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Protegemos su vida y su patrimonio®

Catalogo de Produtos
Effective: September 2008

Advanced Ionization Smoke R

Protection Systems
Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals/Listing
• US and Canadian UL Listed (cULus)
• FM Approved
• CSFM Approved
• NYC MEA Accepted
• Dual Ionization Chamber Technology
• Nominal Sensitivity
• CPD-7054: 1.30% per ft. Obscuration
• CPD-7054D: 1.00% per ft. Obscuration
• Sensitivity Measurement/Testing
• Wireless Measurement in %/ft. Obscuration
• Remote and Local Functional Test Capability
• Wide Range of Input Voltage 10.2 to 36.8 Vdc
• Low Current Design
• Dual Response LEDs Allow 360-degree Viewing
• Trouble Indication
• Low Profile Appearance Using Surface Mount Tech-
• Electrically and Mechanically Compatible with all
Two red Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are located
Fenwal Smoke and Electronic Heat Detectors and
Bases diametrically opposite each other so as to allow 360-
degree viewing. Both LEDs continuously indicate the
• Interchangeable 2-Wire and 4-Wire Bases
operating condition of the Detector. During standby, the
• Universal Relay Modules
LEDs flash once every six seconds. During alarm, both
• Non Polarized
LEDs light steady at full brilliance. A double flash every
• Locking Feature for Vandal Resistance six seconds indicates a detector with a sensitivity
• Fine Mesh Insect Screen threshold outside acceptable limits. A unique gated
• EMI and RFI Resistant output circuit design provides improved stability and
transient suppression. Special signal processing
DESCRIPTION techniques verify the presence of smoke before the
The Fenwal Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D are dual detector will alarm. A fine mesh insect screen protects
chamber Ionization Smoke Detectors designed to sense the chamber area and is used to avoid potential nuisance
both visible and invisible products of combustion. The alarms. The detector head is installed into its mounting
Detectors have advanced solid-state, low-voltage, base with a simple twist-lock action. A locking feature is
surface-mount circuitry and are designed for 2-Wire and provided for vandal resistant security.
4-Wire installation using the appropriate Detector base.
Table 1 lists the Technical Specifications for Models CPD-
The characteristic 360-degree detector design permits
7054 and CPD-7054D Ionization Smoke Detectors.
smoke entry from any direction. A unique sensing
chamber design permits the operation of the Models CONTROL UNITS
CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D in open areas with air The Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Detectors are
velocities from 0 to 300 fpm and 0 to 500 fpm, designed to operate with control units and releasing
respectively. The Model CPD-7054D is also suitable for devices having specific voltage and current
duct housing applications in air velocities from 500 to characteristics that are compatible with the detector
4000 fpm. The Detectors are designed for open area/ circuitry. Both models are compatible with the Fenwal
duct housing applications per UL268/UL268A and may 732 control unit. The Fenwal 732 has three detection
be installed in systems intended for Releasing Device circuits which can support up to 25 detectors per circuit.
Service through use of compatible Fire Alarm Control
Table 1: Technical Specification

Model Number CPD-7054 CPD-7054D

Part Number 70-540000-001 70-540000-002

Detection Dual Ionization Chamber Dual Ionization Chamber


UL Compatibility I.D. I51FE1 I51FE1

Listed Spacing 30 ft. (9.1 m) centers or 900 ft.2 (83.6 m2) 30 ft. (9.1 m) centers or 900 ft.2 (83.6 m2)

Radioactive Source Material Americium 241 (sealed) 0.8 µCi (29.6 kBq) Americium 241 (sealed) 0.8 µCi (29.6 kBq

Nominal Sensitivity 1.30% + 0.25% - 0.42% per foot 1.00% + 0.10% - 0.12% per foot
Obscuration Obscuration

Standby Voltage (Vdc)

Using 2WB: 10.2 to 36.8 10.2 to 36.8
Using 4WRB: 16.8 to 36.8 16.8 to 36.8

Maximum Current
Standby: 70 µA 70 µA
Alarm: 100 mA 100 mA

Response Indicators
Quantity: 2 external LEDs 2 external LEDs
Standby Condition: One flash every 9 seconds One flash every 9 seconds
Thermistor Trouble: Double flash every 9 seconds Double flash every 9 seconds
Alarm Condition: Steady at full brilliance Steady at full brilliance

Operating Environment
Operating Temperature: 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C) 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)
Storage Temperature: -20° to 180°F (-29° to 82°C) -20° to 180°F (-29° to 82°C)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 93% Non-condensing 0 to 93% Non-condensing

Air Velocity
Open Area: 0 to 300 fpm (0 to 1.5 m/s) 0 to 500 fpm (0 to 2.5 m/s)
Duct Housing: N/A 500 to 4000 fpm (2.5 to 20 m/s)
Altitude: Up to 7,500 feet (2,286 m) Up to 7,500 feet (2,286 m)

Physical Characteristics
Material and Finish: High-impact, flame-retardant plastic, off white High-impact, flame-retardant plastic, off
Weight: 35.3 oz. (110g) w/o base
35.3 oz. (110g) w/o base

Detector Height: 1-3/8 in. (35 mm) 1-3/8 in. (35 mm)
Detector Diameter: 3-29/32 in. (99 mm) 3-29/32 in. (99 mm)
Base Height: 3/64 in. (11 mm) 3/64 in. (11 mm)
Base Diameter: 5-29/32 in. (150 mm) 5-29/32 in. (150 mm)

DETECTOR BASE OPTIONS without removing the detector from its base. A go/no-go
The Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D can be used test can be performed using a test magnet.
with the detector base options and accessories in Table The recommended requirement for detector maintenance
2. Various base options are available to provide auxiliary consists of an annual cleaning of dust from the detector
relay and/or remote indication and remote test feature. head by using the suction of a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning
The Model CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Ionization Smoke programs should be geared to the individual environment
Detectors may be interchanged with other Fenwal Series in conformance with NFPA 72.
THD-705X Electronic Heat Detector and Series PSD-
715X Photoelectric Smoke Detectors when using
multifunction base configuration. Do not attempt disassembly of the fac-
SPACING (OPEN AREA LOCATION) tory sealed smoke detector. This
assembly is sealed for your protection
The Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Detectors are and should not be opened for servic-
listed to be installed on maximum 30 ft. (9.1 m) centers, CAUTION
ing. Opening of the detector will void
typically on smooth ceilings up to 15 ft. (4.6 m) high and its warranty.
will operate with minimum air circulation.
Resultant maximum 900 square foot (83.6 m2) spacing
may be used as a reasonable guide for comparable The Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Detectors are
applications. Where special conditions exist (ceiling factory repairable only and have no field serviceable
obstructions, high air exchange rates, etc.), reduced spare parts. No field repair should therefore be
spacing must be used to achieve adequate protection. attempted. For service, return detector head intact to
Computer rooms and other such installations may require Fenwal.
spacing with a maximum of 200 ft.2 (18.6 m2) due to high RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL/DISPOSAL
air exchange rates. The Americium 241 radioactive material used is shielded
Detectors should not be located in areas with excessive by a stainless steel housing and has a maximum activity
exhaust fumes, kitchen areas, near fireplaces or furnace of 0.8 microcuries (29.6 kBq).
rooms and within three (3) ft. (0.9 m) of air supply ducts The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
or air diffusers. (USNRC) allows the user of Americium 241 filled smoke
For additional information, consult the Fenwal Automatic detectors to dispose of them without obtaining a license.
Fire Detection Application Engineering Manual MC-402, Under the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 10
NFPA-72 and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. (10CFR), Paragraph 30.20, any person receiving, using,
owning, etc., by-product material in detectors designed to
WIRING DIAGRAMS protect life or property from fires or airborne hazards is
For detailed wiring diagrams with Fenwal 2- and 4-wire automatically granted a general license which,
bases, please refer Fenwal Document 06-235056-001. conversely, exempts them from a specific license,
INSTALLATION thereby allowing them to both receive and dispose of
smoke detectors without returning to the manufacturer.
Detector bases are directly mounted on the electrical
junction boxes (3-inch, 3-1/2-inch and 4-inch octagonal, ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SPECIFICATIONS
3-inch round or 4-inch2) (76 mm, 89 mm, 102 mm The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated
octagonal, 76 mm round or 102 mm2) without the need on the plans, UL268/UL268A listed dual-chamber,
for any mechanical adapter required. Refer Fenwal Ionization Smoke Detectors, Fenwal Models CPD-7054
Document 06-235056-001 for additional details. and CPD-7054D. Ionization Smoke Detectors containing
a radioactive source of strength greater than 0.8
TESTING AND MAINTENANCE microcuries (29.6 kBq) shall not be acceptable. The
Testing shall be performed upon installation of the combination detector head and twist-lock base shall be
detector and once a year thereafter as stated in NFPA-72 UL Listed compatible with a UL Listed fire alarm control
latest edition. Detector sensitivity shall be checked within unit. The Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Ionization
one year of installation and every alternative year Smoke Detectors shall share interchangeable bases with
thereafter as stated in NFPA 72. Refer Fenwal the PSD-7157 and PSD-7157D Photoelectric Smoke
Documents 06-236514-001 and 06-235056-001 for Detectors and the THD-7052 and THD-7053 Heat
details on using the Infrared Wireless Sensitivity Tester Detectors.The Fenwal Models CPD-7054 and CPD-
Model DST-003. The tester provides direct readout in 7054D Ionization Smoke Detectors shall have two Red
percent per foot obscuration from a distance of 15 ft. LEDs located diametrically opposite each other so as to

allow 360-degree viewing. The LEDs shall continuously The Fenwal Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D
indicate the operating condition of the Detector. During Ionization Smoke Detectors shall operate over an input
standby, the LEDs shall flash once every six seconds. voltage range from 10.2 to 36.8 Vdc. Voltage and RF
During alarm, both LEDs shall light steady at full transient suppression techniques to withstand up to 20
brilliance. If the sensitivity of the detector drifts outside volt/meter shall be employed to minimize susceptibility to
acceptable limits, the LEDs shall double flash every six false alarms.
seconds. The detector may be reset by actuating the
Supplementary SPDT relays, remote test, and/or remote
control panel reset switch. The vandal-resistant security
LED alarm indicators shall be installed where indicated.
locking feature shall be used in those areas as indicated
on the drawings. The locking feature shall be field
removable when not required.
It shall be possible to measure the sensitivity of the
Fenwal Models CPD-7054 and CPD-7054D Ionization
Smoke Detectors from a distance of up to 15 ft. (4.6 m)
without removal from the base. Measurement shall be
accomplished with a wireless infrared Fenwal Sensitivity
Tester (DST-003) allowing direct measurement in percent
per foot obscuration. Sensitivity measurement
techniques requiring wiring between the Detector-Base
combination and the Tester shall not be acceptable. It
shall also be possible to perform a functional test of the
detector without the need for generating smoke.

Table 2: Ordering Information

Part Number Model Description

Detector Heads - Ionization Smoke

70-540000-001 CPD-7054 Ionization Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

70-540000-002 CPD-7054D Ionization Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

Detector Heads - Photoelectric Smoke

71-570000-001 PSD-7157 Photoelectric Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

71-570000-002 PSD-7157D Photoelectric Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

Detector Heads - Heat

70-520000-001 THD-7052 135°F (57°C) Fixed Heat Detector, 15°F (-9°C) Rate of Rise (cULus)

70-530000-001 THD-7053 135°F (57°C) Fixed Heat Detector (cULus)

Detector Bases

70-501000-001 2-Wire 2-Wire Standard Base. Connects to circuit via screw terminals.
(CID = FE51A)

70-501000-002 2WRLT 2-Wire Base w/ Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to circuit via
screw terminals. Minimum Alarm Current 15 mA @ 24 Vdc. (CID =

70-501000-005 2WRB 2-Wire Base w/ 2WRM, Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to cir-
cuit via pigtail leads. Minimum Alarm Current 19 mA @ 24 Vdc.
(CID = FE55A)

70-501000-101 4WRB 4-Wire Base w/ 4WRM, Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to cir-
cuit via pigtail leads. Minimum Alarm Current 35
mA @ 24 Vdc.

70-500000-004 2WRM Spare SPDT Relay for 2WRB Bases. Contacts rated 1.0 A, 30 Vdc/0.5 A,
125 Vac.

Detector Accessories

06-117883-001 Test Magnet

29-116788-001 EOL Supervisory Relay

70-200000-911 RA-911 Remote Alarm Indicator

70-200000-914 RA-914 Remote Alarm Indicator with Smoke Detector Switch

70-500000-003 DST-003 Advanced Handheld Wireless Smoke Detector Sensitivity Tester

70-501000-003 MA-001 Mechanical Retrofit Adapter. Allows CPD-705X and PSD-715X Detectors
to physically connect to Base P/Ns 70-201000-001, -002, -003,
-005 & DH-22. (CID = MAFE1)


This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-70-01 Rev AD © 2008 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: September 2008

Electronic Heat Detectors


Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 Protection Systems

A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals/Listing
• US and Canadian UL Listed (cULus)
• FM Approved
• CSFM Approved
• NYC MEA Accepted
• Thermistor based Heat Detection
• Nominal Sensitivity
• THD-7052: 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature with
15°F (8.3°C) per minute Rate-of-Rise
• THD-7053: 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature
• Wide Range of Input Voltage 10.2 to 36.8 Vdc
• Low Current Design
• Dual Response LEDs Allow 360-degree Viewing
• Trouble Indication
• Low Profile Appearance Using Surface Mount
• Electrically and Mechanically Compatible with all
Fenwal Smoke and Electronic Heat Detectors and
stability and transient suppression. Special signal
processing techniques verify the presence of smoke
• Interchangeable 2-Wire and 4-Wire Bases
before the detector will alarm.
• Universal Relay Modules
• Non Polarized The detector head is installed into the base with a simple
twist-lock action. A locking feature is provided for vandal
• Locking Feature for Vandal Resistance
resistant security. Detector base options are available to
• EMI and RFI Resistant
provide for auxiliary test, indication and/or control
The Fenwal Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 are Optional bases are available for supplementary 2-wire or
thermistor-based electronic Heat Detectors with a 135°F 4-wire relay functions. The Model THD-705x Heat
(57°C) Fixed Temperature set point. In addition, the Detectors may be interchanged with other Fenwal Series
Model THD-7052 has a Rate-Of-Rise of temperature CPD-705X Ionization and Series PSD-715X
detection feature rated at 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. Both Photoelectric Smoke Detectors when using multifunction
detectors have advanced solid-state, low-voltage, base configuration.
surface-mount circuitry and are designed for 2-Wire and TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
4-Wire installation using the appropriate Detector base. Table 1 lists the Technical Specifications for Models
The detectors are designed for Open Area Protection (UL THD-7052 and THD-7053 Heat Detectors.
521) and may be installed in systems intended for
Releasing Device Service through use of a compatible CONTROL UNITS
Fire Alarm Control Panel The Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 Detectors are
designed for operation with control units and releasing
Two Red Light Emitting Diodes are located diametrically
devices having specific voltage and current
opposite each other so as to allow 360-degree viewing.
characteristics that are compatible with the detector
Both LEDs continuously indicate the operating condition
circuitry. The Detectors are compatible with the Fenwal
of the Detector. During standby, the LEDs flash once
732 control unit. The Fenwal 732 has three detection
every six seconds. During alarm, both LEDs light steady
circuits which can support up to 25 detectors per circuit.
at full brilliance. A double flash every six seconds
indicates a detector with a thermistor trouble. An optional Please refer to Fenwal Document F-70-63 for UL
base is available to provide remote LED function. A Compatibility Listings with Fire Alarm Panels
unique gated output circuit design provides improved manufactured by others.
Table 1: Technical Specification

Model Number THD-7052 THD-7053

Part Number 70-520000-001 70-530000-001

Detection Electronic Heat Detector Electronic Heat Detector

Approvals cULus, FM, CSFM, MEA-NYC cULus, FM, CSFM, MEA-NYC

UL Compatibility I.D. P56FE1 P56FE1

Listed Spacing
UL/ULC Applications: 70 ft. (21.3 m) centers or 70 ft. (21.3 m) centers or
4,900 ft.2 (455 m2) 4,900 ft.2 (455 m2)

FM Applications: 35 ft. (10.7 m) centers or 35 ft. (10.7 m) centers or

1,225 ft.2 (113.8 m2) 1,225 ft.2 (113.8 m2)

Nominal Sensitivity 135°F (57°C) with 15°F (8.3°C) 135°F (57°C)

per minute Rate-of-Rise

Standby Voltage (Vdc)

Using 2WB: 10.2 to 36.8 10.2 to 36.8
Using 4WRB: 16.8 to 36.8 16.8 to 36.8

Maximum Current
Standby: 70 µA 70 µA
Alarm: 100 mA 100 mA

Response Indicators
Quantity: 2 external LEDs 2 external LEDs
Standby Condition: One flash every 6 seconds One flash every 6 seconds
Thermistor Trouble: Double flash every 6 seconds Double flash every 6 seconds
Alarm Condition: Steady at full brilliance Steady at full brilliance

Operating Environment
Operating Temperature: 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C) 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)
Storage Temperature: -20° to 180°F (-29° to 82°C) -20° to 180°F (-29° to 82°C)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 93% Non-condensing 0 to 93% Non-condensing
Altitude: Up to 7,500 ft. (2,286 m) Up to 7,500 ft. (2,286 m)

Physical Characteristics
Material and Finish: High-impact, flame-retardant plastic, off white High-impact, flame-retardant plastic, off white

Weight: 35.3 oz. (110 g) w/o base 35.3 oz. (110 g) w/o base

Detector Height: 1-3/8 in. (35 mm) 1-3/8 in. (35 mm)
Detector Diameter: 3-29/32 in. (99 mm) 3-29/32 in. (99 mm)
Base Height: 3/64 in. (11 mm) 3/64 in. (11 mm)
Base Diameter: 5-29/32 in. (150 mm) 5-29/32 in. (150 mm)

The Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 can be used with
Do not attempt disassembly of the fac-
the detector base options and accessories in Table 2. tory sealed smoke detector. This
Various base options are available to provide auxiliary assembly is sealed for your protection
relay and/or remote indication and remote test feature. and should not be opened for servic-
SPACING (OPEN AREA LOCATION) ing. Opening of the detector will void
its warranty.
For UL/ULC applications, the Model THD-7052 and
THD-7053 Detectors are listed to be installed on 70 foot SPARE PARTS
(21.3 m) centers, typically on smooth ceilings up to 15
The Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 Detectors are
feet (4.6 m) high and will operate with minimum air
factory repairable only and have no field serviceable
circulation. Resultant maximum 4,900 square foot
spare parts. No field repair should therefore be
(455.2 m2) spacing may be used as a reasonable guide attempted. For service, return detector head intact to
for comparable applications. Kidde-Fenwal.
For FM applications, the listed spacing is 35 feet (10.7 m) ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SPECIFICATIONS
centers. Where special conditions exist (ceiling
obstructions, etc.), reduced spacing must be used to The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated
achieve adequate protection. on the plans, thermistor-based electronic Fixed
Temperature with Rate-of-Rise of temperature detection
For additional information, consult the Fenwal Automatic feature Fenwal Model THD-7052 Heat Detectors. The
Fire Detection Application Engineering Manual MC-402, contractor shall also furnish and install where indicated
NFPA-72 and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. on the plans, thermistor-based electronic Fixed
WIRING DIAGRAMS Temperature Fenwal Model THD-7053 Heat Detectors.
The fixed temperature alarm set point of the THD-7052
For detailed wiring diagrams with Fenwal 2- and 4-wire
and THD-7053 Detectors shall be 135°F (57°C) and the
bases, please refer Fenwal Document 06-235056-001.
Rate-Of-Rise detection feature of the THD-7052 shall be
INSTALLATION rated at 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. The combination
Detector bases are directly mounted on the electrical detector head and twist-lock base shall be UL Listed
junction boxes (3-inch, 3-1/2-inch and 4-inch octagonal, compatible with a UL Listed fire alarm control unit. The
3-inch round or 4-inch square) (76 mm, 89 mm, 102 mm THD-7052 and THD-7053 Heat Detectors shall share
octagonal, 76 mm round or 102 mm square) without the interchangeable bases with the PSD-7157 Photoelectric
need for any mechanical adapter required. Refer Fenwal Smoke Detectors and CPD-7054 Ionization Smoke
Document 06-235056-001for additional details. Detectors.
The detector bases also include a locking feature that The Fenwal Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 Heat
prevents removal of the detector without use of a tool. Detectors shall have two Red LEDs located diametrically
opposite each other so as to allow 360-degree viewing.
The LEDs shall continuously indicate the operating
Testing shall be performed upon installation of the condition of the Detector. During standby, the LEDs shall
detector and once a year thereafter as stated in NFPA-72 flash once every six seconds. During alarm, both LEDs
latest edition. shall light steady at full brilliance. A double flash every six
All alarm signal devices, releasing devices, and seconds shall indicate a detector with a thermistor
extinguishing systems should be disengaged before the trouble. The detector may be reset by actuating the
test is performed and re-engaged at the conclusion of control panel reset switch. The vandal-resistant security
testing. Detectors may be tested using a low power heat locking feature shall be used in those areas as indicated
gun per instructions detailed in Fenwal Document on the drawings. The locking feature shall be field
06-235056-001. Failure to alarm in this test indicates a removable when not required.
detector requiring service. It shall be possible to perform a functional test of the
The recommended requirement for detector maintenance detector by using an appropriate heat source.
consists of an annual cleaning of dust from the detector The Fenwal Models THD-7052 and THD-7053 Heat
head by using the suction of a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning Detectors shall operate over an input voltage range from
programs should be geared to the individual environment 10 to 33.5 Vdc. Voltage and RF transient suppression
in conformance with NFPA 72. techniques Supplementary SPDT relays, remote test,
and/or remote LED alarm indicators shall be installed
where indicated.

Table 2: Ordering Information

Part Number Model Description

Detector Heads - Ionization Smoke

70-540000-001 CPD-7054 Ionization Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

70-540000-002 CPD-7054D Ionization Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

Detector Heads - Photoelectric Smoke

71-570000-001 PSD-7157 Photoelectric Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

71-570000-002 PSD-7157D Photoelectric Advanced Smoke Detector (cULus)

Detector Heads - Heat

70-520000-001 THD-7052 135°F (57°C) Fixed Heat Detector, 15°F (-9°C) Rate of Rise (cULus)

70-530000-001 THD-7053 135°F (57°C) Fixed Heat Detector (cULus)

Detector Bases

70-501000-001 2-Wire 2-Wire Standard Base. Connects to circuit via screw terminals.
(CID = FE51A)

70-501000-002 2WRLT 2-Wire Base w/ Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to circuit via
screw terminals. Minimum Alarm Current 15 mA @ 24 Vdc.
(CID = FE52A)

70-501000-005 2WRB 2-Wire Base w/ 2WRM, Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to
circuit via pigtail leads. Minimum Alarm Current 19 mA @ 24 Vdc. (CID =

70-501000-101 4WRB 4-Wire Base w/ 4WRM, Remote LED & Test capabilities. Connects to
circuit via pigtail leads. Minimum Alarm Current 35
mA @ 24 Vdc.

70-500000-004 2WRM Spare SPDT Relay for 2WRB Bases. Contacts rated 1.0 A, 30 Vdc/0.5 A,
125 Vac.

