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Year 5 Maths Tutor Workbook 20211631706466810

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Year 5 Workbook
This tutor workbook and its content is copyright of Action Tutoring - © Action Tutoring 2020. All rights
reserved. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of the work, whether by photocopying or
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Pupil workbook page Tutor workbook page

A guide to the workbook i i

Suggested written methods iv

Section one

Warm up activities iv ix

Brainteasers x xv

Learning my times tables 1 2

Estimating 8 9

Improving your memory 12 13

Asking questions 18 19

Understanding questions 25 25

Checking your work 36 36

When will I use maths? 44 44

Reflection: My skills toolbox 50 51

Section two

Arithmetic 53 53

Museum Visit 58 58

Superheroes 71 71

Animal Park 78 81

Navigation 90 93

Junior Tax Facts 101 104

Games 111

© Action Tutoring 2021

A guide to the workbook

What this workbook is designed to do

The purpose of Action Tutoring’s programmes is to support pupils to build their subject
knowledge, confidence, and study skills. These workbooks have been created with soft
skills, study skills and subject knowledge in mind, helping to prepare pupils for their
journey into Year 6.
The topics have been carefully selected to build pupils’ confidence and maths skills. The
sessions will help familiarise pupils with Action Tutoring and working with a tutor, whilst
addressing key areas that often cause a barrier to pupils’ learning.

Warm up questions and reflection

Pupils will need a solid grounding in arithmetic to build their maths fluency. Both
section one and section two of the workbook contain arithmetic practice which you
should use as a warm up activity with your pupil(s).

• 45-minute sessions: warm-up can last up to 10 minutes.

• 60-minute sessions: warm-up can last up to 15 minutes. It’s ok if not all the
pupils do all the questions though. The final question is very adaptable for pupils
working at different levels, and pupils could share their answers with each other
if you have time.

If the school has mini whiteboards, you may find it useful to get pupils to do their
working out on them, especially for the arithmetic questions. This can lessen the worry
of getting an answer wrong, as they can erase it and try again. It is important in any task
to encourage pupils to write down their working – it is a good mathematical habit and it
can also help when you’re reviewing the question with them.
There’s a selection of brainteasers that can be used as a fun break during the session,
or as an additional activity should the pupils finish their work early.
Reflection is an extremely important element of learning. It allows the pupil to summarise
what they have learnt, enables you as the tutor to identify any areas that might need
revisiting, and helps you to plan your ‘reflect on last week’ for the following session.
Ensure you reserve time at the end of each session to support the pupils to reflect on
their learning.

© Action Tutoring 2021

Structure of the workbook
The workbook is divided into two sections, with slightly different emphases. Section one
is more focused on soft skills and study skills. The skills in section one are designed to
build upon and complement each-other. Skills are explored through the context of
maths, and topics and questions are intended to build pupils’ reflectivity, confidence, and
competence. Pupils have been given a ‘skills toolbox’ at the end of section one as a
space to add any key words or pictures/symbols to help them remember topics and new
skills explored. Encourage pupils to use this when they can. It can also be used as an
extension activity, or as an exercise to reflect on last week, e.g. “draw three symbols in
your toolbox that represent what we worked on last week”.

In their SATs, which they take in May of Year 6, pupils will sit one arithmetic paper and
two reasoning papers. Section two of the workbook is primarily focused on checking
skills for the reasoning SATs paper that pupils should have come across in Year 5.

Section two is divided into four themes which focus on different mathematical skills
pupils need to have mastered by their SATs. Your workbook contains answers and
sometimes guidance on things to be aware of that pupils may find difficult. It is important
to review the section you will tutor in advance to ensure you are comfortable with the
questions and methods.

At the end of section 4 is a standalone session created from HMRC education

resources all about tax. It uses some key mathematical skills in context. This can be a
useful session to do if you have a pupil absent from your group, or you are with a
different group for one week.

We would recommend you read carefully through the suggested written methods
section in this workbook to ensure that you are aware of the most common methods
for the four operations.

© Action Tutoring 2021

Session suggestions
There are no suggested timings on the activities, as these books should be worked
through at the pupils’ pace to aid understanding and grasp of the concept. Pre-session
planning will be needed to source the most appropriate questions for your pupils’ main

45-minute session 60-minute session

Warm Up – 10 mins Warm Up – 15 mins

Reflection (on last week) – 5 mins Reflection (on last week) – 5 mins
Main activity – 25 mins Main activity – 25 mins
Plenary – 5 mins Plenary – 5 mins
Brainteaser – 5 mins (can be done in
the middle of session

© Action Tutoring 2021

Suggested written methods
written methods

All suggestions and examples in this guidance are taken from the
National Curriculum (2014) and national government funded hubs
such as White Rose.

As tutors you will come across a wide range of abilities and it is important to
have a range of strategies at your fingertips to help you when pupils need
additional challenge or further support. Hopefully these next few pages will
provide a bit of support, perhaps giving you an alternative method to use
with a pupil or showing you a method that a child may be using that you
haven't come across before.

It's important to note that although the National Curriculum suggests using
formal written methods, there is still some flexibility for schools as to what
methods pupils use and when. Each school will have their own calculation
policy, so if you’re unsure, ask to see it and it may offer you further
clarification within that setting.


By the end of Year 5, pupils should be able

to solve problems such as 789 + 642 using
column written method as seen here.
Some pupils may put 'carried' digits above
the 'total' line rather than underneath, like
this example, but as long as it is clear and
they are consistent, either works.

Pupils should always start with the units and move left. When adding larger
numbers, or numbers with decimals, they should be able to talk about lining
up the columns. For example, all thousands should be in the same vertical
line and so on. With decimals, always line up the decimal point to make sure
all values line up. See the next box for suggestions on adding more complex

© Action Tutoring 2021

Struggling with column method addition?

If a pupil is struggling with column method, they will need to go back to more concrete
representations, which may include drawings and diagrams. In the case of 23 + 14,
pupils could partition (which means break down) the numbers into tens and units
and complete the sums separately. Here they have:

3 + 4 = 7
20 + 10 = 30 which together give 37.

Decimal addition

Pupils need to be able to add (and subtract) decimals with different numbers of
decimal places. In these cases, using a 'zero place holder' can really help, as it
allows pupils to make all the numbers the same length, without changing the value of
the number. For example:

13.4 + 12.56 + 11.708

In this case, when writing into their columns, pupils should line up the decimal
places foremost, but may also add 'zero place holders' to make them all 3 decimal
place numbers:

+ 12.560

Now they should be able to add (or subtract) without putting any digits into the
incorrect place in the value column or having to be concerned with numbers being
different lengths.

'Zero place holders' are also very helpful when pupils are ordering decimals with
different numbers of decimal places.

© Action Tutoring 2021


Subtraction without 'exchange'

Subtraction follows the same main rules as
addition for column method. Example 1 here
shows basic subtraction without exchanging
(often called borrowing although using the word
exchange works better as borrow implies you pay
it back, when you don't!).

Decimal subtraction follows the same principles and the zero place holder
(see decimal addition) is arguably even more important in subtraction, so do
encourage it if pupils come across decimal subtraction with different number
of decimal places.

Subtraction with 'exchange'

Here, the pupil needs to

exchange to make the
calculation method work.
The first method here is a lot
more common, though you
may come across pupils
using the second method.
The basic principle is that
there aren't enough of one
value to take away the
bottom number, so you exchange 1 from the next column into 10.

Look at the first example: 2 - 7 would give a negative answer, so exchange 1

ten from the tens column and that becomes 10 units, to give 12 - 7 = 5. The
tens column now reads 2 (cross out the 3 to signify the exchange that took

In this example, the next calculation is also tricky, as you now have 2 – 5.
The exchange happens again, though this time exchange 1 hundred for 10
tens. The sum now becomes 12 – 5 = 7.

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Decimal subtraction

This works in exactly the same way as above and uses the same principles
as decimal addition. Using zero place holders will ensure pupils exchange
where necessary.
Struggling with column method subtraction?

If a pupil is struggling with column method, they will need to go back to more
concrete representations, which may include a number line. In this case,
the pupil concentrates on counting on from the lowest amount and
choosing jumps to get them up to the larger number. For example:

134 – 16 =

+4 +30 +50 +30 +4

16 20 50 100 130 134

Add up the jumps to work out the difference. In this case, it's 118.

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Short multiplication

Short multiplication is useful for smaller multiplication problems, such as the

above examples, where a number is multiplied by a single unit.

In each case, it is important to remember that the single unit has to be

multiplied by ALL parts of the top number. Look at example 1:
24 x 6 is calculated in two stages →
6 x 4 = 24 (the 2 is carried to the tens column)
6 x 2 = 12 (add on the carried 2 to make 14)

Struggling with short multiplication?

Instead of using the formal columns, pupils simply break the problem down
and write in separate sums.
In example 2 above, 342 x 7, partition 342 into 300, 40 and 2:
7 x 300 = 2,100 (Tip: 7 x 3 = 21 → 7 x 30 = 210 → 7 x 300 = 2,100)
7 x 40 = 280 (Tip: 7 x 4 = 28 → 7 x 40 = 280)
7x 2= 14
Then add up the partitioned components, which gives 2,394.

Long multiplication

Pupils often lack confidence with long multiplication, but if they can partition
numbers (break down the calculation) then it becomes much easier.

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In this example, we need to calculate twice:
24 x 6 and 24 x 10 (we have partitioned 16 into 10
and 6)

→ This row shows 24 x 10

→ This row shows 24 x 6. In this case, the carried
2 from 4 x 6 has been put at the top of the tens
column, but a pupil may place it elsewhere as long
as it is clear and they are consistent.

Once both calculations are complete, simply add the totals. If the child is
struggling with this, they could complete the two rows as separate
calculations and then complete a separate addition at the end.

This example works in the same way, except the

calculations are a little trickier.

→ This row shows 124 x 6

→ This row shows 124 x 20
(Tip: 124 x 2 = 248, then x 10 making 124 x 20 = 2,480)

If the child is struggling with this, once again they should complete the
calculations separately:

124 124 2480

x 6 x 20 + 744
744 2480 3224
¹ ² ¹ ¹
Whilst it is important for pupils to practise their times tables, if they are
struggling with methods, it may be worth using a times table list so
they can focus on the method rather than the tables themselves.

© Action Tutoring 2021


Short division

Short division tends to be the easiest division method

for pupils to get their heads around. It can be used to
solve larger problems, which will be explained later.

In this case 7 is the divisor.

How many times does 7 multiply into 9? 1 remainder
2, so the 1 sits on top and the 2 is carried over to
make 28.
How many times does 7 multiply into 28? 4 with no
remainder. So, the answer is 14.

Short division with remainders

Pupils need to be able to solve division problems with remainders. They also
need to be able to interpret those remainders depending on the question.
Below sets out the three types of remainder and an example context:

First, the simple numerical remainder. The division

works as normal (see above) but you are left with 2
at the end.
If you were sharing out objects, like pencils in a
school, each class could receive 86 pencils and there
would be 2 pencils left over.

Secondly, fraction remainders, which are easier

than they sound! The division works exactly the
same way, but the numerical remainder forms the
top number (numerator) of the fraction, whilst the
divisor (what you're dividing by) becomes the
bottom number (denominator).

In this case, imagine sharing out pizzas in a school. Each class would
receive 45 and 1/11th of a pizza.

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Thirdly, decimal remainders. The division
works the same way as above, but instead of
stopping with a numerical remainder (in this
example it would have been 3) simply add .0
to the original number. Remind the pupil that
this does not change the number! Now the
remainder carries over, but this time into the tenths column.

Imagine sharing £123 between 6 people. You end up with £20.50 each.

Please note: You can carry on adding decimal places again and again and
again. Simply add another 0 every time you get another remainder.

Division with larger numbers

Pupils generally find dividing larger numbers the hardest of all operations, as
there is no 'quick' way or 'trick' to solving them. They simply have to work
hard at times tables or use repeated addition to solve them. If a pupil cannot
get their head around long division, but is happy with short division, writing
out the times table in question is one way to help them:

In this case, pupils should write out some facts for

15 times table to the side, and then they can
complete short division as normal. It is likely that
the pupil will not know their 15 times table! In this
case, remind them to think of it as repeated
addition rather than multiplication, and it will
hopefully feel less daunting.

1 x 15 = 15 2 x 15 = 30 3 x 15 = 45
4 x 15 = 60 5 x 15 = 75 6 x 15 = 90
7 x 15 = 105 8 x 15 = 120 9 x 15 = 135

Although this may not seem like an efficient method, for some pupils it will be
the best way to approach it and so the most efficient for them.

© Action Tutoring 2021

Long division methods

These are the suggested long division methods in the National Curriculum.

The first takes away multiples of 15 until a remainder of 12 is left.

The second is the same as the first but shows fraction remainders (here they
have simplified the remainder of 12/15 down to 4/5).

The third example shows a traditional method of long division which uses
'dropping down' to make it easier. This way makes it easier to work with
multiples of the divisor but can be confusing to low ability pupils as it is
difficult to explain WHY they are doing what they are doing – it is often too

Struggling with the concept of division?

For any pupil struggling to understand what division even is, you need to go
back to pictorial representations of sharing. In the case of 24 ÷ 3, draw out
three groups and physically share 24 counters between them, for example.
This can also be done with tallies – draw out a tally in each of the three
groups until you reach 24. They will need lots of practice at this before being
able to practise written methods.

Ideal situation:

If possible, it would be best to check with the pupils' teacher which method
they teach in class, or which method a pupil prefers to use.

© Action Tutoring 2021

Warm up activities
Athletes and people who play sport need to warm up their bodies. Musicians need to
warm up their instruments. Mathematicians need to warm up their brains!

Often the trickiest parts of learning a subject, or new skills, is becoming confident
enough to ask questions and tell your tutor or teacher when you need help.

To help you warm up your brain and your vocal cords, there are some discussion questions and
arithmetic practice for you to complete at the start of each session. This will mean you’re ready to
learn and prepared to ask your tutor questions when needed!

Warm up discussion

With your tutor, discuss the following:

• What’s your favourite part of learning maths and why?

• What’s your least favourite part of learning maths and why?
• What’s your favourite subject in school?
• Tell your tutor about a hobby that you have outside of school.

Now you might want to ask your tutor some questions, like “why do you like maths?” or “why did
you want to tutor maths?”

Now you’re ready for some arithmetic practice…

• It’s ok if you need help with some questions.
• To try as many questions as you can in the time you have.
• You can use any space on the page (or scrap paper) if you need to write
anything down.
• You might be able to do some questions in your head.

© Action Tutoring 2021

Arithmetic practice 1 Arithmetic practice 2

Addition practice – column method Addition of decimals – column


a) 34 + 62 = 96 a) 23.6 + 14.3 = 37.9

b) 295 + 426 = 721 b) 45.6 + 12.3 = 57.9

c) 45 + 145 = 190 c) 64.76 + 25.81 = 90.57

d) 245 + 3467 = 3712 d) 64.76 + 25.01 = 89.77

e) 14 + 15 + 47 = 76 e) 64.76 + 25.8 = 90.56

f) 367 + 54 + 3 = 424 f) 143.7 + 42 = 185.7

g) 1854 + 4581 = 6435 g) 0.2 + 14.3 = 14.5

h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier
question? 154 100 + question? 22.2 20+2+0.2
50 + 4
Write and check 2-5 different Write and check 2-5 different Medium
addition sums that will give this Medium addition of decimals sums that will – see
answer. – see give this answer. e.g.
E.g. 130 + 24 = 154 e.g. E.g. 21 + 1.2 = 22.2
Harder 18.1+4.1

© Action Tutoring 2021

Arithmetic practice 3 Arithmetic practice 4

Subtraction practice Subtraction practice – column

Try to do these in your head. If you Remember to line up those columns!
can’t, consider using a number line.
a) 265 – 24 =
a) 50 – 30 = 20 241

b) 572 – 51 =
b) 100 – 75 = 25 521

c) 364 – 235 =
c) 65 – 40 = 25 129

d) 1784 – 895 =
d) 130 – 90 = 40 889

e) 2540 – 999 =
e) 280 – 245 = 35 1541

f) 1000 – 200 = 800 f) 8765 – 4321 = 4444

g) 1500 – 600 = 900 g) 3210 – 765 = 2445

h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier
question? 110 111-1 question? 187 188-1

Write and check 2-5 different Medium Write and check 2-5 different Medium
subtraction sums that will give this – see subtraction sums that will give this – see
answer. e.g. answer. e.g.
E.g. 120 – 10 = 110 E.g. 197 – 10 = 187
Harder Harder
500- 209-22

© Action Tutoring 2021

Arithmetic practice 5 Arithmetic practice 6

Subtraction practice – column Times tables practice –

method with decimals. Remember to complete these as quickly as you
line up those columns! can. Use your fingers if you need to.

a) 56.7 – 12.3 = a) 4 x 5 =
44.4 20

b) 6 x 2 =
b) 68.9 – 56.7 = 12
c) 3 x 7 =
c) 168.5 – 132.2 =
36.3 d) 5 x 9 =

d) 4637.7 – 356.4 = e) 8 x 4 =
4281.3 32

f) 6 x 6 =
e) 36.86 – 23.42 = 35
g) 11 x 4 =

f) 12.34 – 9.87 = 2.47 h) 12 x 3 = 35

i) 7 x 4 = 28
g) 78.90 – 0.23 = 78.67

j) Which times tables am I in? 1x, 2x,

12 (clue: in 8 times tables) 3x, 4x,
h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier E.g. 12 x 1 = 12 so 12 times table 6x, 12x
question? 12.35 12.45 – and 1 times table.
Write and check 2-5 different
decimal subtraction sums that will Medium k) Which times tables am I in? 1x, 3x,
give this answer. – see 27 (clue: in 4 times tables) 9x, 27x
E.g. 13 – 0.65 = 12.35 e.g.

Harder l) Which times tables am I in? 1x, 2x,

14.97- 48 (clue: in 10 times tables) 3x, 4x,
2.62 6x, 8x,
12x, 16x,
24x, 48x

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Arithmetic practice 7 Arithmetic practice 8

Multiplication practice – complete Division practice – complete these

these using short multiplication using short division method.

a) 23 x 4 = a) 488 ÷ 4 =
92 122

b) 17 x 5 = b) 723 ÷ 3 =
85 241

c) 32 x 3 = c) 760 ÷ 5 =
96 152

d) 72 x 6 = d) 164 ÷ 3 =
432 55

e) 94 x 5 = e) 817 ÷ 8 =
470 102

f) 56 x 8 = 448 f) 405 ÷ 9 = 45

g) 43 x 7 = 301 g) 412 ÷ 4 = 103

h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier h) If this is the answer, what is the Easier
question? 420 – see question? 6 – see
e.g. e.g.
Write and check 2-5 different Write and check 2-5 different
multiplication sums that will give this Medium division sums that will give this Medium
answer. 210 x 2 answer. 600 ÷
E.g. 42 x 10 = 420 E.g. 12 ÷ 2 = 6 100
6 x 70 Harder
420 ÷ 70

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Arithmetic practice 9 Arithmetic practice 10

Mixed practice Mixed practice

a) 4 x 5 = a) 3 x 6 =

20 18

b) 25 ÷ 5 = b) 88 ÷ 8 =

5 11

c) Halve 800 = c) Find a quarter of 1000 =

400 250

d) 16 x 7 = d) 372 ÷ 6 =

112 62

e) 1,993 + 487 = e) 367.5 + 126.3 =

2480 493.8

f) 9312 ÷ 4 = f) 443 x 6=

2328 2658

g) 7 x 8 = 56 g) 7,385 – 595 = 6790

h) 98.4 – 62.21 = 36.19 h) 120 ÷ 10 = 12

i) 2.4 x 100 = 240 i) 4 x 7 = 28

What percentage of 800 did you 50% What percentage of 1000 did you
work out in question c? work out in question c? 25%

© Action Tutoring 2021

Brain Teasers
Brain teasers are good fun, as well as being useful for a break in your session or if you finish early!

Brain Teaser 1 - Adding pyramids

Add two adjacent numbers together to create the block sitting on top:



10 12

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Brain Teaser 2 – Squares, squares, squares!
How many squares are there in the diagram below?


Brain Teaser 3 – What am I worth?

Use your super maths skills to work out what each shape is worth.


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Brain Teaser 4 – Three colours!
Can you colour in the blocks, using three colours, so that no 2 blocks of the same colour are


Brain Teaser 5 – Weather maths

Complete these sums by working backwards. Can you figure out what the different weather
symbols are worth?


sun = 20
cloud = 5
moon = 50
moon + sun = 70

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Brain Teaser 6 – Patterns
Look carefully at each pattern. Can you work out what comes next?

12 circles – 3 times table or adding 3

each time (3, 6, 9, 12)

Triangle – number of sides is going

down by 1 each time (6, 5, 4, 3)

Triangle pointing left – is being

turned/rotated by a right angle,
clockwise, each time.

*Pupils can draw the shapes and/or


Brain teaser 7 – At the shops

How much does each item cost?

 +  +  = £12
3 pencils = 12

 +  +  = £14 1 pencil = 12 ÷ 3 = 4
2 pencils = 8

 +  +  = £26 notebook = 14 - 8 = 6
2 notebooks = 12
headphones = 26 - 12 = 14
How much does each item cost?

 +  +  =? 14 + 6 + 4 = 24

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Brain teaser 8 – Crack the code
The padlock uses 3 different single digit numbers (the numbers 1 to 9) in its code. Use the clues to
work out the code on the padlock!

• Each digit in the padlock code is even. Answers:

• Reading top to bottom, each digit is smaller than the All one-digit numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
previous one. 6, 7, 8, 9.
• The last number in the code is a 4.

Only even: 2, 4, 6, 8.

Last digit is a 4, and other numbers

bigger than this: 4, 6, 8.

Order: 8 6 4

Brain teaser 9 – What’s my age?

Lewis thinks of his age in years. Answers:
• He adds 5 to it. The calculations he did:
• He doubles it.
+5, x2, +6, ÷3 = 10
• He adds 6.
• He divides it by 3.
• The answer is 10. In reverse
10x3, -6, ÷2, -5
How old is Lewis? Answer:
10x3 = 30
30 -6 = 24
24÷2 = 12
12-5 = 7

He is 7

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Section one

© Action Tutoring 2018

Learning my times tables
About this skill
Times tables are the building blocks of maths. Knowing your times tables is essential as
they will help you throughout your maths studies. When you become fluent with your
times tables, maths gets a lot easier – promise!

Introduction to the topic

Fill in the following grids using your knowledge of the three, five and ten times tables.
3x 1 3 5x 2 10 10 x 3 30
2 6 3 15 4 40
3 9 4 20 5 50
4 12 5 25 6 60
5 15 6 30 7 70
6 18 7 35 8 80
7 21 8 40 9 90
8 24 9 45 10 100

Activity one: Spotting patterns

When learning your times tables, it can feel like you have a lot to do.
There are lots of pairs in times tables calculations. E.g. 3 x 8 is the same as 8 x 3.
• 3 x 8 = 24
• 8 x 3 = 24
Write down three more pairs of times table calculations.




There is also a link between multiplication and division.

• 3 x 8 = 24
• 24 ÷ 8 = 3
See if you can complete this calculation:
24 ÷ 3 = 8

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Write down two division calculations for each of the multiplication calculations below:

7 x 8 = 56 5 x 9 = 45 6 x 12 = 72

56 ÷ 7 = 8 45 ÷ 9 = 5 72 ÷ 12 = 6

56 ÷ 8 = 7 45 ÷ 5 = 9 72 ÷ 6 = 12

Activity two: Odd and even

Do you know the difference between odd and even numbers? Answer the questions
Write down five odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 etc.

Write down five even numbers 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 etc.

Look at the 8 times table. Are the numbers even or odd in the 8 times table?
8x1=8 8 x 6 = 48
8 x 2 = 16 8 x 7 = 56
8 x 3 = 24 8 x 8 = 64
8 x 4 = 32 8 x 9 = 72
8 x 5 = 40 8 x 10 = 80

Draw a circle around the times table if it only has even numbers in it.

three times table four times table five times table

six times table seven times table nine times table

ten times table eleven times table twelve times table

Work out 7 x 2 ___14____

Now take your answer and multiply it by two ____14 x 2 = 28____
From what you’ve done, fill in the gap:
7 x __4__ = 28

© Action Tutoring 2018

If I forget my four times table, I can work out my two times table and multiply it by

Are there any other times tables this would work for?

The 6 times table is double the 3 times table.

The 8 times table is double the 4 times table.

The 10 times table is double the 5 times table.

The 12 times table is double the 6 times table.

Activity three: The eight times table

Look at the columns in the table and discuss with your tutor what patterns you can
What’s the What’s the What’s the What’s the
pattern of pattern of pattern of pattern of
numbers in numbers in numbers in numbers in
this column? this column? this column? this column?
1x8 0 8 6x8 4 8
2x8 1 6 7x8 5 6
3x8 2 4 8x8 6 4
4x8 3 2 9x8 7 2
5x8 4 0 10 x 8 8 0
The units column starts at eight and goes down by two each time.
The pattern repeats with it happening for one to five and then six to eight.
The tens column starts at zero and then goes up by one each time. The pattern doesn’t
quite repeat (four is in there twice) but then increases by one each time. Remember
increasing by one in this column is really an increase by a value of ten because of the

Activity four: Multiples of nine

Did you know that all the multiples of 9 up to 90 add to 9?

Go on, try it!

e.g. 9 x 2 = 18 1+8=9
9 x 3 = 27 2+7=9

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Now fill in the table below:

In this column write the In this column start at nine and

numbers 0 to 9. write down the numbers 9 to 0.
0 9
1 8
2 7
3 6
4 5
5 4
6 3
7 2
8 1
9 0

Now, looking above, tell your tutor which times tables you have written down.

Activity five: Fill in the gaps

Fill in the missing numbers to make the sums make sense.

3 x 4 = 12_ 6 x 7__ = 42
70 ÷ 10 = 7__ 7__ x 5 = 35
8 x 9 = 72_ 8 ÷ 4 = 2__
4 x 10 = 40_ 16 ÷ 2 = 8__
11 x 2 = 22_ 10 x 9__ = 90
0 x 4 = 0__ 2 x 6 = 12_

Activity six: Using times tables

Your times table skills are handy all the time! You might need to know how many sweets
to share, or you might get a curious question.

Answer the following problems:

Spiders have eight legs. If there are nine spiders in a box, how many legs are
there altogether?
= ___72___ legs 8 x 9 = 72

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Bikes have two wheels. How many wheels are there on 12 bikes?
= ___24___ wheels 2 x 12 = 24

Sara has 35 mini cupcakes and shares them amongst seven

friends. How many cupcakes does each friend get?
= ___5___ cakes 35 ÷ 7 = 5

Fatimah is playing a game at the funfair. She has to knock rubber bottles off a
wall with a bean bag. For each bottle she knocks off, she scores four points. After
a few minutes, Fatimah counts the number of bottles she knocked off to add up
her score.
Tick either ‘possible’ or ‘not possible’ to show the scores that Fatimah could
have got.
Score Possible Not possible
7 X
8 X
16 X
20 X
23 X
35 X
40 X

If you answered ‘not possible’ to any of the above, explain why to your tutor.

Using numbers up to 30 and your seven times table knowledge, complete the
following Venn diagram.

Seven times Even numbers


7 14 2 4 6
21 28 8 10 12
16 18 20
22 24 26

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Alice needs to buy a concert ticket for herself and her five friends. Each ticket
costs £8. How much do the tickets cost altogether? 6x8

= £48

Shade all the multiples of eight below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 77 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Now, take a break from answering these puzzles and problems, and think about the
times table you are most confident with, and the times table you are least confident
Go back and circle the questions you found hardest. Then discuss with your tutor.

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The numbers below are matched to a letter. Complete the letter equations:
b=2 exc= 5 x 3 = 15 dxd= 4 x 4 = 16
d=4 gxa= 7x1=7 bxc= 2x3=6
f=6 fxa= 6x1=6 fxg= 6 x 7 = 42

Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Times Patterns Pairs Odd Even 23456789


E.g. I can link the 9 times table and patterns. I learnt about the patterns
Today I in the 9 times table.

This will ___________________________________________________________

help me:

How confident am I at using my times tables?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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About this skill
Estimating is a great skill to use inside and outside the classroom! It’s helpful when
checking back through your work to see if an answer really makes sense. It also helps
you work out how many items you can buy in a shop, or how long it will take you to get

Introduction to the topic

Discuss with your tutor – what can you remember about

A key part of estimating is being able to look at an answer and

decide whether it seems right or wrong, often by using your rounding skills.

Look at the statements below. Tick whether you think they’re correct or incorrect
and then explain to your tutor why. You can do some rough working in the
‘Why?’ box if you need.

Statement Correct? Incorrect? Why?

Jenny wants to buy her four friends a 6 + 1.20 =
necklace as a gift and have them gift wrapped 7.20
in store. Each necklace costs £6, plus gift 7 x 4 = 28
wrapping is £1.20 extra per gift. Jenny 0.2 x 4 = 0.8
estimated she would need approximately £30
to cover all gifts.

Joseph has estimated that 65.88 + 7.06 = 73. 66 + 7 = 73
Does Joseph’s answer seem correct?

The local swimming baths makes £199.69 a 200 x 4 =
day at weekends. The owner estimates that 400
they will make £450 after two weekends.

Tammy states 4.02 + 3.7 is closer to eight 4+4=8
than any other whole number.

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Ayman has £5 to spend at his local community centre café. Ayman
thinks he has enough money to buy himself a sandwich, packet of
crisps, chocolate bar, an apple and a banana. He thinks he will have
enough left over to buy his sister a wrap, a packet of crisps, a
chocolate bar and a pear.

Look at the price list below to decide whether Ayman has enough money or not.

Sandwiches/wraps £1.45
Fruit £0.40
Crisps £0.55
Chocolate £0.89

Ayman Ayman’s sister No

1.50 + 0.50 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 1.50 + 0.5 + 1 + 0.5 In total it will be more than
= £4.00 = £3.50

Activity one: Practising estimating

Now, estimate the answer for the following questions, using more of your rounding

You and your friend Mohan decide to go to the local park on a sunny day. In the
park, there are 13 different flowers and 28 different trees. Rounding to the
nearest five, estimate how many different plants are there altogether?

13 + 28
~ 15 + 30
= 45_____________ plants = 45

Andy reads 18 pages of her book every week. Estimate how

many pages she reads by the end of the week.

18 x 7
~ 20 x 7
= 140


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= 140_____________ books

Circle any number that becomes 40 when rounded to the nearest ten.

32 46 36 44 45 35 31


16 + 89 = __________ 75 – 32 = __________

15 + 90 = 105 75 – 30 = 45

51 – 25 = __________ 23 + 41 = __________

50 – 25 = 25 25 + 40 = 65

Match each sum with its estimated answer below by rounding to the nearest ten.

67 + 43 12 + 54 246 - 124 89 - 76

70 + 40 10 + 50 250 - 120 90 - 80

10 130 110 60

You plant a sunflower seed in a garden. In the first year, it grows

8.7mm and then grows 3.3mm in the second year. Approximately
how many millimetres did it grow in two years?

= 12________mm 9 + 3 = 12mm


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Create between one to five estimation questions for your friend. Remember to tell them
whether they need to round to five, ten, 100 etc., and make sure you’ve worked out the
answer yourself before passing them on!

Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Estimate Not a Round Roughly Sum Work it out


E.g. I can link estimating and roughly. Estimating is when you work
Today I something out roughly.
practised: _

This will help __________________________________________________________

me: _

How confident am I at estimating?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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Improving your memory
About this skill
Having a happy and healthy memory is the key to learning! In this session you will learn
more about your memory, and you will also learn some tips to help you remember

Introduction to the topic

Here are some useful things to know about your memory. Each one has a picture to help
you remember it – often symbols, colours and pictures help you to remember things.
Discuss the facts below with your tutor:

We remember what we pay Forgetting things, and When we ‘fetch’ a fact from
attention to and think trying hard to remember our memory, we make our
about. them, is an important memory of that fact stronger.
part of learning.

Then warm-up your memory by:

• Covering up the pictures and seeing if you can remember them using the words.
• Covering up the words and seeing if you can remember them using the pictures.

Activity one: Memory hints

Using hints, tips and techniques help us to remember information and facts.
Below are some ways that might help you to remember important information.

Pictures Use an
and Rhymes action!
Using letters or
symbols and music

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Look at the examples below. Using the hints and tips on the previous page, can you
work out which tip or hint is shown in each example? The first one has been done for
Colours in a rainbow Order of planets from the sun

Using letters or

Quadbike = 4 wheels

Quadrilateral = 4-sided shape

How to spell parallel to the tune

of Coldplay ‘Paradise’

“Para, para, parallel

P – a –r –a-l – l-e- l”

Count along your knuckles to

Hold your arms out to make an find the number of days in a
acute angle month


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Memory hints work best when you have a special one for each different thing to
remember. For example, using the same song to try to remember three lots of things
wouldn’t be very helpful!

Activity two: Quiz – working out which facts to ‘fetch’ more often

Next there are two grids of questions – one is a times table grid and the other is a
conversions grid.
Your tutor is going to tell you which one to practice. Read what you need to do
1. Cover up the answers.
2. Look at the question or fact from the grid and try to remember the answer.
3. Check your answer.
4. Circle or highlight any that you get wrong or can’t remember.

Practising is a game and can be fun! Imagine that when you practise questions, it’s your
memory playing hide and seek. If you can rise to the challenge of finding a memory, then
you are developing good memory hide and seek skills.

Option 1 – Times Tables (1-3 times tables per pupil)

1 times table at a time

is best.
Make a note of the
facts each pupil can’t
remember as you’ll be
using them in
subsequent weeks.


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Option 2 – Conversions

Question Answer Question Answer

1 kg = ? g 1 kg = 1,000 g 2:30pm in the 24- 14:30

hour clock

1 m = ? cm 1m = 100 cm 23:20 in the 12- 11:20pm

hour clock

1 cm = ? mm 1 cm = 10 mm 1 year = ? days 1 year = 365 or

366 days

1 hour = ? 1 hour = 60 1 day = ? hours 1 day = 24 hours

minutes minutes

1 minute = ? 1 minute = 60 1km = ? m 1km = 1,000 m

seconds seconds

Activity three: Create your own hints

Look at the circled facts from activity two (the ones that you got wrong or couldn’t
remember). Now create your own memory hints to help you remember them. Write or
quickly sketch them here.
Use the examples in the memory hints section to help you.


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Activity four: More ‘fetching’ practice

Now go back the grid. Only look at the circled facts this time. How many can you
remember now?
Keep practising these facts as many times as you can.
If you need more of a challenge, mix the questions up with the ones you could already

Another memory hint is using a journey you know well, like the route from your home to
school. Each place on your journey links to something you need to remember.

Read the example Saira made for finding the perimeter of a rectangle:

Turn left at the shop – imagine 4 lines outside the door (find the
length of all 4 sides)

Meet friend at the bus stop – a big plus sign dangling from the bus
stop roof (you have to add them up)

Arrive at school – a big green tick giving you a high 5 as you go

through the gate (you have to check your answer makes sense)

Can you make up your own journey example? You could make one for finding the area
of a rectangle, for example.


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Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Fetch (or Forgetting Memory Letters and words


Hints Actions Pictures Rhymes and music

E.g. I can link forgetting, practice and memory. I learnt that forgetting and
Today I practising are important for your memory.

This will ___________________________________________________________

help me:

How confident am I at using hints to improve my memory?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Explain to pupils that you will be helping them remember the facts they found harder,
and their hints to remember them.
As you’ve made a note of the questions your pupils found harder, and created hints for,
you can review a few of these in your ‘reflect on last week’ part of the session. You could
give them a simple task like this:
Can you remember your memory hint, and the answer, for this question?
E.g. 6 x 7 = My memory hint: The answer:

For any they can’t do, give them some time to review their memory hint and remember
to ask them that one the following week.


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Asking questions
About this skill
Asking questions can be a great way of finding out more about a topic. Sometimes we
find it hard to think of the question we want to ask. In this session, you’ll have the chance
to practise asking questions. It is a skill that will help when you are trying to learn maths,
but also any time you want to know more about anything!

Introduction to the topic

Explain to your tutor why you think it is important to ask questions.
To let someone know that you don’t understand. To find out something you don’t know.
There are often some lessons which we are more confident asking questions in, and
other lessons which we are not so confident asking questions in. Discuss with your
tutor which lessons you feel the most confident asking questions in and why, and also
the lessons that you don’t like asking questions in and why.
There’s no right or wrong to this, encourage pupils to think creatively. E.g. in class to a
teacher, with your friends about plans you’ve made etc.

Look at the image below and come up with questions you could ask about it. Write
notes around the outside.

The picture is meant to be deliberately Some questions could be:

odd but should hopefully make it • Who is the girl?
easier for them to come up with • Are the girl and the man related?
questions about it. • Where is the picture taken?
• Is the girl happy with the animal near her?
• Why is the man wearing flowers?
• Who was taking the picture?
• How old is the girl?

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Did you find it easy or difficult to come up with questions, despite having no information
other than a picture? Did this question take you by surprise?
The idea of this exercise to help pupils practice the skill of generating questions. Once
they more comfortable with it, they can apply it to a mathematical context.
Sometimes it can be tricky to know what questions to ask. That’s why you have to use
your investigating skills to work out what information you do have, and what bits of
information are missing.

Activity one: Practising asking questions

Now you’re going to practise asking questions.

This is a topic you have not seen before and you’re not expected to know much about
the questions – stay calm. The idea is just to try and come up with some questions
which you could ask if someone was teaching you.

This shape is made from circles. The diameter of the smaller circle is 10 cm. The
diameter of the larger circle is 20 cm.

Not drawn accurately


20 cm

What fraction of the shape is shaded? Give your answer in its simplest form.

Write down anything about the question that you know or recognise. This doesn’t
have to be very much, everything no matter how small is important. Here are some
sentence starters:

I have seen the word…. in… Some suggested answers are below:
I know that…means… I know what a circle is.
The question is asking me to… I know that cm means centimetres and
measures a length.
Fractions are where you have a numerator
and denominator.

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Now, write down questions you could ask to help your learning. Here are some
sentence starters:

What does… mean? Some suggested answers are below:

How do I work out…? What does the word diameter mean?
Why is…? How would I work out the area of a circle?
What does simplest form mean?

Here’s another question to try. Remember to stay calm, as the topic is new to you.

There are 30 students in a class. The students are asked whether they like going
to the cinema (C) or watching TV (T). The Venn diagram shows the results.

C 4 7 T


How many students like watching TV?

How many students like going to the cinema, but do not like watching TV?
Work out the number of students who do not like watching TV or going to the

Write down anything about the question that you know or recognise.

E.g. Whole numbers, oval shapes, different categories

Now, write down questions you could ask to help your learning.
E.g. What does the number 14 stand for? What does Venn diagram mean? What is in
the space outside the ovals?

Was it easier to come up with questions for the second question? Why might this be?
Asking questions becomes easier the more you do it. It’s a good habit to get into and
can make a big difference to your learning. Tutoring is a good place to ask any questions
you felt you weren’t able to ask at other times.


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Activity two: Asking questions about SATs topics

Below are some examples of common questions you might come across in your SATs.
The column on the right shows the topic the question is about.

Question Topic
Look at this number: 23,451.96

• Write the digit that is in the hundreds place.

Place value
• Write the digit that is in the hundreths place.

Divide the number by 100 and write down the answer.

Put these temperatures in order starting with the lowest.

21⁰C -13⁰C -24⁰C 0⁰C 35⁰C

Negative numbers

Circle two numbers which have a difference of 2.

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Write three factors of 30 that are not factors of 15.

Here is a diagram for sorting numbers.

Write one number in each box.
One is done for you.
Multiples and
Multiple of 5 Not a multiple of factors
Multiple of 3 30
Not a multiple of
Here is part of the bus timetable from Riverdale to Mott Haven.

Riverdale 10:02 10:12 10:31 10:48

Kingsbridge 10:11 10:21 10:38 10:55
Fordham 10:28 10:38 10:54 11:11
Tremont 10:36 10:44 11:00 11:17
Mott Haven 10:53 11:01 11:17 11:34

How many minutes does it take the 10:31 bus from Riverdale to
reach Mott Haven?
What is 15% of 440? What is 7% of 500? Percentages

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Look at the questions on the previous page, then use the space below to come up with
some questions to help you find out more information.
Below are suggested questions pupils might ask. Encourage them to come up with as
many as possible. If they can’t think of any, ask them the questions given, to check their

Topic Questions I have

What does each column stand for?

How many times bigger is the digit in each column?
Place value
How can I use place value to help me work out dividing and

Why is -24 lower than -13 when 24 is a bigger number?

Negative What does the word difference mean?

numbers How do I work out the difference between two numbers?

What does the work multiple mean?

Multiples and What does the word factor mean?

factors How do you work out if a number is a multiple of another?
How do you work out if a number is a factor of two others?

How do you work out the difference between two times?

How do you read off a timetable?

What does percent mean?

Percentages How do you work out 10% of a number.
How do you work out 1% of a number?

Discuss your most important questions with your tutor. Use a different colour to add in
any extra information or answers that your tutor gives you. (It might be that you’ve asked
such a good question your tutor isn’t sure of the answer. Mark that question with a star
so your tutor can go away and research the answer to tell you next week.)


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It is always easier to give advice to your friends than to yourself. Imagine a friend tell you
“Sometimes when I sit in maths and the teacher is explaining something I don’t
understand but I find it hard to know what question to ask, so normally I don’t bother, but
I’m worried I’m falling behind what should I do?”
Discuss with your tutor what advice you would give to this friend.

Another friend hears you’re good at giving advice and asks you this:
“When I’m doing work in class I usually get it, but when I try to do my homework I get
stuck and don’t know what to do.”
Are there any resources your maths teacher has advised you to use? Discuss with
your tutor what advice you would give to this friend. Include any helpful resources
you would point them to.
Use the space below to list any potential resources.

Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Ask Understand Expert Questions Quiet

E.g. I can link ask, questions and quiet. I normally keep quiet in lessons
Today I but I practised answering questions.

This will ___________________________________________________________

help me:

How confident am I at asking questions?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all 5 = fairly confident 10 = super confident!


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Understanding questions
About this skill
Before you can answer a question, you need to make sure you understand exactly
what the question is asking you to do. We can feel overwhelmed by questions.
Breaking them down into smaller chunks often helps.

Introduction to the topic

Imagine you’re sitting down just before opening a maths test. There are lots of different
questions you could be asked, so it’s good to group them into topics.

How many maths topics can you think of? Write them down below, if you don’t know the
name of a topic write down a type of number or question that is related to the topic.
There are some pictures to help you get started.

Discuss with your group if you have similar topics. The table on the next page shows the
different areas of maths – write your topics from above in the ‘topics’ column.


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Area of maths Topics

Calculations Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

Fractions, decimals Equivalent fractions, add/subtract fractions, multiply/divide

fractions, round decimals, compare and order decimals,
and percentages
percentage of amount, convert fractions, percentages and

Ratio and proportion Sharing

Measurement Reading scales, money, time, converting, perimeter/area,


Geometry Patterns, coordinates, angles, circles, nets, name and

properties of shapes

Statistics Interpreting data, mean average


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Activity one: Key words

To understand what a question is asking you to do, you will need to know some key
words and what they mean in a maths question.
The questions below are missing some words. Use the words below to fill in the
gaps. Each word is used only once.

divide add continue order work out multiply

simplify subtract round draw explain compare

Question (Q): Add 5 and 6. Q: Order these numbers from smallest to

largest: 4, 7, 2, 6 and 5.

Answer (A): 5 + 6 = 11 A: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Q: Multiply 5 by 6. Q: Divide 20 by 4.

A: 5 x 6 = 30 A: 20 ÷ 4 = 5

Q: Continue the sequence: 6, 8, 10... Q: Compare the number of boys to the

number of girls.

A: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16... A: There are more boys than girls.

Q: Subtract 5 from 11. Q: Draw a square.

A: 11 – 5 = 6 A:

Q: Work out 5 + 6. Q: Explain why Mr. Kane is correct.

A: 5 + 6 = 11 A: Mr. Kane is correct because......

Q: Round 323 to the nearest 100. Q: Simplify 8

4 1
A: 300. A: 8 = 2


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Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right.

1 Find the product of 6 and 7. a 6 + 7 = 13

2 What’s the difference between 6 b 6: 1, 2, 3, 6 7: 1, 7

and 7?

3 What are the factors of 6 and 7? c 6 x 7 = 42

4 Find the sum of 6 and 7. d 7–6=1

5 What are the multiples of 6 and 7? e 6: 6, 12, 18, 24...

7: 7, 14, 21, 28...

1=C 2=D 3=B 4=A 5=E

Use the words below to identify what is shown in each box.

tenth thousandth denominator brackets hundredth

decimal numerator percentage sign ratio

1 -4 or +5 3:5 1
10 1000

tenth sign ratio thousandth

() 3 1 3
4 100 4

brackets numerator hundredth denominator


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Use the words below to identify what is shown in each box.

axes graph x-axis x-coordinate coordinates

y-axis y-coordinate direction origin even point

(3,4) (3,4) (3, 4)

y-coordinate x-axis coordinates x-coordinate

y-axis graph origin axes

Use the words below to identify what is shown in each box.

right-angle obtuse angle base angle horizontal vertical

acute angle reflex angle cross line polygon diagonal

vertical right-angle reflex angle base angles

obtuse angle diagonal acute angle horizontal

Use the words below fill in the gaps in each box. Each word is used only once.

consecutive triple squared equivalent integers


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divisible exactly nearly double greater than

4 2, 3, 4, 5 are 8 is 2

squared consecutive double equivalent

means 4 x 4 (=16) numbers 4 1 2 1

to 2 (4 = 2)

7 is 99 is 3, 6, 9, 12 are all 3, 10, 220, 501 are


greater than nearly divisible integers

6 100 by 3

Activity two: Bar models

Bar models are a useful way of showing lots of different problems.

For example, Leo buys 3 boxes of cookies. Each box contains 5 cookies. How
many cookies does Leo have?
A bar model for this question would look like this:

5 5 5

Let’s try another question.

Egg boxes hold 6 eggs we need to fill 5 boxes. How many eggs will we need?
It’s always worth asking: What do we know?
We know there will be 5 boxes, so we can draw out the bar below:

6 6 6 6 6

Have a go at answering the question. How many eggs will we need to fill 5 boxes?We
will need 30 eggs.

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Now let’s try something a bit more complicated…
A bag of 5 apples costs £1.50. A bag of 4 oranges cost £2.20.
How much more does one orange cost than one apple?

Remember we always ask: What do we know?

Draw a bar model to show what you know in this problem.

<-----------------Oranges £2.20-------------> <-----------------Apples £1.50--------------->

What calculation do you need to do to work out how much one orange costs?
2.20 ÷ 4

How much does one orange cost?


What calculation do you need to do to work out how much one apple costs?
1.50 ÷ 5

How much does one apple cost?


What does the question ask us to work out?

How much more does one orange cost than one apple?

What is the answer to the question?

£0.25 or 25p


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Activity three: Bar models and fractions

We can also use bar models to help us work out fraction problems.
Question: On Saturday Emma read three fifths of her book. On Sunday she read 80 pages to
finish the book. How many pages are there in Emma’s book?
Write down the first question we always ask ourselves. “What do we know?”
Draw a bar model.

80 pages

40 40 40 40 40

Now fill in how many pages each box represents. Complete all the boxes.
What does the question ask us to work out?
How many pages are there in Emma’s book?
What is the answer to the question? 200 pages

Now that you’re getting confident at using the bar model, try and use it for the questions on
the next pages. Have a go by yourself first and then discuss with the other pupils in your
group and your tutor.

For each question go through these steps:

• What do we know?
• Draw a bar model.
• Add information to the bar model.
• What does the question ask us to work out?
• What is the answer to the question?

Books are 25p each at a car sale.

Will wants to buy 12 books.
He only has £2.35.
How much more money does Will need? (Remember to use your steps)

25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p 25p

Total cost = £3 or 300p

Will needs 3 – 2.35 more =£ 0.65 or 65p more


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Alice buys 2 apples and 3 pears.
She spent £1.59 altogether.
Apples cost 24p each.

How much does one pear cost? (Remember to use your steps)


Apple Apple Pear Pear Pear

24p 24p 37p 37p 37p

Apples cost 48p in total

Three pears cost 1.59 – 0.48 = £1.11
One pear costs 1.11 ÷ 3 = 0.37 or 37p

Large pizzas cost £8.50 each.

Small pizzas cost £6.75 each.
Five children together buy one large pizza and three small pizzas.
They share the cost equally.

How much does each child pay? (Remember to use your steps)


Large pizza Small pizza Small pizza Small pizza

8.50 6.75 6.75 6.75


Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5


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Adam buys three packets of crisps.
He pays with a £2 coin.
This is his change.

What is the cost of one packet of crisps? (Remember to use your steps)
Change adds up to 50 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 95p
Adam spent £2 – 0.95 = £1.05


1 packet of crisps 1 packet of crisps 1 packet of crisps

Each packet of crisps costs 1.05 ÷ 3 = 0.35 or 35p.

A shop sells fruit.

Nargis buys two apples and three bananas.
She pays £2.35.
Rebecca buys two apples and one banana.
She pays £1.25.
How much does one banana cost? (Remember to use your steps)

---------------------------------------- Nargis £2.35 ------------------------------------------

Apple Apple Banana Banana Banana

£2.35 – 1.25 = £1.10 (this is the cost of 2

-----Rebecca £1.25 ---- bananas)
Apple Apple Banana One banana 1.10 ÷ 2 = 0.55 (One banana costs
£0.55 or 55p)

You could ask pupils how much an apple costs and how they would check their
answer (they could check they get £2.35 and £1.25 when they substitute back in the
cost of a banana 55p and cost of an apple (£2.35 – (0.55 x 3) = £2.35 – 1.65 = 0.7,
one apple costs 0.7 ÷ 2 = £0.35).


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Can you write your own question that you can use bar models to answer? (Hint: try and
start with an answer and work backwards.)

Once you’ve finished, swap with another pupil or challenge your tutor to answer it.

Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Keyword Draw Understand Bar model Question Steps Answer

E.g. I can link question and steps. I have learnt that questions
Today I can have lots of steps.

This will help ___________________________________________________________


How confident am I at understanding questions?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour, mark
how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!


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Checking your work
About this skill
Sometimes when we work out an answer, we’re so happy that we forget to check
whether we’ve actually answered the question or if it makes sense.
In this session we will look at things to be aware when checking your work, so that you
can become better at spotting any mistakes you’ve made.

Introduction to the topic

We all make mistakes sometimes, but are all mistakes the same?

Here are some examples of mistakes that people have made:

• I left a toy on the floor and when I stood on it later it broke.
• I wore socks that didn’t match.
• I pronounced a word wrong (a lot of people weren’t sure how to say Hermione from
Harry Potter until they heard someone else say it).
• I spelt something wrong.

Discuss with your group when you have made a mistake in the past. How do you feel
when you make a mistake? Why did you make the mistake?
Some reasons we might make mistakes are:
• I forgot something.
• I didn’t know how to do something.
• I wasn’t concentrating.

So, we can see that not all mistakes are the same!

We want to avoid ‘sloppy’ mistakes (those we make when we’re not concentrating) and
learn from ‘stretch’ mistakes (mistakes we make when we’re trying something new).

Discuss with your tutor when you are most likely to make ‘sloppy’ mistakes. What
can you do to avoid this?


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Activity one

Imagine you’ve finished a test with 10 minutes to spare. You know that your teacher will
tell you to check your work, so you turn to the front of the paper and start looking over
the questions again.

You come across this question which you have answered:

- 764
Discuss the following questions with your Here the pupil has found the
tutor: difference between the two numbers
but not subtracted one from the
• What would you check specifically?
other. They might not understand
• Can you see any mistakes that have been
how to take from the column to the
• How did you spot the mistake?
• Why do you think this mistake was made?

The next question you come across is:

3.4 + 0.05 = 3.9

Discuss the following questions with your With decimal addition it’s important to
tutor: align the numbers. It can be helpful
to align the decimal point. In this
• What would you check specifically?
example they haven’t. They should
• Can you see any mistakes that have been
have got the answer 3.45.
• How did you spot the mistake?
• Why do you think this mistake was made?

The next question is:

Calculate the perimeter of the following shape: 250cm

Answer: 250+6 = 256m 6m


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Discuss the following questions with your There are two errors. Firstly, the
tutor: pupil has not converted 250cm to
2.5m, or 6m to 600cm. Secondly,
• What would you check specifically?
they have only added two sides. With
• Can you see any mistakes that have been
perimeter questions it is always good
to label all the sides of the shape
• How did you spot the mistake?
before adding them together.
• Why do you think this mistake was made?

Activity two

When you have got an answer, you can look back to the question to ‘sense
check’ your answer. There are a few of things you can look out for:
• Does this answer seem reasonable? Especially if you are
calculating an average of something e.g. shoe size.
• Is there a number in the question that I would expect my answer
to be bigger or smaller than?

Below are a series of questions with answers. Without working out the question, mark
the questions correct or incorrect.
Give a reason for the way you have marked. For example:

Question Answer:
A local primary school is planning a 50
superhero themed party. They’ve ordered
3 boxes of party hats. Each box has 150
How many hats do they have in total?

Correct or incorrect? Why?

Incorrect The answer is lower than the number of
hats in each box.


Question Answer:
9 3 12

11 11 11

Correct or incorrect? Why?

Incorrect Their answer is bigger than the original


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Question Answer:
There were 32 boys and 13 girls in a 6
school football team. They want to play 5
a-side football. How many teams can they

Correct or incorrect? Why?

Incorrect 5 x 6 = 30 which is less than only the boys.


Question Answer:
740 + _______ = 1,039 1,779

Correct or incorrect? Why?

Incorrect 1,779 is bigger than 1,039 but you are
adding it to 740 so it must be smaller than

Question Answer:
Wilf cuts 4 metres of ribbon into three 1.07
pieces. The length of the first piece is
1.28m. The length of the second piece is
Work out the length of the third piece.

Correct or incorrect? Why?

Correct If you estimate 1.3 + 1.7 + 1 = 4


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Question Answer:
Look at the number 523,894. Digit Value
5 500,000
Complete the gaps to show the value of
2 20,000
each digit. One has been done for you. 3 3,000
Digit Value 8 8,000
5 500,000 9 900
2 4 4
Correct or incorrect? Why?
Incorrect The 8 cannot be 8,000 as it is bigger in
value than the 3,000 even though it is in
the hundreds column, not the thousands

Activity three

Below are a series of questions where pupils usually make a lot of mistakes.
Before you try to answer the questions, discuss as a group what mistakes you might
make. Think carefully about how you can avoid them.

Calculate the amount of the grid shaded. 24%

24 12 6
Write as a fraction, decimal and percentage. = =
100 50 25
Types of mistakes: 0.24
Miscounting number of total squares.
Not dividing by 100 accurately to calculate the decimal value.
Getting the numerator and denominator the wrong way round.

A zoo is looking after baby animals. The zookeepers weigh the animals to check
they are healthy and growing. They record the weights in a table.
Complete the gaps in the table, converting from g to kg.


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Animal Weight in g Weight in kg and g Weight in kg
Owl 55g 0 kg 55g 0.055kg
Penguin 315g 0kg 315g 0.315kg
Tiger 1,610g 1kg 610g 1.61kg
Giraffe 18,500g 18kg 500g 18.5kg
Monkey 1,300g 1kg 300g 1.3kg
Types of mistakes:
Getting confused at whether they should multiply or divide by 1,000.
Getting confused about whether it’s 10, 100 or 1,000 to multiply or divide by.

What is the finishing time for each of these shows?

Show Start time Duration Finishing time

Swimming with Penguins 11:00 am 1 hour 12:00 pm
Flying with Eagles 1:00 pm 50 minutes 1:50 pm
Swinging with Monkeys 2:30 pm 45 minutes 3:15 pm
Singing with Tropical birds 3:15 pm 35 minutes 3:50 pm
Types of mistakes:
Miscalculating the time by trying to add the whole time at once rather than in chunks.
Confusing am and pm for 12.

Here are four digit cards: Types of mistakes:

Confusing factors and
7 5 2 1 multiples.
Thinking a squared
number is a number
Choose two cards each time to make the following two-digit multiplied by 2 rather
numbers. than multiplied by
The first one is done for you. itself.

An even number
5 2

A multiple of 9 2 7 or 7 2


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A square
2 5

A factor of 96 1 2

Here is part of a number line.

What is the value of X? 125 125
What is the value of Y? -75

Types of mistakes: 25
Not calculating the gaps on the scale correctly.
Getting confused with negative numbers.
Misaligning the numbers to the scale and reading
off the wrong thing. 75

Fill in the gaps below:
1cm = _____10_______ mm
1m = _____100_______ cm
1km = ____1000______ m
1m = _____1,000_____ mm
1km = ___100,000____ cm
Think of a square with sides 1m long. What would the area be? Give your answer in cm 2


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Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Mistake Check Rough Sum Round Answers

E.g. I can link mistake and check and answers. Mistakes

Today I happen when we don’t check our answers.

This will ___________________________________________________________

help me:

How confident am I at checking my answers?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!


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When will I use maths?
About this skill
Maths is an important subject to learn because it can be used in many ways! For
example, you can use maths to work out which items in a shop are the best value or to
understand graphs about weather and climate change.

Why will I need to use maths? To understand information!

Maths often involves collecting pieces of information, which we call data.

Examples of data you might collect could be:
• How many children are in your class? 28
• What are their heights? 1.37m, 1.45m,
• What are their favourite pizza toppings? 14 cheese, 3 ham,
11 tomato
• How many are wearing socks that don’t match? 4
It is often easier to understand this data if you make a graph or a chart.
Discuss with your tutor the types of graphs or charts that you have seen before. If you
can’t name them, describe them instead. They might have done bar charts, line graphs
or pie charts. There’s no particular right answer to this question, so let them use their
own way of explaining to tell you about their experience of graphs and charts.
A scientist wants to study temperature in a local town for ten hours. Look at the graph
below and answer the questions that follow.


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What was the highest temperature recorded on the chart? 9°C

What was the lowest temperature recorded on the chart? 4°C


State the temperate at 09:00. _______________ 8°C

At what time was it approximately 6 degrees? _______________ 06:00

Can you estimate the temperature at 01:00? _______________ 4.5°C

Complete the following table:

Time (approx.) Temperature (approx.)
00:00 am 4°C
01:00 am 4.5°C
02:00 am 4.7°C
05:00 am 5°C
06:00 am 6°C
09:00 am 8°C
Between what hours did the temperature rise the most? 08:00-
_______________ 09:00

Suggest a reason why the temperature was rising quickly at this The sun is
time. _______________ coming up.

Why will I need to use maths? To help me read timetables!

Knowing how to read timetables is going to be a very handy skill now and
in your future. Timetables are often used for buses and trains, so this
maths skill even helps you travel!
An arts company is performing shows at your local theatre. Fill in
the missing gaps in the timetable.

Performance Day Start time Duration Finishing time

Monday 7:00 pm 1 hour 8:00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm 50 minutes 1:50 pm
Wednesday 2:30 pm 45 minutes 3:15 pm
Thursday 5:30 pm 90 minutes 7:00 pm
Friday 5:15 pm 45 minutes 6:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm 75 minutes 1:15 pm
Sunday 2:30 pm 90 minutes 4:00 pm


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Which days have the longest running show? Thursday and Sunday.
Which day has the shortest running show? Wednesday and Friday.

Your school are going on a trip to a nearby farm. Use the timetable below to find
out which routes would be best.
Bus Stops Bus A Bus B Bus C Bus D
Post Office 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 11:00 am
Local+ Shop 9:40 am 9:55 am 10:10 am 11:30 am
Snack Attack Café 9:50 am 10:05 am 10:20 am -
Town Hall 10:00 am 10:15 am 10:30 am -
Rabbit Hill Farm 10:15 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 12:25 pm

If you need to arrive at Rabbit Hill Farm by 10:35, which is the latest bus you
could get?
If you want to arrive at Rabbit Hill Farm before 11:00 which buses could you get?
A, B, C
Your teacher decides you’re going to have your breakfast at Snack Attack Café
before you go to the farm. Your class needs to be at the farm for 10:30 am and
your teacher wants to allow at least 30 minutes for breakfast. Which
buses would be best to get?
Bus A to the café and then Bus C to the farm
How long does it take Bus A to get from the Local+ Shop to the
35 minutes
How many minutes is there between Bus D leaving the Post Office and arriving at
Rabbit Hill Farm?
85 minutes
Your classmate suggests you visit the Town Hall to pick up maps of the town
before you visit the farm. To ensure you get your maps by 10:20, what is the best
bus to get?
Bus A

Thinking Time! Discuss in pairs, or with your tutor, other times when you
might use maths outside of school. Jot down a few quick notes below.


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Why will I need to use maths? To read maps!
People often forget that maths is used even in the

y axis, or vertical axis

You might have used a map of your area before, and in
future you might use a map to learn your way around high
school or a new place.
To help you find a place on the map, we use coordinates.
Coordinates are made up of numbers, and they look like x axis, or horizontal axis
this: (2, 3). Co-ordinates show us where a point is on a grid.

The grid below shows the positions of some places in the local area.

The shop is at point 3 along the horizontal (x) axis

and at point 2 up the vertical (y) axis. We write this
as (3, 2).

The park has coordinates (0, 1). It is at point 0 along

the horizontal (x) axis and at point 1 up the vertical
(y) axis.

The point with coordinates (0, 0) is called the origin.

Write the coordinates of the:

Church (0,4) Pub (2,3) Post Office School (4,4)


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Imagine you are exploring a new land. You discover lots of new places and plot
them on a map.

Which locations have the following coordinates?

(2,4) Hilltop (6,3) Lake View (0,2) Westside

What are the coordinates of South Walk and Cliff Point? (6,0) and (8,4)

You discover two new places. Plot ‘Water’s Edge’ at (9,1) and a new destination
of your choice at (4,2). Perhaps you could name it after yourself! Label these two
new places on the graph. See answers on map


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Why will I need to use maths? To cook!

When you’re cooking, you work with a lot of different measurements and you need to
know how much of each ingredient to use.

A recipe for one sponge cake contains the following ingredients:

• 3 eggs
• 160g butter
• 200g flour
• 110g sugar

How much of each ingredient would you need to make four sponge cakes?

Eggs: 12 eggs (3x4) Butter: 640g (160x4)

Sugar: 440g (110x4) Flour: 800g (200x4)

You have 20 eggs and unlimited butter, sugar, and flour. How many sponge
cakes can you make?

3 eggs per cake.

Write down multiples of 3:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21.
There are not enough eggs for 7 cakes
(21) so we could make 6 cakes. ____________________________6 cakes


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Look back at the question on timetables. Create your own timetable questions for
your partner. Use the instructions below.
Quickly draw your own timetable for a performance, film, bus, or train company.
Use the timetables we have given you as an example.
Do the maths yourself, i.e. if your film starts at 3pm and lasts for two hours, it will
finish at 5pm.
Quickly re-draw your timetable but leave one of the sections empty and ask your
partner to work out the missing information!

Use the following key words to summarise today’s session to your tutor:

Useful Timetables Information Understand

Estimate Money Maths

E.g. I can link timetables and information together. I learnt

Today I practised: that timetables have lots of information in.

This will help me: ___________________________________________________

How confident am I at using maths in different situations?

Use the scale below to mark how confident you feel with this topic. In another colour,
mark how confident you think you will feel in three weeks’ time.
1 = not confident at all
5 = fairly confident
10 = super confident!


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My Skills Toolbox
Throughout the course of this workbook you have explored a variety of skills with your
tutor and added lots of tips and techniques to your own personal ‘skills toolbox’ inside
your brain. This means that when you start Year 6 you will be well prepared and ready to
Symbols, colours, and pictures can help us to remember things. In the space below,
draw some pictures or symbols to help you remember the skills you’ve explored! You
might want to add key words, phrases, hints, tricks or numbers.


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Section two


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Athletes, and people who play sport, warm up their bodies. Musicians warm up their
instruments. Mathematicians need to warm up their brains! Have a go at some of these
quick arithmetic sections to get you warmed up. Don’t worry if you need a bit of help...
remember that mistakes help us to learn.

Once you have completed these in your sessions you could even have a go at making up
your own or make some up for your tutor and see if they get it right!

Only spend 10 minutes on these – if you don’t finish a section come back to it in your next
tutoring session. Use any space on the page if you need to write anything down or use
some spare paper. You might be able to do some of them in your head.

Arithmetic practice 1 Arithmetic practice 2

Addition practice - Column Method Addition of decimals- Column Method

a) 134 + 62 = 196 a) 23.6 + 14.3 = 37.9

b) 295 + 426 = 721 b) 45.6 + 12.3 = 57.9

c) 1075 + 503 = 1,578 c) 143.7 + 42 = 185.7

d) 245 + 3467 = 3,712 d) 87.6 + 56.7 = 144.3

e) 814 + 15 + 47 = 876 e) 64.76 + 25.81 = 90.57


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Arithmetic practice 3 Arithmetic practice 4

Subtraction practice Subtraction practice

Try to do these in your head. If you Complete these using column method.
can’t, consider using a number line. Don’t forget to line up those columns!

a) 50 - 30 = 20 a) 265 – 24 = 241

b) 100 – 75 = 25

b) 572 – 51 = 521

c) 65 – 40 = 25

c) 364 – 235 = 129

d) 130 – 90 = 40

e) 280 – 245 = 35
d) 1784 – 895 = 889

f) 1000 – 200 = 800

e) 2540 – 999 = 1541

g) 1500 – 600 = 900


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Arithmetic practice 5 Arithmetic practice 6

Subtraction practice - decimals Times tables practice

Complete these using column Complete these as quickly as you can.

method. Don’t forget to line up those Use your fingers if you need to.
columns and decimal places! Remember, times tables are just
counting on!

a) 56.7 – 12.3 = 44.4 a) 4 x 5 = 20

b) 6 x 2 = 12

b) 68.9 – 56.7 = 12.2 c) 3 x 7 = 21

d) 5 x 9 = 45

c) 168.5 – 132.2 = 36.3 e) 8 x 4 = 32

f) 6 x 6 = 36

d) 4637.7 – 356.4 = 4281.3 g) 11 x 4 = 44

h) 12 x 3 = 36

e) 36.86 – 23.42 = 13.44 i) 7 x 4 = 28


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Arithmetic practice 7 Arithmetic practice 8

Multiplication practice Division practice

Complete these using short Complete these using short division

multiplication method. method.

a) 23 x 4 = 92 a) 488 ÷ 4 = 122

b) 17 x 5 = 85 b) 723 ÷ 3 = 241

c) 32 x 3 = 96 c) 760 ÷ 5 = 152

d) 72 x 6 = 432 d) 164 ÷ 3 = 54 r 2

e) 94 x 5 = 470 e) 817 ÷ 8 = 102 r 1


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Arithmetic practice 9 Arithmetic practice 10

Mixed practice Mixed practice

a) 4 x 5 = 20 a) 3 x 6 = 18

b) 25 ÷ 5 = 5 b) 88 ÷ 8 = 11

c) 50% of 800 = 400 c) 50% of 1000 = 500

d) 16 x 7 = 112 d) 372 ÷ 6 = 62

e) 1,993 + 487 = 2480 e) 367.5 + 126.3 = 493.8

f) 9312 ÷ 4 = 2328 f) 443 x 6= 2658

g) 7 x 8 = 56 g) 7,385 – 595 = 6790

h) 98.4 – 62.21 = 36.19 h) 120 ÷ 10 = 12

i) 2.4 x 100 = 240 i) 4 x 7 = 28


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Museum Visit

Did you know that museums, as well as other tourist attractions, use a lot of maths in their
everyday life? This museum has lots of amazing history and natural phenomena on show,
but they couldn’t put on these fantastic exhibitions without a bit of maths to help them. Use
your fantastic knowledge of number and place value to solve some of these museum-based
maths problems! You might even learn a thing or two about natural history at the same


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Activity 1 - Dinosaur exhibition

I am practising how to read, write and order numbers to at

least one million
Tutor challenge: On this page, ask the pupil to read all numbers aloud to practise reading
and verbalising larger numbers as pupils are often not used to reading them.

The museum has a fantastic dinosaur exhibition, showing dinosaurs from

across the different ages. For each dinosaur, you can see its name and how
long ago it was alive.

Euraptor Bellusaurus Triceraptops Diplodocus Microraptor
205,000,000 169,000,000 67,000,000 148,000,000 103,000,000
years ago years ago years ago years ago years ago

1) Put the dinosaurs in order, oldest first, using the letters provided:

Tutor tip: Discuss with the pupil why

the largest number needs to go first
__A__ __B__ __D__ __E__ __C__ – it was the longest time ago.

2) Why does the largest number need to go first? Normally, when you order
numbers, the smallest number goes first. Talk to your tutor about this.

3) The museum has a replica of a ‘Vulcanodon’ on display. It’s impressive!

The name plate tells us that it is 174,523,800 years old.
Say this number out loud – it’s tricky saying such large numbers!

Now write this number in words (use the spelling bank provided to help you if
you need it): Tricky Spelling Bank:
hundred four
One hundred and seventy-four million, five thousand eight
million seventy
hundred and twenty-three thousand, eight hundred.


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4) Look at this number again.
Digit Value
Complete the gaps opposite to
show the value of each digit. 1 100,000,000

One has been done for you:

7 70,000,000
4 4,000,000
Tutor tip: Discuss the use of commas
in large numbers. They can be helpful
for telling us when to say ‘million’ and 5 500,000
2 20,000
If the pupil struggles with this, then
practise making up some large
numbers using a place value chart
(see page 47) 3 3,000

8 800


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Activity 2 – Ancient coins
Throughout the museum, there are different artefacts on display
from many different periods of history. The graph below shows
the number of coins that the museum owns, from four different

Ancient Greece

Numbers of coins owned by
Ancient Egypt museum


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

1) Rounded to the nearest hundred, how many coins from each period
does the museum own? How do you know? Tell your tutor.

Roman 300 Ancient Egypt 200 Victorian 200 Ancient Greece 100

2) The table below shows the exact number of each coin. Rounded to the
nearest ten, how many of each coin does the museum own?

Historical Period Number of coins Rounded to nearest 10

Roman 342 340

Ancient Egypt 236 240

Victorian 195 200

Ancient Greece 104 100


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3) What advice would you give someone who was finding it difficult whether
they had to round up or down? Talk to your tutor and see if you can come up
with a rule to help you.

Tutor tip: Pupils will hopefully recognise that the digit after the
column you are rounding to follows the rule: 4 or below, round
down; 5 or above, round up.

4) In total, the museum counts up the different valuable items that they have
on display. Complete the table below to round to the nearest 10, 100 or
1000. Does your rule work every time?

Number Nearest 10 Nearest 100 Nearest 1000

Roman pottery 1624 1620 1600 2000

Ancient coins 877 880 900 1000

Items of jewellery 1450 1450 1500 1000


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Activity 3 – Roman exhibit

I am practising how to read Roman numerals

to 1000
1) The Roman exhibit has a challenge for you: Try to learn these key
Roman Numerals. Use our ‘Look, cover, write and check’ table to practice.

Look at the Roman Numeral, then cover and see if you can remember:

1 I Tutor tip: Pupils can practice

learning these by covering up the
5 V Roman numeral column and
testing themselves.
You could also quiz each other or
10 X cut out the cards at the back of the
workbook and play it like ‘snap’ or
50 L ‘pairs’.

100 C

500 D

1000 M

2) To read and write Roman numerals it is good to practice partitioning first.

Use the example box below to help you work out what numbers these are:


115 67 35

100 / two tens / 1

= 121
26 503 58


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Be careful – sometimes a smaller value Roman numeral appears before a
larger one, which means it is taken from it. For example:
XL is 10 before 50 → XL is 40
IV is 1 before 5 → IV is 4

3) Use this tip to have a go at translating these:

a) XXIV = 24 b) CXL = 140 c) CM = 900 d)XCV = 95

4) Challenge! Translate these important dates into Roman Numerals:

Queen Elizabeth is
City of Rome founded Battle of Hastings
longest reigning
in 753 BC 1066 AD
monarch in 2015


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Activity 4 – Evolution exhibition

I am practising how to compare

and order numbers with up to 3 decimal places

1) Here are some of the Museum’s finest treasures. They have all been
measured and labelled.
1.1cm 0.9cm 1.5cm 1.7cm 0.7cm
Order them, starting with the shortest.
Answer: 0.7cm, 0.9cm, 1.1cm, 1.5cm, 1.7cm

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

2) The evolution exhibition shows models of the different stages of human

evolutions, but someone has muddled up the display! Using the height
information below, put them in order, shortest first, using the letters.

Model A: 1.47m Model B: 1.75m Model C: 1.21m Model D: 1.54m

Answer: C A D B
______ ______ ______ ______

3) Sam and Alex are discussing two other models in the display.
Model E: 1.2m Model D: 1.20m

Sam says, “They are the same height”.

Alex says, “D is taller because it has two decimal places.
Who is correct and why?

Answer: Sam is correct. The numbers are both equal. In both cases,
there are 0 hundredths.


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4) An information board shows the weights of different mammals.
Complete the boxes by using the symbols: < or > or =

Deer Wolf Leopard Puma

68.35 kg 38.55 kg 38.452 kg 68.350 kg

a) Deer > Wolf b) Leopard < Puma

c) Puma = Deer d) Wolf > Leopard


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Activity 5 – Gift shop

I am practising how to
add and subtract decimals
Here is the price guide for the museum’s gift shop.
Use it to answer the questions below.

Mementos Replicas Soft toys

Pencil ~ £0.75 Fossil ~ £5.99 Dinosaur

Rubber ~ £0.50 Roman Coin ~ £1 Whale £2.50

Polar bear each
Notebook ~ £2.50 Ostrich Egg ~ £11.99
Keyring ~ £2

2.00 + 1.00 + 2.50 = 5.50

1) Emily buys a keyring, Total = £5.50
a roman coin and a Encourage pupil to use column method, line up
whale toy. How much decimal place, and use zero place holders where the
amount is a whole pound, to ensure they don’t
does she spend? miscalculate.
Show your working in the box →

2) Joe wants to buy a 5.99 + 0.75 + 2.50 = 9.24

fossil, a pencil and a 10.00 – 9.24 = 76p change
notebook. How much Encourage use of column method and zero place
change would receive if holders.
he pays with a £10 Both steps must be shown. The second step could
be calculated with subtraction column method or by
note? counting from 9.24 up to 10 on a number line.
Show your working in the box →


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3) Olivia buys two items.
She pays with a £20 20 – 7.01 = 12.99
note and receives £7.01 Only two items to make this amount is an Ostrich Egg
Replica (£11.99) with a Roman Coin (£1)
change. Which two
items did she buy? Again, subtraction column method or number line.
Show your working in the box → Number line is better for some children where a sum
will need lots of ‘borrowing’.

4) If you could visit the

gift shop with £20, what
would you buy and how
Pupil’s own answer here.
much change would you


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Activity 6 – Museum curators

I am practising how to
estimate by using rounding
The museum curators want to make a record of artefacts in the
different exhibits.
1) Use your rounding skills to estimate the number of each item, to the
nearest 100, and then add your answers to complete the sentences
a) There are 104 butterflies and 87 bees.
Altogether, there are roughly _______ insects on display.

b) There are 242 rocks and 178 precious stones.

Altogether, there are roughly _______ stones on display.

c) There are 464 mammals, 162 birds and 70 reptiles.

Altogether, there are _______ creatures on display.

2) In the same way, solve these problems by rounding to the nearest whole
pound (£1):
a) In the café, Rob spends £2.75 and Julie spends £3.05. Estimate how
much they spent together ____________
3 + 3 = £6

b) The café makes £389.75 on Saturday and £280.45 on Sunday. Estimate

390 + 280 = £670
their total profit on this weekend ____________

c) In the school holidays, on average, the museum makes £499.60 a day

from ticket sales. Estimate the total amount they would make in a week.
500 x 7 = £3500


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3) Match up each sum with its estimated answer below. Use rounding to the
nearest ten to help you.

27 + 58 112 + 28 163 – 59 147 – 32

30 + 60 = 90 110 + 30 = 140 160 – 60 = 100 150 – 30 = 120

100 140 120 90


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Superheroes make great stories! But even superheroes have to practise their maths at times!


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Activity 1 – Superhero party

I am practising how to solve

problems using multiplication and division

A local primary school is planning a superhero themed party.

1) Find out how many of each item the organisers order.

a) 3 boxes of party hats b) 4 bags of balloons

160 per 85 per

box bag

480 340
________ party hats ________ balloons

c) 6 packets of streamers d) 8 boxes of silly string

40 per 35 per
packet box

240 280
________ streamers ________ silly string

2) Balloons are tied in groups of 9. How many groups can be made from…
a) 36 balloons? b) 45 balloons? c) 117 balloons?
36 ÷9 = 4 45 ÷9 = 5 117 ÷ 9 = 13
4 groups 5 groups 13 groups


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3) The school needs to order food for everyone. If 450 children are expected
at the party, how many boxes of each food need to be ordered, so that
everyone gets at least one of each item?

Cakes – box of 20 Hot dogs – box of 15 Pizzas – box of 4

450 ÷ 20 = 22 r 10 450 ÷ 15 = 30 450 ÷ 4 = 112 r 2

Round up to 23 boxes So 30 boxes Round up to 113

Tutor tip: Encourage use of short division here. Discuss that in order for everyone to have one
of each item, the remainders need to be rounded up to an extra box. Extra task: Encourage
children to check their answers using the inverse (short multiplication method):
a) 23 x 20 = 460 cakes b) 30 x 15 = 450 hot dogs c) 113 x 4 = 452 pizzas


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Activity 2 – Marvellous colours

I am practising multiples and factors

1) Match up (draw lines) the definition with the mathematical word:

Multiple We can multiply these to get a number.

Factor This is what we get when we multiply a number by

another number.

2) Three superheroes are trying to colour the most multiples. Superman

chooses the 3x table; Iron Man chooses the 7x table; Wonder Woman
chooses the 5x table.

Colour Superman’s
multiples in blue

Colour Iron Man’s

multiples in red

Colour Wonder
Woman’s multiples
in yellow
Tutor tip:
Ask if they notice any patterns in
the colouring. E.g. Evens, odds,
5s are in two straight lines, etc.
Why are some numbers coloured
in more than once? Lots of
numbers are in more than one
times table.


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3) Thor says: 52 is a multiple of 4.
Hulk disagrees with him: It can’t be a multiple of 4 because the 4 x table
finishes at 4 x 12 = 48.

Help Hulk understand why Thor is right...explain your answer below:


52, 56, 60, 64

What are the next 4 multiples of 4, after 12 x 4 = 48? ___ ___ ___ ___


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Activity 3 – Comic books

I am practising multiplying and

dividing whole numbers and
decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

1) A superhero comic book uses 10 sheets of paper. How many sheets are
needed for: a) 15 copies? 15 x 10 = 150 Tutor tip: Avoid the
misconception of ‘you just add a
b) 21 copies? 21 x 10 = 210 zero on the end’. Rather, explain
that when a number gets 10 x
c) 37 copies? 37 x 10 = 370 bigger, all the digits move up one
place. So, a unit becomes a ten,
a ten becomes a hundred, and
2) Write a rule for multiplying a number by 10: so on.

3) A comic book shop orders bundles of the comic book above. If each
bundle contains 10 comics, and each comic has 10 sheets, how many
sheets in:
a) 9 bundles? b) 23 bundles? c) 30 bundles?

10 (comics) x 10 (sheets) = 10 x 10 = 100 10 x 10 = 100

100 23 x 100 = 2300 30 x 100 = 3000
9 x 100 = 900

Tutor tip: Again, avoid the misconception of

4) Write a rule for multiplying by 100: ‘you just add two zeros on the end’. Rather,
explain that when a number gets 100 x
bigger, all the digits move up two places. So,
a unit jumps twice to the hundreds column,
and so on.

5) Each comic costs £1.25.

a) How much would a bundle of 10 comics cost?
£1.25 x 10 = £12.50


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b) How much would ten bundles cost?

£1.25 x 100 = £125 or

Use previous answer – a bundle is £12.50. £12.50 x 10 = £125

6) The shop buys in a new comic. They spend £14.50 on a bundle of ten.
How much would one comic cost?
£14.50 / 10 = £1.45 Notice, when we divide the digit jump the other way.


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Activity 4 – Spider-sense

I am practising recognising prime numbers

Help Spider-man with his Maths homework – prime numbers!

1) On the number square below, shade all your times tables in.
Except – do not colour in the first of each. For example, for the two times
table, don’t colour in 2 (the first one) but colour in all the multiples.

Start with your 2x and 5x.

Then colour your 3x, 7x and
Discuss with your tutor why
you don’t need to worry about
shading your 6x 8x 9x 12x
Tutor tip:
6x, 9x, 12x all covered by the
3x table, as these are
multiples of 3.
10 x covered by 2x or 5x.
4x, 8x covered by 2x.

Look at what you’re left with. You should have some numbers that haven’t been
shaded. These are PRIME NUMBERS. A prime number can only be divided evenly by
only itself and 1. The first seven prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17.

Use your understanding to answer these questions:

a) Find two prime numbers that add up to 20. _______ and _______
17 and 3 or 13 and 7
b) Solve this number sentence using prime numbers:
100 - __23___ = 77
c) Write your own number sentence using prime numbers: Pupil’s own


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Activity 5 – Super squares

I am practising recognising square numbers

Superman is on a mission, but he needs to revise square numbers first.

Square numbers are easy to remember because they make a square!
Remember, the properties of a square are that all sides are the same length.

So, 1 is the first square number Instead of writing

because 1 x 1 = 1 1 x 1, we can use 12

So, 2 x 2 is 22
4 is the second square number
because 2 x 2 = 4
and 3 x 3 is 32

__9__ is the third square number

because 3 x 3 = _9___
Draw out the next three square numbers below and complete the sentences.
One set of sentences has been done for you:

4 x 4 = 16 5 x 5 = _____ __ x __ = ___
42 = 16 2
5 = ____ ___= ____
16 is the fourth square ____ is the fifth square ____ is the sixth square
number number number

Superman’s mission is to save all the planets named after a square number.
Tick all the planets he must fly to. Answer: 4, 25, 16, 81, 100

4 25 20 81
12 6 19 100

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Activity 6 - Logos

I am practising how to write

percentages as fractions and decimals

1) There are some new superheroes in town! They have been designing
their own logos for their suits. For each superhero, find the percentage,
fraction and decimal coloured in. Each design has been completed on a
hundred square. The first one has been done for you.
‘Add Girl’ ‘Minus-Man’ ‘Multiply-Master’ ‘Division-diva’

28 % ____% 16% ____% 40% ____% 24%

28/100 ____ /100 16/100 ____ /100 40/100 ____ /100 24/100
0.28 _____ 0.16 _____ 0.40 _____ 0.24

2) What kind of superhero would you be?

What superpowers would you have?
What would your name be?
Here is a hundred square. Design your own logo and complete the
percentage, fraction and decimal to the side.

Percentage coloured in:

Fraction coloured in:

Decimal coloured in:

Pupil’s own answer here.


© Action Tutoring 2018

Animal Park

Welcome to the Animal Park. This place was created to look after and protect endangered
species, as well as allow visitors to learn about the wonderful wildlife on our planet.
Planning and creating an animal park involves an awful lot of careful thinking – and lots of
maths! See if you can help our Park Rangers keep the Animal Park going.


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Activity 1 – Job for a park ranger

I am practising how to calculate

perimeters of rectangles and composite shapes

1) Calculate the perimeter of these animal enclosures.

a) b) c)
3m 7m

6m 5m ?m

What’s the length of

3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 18m 5 + 5 + 2 ½ + 2 ½ = 15m the missing sides?
Perimeter of a = _____ Perimeter of b = _____ Perimeter of c = 20m
20 – 7 – 7 = 6
6 / 2 = 3m
2) The Park Ranger needs to put fencing around these two enclosures.
Calculate how much fencing he needs.

3m 4m 4m
a) b)
3m 3m
10m 6m 4m 6m
8m 12m

10 + 8 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 3 = 36m 12+6+4+3+4+3+4+6 = 42m

Encourage children to label every side. Use other sides to give them clues
as to what the un-labelled sides are. Usually questions like this won’t be to
scale, so children have to work out missing lengths rather than measure.


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3) Choose an animal and design your
own enclosure. Draw it, imagining that Pupil’s own answer. Chance to
practise measuring accurately using
1cm on your ruler is 1m in real life.
ruler. Could do on separate paper if
they want to draw a larger
Once you have drawn it accurately,
using a ruler, calculate how much Encourage pupil to label every side.
fencing you will need. Remember you
are working to scale. In this case, 1cm
= 1m.


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Activity 2 – It’s a sign

I am practising how to calculate the

area of rectangles in cm2 and m2

1) Using the squares on the grids below, count the area of each animal
enclosure sign. You are working to scale, so imagine 1 square = 1m2
a) b) c)

Giraffes Elephants

6 x 4 = 24m2 3 x 7 = 21 m2 5 x 6 = 30m2

Rather than counting squares, you may have realised that to calculate the
area of a rectangle or square, you multiply the length by the width. Have a
look again at the three examples above and see if this works...hopefully you
have proved that it does!

2) These enclosures are not drawn on a grid and are not drawn to scale. Use
our formula (Area = length x width) to calculate the area of these:

a) b) c)


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Area = __55___m2 Area = __54___m2 Area = __56___m2

Challenge: Answer:
Can you draw two There are three
different rectangles, choices of rectangle:
which have the same
12 x 1
area of 12 squares?


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Activity 3 -Wingspan

I am practising converting
metric units of length (mm – cm - m)

1) The Animal Park has various information boards next to enclosures, to

give visitors information about the animals. Below is a board all about the
size of birds’ wings.

Eagles Owls Kites

Bald Eagle 1m 82cm Tawny Owl 95 cm Red Kite 175 cm
Golden Eagle 2m 25cm Barn Owl 85 cm Black Kite 155 cm
Harpy Eagle 2m Snowy Owl 45 cm Whistling Kite 130cm

a) Write, in centimetres, the wingspan of each Eagle:

Bald Eagle Golden Eagle Harpy Eagle

182cm 225cm 200cm

b) Write, in metres and centimetres, the wingspan of each Kite:

Red Kite Black Kite Whistling Kite

1m 75cm 1m 55cm 1m 30cm

c) Write, in metres, the wingspan of each Owl:

Tawny Owl Barn Owl Snowy Owl

0.95m 0.85m 0.45m


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d) Which bird has the longest wingspan? __Golden Eagle___________

Which bird has the shortest wingspan? ___Snowy Owl_________

2) Match the lengths of each owl’s feet with the correct millimetre

3cm 2.5cm 2.1cm 2.8cm

21mm 25mm 28mm 30mm


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Activity 4 – Animal medication

I am practising converting metric measures of

mass and volume (kg – g and L – ml)

The Park’s Animal Care Team need to measure animals’ medicine really
accurately. They have to know the difference between millilitres and litres,
grams and kilograms. Complete the sentences:

There are _______ml in 1 litre. 1000ml

There are _______g in 1 kilogram. 1000g

1) A jug holds 1Litre A cup holds 200ml A spoon holds 5ml

a) David gives a poorly penguin 30ml of medicine. How many spoonfuls is

this? How do you know?
6 because there are 6 lots of 5ml in 30ml.

b) If Susan needs to give the ill tiger 800ml of medicine, what measure
should she use and how many? Why?
She should use cups – Jug is too much and spoon too small.
4 cups because 4 x 200ml = 800ml

c) If the Animal Care team need 3000ml of medicine, how many jugs would
they need to order?
3 jugs because 1000ml = 1L so 3000ml = 3L

2) The Care Team weigh each baby animal so they can track its health
progress. a) Complete the gaps in the table, converting from g to kg.
Weight in g Weight in kg and g Weight in kg
Owl 55g 0 kg 55g 0.055kg
Penguin 315g 0kg 315g 0.315kg
Tiger 1610g 1kg 610g 1.61kg
Giraffe 18,500g 18 kg 500g 18.5kg
Monkey 1,300g 1kg 300g 1.3kg

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b) What is the combined weight of the baby owl, penguin and monkey? Give
your answer in three different ways:
55 + 315 + 1300 = 1670g or 1kg 670g or 1.67kg ____________g


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Activity 5 – Feeding time

I am practising how to convert

hours and minutes, days and weeks

1) The Animal Park has different feeding times for different animals. They
advertise these sessions so visitors can come and watch.

Penguins Monkeys Lions

9:30am – 10:00am 10:30am – 11:00am 9:45am – 10:15am
3:30pm – 4:00pm 4:15pm – 4:45pm 3:00pm – 3:45pm

a) How long do both penguin feeds last for? 30+30 =60 minutes or 1 hour

b) How long do both lion feeds last for? 30+45=75 minutes or 1hour 15mins

c) How long do all the animal feeds last for?

Penguins = 60mins Monkeys = 60mins Lions = 75mins
60 + 60 + 75 = 195 minutes or 3 hours 15mins
To convert: 60 mins = 1 hour, 120 mins = 2 hours, 180mins = 3 hours.

2) In one day, the Animal Park use 3 bags of Lion Feed. How many bags
would they need for 2 weeks?
7 days in a week, so 14 days in total.
14 x 3 = 42 bags

3) The sanctuary orders 5 tubs of fish for the penguins each week. How
many tubs would they order in a year?
52 weeks in a year.
52 x 5 = 260

4) The rangers feed the monkeys twice a day. How many times would they
feed them in one year?
365 x 2 = 730


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5) The bears are only fed once a day. In September and July, how many
times would they be fed?
Use the rhyme to help recognise that there are 30 days in September and 31
in July.
“30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31,
except for February that has 28 and 29 in each leap year”


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Activity 6 – Show time

I am practising how to read timetables

The Animal Park runs educational shows for visitors to enjoy, so they can
learn about the different animals.

1) What is the finishing time for each of these shows?

Show Start time Duration Finishing time
Swimming with Penguins 11:00am 1 hour 12:00pm
Flying with Eagles 1:00pm 50 minutes 1:50pm
Swinging with Monkeys 2:30pm 45 minutes 3:15pm
Singing with Tropical birds 3:15pm 35 minutes 3:50pm
2) The Animal Park has a mini-rail which takes visitors around the site. Use
the timetable below to answer the questions.
Bus A Bus B Bus C Bus D
Car Park 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30
Visitor Centre 9:40 9:55 10:10 10:40
Woodland Walk 9:50 10:05 10:20 -
Bird watch hide 10:00 10:15 10:30 -
Treetop trail 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:05

a) If you wanted to get to the treetop trail by 10:20, which bus would you
need to get? Bus A
b) How long does Bus B take to get to the treetop trail from the car park?
45 minutes
c) What time would you get to the woodland walk if you caught Bus C from
the car park? 10:20am
d) How long does Bus D take to get from the visitor center to the treetop
trail? 35 minutes

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Whether you are an explorer, a ship’s captain, or a dog walker, understanding grid
references, angles and directions can be very useful!


© Action Tutoring 2018

Activity 1 – Boat trip

I am practising recognising acute,

obtuse and reflex angles

Acute angle Right-angle Obtuse angle Reflex angle

Between 0-90o Exactly 90o Between 90-180o Between 180-360o

1) Below shows the route a boat took out at sea one day. Use your
protractor to identify whether the green angles are acute, right-angle, obtuse
or reflex.

