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International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)

ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26

Sailing against the Waves: Challenges and Coping Mechanisms

of Teachers Assigned in a Coastal School
Christopher DC. Francisco1, Chona E. Timbol2, Roda S. Jimenez3, Mary Saturnina Labay4, Lida D. Manangu5, Joanne
Puno6, Mirasol V. Rojo7, Jun C. Vidal8, Eduardo G. Valcos, PhD9
City of Malolos Integrated School - Sto. Rosario, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Panghulo Elementary School, Obando, Bulacan
Bajet-Castillo High School, Pulilan, Bulacan
Calumpit National High School, Calumpit, Bulacan
La Consolacion University of the Philippines, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Sta. Cruz National High School, Paombong, Bulacan
Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email: christopher.francisco004@deped.gov.ph1, timbolchona2508@gmail.com2, roda.santiago@deped.gov.ph3,
bellomaryaninrutas@gmail.com4, lida.manangu@gmail.com5, joanne.delacruz001@deped.gov.ph6, mirasol.rojo@gmail.com7,
jun.vidal@deped.gov.ph8, eduardovalcos@yahoo.com9
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the lived experiences of teachers assigned in bay school areas. To achieve this aim, the
researchers used ten (10) secondary teachers at Sta. Cruz National High School, in the Municipality of Paombong, Bulacan. The
researcher used the phenomenological method of research, which utilized researchers-made survey questions as primary data
gathering technique through a form of interview. The study found out that the challenges encountered by teachers in bay schools
are mainly concerned with safety in travelling, means of communication, lack of instructional materials, and the students’
economic status. Despite these challenges, teachers in coastal schools are coping up using the following mechanisms: (in terms of
safety in travelling) wearing of life support materials, conquering one’s fear, school boat service, school head support, time
management, (in terms of means of communication) place of access, coordination with LGUs in times of calamities, (in terms of
lack of learning materials) being resourceful and creative, (in terms of students’ economic status) teachers’ optimism and love for
work. The Department of Education may conduct school needs assessment for them to really identify other issues and problems in
bay school areas. Doing this may really help them formulate a developmental framework for the programs and activities
especially for teachers assigned in bay schools.
Keywords—Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, Teachers at Coastal Schools, Qualitative Study
1. INTRODUCTION every day after a tiring day of teacher, many of them just
Teaching is not just a noble profession; it is a mission, it chose to stay at the place where they are teaching because the
is not salary-driven but rather commitment and dedication communities are just too far away from their homes. Their
driven. Teaching involves giving oneself to the others so that, original home where their family lives is somehow becoming
the piece that one gives will blossom in the heart of another their vacation house because they just go home during
and, even more importantly might cause others to blossom. A weekends and sometimes just few times a month depending
teacher‟s passion in teaching involves hardship and sacrifices. on the number of school duties that are needed to be done.
Despite the situation, teachers in far-flung areas have not
2. RELATED WORKS ceased from constantly wearing cheerful faces and optimistic
Currently, there are 880,000 public school teachers in our outlook for the love of work and to inspire the lives of the
country (DepEd 2018). These public school teachers have children who are patiently waiting for every start of the week
their own share of stories of challenges and struggles. for their love and care, and that somehow change their lives
Frequently, teachers keep on doing demonstrations and rallies through education. Nevertheless, these teachers come across
to ask for reasonable and justifiable compensation. The different challenges as they give service in coastal schools.
Teachers‟ Dignity Coalition (TDC) and the Alliance of This study focuses on teachers, mainly assigned in bay
Concerned Teachers (ACT) both urged DepEd and the school whom are said to experience challenging tasks of
government to at least give “priority to their welfare” practicing their noble profession. It aims to identify the
concerns as it would be very “crucial to ensure the delivery of common challenges encountered by teachers at coastal
education service that redounds to quality output for the schools, explain how they apply their coping mechanisms in
country‟s citizen.” addressing the challenges encountered and suggest
Some of these public school teachers are working in far recommendations based from the findings of the study to
flung areas such as mountains, islands, fields and the likes. further improve the status of teachers at coastal schools.
