RPH Bi 2023
RPH Bi 2023
RPH Bi 2023
1. Pupil watch video that shows numbers in numeral and words.
2. learn numbers up to 100 and able to say correctly.
3. Pupil trance the numbers and words given using doted marker.
4. Pupil write numbers and words given correctly while singing
numbers song.
5. Teacher assist students to complete their task.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils instruct to play tradisional games.
3. Pupils known rules about the tradisional games.
4. pupils enjoy play tradisional games.
Post lesson
5. Pupils share their experience about the game played.
Lesson delivery
2. Use flashcards of characters from the textbook to introduce language, e.g. He/she has got
brown hair / I have got brown hair. See also Teacher’s Book p.18: Grammar Box
3. Follow with Activity 2 and Optional activity (Teacher’s Book p.18-19). Remind pupils of the
importance of being sensitive when describing people (e.g. for the adjective ugly).
4. Continue to monitor pupils as they work in pairs. Note which pupils are having difficulties or
seem to find the activity easy. This will be useful for pairing and grouping pupils in future
5. See Before leaving activity (Teacher’s Book p.18).
DATE 2/4/2023 DAY sunday
CONTENT 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print suing cursive writing
STANDARDS 4.1.2 Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited range of
written work
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
OBJECTIVES describe physical appearance or objects at least in 5 words independently and construct 5
simple sentence with little guidance .
ACTIVITIES 1. Play a word game to review family words (e.g. brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin). You could choose an
appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and
that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Lesson delivery
2. Build model sentences on the board about pupils’ families/your own family: My name’s Hana. I’ve got
three sisters and two brothers. Try to elicit as much language from pupils as possible.
3. Pupils complete worksheet by drawing a picture of themselves and writing about their family under it.
Tell pupils that the work will be displayed so they should take care with handwriting and neatness. Display
the pictures in the classroom.
4. Review questions Has he/she got a brother? How many has he/she got? by asking some pupils. You
could also follow Teacher’s Book p.20 Grammar Box here.
5. Pupils move to the classroom display. Play a guessing game using the worksheets displayed:
6. Ask pupils some general questions about the display of their work, for example to find a well-drawn
picture or some neat handwriting.
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
CONTENT 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
STANDARD using appropriate reading strategies
STANDARDS 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
DATE 3/4/2023 DAY Wednesday
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
CONTENT 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
STANDARD using appropriate reading strategies
STANDARDS 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
CONTENT 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
STANDARD purposes in print and digital media
STANDARDS 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words
accurately in guided writing
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
OBJECTIVES Talk about what someone can and can’t do .
1. Use sports flashcards to play a vocabulary review game.
Lesson delivery
2. Play a miming/TPR game to review and practice can and can’t. Extend by asking pupils Can
he/she X? pupils reply Yes, he/she can or No, he/she can’t.
3. Follow on with Activity 3 (See Teacher’s Book, p.23).
4. Monitor pupils’ use of vocabulary. You could introduce more vocabulary in this lesson, if
your pupils are ready for it. This would be a chance to introduce some sports or hobbies that are
popular with children in general at the moment in Malaysia.
5. Play a letter/word scramble game to check the written form of Yes/No answer (mix up the
letters/words and ask pupils to rearrange them correctly).
6. Follow on with Activity 4 (See Teacher’s Book p.23).
7. Play a spelling game with sports words and pictures.
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
TOPIC / TITLE UNIT 1 - Welcome !
CONTENT 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
STANDARD using appropriate reading strategies
STANDARDS 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
OBJECTIVES Pupils able to read about one’s family and describe it at least in 5 words correctly and 5 simple
sentences with little guidance .
ACTIVITIES 1. Follow instructions for Teacher’s Book p.26 Warm up.
Lesson Delivery
2. Tell pupils they will read about a girl called Fay. Show the picture on Student’s book p.11. Ask pupils to
show you who Fay is. Ask questions to help pupils predict what they will read.
3. Hand out the questions (See Teacher’s Book p.26) cut into strips, one for individual pupils, or on a
worksheet). Ask pupils to read their question.
4. Ask pupils to read the text on Student’s Book p.11 and find the answer to their question. They could write
it on the paper or in their notebook.
5. Monitor as pupils work on the reading activity to get an idea of individuals’ reading skills. Use questions
to support or extend their understanding. Make notes on pupils as necessary.
6. Feed back as a whole class. Ask pupils to read their question before giving the answer. Pupils can then
check each other’s answers.
7. Follow instructions for Optional 1 activity (Teacher’s Book p.27).
8. Play a True-False game based on the information in the text. Ask pupils to explain why something is
false. Repeat correct answers in complete short sentences. Do not ask the pupils to have to answer in full
short sentences, just let them at this point register in their memories the correct complete answers from you.
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
TOPIC / TITLE UNIT 1 - Welcome !
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
DATE 7/5/2023 DAY Sunday
Lesson delivery
4.Have students look at the presentation and pointing to all the people that they know and
encourage them to answer with it’s.
5.Ask them to tell teacher what they think is happening .
6.Ask them to point to the appropriate pictures and follow along as teacher play the CD .
7.Play the CD again and ask them to shadow read.
8.Ask students some comprehension questions .
9. Teacher revise back the lesson for today .
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
7. Invite them to sing the song in the classroom .
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
Lesson delivery
4.Have students look at the presentation and pointing to all the people that they know and encourage them
to answer with it’s.
5.Ask them to tell teacher what they think is happening .
6.Ask them to point to the appropriate pictures and follow along as teacher play the CD .
7.Play the CD again and ask them to shadow read.
8.Ask students some comprehension questions .
9. Teacher revise back the lesson for today .
REFLECTION Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :