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International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 217

Investigation of Ultra-high Performance

Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads
Jun Lia*, Chengqing Wua,b, Hong Haoc and Yu Sua
aSchool of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering,
the University of Adelaide, SA, Australia 5005
bTCU-UA (Tianjin Chengjian University-University of Adelaide)

Joint Research Centre on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

cDepartment of Civil Engineering, Curtin University,

WA 6845, Australia

Received on 19 January 2015; Accepted 23 March 2015

Conventional concrete works as an important construction material.
However, conventional concrete is known to be brittle and prone to tensile
failure and cracks. To overcome such defects and improve the dynamic
performance of concrete against extreme loading conditions, concrete
with different additions and formulae have been developed. In a recent
study, to develop ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) material with
better strength and crack control ability, super fine aggregates with high
pozzolanic effect were mixed into the steel fibre reinforced concrete
instead of the traditional graded coarse aggregates. Furthermore, to
achieve high early age strength, nanoscale additives which can accelerate
the hydration process of the ordinary Portland cement were also introduced
into the concrete composite. A series of uniaxial compression and four-point
bending tests had been performed in the laboratory to get the material
properties of this innovative concrete material. Great improvement of the
concrete uniaxial compressive strength and flexural tensile strength was
observed. Field blast tests were carried out on columns made of this UHPC
material. Superior blast resistance performance was observed. In the current
study, based on the available test data, numerical models are developed
and numerical simulations are carried out. The simulation results are found to
comply well with the experimental results.

Key words: steel fibre, nano-additive, UHPC, static tests, blast tests,
numerical simulation

Although working as a widely used construction material, conventional concrete is known to
be inclined to brittle damage with extensive cracks under static or dynamic loads.
Researchers have been working dedicatedly on the development of new concrete composites
in the past decades.

*Corresponding author. E-mail address: j.li@adelaide.edu.au

218 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

Compared to normal strength concrete, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) or

reactive powder concrete is known for its high strength, high ductility and high durability. It
allows construction of sustainable and economic buildings with a slim and aesthetic design.
UHPC material achieves a high tensile strength as well as a ductile tensile behaviour through
an optimized combination of high-strength concrete and high-strength fibres. After initial
crack formation, the stress is allowed to transfer from matrix to fibres which significantly
reduce the crack propagation. In recent decades, with the rising of terrorism activity,
buildings as well as the personnel they shield are under potential threat from the explosions
or high velocity impacts. Researchers have made significant effort on developing new and
affordable UHPC material resisting such blast and impact loads. Recently, Wu et al.
conducted blast tests on UHPC slabs [1] and compared them with control samples made with
normal strength concrete, and they concluded that combination of high strength concrete
with steel fibre can significantly increase the blast loading resistance of structural
components. Bindiganavile et al. [2] observed the impact response of UHPC material
through drop weight tests, and direct comparisons were made with conventional normal
strength fibre reinforced concrete. Test results indicated that UHPC was approximately two
times stronger than normal strength fibre reinforced concrete.
Until now, optimization of the material composition of UHPC is still widely studied in
order to cater for the need of even better performance such as early age workability, impact
and explosive loading resistance, fire and corrosion resistance and aggressive chemical
Fibre material is one of the most important composites in UHPC matrix. Since the
beginning of the 20th century, asbestos fibre was used in concrete cement to enhance the
mechanical, chemical and thermal resistance. However, asbestos was later known to be toxic
and its usage was widely banned. Considerable research had been committed to finding an
alternative fibre to replace asbestos in fibre cement products [3]. Ever since 1960s, fibre
materials like steel fibre, glass fibre and synthetic fibre took the stage and had been mixed
into the concrete matrix to reduce the permeability and enhance its crack control ability.
Riguad et al. [4] studied post-cracking behaviour of high performance concrete containing
glass fibres, and they found the durability and ductility of this material maintained after
accelerated aging tests in 50 °C water. Chen and Chanvillard [5] used 2.2 vol. % glass fibres
in concrete composites to achieve an improved tensile strength and material ductility.
Microstructure characterization by scanning-electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury-
intrusion porosimetry (MIP) furthermore points to the high durability of the glass fibre
reinforced concrete. Zheng et al. [6] discussed characteristics of various synthetic fibres and
the behaviour of concrete reinforced with each of these fibres, and they reviewed research on
the performance of synthetic fibre-reinforced concrete based on polyethylene (PE),
polypropylene (PP), acrylics (PAN), poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), polyamides (PA), aramid,
polyester (PES) and carbon reinforcements. Buratti et al. [7] described the results of an
experimental investigation on the performances of concrete specimens reinforced with either
steel or macro-synthetic fibres under three-point bending. In general steel fibres were more
efficient in increasing the toughness of concrete than macro-synthetic fibres. Ye et al. [8]
experimentally investigated the mechanical behaviour of concrete reinforced by hybrid
different shapes of steel fibres. The largest fracture energy and bending toughness were
obtained with hybrid-fibres, where the volume ratio of long ultra-fine fibre was 1.5%, and
the ratio of long end-hooked fibre was 0.5%. The hybrid-fibres had generated positive
intermixing effect. Bindiganavile and Banthia [9] pointed out that under both static and low-
rate impact loads, the predominant failure mode of steel fibre reinforced concrete material
International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 219

