Stucor Qp-Me8791
Stucor Qp-Me8791
Stucor Qp-Me8791
Sixth/Seventh Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2017)
PART B — (5 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) Explain in detail the static and dynamic characteristics of a sensor.
(b) Describe performance characteristics of an LVDT and explain eddy
current transducer for measurement of linear displacement.
12. (a) Explain with timing diagram the memory read cycle in 8085.
(b) How many interrupt sources are available in 8051? Explain in detail.
13. (a) Interface a 4 digit seven segment display with 8255 and write an ALP to
display rotating ‘2012’.
(b) How do you interface a stepper motor to a controller? Give the necessary
hardware and software functional blocks.
14. (a) Draw a ladder diagram for two motor system having following conditions:
(i) Starting push button starts motor 1
(ii) After 10 seconds, motor – 2 is ON
(iii) Stopping the switch stops motor 1 and 2 (Time base 1 sec).
(b) Develop the ladder logic to fill the tank.
(i) Fill the tank up to 80%. When the tank is filled, turn ON the heater
to raise the temperature up to 70 deg.
(ii) When this temperature is reached, turn OFF the heater and open
the outlet valve.
(iii) When the level in the tank falls below 10%, close the output valve.
15. (a) Explain construction and working of a DC servomotor along with its
torque-speed characteristics.
(b) Design a pick and place robot using mechatronics elements and explain
the same with relevant examples.
PART C — (1 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) With a suitable example explain the 8085 microprocessor interrupt
system in detail.
(b) Considering a computer controlled machine tool (CNC machine tool) as a
mechatronics system. Discuss the design considerations and design
solutions to those considerations.
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Reg. No. :
15. a) List out the specifications of stepper motor and write the advantages
and disadvantages. (13)
b) Relate the difference between Traditional and Mechatronics approach with
suitable example. (13)
16. a) Design a PLC circuit that can be used to start a motor and then after a
delay of 100s start a pump when the motor is switched off there should a
delay of 10s before the pump is switched off. (15)
b) Explain the concept of Car engine management system by mechatronics
approach. (15)
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