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IDEA Lesson Exemplar COT 1

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Learning Area SCIENCE 10

Learning Delivery Modality Blended Learning Modality (Face to Face and Modular Print)

School Padre Garcia National High School Grade Level TEN

LESSON Teacher Jonathan C. Landicho Learning Area Science
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date September 15, 2022/Thursday Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time G10 Integrity/ 12:45-1:45 No. of Days/Hours 1 hour

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Identify the three different types of plate boundaries.
2. Describe the three types of plate boundaries.
3. Explain the process that occurs in plate boundaries.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among
A. Content Standards
the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
B. Performance Standards 1. Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
2. Suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in
reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
C. Most Essential Learning
Describe the different types of plate boundaries. (S9ES-Ia-j-36.2)
D. Enabling Competencies (If
available, write the attached No Enabling Competency available in BOW (Budget of Work)
enabling competencies)
II. CONTENT Different Types of Plate Boundaries
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Science Teacher’s Guide in G10, pp. 10-11
b. Learner’s Materials Pages Science Learners’ Materials in G10, pp. 14-15
Science 10 Module pp. 16-21
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources Module in science, PPT presentation, illustration
for Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction a. What I need to Know?
Annotation: According to study After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
of Program for International 1. Identify the three different types of plate boundaries.
Assessment (PISA) last 2018, 2. Differentiate the three types of plate boundaries.
Philippines ranked last among 79 3. Explain the processes that occur in plate boundaries.
countries in reading
comprehension. The teacher ACTIVITY 1: “Find the Verb!”
integrates English and vocabulary
Constructivism/Integration of English
in Activity 1 and 2.
Directions: Identify the verb in the given sentences.
Integrative Learning is a learning
theory that describes a movement (Before the students answer the activities, let them first describe a verb.)
toward integrated lessons helping 1. Pres. Bong-Bong Marcos and Vice President Sarah Duterte meet in
students make connections across Malacañang.
curricula; making connections 2. The two lines intersect in point A.
with a major, between 3. The molecule splits into two atoms.
curriculum, co-curriculum, or 4. Our class was separated into two batches.
between academic knowledge and 5. He slides the bottle across the table.
practice. 6. Due to rainy weather, the motorcycle skids on the road.

B. Development a. What I Know?

ACTIVITY 2: “Let’s Reveal”
lntegrative Leaming is a learning Progressivism
theory that describes a movement Integration of English
toward integrated lessons helping The teacher will tell to the class that the two consecutive verbs in activity 1 are
students make connections across synonyms. (the teacher will ask the class the meaning of synonyms)
curricula; making connections The teacher will give two sets of pieces of papers. In Set A are the synonymous
with a major, between words while on Set B are their meanings. The students will match Set B to Set A
curriculum, co-curriculum, or by putting Set B below the Set A. To check if they did it right, the teacher will
between academic knowledge and remove the upper layer of the pieces of papers. This will also reveal the lesson of
the day.

meet, intersect move side to

side move away
split, separate from each other
move towards
each other
slide, skid

meet, intersect split, separate slide, skid

move towards move away move side to
each other from each other side

Three Types of
-Progressivism is employed Plate Boundaries
because learners experience
learning, they participate in b. What’s In?
discovering answers. ACTIVITY 3: “Let’s Describe”
Directions: The teacher will show pictures of convergent, divergent and
transform boundaries. The students will describe the plate boundaries using the
word/s from Activity 1 and 2

c. What Is It?
Discussion about Three Different Types of Plate Boundaries
C. Engagement a. What Is More?
ACTIVITY 4: “Let’s Classify”
Directions: Read the given sentences/phrases. Classify them as convergent,
divergent or transform boundary.
1. Tectonic plates move away from each other.
2. Tectonic plates move towards each other.
3. Tectonic plates slide past each other
The students strive to improve 4. Strike-Slip fault
achievement by consciously 5.ocean ridges, rift valley, normal fault
developing their ability to 6. mountains, volcanoes, reverse fault
consider ideas 7. Subduction process
-Analyzes perspectives 8. Pacific Plate and North American Plate
9. North American Plate and African Plate
10. Indian plate and Eurasian Plate

b. What I can Do?

Activity 5: “Let’s Write or Draw”
Progressivism/Integration of Arts and English
Directions: The students will show their learnings about the three types of plate
boundaries. They may write a descriptive essay or draw the different plate
Rubrics for Descriptive Essay (20 pts)
Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(8 pts) (8 pts) (6) (4) (2)
Completed an essay for Completed an essay Completed an essay Did not complete any
Completeness all the three types of plate for two types of plate for only one type of essay
of the Output boundaries boundaries plate boundary
(8) (6) (4) (2)
The different plate The different plate The different plate The different plate
(8 pts)
The students strive to improve Content
boundaries were boundaries were boundaries were boundaries were
described clearly to a described clearly to a described to some not described
achievement by consciously great extent moderate extent extent
developing their ability to (4 pts)
No errors in grammar and
Few errors in
Most words were
consider ideas Spelling and spelling grammar and grammatical and misspelled and
Grammar spelling spelling errors grammatically
-Analyzes perspectives incorrect

Rubrics for Drawing (20 pts)

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(8 pts) (6) (4) (2)
(8 pts) Completed an illustration Completed an Completed an Did not complete
Completeness for all the three types of illustration for two illustration for only any illustration
of the Output plate boundaries types of plate one type of plate
boundaries boundary
(8) (6) (4) (2)
The different plate The different plate The different plate The different plate
(8 pts) boundaries were boundaries were
boundaries were boundaries were
Content expressed clearly to a expressed clearly to a expressed to some not shown
great extent moderate extent extent
(4) (3) (2) (1)
It is exceptionally It is attractive in It is acceptably It is distractingly
(4 points)
attractive in terms of terms of design, attractive though it messy and is not
Attractiveness design, layout and layout and neatness may be a bit messy attractive

c. What other enrichment activities can I engage in?

Activity 6: “Let’s Relate”
Social Reconstructionism
Integrating and relating the
Directions: Read the given newspaper headlines. Relate it to the concept of our
lesson to the current issues and
lesson. Identify what type of plate boundary is similar to the given headlines.

Ukrainian and Russian Troupes had a

bloody encounter near their borders.
D. Assimilation a. What I Have Learned?
Activity 7: “Let’s Observe and Explain”
Directions: Observe the given illustration of plates. Identify the plate boundary
present and explain your answer

-Progressivism is employed
because learners experience
learning, they participate in
discovering answers.
A. B.


b. Assessment/What I Can Show?

Activity no. 8: “Evaluation”
Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the letter of the
best answer.
1. Which of the following describes divergent plate boundary?
A. Plates moves away from each other
B. Plates slide past each other
C. Plates move towards each other
D. Plates do not move
2. Which of the following is not related to convergent plate boundary?
A. Subduction of plates
B. Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate
C. trench, mountains and volcanoes
D. fault lines

(for nos. 3-5) Identify the plate boundaries being describe in the given
A. Convergent Plate Boundary B. Divergent Plate Boundary
C. Transform Boundary

3. 4.
Reflective Approach/Self Reflection
Learners will write on their notebooks or journals their insights about the lesson.
E. Reflection
I understand that_____________________.
I realized that _______________________.
Printed Materials:
Science 10 Module pp. 16-21
F. References Learning Material in Science 10 pp. 14-15
Integrated Science by Delfin Cusipag Bautista pp.193, 196
APEX Integrated Science LP UNIT 5 Changes in the Environment

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:

Head Teacher I

Noted By:


Principal IV

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