Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
0 Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis:
Method of determining the rate per unit of particular item of work considering the cost and
quantities of material, cost of labors (skilled and unskilled), hire of tools and plants,
contractor profit etc. is known as rate analysis.
Rate of material usually takes as the rate delivered at the site of work and includes
the first cost (cost of origin), cost of transport, taxes, etc. If the material are to be carried
from a distant place, more than 8 km, the cost of transportation is also added. The rate of
materials and labors vary from place to place and therefore the rate of different item of
work also varies from place to place.
1. The process of doing analysis gives clear picture of the various types of labors and
materials required for completing the particular work.
2. It can be used frequently to settle the disputes between contractor and client about
the item not included in original estimate.
3. It can be used for the compensation by insurance.
1. In concrete mix:
To get dry mix (Cement+Sand+Aggregates) increase 50% to 55% of wet
2. In mortar mix:
To get dry mix (Cement sand) increase 30% to 35% of wet mix.
3. In plastering works:
Firstly, increase 25% for filling in between joints and irregular surface. In
case of ceiling and concrete surface (plain surface) only 10% - 15%
increase of wet mix to get total wet mix.
Then, to get dry mix (Cement sand) increase 30% to 35% of wet mix.
4. In case stone works:
To get required stone 15% - 20% increase of total works due to wastage and
Volume of dry mortar mix = 30% to 40% of stone masonry.
5. In RCC work
To get reinforcement : 1% of volume of RCC
Binding wire: 1Kg per quintal.
Calculate the quantities of materials requires for the following item of work.
1. Soln :
Here, Volume of brick work = 48.5 m3
Brick Size =230mm x 110mm x 55 mm.
Mortar thickness = 10mm
= 25908.11
= 25909 𝑁𝑜𝑠.
Add 5% wastage
Volume of wet mortar = Total brick work – Actual Vol. of brick (without mortar)
= 12.45 m3
= 4.05 x 28.8
= 116.57 bags
W/C = 0.8
Hence, Required
Bricks = 27205 no, Cement = 116.57 bag, Sand = 12.15 m3, Water = 4662.8 lit.
2. Soln:
Total quantities of work (PCC) = 42 x 0.95 x 0.15 = 5.99 m3
Water/Cement = 0.5
3. Soln:
PCC for RCC work = 25 x20 x 0.10 = 50 m3
= 1 % of 50 m3
= 0.01 x 50 = 0.5 m3
4. Soln:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Soln:
Here, Quantity of plastering work = 713 m²
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒, Vol. of wet mortar = 713 x 0.0125 = 8.91 m3
Firstly, increase 25% for filling in between joints and irregular surface to get
total wet mix. =1.25 x 8.91= 11.14 m3
Hence, Required,
W/C = 0.8
6. Soln: No mortar
= 7051.28
= 7052 𝑁𝑜𝑠.
Add 5% wastage
Volume of wet mortar = Total brick work – Actual Vol. of brick (without mortar)
= 2.287 m3
W/C = 0.8
7. Soln
= 0.4 x 10 = 4 m3
W/C = 0.6,
Wood(patch work) 12 kg
ii) Over Base course 10 Unskilled 0.20 Bitumen 9.7 kg
Kerosene L.S Boiler
Wood(Boiler) 4 kg and
Wood(open mass) 16 kg sprayer
Wood(patch work) 24 kg
10 Providing and laying single coat surface 10 Unskilled 0.80
dressing including compaction m² Bitumen 34kg
Kerosene L.S 0.04
Wood(Boiler) 8kg hr
Wood(open mass) 32kg Boiler
Wood(patch work) 48kg and
12mm Aggregate 0.15 m³ sprayer
17 Paint
Whitewash kg 22
Distemper lit 205
Waterproof paint lit 430
Enamelpaint lit 470
Emulsion paint lit 475
Aluminium lit 502
Varnish lit 400
Chapra polish kg 850
Sprit lit 115
primer cement kg 250
wood primer lit 350
gum kg 246
18 Hinge
3" no 18
4" no 35
5" no 47
6" no 62
19 locking set
300mm no 261
225mm no 232
150mm no 200
20 Tower bolt
3" ,4" ,6" ,8" ,10" ,12" no 25, 48, 71, 85, 101, 115
21 Handle
ordinary no 45
special no 75
22 Hold fast (7 no /kg) kg 132
nail kg 125
23 80/100 grade bitumen kg 108
CRMB-DIGO 55 Bitumen kg 112
wood kg 25
white glazed porcelain clay 10 lit cistern
24 complete set (internal part of cistern pvc fittings ) set 4150.00
S.N Materials/ manpower/machine Unit Remarks
white glazed porcelain clay 10 lit cistern
24 complete set (internal part of cistern pvc fittings ) set 4150.00
1. Cost of material X
2. Cost of labors Y
3. Hire of tools and plants
(@ 3% of Unskilled labor cost) Z
Note: Extra cost such as scaffolding for super structure…..may provide as a L.S amount.
1. Brick work in 1:3 cement mortar for first floor. Unit of analysis per m3
2. 12.5 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in wall. Unit of rate analysis 100 sqm.
3. PCC (1:2:4). Unit of rate analysis 1 cum.
4. 10 m3 of stone masonry in 1:6 mortar ratios.
5. Saalwood for doors and windows frame per cum.
6. Providing, laying & consolidation of 10 cm thick compacted gravel for sub grade
per sqm.
7. Providing, laying & consolidation of 15 cm thick compacted gravel for sub grade
per sqm.