Detector Accessories

06-117883-001 Test Magnet

29-116788-001 EOL Supervisory Relay

70-200000-911 RA-911 Remote Alarm Indicator

70-200000-914 RA-914 Remote Alarm Indicator with Smoke Detector Switch

70-500000-003 DST-003 Advanced Handheld Wireless Smoke Detector Sensitivity Tester

70-501000-003 MA-001 Mechanical Retrofit Adapter. Allows CPD-705X and PSD-715X Detectors
to physically connect to Base P/Ns 70-201000-001, -002, -003,
-005 & DH-22. (CID = MAFE1)


This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-70-03 Rev AD © 2008 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007

Series MT Multitone Horns and R

Series MT Multitone Horn-Strobes

Protection Systems
A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals include: UL 1971 and UL 464. Factory
Mutual (FM), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and
New York City (MEA).
• Designed to meet or exceed ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI
Standards and Accessibility Guidelines. Meets OSHA
29 Part 1910, 165.
• One alarm appliance with eight (8) selective signals
to provide superior sound penetration for various
ambient and wall conditions with two field selectable
sound output levels.
• Audible and strobe can operate from a single signal-
ing circuit with any of the eight (8) audible signals.
• Code-3 Horn and Tone meet ANSI/NFPA temporal pat-
tern for standard emergency evacuation signaling.
• Multi-Candela MT Strobe models available with field
selectable 15/30/75/110 candela settings.
• Single Candela MT Strobe models available with 15/
75 candela rating.
• Weatherproof MT Strobe models available with 75/
180 candela rating.
• Strobe markings for fire and suppression applica- Each MT and MT Strobe appliance has two user selec-
tions. tive sound output levels: STANDARD dBA and HIGH
• Wide listed voltage range, filtered (DC) and FWR. dBA. The MT-12/14 provides dual voltage capability in
one unit,
• Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard
reverse polarity type supervision of circuit wiring by 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc operation, filtered or FWR. The MT
an alarm panel. Strobe Electronic Signals operate with 24 Vdc and may
• Low cost installation via standard electrical boxes. be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rectified)
Attractive flush or surface mounting options. No input voltages. Separate input terminals are available
additional trimplate required for flush mounting. and shunt wires are provided to enable both tone and
• IN and OUT wiring terminations that accept strobe to operate simultaneously from a single input.
two (2) #12 to #18 AWG wires at each terminal. The Multitone Strobe Signals are UL Listed for indoor
wall mount applications, under Standard 1971 for
DESCRIPTION Devices for the Hearing Impaired and under Standard
Fenwal Series MT and MT Strobe Multitone electronic 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. MT Strobe models are
signals offer a choice of eight (8) nationally and interna- listed for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to
tionally recognized alerting sounds: Horn, Bell, March 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% ±
Time Horn, Code-3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, Slow Whoop, 2%. The MT-12/24 and MTWP models for outdoor use
Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. Our Code-3 horn and tone patterns are Listed for -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) and maxi-
are engineered to comply with NFPA/ANSI Temporal Pat- mum humidity of 95%. The strobe devices use a Xenon
tern specifications without requiring additional equip- flashtube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a rugged
ment. With MT and MT Strobe Signals, one alarm Lexan (or equivalent) lens to provide maximum reliability

appliance meets most of your signaling needs. for effective visible signaling. Strobe lens markings avail-
The MT Strobes are designed for ADA applications with able for “Fire” and “Agent” labeled applications.
maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness The Series MT Signals have IN and OUT wiring termina-
while meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of tions that accept two #12 to #18 AWG wires at each ter-
NFPA 72 (1999), ANSI 117.1, UFC (2000) and UL Stan- minal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with standard
dard 1971 as well as meeting ADA requirements con- reverse polarity type supervision.
cerning photosensitive epilepsy.
Table 1. Alarm Tones • All candela ratings represent minimum effective Mul-
titon Strobe intensity based on UL 1971.
Tone Alarm Tones Pattern Description • The MT Audible is UL 464 Listed.
• Regulated Voltage Range” is the newest terminology
Horn Broadband Horn (Continuous)
used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this
Bell 1560 Hz Modulated (0.07 sec. ON/Repeat) change, UL used the terminology “Listed Voltage
March Time Horn Horn (0.25 sec. ON/0.25 sec. OFF/Repeat)

Code-3 Horn Horn (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern)

Table 3. Current Ratings for Series MT Strobe Portion
Code-3 Tone 500 Hz (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern)

500-1200 Hz SWEEP RMS Current (Amps)

Slow Whoop
(4.0 sec. ON/0.5 sec. OFF/Repeat)

Model MT-241575 MTWP-2475 MT-24MCW

Siren 600-1200 HZ SWEEP (1.0 sec. ON/Repeat)

Hi/Lo 1000/800 (0.25 sec. ON/Alternate) Candela 1575cd 180cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd

24.0 Vdc 0.060 0.094 0.041 0.063 0.109 0.140

UL Max* 0.090 0.138 0.060 0.092 0.165 0.220

* RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current
• Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second
rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range
minimum over their “Regulated Voltage Range.” Note (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the
that NFPA-72 (1999) specifies a flash rate of 1 to 2 minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current
is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For
flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specifies a unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions.
flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.

Table 2. dBA and Current Ratings for Series MT Audible Portion

dBA @ 10 Ft
RMS Current (Amps) dBA @ 10 Ft (UL Reverberant)

24 VDC 12 VDC 24 VDC 12 VDC 12 and 24 VDC

HI Output STD Output HI Output STD Output
@ 24 UL @ 24 UL @ 24 UL @ 24 UL Output Output Output Output Output Output
VDC max* VDC max* VDC max* VDC max*

Horn 0.074 0.108 0.033 0.044 0.145 0.176 0.023 0.034 92 87 90 77 99 93

Bell 0.040 0.053 0.018 0.024 0.077 0.095 0.014 0.020 86 80 85 69 92 87

March Time Horn 0.067 0.104 0.033 0.038 0.109 0.142 0.023 0.034 89 84 89 74 99 93

Code-3 Horn 0.069 0.091 0.026 0.035 0.100 0.142 0.023 0.034 88 83 88 73 99 93

Code-3 Tone 0.061 0.075 0.026 0.035 0.088 0.105 0.015 0.021 85 80 84 70 95 90

Slow Whoop 0.069 0.098 0.028 0.037 0.100 0.142 0.025 0.035 90 89 89 75 99 94

Siren 0.080 0.104 0.027 0.036 0.122 0.152 0.021 0.030 89 84 89 75 98 93

HI/LO 0.044 0.057 0.020 0.026 0.089 0.114 0.018 0.026 86 81 86 71 93 88

* RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range
(16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current
is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions.

WIRING DIAGRAMS 3. Contact Fenwal for “Installation Instructions” sheets
on these products. These materials contain impor-
tant information that should be read prior to specify-
FROM ing or installing these products, including:
_ +
OR EOLR • Total current required by all devices connected to
system primary and secondary power sources.
• Fuse ratings on signaling circuits to handle maxi-
+ mum inrush or peak currents from all devices on
those circuits.
• Composite flash rate from multiple strobes within
a person’s field of view.
AUDIBLE SIGNAL AND STROBE • Installation in office areas and other specification
and installation issues.
_ +
• Use strobes only on circuits with continuously
applied operating voltage. Do not use strobes on
_ +
coded or interrupted circuits in which the applied
OR FACP voltage is cycled on and off, as the strobe may
not flash.
_ _ • The voltage applied to these products must be
+ +
within their rated input voltage range.
• Conductor size (AWG), length and ampacity
should be taken into consideration prior to design
and installation of these products, particularly in
AUDIBLE SIGNAL AND STROBE retrofit installations.
OPERATE IN UNISON, RED AND 4. Fenwal notification appliances must be used within
BLACK SHUNT-WIRES ARE their published specifications and must be PROP-
ERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, main-
tained and operationally tested in accordance with
their installation instructions at the time of installa-
tion and at least twice a year or more often and in
_ _
+ + accordance with local, state and federal codes, reg-
ulations and laws. Specification, application, installa-
STROBE AUDIBLE tion, operation, maintenance and testing must be
performed by qualified personnel for proper opera-
tion in accordance with all of the latest National Fire
INSTALLATION NOTES Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters’ Labo-
ratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occu-
1. If the strobe and audible operate on the same cir-
pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
cuit, add the strobe current from Table 3 to the audi-
local, state, county, province, district, federal and
ble current from Table 2. For Peak and Inrush
other applicable building and fire standards, guide-
current across the listed voltage range, refer to
lines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not
Installation Instructions.
limited to, all appendices and amendments and the
2. The average current indicated is per actual Produc- requirements of the local Authority Having Jurisdic-
tion Testing at listed Vdc. For rated average and tion (AHJ).
Peak current across the UL listed voltage range for
both filtered DC and unfiltered VRMS, see Installa- ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS
tion Instructions. SPECIFICATIONS
The notification appliance shall be a Fenwal MT Series
audible/visual device or equivalent. Notification appliance
Failure to comply with the installation shall be electronic and use solid state components. Elec-
instruction sheets could result in improper tromechanical alternatives are not approved. Each elec-
installation, application, and/or operation tronic signal shall provide eight (8) field selectable alarm
WARNING of these products in an emergency situa- tones. The tones shall consist of: HORN, BELL, MARCH
tion, which could result in property damage
and serious injury or death.
WHOOP, SIREN AND HI/LO. Tone selection shall be by
durable dip switch assembly and not clips or jumpers.

The Multitone Audible appliance shall be UL Listed under ORDERING INFORMATION
Standard 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. The audible
and the strobe shall be able to operate from a single noti- Model Number Part Number
Input Rated Strobe Mounting
Voltage Candela Label Options
fication circuit while producing any of these tones. The
device shall provide two output sound levels: STAN- MT-12/24-R 75-000010-001 12/24 — — B,H,I,J,K
DARD and HIGH dBA. The HIGH dBA setting shall pro- 15
vide a minimum 5 dBA increase in sound output at MT-241575W-FR 75-000015-001 24 (75 FIRE B,H,I,J,K
on AXIS)
nominal voltage. The HIGH anechoic dBA measurement
at 10 feet at the alarm HORN SETTING shall be 99 dBA 15
MT-241575W-AR 75-000015-002 24 (75 AGENT B,H,I,J,K
minimum. Operating voltages shall be 24 Vdc using fil- on AXIS)
tered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-recti- 15/30/75/
MT-24MCW-FR 75-000018-001 24 FIRE B,H,I,J,K
fied). All models shall have provisions for standard 110
reverse polarity type supervision and IN/OUT field wiring 15/30/75/
MT-24MCW-AR 75-000018-002 24 AGENT B,H,I,J,K
using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. 110

180 @
Combination audible/visual appliances shall incorporate MTWP-2475W-FR 75-000017-001 24 77°F FIRE H
a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens or ® (25°C)
equivalent with solid state circuitry. Strobe shall produce
a flash rate of one (1) flash per second minimum over the
voltage range. The strobe intensity shall be rated per UL
and Listed under Standard 1971 for Signaling Devices for 1. MT-12/24 Audible can be used with Fenwal’s RSSP
the Hearing Impaired for 15/75 cd multi-candela with field Multi-Candela for applications requiring 15, 30, 75,
selectable 15/30/75/110 candela settings. The 15/75 can- 110 cd Wall Strobes.
dela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela or with 75 2. MTWP-2475W is weatherproof and rated for 180 cd
candela intensity on-axis is required. Strobe models shall @ 77°F (25°C) and 75 cd @ -31°F (-35°C) with low
incorporate circuitry for synchronized strobe flash and current draw.
shall be designed for compatibility with Fenwal SM and/ 3. SM Sync Modules are rated for 3.0 amperes at 12/
or DSM Sync Modules. The strobes shall not drift out of 24 Vdc; DSM Dual Circuit Modules are rated for 3.0
synchronization at any time during operation. If the mod- amperes per circuit. Maximum number of intercon-
ule fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the nected DSM modules is twenty (20). Refer to Data
strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized default flash Sheet 75-12.
4. Use MT-241575W when 15 cd is specified. 15/75 is
All Listed strobe appliances shall incorporate low temper- UL Listed for 15 cd with 75 cd on AXIS.
ature compensation to insure the lowest possible current
consumption. Strobe activation shall be via independent MOUNTING OPTIONS
input or from the same input circuit as the audible.
Model Part Mounting
The combination audible/visual appliances may be Number Number Options
installed indoors and surface or flush mounted. They
DBB-R 75-000000-009 A
shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no
additional trimplate or adapter. The aesthetic appearance ISP-R 75-000000-002 B
shall not have any mounting holes or screw heads visible WBB-R 75-000000-008 E
when the installation is completed. The appliance shall
IOB-R 75-000000-001 H
be finished in a textured red color.
RP-R 75-000000-003 J
The audible device may be installed indoors or outdoors
with the proper backbox.
For weatherproof applications where specifications For complete installation options, refer to the Alarm Sig-
require 75 cd at -31°F (-35°C) and full temperature range nals Installation Data Sheet 75-008.A.
of -31°F to 150°F, the Fenwal Model MTWP-2475W FR
shall be used.

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Lexan is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-75-001 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007
Series MIZ

Piezoelectric Mini Horns Protection Systems

A UTC Fire & Security Company

• Approvals: UL 464. FM, CSFM and MEA Pending.
• Field selectable settings for Temporal (Code 3) or
Continuous Horn (MIZ-TC models).
• Designed to meet or exceed NFPA/ANSI standards.
• Convenient mounting to any standard single gang
• No additional trimplate required for flush mounting.
• Fast installation with In/Out screw terminals using
#12 to #18 AWG wire. SPECIFICATIONS
• High sound output/low current draw/low temperature Table 1. dBA Levels and Current Ratings
• Available in red or off-white color. Anechoic

• 24 Vdc models with wide listed voltage range, filtered Continuous Temporal (Code 3)
DC and FWR. Model
Current Current
• Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard @
10 ft. 10 ft.
reverse polarity type supervision of circuit wiring by
an alarm panel. MI Z -24-R 24 90 .012 N/A N/A

• Low cost installation via standard electrical boxes. MI Z -24-W 24 90 .012 N/A N/A
Attractive flush or surface mounting options. MI Z -TC24-R 24 87 .017 88 .017
MI Z -TC24--
24 87 .017 88 .017
DESCRIPTION Reverberant per UL 464
The Fenwal Series MIZ piezoelectric Mini Horns are Continuous Temporal (Code 3)
compact electronic alarm signals that are listed under UL Model
(Vdc) dBA dBA
464 for Audible Appliances in public mode Fire Protection @
10 ft. 10 ft.
Systems. They are ideal for alarm signaling in individual
rooms, apartments, hotels, motels and offices where MI Z -24-R 24 85 .017 N/A N/A

attractive appearance dependable performance and eco- MI Z -24-W 24 85 .017 N/A N/A

nomical installation are prime concerns. MI Z -TC24-R 24 83 .017 79 .017

MI Z -TC24--
The MIZ-TC models offer field selectable setting for Tem- W
24 83 .017 79 .017

poral (Code 3) or Continuous Horn along with an attrac-

tive appearance and dependable performance. The WIRING DIAGRAM
Series MIZ offers high sound output along with low cur- FROM
rent draw and are available with color choices of red or PRECEDING +
off-white which will blend with any decor. OR FACP

The Series MIZ signals are rated for 24 Vdc input and _
may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rectified)
input voltages. The Series MIZ Signals have IN/OUT wir-
ing terminations that accept two #12 to #18 AWG wires at Figure 1. Wiring Diagram
each terminal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with
standard reverse polarity type supervision.
Failure to comply with the installation
instructions could result in improper instal-
lation, application, and/or operation of
WARNING these products in an emergency situation,
which could result in property damage and
serious injury or death.
1. Mini Horn models are listed for indoor use with a FLUSH MOUNTING
temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) OPTION A

and maximum humidity of 85% RH.

2. Rated input voltage (either filtered DC or unfiltered
full-wave-rectified FWR): 18-31 Vdc (for 24 Vdc MIZ
models) and 16-33 Vdc (for 24 Vdc MIZ-TC mod-
3. Contact Fenwal for Installation Instructions on these MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IS
4 FOR awg #18, #16, #14 AND #12.

products. These materials contain important infor-

mation that should be read prior to specifying or Figure 2. Flush Mounting
installing these products including:
• Total current required by all appliances con-
nected to system secondary power sources.

• Fuse ratings on notification appliance circuits to

handle peak currents from all appliances on
those circuits.
• The voltage applied to these products must be
within their rated voltage range. SINGLE-GANG X 1 3/4”

• Conductor size (AWG), length and ampacity BACKBOX


should be taken into consideration prior to design

IS 4 FOR awg #18, #16, #14 AND #12.

and installation of these products, particularly in Figure 3. Surface Mounting

retrofit installations.
4. Fenwal notification products must be used within the
published specifications and must be PROPERLY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS
specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained SPECIFICATIONS
and operationally tested in accordance with their The notification appliance shall be a Fenwal Series MIZ-
installation instructions at the time of installation and TC audible appliance or approved equal. The notification
at least twice a year or more often and in accor- appliance shall be electronic and shall have field select-
dance with local, state and federal codes, regula- able settings for Temporal (Code 3) or Continuous horn.
tions and laws. Specification, application , The sound pressure measurement on Temporal (Code 3)
installation, operation, maintenance and testing setting shall be 87 dBA minimum at 24 Vdc and 86 dBA
must be performed by qualified personnel for proper minimum at 12 Vdc. Operating voltages shall be 24 Vdc
operation in accordance with all of the latest using filtered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-
National fire Protection Association (NFPA), Under- rectified).
writers’ Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code
In application where only continuous horn is required, the
(NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
notification appliance shall be a Fenwal Series MIZ audi-
tion (OSHA), local, state, count, province, district,
ble appliance or approved equivalent. Sound pressure
federal and other applicable building and fire stan-
measurement at 10 feet shall be 90 dBA minimum at 24
dards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes
Vdc and 88 dBA minimum at 12 Vdc. Operating voltages
including, but not limited to, all appendices and
shall be either 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc using filtered power or
amendments and the requirements of the local
unfiltered power supply (full wave rectified).
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).
All models shall have provision for standard reverse
polarity type supervision and in/out wiring using terminals
Part No. Model No.
Horn Pattern Color
Mounting that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. The appliances shall
Voltage Options*
be mounted indoors and mount to standard electrical
75-000020-001 MI Z -24-R 24 Vdc Continuous Red A, B
backboxes requiring no additional trimplated or adapters.
75-000020-002 MI Z -24-W 24 Vdc Continuous White A, B

Continuous or
75-000025-001 MI Z -TC24-R 24 Vdc Red A, B

Continuous or
75-000025-002 MI Z -TC24-W 24 Vdc White A, B

*See Figures 2 and 3 for Mounting Options.

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal Inc.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The prod-
uct must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
F-75-002 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Ph: 508.881.2000
Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007
Series CVX/CSX Explosion-Proof

Bells & Series MB Motor Bells Protection Systems

A UTC Fire & Security Company

• Approvals include: UL, CSA
• Rugged cast mechanism enclosure with hinged
• Available in single stroke and vibrating models
• High sound output
• Standard red enamel finish
• Outdoor models include protective guard


Class Group Contents of Hazardous Atmosphere

I B Hydrogen or gases and vapors of equivalent hazards, such as manufactured gas

I C Ethyl and ether vapors

I D Gasoline, petroleum, naphtha, alcohol, acetone, benzene, lacquer solvent, vapors, natural gas

II F Carbon black, coal, coke dust

II G Flour, starch, grain dusts


Model Current Mounting

Part Number Where Used Shell Size Input Voltage dBA @ 10 ft.
Number (Amps) Options


CVX10-115-R 75-000040-001 Indoor 10 inch 115 Vac 90 .220 Note 1

CVXG10-115-R 75-000040-002 Outdoor 10 inch 115 Vac 90 .220 Note 1

Single Stroke

CSX10-115-R 75-000040-003 Indoor 10 inch 115 Vac 87 .125 Note 1

CSXG10-115-R 75-000040-004 Outdoor 10 inch 115 Vac 87 .125 Note 1

CVX10-24-R 75-000040-005 Indoor 10 inch 24 Vdc 87 .500 Note 1

CSXG10-24-R 75-000040-006 Outdoor 10 inch 24 Vdc 87 .500 Note 1

Note: All models include an integral cast backbox for surface mounting with 1/2 in. threaded conduit entrances on top and bottom of the housing.

• Approvals include: UL, FM, CSFM, MEA
• 6-inch and 10-inch shell sizes, 24 Vdc models
• Mounting options for surface, semi-flush,
outdoor, and concealed conduit installation
• Screw terminals permit fast in-out field wiring
of 12 to 18 AWG wire
• Red textured finish to improve appearance
and durability

Fenwal Series MB Motor Bells provide a superior engi-
neered motor bell for fire and life safety alarm systems.
The Series MB offers higher dBA, low current draw; built-
in trimplate for semi-flush mounting, low frequency alumi-
num shells for better audibility, low RFI noise and high
torque. A permanent magnet motor is incorporated for
durable, reliable performance.


Model Input dBA @ Current

Part Number Shell Size
Number Voltage 10 ft (Amps)

MB-G6-24-R 75-000030-001 24 6 inch 92 .030

MB-G10-24-R 75-000030-002 24 10 inch 92 .030

MOUNTING OPTIONS Note: Refer to Data Sheet 75-008.A for mounting hard-
ware dimensions.
Model Number Part Number

SFP-R 75-000000-005 F

BB-R 75-000000-006 C

AP-R 75-000000-007 G

WBB-R 75-000000-008 E

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal Inc.


This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The prod-
uct must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
F-75-003 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Ph: 508.881.2000
Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007

Series E Speakers

Series E/ET Speaker-Strobes

Protection Systems
A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals include: UL 1971/UL 1480. New York City
(MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and
Factory Mutual (FM) Pending.
• ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant.
• Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910.165
• Series E Speaker only models
• Series E and ET Multi-Candela Speaker-Strobe
models with Field Selectable Candela Settings of 15,
Series E-70/ET70
30, 75 or 110 cd. Speaker Strobe
Series #90
• Strobes produce 1 flash per second over the Speaker
regulated voltage range.
All Speaker-Strobes are suitable for wall mounting and
• 24 Vdc with wide New UL “Regulated Voltage”
use a patented Multi-Candela strobe with field selectable
using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage.
candela settings of: 15, 30, 75 or 110 cd.
• Speakers are wall or ceiling mount. Speaker
strobes are wall mount. The strobe portion of all Series E and Series ET Speaker-
• Synchronize with Fenwal SM or DSM sync modules. Strobes may be synchronized when used in conjunction
• Field selectable taps for 25 or 70 VRMS operation: with the Fenwal SM or DSM Sync Modules. Fenwal syn-
Series E from 1/8 to 2 watts, chronized strobes offer an easy way to comply with ADA
Series ET from 1/8 to 8 watts. recommendations concerning photosensitive epilepsy.
• High efficiency design for maximum output at mini- The Series E and ET Speaker-Strobes are UL Listed for
mum wattage across a frequency range of 400 to indoor use under Standard 1971 (Signaling Devices for
4000 HZ.
the Hearing-Impaired) and Standard 1480 (Speaker
• Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using Appliances), and use a Xenon flashtube with solid state
#12 to #18 AWG wires.
circuitry enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens to provide
• Zero Inrush above Peak. maximum reliability for effective visual signaling. All
• Red or white color options. inputs are supervised and employ IN/OUT wiring termi-
nals for fast installation using # 12 to # 18 AWG wiring.
Fenwal Series E Low Profile Speakers and Speaker- GENERAL NOTES
Strobes are designed for high efficiency sound output, 1. Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second
with dual voltage (25/70 VRMS) capability and field minimum over their “Regulated Voltage Range”.
selectable taps from 1/8 to 2 watts. The Series ET NFPA-72 (1999) specifies a flash rate of 1 to 2
Speaker Strobes are similarly designed with 1/8 to 8 watt flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a
field selectable taps. The Series E Speakers and flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.
Speaker-Strobes and Series ET Speaker- Strobes pro- 2. All candela ratings represent minimum effective
vide high audio output with clear audibility and are Strobe intensity based on UL 1971.
designed to meet the critical needs of the life safety 3. Series E Speakers, E Speaker-Strobes and Series
industry for effective emergency voice communications, ET Speaker-Strobes and Series E Speakers are
tone signaling and visible signaling to alert the hearing listed under UL 1971 for indoor use with a tempera-
impaired. The low profile design incorporates a speaker ture range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maxi-
mounting plate for faster and easier installation. Each mum humidity of 85%.
model has a built-in level adjustment feature and an aes- 4. Regulated Voltage Range” is the newest terminol-
thetic two (2) screw grille cover. ogy used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to
The Series E and Series ET Speaker-Strobe models this change UL used the terminology “Listed Voltage
incorporate the Low Current, Zero Inrush, Series RSS Range.”S
Non-Sync/Sync Strobes.
SPECIFICATIONS important Information that should be read prior to
Use the highest value of rated average current to deter- specifying or installing these products, including:
mine the maximum number of strobes and to establish • Total current required by all appliances con-
power supplies and wire gauge requirements. Use the nected to system secondary power sources.
rated peak current or rated inrush current (whichever is • Fuse ratings on notification appliance circuits to
higher) to verify fuse requirements. handle peak currents from all appliances on
those Circuits.
Table 1. Series E Speakers - Speaker dB
• Composite flash rate from multiple strobes within
a person’s field of view.
Speaker dB @ 10 Feet ** • Adding, replacing or changing appliances or
Model Number (Rated Watts)
changing candela settings will effect current
1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 draw. Recalculate current draw to insure that the
total average current and total peak required by
E70-R 78.1 80.8 83.8 86.0 88.8 all Appliances do not exceed the rated capacity
E90-W 78.1 80.8 83.8 86.0 88.8 of the power sources or fuses.
• The voltage applied to these products must be
within their “regulated voltage range”.
INSTALLATION NOTES • Installation of 110 candela strobe products in
sleeping areas.
Failure to comply with the installation • Installation in office areas and other specification
instructions or general information sheets and installation issues.
could result in improper Installation, appli- 2. Use strobes only on circuits with continuously
cation, and/or operation of these products applied operating voltage. Do not use strobes on
WARNING in an emergency situation, which could coded or Interrupted circuits in which the applied
result In property damage and serious voltage is cycled on and off as the strobes may not
injury or death.
3. Conductor size (AWG), length and ampacity should
1. Contact Fenwal for the current “Installation Instruc- be taken into consideration prior to design and
tions” on these products. These materials contain Installation of these products, particularly in retrofit

Table 2. Series E Speaker-Strobes: Strobe Currents and Speaker dB

Strobe Average Current Speaker dB @ 10 Feet *

Model Number Strobe Candela @ 24 Vdc** (Rated Watts)

15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2

E70-24MCW-FR 15/30/75/110 .047 .081 .130 .171 77.5 80.4 83.2 85.7 87.8

E70-24MCW-FW 15/30/75/110 .047 .081 .130 .171 77.5 80.4 83.2 85.7 87.8

Table 3. Series ET Speaker-Strobes: Strobe Currents and Speaker dB

Strobe Average Current Speaker dB @ 10 Feet *

Strobe @ 24 Vdc** (Rated Watts)
Model Number
15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8

ET70-24MCW-FR 15/30/75/110 .047 .081 .130 .171 78.3 81.5 84.4 87.2 90.1 92.8 94.9

ET70-24MCW-FW 15/30/75/110 .047 .081 .130 .171 78.3 81.5 84.4 87.2 90.1 92.8 94.9

* dB ratings are based on UL actual testing per UL 1480

**Average current per actual production testing at 24 Vdc.See Installation Instructions for Rated Average and Peak cur-
rent across UL regulated voltage range for both filtered DC and unfiltered VRMS.

4. Fenwal Notification Appliances must be used within
their published specifications and must be PROP- SYNCHRONIZED W/DSM MODULE SINGLE

ERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, main-

tained and operationally tested in accordance with FACP

their installation instructions at the time of installa- + OUT 1


tion and at least twice a year or more often and in STROBE

+ IN 1

accordance with local, state and federal codes, reg-


ulations and laws. Specification, application, instal- –


lation, operation, maintenance and testing must be

performed by qualified personnel for proper opera-
+ OUT 2
tion in accordance with all of the latest National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters’ Labo-
ratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occu-
pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
local, state, county, province, district, federal and SPECIFICATIONS
other applicable building and fire standards, guide- The Speaker appliances shall be the Fenwal Series E
lines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not Speakers while the Speaker-Strobe appliances shall be
limited to, all appendices and amendments and the the Fenwal Series E Speaker-Strobes, Series ET
requirements of the local authority having jurisdic- Speaker-Strobes or approved equals.
tion (AHJ). Series E Speakers and Speaker-Strobes shall be utilized
for applications requiring a listed sound output of 87 dB
WIRING DIAGRAMS at 10 feet. However, for applications requiring a listed
sound output of 93 dB at 10 feet, the Series ET Speaker-
Strobes shall be used.

The speakers shall be UL Listed under Standard 1480 for

Fire Protective Service and speakers equipped with

strobes shall be listed under UL Standard 1971 for Emer-


gency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired. In addition, the

strobes shall be certified to meet the requirements of
_ +
FCC Part 15, Class B and shall incorporate low tempera-
ture compensation to ensure the lowest possible current

_ +
All Speakers shall be designed for a field selectable input
of either 25 or 70 VRMS, with power taps for wattage
selection. Speakers with 87 dB sound output shall have
taps for 1/8 to 2 watt whereas Speakers with 93 dB shall
have taps for 1/8 to 8 watt. All models shall a listed fre-
quency response of 400 to 4000 Hz. The speaker shall
also incorporate a sealed back construction. All inputs
shall employ terminals that accept wire sizes of AWG 12
+ OUT 1
+ IN 1 E E E
to 18.
The Strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash

rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Volt-
age Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flash tube
enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens. The strobe shall be of
+ IN 2 E E E

low current design and shall have Zero in-rush. The

+ OUT 2

strobe intensity shall have a minimum of four (4) field

selectable settings and shall be rated per UL 1971 for 15,
30, 75 or 110 candela. The selector switch for selecting
the candela shall be tamper resistant and not accessible
from the front of the appliance.
When synchronization is required, the Strobe portion of
the appliance shall be compatible with Fenwal’s SM or
DSM sync modules. The strobes shall not drift out of syn-
chronization at any time during operation. If the sync

module fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the incorporate a speaker mounting plate with a grille cover
strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash rate. which is secured with two screws for a level, aesthetic
While Speaker-Strobes shall be suitable for wall mount- finish and shall mount to standard electrical hardware
ing, Speakers shall be either wall or ceiling mounted. requiring no additional trim-plate or adapter.
Both types of units shall be designed for indoor surface
or flush mounting. The Speaker and Speaker-Strobe shall


Part Model Input Speaker Rated Candela Strobe Mounting

Color Mounting
Number Number Voltage Output cd Label Options

75-000060-005 E70-R 24 Vdc 87 — — Red Ceiling/Wall B, D, J

75-000060-006 E90-W 24 Vdc 87 — — White Ceiling/Wall B, D, J

75-000065-001 E70-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 87 15/30/75/110 FIRE Red Wall B, D, J

75-000065-002 E70-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 87 15/30/75/110 FIRE White Wall B, D, J

75-000075-001 ET70-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 93 15/30/75/110 FIRE Red Wall B, D, J

75-000075-002 ET70-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 93 15/30/75/110 FIRE White Wall B, D, J


Part No. Model No. Mounting Option*

75-000000-002 ISP-R B

75-000000-003 RP-R J

75-000000-004 SBB-R D

* For details of mounting options, refer to Data Sheet 75-008.A

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Lexan is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-75-005 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007

Series RSS Strobes


Series RSSP Strobe Plates

Protection Systems
A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals include: UL 1971. New York City (MEA),
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and Factory
Mutual Pending.
• ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI compliant
• Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910.165
• 15/75 single candela devices provide 75 cd on axis
• Multi-candela models are available with Field
Selectable Candela Settings of 15, 30, 75 or 110 cd.
• Low current draw with temperature compensation
to reduce power consumption and wiring costs.
• Strobes produce 1 flash per second over the
regulated voltage range
• 24 Vdc models with wide New UL “Regulated Series RSS Series RSSP
Voltage” using filtered (DC) or unfiltered VRMS The Series RSSP Multi-Candela Strobe Plates are a cost
input voltage effective way to retrofit required strobe appliances to
• Synchronize with Fenwal SM or DSM Sync Module bells, horns, multitones or speakers and easily mount to
• Zero inrush above peak standard 4" backboxes or to Fenwal SBL2 surface back-
• Convenient wall mounting to standard backboxes boxes for surface mounting.
• Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals All strobes use a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged
using #12 to #18 AWG wires.
Lexan lens to provide maximum reliability for effective

• Weatherproof models available visible signaling.

• “Fire” and “Agent” label options
• Red and white color options
Fenwal also offers the Series RSSWP Single Candela
Strobe for outdoor installations requiring weatherproof
DESCRIPTION devices and private mode locations where UL 1971
Strobes are not required. They are Listed to UL 1638/UL
Fenwal Series RSS Strobes and Series RSSP Strobe
464 for wall mounting indoors or outdoors with an
Plates have been enhanced with lower current draw and
extended temperature range of -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to
zero inrush while maintaining their outstanding perfor-
mance, reliability, and cost effectiveness.
These versatile appliances will satisfy virtually all require-
ments for indoor, wall or ceiling mount applications. • Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second
minimum over the Regulated Voltage Range. Note
Strobe options include 15/75 cd or the patented Multi- that NFPA-72 (1999) specifies a flash rate of 1 to 2
Candela strobe with field selectable candela settings of flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a
15, 30, 75 or 110 cd. flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.
All models may be synchronized when used in conjunc- • All candela ratings represent minimum effective
tion with the Fenwal SM or DSM Sync Modules. Synchro- Strobe intensity based on UL 1971.
nized strobes can eliminate possible restrictions on the • Series RSS & RSSP Strobe products are listed under
number of strobes in the field of view. Fenwal synchro- UL 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of
nized strobes offer an easy way to comply with ADA rec- 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49 C) and maximum humidity
ommendations concerning photosensitive epilepsy as of 93% (± 2%).
well as meeting the requirements of NFPA 72 (1999). • Regulated Voltage Range” is the newest terminology
used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this
Fenwal Series RSS Strobes employ a Patented Integral
change, UL used the terminology “Listed Voltage
Strobe Mounting Plate that can be mounted to a single
gang, double gang, 4" square, 100 mm European back-
boxes or the SHBB surface backbox. An attractive cover
plate is provided for a clean, finished appearance on all
Table 1. Series RSS and RSSP Current Requirements
Input Regulated Voltage Strobe Candela Average Current*
Model No.
Voltage Range Vdc/FWR cd at 24 V Vdc

15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd

RSS-241575W-FR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15 (75 on axis) 0.065

RSS-241575W-AR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15 (75 on axis) 0.065

RSS-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSS-24MCW-AR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSS-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSS-24MCW-AW 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSSP-241575W-FR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15 (75 on axis) 0.065

RSSP-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSSP-24MCW-AR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSSP-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSSP-24MCW-AW 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 15/30/75/110 0.050 0.081 0.133 0.161

RSSWP-2475W-FR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 75 --- --- 0.102 ---

RSSWP-2475W-AR 24 Vdc 16.0 - 33.0 75 --- --- 0.102 ---

* Average Current per actual production testing at Listed VDC. For Rated Average and Peak Current across UL regulated voltage
range for both Filtered DC and unfiltered VRMS, see Installation Instructions.

INSTALLATION NOTES and installation issues.

2. Use strobes only on circuits with continuously
Failure to comply with the installation applied operating voltage. Do not use strobes on
instructions or general information sheets coded or Interrupted circuits in which the applied
could result in improper Installation, appli-
voltage is cycled on and off as the strobes may not
cation, and/or operation of these products
WARNING flash.
in an emergency situation, which could
result In property damage and serious 3. Conductor size (AWG), length and ampacity should
injury or death. be taken into consideration prior to design and
Installation of these products, particularly in retrofit
1. Contact Fenwal for the current “Installation Instruc- installations.
tions” on these products. These materials contain
4. Fenwal Notification Appliances must be used within
important Information that should be read prior to
their published specifications and must be PROP-
specifying or installing these products, including:
ERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, main-
• Total current required by all appliances con- tained and operationally tested in accordance with
nected to system secondary power sources. their installation instructions at the time of installa-
• Fuse ratings on notification appliance circuits to tion and at least twice a year or more often and in
handle peak currents from all appliances on accordance with local, state and federal codes, reg-
those Circuits. ulations and laws. Specification, application, instal-
• Composite flash rate from multiple strobes within lation, operation, maintenance and testing must be
a person’s field of view. performed by qualified personnel for proper opera-
• Adding, replacing or changing appliances or tion in accordance with all of the latest National Fire
changing candela settings will effect current Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters’ Labo-
draw. Recalculate current draw to insure that the ratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occu-
total average current and total peak required by pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
all Appliances do not exceed the rated capacity local, state, county, province, district, federal and
of the power sources or fuses. other applicable building and fire standards, guide-
• The voltage applied to these products must be lines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not
within their “regulated voltage range”. limited to, all appendices and amendments and the
• Installation of 110 candela strobe products in requirements of the local authority having jurisdic-
sleeping areas. tion (AHJ).
• Installation in office areas and other specification

The visual notification appliances shall be Fenwal Series
SERIES RSS/RSSP APPLIANCE RSS Strobe Appliances or approved equal. The Series
PRECEDING + + TO NEXT RSS shall meet and be listed for UL Standard 1971
OR EOLR (Emergency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired) for Indoor
OR FACP Fire Protection Service. The strobe shall be listed for
_ indoor use and shall meet the requirements of FCC Part
15 Class B. The strobe appliances shall produce a flash
rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Volt-
age Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube
enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens. All inputs shall be
compatible with standard reverse polarity supervision of
circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP).

+ OUT 1 When Strobe Plates are to be installed, they shall be the

Fenwal Series RSSP Strobe Plate and shall have the

+ same electronic circuitry as the Fenwal Series RSS.


The Series RSS Strobe shall be of low current design
+ IN 2 RSS RSS RSS and shall have Zero Inrush. Where wall mount, Multi-
+ OUT 2
Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity
shall have a minimum of four (4) field selectable settings
and shall be rated per UL 1971 for: 15, 30, 75 or 110 can-
dela. The selector switch for selecting the candela shall
be tamper resistant and not accessible from the front of
the appliance. The 15/75 candela strobe shall be speci-
_ +
fied when 15 candela UL 1971 listing with 75 candela on-

axis is required (e.g. ADA compliance).

_ _
+ + When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be
compatible with Fenwal SM or DSM Sync Modules. The
strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time
during operation. If the sync module or Power Supply
fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobe
shall revert to a non-synchronized flash rate. The strobes
shall be designed for indoor surface of flush mounting.
_ +
The Series RSS Strobe Appliances shall incorporate a
Patented, Integral Strobe Mounting Plate that shall allow

mounting to single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch square,

100 mm European type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface
FROM Backbox. The Appliance shall not have any mounting
OR EOLR holes or screw heads visible when the installation is com-
_ +
_ The Series RSSP Multi-Candela or single candela Strobe
Plate shall mount to either a standard 4 inch square
STROBE AUDIBLE backbox for flush mounting, or the Fenwal SBL2 backbox
for surface mounting.





Table 2. Ordering Information

Part No. Model No. Input Voltage Rated Candela Strobe Label Color Mounting Mounting Options

Series RSS

75-000002-011 RSS-241575W-FR 24 Vdc 15 (75 on axis) FIRE Red Wall B, C, F, J, M

75-000002-013 RSS-241575W-AR 24 Vdc 15 (75 on axis) AGENT Red Wall B, C, F, J, M

75-000005-021 RSS-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE Red Wall B, C, F, J, M

75-000005-022 RSS-24MCW-AR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT Red Wall B, C, F, J, M

75-000005-031 RSS-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE White Wall B, C, F, J, M

75-000005-032 RSS-24MCW-AW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT White Wall B, C, F, J, M

Series RSSP

75-000002-012 RSSP-241575W-FR 24 Vdc 15 (75 on axis) FIRE Red Wall N

75-000005-023 RSSP-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE Red Wall N

75-000005-024 RSSP-24MCW-AR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT Red Wall N

75-000005-033 RSSP-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE White Wall N

75-000005-034 RSSP-24MCW-AW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT White Wall N

Series RSSWP

75-000005-041 RSSWP-2475W-FR 24 Vdc 75 FIRE Red Wall R

75-000005-042 RSSWP-2475W-AR 24 Vdc 75 AGENT Red Wall R

Table 4. Compatible Devices for RSSP Plates

Multitones Electronic Signals Series MT

Motor Bells (6" or 10") Series MB

Voice Evacuation Speakers Series E-70, ET-70

Horns Series NH

Table 3. Mounting Options

Model Number Part Number Designation

BB-R 75-000000-006 C

SHBB-R 75-000000-013 M

SBL-2 75-000000-012 N

ISP-R 75-000000-002 B

RP-R 75-000000-003 J

SFP-R 75-000000-005 F

WPSBB-R 75-000000-014 R

Note: For complete installation options, refer to the Alarm Signals Installation Data Sheet (75-008-A).

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Lexan is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-75-011 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Effective: June 2007

Series NS Horn-Strobes &


Series NH Horn Appliances

Protection Systems
A UTC Fire & Security Company
• Approvals: UL 1971 and UL 464
• FM, CSFM and MEA Pending
• ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI compliant
• Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910.165
• Meets FCC Part 15, Class B
• Field Selectable Candela Settings of 15, 30, 75 or 100
cd on Multi-Candela models; 15/75 cd models also
• Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code 3)
• Two Selectable dBA settings of 90 and 95 dBA in both
The patented 2-wire Series NS Horn-Strobes and Series
• Non-Sync and Sync in one (synchronization requires NH Horns offer more features with less current draw and
a SM or DSM Sync Module)
zero inrush.
• 24 Vdc models with new UL “Regulated Voltage”
using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage While the Series NH Horns operate on both 12 and 24
• Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard Vdc, the Series NS Horn-Strobes operate with 24 Vdc
reverse polarity type supervision of circuit wiring by and may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rec-
an alarm panel tified) input voltages. Separate input terminals are avail-
• Zero Inrush above peak able and shunt wires are provided to enable both tone
• Wall Mount and strobe to operate simultaneously from a single input.
• Low cost installation via standard electrical boxes. When used with the Fenwal’s Series SM or DSM Sync
• Attractive flush or surface mounting options. No Modules, the continuous horn tone produces a synchro-
additional trimplate required for flush mounting nized temporal (Code 3) tone. This ensures a distinct
• Strobe markings for fire and suppression applica- temporal (Code 3) pattern when 2 or more horns are
tions within hearing distance. If not synchronized, the temporal
• IN and OUT wiring terminations accept two #12 to #18 sound could overlap and not be distinctive. At the same
AWG wires at each terminal time the strobes on the circuit may be synchronized. This
• Red and white color options provides the ability to comply with ADA recommenda-
tions concerning photosensitive epilepsy and meet NFPA
DESCRIPTION requirements when installing 2 or more visual appliances
The Series NS Horn-Strobe Appliances will satisfy virtu- within the field of view. All of this plus the ability to silence
ally all requirements for indoor, wall mount applications. the horn is achieved by using only 2 wires.
The Series NH Horn and the horn portion of the Series The Series NS Horn-Strobe Signals are UL Listed for
NS include a selectable continuous horn tone or temporal indoor use, wall mount, under Standard 1971 for Emer-
pattern (Code 3) with selectable dBA settings of 90 or 95 gency Devices for the Hearing Impaired and Standard
dBA. Strobe options include 15/75 cd or a patented multi- 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. This device uses a
candela strobe with field selectable candela settings of Xenon flashtube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a
15, 30, 75 or 100 cd. rugged Lexan lens to provide maximum reliability for

These versatile horn strobe appliances may be synchro- effective visible signaling. Strobe lens markings are avail-
nized when used in conjunction with the Fenwal SM or able for “Fire” and “Agent” labeled applications. Inputs
DSM Sync Modules. Additionally, the audible may be are polarized for compatibility with standard reverse
silenced while maintaining strobe activation. polarity type supervision.
All models of the Series NS are designed for maximum
performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while
meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72
(1999), ANSI 117.1, UFC (2000) and UL Standards 1971
and 464 as well as meeting ADA requirements concern-
ing photosensitive epilepsy.
SPECIFICATIONS Table 5. Average Current Ratings (Amps)
Table 1. dBA Ratings for Series NS/NH Horns for Series NS-24MCW**
With High (95 dBA) Setting
Reverberant Voltage
Anechoic dBA
dBA @10 ft. 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd
dBA @10 ft.
Sound/Tone per UL 864
Setting 16 Vdc 0.080 0.128 0.226 0.304
12 12 24
24 Vdc 24 Vdc 0.072 0.094 0.153 0.183
Vdc Vdc Vdc

High 95 83 87 89 95 33 Vdc 0.068 0.092 0.148 0.166

Horn With Low (90 dBA) Setting
Low 90 76 81 84 90
16 Vdc 0.078 0.123 0.219 0.287
High 95 79 82 89 95
24 Vdc 0.058 0.082 0.140 0.174
Code 3 Horn
Low 90 72* 76 84 90 33 Vdc 0.052 0.075 0.128 0.161
**Average current per actual production testing.
* Model NH-12/24 Horns when set on Code 3-Low at 12
Vdc DO NOT meet the minimum UL reverberant sound INSTALLATION NOTES
level required for Public Mode Fire Protection Service.
Failure to comply with the Installation
Instructions could result in improper instal-
Table 2. Candela Ratings for Series NSA Strobes lation, application, and/or operation of
WARNING these products in an emergency situation,
Regulated which could result in property damage and
Input Strobe
Model Voltage Candela (cd) serious injury or death.
Vdc per UL 1971
1. The product “Installation Instructions” should be
NS-24MCW 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/75/110 read prior to specifying or installing these products.
These documents contain important information
NS-241575W 24 16.0-33.0 15 (75 on Axis) including:
• Total current required by all devices connected to
system primary and secondary power sources.
Table 3. Average Current Ratings (Amps) • Fuse ratings on signaling circuits to handle maxi-
for Series NH Horns** mum inrush or peak currents from all devices on
those circuits.
Voltage High (95) dBA Low (90) dBA • Composite flash rate from multiple strobes within a
person’s field of view.
16 Vdc 0.019 0.012
• Installation in office areas and other specification
24 Vdc 0.028 0.015 and installation issues.
2. Use strobes only on circuits with continuously
33 Vdc 0.039 0.018
applied operating voltage. Do not use strobe on
**Average current per actual production testing. coded or interrupted circuits in which the applied
voltage is cycled on and off as the strobe may not
Table 4. Average Current Ratings (Amps) flash.
for Series NS-241575W** 3. NS/NH must be set on continuous horn tone to
achieve synchronized temporal (Code 3) tone.
dBA Setting 4. Fenwal products must be used within their pub-
16 Vdc 24 Vdc 33 Vdc lished specifications and must be PROPERLY spec-
ified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and
High (95 dBA) 0.114 0.086 0.081
operationally tested in accordance with their instal-
Low (90 dBA) 0.111 0.079 0.075 lation instructions at the time of installation and at
least twice a year or more often and in accordance
**Average current per actual production testing.
with local, state and federal codes, regulations and
law. Specification, application, installation, opera-
tion, maintenance and testing must be performed by

qualified personnel for proper operation in accor-
dance with all of the latest National Fire Protection WITH SM MODULE SINGLE
Association (NFPA), Underwriters’ Laboratories AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE

(UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational STROBE


Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, F


state, county, province, district, federal and other NS NS NH EOLR
applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, AUDIBLE NAC


laws and codes including, but not limited to, all – AUDIBLE

appendices and amendments ant the requirements

of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).
5. Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS
minimum over their “Regulated Voltage Range”. SPECIFICATIONS
Note that NFPA-72 (1999) specifies a flash rate of 1
The audible/visual notification appliances shall be Fen-
to 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify
wal Series NS Horn Strobe appliances and Series NH
a flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.
Horn appliances or approved equals. The Series NS
6. All candela ratings represent minimum effective appliances shall meet and be listed for UL Standard 1971
Strobe intensity based on UL 1971. (Emergency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired for Indoor
7. Series NS Strobe products are listed under UL 1971 Fire Protection Service). The Series NH Horn shall be UL
for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to Listed under Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling).
120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of The horn strobe shall be listed for indoor use and shall
93±2%. meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs
8. Series NH horns are listed under UL 464 for audible shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity super-
signal appliances for Indoor use only. vision of circuit wiring by the Fire Alarm Control Panel
9. “Regulated Voltage Range” is the newest terminol- (FACP).
ogy used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to The audible portion of the appliance shall have a mini-
this change UL used the terminology “Listed Voltage mum of two (2) field selectable settings for dBA levels
Range”. and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code
3) audible outputs.
The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash
WIRING DIAGRAMS rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Volt-
age Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube
enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens. The Series NS shall be

of low current design and shall have Zero Inrush. Where

_ +
wall mount, Multi-Candela appliances are specified, the
strobe intensity shall have a minimum of four (4) field
selectable settings and shall be rated per UL 1971 for:
+ 15, 30, 75 or 110 candela. The selector switch for select-
ing the candela setting shall be tamper resistant and not
accessible from the front of the appliance. The 15/75
candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL
DUAL CLASS “A” NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE 1971 listing with 75 candela on-axis is required (e.g.,
ADA compliance).
When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be
+ OUT 1 compatible with Fenwal SM or DSM Sync Modules. The
+ IN 1
strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time
during operation. If the sync module fails to operate, (i.e.,
contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-
synchronized flash-rate. The appliance shall also be
designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while
+ IN 2 NS NS NH maintaining strobe activation.
+ OUT 2

The Series NS Horn Strobes shall incorporate a Patented

Universal Mounting Plate that shall allow mounting to a
single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 100 mm Euro-
pean type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox.

Table 6. Ordering Information

Input Strobe Mounting

Part Number Model Number Rated Candela Color Mounting Options
Voltage Label Position

75-000080-001 NH-12/24-R 12/24 Vdc --- --- Red Ceiling/Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000082-001 NS-241575W-FR 24 Vdc 15 (75 on axis) FIRE Red Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000082-002 NS-241575W-AR 24 Vdc 15 (75 on axis) AGENT Red Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000086-001 NS-24MCW-FR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE Red Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000086-002 NS-24MCW-AR 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT Red Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000087-001 NS-24MCW-FW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 FIRE White Wall C, F, G, J, M

75-000087-002 NS-24MCW-AW 24 Vdc 15/30/75/110 AGENT White Wall C, F, G, J, M

Table 7. Mounting Options

Model Number Part Number Mounting Options

BB-R 75-000000-006 C

SFP-R 75-000000-005 F

AP-R 75-000000-007 G

RP-R 75-000000-003 J

SHBB-R 75-000000-013 M

Note: For complete installation options, refer to the Alarm Signals Installation Data Sheet 75-008.A.

