BraAng Arw14
BraAng Arw14
BraAng Arw14
19 8,387
3 authors:
Michael Hofbaur
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
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data sheets instead of tediously deriving the Denavit-Hartenberg
parameter set. The simplest description of manipulators with C C
an ortho-parallel basis with offsets and a spherical wrist can
be accomplished by 7 geometrical parameters. We show how to a2
compute all possible joint angles analytically from a given end-
effector pose. A fast and general algorithm has been established
based on this slim parameter set.
Serial 6R manipulators have at most 16 solutions to the z0 z0
inverse kinematics problem to ensure a desired position and b
orientation of the end-effector. If the last three axes intersect
in a point, the manipulator is characterized as decoupled and
thereby the maximum number of solutions is reduced to 8.
To position this point (denoted by C in Fig. 1) of a decoupled a1
manipulator in space there are up to 4 different postures of
the first three axes. For each positioning solution there exist
two possible solutions for the last three axes for a specified O0 O0
end-effector orientation. [1] x0 y0
In this work we confine ourselves to industrial robots
(a) Side view (b) Back view
with 3R ortho-parallel basis structure and spherical wrists.
This type of robot structure is by far the most common Fig. 1. The two typical views in data sheets of serial robot manipulators
one for industrial serial manipulators. A scheme of the 6R and our defined home position in this work with the 7 essential geometrical
parameters. The coordinate system for the basis and the end-effector are
manipulator with an ortho-parallel substructure is shown in predefined.
Fig. 1. By definition of ortho-parallel 3R manipulators (see
Fig. 2) and [2], axes g1 and g2 are orthogonal to each other
when a1 is set to zero and axis g2 is parallel to axis g3 . The
inverse kinematics are based on the notation of the Denavit-
joint with axis g2 is the so-called shoulder and the joint with
Hartenberg parameters (DH-parameters) and thus on matrix
axis g3 is referred to as elbow. Robots with a spherical wrist
multiplications (see e.g., [5], [6], [7]). Küçük and Bingül [8]
are decoupled manipulators due to the property that their last
derived the closed solution of sixteen types of industrial
three axes intersect in point C. A spherical wrist is shown
manipulators in a geometrical form, however, they do not
in Fig. 5 and the wrist axes are denoted by g4 , g5 and g6 .
include offsets in the robot structures. Craig solved the
Pieper [3] showed that the position and the orientation
inverse kinematics of the Puma 560 algebraically and the
problem of the end-effector of this type of articulated robots
Motoman L-3 partially algebraic and partially geometric [9].
(decoupled manipulators) can be independently solved. Thus
the inverse kinematics calculation can be split up into a
However, using DH-parameters for inverse kinematics cal-
position and an orientation problem which simplifies the
culation in practice can be inconvenient. The DH-parameter
calculation [1].
notation is not unique and different DH-parameters can be
The conventional method to describe the structure of a
found for the same robot structure which makes it difficult
serial manipulator was introduced by Denavit and Harten-
to compare robots to each other. The coordinate frame
berg [4]. Hence, most of the calculation methods for the
orientation of the base and the end-effector and the joint
1 Mathias Brandstötter, Arthur Angerer, and Michael Hofbaur are angle offsets are also not known in many cases and the
with the Department of Biomedical Computer Science & Mecha- relation of the robot structure and the corresponding DH-
tronics, Institute of Automation and Control Engineering, UMIT,
6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria. {mathias.brandstoetter &
parameters has to be derived tediously.
arthur.angerer & michael.hofbaur} In the following sections we describe how the inverse
KUKA Katana Schunk Stäubli Unimation Epson ABB Fanuc KUKA Adept
youBot Arm 450 6M180 Powerball TX40 Puma 560 C3 IRB 2400/10 R2000iB/200R KR 6 R700 sixx Viper s650
[mm] [10] [11] [12] [13] [5] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
a1 33 0 0 0 0 100 100 720 25 75
a2 0 0 0 0 -20.32 0 -135 -225 -35 -90
b 0 0 0 35 149.09 0 0 0 0 0
c1 147 201.5 205 320 660.4 320 615 600 400 335
c2 155 190 350 225 431.8 250 705 1075 315 270
c3 135 139 305 225 433.07 250 755 1280 365 295
c4 217.5 188.3 75 65 56.25 65 85 235 80 80
kinematics can be calculated using only seven robot design The desired pose of the end-effector in the coordinate
parameters that are provided in most manufacturer’s data system (O0 , x0 , y0 , z0 ) can be specified by a 3×1 position
sheets. With this set any ortho-parallel manipulator with vector u0 = [ux0 , uy0 , uz0 ]T and a 3×3 rotation matrix R0e :
spherical wrist can be described. Almost all industrially
available serial 6 DoF manipulators show such a kinematic e1,1 e1,2 e1,3
structure. R0e = e2,1 e2,2 e2,3 (1)
e3,1 e3,2 e3,3
A. Notation of Parameters
For the calculation of the inverse kinematics of the 3R
The schemes in Fig. 1 show a spacial 6 DoF manipulator ortho-parallel substructure the position of point C in the
with the notation of the link and joint parameters in the base coordinate system has to be known. The coordinates of
base coordinate system (O0 , x0 , y0 , z0 ). The end-effector point C are obtained by moving from the desired end-effector
coordinate system can be noted by (Oe , xe , ye , ze ). We call position u0 into the negative ze -direction of the end-effector
the main arm lengths c1 , c2 , c3 , and c4 and the arm- coordinate system (Oe , xe , ye , ze ) for the length c4 :
offsets a1 and a2 . The lateral offset of the third arm in
y0 -direction is denoted by b, see Fig. 1(b). The six joint cx0 ux0 0
angles are defined as θ1 , . . . , θ6 . The home position of the cy0 = uy0 − c4 R0e 0
manipulator is given by the position of the end-effector E as cz0 uz0 1
ex0 = a1 + a2 , ey0 = b, ez0 = c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 , as can be
seen in Fig. 1. The joint angels are defined as zero in this where R0e is the orientation of the wrist defined in (1).
configuration (θi = 0 for i = 1 . . . 6).