8. Providing and laying 10 cm thick compacted semi grouting per 10 sq.m
9. Providing and laying 15mm ɸ GI pipe per rm.
10. Providing and fixing W.C commode with low level cistern per no.
11. Providing and fixing W.C Pan with low level cistern per no.
12. Providing and fixing Wash basin per no.
13. Providing and fixing kitchen sink per no.
1. Solution
Here, unit of analysis per cum.
Here, Volume of brick work = 1.0 m3
Brick Size =230mm x 110mm x 55 mm.
Mortar thickness = 10mm
» Brick size with mortar = 240mm x 120mm x 65mm
Vol. of Brick work
Therefore, No. of Brick required =
Vol.of one Brick with mortar
0.24 x 0.120 x 0.065
= 534.18
= 535 𝑁𝑜𝑠.
Add 5% wastage
Volume of wet mortar = Total brick work – Actual Vol. of brick (without mortar)
= 0.26 m3
= 0.0845 x 28.8
= 2.434 bags
W/C = 0.6
Hence, Required
Bricks = 562 no, Cement = 2.434 bag, Sand = 0.2535m3, Water = 73.02 lit.
2. Solution
Here unit of analysis per 100sqm.
Firstly, increase 25% for filling in between joints and irregular surface to get
total wet mix. =1.25 x 1.25= 1.5625 m3
Hence, Required,
W/C = 0.8
Hence, Required
Water/Cement = 0.55
Hence, Required
Cement = 6.16 bag, Sand = 0.428 m3, Agg. = 0.856 m3 Water = 169.94 lit.
4. Solution
Here unit of rate analysis per 10 m3
Now to get of volume of stone – increase it by 15% to 20% due to wastage and
dressing during placing.
Again, Take volume of dry mortar 30% - 40% volume of stone masonry due to irregular
shape and size of stone available.
= 0.4 x 10 = 4 m3
W/C = 0.6,
6. Solution
Volume of gravel – subgrade = x 1 = 0.1 m3
Add 30% - 40%, loose volume of gravel = 1.35 x 0.1 = 0.135 m3
(A) Materials
i. Well graded gravel = 0.135 m3 @Rs 1700 = Rs 229.50
(B) Labors
i. Unskilled = 0.14 Nos. @Rs 475 = Rs 66.50
(C) Equipment
i. Road roller = 0.028 hr. @Rs1000 = Rs 28.00
(D) Hire of tools and plants = 3% of unskilled labor cost = Rs 2.00
Total = Rs 326.00
8. Solution
Volume = 0.1 x 10 = 1 m3
Loose volume = 1.4 x 1 =1.40 m3
i. Well graded Aggregates = 1.40 m3 @Rs 2100 = Rs 2940.00
ii. Bitumen = 60 kg @ Rs 99.00 = Rs 5940.00
iii. Wood (only boiler) = 20 kg @ Rs 17.00 = Rs 340.00
Total = Rs 10310.00
9. Solution
i. 15 mm dia. GI pipe = 1 m @Rs 250 = Rs 250.00
ii. GI fittings (elbow, bend, tee etc.) = L.S (20-30%) = Rs 75.00
iii. Pipe tape, clamp, screws etc. = L.S (5-7%) = Rs 17.50
Total = Rs 537.78
10. Solution
(i) White glazed ceramic clay W.C commode with P or S-trap= 1no. @Rs7854.00 = Rs 7854.00
(ii)White glazed ceramic clay 10 lit. capacity low level cistern with complete accessories
= 1 no. @Rs 3230 = Rs 3230.00
(iii) Commode cover with C.P hinge = 1 no. @Rs 2200 = Rs 2200.00
(iv) C.P angle valve (Blue star or equivalent) = 1 no. @Rs 1098 = Rs 1098.00
(v) PVC pipe connector with coupling = 1 no. @Rs 290 = Rs 290.00
(vi) 32mm dia. PVC flushing pipe with coupling = 1 no. @Rs 315 = Rs 315.00
(vii) Pipe tape, clamp, screws etc. L.S = Rs 600.00
Material cost Rs 15587.00
(i) Skilled: 3 no. @RS 650 = Rs 1950
(ii) Unskilled: 3 no. @Rs 475 = Rs 1425
Labor cost Rs 3375
(C) Hire of tools and plants @ 3% of unskilled labor cost = Rs 42.75
Subtotal Rs 19004.75
(D)Contractor overhead and profit @ 15% of subtotal = Rs 2850.71
Total Rs 21855.46 /no
11. Solution
White glazed ceramic clay W.C Orisa pan with P or S-trap= 1no. @Rs3090.00 = Rs 3090.00
White glazed ceramic clay 10 lit. Capacity low level cistern with complete accessories
= 1 no. @Rs 3230 = Rs 3230.00
C.P angle valve (Blue star or equivalent) = 1 no. @Rs 1098 = Rs 1098.00
PVC pipe connector with coupling = 1 no. @Rs 290 = Rs 290.00
32mm dia. PVC flushing pipe with coupling = 1 no. @Rs 315 = Rs 315.00
Pipe tape, clamp, screws etc. L.S = Rs 600.00
Material cost Rs 11998.00
Skilled: 3 no. @RS 650 = Rs 1950
Unskilled: 3 no. @Rs 475 = Rs 1425
Labor cost Rs 3375
(C) Hire of tools and plants @ 3% of unskilled labor cost = Rs 42.75
Subtotal Rs 15415.75
(D)Contractor overhead and profit @ 15% of subtotal = Rs 2312.36
Total Rs 17758.11 /no
12. Solution
White glazed ceramic clay 500 x 400 size basin = 1no. @Rs.................. = Rs …………….
C.P angle valve (Blue star or equivalent) = 1 no. @Rs ………… = Rs ……………
32mm dia. Waste pipe with coupling = 1 no. @Rs ………… = Rs …………….
Subtotal Rs ……………………