C3-Concrete Mix Design
C3-Concrete Mix Design
C3-Concrete Mix Design
KNS 1451
2.0 Objective
4.0 Procedures
6.0 Discussion
7.0 Conclusion
8.0 Appendix
9.0 Reference
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
1. To understand and learn about the materials and ingredients used in concrete mix design
and the implication on the workability and strength of concrete.
2. To design concrete mix to a strength at 28 days
3. To calculate and measure the properties of the ingredients needed based on concrete mix
design form.
4.To list the workability and cube strength of the mix design by mixing, casting and crushing
a test cube.
a) Mixer
b) Sump test apparatus
c) Compaction factor apparatus
d) Cube and beam/prism mould
e) Compacting rod
f) Trowel
4.0 Procedures
1. The concrete mix was prepared using method for designing ordinary concrete mixture.
2. The quantity of cement, sand, coarse aggregates and water needed to till the amount of
specimens (cube and beam/prism) was calculated.
3. The ingredients weighted carefully.
4. The mould prepared and was clean and the inner surface was wiped using grease. All the
mould nuts was tighten.
5. Coarse aggregates mixed together with the sand.
6. The water was poured half and blend with the mix.
7. The cement was put in and the mixture was mixing perfectly. The remaining water was
added and thoroughly blended.
8. The slump test and compacting factor test was did on the fresh concrete.
9. The concrete
2 was put into
2 the mould in 3 layers and each layer was compacted at least 35
10. The next2 day, the concrete
2 was take off from the mould and on the concrete, the mixing
date, tests date and any relevant data on curing was written.
11. The cubes was put inside the curing tank.
5.0 Results
Aggregate type,
Coarse = Crushed
Fine = Uncrushed
Slump = 10-30mm
Free−water content 205 kg /m 3
Cement content, C3 : =320 kg /m
Free−water /cement ratio 0.64
Total aggregate content, C4 = Concrete density - Cement content - free water content
3 3 3 3
2410 kg / m −320 kg/m −205 kg /m =1885 kg /m
The volume of 1 beam: 3x10 m x 1 = 3x10 m
6.0 Discussions
Concrete mix design is a complicated process where is needed to select suitable ingredient to
produce concrete with good standard of strength and durability. From the results, cement
used is OPC type which is 5.4kg/ m3 , water with 3.5kg/m3 , fine aggregates is 11.kg/m3
and course aggregates that used is 20.2kg/m3. The slump height obtained is 10.4 cm, and
total volume from 3 cubes, 0.010m^3 and beam , 5m^3 is 5.010m^3. In this experiment,
amount of water is high factor in production of cement because strength of cement depend
with water amount in cement . Too much water cause the slump collapse or too dry cause
slump become harsh.
7.0 Conclusion
In order to properly mix the water, Portland cement, sand, and stone aggregates for
our concrete mix, we had to follow the right stages and procedures. We also discovered that
adding water to the mix makes the concrete easier to deal with. For the slump test, the
mixture is prepared.
8.0 Appendix
9.0 References