Se-671 8
Se-671 8
Se-671 8
Engineering Report
dignum-pd03516 TA Maintenance Requirements 20/04/2017
koning-gk01651 TA Powerplant/APU/Fuel 20/04/2017
pinson-jp02407 CVE Fuel/Airworthiness Office 20/04/2017
visser-hv01800 Airworthiness Office 25/04/2017
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This report specifies the Fuel Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI) and the Critical Design Configuration
Control Limitations (CDCCL) required to prevent the development of unsafe conditions within the fuel system,
This report is inserted into the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) of the Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (ICA).
The technical content of this document is approved by EASA or under the authority of DOA ref.
As from MRB report revision 016 the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) is removed from the MRB
report and published separately in order to harmonize the MRBR with other manufacturer platforms and to
clearly distinguish tasks selected from the MSG-3 process (MRBR) from tasks required to meet certification
requirements (ALS).
As soon as the ALS is revised an e-mail notification will be sent to the Operators. To receive such a
notification, “Notification of updates in the Documentation download Center (pdf files)” needs to be selected
in the personal mailing list on the website.
Furthermore, Airworthiness Recommendation Catalogue (ARC) item 05-20-1 will be updated following each
revision of this report and after each new/revised Airworthiness Directive that is issued for this report.
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temp. 0863 12-06
Fokker Services B.V.
Issue Description
Paragraph 1. General
Paragraphs rephrased, to adapt the ALS reports to each other.
Chapter 4. Abbreviations
NAA added.
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temp. 0863 12-06
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Issue Description
Page 9
Note 1 thru 4 amended, Note 5 added.
Paragraph 3.1
Note added:
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temp. 0863 12-06
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Issue Description
Abbreviations added.
3 As result of the Fuel Tank Safety Compliance Fuel ALI’s and CDCCL’s have been
(re-)defined and included in this report.
Fuel ALI 280000-00-01 and 280000-00-02; Task Title / Task Description rewritten (see table
New Fuel ALI 280000-00-03,
New Fuel ALI 280000-00-04,
New Fuel ALI 280000-00-05 (reserved),
New Fuel ALI 280000-00-06, (see table 2.3),
CDCCL’s as listed in table 3.2 are completely rewritten.
Note: As tables 2.3 and 3.2 have been completely rewritten no revision bars are given.
Abbreviations added.
2 In issue 2 of this report, table 3.2 includes the CDCCL control references as published in AMM
revision May 01/06 or later.
1 First release.
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Table of Content
Summary: ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Reason for revisions: .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Content……………………………………………………………………………………… .......................... 5
1. General ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Fuel Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI) .................................................................................................... 7
2.1. General ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2. Exceptional short-term extensions ................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Fuel ALI tasks and intervals.............................................................................................................. 8
3. Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL) ...................................................................... 10
3.1. General ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. CDCCL description and control ...................................................................................................... 10
4. Abbreviations. ............................................................................................................................................ 13
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1. General
During the F27 Mk050, F27 Mk0502 and F27 Mk0604 certification process, certain Maintenance
Requirements have been identified which must be performed on all aircraft at or before the intervals or
times specified in order to meet the certification requirements. These mandatory Maintenance
Requirements are identified as Airworthiness Limitations.
4. Fuel Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI’s): as applied to the Fuel Tank system safety policy, this
term means fuel system mandatory maintenance inspections determined necessary to ensure that
unsafe conditions do not arise in the fuel system throughout the operational life of the aircraft.
5. Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL): as applied to the Fuel Tank system
safety policy, this term refers to a feature of any aircraft system, which must be retained during
modification, change, repair or scheduled maintenance to ensure that an unsafe condition does not
develop in the fuel system.
This report SE-671 specifies the Fuel ALI’s and CDCCL’s and is published as part 3 of the Airworthiness
Limitations Section (ALS) of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA).
Each part of the ALS is made mandatory by a separate EASA AD (refer to EASA website for the latest
In the event of conflicting information between the ALS and other service publications (e.g. SB’s, MRB
Report) the ALS has priority.
Operators are expected to demonstrate to their Airworthiness Authority Maintenance Inspector that the
required configuration control systems are in place to ensure that CDCCL’s are properly identified and
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2.1. General
As applied to Fuel Tank system safety policy, this term means fuel system mandatory maintenance
inspections determined necessary to ensure that unsafe conditions do not arise in the fuel system
throughout the operational life of the aircraft.
