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Fall Semester 2022 ~ 23

Division of Chemistry
School of Advanced Sciences
VIT Chennai Campus

VIT-A place to learn; A Chance to grow

The instructions to be followed for the smooth conduct of the Engineering Chemistry Lab
Experiments (Fall Semester 2022-23) are given below. Your cooperation in this regard is
highly appreciated and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.
 The students are requested to print their lab manuals.
 All the experimental procedures will be made available in V-TOP portal.
 Students are advised to prepare for the week’s experiment before entering the lab.
 The experimental values should be attested by the faculty on the same day of
performing the experiment.
 The students must get their calculations evaluated before they enter the lab for the
successive experiments.
 Repetition of experiments will be permitted only for students with valid reasons
(OD/death in the family/health- issues) along with evidence signed by proctor.
 For repetition with no valid reason, the experiments will evaluated only for 5 marks. For
valid reasons with proper evidence, marks can be given as per skill value.
 Evaluation pattern for titration experiments:
Error Marks for Skill Marks for presentation Total
0-2% 6 4 10
>2-3% 5 4 9
>3-4% 4 4 8
>4% 1 4 5

 Evaluation pattern for instrument related experiments:

Error Marks for Skill Marks for presentation Total
0-3% 6 4 10
>3-4% 5 4 9
>4-5% 4 4 8
>5% 1 4 5

5. Overall internal lab marks assessment:

Total = 60 M (based on 8 regular experiments x 10 M+ Quiz on all 10 experiments 20 M) =
100 M with a weightage of 60 M)
Faculty members are strictly advised to conduct the quiz in the following pattern.
20 Questions x 0.5M=10M (minimum 2Q from each experiments)
6. FAT exam evaluation pattern:

FAT: Marks distribution = 40 M (Experiment) + 10 M (Short Procedure) = 50 M

(Weightage = 40 M).

Sl. No. Title Max.Marks Weightage

1 Determination of hardness of water sample 10 6

2 Preparation of drug intermediate 10 6

3 Thermodynamic Functions from EMF 10 6


4 Ester Hydrolysis - Kinetics 10 6

5 Potentiometric estimation of iron 10 6

6 Colorimetric estimation of Ni2+ 10 6

7 Preparation of SiO2 by sol- gel method 10 6

8 Conductometric estimation of sulphate 10 6

9 Demo experiment 1 - -

10 Demo experiment 2 - -

11 Quiz on lab experiments 20 12

Total Internal Marks 100 60

Fat Marks (To be configured) 50 40

Expt. No.: Date:

Experiment Thermodynamic functions from EMF measurements: Zinc-Copper system

To construct and to measure electromotive force (EMF) of a Daniell cell at varied

Aim concentrations of metal ions and temperatures

To determine the thermodynamic functions (∆G, ∆H and ∆S)

Problem Construction of a Daniell Cell, measurement of EMF and determination of ∆G, ∆H &
definition ∆S

The measurement of EMF will be carried out by a Potentiometer and followed by the
calculation of different thermodynamic functions through the EMF values

Students will be able to understand the construction of a Daniell cell (Zn-Cu system)
learning  To observe the influence of metal-ion concentration and temperature on the EMF
outcomes on Zn-Cu system

 To calculate the thermodynamic functions (∆G, ∆H and ∆S)

The electromotive force (EMF) of an electrochemical cell is measured by means of a
potentiometer. An electrochemical cell (Ecell) is considered as a combination of two individual
single cell-electrodes. The potential difference between the two single electrode potentials is
a measure of EMF of the cell (Ecell; Cathode-Anode/V). In order to measure the potential
difference between electrodes in contact with electrolyte containing the same cation, it is
necessary to have another electrode in contact with electrolyte of same cation, both the half-
cells connected through a salt bridge. Saturated calomel electrode (SCE; ECalomel, Eo = 0.244
V) whose potential is known, is used as a reference electrode (Anode; +ve terminal, black-
colored wire) and it is coupled with the metal electrode (Cathode, -ve terminal; red-colored
wire) for which the potential is to be determined. The substance that loses electrons is said
to be oxidized, while the one gaining electrons is reduced. Thus if a piece of zinc metal were
immersed into a solution containing copper (II) ions, zinc would be oxidized by copper (II)
ions. Zinc loses electrons and is oxidized, and the copper (II) ions gain electrons and are
reduced. We can conveniently express these processes together as a Daniel cell by the
following reactions (Figure 1):

In the Daniell cell, copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in the equimolar solution of
copper(II) sulfate and zinc(II) sulfate respectively. At the anode, zinc is oxidized as per the
following half-reaction:

Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e− (Eo = -0.760 V)

At the cathode, copper is reduced as per the following reaction:

Cu2+(aq) + 2e− → Cu(s) (Eo = +0.340 V)

The overall reaction:

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) Ecell = 0.340 – (-0.760) = 1.10 V

Figure 1: Functioning of a Daniell cell (Zn-Cu) using a salt bridge

Importance of Thermodynamic functions:

∆G: Gibbs free energy determines whether a given chemical change is thermodynamically
possible or not. The change in Gibbs free energy (∆G) is the symbol for spontaneity, and
there are two factors which can affect it: enthalpy and entropy. Enthalpy - the heat content of
a system at constant pressure. A negative ∆G means that the reactants, or initial state, have
more free energy than the products, or final state.

∆H: Measuring the change in enthalpy allows us to determine whether a reaction was
endothermic (absorbed heat, positive change in enthalpy) or exothermic (released heat, a
negative change in enthalpy.) It is used to calculate the heat of reaction of a chemical

∆S: Entropy is the measure of a system's thermal energy per unit temperature that is
unavailable for doing useful work. Entropy has been regarded as a measure of disorder or
randomness of a system. Thus when a system goes from a more orderly to less orderly
state, there is an increase in its randomness and hence entropy of the system increases.

Part-A: Determination of single electrode potentials of M/Mn+ system (EoM/Mn+) at three

different concentrations

Hg/Hg2Cl2 (s), saturated KCl (Anode)║(N/10) electrolyte of the Metal/Metal (Cathode)

From the EMF of the cell involving saturated calomel electrode and metal electrode dipped
in its solution of 0.1 M electrolyte, electrode potential of the metal electrode is readily
calculated using the standard potential of calomel electrode as Ecell (measured from
potentiometer) = EM/M+ (Cathode, V) – Ecalomel (0.244V, Anode) or EM/M+ = Ecell + Ecalomel. Ecell is
the total EMF, i.e., net voltage of the cell measured using a potentiometer. Then, the
electrode potential of the metal electrode (EoM/M+/ V) can be calculated after incorporating the
observed EM/M+ and aMn+ parameters in Nernst equation as given below:

EM/M+ = EoM/M+ + aMn+

or, EoM/M+ = EM/M+ – ln aMn+

EoM/M+ = EM/M+ – log aMn+


Reagents and solutions: Copper sulphate stock solution (0.1 M), Zinc sulphate stock
solution (0.1 M), KCl salt.

Apparatus: Digital potentiometer, copper electrode, zinc electrode, calomel electrode, 100
mL beaker, burette and standard flask

Calibrate the digital potentiometer with the help of an inbuilt battery support to display 1.018
V. The metal electrode is sensitized by dipping in a small quantity of 1:1 nitric acid containing
a small quantity of sodium nitrite until effervescence occurs. Then the electrode is washed
well with distilled water. 50 mL of the given concentration of the electrolyte solution is taken
in a beaker and its corresponding metal electrode is introduced. This is connected with the
saturated calomel electrode (half-cell) by means of a salt bridge. The metal electrode is
connected to the positive terminal of and the calomel electrode is connected to the negative
terminal of the potentiometer. The EMF of the cell (Ecell) is measured and noted in Table 1.
The standard electrode potential [E°M/M2+] is computed using Nernst equation (Eq. 1).