These teachers have benevolently shared their passion for To further discuss and see the significance of this matter,
teaching. Moreover, those teachers also sacrifice their spare related studies and literature might be a great help.
time for their family because instead they are going home

International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
The challenges faced by coastal schools are related to situations, to capture personal growth as a passionate
geographical, economic, and culture factors: declining educator.
industry, limited transport infrastructure, low-paid work and
few opportunities. Coastal populations simply have fewer 4.2 Respondents
choices than many others. The sea has turned from the basis The respondents of the study comprised 10 public school
of local wealth to a barrier that restricts opportunity [1]. secondary teachers who are teaching at Sta. Cruz National
Head teachers in some coastal schools in the study High School in the Municipality of Paombong, Bulacan. As
reported low response to job adverts. The big challenge is observed, the researchers did not go with the detailed
that coastal areas are isolated, with little or no transport links, presentations of the respondents so as to hide their identity
long commutes and few employment opportunities for for confidentiality purposes.
partners and family.
4.3 Instrument
3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Semi-structured interviews which are interviews that
This study aimed at investigating the experiences of allow the researchers to have flexibility were utilized in
teachers assigned in Sta. Cruz National High School in the interviewing the participants. Questions were validated by
Municipality of Paombong and how do they cope with their the experts in the field to ensure that the needed data would
challenging situations in dispose of their noble duties of be elicited. Likewise, the researchers wished to accurately
teaching in bay school. capture the data and as a result all the interviews were tape-
Specifically, this study is conducted in order to answer and recorded. After the interviews were transcribed and
figure out the following. analyzed, the data was treated and kept carefully for
1.What are the challenges encountered by teachers in bay confidentiality purposes. The following questions were:
school? 1. What challenges do you encounter in bay school?
2.What are the common challenges of teachers in bay 2. What coping mechanisms do you employ in addressing
school? the challenges you encountered?
3.What coping mechanisms do teachers employ in 3. What can you recommendations to further improve the
addressing the challenges encountered? status of teachers assigned in bay school?
4.What are the recommendations of the respondents to
further improve their status as teachers assigned in bay 4.4 Data Analysis
school? The code and theme procedures were used in analysing
and interpreting the narratives of the respondents. The
4. METHODOLOGY researcher abstract the themes from the code. Afterwhich, the
4.1 Design data processed were triangulated and checked by the
The qualitative research design was used in this study. respondents.
In-depth individual interviews were conducted with the
teacher-participants to explore their insights about their lived 4.5 Data Gathering
experiences as they selflessly fulfill their duty as teacher in For the smooth flow of the data collection, the following
bay school. The method was phenomenological as it aimed to procedures were carefully followed by the researchers: (1)
describe their perceptions and lived experiences. According The researchers briefed the participants about the study and
to Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching of Grand informed them that participation was voluntary. They were
Canyon University, this design is used to describe how given a choice if they wanted to be part of the study or not.
human beings experience a certain phenomenon and attempts (2) The tape-recording consent form was then presented to
to set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about them, which asked for their permission for the interviews to
human experiences, feelings, and responses to a particular be recorded. (3) The researcher wished to be transparent, and
situation. It allows the researchers to delve into the as a result, the participants were given the interview
perceptions, perspectives, understandings, and feelings of guideline. The interview guideline was given ahead of time
those people who have actually experienced or lived the before the day of interview to help them prepare themselves.
phenomenon or situation of interest, or the so-called, “lived- The interview guideline aided in providing information-rich
experiences.” answers, as the researcher had time to prepare for the
This qualitative study obtained phenomenological inquiry interviews. (4) The participants were interviewed
through casual and informal conversation to obtain the lived individually in a private and quiet room. Semi-structured,
experiences of ten Secondary teachers which were conducted one-to-one interviews were used as in-depth information of
from August to September 2019. The said study utilized the the understanding was needed, and also to allow the
voice of the participants who are living and working in researchers some degree. (5) The tape recorder was used
coastal areas of Sta. Cruz National High School in the during each interview. Making use of an audio recorder
Municipality of Paombong, Bulacan. The research mode of allowed the researcher to record fully and accurately what
attempt was to have common understanding the meaningful was being said rather than taking notes during the interviews
events and interactions to ordinary people in particular of flexibility in asking questions.