Fenwal is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Lexan is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly. Protection Systems
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
F-75-013 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Model 878752 Suppression
System Abort Station
Effective: March 2002

FEATURES • Sized for Double Gang Box

• UL Listed, File # S3743 • Large Yellow Push Button Switch
• Flush or Surface Mount • One Normally Open Contact

The Kidde Model 878752 Abort Station features a large,
easy-to-operate abort push button. The momentary type
switch is very easy to see due to its highly visible yellow
color. The abort station stainless steel faceplate is clearly
labelled with operation procedures—eliminating indecision
and hesitation.
The Backbox is painted with red enamel and is provided
with four 1/2" knockouts. The pre-drilled and tapped mount-
ing tabs allow for easy attachment of the abort station.
Electrical Ratings:
One N.O. momentary contact rated 2.5 Amps @ 120 Vdc.
Ambient Temperature:
-13°F to 158°F
(-25°C to 70°C) 4.5"
Terminals: (114 mm)

Captive screws and saddle clamps accept 14 AWG to 24

AWG wire.
Mounting: (114 mm)
Four 6-32 x 1/2" mounting screws included.


Ap p ro ximate (43.18 mm)
P art N u mb er D escrip tio n S h ip p in g 3.05”
(77.47 mm)
Weig h t

Abort Stati on wi thout

878752-01 2 lb. 2.25”
Backbox (57.15 mm)
101.6 mm
Abort Stati on wi th
878752-02 3 lb.

296105 Backbox 1 lb.

Figure 1. Dimension Details

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL,INC. assumes no

responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop-
erly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question,
contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000

I-152 03/02 ©2002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA

System Description Effective: September 2004

• Inert Gas Clean Agent Fire Suppression • Actuation by Solenoid or Manual Actuator
• Safe for Personnel and Equipment • Three Available High-pressure
• Leaves No Residue (2900 PSI [200 bar]) Cylinder Sizes
• Environmentally Friendly • FM Approved/ULC Listed

Kidde Argonite® Fire Protection Systems are clean agent,
automatic extinguishing systems that use Argonite (IG-55) and
consist of four basic components and their associated
• Argonite Cylinders and Components,
• Completer Kits,
• Control Panels,
• Detection and Alarm Devices.
Argonite is an inert gas mixture, in equal parts, of Nitrogen
and Argon. Both substances are naturally occurring and
present in the atmosphere. Argonite is safe for use in
occupied spaces and poses no threat to the environment.
1. Argonite Components consist of the agent cylinders,
cylinder racking and the agent discharge nozzles.
2. The Completer Kits provide all the basic components
necessary to operate the Argonite cylinders. The kits
consist of hoses, connection fittings, pressure gauges,
actuation devices required to operate the cylinder valve
and warning signs to be displayed in the area(s)
protected by an Argonite fire extinguishing system .
3. The Control Panels vary in features and complexity but
in all cases are used to monitor the detection, actuate
the alarms, initiate the agent discharge and control
auxiliary functions such as shut down of vital equipment AGENT DESCRIPTION
and ventilation dampers.
Argonite is a mixture of 50% pure Nitrogen and 50% pure
4. The Detection and Alarm devices provide fire detection Argon. Argonite contains only naturally occurring
by means of thermal or smoke detectors, audible and substances, and as such, has no ozone depletion potential
visual pre-alarm warnings and annunciation of the and no direct global warming potential.
Argonite discharge.
Argonite extinguishes by means of reducing the oxygen
content within a room to the point at which fire can no longer
burn, but without compromising the safety of individuals
present. There are no toxicological factors associated with
the use of Argonite. Argonite will not decompose or produce
any by-products when exposed to a flame from a fire
Most Argonite systems are designed to extinguish fires with
a minimum agent concentration of 37.9% achieved within
one minute. This results in extinguishment of the fire and
an oxygen concentration of 13%.
Argonite is stored as a gas within the cylinder assembly. It
is available at a storage pressure of 2900 PSI (200 bar).
WITH SUPERVISORY PRESSURE SWITCH The manual/pneumatic actuator supplied with the pilot
The solenoid/pressure gauge assembly provides an completer kit is required on the pilot cylinder to manually
electrical means (24 Vdc) of actuating the system as actuate the cylinder valve as well as to supply pressure to
well as a visual means to determine the pressure within the actuate any slave cylinders. Interconnection between
pilot cylinder. cylinders is by means of high-pressure flex hoses.
This unit includes an integral supervisory pressure switch PRESSURE
and is supplied with a pilot flex hose #1. The supervisory INLET
pressure switch consists of one normally open (N.O.) contact
that changes state upon loss of cylinder pressure.
P/N 38-509816-001

P/N 38-509834-001
P/N 38-509840-001 P/N 38-109891-001
24 VDC

36 MM HEX P/N 38-509841-001 Figure 7. Manual/Pneumatic Actuator


P/N 38-509816-001
Figure 5. Solenoid and Pressure Switch Gauge Assembly The tee piece is supplied with each of the completer kits. It
with Supervisory Pressure Switch provides the interface with the pilot assembly (through a
PRESSURE GAUGE ASSEMBLY high pres­sure flex hose) to simultaneously operate the slave
P/N 38-109891-001 TO CYLINDER
This unit is required for the slave cylinders to provide a
local visual means to determine the pressure within the
slave cylinder.
The pressure gauge assembly includes an integral OUTLET TO
supervisory pressure switch, consisting of one N.O. contact ACTUATE CYLINDER PRIMARY CYLINDER

that changes state upon loss of cylinder pressure.

PILOT FLEX HOSE #1, P/N 38-509818-001
This 1/4" ID reinforced rubber flex hose has threaded
connections to allow interface between the pilot cylinder
solenoid/pressure gauge assembly and pilot
manual/ pneumatic actuator. It is supplied with the pilot
solenoid assembly.

1/4 IN. (6.4 MM) CONNECTOR

15¾ IN. (400 MM) LONG

Figure 6. Pilot Flex Hose #1

A bleeder valve is included with the Pilot Completer Kit to To prevent accidental discharge of the Argonite into
prevent an accidental accumulation of pressure within the unintended areas, a check valve is required for each
pilot lines, which, if not bled to atmosphere, could cause a discharge hose in all multi-cylinder systems. All Kidde Fire
false discharge. Connection requires a copper gasket Systems manifolds are constructed of threaded pipe
between the bleeder valve and pneumatic actuator. with welded check valve connections and include
pre­installed check valves. All customer connections are
via threaded pipe.
This 1/4" ID reinforced rubber flex hose has threaded
Note: For single cylinder systems, a 1/2" BSP x 1/2" FNPT
connections to allow interface between components.
adapter is required to connect the discharge hose
1/4 IN. (6.4 MM) CONNECTOR
3/4” NPT

Figure 9. Pilot Flex Hose

Table 6. Pilot Flex Hose Data 0.79 in.
(20 mm)

Part Number Description Length

2.24 in.
Pilot Hose #3 between cylinder 10-5/8 in. (57 mm)
actuation pieces (270 mm)
Pilot Hose #2 between actuator and 17-3/4 in. 0.59 in.
cylinder valve (450 mm) (15 mm)

DISCHARGE FLEX HOSE, P/N 38-509819-001

This flex hose has 1/2" threaded connections to allow 1/2” BSP
interface between the cylinder valves and the discharge 60°
manifold (if applicable). Where more than one cylinder is
connected to a common manifold, check valves are required CONNECTION FOR
at the end of each discharge flex hose. DISCHARGE HOSE
3/8 IN. (9.5 MM); 60° FLARE
SWIVEL NUT Figure 11. Check Valve Assembly
1/2 IN. (12.7 MM)

3/8 IN. (9.5 MM) CONNECTOR

15¾ IN. (406 MM) LONG

Figure 10. Discharge Flex Hose

The restrictor assembly reduces the initial Argonite pressure CONNECTION FOR
from the discharge manifold to between 174 and PIPE WORK
870 PSI (12 and 60 bar) before entering the discharge piping.
The size of the orifice within the restrictor is determined

through calculations based upon the required flow and
discharge time.
Larger diameter restrictors, up to 4 in. (102 mm) connection,
are available for very large system requirements. An orifice
plate is custom drilled to the specific requirements of the STAMPED WITH
project as determined by computerized flow calculations. PART NUMBER
Note: Flanged restrictor for large system requirements. ORIFICE DIA.
Only the orifice plate is provided.
CLASS 1500# Figure 13. Restrictor Female NPT/Female NPT,
RESTRICTOR FLANGE* Sizes 1/2” to 2”
NUT* BOLT* Table 8. Flow Restrictor Data
GASKET* Flow Restrictor FNPT x FNPT
Part Number
Pipe Diameter (NPT)

38-050003-XXX 1/2 in. (15 mm) Brass, Code 035 to 075

38-100003-XXX 1 in. (25 mm) Brass, Code 050 to 130

38-150003-XXX 1½ in. (40 mm) Brass, Code 085 to 220

38-200003-XXX 2 in. (50 mm) Stainless Steel, Code 115 to 270


Figure 12. Flow Restrictor

Table 7. Flow Restrictor Sizes

Part Number Description

38-250001-XXX 2½" Flow Restrictor

38-300001-XXX 3" Flow Restrictor

38-400001-XXX 4" Flow Restrictor

Argonite systems are particularly suited to the use of selector The brass discharge nozzles are available in four basic sizes
valves, where one central storage of agent is used to provide 1/2", 3/4", 1" and 1½". Each is fitted with a drilled orifice to
protection to two or more hazard areas. assure proper flow rates, agent quality and proper discharge
Selector valves are available in six sizes, and are timing as determined by flow calculations. Maximum nozzle
pneumatically operated. One common pressure regulator spacing for room mounted nozzles should not exceed
and vented elbow are also required to reduce the actuation 18.8 feet (5.7 m) square. Nozzle height should not exceed
pressure to each set of selector valves. 16 feet (4.9 m) from a single layer of nozzles.


OUTLET P/N 38-509836-001

3000# MIN.
1/2” TO 2” NPT
SCH. 160 MIN.

P/N 38-509803-001


120 PSI (8 BAR) Figure 15. Nozzles
HAZARD #1 Table 10. Argonite Discharge Nozzle Data

Argonite Discharge Nozzle

Size Orifice
Part Number Height (H) Width (W)
(R) NPT Dia. (1)
Figure 14. Selector Valve System 1/2 in. 3 to 1-9/16 in. 7/8 in.
Table 9. Selector Valves and Components (15 mm) 10 mm (39 mm) (22 mm)

3/4 in. 7 to 1-7/8 in. 1-1/8 in.

Part Number Description 38-300752-XXX
(20 mm) 14 mm (48 mm) (28 mm)
38-609800-001 1/2 in. (15 mm) Pipe Dia. 1 in. 10 to 2-3/8 in. 1-7/16 in.
(25 mm) 18 mm (60 mm) (36 mm)
38-609800-002 3/4 in. (20 mm) Pipe Dia.
1½ in. 15 to 3-3/16 in. 2 in.
38-609800-003 1 in. (25 mm) Pipe Dia. (40 mm) 26 mm (81 mm) (50 mm)
38-609800-004 1¼ in. (32 mm) Pipe Dia. An orifice plate within the nozzle is custom drilled to the specific
requirements of the project as determined by computerized flow
38-609800-005 1½ in. (40 mm) Pipe Dia. calculations.

38-609800-006 2 in. (50 mm) Pipe Dia.

Pressure regulator kit with relief

120 PSI (8.3 bar) preset for selector valves







Figure 16. Typical Argonite Pilot Completer Kit





Figure 17. Typical Argonite

Pilot and Slave Completer Kit

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Argonite is a registered trademark of Ginge Kerr.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL,INC. assumes no

responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop-
erly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question,
contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000

K-38-1000 09/04 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in USA

Kidde Engineered
Fire Suppression System A UTC Fire & Security Company
Designed for use with 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
Cylinder and Valve Assemblies, 125 lb. Capacity Effective: March 2007
Cylinder Data Sheet

• For Use with UL Listed, ULC Listed and FM Approved


Part Number Description
INDICATOR 45-100121-001 with LLI

45-100125-001 STD

35.93 in.
(913 mm)
CYLINDER • Valve Body: Brass

• Cylinder: Steel, Painted Red

31.97 in.
(812 mm) CYLINDER

12.75 in. DIA

(324 mm)


1. The safety cap must be installed on the valve outlet

at all times, except when the cylinders are connected
to the system piping, or being filled. The safety cap
must not be removed from its chain.
2. See K-45-2020 for additional information.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-45-2030 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde Engineered
Fire Suppression System A UTC Fire & Security Company
Designed for use with 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
Cylinder and Valve Assemblies, 350 lb. Capacity Effective: March 2007
Data Sheet

• For Use with UL Listed, ULC Listed and FM Approved


Part Number Description
45-100350-001 STD

45-100351-001 with LLI

• Valve Body: Brass
SAFETY CAP CYLINDER VALVE • Cylinder: Steel, Painted Red

58.36 in.
(1482 mm)

53.14 in. NAMEPLATE
(1350 mm)

16.00 in. DIA.

(406 mm)


1. The safety cap must be installed on the valve outlet

at all times, except when the cylinders are connected
to the system piping, or being filled. The safety cap
must not be removed from its chain.
2. See K-45-2070 for additional information.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-45-2050 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde Engineered
Fire Suppression System A UTC Fire & Security Company
Designed for use with 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
Effective: March 2007
900 lb. Cylinder Data Sheet

• Large Capacity Cylinder • FM Approved
• 3-inch Discharge Valve • UL Listed
• Optional Liquid Level Indicator • TC Approved
• Optional Low-level Switch (P/N 06-118263-001)
P/Ns: 90-100900-001 AND 905-100901-001
Kidde Engineered Fire Suppression System 900 lb. cyl-
inders store 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
super-pressurized with dry nitrogen to 360 PSIG at 70°F
(2.48 Mpa at 21°C). The cylinders are painted red and
are equipped with a 3-inch pressure differential valve,
pressure gauge, optional liquid level indicator and
optional low-pressure switch assembly. The safety burst
disc is also located on the cylinder head.
The agent storage container discharges when the actua-
tion assembly operates, causing the pressure differential
valve to open. All of the Kidde actuators may be used to
actuate the 900 lb. cylinder. The only exception is the
P/N 48650001, which is not compatible with this cylinder
The container is installed in a vertical position with the
valve assembly pointing up. Interconnection to discharge
piping is 3-inch NPT. Interconnection can be via a 3-inch
flex hose (P/N 06-118225-001) or via a suitably pressure
rated groove style fitting.
The container is secured in place by a mounting bracket
(P/N 236125), which must be fixed to a solid wall or strut
assembly. After the container is securely mounted, it is
connected to discharge piping per the directions in the
Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
(P/N 45-N1230M-001).
An optional cylinder supervisory pressure switch (P/N 06-
118263-001) can be installed on the cylinder valve in the
field, if required. This cylinder supervisory pressure
switch has a 1/8-inch NPT connection, which is used on
the 3-inch valve only.
The part number for ordering the Kidde Engineered Sys-
tem 600 lb. cylinder without liquid level indicator is
45-100600-001. The part number for ordering the Kidde
Engineered System 600 lb.cylinder with liquid level indi-
cator is 45-100601-001.
According to NFPA standards the following inspection
and/or maintenance procedure must be scheduled as
listed below and performed upon the occurrence of any
event which might affect the reliability of the system.
1. Check the pressure gauges of each agent storage
container. If the pressure gauge indicates a loss in VALVE ORIENTATION
pressure of 10% or more, then it shall be recharged PLAN VIEW

or replaced. Pressure varies with temperature, and

this must be taken into account when checking the
pressure gauge.
2. Check all components, including supporting hard- 70 in.
ware, and tighten, repair or replace as required. (1789 mm)

3. Replace any component if at all in doubt of its ability

to perform properly. 62 in.
(1566 mm)
Qualified personnel are to determine the amount of agent SAFETY BURST
in all containers. The optional liquid level indicator may DISC ASSEMBLY

be used to measure agent supply and compare it to the

original net weight which is marked on the container
label. If the measured net weight is less than 95% of the
original charged weight the container should be
recharged or replaced.
Inspect all piping, fittings and nozzles for looseness, dirt
or other damage. All outlet piping must be clean and free
of dirt, chips, fillings and other foreign material that may 24 in.
cause the system to become inoperative or ineffective at (610 mm)

the time of discharge.


Fill Range 300-900 lb. Description Part Number

(178-408 kg) 3-inch stainless steel flexible hose 06-118225-001
Height 708 in. 3-inch swing check valve 06-118058-001
(1789 mm)
Cylinder bracket 236125
Diameter 242 in.
(610 Cylinder supervisory pressure switch 06-118263-001
Internal Volume 13 ft.3
(0.368 m3)

Empty Weight 505 lb.

(229 kg)

Temperature Range 0°F to 130°F

(-18°C to 54°C)

Safety Relief Burst Range 800 to 975 PSIG

(5.5 to 6.7 Mpa) Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M.
Construction Specification DOT 4BW-500 All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application.
The product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or
question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) A UTC Fire & Security Company
881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-45-9044 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
A UTC Fire & Security Company
Linear Heat Detector
Effective: July 2009

• Integrating Type Linear Heat Detector • Short Circuit Discrimination
• Analog Sensing • Intrinsically Safe Option
• Field Adjustable Alarm Set Point • FM Approved, 30 ft. (9 m) Spacing
• Three Cable Styles • CSFM Listed 7270-074:110
• Restorable Up to 257°F (125°C)

The AlarmLine™ Linear Heat Detector provides early
detection of fire or overheating conditions by detecting
changes in temperature in localized areas or over its
entire length. It is especially suited for confined areas or
harsh environments where adverse ambient conditions
cause other detection devices to be unreliable or difficult
to use. The system consists of two major components: a
small diameter sensor cable and an interface module.
The sensor cable is constructed with a negative tempera-
ture coefficient material, where a change in temperature
results in an exponential decrease in resistance of the
sensor. The interface module interprets this resistance
change and provides an output to a control panel once
the field programmable alarm set point is exceeded.
• Open area protection
• Cable trays
• Rack storage
• Freezer warehouses
• Belt conveyers
• Floating roof fuel tanks
• Cooling towers
• Dust collectors
• Waste fuel drum storage
• Power distribution apparatus
• Escalators
• Flexible:
– Mechanical–Allows installation at point of risk.
– Electrical–Compatible with all central control
– Alarm Levels–Adjustable for different tempera- • Reliable:
tures. – Fault signaling of open and short circuit condi-
• Durable: tions.
– Extrusion and Braiding options to satisfy environ- • Recoverable:
mental conditions and project risks. – Self restoring after fire event to 257°F (125°C).
• Sensitive:
– Proven superiority over point type measurement.
AlarmLine’s analog heat sensing characteristics offer COEFFICIENT MATERIAL

several distinct advantages: SENSOR CONDUCTOR

• Field adjustable:
Alarm setpoint may be programmed to meet specific
system requirements. CABLE SENSOR


Cable does not need to be replaced after an alarm HIGH TEMPERATURE PVC

event up to 257°F (125°C). Figure 1. Standard Sensor Cable

• Integrating:
It is not necessary to reduce sensor spacing with INTERFACE MODULE
increased ceiling height per NFPA 72, The AlarmLine interface module P/N 73-117068-047 is a
Section 5- Exception (1). System sensitivity 4-wire device suitable for use with any FM approved fire
remains constant as ceiling height increases without alarm panel. The device is powered by an external 24
reducing the spacing. VDC source and is connected to a fire alarm control
panel via alarm and trouble relay contacts which connect
• Short circuit: to the control panel’s detection input circuit. The inter-
The system will produce a trouble condition instead face module monitors the resistance of the sensor cable,
of a false alarm in the event of a conductor to con- and generates an alarm whenever the resistance drops
ductor short due to damage or electrical faults. below the preset threshold. The module also supervises
SENSOR CABLE the sensor cable for opens and shorts to generate a fault
The AlarmLine sensor cable consists of four 26 AWG condition. These conditions are displayed on the module
copper conductors, each color-coded in an insulated faceplate by the two LED indicators: FIRE - red LED and
sheath containing a negative temperature coefficient FAULT - yellow LED.
polymer. Two of the conductors are enameled, and pro- The AlarmLine module P/N 73-117068-047 is shipped
vide loop continuity supervision, but not temperature complete with an IP 54 rated gray polycarbonate enclo-
sensing. The conductors are twisted at 30 turns per foot sure P/N 73-117068-044 of dimensions 7.0" H x 5.1" W x
(90 per meter) and protected by a flame-retardant outer 3.0" D (178 mm x 130 mm x 75 mm). Including the front
extrusion (see Figure 1). The color-coding of the four cover that allows access to the Test / Fire / Fault switch,
inner conductors is repetitively marked on the outer coat- the depth increases to 3.9" (99 mm).The module design
ing every 3 feet as an aid in installation. uses a 12-position jumper block (3 pins X 6 pins). Earlier
designs of the module used a 12-position rotary switch
Note: The maximum length of sensor cable per zone
(numbered 0 to 11).
depends on the maximum ambient temperature
defined on the nomogram. Regardless of ambi-
ent, however, the maximum length of cable is
3200 ft. (1000 m) per zone.

Sensor cable is available with the following part numbers:

• Standard Sensor Cable, P/N 73-117068-013 and
Recommended for environments ranging from clean
and dry to moderate dust and moisture.
• Nylon Coated Sensor, P/N 73-117068-016 and -116:
Recommended for use in wet, oily or corrosive envi-
ronments or outdoors. Use in freezer warehouses.
• Phosphor Bronze Braided Sensor, P/N 73-117068-
019 and -119:
Recommended for applications requiring superior
abrasion protection or increased tensile strength.


Standard Nylon Coated Bronze Braided 4-Wire Version

Sensor Sensor Sensor Supply Voltage +17 to 30 VDC

Part Number: Current Consumption

73-117068-013 73-117068-016 73-117068-019 50 to 70µA
656 foot (200 m) roll Standby

3280 foot (1,000 m) roll 73-117068-113 73-117068-116 73-117068-119 Current Consumption

82 mA
Black nylon Phosphor bronze
Current Consumption
Jacket Construction Blue PVC extrusion over braid over blue 16 mA
blue PVC PVC
Will withstand 5% RMS 60 Hz supply voltage noise or 1Vrms 60 Hz
0.117 in. 0.153 in. 0.153 in. Noise Performance sensor noise with negligible performance change. RFI immunity at
External Diameter
(3.25 mm) (4.25 mm) (4.25 mm) 10V/meter, field strength over the band 20-900 MHz.

Weight per foot (meter) FIRE: Panel mounted continuous red LED
Visual Indicators
FAULT: Panel mounted flashing yellow LED
Lb/foot 0.0107 0.0145 0.0279
Test Switch: FIRE and FAULT positions. Verifies module operations
Kg/meter 0.0159 0.0216 0.0416 in both modes
Fire Trip Selection: 12 position pre-calibrated switch to select alarm
Tensile Strength 100 N 100 N 1000 N threshold

Conductor Insulation Colors 1 = Orange 2 = White 3 = Red 4 = Blue Fire Alarm: Form C relay rated 2A @ 30VDC - Energizes on alarm
Relay Outputs
Fault: Form C relay rated 2A @ 30 VDC - Energizes on trouble
Conductor Material 26 AWG Solid Copper
FIRE: Terminals for connection of remote alarm LED
Conductor Diameter 0.018 in. (0.460 mm) Auxiliary Outputs FAULT: Normally closed transistor output

Twist of Inner Conductors 30 per ft. (90 per meter) -13°F (25°C) to 125°F (50°C)
Temperature Range
Dielectric Material Specially Doped Polymer

Standard Outer Jacket

High Temperature PVC
Voltage Proof Between In classified hazardous areas where potentially explosive
PVC Jacket and a 10 KV vapors, dust or fibers exist, AlarmLine cable must be
installed using an intrinsic safety barrier. Barrier P/N
Up to 212°F (100°C) = 30 Years 73-117068-031 is a shunt-diode safety barrier which lim-
Service Life @ 257°F (125°C) = 24 Hours
Self Restores below 257°F (125°C)
its the current and voltage in the sensor cable to safe lev-
els. Each barrier handles two conductors, so two barriers
Maximum spacing between
30 feet (9 meters) are needed for each sensor cable. The barriers are
parallel runs
designed to mount in separate weathertight enclosures.
The intrinsic safety barrier specifications are as follows:
Three types of standard mounting hardware (master Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D
clamp, flange clamp, nylon cable tie) for AlarmLine per- FM Approvals Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, G
Class III, Division 1
mit safe, secure sensor cable installation in most applica-
tions. Other mounting means may be used as required by
the specific application. The sensor should be supported Temperature
-4° F (-20° C) to 140° F (60° C)
at a minimum of ten foot intervals on straight runs when
under tension, and more as conditions dictate at corners
and transition points to provide suitable strain relief. Local
codes or conditions may also require the sensor cable to SETTING THE ALARM TEMPERATURE
be supported at closer intervals. Refer to Manual 06- The alarm temperature and the correct position of the
235494-991 for specific mounting information. 12-position alarm trip switch on the interface module are
determined by use of the AlarmLine nomogram. The use
of the nomogram requires two known factors:
• Maximum ambient temperature of the alarm zone
(Scale A).
• The total length of the sensor cable to be used
(Scale L).

