the area of its
needed to cover the base (B) by the with sand from the cone. shape? all about? height, which is r2x2r, or
number of layers. Questions: 5) What are the b) Why was the little girl 2r3. The sphere does not fill
Volume of prism= is the product of 1) How many “conefuls” of dimensions of the tank? crying? the whole cylinder. In fact, its
the base area (B) and the height (h). sand did you put to fill up the 6) What are we asked to c) What did Marie do? volume is 2/3 of the volume
V=Bxh cylinder? find? d) Why was Marie very of the cylinder.
Since B=lxw, then V=lxwxh 2) Was your guess correct? 7) Do you know how to happy? 2/3(2r3)=4/3 r3
Why? find its volume? e) If you were Marie,
3) What mathematical would you have done the Therefore , the volume of the
formula can you derive for the same thing? Why or why not? sphere is 4/3 r3
volume of a cone? f) What kind of solid
Note: Volume of the cylinder is figure was the container of the
three times the volume of the ice cream?
cone g) If the cone has a
1 height of 10 cm and a
or the volume of the cone is 3 diameter of 5 cm, what is its
that of the cylinder. volume?
4) What is the formula Do you know how to solve the
used to find the volume of a problem? How?
V=Bxh where
B = area of the base
B = r2,  = 3.14 or 7
5) How do we write the
formula for the volume of a
Vcone = 3 Bh where
B = are of the base
B = r2,  = 3.14 or 7

h = height of cone
Bh r 2 h
Vcone = 3 or 3
or 3 r2h
D.Discussing new concepts and Volume of pyramid is the amount of 6) From the given word Discussion: Comparing the Volume of a 1.Let the pupils find the
practicing new skills #1 space inside the pyramid. Volume is problem, can you now find the Let the pupils illustrate the tank. Cone and Volume of a volume of the sphere at the
measured in cubic units, which volume of the ice cream cone? Let them write/put the given data Cylinder right.
means it tells us how many cubes of a) Let them draw the cone correctly. Materials:worksheet, 10 oz
a given size it takes to fill the with its dimensions. 1
pyramid. b) Find the radius of the can, 4 cartolina, pair of
It takes three pyramids of popcorn cone. scissors, mongo beans, tape
to fill the rectangular box. The c) Write the formula for Procedure:
pyramid and the rectangular prism volume. a) Give each group a 10
have the same base and height. d) Solve for the answer.
oz (milk) can and 4 cartolina.
Explain example no. 2 on page 289. e) Label the answer
(Or pupils can bring out the
Complete the statement; correctly.
materials if these are pre-
Volume of the pyramid= ______x r = 2.5 cm 2) Review then write the
volume of rectangular prism. 1 1 formula for finding the volume of
V= 3 Bh or 3 r2h b) Have the pupils
For a rectangular prism, V=lxwxh rectangular prisms:
1 construct a cone from the
So for pyramid, V= _____ lxwxh= V=Bxh Discuss the answer on page
V = 3 (3.14 x 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 10 cartolina by cutting out a
lxwxh/? V=lxwxh 293.
cm) semicircle, and taping the
The volume of a pyramid is 1/3 the where B = area of base
1 sides.
volume of a prism w/ same base V= 3 (3.14 x 6.25 cm2 x 10 cm) h = height of prism
Have the pupils form
area (B) and height (h). 1 3) Do you think that solving
a cone whose base has the
V= 3 (3.14 x 62.5 cm3) for the volume of a cylinder is
1 same circumference as that of
somewhat similar to that of a
V = 3 (196.25 cm3) the base of the can.
prism? Do we use the same
V = 65.42 cm3 (the answer is c) Have the pupils
formula V = Bh?
rounded off to the completely fill the cone with
4) What specific formula do
nearest hundredths) beans and pour them into the
we use in finding volumes of
can. Repeat until the can is
d = 5h cm
= 10 cm cylinders? Elicit formula: V = r2 x full.
h d) Have the pupils
5) What is the base area of describe the volume of the can
the cylinder? How can we find in relation to that of the cone.
the area of the base or the circle? e) Questions:
(Let them write the formula.) 1) How many “conefuls”
area of circle = r2. of beans did you pour in the
6) Let the pupils solve for can?
the area of the circle in the given 2) What can you say
cylinder. Let them understand about the volume of the can
that the area of the circle compared to the volume of
represents the base of the the cone?
cylinder. Volume of the can = 3 times
7) Afterwards, let the the volume of the cone
pupils solve for the volume of the 1
given cylinder. Volume of the cone = 3
volume of the can
3)What solid figure is
represented by the can?
Therefore, we can say, that,
Volume of the cone = 3
volume of the cylinder
4) What mathematical
formula can you derive for the
volume of a cone?
Vcylinder = Bh where B = area of
the base = r2;
 = 3.14 or 7
h = height of the cylinder
Vcone = 3
where B = area of the
base = r2;
 = 3.14 or 7
h = height of the cone
5) Going back to our
word problem, can you now
solve for the volume of the ice
cream cone?