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
Aside from challenges due to weather conditions, Teacher
4.6 Ethical Considerations 7 told the researchers about their challenging day to day
This research considered the ethical standards set by the experiences in travelling towards the bay school from her
generic research ethics. In so doing, the participants were place. She said, it is quite difficult to travel of 1 hour or less
informed about all the steps that were to be taken in this than one hour in boat going home and going to school. I need
research. The participants were more important than the to woke up early to prepare all the thing before I leave the
study, and therefore always respected. The participants were house, my transportation are two tricycle rides and a jeepney
informed that the study was completely voluntary and would ride before the boat ride. But it was exciting and I really
not affect their lives as students and as persons, even their appreciate people in the island of Sta Cruz, also my co-
families, in any way. Confidentiality was provided, as the teachers. The calling of my work for me is I consider as
participants‟ identifying information was not sought. The God‟s will so it is my pleasure to be more responsible as a
data collection material was kept and destroyed on teacher and doing the work that God gave me. Hence, there
completion of the study. are lots of sacrifices that teachers in bay school. In fact, for
Teacher 8, teaching in a bay area is not as easy as others think
5. RESULTS because there are many things you have to consider first. The
The results were presented based from sequence and first one is, you have to possess the bravery to face or
order of the questions raised: conquer your fear of the things that might happen while
Problem 1: What are the challenges encountered by travelling (you have to board a boat before you reach the
teachers in bay school? area) but since I am living here, not much thinking about that.
Safety in Travelling. According to the Teacher 1, it is not Means of Communication. Internet connections are very
easy to go to school because riding a motorized boat is the important for teachers especially in doing their jobs and
only means of transportation in going to or from school. It is responsibilities not just in teaching but also in other school-
not that safe because we cannot predict the weather related works. Teachers 1 and 4 and 5 and 10 stipulated that
sometimes specially during the rainy season, the wind and the they have internet connection at school so it is easy for them
waves are strong that the teacher are being scared of the boat to communicate with others specially in sending reports
being capsized. Fortunately the school provided us life vest to online but sometimes when the wind blows strong the
wear for our safety. Teacher 2 added that as a teacher in a bay connection gets weak. Meanwhile, when it comes to network
school, it was a scary experienced during my first few weeks signal, there are just some parts of the school where you can
of travel because I have fears of riding a boat since my get a signal. Since the school is near the sea it is difficult to
childhood days plus the fact that I don‟t know how to swim. communicate to other people using their cellphones.
Additionally, I have thoughts in my mind that the boat might For teachers in bay schools, it very important that they
overturn and it was not safe. With the same answers from have a good internet connections in their workplace. Having
Teachers 3 and 6, they stated that transportation is really the this would make them feel connected with the teachers
main challenge that bay teachers encounter. Knowing their teaching in land areas. Using mobile phones and internet in
situation, it is important that they must come early so they school can boost productivity, mobility, safety and morale of
could arrived at school on time. Sometimes, frequent flood your workforce. Mobiles can help employees to: improve
due to high tide and heavy rain also put them in difficult customer service, remain in contact with the office,
position. customers and suppliers, increase mobility, increase
Meanwhile, Teacher 4 said that unlike in the typical productivity, and work remotely (nibusinessinfo.co.uk).
schools, motorized boat is the only means of transportation Lack of Learning Materials. According to Teachers 8 and
when we are going to school, no other transportation like 9, everybody has to be resourceful enough to execute the
pedicab or tricycle that can reached the school. There comes lesson very well because of lack of materials. We do not even
a time when a weather condition challenge us since that the have a conducive learning environment here because we are
school is located at the bay. It is hard of us to bay there are just using the church and barangay hall as our classrooms.
tendencies that there is a change in weather condition: for These challenge us but still doing our best to impart the
example regarding the precipitation, current of the water and lessons we prepared for our students. We also need to be
wind direction. Supported by Teacher 5, she said, My home flexible because we also teach some subjects which we did
was quite far from the school that I‟ve been teaching, I need not take in college. Teacher 10 have identified some of the
to take e tricycle going to the place where I will take a boat. root cause of the problems: there is a lack of attention from
Then from there it takes more than 30 minutes travel going to stakeholders/ authorities due to small number of enrolees.
