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DW 8501

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- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Descriptions Ordering Information

The DW8501 is an instant On/Off LED driver for high
power LED applications. At DW8501 output stage, one Device Marking Package Operating Temp
regulated current port is designed to provide a uniform
and constant current sink for driving LEDs within a large DW8501
range of VF variations. DW8501 easily provides users a DW8501 XXXXXXXX TO-252
consistent current source. User may adjust the output -35OC ~ +85OC
current from up to 1.5A through an external resistor ,RS, DW8501
which gives users flexibility in controlling the light in- DW8501 XXXXXXXX SOT-223
tensity of LEDs. In addition, users can precisely
adjust LED brightness from 0% to 100% via output en-
able (EN) with Pulse Width Modulation. DW8501 also
guarantees that LEDs can be cascaded to maximum
40V at the output port.

Features Package Information

• Constant output current invariant to supply and load

voltage change
• 5V to 40V supply voltage
• Up to1.5A adjustable regulated output current
• Built-in thermal derating circuit
• Available PWM dimming control
• Output current adjusted through an external resistor Package Size
• TO-252, SOT-223 Package
TO-252-5L 6.5x5.5x2.3(mm)

SOT-223-5L 6.5x3.5x1.8(mm)
• LED light bulbs
• Signage and decorative LED lighting
• General lighting of flat panel displays
• RGB backlighting LED driver
• Current stabilizer with DC/DC or AC/DC
• Automotive lighting
• General purpose constant current source

Typical Application Circuit

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -1-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Pin Connection

Pin Description

Pin Name Description

1 VDD Supply voltage input

2 RS Output current set input. Connect a resistor from RS to GND to set the LED bias current

3 GND Ground
4 EN Output stage enable control pin. High enable the OUT pin. It can be left floating for normally on.

5 OUT Output pin. Sink current is decided by the current on RSET connected to RS
6 HS Heat sink, normally connected GND

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -2-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Characteristics Symbol Value Unit

Supply voltage VDD 41 V

Output voltage VOUT 23 V

Enable voltage VEN 41 V

TO-252-5L θJA 90 ℃/W

Package thermal resistance
SOT-223-5L θJA 100 ℃/W

Operating temperature TOPR -35~+85 ℃

Storage Temperature TSTG -55~+150 ℃

Note 1. θja is measured in the convection at Ta=25℃ on a high effective thermal conductivity
test board(4 Layers, 2S2P) of JEDEC 51-7 thermal measurement standard.

Recommended Operation Conditions

Characteristics Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Supply voltage VDD 5 - 40 V

Enable voltage VEN - - 40 V

Output sink current IOUT - - 1.5 A

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -3-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Electrical Characteristics

VDD = 24V, EN= 0~24V, Ta = -35℃~+85℃, unless otherwise specified. Typical values are at TA=+25℃

Characteristics Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Input supply voltage VDD 5 - 40 V

Output linearity voltage VOUT_LINE VDD=24V, ISET= 300mA, - - 3 V

Output current IOUT 0.3 - 1.5 A

IQ_ON EN = 24V - 1.5 - mA

Quiescent Current
IQ_OFF EN = 0V - 150 - uA

EN input leakage current IEN_LIK - - 60 uA

Input high voltage VIH 2 - - V

Input low voltage VIL - - 0.8 V

LED output drop-out voltage VDROP VDD=40V , ISET=1A - 1 - V

Thermal derating TD - 140 - ℃

Thermal derating hysteresis TDHYS - 15 - ℃

Rset Voltage VSET 0.532 0.61 0.703 V

2KΩ 300 mA

1KΩ 600 mA
600Ω 1000 mA

400Ω 1500 mA

Note2 : Output dropout voltage : 90% x IOUT

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -4-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Block Diagram

Circuit Description

Setting Output Current

Iout [mA] = (610(mV)/Rset (̔))X 1000
The output current of each channel (IOUT) is set by an external resistor, RS. The output current can be cal-
culated from the equation :
IOUT =(VR-EXT/REXT)X1000=(0.61V/REXT)X1000 within ±5% chip skew where REXT is the resistance of the ex-
ternal resistor connected to R-EXT terminal and VR-EXT is the voltage of R-EXT terminal.

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -5-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Typical Applications
※ LED VF = 3.3V, 1W Power LED






Figure 1. VDD=5V Figure 2. VDD=12V

Figure 3. VDD=24V Figure 4. VDD=12V, 9 LED

Figure 5. PWM Typical Application Figure 6. RVALLAST Application

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -6-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Package Dimension (TO-252-5L 6.5 x 5.5 x 2.3)

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -7-

- Preliminary

High Power LED Driver

Package Dimension (SOT-223-5L 6.5 x 3.5 x 1.8)

April. 2009 (Rev 0.6) www.dwanatech.com -8-

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