a) Draw/illustrate the
cone. Write the dimensions.
b) Find the radius of the
c) Write the formula for
the volume.
d) Solve for the volume.
Label the answer correctly.
r = 2.5 cm
1 1
V= 3 Bh or 3 r2h
V = 3 (3.14 x 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x
10 cm)
V = 3 (3.14 x 6.25 cm2 x 10
V= 3 (3.14 x 62.5 cm3)
V = 3 (196.25 cm3)
V = 65.42 cm3 (Answer was
rounded off to
the nearest hundredths)

d = 5 cm

h = 10 cm

E.Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils watch the video of Let the pupils watch the video of Group Activity: Group activity: Let the pupils watch the video
practicing new skills #2 relationship between pyramid and relationship between cylinder 1) Let each group construct Answer the ff. of Volume of Sphere, How to
prism. and cone. cylinders of various sizes using 1.A cone has a height of 20 cm get the Formula.
cardboard and glue. and a radius of 12 cm.
2) Let them measure the Compute its volume.
height and the radius of each 2. Find the volume of cone
cylinder in cm. with height 7cm and radius of
3) Let them solve for the base 3 cm.
volume of their cylinders using 3. What is the volume of cone
the formula. with radius 4.5 and height
4)Group sharing follows 13cm?
F.Developing mastery Group Activity: Group Activity: Find the volume of each of the Let the pupils work by pairs, Pair-share:
(Leads to Formative 1) Let each group construct a 1.Let each group of pupils following cylinders. and answer the following: 1.A spherical tank for natural
Assessment) prism and a pyramid with the same construct a cone and a cylinder Use  = 3.14 Find the volume of each cone, gas has a radius of 7meters.
base and height. with the same diameter and use  = 3.14: About how many cubic meters
2) Let them solve for the height. of natural gas can it hold? Use
volume of the two figures using the 2. provide rice or mongo seeds =22/7. Round your answer
formula. 3. Let the pupils fill the cylinder to the nearest hundredth.
3) Group sharing follows with rice or mongo seeds using
afterwards. the cone. Discuss the answer on page
4. how many cones of rice or 295-296.
mongo seeds can fit inside the
5. how do we find the volume of
a cone?
Find the missing dimension.
Fill in the blanks:
d) radius = 8 m, height =
_____; Volume = 602.88 m3
e) diameter = 14 cm,
radius = _____, height = 5.1
cm, Volume = _____
f) r = _____, h = 2.1 m,
V = 19.782 m3
G.Finding practical applications of Find the volume of the ff. Find the volume of the cylinder. Solve for the missing value to
concepts and skills in daily living Use  = 3.14. complete the table. Use  =
1. r = 2 cm 3.14.
h = 9 cm
2. d = 10 mm
h = 16 mm
3. d = 20 dm
5cm h=
V = 4710 dm3
6cm 4. r =
h = 1.6 m
V = 1.256 m3
5. B =
h = 24 cm
V = 10 851.84 cm3
H.Making generalizations and The volume of a prism is given by The Volume of a Cylinder is How can you find the volume of a How do you find the volume How do you find the volume
abstractions about the lesson the formula given by the formula V = πr² h cylinder? of a cone? What is the of a sphere? What is the
V = Bh while the Volume of a Cone is Volume of a Cylinder formula used? formula used?
where B is the area of the base V = 1/3 πr² h V = πr² h
and h is the height.
The volume of a pyramid is given by
the formula V = 1/3 Bh
where B is the area of the base
and h is the height

I.Evaluating Learning Find the volume of the ff. figures. Evaluate item number 5, 8 and 9 Give the volume of the given A. Solve for the volume A. Solve for the volume
Write the formula used. on page 297. cylinder: of each cone: of each sphere.

Find the volume of the ff.:

Compare the formula used in

solving the volume of the ff. figures

J.Additional activities for Answer Math Challenge on page

application and remediation 298-299
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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