my school. During the boat ride there were cases that we‟re Poor lacking facilities and instructional materials including
facing risk due to waves brought by heavy winds or books and teaching aids such as microscope, laboratory tools
inclement weather. There were times that we got wet during and equipment. Hence, teachers in bay schools believe that
our travel. Our entire travel in boat was really risky especially the community partnerships and collaborations with the local
in times of bad weather. Aside from that, being a bay teacher government units could really be of help to solve these
I also experienced that we‟re having class and our area for challenges and play a vital role in transforming the lives of
teaching got flooded because of high tides. each learners and in providing a good breeds of future leaders
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
of the society. Investments in learning materials and the weather is not in good condition or there is high tide. We
classrooms conducive to learning is a big factor of students‟ are informed early about classes‟ suspension through the help
success. Hence, the school and the community should work of our school head and barangay officials.
hand in hand and think of ideas on how they could be able to School Head‟s Support. Despite this situation, the school
attend to the needs of the learners in bay schools. head untiringly reaches out the needs of their teachers by
Students‟ Economic Status. Poverty is not just a problem showing their full support and give materials from the best
in land areas which is the normal setting in typical schools. that they can give even if it comes from their own pocket.
This could also be seen in bay school which is far beyond the Respondent 1 stipulated, it is good that our school head
experiences of other students. In this view, Teacher 9 stated provided us life vest because of that it lessen my fear and feel
that, I also encounter some students who are having safe every time I ride in a boat. This means that in order to
difficulties when it comes to reading some texts that are not lessen the fear of teachers is just not about wearing of vest in
familiar to them, maybe because they will choose to earn travel but wearing the support the love of their school heads.
money rather than to see a book. The socio-economic status Time Management. Another coping mechanism of
here is not stable so some of the students had already teachers in bay is the time management. According to
experienced catching fishes with their parents or other jobs at Teachers 3 and 5, time management is really important to
the very young age. These are just some problems I have had avoid missing the boat trip. I even stayed in the Island of
as a new teacher in our school but I will prepare myself for Masukol so there‟s no need for me to ride in tricycle and boat
the inevitable things. We know for a fact that poverty is still daily. It gives me enough time to prepare for my class,
one of the main hindrance for the students to go to school. though that decision of staying in Masukol made me lived
Thus, it is a challenge for us teachers in bay schools to away from my family. Being a teacher is not just about
motivate our students and make them appreciate the values teaching, it is everything.
and possible avenues for them when they are able to finish In terms of Means of Communication…
their study and uplift their economic status in their own Place of Access. Regarding the problem in terms of
families. communication, Teachers 1 and 9 said that they go to the
Problem 2. What are the common challenges of teachers place where there is a signal/hotspot so they can get in touch
in bay school? with the people they need to talk to.
To synthesize and to extract the prevailing themes and Coordination with LGUs in time of Calamities. One of
ideas coming from the answers of the respondents, the the duties and responsibilities of the local government units
common challenges of teachers in bay school can be especially the barangays is to be vigilant in time of calamities
summarized in Figure 1 as follows: (1) Safety in Travelling, and to inform and protect the welfare of its people. This is
(2) Means of Communication, (3) Lack of Learning evident in the statement of Teacher 4. She stated, may means
Materials, and (4) Students‟ Economic Status. of coordination between the school and local baranggay
Problem 3. What coping mechanisms do teachers employ officials para sa suspension of classes, as of now mas
in addressing the challenges encountered? madaling makapagsubmit ng report thru internet or even
In terms of Safety… communicating to others.
Wearing of Life Support Materials. Teacher 1 purported In terms of Insufficient Learning Materials…
that I always wear my life vest whenever we travel by boat so Being Resourceful and Creative. Teachers 9 and 10
I‟m in safety. I also bring umbrella and wear jacket to protect believes that if the materials for learning are not enough you
me from rain or heat of the sun. have to do something about it. Look for other resources,
Conquering one‟s fear. For Teacher 2, the coping provide what is needed, and use what is available in the
mechanism that I employed was, first, to set my mind that I school. Those are some things that I am doing to keep going
need to be braved and conquered my fear because it is needed as a teacher in Bay School. I do love my profession and that
in the profession that I am into though I have the chance to is my best coping mechanism in facing challenges as a
choose. Hence, it is very important for Teacher 2, though it is teacher.
