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Multiple Alleles

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Multiple Allelism
Allele is a form of a gene which codes for one possible phenotype (such as purple or
white flower). According to Mendel, the factor (gene) for plant height has two alleles,
one for tallness and other for shortness.

According to Mendel's Law of Dominance, when the gene for one trait (such as height)
exists in only two forms (two alleles), there are 3 possible genotypes (TT, Tt and tt) as
per the genotypic combination of alleles (1 : 2 : 1), resulting in 2 possible phenotypes in
F2 generation (dominant TALL and recessive SHORT) giving 3 : 1 ratio. See the example
given below:

Punnet square determination

(Mendel’s Law of Dominance)

Genotype Phenotype Number of Phenotypic ratio (F2)

(F2) individuals
Homozygous Dominant (TT) Tall 1 Tall : Short
Heterozygous Dominant (Tt) Tall 2 3 : 1
Homozygous Recessive (tt) Short 1

Here, there are two possible phenotypes (Tall and Short). It indicates that only two
alleles are involved in determining the phenotype (height). Inheritance of the trait
illustrates complete dominance of T allele (tall) over t allele (Short) in F1 progeny (Tt).

Gregor Mendel studied the inheritance of traits (characters) only in his pea plants that
showed simple or complete dominance. According to Mendel, each trait was governed
by only two alleles of a factor (gene); each one of these alleles could contribute to one
of the contrasting versions (such as Tall or Short) of a trait (plant height).

Later, it was discovered that some traits could have more than two alleles that might
code for distinct phenotypes. This allowed many more phenotypes to be visible for any
given trait while still following Mendel's Laws of Inheritance. If there are three possible
phenotypes (instead of two), then the inheritance of the trait illustrates either
Incomplete dominance or Codominance.

In these situations, a heterozygous (hybrid) genotype produces a 3rd phenotype that is

either a blend (mixture) of the parental phenotypes (Incomplete dominance) or a
mixing of the parental phenotypes in a manner that both of the parental traits appear at
the same time (Codominance).

Example of Incomplete Dominance

Phenotypic ratio = 1 red: 2 pink: 1 white (1: 2: 1)
Genotypic ratio = 1 RR: 2 Rr: 1 rr
(1: 2: 1)

Though both Phenotypic and Genotypic ratios

follow the Mendel’s monohybrid cross; but, there
is Incomplete Dominance of Red colour on White

S. No. Genotype Phenotype Number of Phenotypic ratio

(F2) individuals (F2)
1 Homozygous red (RR) Red flower 1 Red : Pink : White
2 Heterozygous pink (Rr) Pink flower 2 1 : 2 : 1
3 Homozygous white (rr) White flower 1 (3 phenotypes)

Examples of Codominance

Thus, if there are 4 or more possible phenotypes for a particular trait, then more than 2
alleles for that trait must exist in the population. We call this "MULTIPLE ALLELES". The
phenomenon is known as multiple allelism.

1. Multiple alleles of a trait appear due to mutation in the gene at the same locus
2. Multiple alleles always influence the same character
3. When wiled type allele is crossed with mutant allele, wild type allele is always
4. When two mutant alleles are crossed, the phenotype is always mutant type

NOTE: There may be multiple alleles within the population, but an individual can
have only two of those alleles.

Why...Because an individual can have only two biological parents. We inherit half of
our genes (alleles) from mother and the other half from father, so we end up with two
alleles for every trait in our phenotype.

An excellent example of multiple allele inheritance is human blood type. Bernstein

(1925) proposed the inheritance of blood types in humans.
 Blood type exists as 4 possible phenotypes (Blood Groups): A, B, AB, and O.
 There are 3 alleles for the gene that determines the blood type.

 You can have just 2 of the 3 blood types in your genotype --- one from mother and
one from father).

Human blood is classified into four groups (A, B, AB and O), based on the antigen on the
surface of the blood cell. An antigen is a protein that acts as a signal, enabling the body
to recognize foreign substances that enter the body. When foreign substances enter
the body, the antigens respond by producing antibodies. In fact, the word antigen
means “anti-body producing substance.”

Human blood types are controlled by the three alleles IA, IB, and i. The alleles IA and IB
are codominant (both are expressed together) and both are dominant to i allele. Use
the table below to learn the blood genotypes.

Blood type Antigen Genotype Memorize this table!




O none ii

With 3 alleles we have a higher number of possible combinations in creating a

genotype. See the Table given below:

Resulting Phenotype
S. No. Genotype (BLOOD GROUP) Reason

2. IA i A
Alleles IA and IB are dominant over allele i
4. IB i B

5. IAIB AB Alleles IA and IB are codominant (both

appear in the offspring).

6. ii O O group appears due to recessive alleles in

homozygous condition (ii).


1. There are 6 different genotypes and 4 different phenotypes for blood groups.
2. In AB blood group, the A trait and the B trait appear together in the phenotype.
3. There are two genotypes for both A & B blood groups --- in either homozygous
condition (IAIA or IBIB) or in heterozygous condition (IAi or IBi) with one recessive
allele (i) for O blood group.

4. Blood group O appears only in homozygous condition (ii)

Sample questions

Q 1: Jack and Jill get married and have a child. Jack is heterozygous for the blood Type A
(IAi) and Jill has blood type AB (IAIB). What is the chance that they will have a baby with
blood type B?

A O Possible offspring
A AA AO 50% = A group, 25% =AB group, 25% B group

Answer: Based on the results on the Punnett Square, there is a 25% chance a child of
Jack and Jill will have type B blood.