B. Examples of Popular Industrial Type Robots
At most four different postures are possible to position
In Tab. I the parameters for ten commonly used industrial
the manipulator end-point C of a spatial 3R manipulator to
manipulators are listed. Only seven parameters are needed
a desired point in space.
to describe the geometry of ortho-parallel manipulators with
The scheme in Fig. 2 shows the 3 DoF manipulator with
spherical wrist (OPW-parameters). The Kuka youBot Arm
the notation of the link and joint parameters in the base
and the Katana 450 6M180 are 5 DoF manipulators lacking
coordinate system (O0 , x0 , y0 , z0 ). Omitting the rotation at
joint axis g4 which results in orientation limitations in the
the manipulator’s base (θ1 = 0), one obtains a partial
workspace. The remaining manipulators provide a 6 DoF
structure of the 3R serial robot manipulator and deals with
structure. All of them geometrically differ only in link
a planar configuration. The kinematics of the projection of
lengths c1 , . . . , c4 , shoulder offsets a1 , elbow offsets a2 or
the substructure in Fig. 3 onto the x1 z1 plane is analogue to
lateral offsets b. The sign of a parameter corresponds to the
a planar 2 DoF manipulator with offset a1 . The axes of the
direction of the respective coordinate axis, e.g., a1 is positive
revolute joints in the side view (Fig. 3) are defined as points
and a2 is negative in Fig. 1(a).
G2 and G3 . The coordinates of point C in (O1 , x1 , y1 , z1 )
III. KINEMATICS are denoted as
The kinematics problem can be solved by numerical or
cx1 = c2 sin θ2 + k sin(θ2 + θ3 + ψ3 ) + a1 (2)
analytic methods. Here we show a geometry based technique
which covers the most popular industrial robot arms. The cy1 = b (3)
arrangement of the links and joints is also named as 321 cz1 = c2 cos θ2 + k cos(θ2 + θ3 + ψ3 ) (4)
kinematic structure with offsets [3]. The special design p
allows to separate the problem into a 3R ortho-parallel and where ψ3 = atan(a2 /c3 ) and k = a22 + c23 .
a 3R wrist subproblem.
c3 θ3
g3 ψ2 G3
a2 O1 x1
c2 a1 nx1
a1 θ2
cx 0 cy0
y0 O0
x0 whereas the second pair shares axis g̃2 . The difference
between the first and the second pair regarding to joint 1 is
Fig. 2. Scheme with parameters of a serial ortho-parallel 3R manipulator. given by θ̃1 . Figure 4(b) shows this geometrical description
by the top view. We also note the simple correlation between
the two posture pairs:
1) Forward Kinematics: The coordinates cx0 , cy0 and cz0
of point C in (O0 , x0 , y0 , z0 ) as a function of the joint angles ñx1 = nx1 + 2 a1 (11)
θ1 , . . . , θ3 can be computed by
cx0 = cx1 cos θ1 − cy1 sin θ1 , (5)
cy0 = cx1 sin θ1 + cy1 cos θ1 , (6) de r fro
r es (s C
cz0 = cz1 + c1 , (7) ostu g̃ 3
p ai r of p g̃ ’3
y1 first
using (2) to (4). g2
2) Inverse Kinematics: To find all possible joint angles of
the 3R substructure for a given point C in space the following θ1
geometrical correlations are needed. G1 g̃ ’3
The component of the distance G2 C in direction x1 is θ̃ 1 res x0
given by ostu g̃ 3
p )
of !
nx1 = cx1 − a1 , (8) a ir r ba
d p lde
on ou
see Fig. 3. sec (sh
Furthermore, we define s1 as the normal distance between g̃ 2
axis g2 (point G2 in Fig. 3) and point C and calculate it by (a) A schematic top view of an ortho-parallel manipulator.
the Pythagorean theorem and (8): C
q q
nx 1
s1 = n2x1 + c2z1 = (cx1 − a1 )2 + c2z1 (9) y1
ψ1 x1
Substitution of cx1 and cz1 with (2) and (4) and some a1
simplifications yield θ̃ 1 nx 1
b G1 a1+
s1 = c22 + k 2 + 2 c2 k cos (θ3 + ψ3 ) . (10) x0
ñ x 1
If s1 and all design parameters are given, two possible
solutions of θ3 can be found. a1
It is useful for our further considerations to group the four
possible postures of the 3R substructure into pairs. Variables
which belong to the second posture pair are marked with a
tilde in contrast to the first pair. A schematic top view with (b) The geometrical representation of the schematic top view.
all four postures of the manipulator is given in Fig. 4(a).
The first pair of postures shares the same axis g2 for joint 2, Fig. 4. Geometric construction of the two pairs of postures configurations.