The resistance change required to create an alarm can
be a result of either a predetermined minimal increase in
temperature over the entire length of the sensor, or a sig-
nificant increase on a shorter section of cable. This inte-
grating (averaging) effect of the sensor cable allows it to
detect a localized hot spot or a low level temperature
increase over its entire length. The alarm temperature in
either case is determined only after the alarm trip switch
position is determined.
A shorter section of sensor cable exposed to an overheat
condition will require a higher temperature to achieve an
alarm than a longer length of sensor cable exposed to
the same overheat condition. Refer to Manual MC-428
for further programming information.

A 500 ft. (152 m) length of AlarmLine type "T" sensor
cable is required to operate in a space with a maximum
ambient temperature of 115°F (46°C).

1. In Figure 2, a straight line is drawn from the 500 ft.
(152 m) mark on Scale L through the 115°F (46°C)
mark on Scale A. The line crosses Scale S at
approximately switch position 7.

1. The AlarmLine linear heat detector in this example Figure 2. Example for Type “T” Cable
will operate in an ambient temperature up to about
115°F (46°C) and not generate a false alarm.
2. The detector in this example will generate an alarm AlarmLine sensor cable heat pads (P/N 73-117068-041)
if the temperature of the entire sensor length aver- are used in critical areas. The heat pad concentrates the
ages about 132°F (56°C) as shown where the line sensor into a compact area, thus enabling it to quickly
crosses Scale T in Figure 2. Higher temperatures detect localized overheating at a lower temperature,
would be needed to initiate an alarm over shorter because a greater length of cable is heated at the same
sections of entire sensor length. time. Heat pads can also be used at the end of a zone to
3. Alarm temperatures for shorter sections of the accommodate testing of the sensor with a hot air gun.
detector in this example may also be calculated.
According to the above example:
• 500 ft. (152 m) at 132°F (56°C) will cause an A three position Alarm-Normal-Fault test switch allows
alarm. the user to perform a simple electronic test of the inter-
• 130 ft. (40 m) at 160°F (71°C) will cause an face module’s electronic circuitry. Before testing, care
alarm. should be taken to disarm any alarm functions since the
• 20 ft. (6 m) at 195°F (91°C) will cause an alarm. fire and fault tests will be signaled to the control panel as
• 10 ft. (3 m) at 208°F (98°C) will cause an alarm. genuine alarm and fault conditions.

1. The Linear Heat Detector shall be Kidde AlarmLine
P/N 73-117068-013 [or -016 or -019] or equal in Description Part Number
quality, features and performance as described. Standard PVC Sensor Cable 656 feet (200
2. The linear heat detector shall be of the integrating meters) Roll
(averaging) type and consist of four small gauge Standard PVC Sensor Cable 3,280 feet
solid copper conductors each insulated with a nega- 73-117068-113
(1,000 meters) Roll
tive temperature coefficient material. The conduc-
Nylon Coated Sensor Cable 656 feet (200 meters)
tors shall be twisted at a rate of approximately 30 73-117068-016
turns per foot (90 per meter) to cancel out potential
high voltage inductance. The conductor insulation Nylon Coated Sensor Cable 3,280 feet
shall be color coded for ease of installation. The (1,000 meters) Roll
sensor cable shall have an outer protective extru- Bronze Braided Sensor Cable 656 feet (200
sion of high temperature PVC material. 73-117068-019
meters) Roll
Option A for -016 sensor: The sensor cable shall Bronze Braided Sensor Cable 3,280 feet
have an additional outer extrusion of nylon as addi- (1,000 meters) Roll
tional protection against harsh environments.
Option B for -019 sensor: The sensor cable shall 4-Wire Interface Module with Relay Output and
surface Mount Enclosure
have an outer braid of Phosphor Bronze to increase
its tensile strength and for protection against abra- Nylon Cable Tie (pkg 100) for pipe up to 8" 73-117068-020
Master Clamp (pkg 100) for flanges to 1/2" 73-117068-022
3. The linear heat detector shall have a field adjustable
alarm set-point. Flange Clip (pkg 100) for flanges to 3/16" 73-117068-023
4. The sensor cable shall be self-restorable to its nor-
Flange Clip (pkg 100) for flanges to 1/4"" 73-117068-024
mal condition after an alarm up to 257°F (125°C).
5. The sensor cable shall be capable of being spliced Nylon Cable Clamp (pkg 100) for use with Master
in the field. Clamp or Flange Clips or Nylon Cable Tie

6. The sensor shall have Factory Mutual recom- Weathertight Connector, used with Standard
mended spacing requirements of 30 ft. (9 m), Sensor
regardless of the height. Weathertight Connector, used with Nylon Coated
or Bronze Braided Sensor

In-Line Sensor Splice (pkg 10) - 4 required per


In-Line Sensor Splice Crimping Tool 73-117068-029

Sensor Termination Kit (pkg 10) - terminates 10


Intrinsic Safety Barrier (2 required per zone) 73-117068-031

Intrinsic Safety Barrier Weathertight Enclosure

holds (2) Barriers

Intrinsic Safety Barrier Weathertight Enclosure

holds up to (5) Barriers

Intrinsic Safety Barrier Weathertight Enclosure

holds up to (12) Barriers

Intrinsic Safety Barrier Weathertight Enclosure

holds up to (24) Barriers

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
AlarmLine and Scorpio are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-73-07 Rev AC © 2009 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Intelligent Suppression Control System A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


• UL Listed/FM Approved • Total and Easy Field Programming Using Windows®-
• CSFM Listed (7165-1076:146) Based Configuration Software
• MEA Approved (454-91-E, Vol III-V) • Interface to AlarmLine™ Linear Heat Detection Sys-
• Peer-to-Peer Networking (to 32 nodes) tems Using Addressable AlarmLine Module (AAM)
• Remote LCD Display and Display/Control Modules • FailSoft™ Default Operation
• Password Protected Panel Access • 80-Character Alphanumeric Display
• Distributed Intelligence Architecture • 1024 Event History Log
• Full Digital Communication to SmartOne® Sensors • Up to 255 Loop Detection/Monitor/Control Devices
and Monitor/Control Modules

The Kidde® PEGAsys™ is a microprocessor-based net-
workable fire protection control system designed for use
with the exclusive series of Intelligent SmartOne® detec-
tors and loop devices. The system operates within a
unique "Distributed Intelligence" architecture which dis-
tributes the processing power throughout all system com-
ponents. This "Smart" architecture, which has a
microprocessor, memory and software in each system
component, provides major advances in system preci-
sion and reliability.
The Kidde PEGAsys utilizes a fully digital BIP (Broadcast
Index Polling protocol) for loop device communications.
BIP reduces high speed data communication "traffic",
thereby reducing the risk of interference. BIP communi-
cations feature high immunity to EMI and RFI. As a
result, up to 255 Intelligent loop devices can be con-
nected to the single, Style 4 (2-wire) or Style 6 (4 wire) redundancy. Kidde PEGAsys is completely field config-
communication circuit. The field wiring can be "T" tapped urable. The PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) is a
or branched in Style 4 (2-wire) configuration. BIP protocol Windows-based program which allows the installer to
is so robust that, in retrofit installations, existing detection Upload/Download system configuration information,
loop wiring can be reused. interface to system menus and test the system from a
laptop PC or equivalent.
All of the 255 addressable input/output devices can be in
alarm and operated at the same time. With this critical The Kidde PCS Software, coupled with the optional out-
feature, even a major fire event involving a large number put modules for Signaling, Agent Release, Control
of detectors can be reported and logged by the system. Relays and Municipal Tie, allows the installer to tailor the
system for new or retrofit applications.
The Kidde PEGAsys Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) pro-
vides for unique FailSoft™ operation, a redundant fea- All input/output assignments are field programmable
ture which allows field devices to report alarm even in the using the system’s unique Event Output Control (EOC)
unlikely event of a failure in the system's loop-controller Logic - a programming “language" that is simple to learn
communications microprocessor. Under an alarm condi- and use. With this remarkable language, any single or
tion, the devices would sense the loss of communications combination of input events can be related to one or sev-
with the loop controller and automatically revert to the eral outputs.
FailSoft mode of operation. Redundant circuitry in the Real Time Controls (RTC) are available for a variety of
panel, independent of microprocessor operation, would time/date sensitive operations: Control Relays, Detection
then report a zone alarm. Thus alarm reporting capability Sensitivities, Time of Day, Day of Week, Weekend,
is maintained without costly requirements for processor Month and Holiday functions.
A 1024 event history buffer provides a record of events THE CENTRAL CONTROL MODULE (CCM) (P/N 76-
by time and date in nonvolatile memory. This event 100008-501):
record is retained, even if AC and battery power are lost. The heart of the system and contains the Main Process-
From the system menus, the operator can request a dis- ing Unit, Programmable Memory, Real Time Clock,
play or printout of the most recent events in order to Watch Dog Timer, RS-232C Ports and Control and Dis-
reconstruct the events that occurred as a result of a fire play Assembly. Additionally, the CCM provides network
or an unwanted alarm. One to 1024 of the most recent and remote display interfaces. The CCM receives data
events may be requested from the history file. The opera- from the RX/TX, activates outputs based on pre-pro-
tor does not have to view or print the entire file in order to grammed instructions, and transmits status changes to
examine relevant information. the display panel.
The SmartOne smoke and thermal detectors employ drift THE 80-CHARACTER ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY:
compensation. Intelligent SmartOne microprocessor- Shows system and field-device status. Control switches
based detectors continuously analyze and adjust their are provided for acknowledging and silencing alarms and
pre-alarm/alarm thresholds to compensate for contami- resetting the system. In addition, the scroll switch allows
nants that may build up in the sensing chamber over the operator to examine multiple alarms and troubles in
time. They have the ability to distinguish between a build the system. The Drill switch allows the user to activate all
up of contamination and a real fire condition. Therefore, notification appliance circuits.
the sensitivity level of the SmartOne Smoke Detector
remains constant over time. Once the detector contami-
Available to remotely monitor and display information and
nation has reached the level for which it can no longer be
provide the programming interface. Keyboard commands
compensated, the system alerts that detector service is
from a personal computer using the PCS Program may
required. Detectors are cleaned based on actual require-
be used to access and control the system. A multilevel
ments, not on a fixed schedule.
password protection feature protects the system from
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION unauthorized access.
The Kidde PEGAsys is comprised of several major sub- OUTPUT MODULES:
assemblies: the Receiver/Transmitter Module, Network- Designed to control auxiliary devices from the Central
able Central Control Module, Control and Display Control Panel. The output modules plug into the I/O
Assembly, and Power Supply and Enclosure. Optional motherboard assembly and mount within the Central
I/O modules can be added to the base system to Control Panel enclosure. Up to sixteen I/O modules
increase system functionality (see individual data sheets (including the RX/TX module) can be installed in the sys-
for complete descriptions). tem; no more than eight of any one output-type Module
THE RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER MODULE (RX/TX) and only one City Tie Module should be installed.
(P/N 76-100005-001): SIGNAL AUDIBLE OUTPUT MODULE (P/N 76-100003-
Functions as the data interface between the field devices 001):
and the Central Control Module. The RX/TX receives sta- Provides four (4) Class B, Style Y or two (2) Class-A,
tus changes from field devices and reports these Style Z reverse-polarity notification appliance circuits.
changes to the central control module for display. The These circuits are supervised for open and short circuit
RX/TX is capable of communication with any combina- conditions. Each notification appliance circuit is electri-
tion of addressable input and/or addressable output cally power limited and capable of supplying 2 Amps @
devices up to 225 with Class B, Style 4 or Class A, Style 24 Vdc.
6 supervision. Each circuit may be programmed to operate in one of the
Class A, Style 7 supervision is possible with the use of following modes:
Loop Isolator devices. There are three versions of loop 1. Continuous
isolators, allowing the installer flexibility in different appli- 2. 60 Beats Per Minute
cations. These are: single-gang mount, 6SB detector- 3. 120 Beats Per Minute
base mount and RX/TX module mount. 4. Temporal Pattern
Class B, Style 4 initiating circuitry permits T-tapping or AGENT RELEASE MODULE (P/N 76-100001-001):
branched circuits. The amount of T-tapping should be a Designed for actuating various types of fire suppression
function of sound wiring practice. The maximum distance systems, including FM-200, FE-13, Halon 1301 and Car-
of the Receiver/Transmitter Module's signaling line to bon Dioxide. It is also UL Listed/FM Approved for activat-
field devices can be up to 10,000 feet. ing deluge and pre-action systems. The module provides
one programmable, supervised releasing circuit for oper-

ating a suppression system and three Class B, Style Y motherboards and auxiliary supplies to be added. The
programmable notification appliance circuits. Each notifi- PEGAsys single-loop panel has the ability to support a
cation appliance circuit is capable of providing a fully reg- maximum of 16 I/O modules, in any combination. How-
ulated output of 2 Amps @24 Vdc. ever, no more than eight of any one type of module can
RELAY OUTPUT MODULE (P/N 76-100004-001): be used. Only one City Tie Module can be used per sys-
Designed to provide the system with four individually pro- tem.
grammable Form "C" relays. Relay contact ratings are 2 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENT DEVICES
Amps @ 30 Vdc or 1 Amp @ 120 Vac. The relay can be Kidde PEGAsys is a distributed-intelligence fire protec-
used to control building functions such as HVAC and/or tion system whose computing power is spread across the
power shutdown during fire conditions. sensors and monitor/control modules. Each field device
CITY NOTIFICATION MODULE (P/N 76-100002-001): has the ability to make decisions and store information.
Designed to provide the system with a means of transmit- Status, internal supervision, alarm verification and alarm
ting alarm and trouble conditions to a municipal fire tests are made within the device. Field devices transmit
department receiver or a remote-station receiver. The various analog data, such as percent smoke obscuration
Kidde PEGAsys City Tie Module supports reverse polar- level, voltage level of the devices, internal power supply
ity remote-station transmissions and shunt or local- and voltage level of the communication channel in full
energy masterbox connections. digital format. Nine types of distributed-intelligence field
devices are available - Photoelectric, Ionization and
POWER SUPPLY MODULE (P/N 76-100009-010): Thermal Detectors, Addressable Contact Inputs and Out-
Designed to provide expandable 24 Vdc power to the puts, Addressable Signal Output and Addressable Alarm-
Kidde PEGAsys system. The system power supply/ Line modules (see individual data sheets for complete
charger assembly provides 4 Amps of 24 Vdc power description).
which can be expanded to 8 Amps of 24 Vdc power with
the use of an auxiliary power supply unit, P/N 76-100009- PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
002. The Kidde PEGAsys system can support up to eight The Kidde PEGAsys Fire Protection System incorporates
power supply/charger assemblies with auxiliary power a programming language that is unique and easy to use.
supply units for a maximum of 64 Amps of 24 Vdc power. The programming languages, Event Output Control
The power supply communicates status to the CCM over (EOC) and Real Time Control (RTC), are very versatile
the I/O bus. and can easily accommodate any fire alarm/suppression
application. Programs can be generated and modified
AC input power is monitored by a threshold circuit which using the Windows based PCS program and then
transfers to standby battery to maintain system operation uploaded to the Kidde PEGAsys Control Panel. Program-
when input power is lost. The 24, 60 or 90 hour standby ming is password protected.
power is provided by a set(s) of sealed, lead-acid batter-
ies which can be housed in the main enclosure or an The EOC Programming is a simple language which
optional battery enclosure. The power supply module’s relates addressable initiating devices to addressable out-
charger circuit maintains these batteries in the fully- put devices or output modules. Standard logic operators
charged state. The module supervises system batteries make the language versatile and easy to use. In addition,
for connection and, upon disconnection, will signal a trou- timers are available to delay output operation up to 60
ble condition. seconds. Cross-zoning and grouping of inputs can be
programmed into the system.
The power supply provides two auxiliary 24 Vdc power
outputs, each rated for 1.5 A maximum. These auxiliary The RTC program language permits control of events via
outputs can be programmed for resettable or non-reset- the system's Real-Time Clock. Events may be pro-
table operation. A power supply trouble relay contact grammed to occur on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
(Form C) is provided to allow remote indication of power basis. Alarm and pre-alarm threshold levels of all or spe-
supply trouble conditions. cific devices may be increased or decreased in sensitivity
within the UL limits under RTC control. In addition,
ENCLOSURE addressable relay devices may be controlled via this pro-
The central control panel enclosure is rated for NEMA 1 gram.
and is designed to be surface or optionally semi-flush
mounted. The enclosure houses the control-system's The optional Alarm Verification feature can be used when
components and provides space for two standby batter- detectors are in environments with transient smoke con-
ies up to 33 AH in size. In larger applications where sys- ditions. A 10- to 60-second delay may be programmed
tem functionality needs to be expanded, the systems into the system that permits additional verification before
allows expansion of both the I/O module capacity and the initiating the alarm sequence.
power supplies. The expansion enclosures allow both I/O

TESTING AND SERVICE results will be displayed at the Central Control Panel.
Testing and service features are accessed via the dis- This test feature actually simulates the presence of
play's easy-to-follow menu tree which leads the operator smoke in the detector’s sensing chamber and verifies
from the general to the specific item requested. that a response is received from the device.
The Main Menu of the Kidde PEGAsys consists of four The battery-test function places the batteries of the spec-
categories: ified power supply under an actual load and displays the
1:ISOLATE 2:LIST 3:SET 4:TEST voltage measurements taken during the loading to verify
battery capacity.
To access a category, the operator simply selects 1, 2, 3,
or 4 and presses RETURN, using the system’s integral The walk-test function allows one service person to
keypad. Each category is then further defined, leading select desired detection devices to be tested, then acti-
the operator through the menu from the general to spe- vate each of the specified detectors and receive a pulse
cific functions. The password protection feature limits from notification appliance circuits as verification of
access to authorized personnel only. proper operation.
The ISOLATE category permits the operator to isolate The alarm simulation test allows the operator to simulate
field devices and output modules. Isolating any device the activation of an input and verify that the programmed
immediately causes the system to display a trouble con- output has occurred. This function is specifically
dition, initiates an audible trouble signal, enters an event designed for use during system commissioning, allowing
in the history buffer with the time, date and device iso- a single person to perform the test.
lated. This feature is typically used to temporarily remove ORDERING INFORMATION
auxiliary devices from active participation in system oper-
ations during a system test.
Part Number Description
The LIST category permits the operator to list various
system parameters. All lists are real time system condi- 76-100000-501 Control Unit Assembly
tions that annunciate on the display assembly, and can
be printed with the time and date. Typical lists are: 76-100001-001 Release Module

• Detector Smoke Level 76-100002-001 City Tie Module

• Active Alarms
76-100003-001 Signal Audible Module
• Active Trouble Conditions
• Event Output Control (EOC) Program 76-100004-001 Relay Module
• Line Voltage (checks field wiring integrity)
• Real Time Control (RTC) Programming 76-100036-500 Network Interface Card Kit
The SET category permits the operator to modify various
system parameters. A few examples are: TECHNICAL INFORMATION (BASE SYSTEM)
• SET Time and Date
• ENABLE/DISABLE RTC Program Input Voltage: 120/220; 50/60 Hz
• SET Alarm Threshold Level
Input Current: 2 Amps (Max.)
• SET Pre-alarm Threshold Level
• ENABLE/DISABLE RS-232 Ports Output Rating: 24 Vdc; 4 Amps; Expandable to
• SET Alarm Verification a maximum of 64 Amps
The TEST category allows the operator to test various
Maximum I/O Modules: 16 (Maximum eight of any type)
system components. The test options are:
except there is only one City Tie
• Alarm Test of Detectors Module per system
• Battery Test
Maximum Intelligent 255
• Walk Test
• Alarm Simulation Test
These unique functions allow the operator to test several
aspects of system operation. The alarm test feature will, SPECIFICATIONS
upon command, cause a detector to be tested and Refer to Kidde Protect-SPEC Design System CD-ROM,
Version 2.0.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-76-000 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Fire-Alarm/Suppression System Control Unit Effective: March 2007


• Distributed Intelligence to Sensor Level • Inherently Power Limited
• Fully-Digitized Communications Protocol • USB Communications Port
• Up to 255 Points without Device-Type Restrictions • Internet Accessible
• Triple-R Protection Against Inadvertent Extinguishing- • Simple Programming
System Activation • UL Listed and FM Approved

The ARIES™ Fire Alarm/Suppression System Control
Unit is a compact control unit that provides one signaling
line circuit, four notification-appliance circuits, two releas-
ing circuits, and four on-board relays. Two of the four
notification-appliance circuits are user-configurable to
actuate one solenoid valve for control of a special extin-
guishing system or a pre-action/deluge sprinkler system.
A 5.4 Amp, filtered and regulated power supply provides
charging capabilities for batteries up to 70 Ah.
The ARIES Control Unit annunciates alarm, trouble, and
supervisory events via an 80-character, backlit LCD dis-
play with integral status LEDs. Event acknowledgment,
alarm silence, and system reset are accomplished with
dedicated control keys. Basic user and maintenance
operations such as viewing history or isolation com-
mands to initiating points and system outputs are per-
formed via the control keys and associated digit keys. A
security password prevents unauthorized access to the
The signaling line circuit communicates with up to 255
SmartOne® automatic initiating devices, monitor mod-
ules, and control modules via a highly-efficient, fully-digi-
tized protocol. The SmartOne communications protocol
imposes no limitations on the mix of automatic initiating control unit can dynamically adjust the smoke detector
devices and monitor/control modules on the signaling line alarm thresholds as the result of one or more alarm-initi-
circuit. Each SmartOne initiating device has a micropro- ating events to confirm that a fire requiring the rapid
cessor, memory, and decision-making algorithms to inter- action of an associated extinguishing system has
rupt normal control-unit communications and initiate an occurred. SmartOne smoke detectors can also be config-
alarm signal. ured for non-latching operation that requires them to
measure smoke signatures in excess of their alarm
This distributed intelligence to the sensor level ensures
thresholds for the entire pre-discharge time period in
rapid response to all types of initiating signals, and is far
order to discharge the extinguishing system. This pre-
superior to the various sequential, poll and respond com-
vents a transitory event that mimics a smoke signature
munication schemes employed by others that rely on the
such as the leakage of air-conditioning fluid from acci-
control unit to make all alarm decisions. SmartOne
dentally discharging the extinguishing system.
smoke detectors manage their individual drift compensa-
tion routines, and have pre-alarm and alarm thresholds SmartOne heat detectors have pre-alarm and alarm
that are configurable in 0.1 percent-per-foot increments thresholds that are programmable in 1°F intervals.
throughout the entire range of Listed sensitivities. The
The signaling line circuit can be wired for Class-A, Style-6 Kidde synchronizable horns and strobes without the
or Class-B, Style-4 operation. Optional isolator modules requirement of an external synchronization module:
can be used for a Class-A, Style-7 circuit.
• MT Series Multi-Tone Horns and Horn/Strobes
The ARIES Control Unit has two releasing circuits that • NH Series Horns
can be configured to actuate releasing devices via any of • RS Series Strobes
the following ways: The MT and NS Series notification appliances provide
• Single control head or solenoid valve the option to use silenceable horns and non-silenceable
• Two series-supervised, parallel-actuated control strobes on the same NAC.
heads or solenoid valves. Two of the NACs are also user-configurable to activate
• One Metron actuator one solenoid for special-extinguishing-system actuation
These releasing circuits can be used to actuate various or pre-action/deluge sprinkler-system actuation like the
Kidde control heads for waterless-extinguishing-system regular releasing circuits. These NACs are also protected
storage containers, or solenoid valves for sprinkler con- against inadvertent activation via the main microproces-
trol that fall within the Factory Mutual System Groups A, sor by the ARIES “Triple-R” safeguard system when they
B, D, E, and G. A releasing circuit can actuate an are configured for releasing applications.
unmatched pair of control heads or solenoid valves
because it activates these releasing devices in parallel,
The ARIES has four Form-C relays. Three of the four
not in series. This means that a releasing circuit can acti-
relays are user-programmable for any system condition
vate the control valves for a waterless suppression sys-
and the fourth relay is dedicated to trouble conditions.
tem and a back-up pre-action-sprinkler system
Each relay is rated for 1 Amp @ 28 Vdc.
simultaneously which makes efficient use of the control
unit’s circuitry and increases system reliability by Two auxiliary power outputs are provided, each with a 1-
enabling a single action to operate both extinguishing A output. These auxiliary power outputs are user config-
systems. urable for resettable or continuous power.
The releasing circuits are protected against inadvertent INTEGRATION WITH SPECIALTY DETECTION
activation via the main microprocessor by the ARIES SYSTEMS
exclusive “Triple-R” (for triple redundancy) safeguard The ARIES is designed to integrate seamlessly with
system. The “Triple-R” system requires that the main ORION™ XT High Sensitivity Smoke Detectors (HSSD®)
microprocessor issue two release commands, of oppo- via one or more ORION XT Interface Modules (PALM). It
site polarity and via separate signaling channels, and that also integrates with Kidde’s AlarmLine™ Cable via
these commands be combined with a signal from the AlarmLine Addressable Modules and with Linear Heat-
control unit’s watchdog timer confirming proper micropro- Sensing Cable (LHS) via regular monitor modules.
cessor operation, in order to activate a release circuit. The PALM permits an HSSD to be connected to the sig-
This triply-redundant release-command requirement naling line circuit and report pre-alarms and alarms in an
ensures that an electrical transient or disturbance that addressable manner analogous to a SmartOne smoke
temporarily interferes with the operation of the main detector.
microprocessor will not inadvertently activate an extin-
guishing system. The AAM permits an AlarmLine cable to be connected to
the signaling line circuit and report pre-alarms and
NOTIFICATION-APPLIANCE CIRCUITS alarms in an addressable manner analogous to a Smart-
The ARIES Control Unit has four notification-appliance One heat detector. The LHS can report as a point-spe-
circuits (NACs). Each circuit can provide up to 1.5 Amps cific alarm via an AI Monitor Module.
@ 24 Vdc for horns, strobes, chimes, or other notification
appliances. Power for the notification appliances is fully PROGRAMMING
filtered and regulated. Each NAC is programmable, and The ARIES configuration tool is used to program the con-
supports continuous and master-coded outputs for audi- trol unit for each individual, site-specific application. Pro-
ble devices. The NACs’ coded patterns are dynamically gramming is for control-by-event scenarios, and consists
adjustable and can be programmed to sound different of entering a series of conditional control statements that
codes to notify the occupants of progressively-more-seri- logically join initiating points to control-unit-based outputs
ous conditions. and remote control modules. Each SmartOne field device
can be assigned a location message of up to 40 charac-
Both circuits are supervised, power limited, and are com- ters via the ARIES configuration tool. A USB Device Port
patible with conventional, UL Listed, 24 Vdc notification is available to connect to a laptop computer for applica-
appliances. They can also be used with the following tion upload.

A front panel-activated AutoLearn routine can be exe- SPECIFICATIONS
cuted that will create a general alarm, one input activates
all outputs application to speed the system-configuration Primary AC Power: 120 Vac, 50 Hz, 3.2 A
process. The more sophisticated Auto-Setup routine 220/240 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 1.6 A
allows the ARIES System to be automatically configured
for the typical control scenario utilized by waterless fire- Power Output: 5.4 A @ 24Vdc
suppression systems. Filtered and Regulated Inher-
ently Power-Limited
REMOTE LCD ANNUNCIATOR Battery (Sealed, Lead- 70 Ah Maximum Capacity
The ARIES Control Unit supports up to 15 remote LCD Acid Only): 12 Ah Fits Within Enclosure
annunciators called RDCMs. This remote annunciator 1 Signaling Line Cir- 255 Devices Maximum, Style-4, -
uses the same 80-character, backlit LCD display found cuit: 6, or -7 (with Isolater Modules)
on the main control unit. The RDCM permits remote
event acknowledgment, alarm silencing, and system 2 Notification Appli- Class-A, Style-Z or Class B,
reset, and is secured with a key lock. User- and mainte- ance Circuits: Style-Y 24 Vdc, 1.5 A (maximum
per circuit)
nance-level functions are also possible from the remote
Suitable for Synchronized Notifi-
cation Appliances
2 Releasing Circuits: Configurable for:
The Model ATM-L Annunciator Driver Module provides
the ARIES Control Unit with up to 32 programmable,
- One or two Control Heads and/
supervised LED outputs for graphical or tabular annunci- or Solenoid Valves
ators, along with 6 system-level LED outputs and 5 sys- - One Metron Actuator 24 Vdc,
tem-level inputs circuits for functional switches. 2.4 A (maximum per circuit)
The system-level LEDs correspond to the following gen- 2 Combination Each Configurable as:
eral conditions: Module Power, Pre-Alarm, Alarm, Alarm Circuits:
Silence, Supervisory, and Trouble. Class-A, Style-Z or Class-B,
The input circuits for functional switches provide for the Style-Y NAC, 24 Vdc, 1.5 A
(Maximum per circuit) Suitable
following operator intervention: System Reset, Event
for Synchronized Notification
Acknowledgment, Alarm Silence, Fire Drill, and Lamp
Test. OR
The ARIES supports up to 16 graphic annunciator driver
modules. Release Circuit with One Control
Head or Solenoid Valve 24 Vdc,
The Intelligent Communications Module (ICM) can be
used to access the ARIES System via the Internet to Relays: 3 Programmable and 1Trouble
view system status and current events and to download Relay.
- 1.0 A @ 30 Vdc
the history log. The ICM can be programmed to transmit
up to five e-mails upon the occurrence of any unsolicited
- 0.5 A @ 30 Vdc
event in the system. The e-mail message embeds a link (inductive)
with the IP address of the control unit that sent the mes- - 0.5 A @ 120 Vdc
sage for instant access to the remote system. (inductive)
The ICM can be accessed using any standard Web- 2 Auxiliary-Power Programmable for Resettable or
browsing program and requires no special proprietary Outputs: Continuous Output 1 A @ 24
software. Vdc (each output)
The ICM also allows the ARIES Control Unit to report as 2 RS-232 Serial Ports: Bi-Directional
a slave device via the Modbus TCP/IP Protocol to a mas- 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop
ter monitoring system for automated process control. Bit, No Parity

1 RS-485 Maximum 31 Remote Addresses

Communications Port: (RDCM and ATM-L)

1 USB Device Port: USB Serial

Dimensions: Enclosure Only:
14-1/4 in. W x 19 in. H x 5 in. D
Enclosure with Door: Part Number Description
14-13/32 in. W x 19-5/32 in. H x
5 in. D 76-600000-001 ARIES Control Unit (Red)
Optional Modules: - RDCM Remote Display Module 76-600000-007 Trim Ring (Red)
- ATM-L Annunciator Driver
- ICM Internet-Accessible/Mod-
bus-Conversion Module

Kidde, HSSD, and SmartOne are registered trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

ARIES, ORION, and AlarmLine are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-76-600 Rev AC © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
ORION™ XT Detector
A UTC Fire & Security Company
High Sensitivity Smoke Detector (HSSD®)
Effective: November 2007

• Air Sampling Smoke Detector for Early Warning • Advanced Signal Processing Features
Applications • Full Configuration Using ORION™ Configuration
• Thousands of Times More Sensitive than Software
Conventional Smoke Detectors • Modular design for fast and easy servicing
• Programmable Sensitivity Range of 0.00075%/ft NETWORKING OPTIONS
to 0.3%/ft Obscuration • Use with Optional Intelligent Interface Module
• Laser Particle-Counting Technology for Networked Systems of up to 127 Detectors
• Uses Particle Size Discrimination—No Filter Required • Use with Optional PALM for PEGAsys™
• Up To 20,000 Sq. Ft. of Coverage and ARIES™ control units
• Well Suited for High Air-Flow Environments LISTINGS AND APPROVALS
• Two Programmable Alarm Levels and • UL 268 Listed for Open Area Protection
Two Programmable Pre-Alarm Levels and Special Applications
• Three Color Status LED • UL 268A Listed for Duct Detection
• Optional LCD Display Module • FM Approved
• Configuration and History Data Stored in • ULC Listed for Open Area Protection
Non-Volatile Memory and Special Applications
• History Buffer Stores Up to 28 Days of Smoke History • CSFM Listed
• NYC MEA Approved

The ORION™ XT High Sensitivity Smoke Detector con-
sists of a laser particle counter detector head, a high-effi-
ciency fan module and a termination board. One ORION
XT Detector, when connected to a pipe network designed
using “SNIFF” Version 3 software, provides coverage for
an area up to 20,000 sq. ft.
The ORION XT Detector (with a dynamic sensitivity
range of 0.00075% to 0.3%/ft) is designed for early warn-
ing smoke detection applications such as telecommuni-
cations facilities, data processing facilities, museums and
The ORION XT Detector’s laser particle counter detects Figure 1. ORION XT Detector
particles of combustion at levels of obscuration as low as with Optional Display Module
0.0015%/ft. This is sensitive enough to detect invisible
products of combustion such as the outgassing of plasti-
cizers from overheating PVC wire insulation and electri-
cal components, or small changes in the ambient level of
obscuration during the incipient stage of a fire.
When a combustible material reaches it’s ignition temper-
ature, the combustion becomes self-sustaining and is
called a fire. At temperatures much below the ignition
temperature, chemical reactions generate airborne parti-
cles. This is typically called the incipient stage of a fire
and is followed by visible smoke, flame and finally an
intense heat stage. Detection during the incipient stage
allows time for corrective action, possibly preventing an Figure 2. ORION XT Detector
escalation of the fire condition, and thus minimizing fire
Figure 4. Sampling Point with Capillary Tube
The ORION XT Detector has two display options: a sta-
Figure 3. ORION XT Detects Ambient Smoke
in the Incipient Stage of Fire tus LED faceplate or a Display Module. The status LED
faceplate is a plastic molded insert with a tri-color LED
PARTICLE SIZE that indicates an Alarm, Pre-Alarm or Trouble condition.
DISCRIMINATION = NO FILTER! The standard configuration of an ORION XT Detector
The ORION XT Detector uses a high-efficiency centrifu- has an installed status LED faceplate. The LED reports
gal fan to draw air continuously from the protected area, the following conditions:
into a piping network and through the detector head,
without filtration or flow restriction. As a result, filter main- CONTINUOUS GREEN.................. NORMAL
tenance and loss of sensitivity due to filter clogging is FLASHING GREEN........................ AUTO-SETUP™
eliminated. CONTINUOUS YELLOW................ TROUBLE/ISO-
Smoke concentration is determined by counting the num- LATED
ber of discrete particles of a specific size in a given time FLASHING RED............................ PRE-ALARM
period. The Detector’s particle size discrimination feature CONTINUOUS RED....................... ALARM
allows only a specific range of particle sizes (between For applications where a user interface at the Detector is
0.01 and 10 microns) to be measured and counted as necessary, Kidde offers an optional Display Module with
products of combustion. Anything above or below this a backlit LCD screen. The Display Module allows the
range is generally ignored and does not contribute to user to browse through more detailed information such
smoke signal calculations. This discrimination band cor- as protected area smoke levels, sampling pipe airflow
responds to the center of the range of all particles of rate and selected configuration settings. The optional dis-
combustion. Dust particles, which are typically larger play module also allows limited detector control functions
than 10 microns, are ignored. such as reset, test and isolate. The Display Module can
AIR SAMPLING PIPE NETWORK be integrated into the ORION XT Detector or externally
The air sampling pipe network is a system of pipes mounted away from the Detector (see datasheet 77.151).
extended into the protected area with strategically placed FIRE ALARM PANEL INTERFACE:
sampling holes. The UL Listed/FM Approved “SNIFF” The ORION XT Detector was designed with the flexibility
Version 3 computer program is used to dynamically bal- to interface with any fire alarm control panel. There are
ance the pipe network. The “SNIFF” program allows four different configurations to choose from depending on
greater flexibility in pipe configuration and balances the the type of control panel and the number of Detectors in
pipe network to insure equal sensitivity at each sampling the system.
hole. Each sample hole may be considered an equivalent
spot-type detector with a maximum coverage of 900 sq. The Intelligent Interface Module (IIM) is designed to inter-
ft. to provide UL Listed Open Area Protection (see face with a large ORION XT Detector to an ARIES con-
datasheet 77.153). trol panel. The ARIES compatible IIM is mounted in a
backbox located in proximity of the panel enclosure. Up
The ORION XT product line offers an array of air sam- to 127 ORION XT Detectors can be networked together
pling network accessories such as a sampling point, cap- with an IIM. A computer running ORION Configuration
illary tube rolls, sampling point, port and pipe labels. Software (OCS) can communicate with the IIM, either
with a local computer or from a remote computer using a
modem. This allows all networked ORION XT Detectors
to be monitored and configured from a central location
and saves on installation and maintenance costs (see
data sheet 77.157).

For smaller networks connected to a PEGAsys or ARIES Auto-Setup learning time period can be set for fifteen
control panel, the ORION XT Detector can be connected minutes to two weeks.
to the panel’s Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) using an HISTORY REPORTING FEATURES:
PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module (PALM). The PALM • Smoke Level History – A powerful diagnostic feature
is a circuit board that plugs into an ORION XT Detector. of the Detector. Up to four weeks of date and time
With a PALM, the ORION XT Detector operates as one of stamped smoke history (40,320 data collection
up to 255 SmartOne devices on the addressable loop
points) may be stored in the Detector. History sam-
(see datasheet 77.152). pling rate is programmable from 1 to 60 seconds.
The ORION XT Detector can also interface to other fire Using OCS software, this history can be retrieved
alarm control panels by using relay contacts inside the and graphically displayed, printed or stored to disk.
Detector. Each ORION XT Detector is equipped with six • Event History – Stores up to 128 events such as
relays (Pre-Alarm 1, Pre-Alarm 2, Alarm 1, Alarm 2, Trou- alarm or trouble activations, configuration changes or
ble, and Isolate) which allows the Detector to directly operator actions. Using OCS software, this history
interface with the control panel. can be retrieved and displayed, printed or stored to
disk. This feature aids in the analysis of trouble or
Detectors that interface to a fire alarm control panel with alarm incidents.
relays can also be networked together with an IIM in the
stand alone module configuration. This allows up to 127
The ORION XT Detector is designed for ease of installa-
ORION XT Detectors to be monitored and configured
tion and maintenance. The Detector’s main components
from a central location.
can be serviced without removing the Detector’s enclo-
CONFIGURATION: sure, conduit, inlet or exhaust pipe. The Detector can be
The ORION XT Detector is configured with ORION Con- surface-mounted by four #10 mounting holes in the back
figuration Software (OCS) Version 3. To configure the of the Detector or by an optional flush mount trim ring.
Detector, a computer running OCS software is connected
via a programming cable to the RS-232 jack located on POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS:
The ORION XT Detector has four different power supply
the side of the Detector. OCS provides the ability to mon-
configurations. The Self-Contained Power Supply is
itor, configure and download history from the Detector.
designed to provide 24 Vdc power to a Detector from 120
The advanced signal processing software features of the
or 240 Vac (see datasheet 77.155). For systems with
Detector allow the response of the detector head to be
multiple ORION XT Detectors, a Multi-Zone Power Sup-
tailored to the environment it is installed in. This provides
ply can provide 24 Vdc power for up to eight Detectors
the most sensitive detection with a minimum of unwanted
from 120 or 240 Vac (see datasheet 77.154). The Multi-
alarms (see datasheet 77.153).
Zone Power Supply is also available with a 48 Vdc to 24
• Two Pre-Alarm and Two Alarm Levels – Programma- Vdc power converter.
ble in increments of 5% of the Detector’s selected
Detectors can also have 24 Vdc power supplied by the
output. Alarm Level 2 and Pre-Alarm Level 2 are
fire alarm control panel or any listed or approved power
• Day/Night Alarms – A second set of programmed
alarm levels is available for the night period which DIMENSIONS
allows the Detector’s response to be more sensitive
during the day.
108 mm
4.25 in

• Alarm Delays – Programmable from 0 to 60 seconds

for each alarm level. The delays can be used to elim-
inate unwanted alarms caused by transient condi-
• Alarm Latching – An option which allows alarm con-
ditions to remain latched until reset, or to automati-
228 mm
8.98 in

cally reset after a programmable delay of 0 to 60

• Smoke Signal Averaging – An option that averages
the smoke level over a programmable 2, 4, or 8 sec- RIGHT
ond period. This may be used to eliminate spikes in SIDE SIDE

the smoke level caused by transient smoke.

Automatically sets the ORION XT Detector’s optimal
12.6 in
alarm sensitivity threshold at the time of installation. The 320 mm



Detector Sensitivity Range 0.00075%/ft. to 0.3%/ft. (0.0025%/m to 1%/m)

Maximum Coverage 20,000 sq. ft . (2000 sq. m.)

Input Voltage 24 Vdc nominal (18 to 30 Vdc)

Input Current 310mA standby, 342 mA alarm

Operating Temperature 32º to 120ºF (0º to 49º C)

Operating Humidity 10 to 93% RH non-condensing

Enclosure Rating NEMA-1 (IP-31)

Finish Light Grey Polycarbonate with Painted Steel Backbox

Dimensions 12.6" W x 8.98" H x 4.25" D (32.0 cm W x 22.8 cm H x 10.8 cm D)

Alarm & Pre-Alarm Relays Four relays; each has normally open contacts, 2 Amp @ 28 Vdc, resistive

Trouble Relay Form C, 2 Amp @ 28 Vdc, resistive (energized on power-up)

Isolate Relay Optional: Form C, 2 Amp @ 28 Vdc, resistive

Electrical Connections 18 to 12 AWG (0.75 to 2.5mm 2 ) wiring to removable terminal blocks

Service Port Connection RS232 communications with modular RJ12 jack. Requires ORION Configuration Software Version 3

Network Connection Optional: RS485 communications, 1 pair in/1 pair out, 7 position address dip switch

Remote Display Connection Optional: 1 pair RS485 communications, 1 pair power

Power Supply Supervision input Optional: Monitors normally closed contact on power supply

Air Inlet Port 3/4" NPT threaded

Side exhaust, optional rear exhaust with supplied adapter, optional 1" NPT threaded exhaust pipe
Exhaust Port
connection with supplied adapter

Weight 8.0 lb (3.6 kg)


ORION XT Detector, 0.00075 - 0.3%/ft (0.0025 - 1%/m) 297101

Flush Mount Trim Ring for Detector 297111

Sampling Point Kit, pkg. of 25: Consists of (25) each: Sampling Point, Male
1/2" NPT Capillary Tube Adapter, Female 1/2" NPT Capillary Tube Adapter, 297109
Label for Sample Point

Capillary Tube, 3/8" - 250 ft Roll 297110

Sampling Point Label - Roll of 100 297021

Sampling Port Label - Roll of 100 297022

Sampling Pipe Label - Roll of 100 297023

ORION XT Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 77.100

ORION Configuration Software 297120

RS-232 Programming Cable Assembly 74-10016-003

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-77-150 Rev AE © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
CO2 Component Description
A UTC Fire & Security Company
75 lb. and 100 lb. Carbon Dioxide Cylinders
Effective: May 2010






Pressure Ratings:
Service Pressure = 2300 psig NUMBER
Hydrostatic Test Pressure = 3834 psig
Nominal Pressure = 850 psig @70ºF 870287 75 LB. 60.0 in. 9.25 in.
5/8 in.
870269 100 LB. 62.0 in. 10.50 in.
VALVE: SEE K-81-1050 FOR 5/8 in.



This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular question, contact Ashland, MA 01721
KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-81-1010 Rev AC © 2010 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
CO2 Component Description
25 lb. thru 50 lb. Carbon Dioxide Cylinders, A UTC Fire & Security Company
Bent Siphon Tube
Effective: March 2007







VALVE: SEE K-81-1040 FOR 1/2 in.
SIPHON TUBE: ALUMINUM 870486 25 lb. 30.0 in. 8.50 in.

982547 35 lb. 1/2 in. 40.0 in. 8.50 in.

SEE K-81-1030 982548 50 lb. 55.0 8.50

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-81-1020 Rev AC © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
KVS Artic Green™
Wet Chemical Agent A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


• Minimum Operating Temperature of -40°C • Non-Hazardous
• Freezing Point lower than -60°C • Environmentally-Friendly
• Good Flow Characteristics in Low Temperature • Better Cooling Properties than Other
Applications Cold-Temperature Agents
• Pre-Mixed; No Need to Add Water • Class A and B Fire Extinguishing Capabilities
• Does Not Contain Glycol

The Kidde® KVS Arctic Green™ Wet Chemical Agent is
used in conjunction with a KVS dry chemical system as a
secondary discharge agent for prevention of a flashback
fire. This agent is suitable for cold temperature applica-
tions down to -40°C while maintaining it’s fire-fighting and
flow capabilities.
In addition, Arctic Green is non-hazardous and is safe for
the environment. It can be retrofit into existing Kidde KVS
foam cylinders and utilize the same hose and nozzle


Part Number Description

83-130032-001 KVS Arctic Green™ Wet Chemical

Agent, 5 Gallon Container

83-130033-001 KVS Arctic Green™ Wet Chemical

Agent, 55 Gallon Drum

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-038 Rev AC © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
KVS-2025 Automatic
Fire Sensing System A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: February 2007


• Vehicle Fire System Control Panel • Alarm Silence Switch
• Expandable, modular • LED annunciation of alarm, trouble, fire, operation
• Programmable Time Delay • Low Maintenance
• Multiple system discharge capability • 12V or 24V electrical systems
• Battery Backup Module • FM approved, including heavy-duty off-road vehicle

The Kidde® KVS detection system uses a fast response,
infrared fire sensor, spot heat detection and/or Linear
Heat Sensing Cable, all of which continually monitor the
hazard area for a fire condition. Once a fire is detected, a
signal is immediately sent to the control panel located in
the operator’s area where a “FIRE” lamp is illuminated
and an audible alarm is sounded. The control unit sup-
plies engine shutdown and extinguisher discharge timing
and activation. The dry chemical and/or foam system dis-
charges suppressant routed through distribution hoses to
nozzles located in the engine compartment, hydraulic
network and other identified potential fire areas. The
vehicle engine can be automatically shutdown to maxi-
mize effectiveness of the suppressant and to prevent re-
ignition of the fire.
The Kidde KVS Automatic Fire Sensing and Suppression
Systen is designed to detect and automatically suppress
vehicle fires. The system responds to fires fueled by: die-
sel, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, and other fuels, including
Areas where fires can occur include: TECHNICAL DATA
• Engine Compartment: • Power Requirement: 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc (9 to 32 Vdc)
– Fuel Tanks and Lines • Quiescent (Fire Only): 2.4 W
– Hydraulic Reservoirs • Extinguisher Valve Drive Requires 15 A for 30 ms
– Lines and Accumulators • Temperature Rating: -40ºF (-40ºC) to 158ºF (70ºC)
• Heaters • Automatic Interface
• Transmissions • Normally-Open 3 Amp Contact Shorts to Ground
• Battery Compartment when in Alarm
• Electrical Distribution and Raceways • Engine Shutdown
• Fuel Pump and/or Fuel Valve Shutdown
• Fan Shutdown
• Delay System/Engine-Shutdown Button (15 sec.
delay per activation)
• Alarm Silence, Reset, Indicator Test Button
• Manual Discharge Input

Shipping ø.20 - 4 PLS

Part Number Description
83-132002-001 KVS-20205 Control Panel 1 lb. 413410

83-132001-001 KVS-2020 Infared Sensor 1 lb.
5.25 4.25
83-132003-001 KVS-2020 Expansion 1 lb. FIRE

83-132015-001 KVS-2020 End-of-line 1 lb. ALARM SILENCE TEST/RESET

Device DELAY
83-132016-001 KVS-2020 IR Test Kit 2 lb.

83-132017-001 KVS-2020 Backup Battery 5 lb.

83-100001-003 LHS (Linear Heat Sensing) 10 lb.
Cable 100 m Reel (328 ft.


Figure 1. KVS-2020 Front View

J1 Mating Connector is Deutsch DT06-12S


R.50 1.17


2.30 4.75



Figure 2. KVS-2020 Side View

Kidde is a registered trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be
properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, A UTC Fire & Security Company
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-102 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
KVS Foam Cylinder
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


The KVS Foam Cylinders are constructed of a mild steel
with an internal polycarbonate protective coating to pre-
vent corrosion. Cylinders are shipped empty and can be
readily charged in the field. Cylinders are pressurized by
means of an outside cartridge and remain a non-pressur-
ized vessel until system activation. Cylinders are avail-
able in two sizes. Both the 10 gallon (35 liter) and the 20
gallon (68.5 liter) capacity. Cylinders can be mounted
either horizontally or vertically using the KVS cylinder
brackets and are equipped with two carry/lifting handles
which are welded onto the cylinder assembly. The cylin-
ders are connected to the actuation line using the KVS
head cap, P/N 83-130008-001 and the KVS head cap
lock nut, P/N 83-130007-001.

