5-EBMAY2023 GradAdvisor
5-EBMAY2023 GradAdvisor
5-EBMAY2023 GradAdvisor
Purpose: ● To serve as the official liaison between the Theta Omega Omega
Graduate Chapter and the Mu Delta Undergraduate Chapter at The
George Washington University.
● To serve as the official liaison between Madam Regional Director and
Mu Delta Chapter.
● To ensure implementation of rules and regulations of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority Incorporated®.
Mu Delta has held several successful events in the past few weeks. All in-person events
have been well attended and have fostered great dialogue and interactions and quite a bit of
fun. Additionally, they participated in several events as a part of the NPHC at the end of April.
On Monday, April 24th Soror Baily Moore’s amazing performance, with the GW Jazz
Ensemble at Blues Alley, rivaled those of the great artists that have called that venue home.
A special thank you to the Theta Omega Omega sorors who were there to support her.
Mu Delta Chapter meeting will be held on Sunday, May 7th from 4-6 pm.
Andrea Y. Hart
Signature of Officer/Chairman