Q2: Bonnie and Clyde are having a baby and they want to know if there is a chance that
they can have a child with Type O blood (ii). Bonnie is homozygous for type A (IAIA)
blood and Clyde has type O blood (ii). What did you find out?

A A Possible offspring
O AO AO 100% = A group only

Answer: They will not have a child with Type O blood. Their children will only have type
A blood (100% chance).

Q3: A woman with Type O blood (ii) and a man who is Type AB (IAIB) are expecting a
child. What are the possible blood types of the kid?

O O Possible offspring
A AO AO 50% = A group, 50% =B group

Answer: The possible blood type of kid: Type A = 50%, Type B = 50%

Q4: What are the possible blood types of a child whose parents are both heterozygous
for B (IBi) blood type?

B O Possible offspring
B BB BO 75% = B group, 25% =O group

Answer: There is a 75% chance that the child will be Type B, and 25% chance that the
child will inherit Type O blood.

Q5: What are the chances of a woman with Type AB blood and a man with Type A (IAi)
blood having a child with Type O blood?

A B Possible offspring
A AA AB 50% = A group, 25% B group, 25% AB

Answer: If one parent is AB, there is no chance that any child can be O because the AB
parent doesn't have an O group (i) to pass on.
Q6: Determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes with respect to blood type for a
couple whose blood types are homozygous A (IAIA) and heterozygous B (IBi).

A A Possible offspring
B AB AB 50% = AB group, 50% =A group

Answer: Possible phenotype of kids: AB type = 50%, A type = 50%

Inheritance of rabbit coat colour

Another example of multiple alleles is coat colour in rabbit. Here, four alleles
exist for the colour-gene (C).

1. The Agouti (wild-type) phenotype (C+C+) is expressed as brown fur.

2. The chinchilla phenotype (CchCch) is expressed as black-tipped white fur.

3. The Himalayan phenotype (ChCh) has black fur on the extremities (paws,
nose, ears and tails) and white fur elsewhere.

4. The Albino or "colourless" phenotype (CC) is expressed as white fur.

In cases of multiple alleles, dominance hierarchies can exist. In this case:

1. Wild-type allele (C+C+) is dominant over all the other alleles

2. Chinchilla (CchCch) is incompletely dominant over Himalayan (ChCh)

3. Albino (CC); and Himalayan (ChCh) is dominant over albino (CC).

This hierarchy, or allelic series, was revealed by observing the phenotypes of

each possible heterozygote offspring. These crosses are explained below:

Agouti × Chinchilla Cross

A monohybrid cross between Agouti and

Chinchilla rabbits
C+ Cch

C+C+ ↓
CchCch C+ C+C+ C+Cch

F1 C+Cch Agouti
Cch C+Cch CchCch
Genotypic ratio: 1 C+C+ : 2 C+Cch : 1 CchCch
Phenotypic ratio: 3 Agouti : 1 Chinchilla
1 C+C+ : 2 C+Cch: 1 CchCch
+ + CH CH
Conclusion: C C (Agouti) is dominant over C C (Chinchilla)

Agouti × Albino Cross

A monohybrid cross between Agouti and Albino

C+ C

C+C+ ↓
CC C+ C+C+ C+C

F1 C+C Agouti
Genotypic ratio: 1 C+C+ : 2 C+C : 1 CC

Phenotypic ratio: 3 Agouti : 1 Albino 1 C+C+ : 2 C+C : 1 CC

+ +
Conclusion: C C (Agouti) is dominant over CC (Albino)

Agouti × Himalayan Cross

A monohybrid cross between Agouti and

Himalayan rabbits
C+ Ch

C+C+ ↓
Ch Ch C+ C+C+ C+Ch

F1 C+Ch Agouti
Ch C+Ch ChCh
Genotypic ratio: 1 C+C+ : 2 C+Ch : 1 ChCh

Phenotypic ratio: 3 Agouti : 1 Himalayan 1 C+C+ : 2 C+Ch: 1 ChCh

+ + h h
Conclusion: C C (Agouti) is dominant over C C (Himalayan)

Chinchilla × Himalayan Cross

A monohybrid cross between Chinchilla and

Himalayan rabbits
Cch Ch

CchCch ↓
Ch Ch Cch CchCch CchCh

F1 CchCh Light grey

Ch CchCh ChCh
Genotypic ratio: 1 CchCch : 2 CchCh : 1 ChCh

Phenotypic ratio: 1 Chinchilla : 2 Light grey : 1 Himalayan

1 CchCch : 2 CchCh : 1 ChCh
ch ch
Conclusion: C C (Chinchilla) is incompletely dominant over
h h
C C (Himalayan)

Chinchilla × Albino Cross

A monohybrid cross between Chinchilla and

Albino rabbits
Cch C

CchCch ↓
CC Cch CchCch CchC

F1 CchC Light grey

Genotypic ratio: 1 CchCch : 2 CchC : 1 CC

Phenotypic ratio: 1 Chinchilla : 2 Light grey : 1 Albino 1 CchCch : 2 CchC: 1 CC

ch ch
Conclusion: C C (Chinchilla) is incompletely dominant over CC

Himalayan × Albino Cross

A monohybrid cross between Himalayan and

Albino rabbits
Ch C

ChCh ↓
CC Ch ChCh ChC

F1 ChC Himalayan
Genotypic ratio: 1 ChCh : 2 ChC : 1 CC

Phenotypic ratio: 3 Himalayan : 1 Albino 1 ChCh : 2 ChC : 1 CC

h h
Conclusion: C C (Himalayan) is dominant over CC (Albino)

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