really a big adjustment from the usual, to face one‟s fear and In terms of Students’ Economic Status…
conquer one‟s weaknesses in order to fight against the trials Teachers‟ Optimism and Love for Work. The problem on
in mission. the economic status of students is directly a problem of a bay
School Boat Service. For Teacher 4, however, “sa teacher as in individual. But this problem really affects the
pagpunta sa school walang problema Sapagkat may bangka totality of the performance of the school where a bay teacher
na nagsisilbing service, ang kahirapan ay ang panahon kung is serving. Hence, it is indeed a call for every teachers to put
saan ay may biglaang meeting wala kang choice kundi extra efforts to lead and motivate their learners despite their
umarkila ng maliit na bangka. As of now maagang situations. For Teacher 7, “My positive way of thinking is
declaration of suspension of classes thru Paombong my coping mechanism as an individual or as a teacher. The
MDRRMO kapag may masamang panahon or kung sakaling proper mindset and my optimistic way and strategies of doing
mataas ang tubig or high tide.” It was also supported by the right behavior to manage the situations that I must face
Teacher 6, she said, when there is unexpected meeting, I have either good or bad. As a teacher I need to be flexible in all
no choice I rent small boat to bring me to town. Now, when aspects.” The same is true with Teacher 8, “I think you will
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
do everything when you are doing what your heart truly may realize that all teachers have to show passion not only in
desires that‟s why despite having these problems, I am still front of their co-teachers but most especially in their students.
here, battling using my knowledge and love for my students. With that, they will see their teachers‟ worth and inspire them
I will not let those problems become an obstacle to touch the to study hard. Teacher 9 reminded that, “We also have to
heart and change the life of each student in our beloved consider their status so we will prevent degrading or
school. I will keep searching or looking for the solution and discriminating any of them. We have to strive harder and
make sure that I am leading them into the right path.” always extend our hands to our colleagues and cope with the
Although it really takes a lot of courage and sacrifices for challenges we are encountering as one.” For Teacher 9, it is
being a teacher in bay school, these teachers are really the real essence of professionalism. Lastly, Teacher 10
considered as heroes not just of their learners but also of the recommended that, “We must not sugar coat, hide or deny the
whole society because of their great impact and influence to challenges we are facing as a teacher in bay schools, instead
other people. Teaching is really a call, a vocation, and a we must acknowledge the problem and let the authorities
challenge. Not all teachers are called to be teachers in bay know whatever exists and what the real situation is so they
schools because many are called but few are chosen. Those can assist us because education isn‟t just a teacher‟s
who can share their lives, sacrifice their safety and their own responsibility, it is everyone‟s task to secure bright future for
family, and those who could really love their work and could our younger generation.”
be able find joy in their profession, are indeed considered the According to Solheim, (2017), effective teacher learning
„chosen‟ ones. and professional is important for student achievement.
Problem 4. What are the recommendations of the Teacher learning is a continuous process that promotes
respondents to further improve their status as teachers teachers' teaching skills, master new knowledge, develop new
assigned in bay school? proficiency which in turn, help improve students' learning.
Seminars and Training on Safety. With regards to their Additionally, if the teachers have received effective training
concern in their safety, Teachers 1, 2, and 3 got the same and induction program, they can implement their teaching
answers by saying that the government may consider giving profession effectively and keep their retention in their
them seminars and training in terms of safety. The said profession and then can provide the improved students‟
seminar and training may focus on giving standard first aid, learning. This means to say that it is with vital importance
about the dos and don‟ts during the times of calamities and that teachers are continuously engaging themselves for
emergencies at the middle of the bay. professional development. Doing this would ignite their
Early Announcements. According to Teacher 2, “I would leadership skills, as well as cognitive skills in delivering a
like to recommend the early announcement of no classes if in profound instructional content and pedagogy.
