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Lesson 3

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11. Why should a Christian study the Bible every day?

_ Name Date _
[[] Learning from God
Beyond "learning from God" you have another amazing privilege
as a Christian. It is revealed in the next study!
If you were to discover that God's plans for the world and for you
as an individual had been written down in a book, what would that
book be worth to you? If God's promises to you and expectations of
you were written down in a book, and you owned that book, how
much time would you spend reading it? In the next few minutes,
you may make a startling discovery!
1. What is said about the Word of God in John 17: 177 God's Word
is _
2. How was the Scripture given to us in order to have such a guar-
antee of truth? (2 Timothy 3:16) _
3. What will God's Word (message or commands) do for us, accord-
ing to:
a. 2 Timothy 3:15? _
b. John 15:3? _
c. Acts 20:327 _
Memory Verse
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I
might not sin against you" (Psalm 119: 11, NIV).
4. As you have been reading John's Gospel, have you noticed the 6. John 20:31 says the written Word points me to the person of

teachings about the importance of the Word? . and by believing I might

a. What did Christ do with the Word (command or saying) of His have _

Father? (John 8:55) _ 7. The devil may try to defeat us in our Christian lives, but God has

given us a weapon with which to defeat the devil. Ephesians

b. What place does God's Word (message or truth) have in the 6: 17 says it is the sword of the Spirit, which

lives of some people? (John 8:37) _

8. How did Jesus resist the devil in Matthew 4:4, 7, 1O? _

c. If we are "of God" or belong to God, what will we do about

His Word? (John 8:47) 9. What can I do with God's Word to keep me from sinning

against Him, according to Psalm 119: 11: "I have hidden your

d. What will a true disciple of Christ do with His Word (revelation word in my heart that I might not sin against you"? _

or teaching)? (John 8:31) _

10. What truth from God's Word has especially helped you recent-

e. What do we do with the Word (command, teaching, or say- Iy?

ing) to maintain spiritual and eternal life? (John 8:51) _


5. If I love Christ, what willi do? (John 14:23) _

Memory Verse

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might

not sin against thee" (Psalm 119: 11, KJV).

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