It is the responsibility of the operator to identify appropriate procedures with his local regulatory
authority for the control and development of his maintenance program.
Since Fuel ALI Maintenance/Inspection intervals are generally not determined from calculations in
which failure rate data is known with a high level of confidence, an exceptional short-term extension
for a specific Fuel ALI interval may be made on one aircraft for a limited period of time without
jeopardising safety.
The term 'exceptional short-term extension' is defined as an increase in a Fuel ALI interval that may
be needed to cover an uncontrollable or unexpected situation. Repeated use of such extensions,
either on the same aircraft or on similar aircraft in the operator's fleet, should not be used as a
substitute for good management practices.
Unless noted adjacent to the task, for all Fuel ALI’s identified in this report, it has been accepted by
the Primary Certification Office (EASA) that exceptional short-term extensions up to the following
maximum values may be applied without NAA consultation (the NAA shall however be notified as
soon as practicable). Requests for exceptional short-term extensions in excess of these values
must be submitted to Fokker Services and at all times requires NAA approval prior to use.
Extensions up to 10% or 500 FH (whichever is the lesser) may exceptionally be granted on Fuel
ALI intervals quoted in terms of flight hours.
Where the repeat interval is 12 months or less, extensions up to 10% or 1 month (whichever is
the lesser) may exceptionally be granted on Fuel ALI intervals quoted in terms of months.
Where the repeat interval is greater than 12 months but less than 3 years, extensions up to 2
months may exceptionally be granted.
Where the repeat interval is 3 years or greater, extensions up to 3 months may exceptionally be
Note EASA: The operator should keep a record of exceptional short term extensions given for
Fuel Airworthiness Limitation Items.
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Note 1: The initial inspection shall be done not later than January 1, 2015 except for bonding provisions
introduced through SBF50-28-033, SBF50-28-039 and SBF50-28-040. For bonding installed with
SBF50-28-033 or SBF50-28-039 or SBF50-28-040 the initial inspection date is the accomplishment
date of that applicable Service Bulletin with which the bonding provisions have been introduced.
Note 2: Accomplishment of Service Bulletin SBF50-28-035 is equivalent to accomplishment of ALI task
280000-00-03 and vice versa. Therefore, if SBF50-28-035 has been accomplished then the first
repeat inspection is due within 14 years after the accomplishment date of SBF50-28-035.
Note 3: The initial inspection date is the accomplishment date of SBF50-28-034.
Note 4: The initial inspection date is the accomplishment date of part 2 of SBF50-28-028.
Note 5: Task is applicable after accomplishment of SBF50-28-034.
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3.1. General
As applied to the Fuel Tank system safety policy, this term refers to a feature of any aircraft system,
which must be retained during modification, change, repair or scheduled maintenance to ensure that
an unsafe condition does not develop in the fuel system.
Note: AMM task 28-00-01-910-812 contains a table that shows the relation between access panel
and the applicable CDCCL related AMM task(s).
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Note 1: Vendor and part number data is only provided where the CDCCL consists of control of part
number(s) at the installation or of control of application of proper maintenance / repair procedures
of the part.
4. Abbreviations.
A/C Aircraft
ALI Airworthiness Limitation Item
ALS Airworthiness Limitations Section
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
ARC Airworthiness Recommendations Catalogue
CDCCL Critical Design Configuration Control Limitation
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
CPT Combined Processor Totalizer
CS Certification Specifications
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECR Engineering Change Request
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation
FC Finish Code
FC Flight Cycles
FH Flight Hours
FFQ Fuel Quantity
FQIS Fuel Quantity Indication System
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
JAR Joint Aviation Requirement
LCPV Level control Pilot Valve
LH Left Hand
Mk Mark
MLG Main Landing Gear
mm millimeter
MO Months
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MSG-3 Maintenance Steering Group-3
N.A. Not Applicable
NAA National Aviation Authority
NC Norm Constructie (Dutch) / Design Standard
ORC Optional Required Change
RH Right Hand
SB Service Bulletin
SLI Safe Life Item
TCH Type Certificate Holder
TH Technical handbook
YR Year
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