Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Quezon IV District
Sitio Sto. Domingo, Lumintao, Quezon, Bukidnon
SY 2021-2022
A school is a best place for shaping not just the young minds but also the hearts and hands of the children. It is a place that values and
guides the feet of the present and future generations. It is a place where knowledge can be grasped and internalized and put into action. One
right move of teaching will correspond into a great achievement but a wrong one will shrink the entire society. Thus, the SDIS crafted a program
aligned with the GEBS Program of the entire DepEd-Bukidnon to ensure that the school will be equipped with the weapons needed for the
education battle amidst pandemic.
This program is designed to enable the school environment to be physically ready, creating a clean and green atmosphere and beautiful
schools where conducive education must take place for the teachers and learners.
Activities Objectives/Target Programs/ Projects Expected Person Budget Source of Time Remarks/
Outcomes Involved Allocation Fund Frame Monitoring &
Construction of a To create a secured school Concrete School Finish -Teachers 1, 000, Fund Raising SY 2021- To be
school fence for environment for both Fence concrete -SPTA 000.00 Solicitation 2024 accomplish
safety measures. teachers and learners. school -Alumni
fence -Stakeholders
Construction of To create leisure areas for School Learning Park Finish -Teachers 500,000.0 Fund Raising Y 2021- To be
School Learning children where they can school -SPTA 0 Solicitation 2024 accomplish
Park exercise through play and learning -Alumni
learn at the same time. park -Stakeholders
Recommending Approval: