1 Chapter 1 - Introduction
1 Chapter 1 - Introduction
1 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Introduction
• In 1960, embedded system was first used for developing Apollo Guidance Sys
tem by Charles Stark Draper at MIT.
• In 1965, Auto-netics, developed the D-17B, the computer used in the Minutem
an missile guidance system.
• In 1968, the first embedded system for a vehicle was released.
• Texas Instruments developed the first microcontroller in 1971.
• In 1987, the first embedded OS, VxWorks, was released by Wind River.
• Microsoft's Windows embedded CE in 1996.
• By the late 1990s, the first embedded Linux system appeared.
• The embedded market reach $140 billion in 2013.
• Analysts are projecting an Embedded market larger than $40 billion by 2030.
Characteristics of an Embedded System
Characteristics of an Embedded System
Real-Time - Embedded system must meet various timing and other constraints.
They are imposed on it by the real-time natural behavior of the external world.
Flexibility - It's building systems with built-in debugging opportunities which allow
s remote maintenance.
For example, you are building a spacecraft which will land on another
planter to collect various types of data and send collected detail back to us. If this
spacecraft went insane and lost the control, we should be able to make some
important diagnostic. So, flexibility is vital while designing an embedded system.
What is Microprocessor?
• A microprocessor is a single chip semiconductor device.
• Its CPU contains a program counter, an ALU a stack pointer, working register,
a clock timing circuit.
• It also includes ROM and RAM, memory decoder, and many serial and
parallel ports.
Architecture of the Embedded System
Sensor - Sensor helps you to measures the physical quantity and converts it to a
n electrical signal. It also stores the measured quantity to the memory. This signal
can be ready by an observer or by any electronic instrument such as A2D convert
Processor & ASICs - This component processes the data to measure the output
and store it to the memory.
Application-specific integrated circuit (ASICs) - An application-specific integra
ted circuit is an integrated circuit chip customized for a particular use, rather than
intended for general-purpose use.
Actuator - An actuator allows you to compare the output given by the D-A convert
er to the actual output stored in it and stores the approved output in the memory.
Types of Embedded System
The embedded systems are classified into four segments according to
their functionality and application area.
• Examples: Microwave Oven, the digital wristwatch, mp3 player, doorbell, calculator
Types of Embedded System
Real-Time Embedded Systems
• A real-time embedded system performs the task in the defined time interval.
• The time interval may vary and depends on the application.
• The real-time embedded systems are defined in two parts:
• Example: While using a microwave oven, you put the item into the oven and press
a button to start cooking. The oven responds to your input after 1-2 minutes. Even
there is the delay but it cooks well. It crosses the deadline to complete the task.
Types of Embedded System
Real-Time Embedded Systems
Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems - In this type of embedded systems, the task
must complete by a given deadline. The action performed after the given time interval
may not accept. There is a certain application where the system should respond within
the time frame.
For example, Traffic Light Controller. In the traffic light, the system should control the
ON and OFF period of the signal in a defined way. If they perform with a delay then so
me accident may happen.
Types of Embedded System
Networked Embedded Systems
• The mobile embedded systems are the most preferred in any embedded systems.
• The cell phone, mobile phone, wireless camera, personal digital assistant are the
example of it.
• The main advantage of this type of embedded systems is the wide range.
Types of Embedded System
Small Scale Embedded System
• Small-scale embedded systems are an entry-level system in which 8-bit or 16-bit
processor is used.
• The processor has very limited resources like RAM, ROM and processing speed.
• For the development of the small-scale embedded system, we need integrated
development environment(IDE) for writing the code.
• The code is generally written in assembly language or in embedded C language.
• The compiler is needed if programming in embedded C.
• Compiler compiles the C code into the Hex code. We need assembler if we are
coding in assembly language.
• And at the time of writing the code into the processor. We need a hardware device
called the programmer. That takes the hex code and write it to the ROM of the
• The small-scale embedded systems are small and can be operated with a small
Types of Embedded System
Small Scale Embedded System
• This type of embedded systems is made to perform the complex functions. The
systems have hardware and software complexity.
• In this type of systems, the speed is measure concern. So some of the software fu
nctionality is implemented into the hardware.
• There are different modules are implemented on the CPU like TCP/IP, encryption,
decryption, multiplier unit and more.
• Once the functionality is implemented into hardware the gives the better speed.
• This type of systems have some key components like graphical user interface,
communication ports like I2C, CAN, RS232, Ethernet or USB. You can see this
type of system as network router, IP camera, embedded web server.
Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Microprocessor Microcontroller
It uses functional blocks like register, ALU, timing, and control It uses functional blocks of microprocessors like RAM, timer,
units. parallels I/O, ADC, and DAC.
In Microprocessor, bit handling instruction is less, One or two Microcontroller offers many kinds of bit handling instruction.
types only.
Offers rapid movements of code and data between external Offers rapid movements of code and data in the microcontroll
memory and microprocessor. er.
Helps you to design general purpose digital computers system Helps you to design application-specific dedicated systems.
In Microprocessor system, you can decide the number of In Microcontroller system, the fixed number for memory or I/O
memory or I/O ports needed. makes a microcontroller ideal to complete the specific task.
Offers support for external memory and I/O ports, which make This type of system is lightweight and cheaper compares to
s it heavier and costlier system. the microprocessor.
External devices need more space, and their power This type of system consumes less amount of space, and
consumption is quite higher. power consumption is also very low.
Application of Embedded Systems
Following are an important application of Embedded system:
Robotic science:
• Ground Vehicles
• Drones
• Underwater Vehicles
• Industrial Robots
• Dialysis Machine
• Infusion Pumps
• Cardiac Monitor
• Prosthetic Device
Application of Embedded Systems
Following are an important application of Embedded system:
• Engine Control
• Ignition System
• Brake System
• Router
• Hubs
• Gateways
• Electronics Instruments
Application of Embedded Systems
Following are an important application of Embedded system:
Home Devices:
• TVs
• Digital Alarm
• Air Conditioner
• DVD Video Player
• Cameras
• Fuel Injection
• Lighting System
• Door Locks
• Air Bags
• Windows
• Parking Assistant System
• Anti-stealing Alarms Whippers Motion
Application of Embedded Systems
Following are an important application of Embedded system:
Industrial Control
• Robotics
• Control System
• Missiles
• Nuclear Reactors
• Space Stations
• Shuttles
Advantages of Embedded System
Here, are Pros/benefits of using Embedded System:
• https://www.guru99.com/embedded-systems-tutorial.html
• https://www.maxphi.com/types-of-embedded-systems#:~:text=Small%2Dscale
• https://www.watelectronics.com/classification-of-embedded-systems/#:~:text=