Figure 1. KVS Foam Cylinder

Cylinder Height
Cylinder Nominal
Cylinder Model Part Number Type of Agent Including
Capacity Diameter
Carrier Handles

KVS-20G 83-130001-000 AFFF Foam 18.1 gal. 14.8 in. 29.25 in.
(68.5 l) (373 mm) (737 mm)

KVS-10G 83-130002-000 AFFF Foam 9.25 gal. 11.5 in. 28 in.

(3.5 l) (289 mm) (710 mm)

Cylinder Top Minimum Cylinder
Support Strap Cylinder Test Pressure
Strap P/N Burst Pressure

83-130003-000 83-130004-000 388 PSI 689 PSI

(27 bar) (47.5 bar)

83-130005-000 83-130006000 357 PSI 718 PSI

(24.6 bar) (49.5 bar)

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-105 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
KVS Dry Chemical System
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


• Vehicle Fire Protection System • Two Types of Nozzles
• Expandable, Modular • Gauge Protector
• Five Cylinder Sizes: 21, 25, 33, 45, 68 Pounds • Low Maintenance
• Monoammonium Phosphate (Multi-Purpose) or Purple K • 12 V or 24 V Electrical Systems or Pressure
(Class B & C) Dry Chemical Operated
• Stored Pressure Cylinder with Gauge • FM Approved
• Forged Brass, Nickel Plated Valve
The Kidde® KVS dry chemical systems utilize either
monoammonium phosphate dry chemical, a multi-pur-
pose dry chemical rated for class A, B, and C type fires,
or Purple K (KVS-25H only), a dry chemical rated for
class B and C type fires. The chemicals are non-conduc-
tive and provide fast flame knockdown. The cylinders are
welded, US DOT 4BW-360, mild-steel shell. The system
employs stored pressure, at 360 PSIG, keeping the dry
chemical agent free from contamination.
The KVS dry chemical system is available with five cylin-
der sizes: KVS-21, with four nozzles; KVS-25H, with two
to six nozzles; KVS-33 with six nozzles; KVS-45 with six
or eight nozzles and KVS-68 with eight nozzles, provid-
ing an extended discharge time. This extended discharge
time can be especially important in machinery where high
pressure hydraulics can cause a reflash due to a source
of ignition.
Areas where fires can occur include:
• Engine Compartment TECHNICAL DATA
– Fuel Tanks and Lines
– Hydraulic Reservoirs Pressurized dry nitrogen to 360 PSIG nominal at 70°F
– Lines and Accumulators (21.1°C)
• Heaters • 4BW-360 welded steel shell
• Transmissions • Nickel plated, forged brass valve
• Battery Compartment • Temperature rating: -65°F to 200°F (-53.9°C to
• Electrical Distribution and Raceways 93.3°C)
• Pressure operation or electric operation
• Use “flexible piping” for chemical discharge
The KVS-21 cylinder has a capacity of 750 cu. in. and
holds 21 pounds of dry chemical; the KVS-25H cylinder
has a capacity of 750 cu. in., holds 25 pounds of dry
chemical and can be mounted horizontally and vertically;
the KVS-33 cylinder has a capacity of 1150 cu. in.. and
holds 33 pounds of dry chemical; the KVS-45 cylinder
has a capacity of 1550 cu. in. and holds 45 pounds of dry
chemical; the KVS-68 cylinder has a capacity of 2700 cu.
in. and holds 68 pounds of dry chemical (see Table 2 for
more information).

Part Number Description

83-131010-001 KVS-21 Cylinder and Valve Assembly

83-131014-001 KVS-25H Cylinder and Valve Assembly

(with Monoammonium Phosphate)

83-131027-001 KVS-25H Cylinder and Valve Assembly

(with Purple K)

83-131013-001 KVS-33 Cylinder and Valve Assembly “B”

83-131011-001 KVS-45 Cylinder and Valve Assembly

83-131012-001 KVS-68 Cylinder and Valve Assembly

83-131024-001 Gauge Protector

296189 KVS-21/KVS-25H Heavy Duty Vehicle


296188 KVS-33/KVS-45 Heavy Duty Vehicle

83-131003-001 KVS-68 Heavy Duty Vehicle Bracket

83-100001-001 LHS (Linear Heat Sensing) Cable

Figure 1. KVS Dry Chemical Cylinder and
Note: Valve Assembly
*KVS Foam/Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Systems Each cylinder-and-valve assembly must be installed in an
*KVS-2020, EM-1, and IR-1 Flame Detection System upright position (with the exception of the KVS-25H)
*KVS-2020 Control Panel for Conventional Heat Detection using the mounting bracket specified in Table 1.
*Complete System packages are available

Table 1: Cylinder and Valve Assemblies

Charge or Fill
Cylinder Type of Nominal Overall Assy. Mounting
Part Number Weight of
Assy. Powder Diameter “A” Height “B” Bracket P/N

KVS-21 83-131010-001 ABC 21 lb. (9.5 kg) 9.0 in. (229 mm) 17.6 in. (229 mm) 296189

KVS-25H 83-131014-001 ABC 25 lb. (11.3 kg) 9.0 in. (229 mm) 18.5 in. (470 mm) 296189

KVS-25H 83-131027-001 Purple K 25 lb. (11.3 kg) 9.0 in. (229 mm) 18.5 in. (470 mm) 296189

KVS-33 83-131013-001 ABC 33 lb. (14.9 kg) 9.0 in. (229 mm) 23.7 in. (602 mm) 296188

KVS-45 83-131011-001 ABC 45 lb. (20.4 kg) 9.0 in. (229 mm) 30.8 in. (782 mm) 296188

KVS-68 83-131012-001 ABC 68 lb. ( 30.8 kg) 12.3 in. (312 mm) 30.2 in. (767 mm) 83-131003-001
Figure 2. Mounting Bracket

Table 2: Mounting Bracket Kits

Cylinder and Valve
Bracket P/N

296189 KVS-21 11.75 in. (298 mm) 12.38 in. (314 mm) 7.19 in. (183 mm)

296189 KVS-25H 11.75 in. (298 mm) 12.38 in. (314 mm) 7.19 in. (183 mm)

296188 KVS-33 18.50 in. (470 mm) 12.38 in. (314 mm) 7.19 in. (183 mm)

296188 KVS-45 18.50 in. (470 mm) 12.38 in. (314 mm) 7.19 in. (183 mm)

83-131003-001 KVS-68 17.75 in. (451 mm) 15.62 in. (397 mm) 9.90 in. (251 mm)
This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.
assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application.
The product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or
question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508)
A UTC Fire & Security Company
881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-107 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
Sentinel SA1
Detection and Control System A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: November 2009


• FM Approved: Including Environmental and Shock & • Pre-terminated Cables
Vibration Testing • Flexible Release and Shutdown Delay Options
• Rugged, Die-Cast Aluminum IP66/NEMA4X Enclosure • Separate Supervisory Circuit
• Flexible Detection Circuits: Mixed Heat, IR, and Smoke • Direct Electric Discharge of Up to 3 Cylinders
• Triple-R Protection • Three Power Options!

The Kidde Fire Systems Sentinel SA1 Detection and
Control System is designed to protect a wide range of
small- to medium-sized vehicles/machines, including
haulers, graders, forestry, waste management machines,
and trucks. The Sentinel SA1 System uses a variety of
technologies to detect the heat or flames produced by
fires. The Sentinel SA1 System is engineered for low cost
of ownership and ease of installation and service. The
Sentinel SA1 is FM-approved for all vehicle types. The
Sentinel SA1 has passed witnessed shock and vibration
testing, and hose wash-down, giving it full FM approval
and IP66/NEMA 4 rating.
The Sentinel SA1 System package offers fire protection
with manual and/or automatic heat and smoke detection.
Cylinder actuation can be either direct electric, using a
safe protractor device, and/or via pressure actuation from
a protractor operated nitrogen actuator.
Sentinel SA1 Controller (Sentinel SA1)
The SA1 controller is a cost-effective and versatile Figure 1. Kidde Sentinel SA1
assembly providing a fully supervised automatic detec-
tion circuit, capable of utilizing closed contact heat detec- 1. On “primary cell” battery, with no power connection
tion, Linear Heat Sensing Cable (LHS), smoke detectors to the vehicle
and/or infrared detectors. There is a separate electric 2. On vehicle power with no battery backup
remote manual release circuit and a supervisory circuit to 3. On vehicle power with one-hour rechargeable bat-
monitor items such as cylinder pressure, if desired. tery backup
There are eight LEDs on the front of the SA1, for annun- The bottom of the SA1 includes two Deutsch Connectors,
ciating the conditions of the system at all times. Release one for power and the other (twelve-pin) for all field wir-
delay and engine shutdown delay are separately pro- ing, inputs and outputs. A “splitter” is included with the
grammable in 15 second increments, from zero up to 60 SA1 that divides the output / input into the applicable
seconds each. Engine shutdown is accomplished connections.
through a form “C” contact. Field cabling is pre-terminated with Deutsch Connectors
The same Triple-R Protection used on the Sentinel NET and the cables are available in a variety of lengths to fit
system is used on the SA1 to provide protection against any measurements and requirements. The power and
undesired discharge. relay cables are terminated only where they are plugged
into the SA1.
The case is die-cast aluminum with a gasketed die-cast
aluminum cover, making the whole assembly IP66 / The SA1 will operate up to three electric actuators. If the
NEMA 4. The SA1 can be operated in three ways: actuators are applied directly to the cylinders, this allows
a three-cylinder system.
OTHER SENTINEL COMPONENTS trically activating a cylinder, the actuator is attached to
The following components are available to expand func- the cylinder and connects to the releasing circuit.
tionality of the Sentinel System: Detection
Electric Remote Manual Release Detect-A-Fire
The Electric Remote Manual Release, P/N 83-132455- The Detect-A-Fire (DAF) is one of the most trusted heat
000, connects directly into the Sentinel SA1 control panel detectors in the marketplace. Since the late 1940s, the
DAF has proven time and again that it is the most reliable
via the splitter. The assembly is IP65 and is terminated
spot-type heat detector for rugged environments such as
with input and output connectors. The release is “dual-
(among others) mining vehicles, machines, turbines, and
action,” requiring 2 actions to release the fire suppression conveyors. In addition, the DAF is seen in mid-range
system. It can be mounted anywhere required and there operations such as paint booths, hazardous material
is no limit to the number of electric remote manual storage buildings, and industrial processes.
releases that can be put into a Sentinel SA1 system.
Linear Heat Sensing Cable (LHS)
Pressure Switches
LHS Cable, P/Ns 83-100003-001, 73-200000-004, and
There are two types of pressure switches. Both operate 73-200000-005, is available in 100-meter reels. An LHS
from the nitrogen actuation lines when pressure actuating Base, P/N 83-132454-000, is used to interconnect the
a system. The first can be used for engine shutdown, if LHS cable with other detectors in the detection circuit.
applicable. The base is IP66/NEMA 4 and has input and output
The second is the Actuation Monitor Switch, P/N 83- Deutsch Connectors for the Initiating Circuit and sealed
132510-525, used in a system that utilizes remote man- ports for the LHS. This allows insertion of the LHS cable
ual pressure release instead of, or in addition to, remote anywhere in the detection circuit.
manual electric release. The Actuation Monitor Switch Infrared Detector (IR-1A)
has an end-of-line device built in for proper supervision of
The IR-1A detector, P/N 83-132450-000, is a dual-spec-
the circuit. The Sentinel SA1 can be programmed for dif-
trum infrared sensor, providing flame detection in less
ferent responses, depending on the manual release type.
than 100 milliseconds. For large, high-value machinery
System Actuation with high-pressure hydraulics, this fast detection provides
The system allows two types of cylinder actuation: the best of fire protection. In order to trip, the IR-1A must
pressure and electric. see both programmed spectrums of infrared light, includ-
ing wavelengths specific to fire from hydrocarbon fuels
Pressure Actuation
and smoke. The range of the IR-1A, up to ~40 inches,
Remote System Actuator (RSA) makes this detector ideal for engine compartments, while
The Remote System Actuator, P/N 83-132514-000, pro- maintaining reliable false-alarm immunity.
vides the classic means of activating the Kidde Sentinel Smoke Detectors
DCS or LS system. For automatic suppression, the RSA
is electrically discharged, using an electric actuator. The The smoke detector base is a sealed unit (IP66/NEMA 4)
non-explosive actuator is safe and easy to handle. In that accepts both ionization and photoelectric detector
addition, the RSA includes a pull pin and push knob for heads. The base is pre-wired with Deutsch-terminated
manual activation of the system. cables and can be installed anywhere in the initiating cir-
cuit. Smoke detectors are used in electrical cabinets on
Mechanical Actuator large shovels and other similar types of equipment.
In addition to the RSA, a remote mechanical actuator can Cabling
also be employed in the fire suppression package. These
are often mounted at “ground-level,” providing access to All cabling for the Sentinel SA1 system is pre-terminated
the system, without having to climb onto the machine. using Deutsch DT series connectors, with the initiating
The mechanical actuator will operate up to 6 cylinders. (detection) cabling using DTM series. Detection cables
Multiple mechanical actuators can be employed by using are high-temperature wired and jacketed. The power and
second-shot actuator assemblies. relay cables are terminated only at one end for easy, low
cost connections to appropriate contacts. All cables are
Electric Actuation IP66 or better.
Direct Cylinder Actuation An SA1 Splitter, P/N 83-132486-500, is required to adapt
The cylinder assemblies ship with actuators that can be from the 12-pin connector to the assortment of field cir-
activated both with pressure and electrically. When elec- cuits. The splitter can be plugged directly into the Senti-

nel SA1, or a Distribution Cable, P/N 83-132486-XXX, can
be plugged in and the splitter used remotely.
For the releasing circuit, an inline assembly is used for
multiple cylinder actuation where required, up to three cyl-
Maintenance Bypass Switch
The maintenance bypass switch is wired inline with the
releasing circuit. The purpose of this assembly is to
enable bypassing the release of a suppression system,
while maintenance and repairs are being performed on
the machine. It is a key-switch device, and the key is
removable in both active and bypassed positions. When a
releasing circuit is bypassed, the circuit is open from the
switch back to the panel, causing a “trouble” condition,
while the circuit from the switch to the protractors is
shunted to prevent static buildup and discharge.
Figure 3 illustrates a typical system arrangement.

Figure 2. Kidde Sentinel SA1 Power Supply (Board)

and Ni-Cad Rechargeable Back-Up Battery

Into NIM or NCM

SA1 Control Unit Maintenance

Sentinel SA1 Bypass Switch


cct in



Into SA1 or
SA1 Distribution

Into SA1

Into SA1


Alarm Rel

Man. Rel.



Into NCM

or cable

System Cylinder


Remote System
LHS Heat

Heat Detector


Figure 3. Example of a Typical Sentinel SA1 System

(Individual systems will vary.)


Part Number Component Part Number Component

83-132400-000 Sentinel SA1 Control Panel 83-132483-500 Maintenance Bypass Switch

(ships without power supply)
83-132450-000 Dual Spectrum Infrared Detector
83-132400-100 Sentinel SA1 Control Panel Primary Cell
83-131060-001 Mounting Bracket, Infrared Detector
Power Supply
83-132440-275 Detect-A-Fire, 275º F, Weathertight,
83-132400-200 Sentinel SA1 Power Supply with
indexed (with mounting bracket)
Recharge Circuit
83-132440-360 Detect-A-Fire, 360º F, Weathertight,
83-132400-150 Replacement Primary Cell
indexed (with mounting bracket)
83-132400-250 Sentinel SA1 Rechargeable
83-132440-450 Detect-A-Fire, 450º F, Weathertight,
Cell Assembly
indexed (with mounting bracket)
83-132481-003 Cable, Power, 3 ft.
83-132440-600 Detect-A-Fire, 600º F, Weathertight,
83-132481-010 Cable, Power, 10 ft. indexed (with mounting bracket)

83-132481-025 Cable, Power, 25 ft. 83-100003-001 LHS Cable, 100 meters reel (328 feet),
350º F
83-132486-XXX Cable, SA1 Distribution, 5 or 10 ft.
83-132454-000 Base, LHS Cable
83-132486-500 Splitter, SA1 Distribution

83-132482-XXX Cable, Detection, 2, 3, 6, 10, 25, or 50 ft.*

Sentinel NET Detection and Control
83-132483-XXX Cable, 2-pin I/O (Spv, Manual Rel., System
Release cct.), 2, 3, 6, 10, 25, or 50 ft.*
Additional Sentinel LS Wet Chemical
83-132485-XXX Cable, Relay, 6, 10, 25, or 50 ft.* Data Sheets: Suppression System

83-132487-XXX Inline and End-of-Line Devices Sentinel DCS Dry Chemical

Suppression System
83-132487-200 End of Line Device, MR/Sup/Not
*E.g., 83-132486-XXX, substitute “005” for “XXX” for a 5-foot cable.
83-132487-300 InLine Device, Release

83-132455-000 Remote Electric Manual Release

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-206 Rev AA © 2009 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Sentinel DCS System
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: November 2009


• FM Approved • Available Pressure Supervision
• 25-, 50-Short-, 50-Tall-, and 68-lb. Capacities • Variety of Mounting Options Available
• Nickel-Plated Forged Brass Valve • Flexible Release and Shutdown Delay Options
• Temperature Range -65ºF (-54ºC) to 200ºF (93ºC)

Kidde Fire Systems designed the Sentinel DCS Dry
Chemical System to protect haulers, graders, forestry,
waste management machines and trucks, and other vehi-
cles and machines. The DCS System employs multiple
means of actuation, providing flexibility for how the sys-
tem is controlled and activated.
The Sentinel DCS system utilizes long-proven fire sup-
pression technology, with the multi-purpose ABC Dry
Chemical agent. With fast flame knockdown and chemi-
cal interference with the propagation of flame, ABC Dry
Chemical is utilized throughout the world.
The DCS System utilizes a variety of detection technolo-
gies to sense heat or flames produced by fires. Flexible
hose layouts provide ease of installation and design.
There are two nozzles, the Cone Nozzle and LR Fan
Nozzle, that can be mixed and matched on any system to
provide the best fire suppression patterns. The Sentinel
DCS cylinders and bracketing have met stringent
UL 1254 shock and vibration testing, and are fully FM


The Cylinders
Standard cylinders are DOT/TC approved welded steel
shells, 4BW construction. They are pressurized to 360
PSIG at 70°F (21°C). The valve is forged, nickel plated Figure 1. Sentinel DCS System
brass, providing long-term reliability in rugged environ-
ments. The valve is a high-flow balanced pressure The assemblies are available in two configurations. The
design, providing flexible hose and nozzle layout. first includes a pressure switch that links into the supervi-
sory circuit of the control panel to monitor cylinder pres-
Each cylinder ships with a valve actuator attached. The sure. The pressure switch includes two industry-standard
cylinder can be activated with an electric actuator (pro- Deutsch connectors, providing ease of cabling. The sec-
tractor device) and/or via pressure. All three actuation ond, more economical configuration, does not include the
ports of the actuator ship with plugs to ensure that water, pressure switch.
dirt, and debris do not ingress.
Table 1: Sentinel DCS Cylinders

Cylinder Description

Sentinel DCS-25 Charged with 25 lbs. ABC Dry Chemical, mountable from vertical to horizontal
Sentinel DCS-50S Charged with 50 lbs. ABC Dry Chemical, short configuration
Sentinel DCS-50T Charged with 50 lbs. ABC Dry Chemical, tall configuration
Sentinel DCS-68 Charged with 68 lbs. ABC Dry Chemical


Part Number Component

83-131400-025 DCS-25 Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/ Pressure Switch

83-131400-050 DCS-50S Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/ Pressure Switch

83-131400-150 DCS-50T Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/ Pressure Switch

83-131400-068 DCS-68 Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/ Pressure Switch

83-131401-005 DCS-25 Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/o Pressure Switch

83-131401-010 DCS-50S Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/o Pressure Switch

83-131401-015 DCS-50T Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/o Pressure Switch

83-131401-020 DCS-68 Cyl & Valve Ass’y, w/o Pressure Switch

Figure 2. Example of DCS-50 System

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-208 Rev AA © 2009 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Sentinel LS System
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: November 2009


• AquaGreen XT™ Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Agent • Available Pressure Supervision
• FM Approved • Variety of Mounting Options Available
• Nickel-Plated Forged Brass Valve • Temperature Range -40ºF (-40ºC) to 165ºF (74ºC)

Kidde Fire Systems designed the Sentinel LS Wet Chem-
ical System to protect haulers, graders, forestry, waste
management machines and trucks, and other vehicles
and machines. The LS System employs multiple means
of actuation, providing flexibility for how the system is
controlled and activated.
The Sentinel LS system utilizes a new fire suppression
technology, multi-purpose AquaGreen XT Wet Chemical
agent. With fast flame knockdown and chemical interfer-
ence with the propagation of flame, AquaGreen XT pro-
vides excellent class “B” and class “A” suppression. The
system can also be used as a secondary securement
against re-ignition after a dry chemical discharge.
The LS System utilizes a variety of detection technolo-
gies to sense heat or flames produced by fires. Flexible
hose layouts provide ease of installation and design.
There are two nozzles, the HX nozzle (high proximity)
and LX (low proximity), that can be mixed and matched
on any system to provide the best fire suppression pat-
terns. The Sentinel LS cylinders and bracketing have met
stringent UL 1254 shock and vibration testing, and are
fully FM approved.

Figure 1. Sentinel LS System
The Cylinders
Standard cylinders are DOT/TC approved welded steel The assemblies are available in two configurations. The
shells, 4BW construction. They are pressurized to 360 first includes a pressure switch that links into the supervi-
PSIG at 70°F (21°C). The valve is forged, nickel plated sory circuit of the control panel to monitor cylinder pres-
brass, providing long-term reliability in rugged environ- sure. The pressure switch includes two industry-standard
ments. The valve is a high-flow balanced pressure Deutsch connectors, providing ease of cabling. The sec-
design, providing flexibility in hose design parameters. ond, more economical configuration, does not include the
pressure switch.
Each cylinder ships with a valve actuator attached. The
cylinder can be activated with an electric actuator (pro-
tractor device) and/or via pressure. All three actuation
ports of the actuator ship with plugs to ensure that water,
dirt, and debris do not ingress.
Table 1: Sentinel LS Cylinders

Cylinder Description

Sentinel LS-5 Charged with 5 gal. AquaGreen XT 4-nozzle system

Sentinel LS-10* Charged with 10 gal. AquaGreen XT 8-nozzle system

Sentinel LS-15* Charged with 15 gal. AquaGreen XT 12-nozzle system

Sentinel LS-20* Charged with 20 gal. AquaGreen XT 16-nozzle system

*Cylinder includes mounting flange for vertical deck mount; weld flange available.