was the steel fibre pull-out. To increase the bonding between the concrete and steel fibre
material, Xu et al. [10] proposed spiral shaped steel fibres, and the impact tests had
demonstrated that concrete specimens reinforced with spiral shaped fibres displayed the best
ultimate compressive strength, post-failure strength and energy-absorption capacity among
all steel fibre reinforced test specimens.
Advances in material science and nanotechnology have led to a renewed interest in
reformulating the existing materials. It was noticed that several phenomena including
statistical mechanical effects and quantum mechanical effects become pronounced as the size
of the system decreases. Addition of nanoscale size particles results in significantly improved
material properties without much change of the material composition.
As depicted in Figure 1, nano sized particles have a high surface area to volume ratio
which enables a potential of tremendous pozzolanic effect. For cement based material like
concrete, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) is the main product during the hydration process
and is primarily responsible for the material strength. Nano particles are typically high
effective pozzolanic material and addition of such material into the cement paste improves
the microstructure of the paste and reduces calcium leaching as these materials react with
Calcium Hydroxide Crystal and form additional C-S-H gel.

Figure 1. Particle size and specific surface area related to concrete

materials. Adapted from [11]

Qing et al. [12] discussed the influence of nano-SiO2 addition on properties of hardened
cement paste as compared with silica fume. Results indicated that the pozzolanic activity of
nano-SiO2 is more obvious than that of silica fume, and the cement hydration process was
accelerated with nano particles addition. Compressive strengths and bond strengths of paste–
aggregate interface incorporating nano material were obviously higher than those
incorporating silica fumes, especially at early ages. Through water permeability test, Ji [13]
pointed out that the microstructure of concrete with nano-SiO2 is more uniform and compact
than that of normal concrete, and the incorporation of nano-SiO2 can improve the resistance
of water penetration of concrete. Li et al. [14] investigated the properties of cement mortars
blended with nanoparticles nano-SiO2 or nano-Fe2O3. The experimental results showed that
the compressive and flexural strengths measured at the 7th day and 28th day of the cement
220 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

mortars mixed with the nano-particles were higher than that of a plain cement mortar. They
concluded that it was feasible to add nano-particles to improve the mechanical properties of
concrete. Through tests on cylindrical specimens with different column fraction of nano-
Al2O3, Li et al. [15] found that elastic modulus and compressive strength of mortar with
nano-Al2O3 were increased. Liu et al. [16] added nano-CaCO3 into the cement paste and the
experimental results showed that nano-CaCO3 had no effect on water requirement of normal
consistency of cement. However, with the increase of nano-CaCO3 content, the flowability
decreased and the setting time of fresh cement paste was shortened. Flexural strength as well
as compressive strength increased with the addition of nano-CaCO3 at the age of 7 days and
28 days. Sanchez and Sobolev [17] made a review on nanotechnology in concrete. In the
review work, definitions of nanotechnology, including nanoscience and nano-engineering in
concrete, were provided. The impact of recent advances in instrumentation and
computational materials science and their use in concrete research was discussed. Recent
progress in nano-engineering and nanomodification of cement-based materials was
With all these benefits of nano material engineered concrete, concerns remain for
scientists and engineers of the wide utilization of particles mixed concrete material. First of
all, the toxicity and environmental impact of the ultra-fine nano particles are not yet well
studied [18]. Secondly, it is well acknowledged that most of the nanoscale materials are
expensive that limits their use with concrete in industry. Finally, the development of nano
engineered concrete is based on advances in the materials science. Considerable effort is
required to transfer and implement the knowledge gained at the material level to structural
engineering and design.
In the recent study, novel UHPC material with nano material addition had been
developed. Influence from different nano particles additions was experimentally studied.
A series of uniaxial compressive and four point bending tests were conducted in the
laboratory to get the static material properties. It was observed that the concrete strength,
ductility and energy absorbing ability were all improved comparing with normal strength
concrete without fibre and nano additions. Furthermore, to observe the blast resistance of this
new material, a series of field blast tests were carried out on columns made of this UHPC. In
the present study, the static and blast tests results are summarized. Numerical models based
on laboratory tests are developed and calibrated. Field blast tests are reproduced through
numerical simulations, and it is demonstrated that the proposed numerical models can well
represent the UHPC dynamic behaviour under blast loads.