case there is no classes due to typhoon/ habagat for the safety
of the students as well as the teachers.” 6. DISCUSSION
Material Support System. For Teacher 5, maybe our In the study conducted by the United Nations
agency should provide additional care to bay teachers. They Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
may ask about the needs of the teachers in bay area and published in 2017, a safe school is one that ensures the
provide those needs. They can also provide a program for us health, safety and security of the learner during times of
so we can enhance our teaching in a place that doesn‟t have normal operation as well as during emergencies. Such a
everything. Meanwhile, Teacher 3 stated that the government school is structurally sound and can withstand potential
may provide them with boat service and materials or hazards. A safe school is one that is surrounded by a
equipment needed with flood or inclement weather such as community that is committed to safety. Inclusive to such an
boots and raincoats. For Teacher 7, she said, I recommend a environment are elements of what a safe school feels like and
safety house for teachers in Bay, so that when calamity what a safe school looks like. While some of the elements of
comes they can stay for their safety. They also need always safety contained in this unit may be out of ones‟ control, it is
the courage and perseverance to do their work properly even important that teachers are aware of them so that they may
that they know the risk of transporting by boat, they must put advocate for the right to safety of their peers and even
God first whatever they do on intended to do. Besides this, themselves. This means that, safety awareness is not about
Teacher 9 added the following recommendation: a service being responsible to one‟s self, but also to others. If the
credit every time they have classes in high tide, an increase whole community is committed to safety, then, all its
the hardship allowance, and complete the facilities needed in members may feel safe and resilient to all forms of
teaching for free. Hence, it may seem that all these emergencies [2].
recommendations are about the material supports that the bay Learning materials are important because they can
teachers need but it can be an eye opener for other people that significantly increase student achievement by supporting
these teachers are really in need of supports. student learning. It appears that student interest and ability
Professional Training and Development. According to are very important to the teacher. Teachers also modify the
Teachers 4 and 6, teacher must undergo professional trainings characteristics or methods of use of instructional materials to
or continue their studies in graduate school to educate fit their perceived needs [3]. There is a great need for teachers
themselves for their progress and development. Doing this to work with educational researchers so that more can be
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
known about teachers' planning, decision making, times of calamities, (in terms of lack of learning materials)
and material selection processes. This means that one of the being resourceful and creative, (in terms of students‟
main contributing factors of having a quality education is the economic status) teachers‟ optimism and love for work.
sufficient learning materials for the students as well as school 4. Considering the respondents‟ needs assessments, they
facilities. recommended the following: (1) Seminars and Training on
In an article, it reflected the implementation of lifelong Safety, (2) Early Announcements, (3) Material Support
professional development for teachers based on their analysis System, and (4) Professional Training and Development.
and understanding of the participation of elementary and
secondary school teachers in the Teacher Professional 8. RECOMMENDATIONS
Development and Evaluation (TPDE) programme. They Based from the proceedings and conclusions of the study,
found out that the two main factors influencing teachers' the researchers recommended the following:
commitment to the programme: self-direction and resource 1. The school head and the local government unit (LGU)
supportability. Based on the findings, they proposed and may collaborate one another in enhancing and providing the
argued that the teacher life world-based approach, which needs of teachers in bay school within their locality. Doing
raises awareness of and considers teachers' own specific this may provide funds for teachers with additional life
situations and purposes, be used as an alternative or support materials such as service boats, life vest, and even
supplement to the knowledge- and practice-based houses where they can stay during calamities and other times
professional development approaches advocated in the of calamities. This collaborations may also be extended in
literature to ensure the attainment of authentic outcomes. This terms of requesting the needs for safe and sound school
means to say that, teachers do love their work and profession facilities and learning materials to the proper authorities.
because they know what they are doing and since they know Partnerships with other stakeholders may also be
what they are doing, they have self-direction. They are strengthened in terms of formulating different avenues to
committed in the sense that they are willing to take risk and attend to the needs of learners and provide livelihood
make everything for the sake of professionalism and love for programs for the parents of their learners.
work [4][5][6][7]. 2. It appears exigent that the challenges raised in this
study may be given an enough attention. This may be an eye
7. CONCLUSIONS opener not just for the school community but even for the
The main purpose of this study was to present the lived whole Department of Education under Bureau of Learning
experiences of the challenges and coping mechanisms of Delivery.
teachers in bay school. This also intent to disseminate 3. Teachers in coastal schools may sustain their way of
knowledge about the common challenges encountered at coping up with the challenges they encounter in their school
coastal schools and suggest recommendations based from the while the assistance from the higher school authorities in still
findings of the study to further improve the status of teachers on the process.
at coastal schools. 4. The Department of Education may conduct school
The following are the brief summary of the important needs assessment for them to really identify other issues and
points gathered and analyzed based from the findings of the problems in bay school areas. Doing this may really help
study: them formulate a developmental framework for the programs
1. Teachers in coastal schools are challenged with their and activities especially for teachers assigned in bay schools.
safety in travelling from their own houses going the area. In
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ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 4 Issue 10, October - 2020, Pages: 20-26
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