PST Unit 5
PST Unit 5
PST Unit 5
The basic phenomena are the double frequency being impressed on the circuit breaker and the
difference of the TRV.
On the supply side of the circuit breaker, the voltage will oscillate at the supply frequency
ultimately approaching the open circuit voltage.
On the line side of the circuit breaker, the trapped charges after interruption initiate travelling
waves on the transmission line.
These waves impose a saw tooth waveform at the circuit interruption.
There is no driving voltage on the driving side; the voltage ultimately becomes zero because of
the line losses.
The magnitude of the voltage oscillation is considerably lower than that of the system voltage,
the frequency is very high.
This means that the rate of rise of recovery voltage (RRRV) across the circuit breaker can be
much higher than terminal short circuit case.
Very high RRRV of upto 10 kv/micro sec have been encountered during the short line fault.
Illustration of short line fault (or) kilometric fault
Let ‘V’ be the initial peak voltage on transmission line.
‘T’ be the time for a wave to travel from the circuit breaker to fault location.
There is fast rate of rise of recovery voltage during fault that prejudices the successful operation of
circuit breaker.
VS= voltage at sending end of transmission
IS = current at sending end of transmission
IR and VR= voltage and current at the receiving end
1 1
2 2
V s =V R coshjω ( LC ) + I R Z 0 sinhjω ( LC )
( )
1 1
I s=I R coshjω ( LC ) + sinhjω ( LC ) 2
The sending end impedance, Zs = Vs/Is
+ Z 0 tanhjω ( LC ) 2
Z S=
( )
1+ tanhjω ( LC )2
I R Z0
Z R= R
Z S=Z 0 ¿
At the time of short circuit fault
a) Determining source impedance (ZS)
If the line has a short circuit at the receiving end, then ZR =0, ZS at short circuit is derived as
|Z s|sc =Z 0 tanhjω ( LC ) 2
s= jω∧T s= ( LC )
Z ( s )=Z 0 tanhjT s
sinh T s ε T −ε −TS S
tanhj T s= =
cosh T s ε T + ε−TS S
−2 T
1−ε S
tanhj T s= −2 T
1+ε S
Take ε −2 T =α
1−α −1
tanhj T s= =( 1−α ) ( 1+ α )
¿ ( 1−α ) ( 1−α +α −α + α −… . )
2 3 4
L+ L1 s2 0
2. Voltage transients on closing and reclosing lines (T1)
When closing a switch on transmission line simple source.
When a switch closes, that voltage across it is destroyed at the instants of closing, only to appear
again immediately impressed across the impedance on either side of the switch.
One side will be a transmission line and the other side will be source or generating station.
The transmission line or cable can be represented by resistor equal to its surge impedance for a
wave to travel to the remote end of the line back again to source
When the travelling wave interrupt on any transmission line discontinuity, a new reflected
wave is initiated immediately.
The new wave proceeds to interfere with the existing travelling charge system.
The travelling wave distribution initially have a peak amplitude of
1 L1
¿ E
2 L+ L1
Where L = source inductance
L1 = line inductance
E = instantaneous value of the emf driving the fault current
When a circuit breaker opens, the wave travelling to the left will immediately encounter
with the some amplitude and sign.
The identical waves starting to the right will at once encounter the short circuits and reflect
with sin reversed.
Voltage variation following the clearing of short line fault is depicted.
( R1 )( v ( t )−v ( t ) )−−−−−−−−( 2)
i k,m ( t )= k m
The differential equation for the inductor is,
d ikm
vl =v k −v m =L −−−−−−−−−−( 3 )
which must be integrated from a known state at t-Δt to the unknown one at t, i.e,
i km ( t )=i km (t −∆ t ) + ∫ ( v k −v m ) dt−−−−−−−−−−( 4)
L t −∆ t
Applying Trapezoidal rule, on equ(4),
i km ( t )=i km (t −∆ t ) + ( ( v −v ) + ( v k −v m ) (t−∆ t ))
2L k m t
∆t ∆t
¿ i km (t −∆ t ) +
( v k (t − Δt )−v m(t −Δt ) ) +
¿ (t) –vm(t))-------------(5)
This equation can be rewritten as
i km ( t )=I history ( t−∆ t ) + ( v −v −v )−−−−−−−−−( 6 )
Reff k (t ) k (t ) m (t )
2 L ( k (t −∆ t ) m (t− ∆ t ))
I history (t −∆ t )=i km (t −∆ t ) + v −v
Reff =
dv km d ( v k −v m )
i km =C =C −−−−−−−−−−−−( 7 )
dt dt
Rearranging it as an integral:
v km (t )=( v k (t )−v m (t ) ) =( v k ( t−∆ t )−v m (t −∆ t ) ) + ∫ i km dt −−−−−−−( 8 )
c t−∆ t
Applying Trapezoidal integration,
v km (t )=( v k (t )−v m (t ) ) =( v k ( t−∆ t )−v m (t −∆ t ) ) + (i + i ) −−−−−−( 9 )
2C km (t ) km (t −∆ t )
Hence the current in the Capacitor is given by,
2C 2C
i km ( t )=
∆t ( v k ( t )−v m ( t )) −i km (t −∆ t )−
∆ t ( k (t −∆ t ) m (t −∆ t ) )
v −v
¿ ( v −v ) + I −−−−−−−−−−−−−( 10 )
R eff k (t ) m (t ) history
Switching Surges on an Integrated System
The disturbance produced by the switching operation as modified by the system spreads through the
system. Setting up waves that travel out along the connected lines and reflect to and fro as discontinuities are
In the equivalent circuit, the lines are represented by the resistors R 1 and R2
The source circuit can be replaced with very little error by a parallel RL circuit in which L=L 1 + L2+L3 and
Switching Surges on an Integrated System
The disturbance produced by the switching operation as modified by the system spreads through the
system. Setting up waves that travel out along the connected lines and reflect to and fro as discontinuities are
Refering to a single phase diagram, if one of the 345kV circuit breakers is opened to clear a fault on its
line, suppose that the fault is short distance down the line. The switching operation will evoke a response from
both the line and the system.
In the equivalent circuit, the lines are represented by the resistors R 1 and R2. The various components of
the system is represented with legends. It is an accurate representation of a line under transient conditions until it
is modified by reflection from points down the line.
The source circuit can be replaced with very little error by a parallel RL circuit in which
L = L1 + L2 + L3
R =R1
The response of a parallel RL circuit to a ramp of current I 0 t is readily shown to be
R I0
V ( s )= −−−−−−−−−−( 1 )
[ ]
s s+
Equ (1) can be rewritten as,
( −LR )t
V ( t ) =L I 0 [1−ε ]−−−−−−−(2)
The slope I0 will be
I 0= −−−−−−−−−−−( 3)
Where Vp is the peak system voltage
Sub equ(3) in (2),
V ( t ) =V [ 1−ε
( ) ] −−−−−−−( 4 )
¿ V p ( 1−ε−αt )
V ( t ) =V p ( 1−ε ) −−−−−−−−(5)