Angle 3

Angle 2
Angle 4
Angle 1
Start Angle 5
Angle 6

Tutor tip: Acute angles are up to 90o; Right-angle is 90o exactly; Obtuse is
between 90o -180o; Reflex is 180o to 360o.

Angle 1 Obtuse Angle 2 Right-angle Angle 3 Reflex

Angle 4 Reflex Angle 5 Acute Angle 6 Obtuse


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2) Below are some more routes taken by other boats. Use them to answer
the following questions about the inside angles.

Route A Route B Route C

a) Which route has two obtuse angles and two acute angles? Route B

b) Which route has the most obtuse angles? Route C

c) Which route has the most acute angles? Route A


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Activity 2 – Going around in circles

I am practising how to calculate

missing angles around a point or on a straight line

1) Remember, angles around a point add up to 360o. Use this fact to find the
missing angles in these circles. Show your working below.

a) b) c)

__ o __o 13
__ 110o 105o 138o 74o
120o 103o

110 + 170 = 120+105+70= 138+103+74+13

280 295o =328
360 – 280 = 360 – 295 = 65o 360 – 328 = 32o

2) If angles in a circle add up to 360o, can you work out

how many degrees there would be in half a circle?
180o – pupils can always look at their protractor to remind them.


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3) Knowing this, calculate the missing angles (the angles marked in blue) on
these straight lines (semi-circles). Show your workings below.

a) b) c)
___o ___o


180 - 30 = 20 + 35 = 55 90 + 63 = 153
180 - 55 = 180 - 153 =
125o 27o


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Activity 3 – Map reading

I am practising how to draw angles

There are two really important things to remember when using a protractor:
1 – The centre of rotation (the centre
of your angle) must always be
measured from the centre point on
your protractor.

2 – The angle you are drawing should

be measured from 0.
Check which 0 to read from!

Look where your base line extends and read from that end. You can also
double check by thinking about what type of angle it should be (acute,
obtuse, reflex) and making sure your answer matches.

Angles are really important when map reading. Draw the following angles, so
Read around the protractor to make sure you mark the angle correctly.
the walkers know which direction to walk in. The start line has been drawn
for you, and the centre of rotation is the yellow dot. Tick the destination they
are heading for in each case.

1) Draw an angle of 25o 2) Draw an angle of 50o



Coffee shop Supermarket

Answer: Angle should point to the opticians
Answer: Angle should point to the coffee shop


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3) Draw an angle of 75o 4) Draw an angle of 15o

Lighthouse Beach



Answer: Angle should point to the lighthouse

Answer: Angle should point to the castle


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Activity 4 – A degree of accuracy

I am practising how to measure angles

If you can’t remember how to use a protractor, remind yourself by looking at

the rules we came up with on the previous page.
Our two basic rules:
1 – Match up the centre of the protractor
2 – Read the degree scale from 0

Use these rules to practise measuring the angles below.

But, before you measure them, estimate each one and write whether they
are acute or obtuse. (Remember, acute is less than 90o, obtuse is 90-180o).

Estimation - Pupil’s own answer

Type of angle – Acute

Measurement – 30o


Estimation - Pupil’s own answer

Type of angle – Obtuse

Measurement – 120o

Estimation - Pupil’s own answer

Type of angle – Acute

Measurement – 65o


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Activity 5 - Along the corridor and up the stairs

I am practising how to read

coordinates in the first quadrant

The grid below shows the positions of various features in the local area.
The shop is at point 3 along the
horizontal axis and at point 2 up the
vertical axis. We write this as (3, 2).

The park has coordinates (0, 1). It is at

point 0 along the horizontal axis and at
point 1 up the vertical axis.

The point with coordinates (0, 0) is

called the origin.

1) Write the coordinates of the:

a) Church (0, 4) b) Pub (2,3)
c) Post Office (4, 0) d) School (4, 4)


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Imagine you are exploring a new land. You discover lots of new places and
plot them on a map.

2) Which location has coordinates:

(2, 4) Hilltop (6, 3) Lake View (0, 2) Westside

3) What are the coordinates of South Walk? (6, 0) Cliff Point? (8, 4)

4) You discover two new places. Plot ‘Water’s Edge’ at (9,1) and a new
destination of your choice at (4,2) - perhaps you could name it after yourself!
Answer: Check plot points (see blue points above).


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Activity 6 – Reflect on it

I am practising how to reflect and

translate shapes on a grid

On your travels you discover a beautiful island. It has a pretty lake near the
middle, and a sandy beach on the West and East side.
1) Reflect the island in the vertical mirror line below. Use coloured pencils so
you can reflect the colours too.

2) Once you settle into the island, you decide to move a few things around.
Translate (move) the items on the grid below, according to the instructions.
(Be careful to keep the shapes exactly the same size and shape!)

a) Translate your boat 3 squares to the right and 2 squares down.

b) Translate your shelter 2 squares to the left and 3 squares up.


© Action Tutoring 2018

Junior Tax Facts

Starter activity

Write down in words the number £537,000,000,000.

Five hundred and thirty-seven billion. The pupils may struggle with knowing it is a billion
– encourage them by asking what we call it when there are two zeroes, three, four etc.

This is the total amount of tax collected in 2015-16 by Her Majesty’s Revenue and
Customs (HMRC).

The government uses this money to pay for all the things the government needs to run our

job, work, business, buy, sell,

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box:
borrow, business, hobby

• job and earn money, you pay some of that money back to the
When you have a _____
government as tax.

• If you run a __________, business makes is given to the

business some of the profit the _________
government as tax.

• buy also have tax included in the price.

Some of the things you ______


© Action Tutoring 2018

Activity 1
What do taxes pay for?
Circle the things in the picture that you think taxes pay for.

Look at the different things that taxes pay for. Your tutor will give you some options of six
different ways of paying tax. Put them in order from the most important to the least
important. Write a sentence below explaining why you have put them in this order.
Cut out the cards for this at the end of this section and allow pupils to debate different
priorities. Out of these 6 the government spends the most on health. There is no right
answer, so encourage them to discuss and write what they think.

Imagine you have a job – think about all the things taxes pay for. Decide from the money
your tutor gives you how much you are going to give back to the government in tax. In real
life, the government tell you how much you have to pay.
Current tax rates:
Personal allowance up to £11,500 0%
How much did you decide to give? __________
Basic rate £11,501-£45,000 20%
Higher rate £45,001 - £150,000 40%
What is this as a percentage? _____________
Additional rate over £150,000 45%
Was it higher or lower than the actual tax rates? ______________________

Up to date tax rates can be found here: www.gov.uk/income-tax-rates/current-rates-and-allowances

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Personal allowance up to £11,500 0%
Basic rate £11,501-£45,000 20%
Activity 2
How are taxes spent?
The government has to decide how it will spend the money it collects as taxes from people
and businesses. The total amount the government spends in a year can be shown as a

100% of the money spent by the government.

1) What % does each individual section of the bar represent? __________

2) Shade to show the 20% the government spends on pensions for older people.

3) Shade to show the 18% the government spends on health: doctors and nurses,
hospitals and clinics and all the things that keep us well.

4) Shade to show the 6% the government spends on defence (the Armed Forces) to
defend our country.

5) After the government has paid for pensions for older people, health and the Armed
Forces, what % is left to pay for other things?
100-44 = 56
______________ %

6) Can you name two other things the government will need to pay for using this

(a) Any previously mentioned e.g. museums, education, roads, protecting the
countryside and fire service.
(b) _______________________________________________


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Activity 3
How are taxes spent? (Using charts)

The different things the government pays for using the money it gets from taxes can also
be shown in a pie chart.
How the government spends the money it collects as tax

Each of the numbers on the pie chart represents a percentage of the total amount, so the
government spends 20% of the money it collects as tax on pensions for older people.
Can you calculate what % of the money that comes from tax is used by the government to
pay for education – to build and run schools, pay teachers’ salaries and buy all the books
and equipment you use to learn?

Answer in %

Add up the percentages you are given:

27+20+18+15+6+3 = 89%
100 – 89
= 11%


© Action Tutoring 2018

You can also show this information as a bar chart.
Use the information shown in the pie chart to draw a bar chart, showing how the
government spends the money it collects as tax.

How the government spends the money it collects as tax

In your opinion, which do you think best presents the information about how the
government spends the money it collects as tax, a bar chart or a pie chart?
Why do you think this?


There is no correct answer, this is a useful discussion about how data can be
shown in different ways. It could be useful to discuss what you need for the different
charts to be useful e.g. an accurate scale.


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Different things taxes pay for – cut out for activity 1


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© Action Tutoring 2018

These games have been inspired by or adapted from various
sources, such as 'Nrich' online and 'Wiltshire Learning Trust'.
There are so many fun ways to practise maths – if you want
to play games at home do look some others up online.

‘Dicey dicey’

You need 1 die

1. Decide if you are playing the adding or subtracting game.
2. Take turns with your tutor to throw the dice and decide which of your cells to
fill. Throw it until you have filled all the spaces in your calculation (think
carefully about where each digit should go!)
3. Whoever has the sum closest to 1,000 wins!
Too easy? Extra challenge: Make up your own decimal, multiplication or
division version of this game with your tutor!

Fish fingers!
A simple game to practise times tables. Together, you say 'fishy, fishy fingers!'
and when you say fingers you hold up your hands with a number showing on
your fingers. Multiply the two numbers together and the first to correctly
answer the multiplication sum gets a point. Either add up points or write a
letter of 'fish fingers' until the winner has both words written!


© Action Tutoring 2018

Nice or Nasty?!
Using a 1−6 dice, or even better a 0−9 dice if you have one.
Each of you draw a set of four boxes like this:

Game 1
Take turns to roll the dice and decide which of your four boxes to fill. Do this
four times each until all your boxes are full. Read the four digits as a whole
Whoever has the larger four-digit number wins.
There are two possible scoring systems:
• A point for a win. The first person to reach 10 wins the game.
• Work out the difference between the two four-digit numbers after each
round. The winner keeps this score. First to 10,000 wins.

Game 2
Whoever makes the smaller four-digit number wins. Work out the difference
between each player's score and the loser keeps it. Play 10 times and the
player with the lowest score wins.

Game 3
Set a target to aim for. Then throw the dice four times each and work out how
far each of you is from the target number. Whoever is closer wins.
There are two possible scoring systems:
• A point for a win. The first person to reach 10 wins the game.
• Work out the difference between the 2 four-digit numbers and the target
number after each round. Keep a running total. First to 10,000 loses.


© Action Tutoring 2018

Game 4
This game introduces a decimal point. The decimal point will take up one of
the cells so this time the dice only needs to be thrown 3 times by each player.
The winner is the one closer to the target. Choose a target number.

Two possible versions:

• each player decides in advance where they want to put the decimal point
before taking turns to throw the dice.
• each player throws the dice three times and then decides where to place
the digits and the decimal point.
Scoring could be done your own way, but you could work out how far away
from your target you were, play 10 times, and the player with the lowest total

Game 5 (This is the nasty version!)

Play any of the games above. This time you can choose to keep your number
and put it in one of your cells, OR give it to your partner and tell them which
cell to put it in. You might lose a friend this way! It's really important to take
turns to start each round if this game is going to be fair.

What am I?
A simple game where you think of a number and your opponent asks
mathematical questions which can only have a yes or no answer.
E.g.: Are you an even number? Are you greater than 50? Are you a prime
number? Are you a multiple of 3?


© Action Tutoring 2018

If this is the answer, what is the question?
A simple game where instead of giving someone a question to answer, you
give them the answer and ask them to come up with as many different
questions as they can. E.g. If the answer is 20 what is the question?
This could be 4 x 5 or two-thirds of 30, 10% of 200 etc. See who can come up
with the highest number of questions or challenge yourself to include certain
mathematics in each question e.g. a fraction or percentage.

The four 4s challenge

The challenge is to make the numbers 1 to 10 using the number 4 four times
and multiplication, division, addition or subtraction.
For example, if we were trying to make the number 0 we could do 44-44 = 0. It
uses the number 4 four times.
Possible solutions
1= 44÷44 2= 4÷4 + 4÷4
3= (4 + 4 + 4) ÷ 4 4= 4 + (4 - 4) x 4
5= (4 x 4 + 4) ÷ 4 6= (4 + 4) ÷ 4 + 4
7= 4 + 4 - 4÷4 8= 4 + 4 + 4 - 4
9= 4 + 4 + 4÷4 10= (44 - 4) ÷ 4

Other numeracy activities

If you search for ‘Do Something
John Taylor’ on Google, you will
find a free eBook you can
download which has ideas of
other short numeracy activities.
An example is: Split the
numbers to complete the


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Additional Resource: Place Value Chart
Practicing reading and writing numbers up to at least one million
Use the charts below by writing in larger numbers – take note of their place














You can always make your own. Or, if you are in a test, draw this out or try to
imagine it if the number seems very big to you.


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Roman Numerals Card Game
Cut out the cards (from the pupil workbook) and use to play a game like
‘Snap’ or ‘Pairs’

1 I 100 C

5 V 500 D

10 X 1000 M

50 L 4 IV

XX 20 XV 15


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