Cigarettes Smoking and Its Risks
Cigarettes Smoking and Its Risks
Cigarettes Smoking and Its Risks
Discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand and third hand smoke (H8S-IVb-c-29)
I. Objectives:
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Classroom Management
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
5. Motivation
Before we start our lesson, I have here a
video presentation; watch it because I
will ask question after this.
(The teacher will play the video “ANTI
Class, what have you observed about the Ma’am, it is all about cigarettes smoking.
Yes Noli?
Ma’am, it talks about using of cigarettes.
Very Good! Another?
Yes Reymar?
Very Good!
B. Lesson Proper
The video talks about the effects of using
cigarettes. Because nowadays, teenagers
like you are vulnerable in using
cigarettes, because you are curious and Ma’am, Cigarettes is a slender roll of cut
risk-takers. tobacco enclosed in paper.
What are the chemicals that can harm Tobacco contains 4,000 different chemicals.
people? 43 of these chemicals are known
Yes Fae? “carcinogens”.
Exactly! Kindly read what is carcinogen? Ma’am, Nicotine is an addictive drug, which
Yes Netanya? is a poisonous stimulant.
Very Good! What about Nicotine? Ma’am, the three types of smoke produced by
cigarettes are mainstream smoke, side stream
smoke and third-hand smoke.
Very Good!
Class, there are three types of smokes
produced by cigarette.
Who can enumerate them? Ma’am, Adult smoking.
Yes Faith?
C. Generalization
Very Good!
2. What are the three main types of
smoke? Ma’am, the three types of smoke produced by
Yes Marvin? cigarettes are mainstream smoke, side stream
smoke and third-hand smoke.
3. What are the risks of cigarette Ma’am, the risks of cigarette smoking are
smoking? mouth disease, oral cancer, neck cancer,
Yes Nathan? gangrene, and miscarriage.
Very Good!
D. Application
Raise your hand if the statement is true and lower your hand if it is false.
1. Make a research about RA No. 8949 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999).
2. Make a research about the dangers of alcohol.