In the current study, the base mix proportion of UHPC material is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Base mix proportion of UHPC

52.5 Portland Silica Super

Component Cement Fume Sand plasticizer Water
Mass (kg) 750 415 1030 16 190

As can be noticed from the base mix of UHPC, the traditional coarse aggregates (9.5 mm
to 37.5 mm in diameter) are replaced by the ultra-fine silica fume (0.15–0.20 μm in diameter).
The addition of silica fume can significantly improve material properties of UHPC, in
International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 221

particular its compressive strength, bond strength and abrasion strength. Silica fume can also
reduce the permeability of concrete and thus protect the steel reinforcement against possible
corrosion [19] in chloride rich environment like coastal area.
Fibre reinforcement including four different steel fibres, i.e. MF06, MF15, TF03 and TF05
as shown in Figure 2 are used in the UHPC material at a constant volume fraction of 2.5%.
The material properties and dimensions of the steel fibres are listed in Table 2.

Figure 2. Different types of steel fibres

Table 2. Material properties of steel fibres

Elastic Tensile Aspect

Modulus Strength Diameter Length ratio
Type (GPa) (MPa) (mm) (mm) (L/D)
MF06 210 4295 0.12 6 50
MF15 210 4295 0.12 15 125
TF03 210 1500 0.3 30 100
TF05 210 1500 0.5 30 60

Four nano materials including Nano-CaCO3, Nano-SiO2, Nano-TiO2 and Nano-Al2O3 are
added into the base mix of UHPC at 3% volume fraction.
All UHPC samples were produced by mixing the silica fume, fine sand and powder
materials which consisted of cement and nanoparticles, in a laboratory concrete mixer. They
were firstly dry mixed for 5 minutes before any water addition. Then 70% water was added
and mixed for 3 minutes to fluidise the mix. Superplasticizer was added before the other 30%
water was finally mixed. The mixing process was then continued for another 5 minutes
before steel fibres were added and manually dispersed in order to avoid clumping and
guarantee the fibres were uniformly distributed and randomly oriented.
In the laboratory, in order to observe the influence from the addition of different nano
materials and steel fibres, uniaxial compression tests were carried out on UHPC material
with various nano particles and steel fibres mixtures. In the flexural tensile tests, iconic
UHPC material with Nano-CaCO3 and MF15 additions was tested to demonstrate its tensile
capacity. In the field blast tests, reinforced concrete column constructed with the same
material as used in the flexural tensile tests were tested under free air explosions.
222 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads


Quasi-static compression tests for UHPC specimens were conducted on a number of 100 mm*
100 mm*100 mm cubes using a 3000 kN capacity computer-controlled electromechanical
servo hydraulic pressure testing machine which conformed to the China standard GB/T
50081–2002. Figure 3 illustrates a cubic specimen that was used in the tests. At both sides
of the loading plate, there was an axially oriented LVDT for the test data record. In the test,
the loading was displacement controlled.
Static stress-strain curves obtained from samples with different nano additions are
depicted in Figure 4. It can be observed that when the same steel fibres i.e. micro steel fibre
MF15 were used as UHPC reinforcements, different nano material additions had significant
influence on the concrete compressive strength. UHPC with 3% of Nano-TiO2 had the
highest strength which is about 14% higher than the lowest compressive strength measured
from UHPC with Nano-Al2O3. Addition of Nano-CaCO3, Nano-SiO2 provided slightly
higher compressive strength than Nano-Al2O3. Among all the nano materials, Nano-CaCO3
in UHPC mix seemed yielding the lowest material ductility, post peak compressive strength
quickly dropped to around 60 MPa and then entered a stress plateau. UHPC specimens with
addition of the other three nano materials exhibited prominent material ductility. The
compressive strength of these three materials remain high (exceed 120 MPa) even after
entering the stress plateau.
Static stress-strain curves representing samples with same Nano-CaCO3 addition but
different steel fibres reinforcement are shown in Figure 5. It can be clearly observed that with
the addition of different steel fibres in the UHPC, the static performance varies significantly.
UHPC with 2.5% MF15 has the highest static strength around 150 MPa which is about 30%
higher than the lowest strength obtained in UHPC with 2.5% TF05 reinforcement. It is also
noted that with same fibre material, increment in the aspect ratio exerts positive influence on
the mechanical performance of UHPC. MF15 (L/D = 125) outperforms MF06 (L/D = 50)
while TF03 (L/D = 100) outperforms TF05 (L/D = 60).

Figure 3. Test setup for compression tests

International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 223

Figure 4. Effects of different nano additions

Figure 5. Effects of different steel fibre additions


To explore the tensile capacity of the UHPC, four points bending tests were conducted on
UHPC specimens with nano-CaCO3 addition and MF15 reinforcement. The samples all have
a dimension of 100 mm*100 mm*400 mm as shown in Figure 6. The spacing between
loading points was set to be 1/3 of the clear (outer) span which is 300 mm. Within the loading
points, no shear acts and the specimens were solely subjected to bending moments. The
224 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

Figure 6. Setup of the flexural tensile tests

central deflection was measured by LVDTs at mid-span and at the supports. Strain gauges
were installed along the depth of the specimens at mid span to generate the experimental
curvature profiles.
A typical load deflection curve obtained from four points bending test is shown in
Figure 7. For a rectangular sample under a load in a four-point bending setup where the
loading span is one-third of the support span, the flexural strength is calculated as:
m= (1)
bd 2
where F is the load (force) at the fracture point, L is the length of the clear span; b is the
width; d is the thickness of the sample cross section.


Load (kN)



0 1 2 3 4 5
Displacement (mm)

Figure 7. Load versus deflection curve for UHPC

International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 225

In this case, after substituting F value of 137 kN, L value of 0.3 m, b value of 0.1 m and
d value of 0.1 m into Equation 1, the flexural tensile strength of the UHPC sample can be
simply derived as 41 MPa. After conducting all four point bending tests, the flexural tensile
strength of the UHPC sample is averaged as 36 MPa which is significantly higher than
normal strength concrete.


In the field blast tests, four UHPC columns with 2.5 m span length, and rectangular cross
section of 0.2 m × 0.2 m are tested. The UHPC material used in column construction has
Nano-CaCO3 addition and MF15 reinforcement. The geometry of the UHPC column, layout
of the longitudinal reinforcements and spacing of the transverse reinforcement are shown in
Figure 8.
Testing system is shown in Figure 9. The column is placed on a steel supporting rig and
then descended to the ground level. Both ends of the column are fixed using steel bolts, and
two strips of rubber sheet are used to cover the gaps between the column and ground support.
Such design is proved to be effective for resisting the blast wave passing through the gaps
and destroying the testing instruments installed beneath the column. Emulsion explosive,
with a TNT equivalence factor 1/1.4 = 0.71, i.e. 0.71 kg of TNT is equal to 1 kg of emulsion

Figure 8. configuration of UHPC columns

Figure 9. Testing system

226 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

explosive, is used in the test. Explosive is hung over the column at a height of 1.5 m. The
explosive is stabilised by a bamboo tripod.
Three LVDTs with a stroke of up to 300 mm are placed beneath the column on the distal
surface to record the column deflection, and all the LVDTs are attached to the slab using a
Dynabolt. The sample rate for the LVDTs was 0.2 MHz. For measuring the reflected pressure
acting on the column, pressure transducers are installed at 0 mmm, 380 mm and 760 mm
away from the centre of the specimen, respectively as shown in Figure 9.
The testing program is listed in Table 3. U1B1 and U1B2 are tested without static axial
force. U2B1 and U2B2, are tested with a static axial load of 1000 kN (102 ton) applied
before blasting test through a hydraulic jack which is buried underground and located axially
to the specimen end.

Table 3. Field blast test program

Axial Charge distance TNT equivalent Scaled distance

Column Force (kN) D (m) charge weight (kg) (m/kg1/3)
U1B1 0 1.5 1 1.5
U1B2 0 1.5 17.5 0.58
U2B1 1000 1.5 1 1.5
U2B2 1000 1.5 17.5 0.58


The test results are summarized in Table 4. It should be noted that the pressure information
is gathered from the central pressure gauge. The deflection time history is obtained from the
LVDT installed at the column mid span.
As can be noticed from the test results, UHPC columns have superior blast resistance
capacity. Without axial load, the column under 17.5 kg TNT equivalent explosion at a 1.5 m
standoff distance experiences a maximum deflection at mid-span of 63.74 mm. With
inclusion of 100 ton axial load, the column central deflection decreases to 29.27 mm. This is
because the axial load applied to the column generates an initial compressive stress in the
concrete, which compensates the tensile stress in the column owing to lateral explosive load
and reduces the flexural responses. Another possible reason is that the application of axial
load changes the boundary condition of the specimen as it restrains the column ends rotation
whilst the column ends can rotate freely in the case without applying the axial load. The
influence from the boundary change outweighs the P-Delta effect and thus results in a
reduced mid-span deflection.

Table 4. Field blast test results

Maximum Post-
Charge Axial Reflected Maximum blast
weight load Pressure Duration Impulse deflection damage
Specimen (kg) (kN) (MPa) (sec) (MPa.ms) (mm) level
U1B1 1 0 2.849 0.0009 1.218 1.96 light
U1B2 17.5 0 37.0 0.0006 6.51 63.74 moderate
U2B1 1 980 1.761 0.0011 0.964 1.24 light
U2B2 17.5 980 – – – 29.27 moderate
Note: – indicates a faulty value.
International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 227

Numerical simulation of the concrete structure response under explosive loads is a topic of
interests in recent academic researches. Successful implementations of numerical models
that give good simulations can be found in the open literature [20–26], in which various
damage modes including flexural damage, shear damage, concrete spall damage and
structural progressive collapse [27] were reproduced through numerical methods. In the
current study, numerical model describing the behaviour of UHPC with Nano-CaCO3 and
MF15 additions is established in LS-DYNA based on the test data obtained from laboratory
static tests. The accuracy of the numerical model is verified by comparing the numerical
simulation and testing results.


It is known that LS-DYNA has built-in material models such as “Concrete Damage Model”,
“Johnson-Holmquist-Concrete Model” and “Brittle Damage Model” that can be used to
simulate the concrete mechanical behaviour under external loads. However, some of these
models involve too many parameters to be determined through simple material tests like
uniaxial compression and four points bending. It was also noted that these models cannot
well handle the concrete softening behaviour which is quite obvious and important in the
UHPC with steel fibre reinforcement. Remarkably, the Elastic-Plastic Hydrodynamic
Model (Material Type 10 in LS-DYNA) is applicable to a wide range of materials include
those with pressure dependent yielding behaviours. It was reported in the previous work
that this model was able to reproduce the dynamic performance of steel fibre reinforced
concrete [28–30]. Material Type 10 allows user defined effective stress-effective plastic
strain curve to be inputted for the material nonlinear softening definition, and this curve can
be easily obtained from simple uniaxial compressive tests in the laboratory. In the present
study, the effective stress-effective plastic strain curve can be derived in tabulated form as
shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Effective stress-effective plastic strain data for describing

UHPC softening (based on Figure 5)

Effective Effective Effective Effective

plastic strain stress (MPa) plastic strain stress (MPa)
Point 1 0 130 Point 9 0.065 90
Point 2 0.0025 135 Point 10 0.0667 81
Point 3 0.004 140 Point 11 0.07 72
Point 4 0.0055 145 Point 12 0.0745 65
Point 5 0.0095 139 Point 13 0.08 60
Point 6 0.0115 128 Point 14 0.084 58
Point 7 0.0135 115 Point 15 0.09 55
Point 8 0.0155 102 Point 16 0.092 54

The effective stress, σ̅, and the effective plastic strain, ε̅p, herein are defined as follows,
£3 ¥2
m = ² Sij Sij ´ (2)
¤2 ¦
228 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

£2t ¥2
¡ = 0 ² Dijp Dijp ´ dt
0¤ 3 ¦

where Sij represents the deviatoric stress tensor (Sij = σij–δij σkk/3), t is the duration time and
Dijp is the plastic strain rate.
To use the Material Type 10, an Equation of State is required in the LS-DYNA. In the
present study, the Gruneisen EOS is used. With cubic shock velocity-particle velocity, the
Gruneisen equation of state defines pressure for compressed material as:

• £ a ¥ a —
l 0 C 2 + ³1 + ² 1 < 0 ´ + < +2 µ
p= – ¤ 2¦ 2 ˜
+ ( a 0 + a+ ) E
2 (4)
• +2 +3 —
³1 < ( S1 < 1) + < S2 < S3 µ
³– + +1 ( + + 1)2 µ˜
and for expanded material as:

p = l0 C 2 + + ( a 0 + a + ) E (5)

where C is the intercept of the Vs–Vp curve, S1, S2 and S3 are the coefficients of the slope of
the Vs–Vp curve; γ0 is the Gruneisen gamma; a is the first order volume correction to γ0; and
m = /0 –1.
The parameter in the EOS used in the present study is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Parameter for the equation of state

C0 2100 m/s
EOS S1 1.4
γ0 2


It is commonly acknowledged that concrete material under high strain rate loading condition
performs differently than under static loads. The influence from the rate of loading is modelled
by Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF). For conventional concrete material, DIFs in compression
and tension can be calculated through analytical functions listed in [31]. However it is worth
noting that these analytical formulae are derived based on large number of small concrete
specimens and their validity for full scale concrete members with different configurations and
stress states is not fully investigated. For high strength steel fibre reinforced concrete, limited
research on the strain rate effect is found in open literature. In the work conducted by Ngo et
al. [32], they proposed DIF model for high strength concrete with compressive strength
reaching 160 MPa, and the highest DIF value of 1.5 was obtained at a strain rate of 300 s-1.
This value is significantly smaller than normal strength concrete. In the numerical simulation
conducted by Teng et al. [28], a constant DIF value of 1.5 is used for steel fibre reinforced
high strength concrete under impact load. This simplification might result in overestimation
of the ultimate resistance of a concrete member. In the work conducted by Wang et al. [29],
although no strain rate effect is considered in the numerical modelling, their model well
reproduced the projectile penetration of steel fibre reinforced concrete target.
Regarding the UHPC material in the current study, to avoid overestimation on the blast
resistance, no strain rate enhancement is considered in the following numerical simulation.
International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 229


To verify the analytical model and model parameters given above, behaviours of UHPC
under uniaxial compression and four points bending loads are simulated.

4.3.1. Compression tests

In the current analysis, the bottom plate is constrained with all degrees of freedom and the
top plate only allows displacement along the loading direction, i.e. Z-axis as shown in
Figure 10. Both plates are modelled using rigid body in LS-DYNA. The static displacement
Convergence test was conducted through comparison among the 1 mm mesh size, 2 mm
mesh size and 5 mm mesh size. It was observed that, using 1 mm and 2 mm mesh size
generate similar results, however, the computational cost for the 1 mm mesh size simulation
was exceeding 15 hours, so in the present study, 2 mm mesh size was adopted. In total, the
finite element model has 135440 solid elements.
Figure 11 shows the comparison of results from the FE simulation and laboratory test. It
can be noticed that the stress strain curve from the FE simulation coincides well with the test
results, both the peak and softening behaviour of the UHPC are well captured.

Figure 10. FE model of uniaxial compression test

Numerical results
Experimental results
Stress (MPa)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Figure 11. Stress strain curve comparison
230 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

4.3.2. Four points bending test

In this section, numerical simulation of the four point bending test is carried out. The above
tabulated effective stress-effective plastic strain curve as well as the flexural tensile strength
is introduced into the MAT_10 in LS-DYNA. In order to simulate the contact between the
specimen and the loading apparatus, CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_
SURFACE is added in the model. Static displacement loading through BOUDARY_
PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID is applied on the specimen. Figure 12 depicts the FE
model, in total there are 532083 solid elements.
Figure 13 presents the simulated results and test data of load-deflection curve. A relatively
good agreement is obtained between the numerical and experimental results.

Figure 12. FE model for four points bending test


Load (kN)



0 1 2 3 4 5
Deflection (mm)

Figure 13. Load deflection curve comparison

International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 231

The numerical simulations conducted above confirm the feasibility and validity of the
proposed model for UHPC under static loads. In the following section, steel reinforced UHPC
columns under blast loads are numerically investigated based on the same material model.


In the current study, numerical models for UHPC concrete and steel reinforcement are listed
in Table 7.

Table 7. Material model and properties

Material LS-DYNA Model Input Parameters Magnitude

UHPC Elastic_Plastic_ Tabulated effective plastic
Hydrodynamic stress versus strain shown
in Table 5
Erosion criterion Principal tensile strain 0.1
Steel Piecewise_linear_ Mass density 7800 kg/m3
plasticity Elastic modulus 200 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.3
Yield stress 1350 MPa
Failure plastic strain 0.15

4.4.1. Numerical results

In the present study, two cases i.e. U1B1 under 1 kg TNT and U2B2 under 17.5 kg TNT, are
simulated using the proposed numerical model. To capture the dynamic response and
possible localized damage on the UHPC column, finite element model with mesh size 0.01 m
is created in LS-DYNA and shown in Figure 14, steel support is also simulated through

Figure 14. Finite element model

Contact_Automatic_Surface_to_Surface is used to describe the contact between the

column and support.
In current study, the blast effect is modelled through LS-DYNA inbuilt function
*load_blast_enhanced. The utilization of this function avoids the detailed modelling of the
explosive charge and shock wave propagation in air, thus it can save the computational effort.
The reliability of this function in simulating blast loads on structures has been proven and it
is very commonly used in numerical simulations of structural responses to blast loads [33, 34].
Figure 15 displays the U1B1 column response at around 4.6 ms when a maximum
deflection is reached. It can be clearly seen that the stress concentrates at the support and mid
span. No damage of the UHPC column is observed.
232 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

Figure 15. Maximum deflection of U1B1 under 1 kg TNT

Figure 16 compares the mid-span deflection time history curve. It is noted that the numerical
model well captures the maximum deflection and well reproduces time history curve until the
first peak. The slight inconsistence afterward can be explained by the fact that in real blast test,
the blast energy can be dissipated in multiple ways like column free vibration, friction between
the column with boundary and surrounding medium. The friction between column and the
roller supports increases the column stiffness. In numerical simulations these are not
considered. This results in a slower vibration when compared with the real test.

Mid-span displacement (mm)

-1.5 experimental results
numerical results
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Figure 16. Comparison of deflection time history curve for U1B1 under 1 kg
TNT explosion

For U2B2 column subjected to 17.5 kg TNT equivalent explosion loading, 100 ton axial
load is applied on the UHPC column. In the numerical simulation, a pressure of 25 MPa is
applied on one end of the column and lasts for the entire simulation. The first 10 ms is used
to stabilise the column after axial load application. It is believed that due to the very high
axial stiffness, 10 ms is enough to dissipate the kinetic energy imparted by the application of
axial load in the numerical simulation. Figure 17 shows the column maximum deflection
contour at around 7.5 ms. Figure 18 displays the time history curve comparison, and it can
be noted that the numerical model yields a highly accurate maximum deflection and good
time history curve prediction until the first peak. The same reason summarised in U1A1 case
can be used to explain the slight inaccuracy of prediction.
International Journal of Protective Structures – Volume 6 · Number 2 · 2015 233

Figure 17. Maximum deflection of U2B2 under 17.5 kg TNT


Midspan displacement (mm)


Experimental results
Numerical results
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Time (s)

Figure 18. Comparison of deflection time history curve for U2B2 under
17.5 kg TNT

Development of ultra-high strength concrete material is receiving increasing attention in
recent decades. With advanced nanotechnology, steel fibre reinforced concrete had been re-
engineered through nanoscale particle addition. Static tests had revealed the outstanding
mechanical properties of this novelty concrete, to further explore the blast resistance of this
newly developed UHPC material, a series of field tests had been carried out on UHPC
columns. From the field test results, it is concluded that UHPC material with nano addition
displays a high blast loading resistance capacity. Based on the static test data, novel numerical
models are established, and the numerical simulations on the field tests are found correlating
well with the field observation and the time history curves are fitted well with the test data.

The research presented in this paper jointly supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grants 51278326 and 51238007 and the ARC Discovery Grant
DP140103025 is gratefully acknowledged.
234 Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Static and Blast Loads

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