Table 1: EMF measured for various concentrations of M/Mn+ system

Electrode/ Concentration of Ecell (V) EM/M+ EoM/M+/V (from

Nernst Eq.1)
Electrolyte Electrolyte (N) (EMF of the cell) = Ecell + Ecalomel

Zn/Zn2+ 0.05 M

0.1 M

Cu/Cu2+ 0.05 M

0.1 M

Table 2: Individual activity coefficients of Cu2+ and Zn2+ in water at room temperature
Metal ion (Cu2+/Zn2+)
0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2
system (in M)

Activity coefficient (γc) 0.905 0.870 0.809 0.749 0.675 0.570 0.485 0.405

where, E° is the standard electrode potential of the metal electrode; aMn+ is the activity of
metal ions in the solution (aMn+ = γc[C]); γc is the activity coefficient (Table 2) and C is the
concentration of the electrolyte solution. Solution Temperature (T) = 30 °C

The potential of saturated calomel electrode (SCE) = 0.244 ± 0.0007 (30 °C)

E°M/M+ = EM/M+ – Iog [γc x C] ................Eq.1

The EMFs can be calculated by the Nernst equation (Eq.1).

Part-B: Construction of Daniell cell and measurement of its voltage with three different
concentrations of Copper and Zinc Salt Solutions:

The construction of the Daniell cell using the following concentrations of Copper and Zinc
salt solutions will be performed and the voltage of the cells will be entered into the Table 3.

Calculation of Ecell by Nernst Equation

For example, if [Zn2+] and [Cu2+] are given as 0.05 M and 0.01 M, respectively, then

[Zn2+] R = 8.314 J· K-1·mol-1;

ECell = ECello_ ln T = 303 K;
nF [Cu2+] n = 2;
F = 96500 (constant)

8.314 x 303 ln [0.05]

= 1.1 _
2 x 96500 [0.01]

= 1.1 _ 0.01305 ln

= 1.1 _ (0.01305 x 1.6094)

= 1.1 _ 0.021
ECell = 1.079 V at T = 303 K

In a similar way, Ecell values for other concentrations are to be calculated at specific

Calculation of ∆G1 (at T1 = 30 oC) and ∆G1a (at T1a = 50 oC) based on the ECell
In a similar way, ∆G2, ∆G2a, ∆G3, and ∆G3a are to be calculated from EMFs for other
metal ion concentrations.

Table 3: EMF of Daniell Cell observed (by calculation and experiment) from two different
concentrations of zinc and copper solutions

Ecell Free-energy
[Cu2+] [Zn2+] (calculated by % Error change (∆G) or
Nernst Eqn) Wmax (KJ/ mol)

At Room Temperature, T1 = 30 ºC/ 303 K

0.1 M 0.05 M

0.05 M 0.1 M

0.1 M 0.1 M

At T1a = 50 ºC/ 323 K

This value will

0.1 M 0.05 M be provided by
the lab faculty.
This value will
0.05 M 0.1 M be provided by
the lab faculty
This value will
0.1 M 0.1 M be provided by
the lab faculty

Part-C: Calculation of ∆H and ∆S at 40 ºC / 313 K based on the T1 and T1a parameters

∆G1 at 30 ºC = -191 KJ/ mol and ∆G1a at 50 ºC = -197 KJ/ mol, Then
∆G2 at 30 ºC = -195 KJ/ mol and ∆G2a at 50 ºC = -199 KJ/ mol, Then

∆G3 at 30 ºC = -206 KJ/ mol and ∆G3a at 50 ºC = -208 KJ/ mol, Then

According to the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, the ∆H can be calculated for Daniell Cell having
[Zn2+]/[Cu2+] = [0.05 M]/ [0.01 M],


In a similar way, the ∆H and ∆S for other concentrations of [Zn2+] and [Cu2+] as given in
Table-4 are to be calculated.

Table-4: Final Results: At 313 K (40 ºC)

∆S, Marks
[Cu2+] [Zn2+] ∆G, KJ/ mol ∆H, KJ/ mol
KJ⋅K−1⋅mol−1 Awarded

0.1 M 0.05 M

0.05 M 0.1 M

0.1 M 0.1 M
Expt. No.: Date:



Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in acid medium to produce acetic acid and

Problem definition
ethyl alcohol

Following chemical kinetics of the reaction through acid-base titrimetric


The formation of acetic acid in the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate will be

followed by a titration with NaOH at different time intervals.

Student learning Students will be able to calculate the rate constant of ester hydrolysis
outcomes through (pseudo) first order kinetics.

Chemical reactions and reaction rate:

Chemical kinetics is the part of physical chemistry that studies reaction rates. The reaction
rate for a reactant or product in a particular reaction is intuitively defined as how fast a
reaction takes place. Through the study of chemical kinetics, one can reasonably get an idea
as to how to alter the reaction conditions and improve the reaction rate, which is necessary
to increase the production of chemical products in the industry perspective. It will also help
us to learn how to suppress or slow down unwanted side reactions.

For a generic reaction:

A+B → C

the simple rate equation is of the form:

The concentration is usually in mol cm-3 and k is the reaction rate coefficient or rate
constant. Although it is not really a constant, because it includes everything that affects
reaction rate outside concentration: mainly temperature, ionic strength, surface area of the
adsorbent or light irradiation (in the case of photochemical reactions).

The exponents a and b are called reaction orders and depend on the reaction mechanism.
The stoichiometric coefficients and reaction orders are very often equal, but only in one step
Acid-Catalysed Hydrolysis of Methyl Esters

The hydrolysis of ester is catalyzed by either an acid or base. This can be achieved in a
number of ways. The most common method is to use a Lewis acid or Bronsted acid to form
a positively charged intermediate that is far more reactive and even mild nucleophiles such
as water will react.

To determine the rate constant of the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate using an acid as a catalyst
and to understand the order and molecularity of the reaction
The hydrolysis of an ester occurs according to the equation:


The following rate equation is applicable to the above reaction:

Rate  [Ester] [H2O]

Since [H2O] remains constant,

 dc
Rate =  k '1 [ Ester ]

where ‘c’ represents concentration of the ester at any time t; k’1 is the specific velocity
constant. As the reaction progresses, the accumulation of acetic acid increases. Drawing a
known volume of the reaction mixture at known regular intervals of time and titrating it
against standard sodium hydroxide solution will indicate the increase in acetic acid

The acid hydrolysis of ester is a first-order bimolecular reaction, and the reaction follows
pseudo first order kinetics. This is because the amount of water is in large excess so that its
concentration does not change significantly to alter the reaction rate. The reaction goes
practically to completion (the equilibrium shifts to the right) and the rate is first order with
respect to the ester.

Reagents and solutions: Ethyl acetate, 0.5N HCl, 0.2N NaOH, Phenolphthalein indicator,
Apparatus: Burette 50mL, Pipettes-5mL, 10mL, Conical flasks, Wash bottle Reaction bottle
Exactly 100 mL of 0.5N-hydrochloric acid solution are taken in a 250 mL clean reaction
bottle and exactly 5 mL of the ester is added to it. Zero time is noted when half the volume of
ester solution in the pipette is transferred into the reaction bottle. After thorough mixing,
immediately 10 mL of the solution is pipetted out into a clean conical flask containing ice-
cubes. It is then titrated against 0.2 N sodium hydroxide solution from the burette using
phenolphthalein indicator. The end-point is the first appearance of a pale permanent pink
colour. The same volumes of the reaction mixture is withdrawn at regular intervals, say 10
minutes and is titrated against sodium hydroxide solution. The reaction is allowed to go to
completion by keeping the reaction mixture over a hot water bath for about 90 minutes. The
final reading is then noted.


Let V0 be the volume of alkali used at zero time and Vt. be the volume of alkali used after the
time ‘t’ seconds. Let V be the reading when the reaction is completed. Concentrations of
the ester at various time intervals are expressed in terms of volume of NaOH solution.

a = initial concentration of ester = (V - Vo)

(a-x) = concentration of ester at any time ‘t’ = (V - VO) – (Vt – Vo)

= (V - Vo – Vt + Vo)

= (V - Vt)

The specific rate constant of the reactions is given by

2.303  a 
k1 ' = log  
t a x

 V  Vo 
k1 ' =
log  
t  
V  Vt 

k1 ' = Slope x 2.303

The rate constant values are calculated at different time intervals which should nearly be the
same. A graph is drawn between log(V - Vt) and time ‘t’. From the slope of the plot, the
rate constant is calculated, and it is compared with the experimental value.

Volume of
S.No. Time
mL mL
1 0
2 10
3 20
4 30
5 40
6 ∞


The Rate Constant for the hydrolysis of an ester from

1. Calculated value =
2. Graphical value =
3. Molecularity of the reaction =
4. Order of the reaction =
Expt. No.: Date:
Colorimetric estimation of Ni2+ using conventional and smart phone
digital-imaging method
Corrosion protection in steel depends on the amount of Ni (acts as passivating
Problem definition metal) in its composition. Hence, it is important to analyze the amount of Ni in
steel for its use in industry.
Ni-DMG forms a stable colored complex. With increasing concentration of Ni in
solution, its color intensity also increases. In turn, the color intensity is a
function of color coordinates (Red, Blue and Green, RGB) in the image taken
using mobile phone camera.
Estimation of Ni concentration in the unknown sample from the calibration
graph plotted based on different known Ni concentrations.
Student learning Students will learn to perform colorimetric method, perform RGB response
outcomes analysis and analyze Ni composition in different grades of steel
1. Importance of the experiment:
Nickel is a transition element and commonly exists in +2 oxidation state, though +1, +3 and +4 states
are also observed in nickel complexes. Nickel plays an important role in biological systems as a
constituent of several enzymes. Nickel is also present in soils and plants, and its concentration varies
widely from trace quantities to being a major constituent. Therefore, determination of nickel at
different concentration levels in variety of samples becomes very important.

2. Nickel Toxicity: Compared with other transition metals, Nickel is a moderately toxic element.
However, it is known that inhalation of nickel and its compounds can lead to serious problems,
including cancer in the respiratory system. Moreover, Nickel can cause a skin disorder known as
nickel-eczema (10.1016/j.kijoms.2016.08.003).

3. Nickel in Industries: A thin layer of nickel onto a metal object can be decorative, provide
corrosion resistance, wear resistance, or used to build up worn or undersized parts for salvage
purposes. Nickel alloys are used extensively because of their corrosion resistance, high temperature
strength and special magnetic and thermal expansion properties.
The major alloy types that are used are:
 Iron-Nickel-Chromium alloys
 Stainless Steels
 Copper-Nickel alloys and Nickel-Copper alloys
 Nickel-Chromium Alloys
 Nickel-Chromium-Iron alloys
 Low Expansion Alloys
 Magnetic Alloys (http://www.nickel-alloys.net/nickelalloys.html)
(i). Principle:
(a). Colorimetric method:
Photo-sensitive measurements are expressed in terms of absorbance, (A) as given in Eq. (1). Further,
the linear relationship between absorbance (A) and concentration of the analyte
ɛcl = A = log(I0/I) … (1)
Where, I0 is the incident light power, I the transmitted light power, ɛ = molar absorptivity, c =
concentration of analyte and l = thickness of the solution.
(b). Digital-imaging method:
The color and intensity of digital image are usually 24 bit data (8 bit R + 8 bit G + 8 bit B) forming an
additive color space, in which R, G and B lights are added together in various combinations to
reproduce a broad range of colors. By using combination of R, G and B intensities, many colors can
be displayed. The intensity of each color has 256 levels (from 0 to 255). The value of R = 0, G = 0, B
= 0 refers to pure black while R = 255, G = 255, B = 255 is pure white. With this system, unique
combinations of R, G and B values are allowed, providing for millions of different hue, saturation and
lightness shades. These extensive dynamic colors of images provide the database for quantitative
analysis. The goal of this study is to employ digital images-based colorimetry for the determination of
Ni2+ concentration in aqueous samples.
The concentration of analyte is a function of color coordinates: 𝑐 = 𝑅𝐺𝐵 … (2)
(ii). Reagents, solutions and Instrumentation: NiSO4 (100 ppm), NaOH (1 N) solution,
Dimethylglyoxime (DMG), K3[Fe(CN)6], Colorimetry and smartphone.
(iii). Reaction Scheme: DMG reacts with Ni2+ to form a pink-colored Ni(dmg)2 complex in alkaline
medium, and gets oxidized by potassium ferricyanide (K3[Fe(CN)6]) to form a brown-red, water
soluble oxidized Ni(dmg)2 complex (Scheme 1). Absorption spectrum of the oxidized complex shows
absorption maxima at a wavelength of 440 nm (Fig. 1). Concentration of Ni2+ in the given unknown
sample is determined from the calibration graph (Fig. 2).
(iv). Procedure:
(a). Colorimetry method: Take 5 standard 50 mL volumetric flasks (to prepare 4 known and 1
unknown solution). Fill the burette with Ni stock solution (100 ppm). Add 1, 2, 3 and 4 mL of the Ni
solution in burette to the std. flasks to get 2, 4, 6 and 8 ppm of steel containing nickel(II) solutions.
The unknown sample will be furnished in another 50 ml volumetric flask. Further, add 0.5 mL of
DMG solution followed by 0.5 mL of K3[Fe(CN)6] solution using a burette to all the 5 std. flasks. All
the flasks are shaken well once and waited for 5 minutes. After that, make up the 50 mL mark in std.
flask with 1N NaOH solution. Allow the flasks at least 10 minutes for the complete complex
formation. Absorbance of the formed brown-red solution is measured at 440 nm against NaOH
solution (blank). Record these absorbance readings in Table 1.
Draw a calibration graph taking concentration of Ni2+ (in ppm) as X-axis and absorbance readings as
Y-axis. A straight line that passes through the origin (see Fig. 2) is an indication that the measured
data obeys Beer’s Law. From the calibration plot, measure the concentration of nickel in the given
unknown sample.
(b). Digital imaging method: The prepared standard solutions are lined up along with unknown
concentration sample and blank. Using a white paper as background, take a photograph of the samples
by holding the camera around 50 cm away. Calibration curve will be constructed through the RGB
values of analytical response with different conc. of Ni 2+ ions using “RGB Tool” APP. In the plotted
graph, RGB response varies linearly RGB vsMethod
the analyte
RGB concentration.
Flow Chart FlowIn order to get precise analysis,
follow the steps given below:
Transfer prepared standard
Transfer solution
prepared and unknown
standard solution
solution and unknown solution
into different into
differenttest tubes
colorimetric test tubes

Take image ofTake

all test tubeofsolution
image all test tube solution
using smart phone
smart phone camera

Open the image processing

Open app
the image (RGB colour
processing detector)
app (RGB colour detector)

Go to gallery,Go
opento the image
gallery, stored
open the in app and
image stored in app and
extract RGB values
extractfor each
RGB image/conc.
values for each image/conc.

Process the RGB values

Process the(R/G)
RGB or (R/B)
values or (G/B)
(R/G) or (R/B) or (G/B)
etc., till to getetc.,
to get linear response

Plot the calibration curve

Plot the using RGB
calibration linear
curve using RGB linear
response vs concentration
response vs concentration

Find the unknown conc

Find the using theconc using the
calibration curve
calibration curve
Table 1: Experimental Data
S. No. Data collected from Colorimetric
Data collected from smartphone device*

Conc. Abs R G B R/G G/B R/B

(ppm, X-axis) (Y- axis)





5. Unknown

*Corresponding ratio that is linearly increasing with analyte concentration is used for plotting Fig. 2.

(i). Concentration of Ni in steel sample (using colorimetry) = _________ ppm (mg/L)
(ii). Concentration of Ni in steel sample (using digital imaging) = _________ ppm (mg/L)
Expt. No.: Date:
Experiment Estimation of sulphate ion in drinking water by conductivity method
Problem definition People using water with high levels of sulfate are vulnerable to
dehydration and diarrhea. Kids are more sensitive to sulfate than adults.
Methodology Conductivity of the soluble sulphate solution will change when it is
precipitated by BaCl2. Conductivity will reach minima when all sulphate
ions are precipitated, and from which, the total amount of sulphate ion
present in the water can be determined.
Solution Amount of BaCl2 required to remove the dissolved sulphate can be
Student learning Students will learn to
outcomes a) perform conductometric method
b) remove sulphate ion from irrigate water

Sulphate (SO42-) is found in almost all natural water. Origin of most sulphate compounds is
the oxidation of sulphite ores, presence of shales or the industrial wastes. Ground water
moving through soil and rocks containing sulphate minerals result in higher dissolved
sulphate ions than permissible limit.
Problems due to excess sulphate ion concentration in water:
 Sulphates cause scale formation in boilers, pipes, etc.
 High sulphate concentration will leads to corrosion on copper piping.
 Sulphate has a laxative effect and creates diarrhoea leading to dehydration in humans
and animals.
 High sulphate concentration leads to eutrophication of water bodies leads to reduction of
dissolved oxygen Sulphate will give bitter taste to water if the concentration exceeds beyond
250 ppm.

Methods to estimate sulphate ion concentration in water:

1. Turbidimetry method: It involves the measurement of turbidity formed when an aliquot
of BaCl2-gelatin reagent is added to acidified sulphate solution.
2. Titrimetric method: By dissolving precipitated BaSO4 in excess of EDTA solution and
the excess EDTA is back titrated with standard Zinc solution.
3. Colorimetric Measurement: Based on the reaction of barium chloranilate with sulphate
ion at pH 4 in ethanol yield highly coloured acid-chloranilate ion and is measured at 530
4. Conductometric method: This method measures the conductivity of the solution as the
titration proceeds. Conductance tends to vary with the characteristics of the solvent,
number, size and charge of ions involved. When one ion is replaced by another ion
significantly during the titration, conductance will change in a linear manner until the
replacement is complete. After that, the line will change to different slope due to the
additional inclusion of another ion of difference conductance.


Electrolyte solutions conduct electricity due to the presence of ions in solution. In case of
precipitation titration between BaCl2 and Na2SO4, the conductance decreases slowly due to
the replacement of Cl- ion by SO42- ion upto the equivalence point. After the equivalence
point, the conductance increases rapidly due to the excess addition of BaCl2 which remains
in solution as Ba2+ and Cl-. This makes detection of neutralization point easy from the
conductance trend plotted as a graph. This is the principle used in the estimation of SO 42-
from contaminated water sample.


Reagents and solutions: BaCl2 (0.1 N), Na2SO4 (0.02 N), unknown sulphate solution and
distilled water.

Apparatus: Conductivity Bridge, Conductivity cell, Burette, Pipette, Volumetric flasks, Glass
rod, Beaker (100 mL).

Calibration of Conductivity meter: Place a freshly prepared 0.1 N KCl solution (given in
bottle) in a 100 mL beaker. Dip the conductivity cell in this solution and connect to the
Conductivity meter. Press “CAL” button and complete the internal calibration of the
Standardization of BaCl2 (Titration – 1):
Pipette out 20 mL of 0.02 N Na2SO4 solution (from Bottle A) in a 100 mL beaker and add 10
mL of distilled water to it to make the conductivity cell dip completely in the solution. Addition
of water will not affect the conductivity since the number of ions in the solution remains
unaltered. Dip the conductivity cell into the solution in the beaker and connect to the
conductivity meter. Fill the burette with ~0.1 N BaCl2 solution (from Bottle B). Record the
conductivity of the sulphate solution without adding any BaCl2 from the burette (0th reading).
Add 1 mL BaCl2 of known concentration into the beaker, stir with glass rod and note down
the conductance. Continue the addition of BaCl2 (1 mL each time) and note the conductance
after each addition. Continue the titration beyond the equivalence point for about 5 mL. The
conductance will either decrease slightly or remain constant until complete precipitation of
BaSO4, and then starts increasing on continuing the addition of BaCl2. A graph is now drawn
by plotting conductance vs volume of BaCl2 added. Intersection point from the plot gives the
volume of BaCl2 required for precipitating the sulphate present in the known sample.

Estimation of unknown sulphate in the given solution (Titration – 2):

Make up the unknown sulphate solution given in a 100 mL standard flask upto the mark
using distilled water resulting in a solution containing 0.96 mg/mL of sulphate ions (Eq. wt. of
SO42- = 48.03). Pipette out 20 mL of this solution into a 100 mL beaker and add 10 mL
distilled water to it. Dip the conductivity cell and repeat the above procedure with the
unknown sulphate solution to determine the amount of BaCl2 required for precipitating the
unknown sulphate in the sample.
From the two titrations carried out, calculate the amount of sulphate present in the effluent
Table 1: Conductometric Titrations
Titration-1: Standardization of BaCl2 Titration-2: Estimation of sulphate content
Burette: BaCl2 solution (~0.1 N) Burette: std. BaCl2 solution
Beaker: 20 mL of Na2SO4 (0.02 N) + 10 Beaker: 20 mL of unknown sulphate solution +
mL of distilled water 10 mL of distilled water
Conductivity cell, Conductivity meter Conductivity cell, Conductivity meter

Volume of BaCl2 Conductance Volume of BaCl2 Conductance

added (mL) ( mhos) added (mL) ( mhos)
0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
6.0 6.0
7.0 7.0
8.0 8.0
9.0 9.0
10.0 10.0
11.0 11.0
12.0 12.0

Fig 1: Model graphs – 1 and 2 for Conductometric estimation of known and unknown
sulphate sample solutions, respectively.

A). Standardization of 0.1 N BaCl2:

(N x V) of BaCl2 solution = (N x V) of sodium sulphate

N of BaCl2 solution = 0.02 N x 20 mL

Volume measured from Plot-1 (V1)
=________N of BaCl2 solution

B). Estimation of unknown sulphate:

(N x V) of irrigation water sample = (N x V) of BaCl2 solution

N of irrigation water sample = N of BaCl2 x Volume measured from Plot-2 (V2)

20 mL
=________N of irrigation water sample

Amount of sulphate present in 1L = Normality of irrigation water sample x Eq. wt. of SO42- (48.03)
Amount of sulphate present in given sample solution = Strength of irrigation water sample x 48.03
=__________ grams in 100 mL

Result: Amount of sulphate in given irrigation water sample =_________ grams.

Expt. No.: Date:

Experiment Analysis of iron in an alloy sample by potentiometry

Mechanical properties of steel depend on its composition. Hence, it is

Problem definition
important to analyze the amount of Iron in steel for industrial applications.
Potentiometric method using KMnO4 (oxidizing agent) to oxidize Fe(II) in
steel to Fe(III) facilitates the estimation of Iron in steel.
Solution Estimation of iron (%) in different steel samples.
Students will learn to
Student learning
a) perform potentiometric method
b) analyze the composition of iron in different grades of steel
1. Importance of the experiment: Steel production is an index of national prosperity and
economy, and is globally used in variety of industrial sectors like shipbuilding, automobiles,
construction, machinery and tools. Carbon steel is one variety in which nearly 96% of iron is
alloyed with nearly 2% of carbon and other elements like manganese, chromium, nickel and
copper. The composition is varied for achieving desired strength, ductile and long-term
wearing properties. Thus, qualitative determination of iron in steel is very important.

2. Concept: Potentiometric titration is a process of determining the quantity of a sample by

adding measured increments of a titrant until the end-point. The potential difference between
indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is
sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium. Potentiometric titrations provide
reliable data than conventional titrations with chemical indicators especially with coloured or
turbid solutions. In this experiment, Fe2+ is oxidised to Fe3+ by KMnO4 as a redox titration.

5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+ → 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O

Change in the concentration of Fe2+ ions during the addition of KMnO4 is monitored
by measuring the solution potential which is the basis for this experiment. From Nernst
equation, a measurable quantity - voltage or potential is related to the concentration of
species (Fe3+/Fe2+) in the solution.
RT Fe3
E  E0  ln( )
nF Fe 2
At the end point, a rapid change in the potential would be observed indicative of the
complete conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+. A plot of observed potential vs volume of KMnO4
consumed or its first derivative graph (E/V vs average volume of KMnO4) is used to detect
the titration end point, which in turn, is used to qualitatively measure the amount of Fe2+.
3. Applications: Potentiometry method is an electroanalytical technique which can be used
to determine accurately the iron content in steel samples for industrial applications without
using any indicator. This method is also useful for dilute or unknown samples or
compositions for which identification of appropriate chemical indicators are challenging.

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) oxidizes ferrous ion to ferric ion in the presence of acid
as per the reaction:
5Fe+2 → 5Fe+3 + 5e- .......(1)
MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e- → Mn2+ + 4H2O .......(2)

Overall, 5Fe+2 + MnO4- + 8H+ → 5Fe+3 + Mn2+ + 4H2O

Electrode potential (oxidation potential) in the titration depends upon the concentration of
Fe2+, Fe3+ and H+ ions. To avoid the effect of the change in H+ ion concentration, the titration
is usually carried out in large excess of acid. Oxidation potential of this redox system is given
RT Fe3
E  E0  ln( )
nF Fe 2
Connecting the redox electrode (Platinum) with a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)
completes the necessary cell as indicated below:
HgHg2Cl2 (s), Saturated KCl  Fe3+, Fe2+Pt
When KMnO4 is added, Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ whose concentration increases with
progressive addition of KMnO4. The observed EMF gradually increases. At the end point,
there will be a sharp increase due to the sudden removal of all Fe 2+ ions. Plot-1: EMF
measured (E) vs Volume of KMnO4 added and Plot-2: E/V vs Average volume of KMnO4
was drawn. End point of the titration is measured from the Plot-2 graph.

Reagents and solutions: 100 mL of KMnO4 (0.05 N) solution, 100 mL of steel solution, 2 N

Apparatus: Calomel electrode, Platinum electrode, Potentiometer, Volumetric flasks,

Burette, Pipette, Beakers.
Fig. 1: Typical apparatus for Fig. 2: Typical Potentiometric titration curves. (a)
potentiometric titrations. Normal curve and (b) First derivative curve.

Calibration of Potentiometer: Switch on the potentiometer and connect the standard cell
terminals to either channel A (move channel switch to position A) or channel B (move the
channel switch to position B). The meter should read 1.018 V. In case it is not 1.018 V,
adjust the std. knob to obtain reference value.

Estimation of Fe(II) in steel: Transfer the given unknown steel [containing Fe(II)] solution
into a clean 100 mL standard flask and make the solution up to the mark with distilled water
and mix well. Pipette out 20 mL made up steel sample solution into a clean 100 mL beaker
and add one test tube of dil. H2SO4 (2 N). Place Pt electrode in the beaker and connect to
the +ve terminal of the potentiometer. In another beaker, place 50 mL of saturated KCl
solution and dip the SCE in the solution and connect to the -ve terminal of the potentiometer.
Place a salt bridge to complete the cell. Read the EMF of the cell and note down the value.
Add 1 mL of KMnO4 solution from the burette to the beaker containing steel sample solution.
Stir the solution carefully and measure the EMF. Continue the addition of KMnO4 solution
and record the EMF for every 1 mL addition as per procedure till the potential shows a
tendency to increase rapidly. After the abrupt change in cell EMF is observed, continue the
titration to take 5 more reading by adding 1 mL burette solution every time. Plot EMF
(ordinate) vs. volume of KMnO4 added (abscissa) to get S-shaped curve which indicate the
volume range of the end point.

To find out the volume of end point more precisely, carry out the 2nd titration in similar way
but by adding 1 mL aliquots of KMnO4 initially and then 0.1 mL aliquots between the two
volumes where the end point is detected. Continue the titration beyond the end point as
done above. The exact end point is determined by differential method i.e. by plotting ΔE/ΔV
vs average volume of KMnO4 added. Calculate the normality strength of the Fe(II) in the
given solution.

Potentiometric Titration-I:
Burette: KMnO4 solution (0.05 N)
Beaker: 20 mL of steel solution containing Fe(II) + 20 mL (one test tube) of dil. H2SO4
Electrodes: Indicator electrode (Pt) to red terminal and SCE to black terminal

Volume of Volume of
S. No. EMF (volts) S. No. EMF (volts)
KMnO4 (mL) KMnO4 (mL)

1 11

2 12

3 13

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 17

8 18

9 19

10 20

Fig. 3: Plot of EMF vs Volume of KMnO4 added (mL)

Potentiometric Titration-II:

Burette: KMnO4 solution (0.05 N)

Beaker: 20 mL of steel solution containing Fe(II) + 20 mL (one test tube) of dil. H2SO4
Electrodes: Indicator electrode (Pt) to red terminal and SCE to black terminal

Sl. Vol. of KMnO4 EMF E/V Average

E (Volt) V (mL)
No. ( mL) (Volt) (Volt/mL) Volume (mL)


Fig. 4: Plot of ΔE/ΔV vs Average volume of KMnO4 added.


(N x V) of steel sample solution = (N x V) of KMnO4

N of steel sample solution = 0.05 N x Volume of KMnO4 from Plot-2

20 mL of steel sample
= _____________N

Amount of Fe present in 1 L of sample solution = Normality of steel sample x At. wt. of Fe

Amount of Fe present in given (100 ml) sample solution = Normality of steel sample x 55.85 x
=________________grams in 100 mL

Result: The amount of Iron present in given steel sample is found to be =_________
Expt. No.:

Experiment Preparation of nanosilica by sol- gel method and its characterization

Problem definition Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles of SiO2.

SiO2 nanoparticles are prepared by the sol-gel method and characterized
by absorption, diffraction and microscopic techniques
Solution Preparation of SiO2 nanoparticles
Students will learn to
Student learning
a) prepare SiO2 nanoparticles by sol-gel method
b) analyze the nanoparticles by instrumental techniques

1. Significance of the experiment:

Nanosilica (SiO2) is a promising material to find applications in various fields such as drug
delivery, gene therapy, and detection of biomolecules, photodynamic therapy and
bioimaging. The salient features are high thermal, chemical and colloidal stability, high
surface area, and good biocompatibility. It was also demonstrated that the immobilization of
drugs on silica nanoparticles can reduce adverse side effects.

SiO2 nanoparticles can be achieved by several methods such as chemical vapour

deposition, plasma and combustion synthesis, hydrothermal and sol-gel methods. Each
method has its merits and demerits. The sol-gel method is one of the promising methods
employed in the preparation of SiO2 nanoparticles.

2. Principle of sol-gel method:

Silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanoparticles were prepared by sol-gel method starting from
tetraethylorthosilicate (Si(OEt)4) precursorReference 1. After dissolving in ethanol, the solution
undergoes hydrolysis with the addition of NaOH pellets and results in very unstable silicon
hydroxide [Si(OH)4]. This turns into a turbid colloidal solution called sol. Sols are dispersions
of colloidal particles (with diameters 1-100 nm) in a solvent. A gel is an inter-connected, rigid
network with pores of sub-micrometer dimensions and polymeric chains whose average
length is greater than a micrometer. The sol-gel method for the preparation of nanosilica
particles is represented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Simplified chart of the sol-gel method for preparation of nanosilica particles (ScCO2 =
supercritical CO2)

Reference 1
A. M. Buckley & M. Greenblatt, Journal of Chemical Education, 71, 599-602 (1994).
Possible chemical transformations:

Further, sol is converted into gel by polycondensation of silicon hydroxide [Si(OH)4] into a
condensed polymeric network (from sol  gel) as shown below.

On drying, the condensed polymeric network gets converted into a three-dimensional

network result a gel.

Colloidal solution (sol)  Condensed polymeric network (gel)  Dried form (Three-
dimensional network) (gel)

On calcination of the gel, SiO2 nanoparticles are formed. SiO2 nanoparticles are
characterized by powder XRD and Electron Microscopic techniques.

3. Requirements:

Reagents and solutions: Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), ethanol, NaOH pellets and

distilled water.

Apparatus, equipment and Instruments: 50 or 100 mL measuring cylinder, two 100 mL

beakers, glass rod for stirring, funnel and filter papers.

4. Experimental procedure:
In a 100 mL beaker, 5 mL of TEOS is transferred using a measuring cylinder followed by the
addition of 5 mL of ethanol. Then 7.5 mL of distilled water is measured through the
measuring cylinder and is added to the ethanolic solution of TEOS. Later, 2 pellets (exactly)
of NaOH are added by a spatula to the 100 mL beaker containing the reaction mixture. The
two immiscible solutions in the beaker become miscible upon constant mixing them with the
glass rod. The pH of the solution should be basic. This sol-gel solution is left as such under
stirring for 30 min. The sol-gel obtained silica could be visualized in the bottom of the beaker
as a white solid. Later it was filtered using a filter paper.

5. Characterization:

The powder XRD pattern of the collected powder sample was recorded on a Bruker D8
Advance (Germany) with Cu Kα radiation source (operating Voltage and current 30 KV,
40MA respectively) in the scan range 10-80º (2ϴ). The expected pattern is given in Fig.2 for

a) Infrared spectrum b) Powder XRD spectrum

c) Scanning electron microscopic image

Fig. 2. a) Infrared spectrum of nanosilica particles; b) XRD pattern of SiO 2 nanoparticles

mediated in ethanol; c) Scanning electron microscopic image of the surface of nanosilica
5. Particle size calculation using Scherrer’s equation:

Grain size = r

where, k = 0.9, λ = 1.0506 Å, and

“ϴ” and FWHM will be obtained
from powder XRD data.


(i) Quantity of nanosilica material obtained by the sol-gel method after the filtration

= --------- g

(ii) Particle size calculated as per the “ϴ” given_______________________________.

Determination of hardness of water sample by complexometric titration before and
after ion-exchange process

1. Introduction to Hard Water and its Classification:

Water described as “hard” contains high levels of dissolved Ca2+and Mg2+ions. Ground and
surface water dissolve the Ca2+/Mg2+ containing ores/minerals from surrounding soil and
rock and are enriched with these cations. Hardness is most commonly expressed as
milligrams of CaCO3 eq. per liter. Water containing hardness causing species at
concentrations below 60 mg/l are generally considered as soft; 60–120 mg/l as moderately
hard; 120–180 mg/l, as hard; and more than 180 mg/l as very hard water. Based on the type
of anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-) associated with Ca2+/Mg2+ ions, the hardness is categorized into
temporary (carbonate, HCO3-) hardness & permanent (non-carbonate, Cl-, SO42-) hardness.

2. Problems caused by Hard Water:

Hard water can cause costly breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers and plumbing. When
hard water is heated, the hardness causing salts tend to precipitate out of solution, forming a
hard scale or soft sludges in pipes and surfaces, thereby completely plugging pipes and
restricting flows. In boilers, scale formation prevents efficient heat transfer, thereby resulting
in energy loss and overheating which could lead to serious accidents. At the domestic level,
hard water lessens the effectiveness of soap by forming scums/precipitates, which adhere to
human skin. Human consumption of water containing excess of Ca and Mg are associated
with increased risks of osteoporosis, nephrolithiasis, colorectal cancer, hypertension, stroke,
coronary artery disease, insulin resistance, diarrhea and obesity.

3. Estimation of Hard Water:

Traditionally, hardness in water is estimated by complexometric titration using sodium salt of

EDTA and EBT as indicator at pH = 9-10. EBT forms an unstable wine-red colored complex
with Ca2+/Mg2+ions, which upon titrating with EDTA, results in the breaking of EBT-Ca2+/Mg2+
unstable bond and formation of stable EDTA-Ca2+/Mg2+ bond. The endpoint changes from
wine-red (EBT-Ca2+/Mg2+) to steel blue (free EBT).

4. Modern Treatment of Hard Water:

Hard water is made soft by the use of a water softener i.e., ion-exchange resins (IER) which
are very small porous spherical polymeric beads, with specific functional groups
(sulphonic/carboxylic acid) attached to the polymeric backbone. Therefore, the IERs carrying
a negatively charged exchange site can hold a positively charged ion. When the hard water
is passed through the resin beads, Ca2+/Mg2+ions in hard water are exchanged from the
solution for hydrogen/sodium ions, which are much more soluble and does not precipitate
out to form scale or sludges. Eventually, the resin beads get saturated with hardness
causing ions and the exhausted beads are regenerated by using a mild acid or brine solution
to flush out the Ca2+/Mg2+ionsretained in the resin beads.
Expt. No.: Date:

Determination of hardness of water sample by complexometric

titration before and after ion-exchange process
Hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolved calcium and
magnesium salts in water. EDTA forms stable complex with hardness
Problem definition
causing salts and is used in the removal of scale and sludge forming
impurities in industrial boilers.
EBT indicator-Metal ion complex is weaker compared to EDTA-metal
Methodology ion complex. The end point is the color change from wine red (EBT-
Metal ion complex) to steel blue (free EBT indicator).
Estimation of Calcium hardness (in ppm) in the given unknown
sample. Understanding the water softening using ion-exchange resins.
Students will learn to
Student learning a) perform complexometric titration
outcomes b) understand the efficiency of ion-exchange resins using in water

Ehtylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) forms complexes with a large number of cations
including Ca2+ and Mg2+ depending upon pH of solution. Hence, it is possible to determine
the total hardness of water using EDTA solution. EDTA in the form of its sodium salt (H 2Y2-)
is commonly used in complexometric titration for estimation of metal ion because pure EDTA
(H4Y) is sparingly soluble in water. EDTA has six binding sites (the four carboxylate groups
and the two amino groups) providing six pairs of electrons. The resulting metal-ligand
complex, in which EDTA forms a cage-like structure around the metal ion, is very stable at
specific pH. All metal-EDTA complexes have a 1:1 stoichiometry. The H2Y2- form complexes
with metal ions as follows.

M + H2Y2- → MY2- + 2H+ ----------- (1)

Where, M is Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in water. Reaction (1) can be carried out quantitatively at
pH 10 using Eriochrome Black T (EBT) as indicator. EBT forms a wine-red complex with M2+
ions which is relatively less stable than the M2+-EDTA complex. On titration, EDTA first
reacts with free M2+ ions and then with the metal-EBT indicator complex. The latter gives a
colour change from wine-red to steel blue at the equivalence point.
Removal of hardness using ion exchange resins (IER): Ion exchange is a reversible
process. When hard water is passed through cation ion-exchange resins packed in a narrow
column, Ca2+ and Mg+ cations in hard water are exchanged with Na+ or H+ ions in the
resins. The exhausted resins are regenerated by passing 10% dil. HCl through the column. A
typical example of application is preparation of high-purity water for power engineering,
electronic and nuclear industries and in household water purifiers.


Reagents and solutions: Standard hard water (1mg/mL of CaCO3 equivalents), 0.01 N
EDTA solution, EBT indicator, hard water sample, NH3-NH4Cl buffer solution and ion
exchange resin.

Apparatus: Burette, pipette, conical flask, standard flask burette stand and IER column.


Titration-I: Standardization of EDTA

Pipette out 20 mL of the standard hard water containing 1mg/mL of CaCO3 (1000 ppm) into a
clean conical flask. Add one test tube full of ammonia buffer (NH4OH – NH4Cl) solution to
maintain the pH around 10. Add three drops of Eriochrome Black – T (EBT) indicator and
titrate it against the given EDTA solution taken in the burette. The end point is change of
colour from wine red to steel blue. Repeat the titration for concordant titer values. Let ‘V 1’ be
the volume of EDTA consumed.
S. Volume of standard hard water Burette reading (mL) Volume of EDTA
No. (mL)
Initial Final (V1, mL)

Concordant titer value


20 mL of given hard water consumes V1 mL of EDTA

20 mg of CaCO3 requires V1 mL of EDTA for complexation

1 mL of EDTA requires = 20/V1 mg CaCO3 for complexation

This relation will be used in other two titrations

Titration-II: Estimation of total hardness of hard water sample

Pipette out 20 mL of the given sample of hard water into a clean conical flask. Add one test
tube full of ammonia buffer (NH4OH – NH4Cl) solution and three drops of Eriochrome Black–
T (EBT) indicator. Titrate this mixture against standardized EDTA solution taken in the
burette. The end point is the change of color from wine red to steel blue. Repeat the titration
for concordant titer value. Let ‘V2’ be the volume of EDTA consumed.

S. Volume of sample hard water Burette reading (mL) Volume of EDTA

No (mL)
. Initial Final (V2, mL)

Concordant titer value


From Titration 1, we have the following relation:

 1 mL of EDTA requires = 20/V1 mg CaCO3 for complexation

From Titration 2,

20 mL of sample hard water consumes = V2 mL of EDTA.

= V2 x 20/V1 mg of CaCO3 eq.

1000 mL of hard water sample consumes = V2 x 20/V1×1000/20

= V2/V1×1000 ppm

Total hardness of the water sample = “X” ppm

Titration-3: Removal of hardness using ion exchange method

Arrange the ion exchange column on to a burette stand and place a clean funnel on top of
the column. Pour the hard water sample (around 40 to 50 mL) remaining after the completion
of Titration – 2 through the funnel and into the ion exchange column. Place a clean beaker
under the column and collect the waterpassing through the column over a period of
10minutes. Adjust the valve of the column to match the duration of outflow.

From the water collected through the column, pipette out 20 mL into a clean conical flask
and repeat the EDTA titration as carried out above. Note down the volume of EDTA
consumed as ‘V3’.


From Titration 1, we have the following relation:

 1 mL of EDTA requires = 20/V1 mg CaCO3 for complexation

From this relation, it can be seen that

20 mL of water sample after softening through the column consumes = V3 mL of EDTA.

= V3 x 20/V1 mg of CaCO3 eq.

 1000 mL of water sample after softening through the column consumes =

= V3 x 20/V1×1000/20

= V3/V1×1000 ppm

 Residual hardness of the water sample = “Y” ppm

S. Volume of sample hard water Burette reading (mL) Volume of EDTA
No (mL)
. Initial Final (V3, mL)

Concordant titer value


Total hardness of the water sample= ……. (X) ppm

Residual hardness in the water sample= …… (Y) ppm

Hardness removed through the column = ……… (X–Y) ppm

Expt. No.: Date:
Lab scale preparation of important drug intermediate- Synthesis of 2,3-
 Preparation of 2,3-Diphenylquinoxaline from benzil
Aim  Calculating the yield of the reaction and confirming the product obtained by
analytical data
Preparation of a medicinally important organic molecule by condensation reaction
Synthesis of 2,3-Diphenylquinoxalin will be carried out by condensation reaction. After
completion of the reaction, monitored by thin-layer chromatography, the product will be
filtered and recrystallized. The identification of the product will be carried out by infrared
Students will be able to:
Student  monitor the reaction by using thin-layer chromatography and calculate the yield of
learning the reaction
outcomes  learn about basic organic chemistry transformations and the usage of spectral data
for the identification of the product

Significance of the reaction.

Quinoxaline derivatives are an important class of heterocyclic compounds in pharmaceutical
industries due to their wide range of therapeutic uses and potential activities, such as
antimicrobial agents, cytotoxic agents, anti-tubercular, anxiolytic, anti-HIV, antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, antimalarial, anticancer, antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal. Besides, they
are also used in the agricultural field as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides, pesticides.
Also, they are used as dyes, efficient electroluminescent materials, organic semiconductors,
corrosion inhibitor etc. Owing to these plethora of applications, the synthesis of quinoxalines is
very significant in the field of organic chemistry.

When benzil or diphenylethanedione (1,2-dicarbonyl compound) is treated with o-
phenylenediamine (1,2-diaminobenzene) in ethanol (solvent), the amine groups and carbonyl
groups get condensed via removal of two water molecules, resulting the formation of 2,3-
Working of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
Thin Layer Chromatography can be defined as a method of separation or identification of a
mixture of components into individual components by using finely divided adsorbent
solid/(liquid) spread over a plate and liquid as a mobile phase.

Thin-layer chromatography is performed on a sheet of glass or plastic, or aluminium foil, which

is coated with a thin layer of adsorbent material, usually silica gel, aluminium oxide (alumina),
or cellulose. This layer of adsorbent is known as the stationary phase.
After the sample has been applied on the plate, a solvent or solvent mixture (known as the
mobile phase) is drawn up the plate via capillary action. Because different analytes ascend the
TLC plate at different rates, separation is achieved.
It is based on the principle of adsorption chromatography or partition chromatography or a
combination of both, depending on the adsorbent, its treatment, and the nature of solvents
employed. The components with more affinity towards the stationary phase travel slower.
Components with less affinity towards the stationary phase travel faster. Once separation
occurs, the individual components are visualized as spots at a respective level of travel on the
plate. Their nature or character is identified through suitable detection techniques.

Chromatography is an important technique that enables the separation, identification, and

purification of the components of a mixture for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
In this physical method of separation, the components to be separated are distributed
between two phases, one of which is stationary (stationary phase) while the other (the
mobile phase) moves in a definite direction. Depending upon the stationary phase and
mobile phase chosen, they can be of different types.

TLC system consists of:

TLC plates - preferably ready-made with a stationary phase: These are stable and
chemically inert plates, where a thin layer of stationary phase is applied on its whole surface
layer. The stationary phase on the plates is of uniform thickness and is in fine particle size.
TLC chamber - The chamber maintains a uniform environment inside for the proper
development of spots. It also prevents the evaporation of solvents and keeps the process
Mobile phase- This comprises a solvent or solvent mixture. The mobile phase used should
be particulate-free and of the highest purity for the proper development of TLC spots. The
solvents recommended are chemically inert with the sample and the stationary phase.
Applications of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC):
1. In monitoring the progress of reactions
2. Identify compounds present in a given mixture
Required reagents, apparatus, and conditions:
Reagents and solvents:
Benzil, o-Phenylenediamine, Ethanol
Beaker, Buchner funnel, Measuring cylinder, Filter paper
 To a solution of 2.1 g of benzil in 8 mL of ethanol, add 1.1 g of o-phenylenediamine in 8
mL ethanol in a beaker.
 Warm the reaction mixture in a water bath for 30 min, then add water until a slight
cloudiness persists and allow the reaction mixture to cool.
 Filter the product and dry.
 Recrystallize the product from aqueous ethanol. Filter the recrystallized product and
weigh it.
Table: Calculated amounts of reagents in the stoichiometric reaction

S. Compound Weight Molecular weight Moles =


1 2.1 g

2 1.1 g

Melting Point: 125-126 °C

IR spectral data: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy deals with the infrared region of the
electromagnetic spectrum, that is light with a longer wavelength and lower frequency than
visible light. It works mainly on the absorption of infrared radiation by the molecules/ materials
due to the change in the dipole moment. This vibrational spectroscopy is used to study and
identify chemical substances or functional groups in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms.
IR spectrum of 2,3-diphenylquinoxaline:


Molecular formula of 2,3-diphenylquinoxaline = C20H14N2

Molecular weight of 2,3-diphenylquinoxaline = …………………

Theoretical yield of 2,3-diphenylquinoxaline = …………………. g

Weight of the product obtained =…………………. g

% Yield = (Weight of the product obtained by the experiment) x 100/(Theoretical Yield)

Demo Expt:1

Size dependent color variation of Cu2O nanoparticles by a spectrophotometer

Importance of the experiment:

Nanoscience and nanotechnology play an important role in our daily life. Materials from
processors of personal computers, mobile phones, light emitting diodes to medical
equipment, drugs etc. consist of nanosized parts with unique properties. The electronics
material are mainly based on semiconductor materials such as silicon and gallium arsenide
whose properties depend on their composition, shape and size. This experiment aims at
providing an explanation of size-dependent optical properties of semiconductor compounds.

Optical Properties of Cu2O:

Cu2O absorbs light in wavelength range from UV to orange and its most common color is
red. However, as Cu2O is a semiconductor, its bandgap depends on size, shape, and
crystalline structure of the sample. Below certain limit (less than micrometer), bandgap
changes subsequently changing the color of Cu2O.


When a solution with suspension is exposed to light, part of the incident light energy is
dissipated by absorption, reflection and refraction, while the remaining is transmitted. When
the suspension is viewed at right angles to the direction of the incident light, the system
appears opalescent due to the reflection of light from the particles of suspension (Tyndall
effect). The reflection of light is irregular in nature and therefore the term scattered light is
used for it. The measurement of the intensity of scattered light as a function of the
suspended particle concentration is done by the technique known as Turbidimetry or
Nephelometry. The intensity of scattered light is measured at right angles to the direction of
the incident light. Light scattering properties changes with respect to the particle size.

Reaction scheme:

Cu2O particles can be synthesized via redox reactions between sugar and alkaline solution
of copper(II) complex with citrate anions (Benedict’s reagent). Heating the sugar solution
with Benedict’s reagent in alkali medium leads to sugar oxidation to corresponding
carboxylic acid salts and reduction of blue colored copper(II) ions to Cu2O with other color.
Higher reactivity leads to formation of bigger Cu2O particles.
Reagents & Apparatus:

a) Copper sulphate (CuSO4·5H2O) (d) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

(b) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (e) Glucose solution

(c) Trisodium citrate dihydrate (f) Nephelometer spectrophotometer

(Na3C6H5O7·2H2O) [Na3Cit]


(a) Preparation of Benedict’s reagent: Dissolve 6.0 g of CuSO4·5H2O in 20 mL of hot

water. Prepare alkaline citric solution by mixing 4.0 g of Na2CO3 and 7.0 g of Na3Cit in 40 mL
of water. Add this citrate solution in hot CuSO4 solution. After that the mixture was diluted
with 40 mL of water. [Conc. of stock solution = 240 mmol w.r.t. CuSO4.]

(b) Preparation of glucose solution: Prepare glucose solution by dissolving 30.0 g glucose
in 750 mL of water. [Conc. of stock solution = 222 mmol]

(c) Preparation of NaOH solution: Prepare 100 mL of 1.0 M NaOH solution.

(d) Preparation of conditioning agent (Glycerol-alcohol solution): Mix 400 mL absolute

ethanol to 200mL of glycerol.

(e) Preparation of Cu2O solution:

1. Take 50 mL volumetric flask and label them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (for Table 1) & A, B, C, D

(for Table 2)
Table 1:

Sample No. Vol. of Benedict’s Vol. of glucose Conc. of Observation/Color

reagent (mL) solution (mL) NaOH (M)

1 0.5 4.5 0.0 Yellow

2 0.5 4.5 0.0001 

3 0.5 4.5 0.001 Red

4 0.5 4.5 0.01

5 0.5 4.5 0.1

Table 2:

Sample Vol. of Benedict’s Vol. of glucose Vol. of NaOH 0.01

No. reagent (mL) solution (mL) M (mL)

A 0.5 4.5 45

B 1.0 9.0 40

C 1.5 13.5 35

D 2.0 18.0 30

2. Mix certain amounts of Benedict’s reagent in the volumetric flask and dilute the
solution with 45 mL of NaOH solution of certain concentration.
3. To each flask add glucose solution and make the volume to 50 mL (with respective
NaOH solution) and mix well.
4. From the flask, take around 10 mL solution in test tubes and place the test tubes with
reaction mixtures into a beaker with boiling water and keep it there for 5 min.
5. After that, transfer the test tubes to the beaker with room temperature water in order
to stop reaction.
6. The fresh samples can be photographed (Table 1) and use for analysis purpose
(Table 2).
7. Next, mix equal volume of conditioning agent (glycerol:ethanol – 1:2) to the sample
solution (10mL of analyte + 10 mL of conditioning agent). Afterwards, transfer the
samples (A – D) in cuvette (the sample tube for turbidity analysis that should be very
clean inside and outside and should not contain any scratches). Note the reading on
turbidity scale [Turbidity is measured in NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)].
8. Prepare a standard curve by plotting turbidity (NTU units) vs the volume of NaOH
(Refer the Appendix in presentation file, .ppt). Then calculate the unknown
concentration of copper(II) by back calculation.

Sample Vol. of NaOH (mL) Turbidity (NTU)


1) The volume of NaOH for the unknown solution _______ mL.

2) The concentration Cu(II) solution is _____ mmol.


N. E. Markina, M. V. Pozharov, A. V. Markin. J. Chem. Educ. 2016, 93, 4, 704–707.

Demo 2

Computational Chemistry: Geometry optimization using Avogadro software


To create models and optimize the geometry of H2O and H2S dimers, and 2-nitrophenol as
examples of inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding respectively using Avogadro

Course outcome

Using the Avogadro software students will learn about modelling 3D structures of any
molecule of interest. Also, they will learn the concept of geometry optimization and
associated stabilization parameters like hydrogen bonding interaction.

Geometry optimization

The geometry optimization can be performed employing commonly used methods like
steepest descent and conjugate gradient methods that are available in Avogadro software to
calculate the energy of given molecular geometry along with the application of force field or
molecular mechanics theory.

The force field is represented as a collection of equations and associated constants that are
designed with standard parameters to reproduce geometry and interpret the behaviour of
atoms and molecules [Ref: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2014.06.050].
Modelling procedure

Avogadro is open source software which is available to model chemical structures and
predict their approximate energy values. Avogadro software can be downloaded from the

Representative examples of molecular systems considered in this demonstration are:-

1. Comparison and modelling of water (H2O) dimer and H2S dimer to investigate the
influence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

2. Modelling of 2-nitrophenol to study the influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding.

These examples will provide clear understanding on the concept of hydrogen bonding that
stabilizes the molecular systems.

Step 1: Make sure that in “Settings” menu, the options “Display types”, “Draw settings” are
enabled as shown below. In the “Display types” enable “Hydrogen bond” to visualize it in the
optimized structure.

Step 2: In the “Draw settings”, choose oxygen atom to model two water molecules placed
close to each other as shown below.
Step 3: In the “Extensions” main menu, choose “Molecular Mechanics” followed by “Setup
force field” menu as shown below.

Once it is chosen, the following screen appears with the option to choose the type of
It is possible to perform geometry optimization after choosing the force field and algorithm,

Step 4: Click “Optimize Geometry” in the “Extension” menu to perform geometry


Step 5: Now the geometry optimization is performed for water dimer. The optimized
geometry is displayed in the screen. One can visualize the dotted line which indicates the
hydrogen bond between the oxygen atom of one water molecule to the hydrogen atom of
another water molecule. This is an example of intermolecular hydrogen bonding as it
involves two different molecules. Note the energy of the water dimer.
Step 6: Now in the build option, choose “sulphur” to convert water dimer to H2S dimer.
Remove “Adjust Hydrogens” option in the build menu and click oxygen atoms. Now the
structure becomes H2S dimer as shown below.

Step 7: Now perform geometry optimization as given in Step 4

Note the difference in structure of H2S dimer and the energy.

Question: What brings the change in bond length and bond angle between the two dimers,
H2O and H2S? Explain why hydrogen bonding is missing in H2S dimer?

Answer: The interactions between the H2S molecules are comparatively weaker (more like
van der Waals interaction) than the interaction between the two H2O molecules. That is the
reason the hydrogen bond is absent in H2S dimer. For the same reason, H2O is liquid and
H2S is gas at room temperature.

Note: The software is programmed in such a way that depending on the geometry criteria of
the molecules, the presence of hydrogen bonding will be highlighted.

Step 8: Draw 2-nitrophenol as shown below

Step 9: Perform geometry optimization of 2-nitrophenol as given in Step 4. Once geometry
optimization is performed, intramolecular hydrogen bonding between -OH and -NO2 groups
can be visualized as a dotted line as shown below.


1. Visualize the geometry of H2O and H2S dimers.

2. The energy of H2O dimer = _____________ and H2S dimer = _____________
3. Visualize the geometry of 2-nitrophenol.
4. The energy of 2-nitrophenol = _____________

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