IDEA Lesson Exemplar COT 1
IDEA Lesson Exemplar COT 1
IDEA Lesson Exemplar COT 1
Learning Delivery Modality Blended Learning Modality (Face to Face and Modular Print)
Three Types of
-Progressivism is employed Plate Boundaries
because learners experience
learning, they participate in b. What’s In?
discovering answers. ACTIVITY 3: “Let’s Describe”
Directions: The teacher will show pictures of convergent, divergent and
transform boundaries. The students will describe the plate boundaries using the
word/s from Activity 1 and 2
c. What Is It?
Discussion about Three Different Types of Plate Boundaries
C. Engagement a. What Is More?
ACTIVITY 4: “Let’s Classify”
Directions: Read the given sentences/phrases. Classify them as convergent,
divergent or transform boundary.
1. Tectonic plates move away from each other.
2. Tectonic plates move towards each other.
3. Tectonic plates slide past each other
The students strive to improve 4. Strike-Slip fault
achievement by consciously 5.ocean ridges, rift valley, normal fault
developing their ability to 6. mountains, volcanoes, reverse fault
consider ideas 7. Subduction process
-Analyzes perspectives 8. Pacific Plate and North American Plate
9. North American Plate and African Plate
10. Indian plate and Eurasian Plate
-Progressivism is employed
because learners experience
learning, they participate in
discovering answers.
A. B.
(for nos. 3-5) Identify the plate boundaries being describe in the given
A. Convergent Plate Boundary B. Divergent Plate Boundary
C. Transform Boundary
3. 4.
Reflective Approach/Self Reflection
Learners will write on their notebooks or journals their insights about the lesson.
E. Reflection
I understand that_____________________.
I realized that _______________________.
Printed Materials:
Science 10 Module pp. 16-21
F. References Learning Material in Science 10 pp. 14-15
Integrated Science by Delfin Cusipag Bautista pp.193, 196
APEX Integrated Science LP UNIT 5 Changes in the Environment
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Checked by:
Head Teacher I
Noted By: