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Saes B 064

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Engineering Standard

SAES-B-064 11 May 2011

Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 Definitions...................................................... 3
5 General Requirements................................... 5
6 Appurtenances............................................... 8
7 Pipeline Corridors.......................................... 9
8 Emergency Isolation Valves......................... 12

Previous Issue: 29 August 2010 Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 14
Primary contact: Ashoor, Esam Ahmed on 966-3-8728431

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2011. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

1 Scope

1.1 This Standard covers minimum mandatory safety requirements for the design
and installation of onshore pipelines and submarine pipelines nearshore (0.5 km
or less from the shoreline). These include, but are not limited to, cross-country
transportation pipelines, flowlines, trunklines, tielines, water injection lines, gas
lift lines, gas injection lines, and test lines.

1.2 The requirements of ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8 are incorporated into this
Standard by reference and shall be applied to pipelines within the scope of this

1.3 This Standard does not apply to in-plant piping or offshore pipelines.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this Standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications
(SAMSSs), Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards,
codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer
Representative through the Manager, Loss Prevention Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from the Standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Loss Prevention Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.

3 References

The selection of material and equipment and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this Standard shall comply with the latest
edition of referenced Specifications, Standards, Codes, Forms, Drawings, and similar
material (including all revisions, addenda, and supplements) unless stated otherwise.
These references are part of this Standard to the extent specified in the text.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-302 Instruction for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-310 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-J-605 Surge Relief Protection
SAES-L-410 Design of Pipelines
SAES-L-420 Scraper Trap Station Piping and Appurtenances
SAES-L-450 Construction of On-Land and Near-Shore
SAES-L-460 Pipeline Crossings Under Roads and Railroads
SAES-M-006 Saudi Aramco Security and General Purpose
SAES-P-104 Wiring Methods and Materials
SAES-P-107 Overhead Distribution Systems
SAES-T-621 Communications Pole Lines
SAES-T-911 Telecommunications Conduit System Design
SAES-T-928 Telecommunications – Outside Plant Direct
SAES-X-400 Cathodic Protection of Buried Pipelines

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing

AA-036675 Cathodic Protection Direct Buried Cable
Installation Details

3.3 Industry Codes and Standards

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons,
Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia,
and Alcohols
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE STD 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding

4 Definitions

Corridor: A pipeline corridor is an exclusive land use area for pipeline-related


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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

Emergency Isolation Valve (EIV): Emergency isolation valves are stop flow valves
that are installed in a pipeline to isolate the pipeline during an emergency such as a leak
or fire. These valves are strategically located to help protect populated areas. See
Section 8 for more information.

Flowlines: Pipelines connected to oil, gas or water wells for production.

Location Class: Location class is a geographic area along the pipeline classified
according to the number of buildings intended for human occupancy.

Lower Flammable Limit (LFL): In the case of gas or vapor that forms a flammable
mixture with air, the lower flammable limit is the minimum concentration of the fuel
below which propagation of a flame does not occur in the presence of an ignition
source. In popular terms, the LFL is too "lean" to burn.

Primary Highway: A controlled-access highway designated as “Primary” by the

Ministry of Transport. A Primary highway connects urban areas of 100,000 or more,
connects multiple regions, and serves international connections.

Right-of-Way: A legal right of passage through another person's land for a road, a
railroad, or a utility such as a power, water, or communications.

Rupture Exposure Radius (RER):

1) For toxic effects, the rupture exposure radius refers to the horizontal distance from
a leak source to a 100 parts per million (ppm) level of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
2) For a flammable gas hazard, the rupture exposure radius refers to the horizontal
distance from a leak source to the ½ lower flammable limit (LFL).
3) For the purposes of this Standard, the RER is not a population exclusion zone.
Rather, buildings within the RER are counted to determine location class.
Location class is used to justify an increase in pipeline design safeguards such as
fencing, thicker pipe wall, and isolation valves.

Secondary Highway: A highway designated as "Secondary" by the Ministry of

Transport. A secondary highway may or may not have controlled-access, connects
urban areas of 50,000 or more, connects 2 regions, and may or may not serve
international connections.

Sectionalizing Valve: Sectionalizing valves are stop flow valves that are installed to
divide a pipeline into shorter sections. They are also installed upstream and
downstream of environmentally sensitive areas as identified in the environmental
assessment. These valves are provided at specific intervals along the entire pipeline.
See SAES-L-410 for more details.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

Trunklines: A pipeline to which two or more production flowlines are connected.

Normally used upstream of a GOSP or gas plant to collect produced crude oil and
natural gas from production wells.

5 General Requirements

5.1 Mechanical design of pipelines shall meet SAES-L-410.

5.2 No pipeline having a diameter of greater than 24 inches shall be permitted

within 1000 m of a hospital, school, university, prison, hotel, shopping mall or
similar shopping complex, or gathering hall such as a hall for weddings.

5.3 The land around liquids pipelines located nearby industrial, commercial,
residential area, roads, bridges, flyovers, or other structures shall be graded or
bermed so that any spillage from a rupture shall drain away from the pipeline
itself and away from those places and structures.

5.4 Pipeline location class shall be used for the design of both liquid and gas
pipelines within the scopes of ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8. Location class
shall be based on the population density index within the rupture exposure
radius (RER) along the pipeline route.

5.4.1 For the purpose of this Standard, the RER is the downwind dispersion
distance at ground level of a full bore rupture to the limit of 100 ppm
H2S or ½ the lower flammable limit (LFL) of the released vapor,
whichever distance is greater. See Table 1 and Table 2 for default RER

Pipelines carrying only liquid hydrocarbons with a true vapor pressure

(TVP) less than 100 kPa gauge (14.5 psig) at 38°C, and an H2S
concentration of less than 1.5 mole percent shall have the RER as shown
in Table 1. For the purposes of this Standard, the RER used for
determination of location class shall not be less than Table 1.

Pipelines carrying combustible gas or liquid hydrocarbons with a true

vapor pressure equal to or greater than 100 kPa (14.5 psig) at 38°C shall
have an RER as shown in Table 2. Calculation by the Loss Prevention
Department is required to reduce the RER below the values shown in
Table 2.

5.4.2 RERs, for the purpose of determining location class, need not be greater
than the values specified in Tables 1 or 2.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

Table 1 – Pipeline RER Summary, Low TVP ¹

Pipeline Pipeline H 2S RER Calculated
RER (m)
Contents Diameter (in.) Mole % by LPD
Sweet,  24 <1.5% 200 Not Required
Low TVP, >24 <1.5% 400 Not Required
& Liquid

Note: ¹ True Vapor Pressure < 100 kPa at 38C.

Table 2 – Pipeline RER Summary, High TVP ¹ or Gas

Pipeline Pipeline H 2S
RER (m)
Contents Diameter (in.) Mole %
Liquid or Gas  24 <1.5% 1000 ²
 24  1.5% 3000 ²
>24 <1.5% 2000 ²
>24  1.5% 5000 ²

¹ True Vapor Pressure >= 100 kPa at 38°C.
² See 5.4.3.

5.4.3 Calculation by the Loss Prevention Department is required to reduce the

RER below this value. Submit a written request to perform a calculation
based upon the pipeline diameter, fluid composition and temperature,
and the maximum shut-in pressure to the Chief Fire Prevention Engineer.
Although a calculation is not required if the default RER values are used,
in many situations an RER may reduce the design wall thickness
requirement and number of emergency isolation valves required. RERs,
for the purpose of pipeline design, need not be greater than the values
specified in Table 2.

5.4.4 To determine the density index for a pipeline, establish a zone one RER
wide to each side of the pipeline. Divide the pipeline and associated
RER zone into 1 km long segments. Count the number of buildings and
equivalent buildings in each of the segments. This whole number count
is the existing one-kilometer density index for the segment.

5.4.5 Buildings having more than four occupied stories shall be included in the
density index as a number of equivalent buildings. The number of
equivalent buildings shall be calculated by dividing the number of stories
in those buildings by three and rounding up to a whole number.

5.4.6 Temporary facilities which will be in place for less than six consecutive
months shall be reviewed case-by-case and may be ignored in population

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

density calculations if concurrence is obtained from the Saudi Aramco

Chief Fire Prevention Engineer.

5.4.7 Pipelines shall be designed for the following location classifications

based on the above population index determination:

Class 1: Class 1 locations are undeveloped areas within the RER for
which the population density index for any 1 kilometer
segment is 10 or less.

Class 2: Class 2 locations are areas within the RER for which the
population density index is 11 through 30 or pipeline sections
adjacent or crossing primary or secondary highways as
defined by the Saudi Arab Government Ministry of Transport
(see clarifications below). Location Class 2 shall extend 500
meters or the RER distance, whichever is less, from the edge
of the highway right-of-way.

Class 3: Class 3 locations are areas within the RER for which the
population density index is more than 30.

Class 4: Class 4 locations are areas within the RER in which a school,
hospital, hotel, prison, shopping mall or similar retail
complex, or wedding hall is located, as well as any Location
Class 3 areas which include buildings of more than four
occupied floors.

5.4.8 Location Class 2 Clarifications:

a) Location Class 2 piping design for highway crossings need not
extend beyond 500 meters from the edge of a highway right-of-way
even if the actual RER is greater than 500 m.
b) For pipelines adjacent to or crossing highways that are in populated
areas, the more conservative classification shall prevail.
c) The portion of subsea nearshore pipelines located between Lowest
Astronomical Tide (LAT) and points 0.4 kilometer on the seaward
side of the LAT-line shall be designated for Location Class 2.
Location Class 2 shall be the minimum used for the portion of
these pipelines located between LAT-line and the onshore anchor.

5.4.9 The extent of RER zones, the boundaries between location class areas,
and the location class designation shall be marked on plan drawings.
Additionally, the population density index for each kilometer of pipeline
shall be provided on a listing in all pipeline project proposals.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

5.5 Pipelines shall be inspected for the effects of corrosion and erosion at a frequency
to be determined by the Proponent Operating and Inspection Departments.
Records of maintenance and replacement shall be kept available for inspection.
Repair and maintenance of onshore pipelines shall meet SAEP-310.

5.6 The boundaries of areas in which development is present or planned within the
RER of the pipeline shall be indicated on drawings that are maintained by the
Land and Lease Division of the Saudi Aramco Government Affairs
Organization. Approval for use of land within the RER shall be processed by
the Facilities Planning Department. No Saudi Aramco-controlled land shall be
developed or released for development unless the requirements of this Standard
are met.

5.7 Land outside a pipeline corridor, but within 500 meters of either side of that
pipeline corridor, shall not be released except for use for roads, railways,
pipelines, electrical powerlines, communication towers, communication cables
and other utilities that do not present a significant hazard to the pipelines within
the corridor.

6 Appurtenances

6.1 Surge relief protection systems shall be in accordance with SAES-J-605, Surge
Relief Protection.

6.2 Scraper Launcher and Receiver Installations

All pipelines passing through location Class 3 or 4 zones shall have appropriate
connections for permanent scraper launchers and receivers, installed in
accordance with SAES-L-420.
Exception for Class 3 zones:

Scraper connections are not required on flowlines, test lines, dry gas lift lines,
GOSP water disposal laterals (not headers), and water injection lines and supply

6.3 Pressure Relief Stations

Pressure Relief and Surge Relief Protection Stations, Flares, Burn Pits, and
similar pipeline appurtenances shall be studied on a case-by-case basis to
determine minimum spacing from roads, unrelated facilities, and other private or
public entities. The study shall include toxic gas dispersion analysis and
potential radiation if ignited. Location of these types of facilities shall be
approved by the Chief Fire Prevention Engineer or his representative. The
spacing shall not be less than 100 m.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

7 Pipeline Corridors

7.1 A pipeline corridor constitutes an exclusive land use area for pipeline-related
activities; no other uses are allowed, except as specifically addressed in this
Commentary Note:

Powerlines, communications cables, and pipelines sometimes share or cross the

pipeline corridors. If there is no violation of the following requirements, no waiver
to SAES-B-064 is necessary.

7.2 With concurrence of the pipeline Operating Department, pipeline corridors may
be used for Saudi Aramco communications cables placed parallel to the pipeline
when this is the most economical alternative for cable routing. Non-Saudi
Aramco communications cables are not allowed within the corridor except for
crossings (see 7.8).

7.3 All pipelines shall be placed in designated corridors, which are a minimum of
60 m wide.

For (and only for) flowlines, trunklines, test lines, gas lift lines, water injection and
supply lines, and GOSP water disposal lines with pipe diameters of 24 inches and
less, the minimum corridor width shall be 6.5 meters.

7.4 The minimum clear space between any pipeline and the corridor boundary shall
be 30 m.

For pipelines designated in the exception to 7.3, the minimum clear space
between any pipeline and the corridor boundary shall be 1 m.

7.5 Design, construction, and spacing of parallel pipelines shall meet SAES-L-410
and SAES-L-450.

7.6 Overhead Electrical Powerline Crossings

7.6.1 Where pipeline and overhead powerline corridors cross, the horizontal
angle of intersection between the pipeline and powerlines operating in
excess of 69 kV should be between 45 to 135 degrees (as measured from
the pipeline axis). If the angle is within the limit, no induced voltage
study is required. In cases where the angle requirement cannot be met,
the Electrical Unit/Consulting Services Department shall verify that the
induced-voltage requirements of paragraph 7.6.5 are met. If the induced
voltage is within allowable limits of 12 volts per 7.6.5, no further action

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

or authorization to proceed is required other than to meet the minimum

spacing requirements of Table 3.
Commentary Note:

Overhead powerlines that are 69 kV and below do not create a touch

potential hazard above the allowable limits.

7.6.2 Where pipeline and overhead powerline corridors cross, the minimum
horizontal separation between any pipeline and the poles or structures of
overhead powerlines shall be 30 m for powerlines operating in excess of
69 kV.

7.6.3 Where pipeline and overhead powerline corridors cross, the minimum
horizontal separation between any pipeline and the poles or support
structures of overhead powerlines shall be:
a) 30 m for powerlines operating in excess of 69 kV;
b) 15 m for powerlines operating at 69 kV or less and having only one
or two poles near a pipeline;
c) 4.5 m in producing areas for flowlines, trunklines, test lines, gas lift
lines, gas injection lines, water injection, supply lines, and disposal
lines with pipe diameters of 24 inches and less.

7.6.4 The horizontal spacing between a pipeline and a parallel overhead

powerline shall not be less than shown in Table 3.

7.6.5 Induced voltages in pipelines and communications cables shall not

exceed twelve (12) volts under normal (i.e., steady-state) conditions.
Under fault conditions, induced voltages shall not exceed the values
calculated from formulas in IEEE STD 80. Need for an analysis of
normal and transient voltages shall be determined by Consulting
Services Department for powerlines above 69 kV. For other safety-
related requirements during maintenance, refer to SAEP-310.

7.6.6 The minimum vertical clearance (measured from grade) of overhead

powerline conductors at pipeline crossings shall be 9.0 m for powerlines
operating at 230 kV or less, and 13.5 m for powerlines operating at over
230 kV. For other powerline requirements, see SAES-P-107.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

Table 3 – Minimum Horizontal Spacing

Between Pipeline and Parallel Overhead Powerline
Minimum Horizontal
Powerline Voltage
Spacing from Pipeline
For any voltage less than 69 kV,
30 m
parallel for more than 1.6 km (1 mile):
For any voltage 69 kV and greater,
150 m
parallel for more than 1.6 km (1 mile):
Up to 230 kV, parallel for less than 1.6 km: 30 m
Up to 500 kV, parallel for less than 1.6 km: 50 m
Up to 1000 kV, parallel for less than 1.6 km: 85 m

7.7 Overhead Communications Cable Crossings

Overhead pole line communications cables, whether Saudi Aramco or non-Saudi

Aramco, crossing pipeline corridors shall comply with SAES-T-621. The
minimum separation between any pipeline and pole, structure, or cable shall be
15 m horizontal and 9.0 m vertical (measured from grade).

7.8 Underground Electrical and Communications Cable Crossings

7.8.1 Where pre-existing buried electrical and communications cables and

associated utilities are encountered as a new pipeline corridor is being
created, the crossing shall meet Section 4.5.9, SAES-T-911 for
communications cables; Section 10, SAES-P-104 for electrical cables;
and the requirements of this Standard.

7.8.2 Underground electrical and communications cables that cross a pre-

existing pipeline corridor shall meet the following requirements:
a) Communications cables that cross a pipeline corridor shall meet
SAES-T-911 and SAES-T-928.
b) Electrical cables that cross a pipeline corridor shall be installed at
least 1 meter under the pipelines in duct banks per SAES-P-104.
c) Cable crossings shall be continuous and at the same elevation with
respect to the natural grade across the entire width of the pipeline

If approved by the Proponent and Engineering Support Organizations,

low voltage buried powerline cables that are incidental to the pipeline
installation and operation, i.e., power, control, and signal cables to

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

emergency isolation valve actuators, can be installed crossing above

pipelines. They shall be marked and protected as required by

7.8.3 Non-Saudi Aramco electrical and communications cables shall have no

servicing points within pipeline corridors.

7.8.4 For Saudi Aramco electrical and communications cables, no portion of

the service point (manhole/vault) for Saudi Aramco shall be closer than
25 m to any pipeline in the corridor.

7.8.5 Saudi Aramco cathodic protection cables crossing pipeline corridors

shall comply with SAES-X-400 and Standard Drawing AA-036675.

7.9 Third Party Underground Pipeline Crossings

Non-Saudi Aramco pipelines crossing pipeline corridors shall pass under the
pipelines in a manner such that the minimum vertical clearance between the
bottom of any Saudi Aramco pipeline and the top of the non-Saudi Aramco
piping is 0.6 m. The non-Saudi Aramco piping shall have no servicing points
within Saudi Aramco pipeline corridors.

7.10 Road and Railroad Right-of-Way

a) When pipelines cross under roads or railroads through box culverts, the
minimum spacing between any two pipes shall be twice the diameter of the
larger pipe. The minimum spacing between any pipe and the overhead or
side portion of the culvert structure shall be 1.5 pipe diameters, but in no
case less than 1 m. See SAES-L-460 for additional requirements.
b) The transition from pipeline spacing within corridors and that stipulated at
box culverts shall be made within the road or railroad right-of-way.

7.11 The need for fencing and associated signposting of pipeline corridors shall be
determined by the Proponent Operating Department. Where required, fencing
shall be constructed in accordance with SAES-M-006 (Type V), with gate
locations determined by the Proponent Operating Department.

8 Emergency Isolation Valves

Pipelines, whether in liquid service per the scope of ASME B31.4 or in gas service per
the scope of ASME B31.8, shall apply the isolation requirements of ASME B31.8 and
the following requirements:

8.1 Emergency isolation valves shall be located as required by the following


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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

8.1.1 Emergency isolation valves shall be installed between pipeline sections

of different location classes defined in ASME B31.8 as specified below:
Location Class 1 and Class 3
Location Class 1 and Class 4
Location Class 2 and Class 3
Location Class 2 and Class 4
Location Class 3 and Class 4

For pipelines designated in the exception to 7.3, emergency isolation

valves are not required between location Class 1 and Class 3 or between
location Class 2 and Class 3.

8.1.2 Each required emergency isolation valve shall be installed within the
lower location class at least the RER distance beyond the class boundary.
The higher wall thickness piping shall extend to the valve.

8.1.3 Where an emergency isolation valve is required, a change in ASME

location class design can be made only at the emergency isolation valve.

8.1.4 The extension of a pipeline section of higher strength ASME location

class design into a lower location class area beyond the required RER
distance is permissible to minimize the number of emergency isolation

Figure 1 – Illustration of 8.1.2 and 8.1.3

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-064
Issue Date: 11 May 2011
Next Planned Update: 29 August 2015 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety

8.2 The emergency isolation valves for location Class 3 and Class 4 areas shall be
fitted with remote pipeline pressure monitoring and shall have remote closure
activation capability from a manned control facility.

8.3 A sectionalizing block valve (see SAES-L-410 for requirements) can be used as
an emergency isolation valve also if the valve complies with the requirements of
this Standard.

8.4 The emergency isolation valve closure rate shall be determined by the pipeline's
surge characteristics, but total closing time shall not exceed 10 minutes.

Revision Summary
29 August 2010 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with editorial changes.
11 May 2011 Editorial revision of Section 7.9.

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