Part Number Component

83-130400-005 LS-5 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/ Pressure Switch

83-130400-010 LS-10 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/ Pressure Switch

83-130400-015 LS-15 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/ Pressure Switch

83-130400-020 LS-20 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/ Pressure Switch

83-130401-005 LS-5 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/o Pressure Switch

83-130401-010 LS-10 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/o Pressure Switch

83-130401-015 LS-15 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/o Pressure Switch

83-130401-020 LS-20 Cyl & Valve Ass’ys, w/o Pressure Switch

Figure 2. Example of Sentinel LS Hose Layout

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-83-209 Rev AA © 2009 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Gemini™ II Multi-Hazard
A UTC Fire & Security Company
Conventional Suppression Control System
P/N 84-32200X-X0X Effective: March 2007

• Agency Approvals • Remote Display Units in Local or Global Mode
• UL 864 Listed # S2422/S3743 • 80-Character Alphanumeric LCD Display
• ULC-S527-99 Listed # S2422/ULC CS1010 • 270-Event History Log
• FM Approved # 3008679 (3010) • Digital Release Countdown
• CSFM Approved # 7165-1076:160 • Listed for a Wide Range of Suppression Systems
• MEA (NYC) Accepted # 140-02-E • Kidde FM-200® , FE13™ , CO2 & Halon Clean Agent
• Microprocessor Based Suppression Systems
• Conventional Control with Intelligence • Kidde IND™ Dry Chemical & WHDR™ Wet
• Completely and Easily Field Programmable Chemical Systems
• Distributed Remote Hazard Control • Sprinkler Supervisory, Deluge/Preaction &
Foam/Foam-Water Systems
The Kidde Gemini II Multi-Hazard is the technologically
most advanced Conventional Suppression (agent releas-
ing) Control System available to the suppression industry
today. Employing distributed intelligence architecture, the
Kidde Gemini II system enables highly reliable monitoring
and suppression control for up to eight separate hazards.
The system consists of a master Main Control Panel
(MCP) which is a microprocessor based, field-config-
urable single hazard panel with a plethora of intelligent
features including LCD Display, digital Release Count-
down, password protected Menu System, Event History
Log, Configuration Log, Walk Test and Remote Battery
Test capability. As shown in Figure 1, this basic system
can be field-expanded to be a large eight hazard Control/
Display System with up to seven Remote Hazard Units
(RHU) and sixteen Remote Display Units (RDU), all of
which reside on a fault tolerant communications network.
The MCP and each RHU is intended to be physically
located in the space it is meant to protect. Since the MCP
and RHUs are computer-controlled, each one can act in
stand-alone mode in the event of damage to any of the
other panels. Under worst case fault conditions the only
protection threatened is within the space where the dam-
age occurred. All other protected areas continue to func- MAIN CONTROL PANEL (MCP)
tion normally. System reliability is substantially improved MCP POWER SUPPLY
since wiring for each protected space is only run a short
The MCP operates on 120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Power Sup-
distance to the local panel.
ply. The Power Supply Unit is rated 4 Amps at 24 Vdc
Featuring a compact and aesthetically pleasing design, and is provided with a Battery Charger to charge a 24
the Gemini II is ideally suited for modern commercial, Vdc backup battery with a capacity 12 to 66 AH. The bat-
high-tech and industrial applications. It is approved for tery may be sized for 24 hour standby with 5 minutes
Kidde FM-200 , FE-13™ and CO Clean Agent Systems
2 alarm or for 90 hour standby with 10 minutes alarm,
as well as Kidde IND™ Dry Chemical & WHDR™ Wet depending on the suppression system. The Power Sup-
Chemical Systems. The Gemini II is also listed for Sprin- ply is supervised and causes an immediate changeover
kler Supervisory Service and for Halon, Foam/Foam- to battery in the event of loss of AC input or drop in input
Water and Deluge/Pre-Action Systems. voltage.
Main Control Panel RDU # 1 for MCP


24 Vdc ALARM


Class A, Style 7

RS-485 Data Pairs. Max.




length 4,000 ft. each.




RDU # 5 for




120/240 RHU # 1
Vac w/ Display



24 Vdc
RDU # 4 for RHU # 2
ALARM 24 Vdc

The system must comprise 1 MCP. SYSTEM


To expand, add up to 7 RHUs and R


up to 16 RDUs to the network.



RDU # 2 for RHU # 1


RDU # 3 for RHU # 2

Figure 1. Typical System Block Diagram

>> Also programmable to delay Agent Release by 0
The MCP Display-Control Module is provided with an 80-
• 1 Style B Class B Manual Release Circuit
character alphanumeric LCD Display, status LEDs and
>> Overrides any Abort Input
System Control and Menu Control buttons as shown in
>> Programmable to delay Agent Release by 0 to
Figure 2.
30 seconds.
• 1 Style B Class B Abort Circuit
SYSTEM >> May be disabled for CO2 and Deluge/Pre-Action
>> Programmable for up to four different Abort
>> Also programmable to generate Abort pulse tone

when activated.
• 1 Style B Class B Supervisory Circuit

• 1 Style B or Style D Class A Waterflow Circuit

Figure 2. MCP Display-Control Module >> Wiring style selection is by on-board links without
MCP INPUT AND OUTPUT CIRCUITS any additional hardware.
The MCP is a Single Hazard Control Panel and is pro- >> Provides Non-Silenceable notification.
vided with the following Input and Output Circuits: • 2 Style Y Class B or Style Z Class A Indicating
• 2 Style B Class B or Style D Class A Initiating Cir- Appliance Circuits
cuits >> Wiring style selection is by on-board links without
>> Up to 40 Conventional Fenwal Ionization and any additional hardware.
Photoelectric Smoke Detectors and any number >> Rated 2.5 Amps total at 24 Vdc for polarized
of contact-closure Heat Detectors on each cir- Audio-Visual devices.
cuit. >> Individually programmable to operate on 1 st

>> Wiring style selection is by on-board links without Alarm, Waterflow, Agent Pre-Release, Manual
any additional hardware. Release and Agent Release conditions and to
>> Programmable to release agent either on single generate Silent, Steady, 60 bpm Pulse, 120 bpm
or cross-zone input. Pulse and Temporal sound patterns either in
Silenceable or Non-Silenceable mode.

To and from other
RS-485 Data Highway
System Units
Inputs from
RS485 Indicating Circuit # 1
field devices Detection Circuit # 1 Style Y or Z
Style B or D Port
Indicating Circuit # 2
Style Y or Z
Audible and Visual
Detection Circuit # 2
Indicating Devices


Smoke and Style B or D
Heat Detectors
1 or 2 Clean Agent Control Heads
Waterflow Input Release Circuit
1 or 2 CO2 System Control Heads
Style B or D Style Y
1 Deluge System Solenoid
Supervisory Signal
Sprinkler System Style B


PULL Manual Release
Style B
KIDDE Form C Alarm Relay
Auxiliary Functions
Pull Station Form C Trouble Relay - Equipment Shutdown
Form C Prog. Relay - Repeat Annunciation
- DACT (MCP only)
Abort 5 Form C Prog. Relays
SUPPRESSION Style B on Option Relay Board

24 Vdc All relays except those on ORB

Abort Station 24 Vdc are applicable to the MCP only.
Auxiliary Power 1 Auxiliary Power 2
(Not resettable)

To Remote Display Units

Figure 3. MCP and RHU Hazard Block Inputs and Outputs

• 1 Style Y Class B Agent Release Circuit RHU DISPLAY-CONTROL MODULE

>> Programmable to operate (a) 1 or 2 ganged 24 Remote Hazard Units are available either with or without
Vdc Kidde Solenoid Control Heads for clean a Display-Control Module. When used, as shown in Fig-
agent or CO systems or (b) 1 FM Group A, B, D,
2 ure 4, the RHU Display-Control Module is similar to that
E or G Solenoid for Deluge/Pre-Action Systems. of the MCP with the exception of the Menu Control but-
>> A second programmable Release Circuit is also tons, which are provided only on the MCP. RHU Displays
provided to operate 1 Stop Valve for systems can be programmed to operate either in local or global
using Clustered Agent Cylinders (a common cyl- mode.
inder bank protects multiple hazards and Stop
Valves direct Agent to the affected area).
• Relay Outputs
>> 1 Form C System Alarm Relay
>> 1 Form C System Trouble Relay LOCAL STATUS NORMAL RESET

>> 1 Form C Programmable Relay 12:00 09-17-02

• Optional Relay Board (ORB)

>> 5 Form C Programmable Relays


The MCP enclosure is designed for surface mounting POWER ON ALARM SUPERVISORY TROUBLE SIGNAL

and is rated NEMA 1 for indoor use. It is constructed of

18 Gauge steel, painted red and kept closed by a steel
door with a key-lock. All operator interface switches and Figure 4. RHU Display-Control Module
indicators are located behind the locked cover. The RHU INPUT AND OUTPUT CIRCUITS
enclosure is large enough to house two 12 AH 12 Vdc
Each RHU is also a Single Hazard Panel and is similar to
batteries for backup power supply. Battery Enclosures
the Main Control Panel being provided with the same
are available for larger capacity batteries. A trim-ring is
Input and Output Circuits (with the exception of the three
available for flush mounting.
System Relays). The Optional Relay Board (ORB) can
REMOTE HAZARD UNIT (RHU) also be mounted to the RHU.
The Power Supply Unit in the RHU is the same unit as in When using the optional Display-Control Module, the
the Main Control Panel. RHU Enclosure is similar to that of the MCP. If this option

is not selected, the RHU Enclosure has no viewing win- RDU HAZARD BLOCK
dow. RDUs do not control suppression systems, but optionally,
REMOTE DISPLAY UNIT (RDU) may be used to accept one Manual Release and one
RDU POWER SUPPLY Abort input from the local protected zone to which the
The RDU operates on 24 Vdc Power received from the associated MCP or RHU is assigned.
non-resettable Auxiliary 24 Vdc Power Output of the RDU CONSTRUCTION
MCP or associated RHU or any other UL Listed 24 Vdc The RDU Backbox is constructed of 18 gauge steel,
Power Supply Unit. painted beige and kept closed by the Display-Control
RDU DISPLAY-CONTROL MODULE Module front plate. The front plate itself is constructed of
The RDU is a “display only” unit and can be programmed 18 gauge steel and is painted red.
to operate either in local or global mode. In local mode, it SPECIAL GEMINI II CONFIGURATIONS
mimics the Display of the MCP or the RHU to which it is As shown in Figure 6, due to special Canadian annuncia-
assigned. In global mode, it mimics the display of the tion requirements, MCPs listed by ULC of Canada are
MCP. The RDU Display-Control Module provides a LCD designed to be suitable for mounting one to three LED
Display, one Power/Communication Status LED and Sys- Display Modules. Each LED Display Module pertains to
tem Controls as shown in Figure 5. one zone of protection and provides 16 zone-specific
LEDs over and above the five System LEDs provided on
the MCP Display-Control Module. Enclosures of ULC
RDU v1.AD ALARM listed MCP and RHU units are provided dead-front pan-
12:00 09-17-02


Figure 5. RDU Display-Control Module

























Figure 6. ULC Listed Main Control Panel

The Gemini II System allows operator access to its intelli- MAIN CONTROL PANEL (MCP)
gence via the Menu Control buttons on the Main Control Input Supply: 120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz
Panel. The Main Menu, which is enabled by pressing any
Current Draw: 3.0 Amps @ 120 Vac or
Menu Control Button (except Cancel) on the Main Con- 1.4 Amps @ 240 Vac
trol Panel (MCP), is structured per the architecture
shown in Figure 7. The Set, Isolate and Test functions Output Rating: 4.0 Amps @ 24 Vdc
are password protected to limit access to authorized per- Charger Output: 3.5 Amps max @ 27.3 Vdc
sonnel only. Aux. Power Output: 0.5 Amps max @ 24 Vdc

Notification Output: 2.5 Amps total @ 24 Vdc

Main Menu
Quantity per System: One

Enclosure Rating: NEMA 1

Enclosure Material: 18 gauge steel, painted red

List Dimensions (W x H x D) 15.5 in. x 15.5 in. x 5.0 in.

(393 mm x 393 mm x 127 mm)

Ambient Temperature: 32º to 120ºF (0º to 49ºC) max.

Relative Humidity: 93% non-condensing max.
Figure 7. Menu Structure
Input Supply: 120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz
The Set Function allows the operator to change pass-
word, set current date and time and the site-specific Current Draw: 3.0 Amps @ 120 Vac or
operating configuration for the entire system. When the 1.4 Amps @ 240 Vac
System is initialized, the MCP downloads the operating Output Rating: 4.0 Amps @ 24 Vdc
configuration to the RHUs and RDUs.
Charger Output: 3.5 Amps max @ 27.3 Vdc
The List Function enables the operator to list the system
Aux. Power Output: 0.5 Amps max @ 24 Vdc
operating configuration, any isolated devices, registered
RHUs and RDUs and the Event History Log. Notification Output: 2.5 Amps total @ 24 Vdc

The Event History Log is a compilation of all Alarm, Quantity per System: Maximum 7 (3 for ULC Systems)
Trouble, Supervisory and Event messages stored in non- Enclosure Rating: NEMA 1
volatile memory. A maximum of 270 events can be stored
Enclosure Material: 18 gauge steel, painted red
and the occurrence of a new event beyond the maximum
capacity erases the first. The Event Log can be cleared Dimensions (W x H x D) 15.5 in. x 15.5 in. x 5.0 in.
by using the Gemini II ISP (In-Service Programming) Util- (393 mm x 393 mm x 127 mm)
ity CD-ROM. Ambient Temperature: 32º to 120ºF (0º to 49ºC) max.
The Isolate Function is used to isolate and de-isolate Relative Humidity: 93% non-condensing max.
input and output circuits on the MCP and all remote units.
The Test Function allows the operator to conduct a sys- REMOTE DISPLAY UNITS (RDU)
tem Walk test and Battery test on the MCP and all remote
Input Supply: 24 Vdc (nominal)
Quantity per System: Maximum 16
Backbox Rating: NEMA 1
The ISP Utility is a software program used to clear the
Event History Log of a Gemini II System and to upload Backbox Material: 18 gauge steel, painted beige
feature enhancements to its operating system. The ISP Front Plate Material: 18 gauge steel, painted red
Utility CD-ROM operates on IBM compatible computers
Dimensions (W x H x D): 8.0 in. x 4.45 in. x 2.25 in.
running Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, ME or NT and is con- (203 mm x 113 mm x 57 mm)
nected to the ISP port on the MCP, RHU and RDU via
Kidde P/N 74-100016-003 PEGAsys™ Telephone Cable Ambient Temperature: 32º to 120ºF (0º to 49ºC) max.
with DB9 Adapter. Relative Humidity: 93% non-condensing max.



Gemini II Main Control Panel (MCP-ULI)

120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Input. Stand-alone Unit controls 1 Hazard Block. NEMA 1 Enclosure will house two 12 Vdc 12 AH 84-322001-001
Batteries (order selected batteries separately).

Gemini II Main Control Panel (MCP-ULI/ULC)

120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Input. Stand-alone Unit controls 1 Hazard Block. NEMA 1 Enclosure with 1 pre-mounted LED Dis- 84-322001-010
play Module and dead-front will house two 12 Vdc 12 AH Batteries (order selected batteries separately).

Gemini II Remote Hazard Unit with Display (RHU-ULI)

120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Input. Networked Unit controls 1 Hazard Block. NEMA 1 Enclosure will house two 12 Vdc 12 AH Bat- 84-322002-001
teries (order selected batteries separately).

Gemini II Remote Hazard Unit w/o Display (RHU-ULI)

120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Input. Networked Unit controls 1 Hazard Block. NEMA 1 Enclosure will house two 12 Vdc 12 AH Bat- 84-322002-002
teries (order selected batteries separately).

Gemini II Remote Hazard Unit with Display (RHU-ULI/ULC)

120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Input. Networked Unit controls 1 Hazard Block. NEMA 1 Enclosure with dead-front will house two 12 84-322002-005
Vdc 12 AH Batteries (order selected batteries separately).

Gemini II Remote Display Unit (RDU) 24 Vdc Input. Networked Unit controls 1 Manual Release and 1 Abort Circuit. Com-
plete with Backbox. 84-322003-001

Gemini II Optional Relay Board (ORB) Mounted on MCP or RHU Board. Provides 5 Form C Programmable Relays. 84-322001-009

Gemini II LED Display Module (ULI/ULC) Mounted on MCP. Max 2 per Canadian system. 84-322001-013


12 AH, 12 Vdc Sealed Lead Acid Battery (2 required for 24 Vdc, 4 required for 24 AH, 24 Vdc) 06-115915-047

17 AH, 12 Vdc Sealed Lead Acid Battery (2 required for 24 Vdc, 4 required for 34 AH, 24 Vdc) 06-115915-046

33 AH, 12 Vdc Sealed Lead Acid Battery (2 required for 24 Vdc, 4 required for 66 AH, 24 Vdc) 89-100052-001

Gemini II Battery Cabinet for 2 of 33 AH Batteries 84-322004-001

Resistor Kit (10 ea. 10 Kohm, 5%, 0.5 Watt, EOLRs, 5 ea. 3.9 Kohm, 5%, 0.5 Watt EOLRs and 1 ea. 2 Kohm, 5%, 1 Watt 06-129923-001
Releasing Circuit Dummy Resistor)

Gemini II Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 06-235975-001

Gemini II In-Service Programming (ISP) Utility CD-ROM Rev AD 84-322005-001

For detailed design, installation, configuration and additional ordering information, refer to the Kidde Gemini II Design,
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual P/N 06-235975-001.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

Gemini and PEGAsys are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
FM-200 is a registered trademark of the Great Lakes Chemical Corporation.
FE-13 is a registered trademark of DuPont.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-84-003 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Scorpio™ Fire/Suppression
Control Panel A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


• Microprocessor Based • Programmable Release Circuit Isolate
• Multiple Abort/Releasing Modes • Programmable Cross Zone Operation
• 14 Status Indicating LEDs • 24-Hour Trouble Resound
• 5 Diagnostic LEDs • Supervised Abort, Manual Release and
• Programmable Alarm Relay Supervisory Circuits
• Single or Dual Solenoid Release • Transient and Noise Protection
• Programmable Delays • Listings: UL, FM, ULC, MEA, CSFM

The Kidde SCORPIO™ is a low cost control panel that

supervises and controls one fire suppression hazard.

Microprocessor technology enhances reliability and field
programmable versatility. The control unit is compatible
with Kidde FM-200 , FE-13™, carbon dioxide, Industrial

Dry Chemical, and Restaurant Wet Chemical suppres-

sion systems. It meets requirements of NFPA 72 and—
additional to extensive listings—is approved for use in
suppression systems covered by NFPA codes: 12, 12A,
17, 17A and 2001.
The control panel provides 14 indicating status LEDs and
5 diagnostic LEDs:
Indicating status LEDs are:
• AC power
• Zone 1 Alarm and Trouble
• Zone 2 Alarm and Trouble
• Alarm Silence
• Supervisory ON
• Supervisory Trouble
• System Trouble
• Manual release Alarm and Trouble Programmable abort modes are:
• Release output Trouble • Mode 1: Timer hold at 10 seconds, count down upon
• Abort Active and Trouble abort release
Diagnostic LED indications are: • Mode 2: Timer reset to initial value, count down upon
abort release
• AC Fault
• Ground Fault • Mode 3: Timer hold at 10 seconds if actuated before
• Battery Fault 2nd alarm, count down upon abort release
• Signal circuit Open (IRI)
• Signal circuit Short The SCORPIO has two independent style “B” initiating
Field programmable options include: multiple time circuits that can be programmed for single or cross zone
delays, 3 abort modes, single or cross zone operation, application. The circuits support 15 Fenwal 2-wire CPD/

release circuit isolation, and a second alarm relay pro- PSD type smoke detectors which can be intermixed with
grammable to operate on actuation of 2 cross zone or
Detect-A-Fire® contact type, rate compensated thermal
agent release. detectors. Also, style “B” abort, manual release and
supervisory circuits are provided. All input circuits permit
up to 50 ohms resistance, thus allowing extended wiring
Abort, manual release and audible/visual signal can be SPECIFICATIONS
front panel mounted with the P/N 84-232002-00X or P/N
Input power 120 or 240 Vac, 0.5 or 0.25 amp maxi-
84-232003-00X options (see ORDERING INFORMA-
TION). The manual release switch incorporates a lift type
guard to prevent inadvertent activation. Power Requirements 35mA - standby 200mA - alarm

Auxiliary Power 0.25 amps @ 24 Vdc in alarm only

Input Circuits Two style “B”, 50 ohms, 10K EOL resis-


Auxiliary Input Circuits One Supervisory, Manual Release and

Abort, style “B”, 10K EOL

Output Circuit One style “Y”, 0.5 amp @ 24 Vdc, 10K


Relay Outputs Two alarm, one trouble, form “C”, rated

2 amp @ 24 Vdc. 2nd alarm relay pro-

Release Output Activate one or two P/Ns. 48650001,

899175 or 890181 or one of P/Ns 90-
487100-001, 87-120099-001 or

Isolation Switch Disconnects Release Output

Time Delay to Dis- Field selectable: 0 to 60 seconds in 10-

charge (detectors only) second increments
Nominal dimensions: 13.25 in. H x 11.0 in. W x 2.3 in. D

Description Part No.
One style “Y” signal circuit is rated 0.5 Amps @ 24 Vdc.
Scorpio Control Panel, UL, 120 Vac Input 84-232000-102
The Control Unit is capable of activating the following
releasing devices: Scorpio Control Panel, UL, 240 Vac Input 84-232000-104
Scorpio Control Panel, ULC, 120 Vac Input 84-232000-202
• One or two 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head
P/N 890181 Scorpio Control Panel, ULC, 240 Vac Input 84-232000-204
• One or two 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head Scorpio Control-Auxiliary Panel, 120 Vac, c/w fac- 84-232002-001
P/N 899175 tory mounted Front Plate P/N 84-232003-002
• One or two 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head Scorpio Control-Auxiliary Panel, 240 Vac, c/w fac- 84-232002-002
P/N 48650001 tory mounted Front Plate P/N 84-232003-002
• One CXV 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head Scorpio Control-Alarm Auxiliary Panel, 120 Vac, 84-232002-003
P/N 90-487100-001 c/w factory mounted Front Plate P/N 84-232003-
• One XV 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head
P/N 87-120099-001 Scorpio Control-Alarm Auxiliary Panel, 240 Vac, 84-232002-004
c/w factory mounted Front Plate P/N 84-232003-
• One 24 Vdc Solenoid Control Head P/N B120099 001
The control panel 24 Vdc power supply—provided for Scorpio Alarm Auxiliary Front Plate w/ Manual 840-232003-001
either 120 or 240 Vac input—features electronic power Release and Abort Station and Cutout for Audio-
limited overload protection and built-in battery charger. Visual Device
Optional panel mounted, 1.2 AH batteries (P/N 06- Scorpio Auxiliary Front Plate w/ Manual Release 84-232003-002
115915-020) provides 24 hours of standby followed by 5 and Abort Station
minutes alarm operation. Lead Acid Battery, 12 Vdc, 1.2 AH (2 required) 06-115915-020
See ORDERING INFORMATION for optional Canadian Accessory Kit: 50 - 10K EOL resistors 06-129520-001
(ULC) version.
Kidde, Detect-A-Fire and Fenwal are registered trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
Scorpio and FE-13 are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be
properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, A UTC Fire & Security Company
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-84-02 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
Manual Pull Stations
Models B10 and B11 A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: March 2007


• Exclusive KIDDE® Design • UL Listed and FM Approved
• Unique Field Labeling for either Fire Alarm or • cUL Listed for Canada
Suppression Applications • ADA Compliant
• Dual Action Operation • CSFM Listed
• Single Pole or Double Pole • MEA Approved
• Keylock for Reset and Test • Surface and Weatherproof Backboxes
The Kidde Models B10 and B11 Manual Pull Stations are
high quality, reliable non-coded alarm initiating devices
based upon a proven design. They are constructed of
heavy die-cast aluminum for long life and reliability.
These manual stations have the exclusive Kidde look:
red gloss paint with raised white lettering, and black sides
with a white trim border.
The B10 station has a standard Single Pole Single Throw
switch, while the B11 has a Double Pole Single Throw
switch for local annunciation or remote signaling.
Switches are gold plated for reliability when used in low
current initiating circuits.
These manual stations are designed for quick, efficient
response by personnel in an emergency, while the stan-
dard double action PUSH/PULL levers prevent acciden-
tal operation. The keylock allows the unit to be easily
reset and tested, and the stations are keyed to match the
Kidde Scorpio™, Gemini™ II, PEGAsys™, and Orion™
control panels.
Optional surface backboxes are available, which are
painted red and sized to match the manual stations. The
SGB-32S is UL Listed for indoor use, and the SGB-32C
cast aluminum weatherproof box is UL Listed for outdoor
use. The weatherproof box is provided with a gasket kit
which allows either the B10 or B11 to be mounted out- removes the protective backing, and places the label into
doors. the space on the top of the station. This flexibility allows
installations to be customized for each customer, without
FIRE ALARM OR SUPPRESSION RELEASE the expense of having to carry extra inventory.
The Kidde Models B10 and B11 Manual Pull Stations
The dual action B10 and B11 manual stations are oper-
have a unique labeling method which provides the
ated by simply pushing the PUSH bar inwards, allowing
installer the greatest amount of flexibility. Six labels are
the PULL handle to be grasped in a one-handed motion.
shipped with each station:
The handle is then pulled down as far as it will go. If the
FIRE ALARM FIRE SYSTEM RELEASE optional breakrod is installed, it would break at this point.
FM-200® RELEASE FE-13™ RELEASE The handle is now locked in place, and is easily visible
CO2 RELEASE HALON 1301 RELEASE from up to 50 feet away. The handle is reset by opening
These permanent, heavy-duty Lexan self-adhesive
® the station with the key, placing the handle in the normal
labels are die-cut with raised lettering. During installation, upright position, and re-locking the station.
the installer simply chooses the appropriate label,
Models: B10 and B11 Pull Stations Part Number Description Shipping
Style: Double action, non-coded
84-100007-001 B10 Pull Station SPST 1.2 lb.
Switch Type: B10: Single Pole, Single Throw with (includes six labels)
gold-plated contacts
B11: Double Pole, Single Throw with 84-100007-002 B11 Pull Station DPST 1.3 lb.
gold-plated contacts (includes six labels)

Contact rating: 1 Amp @ 125 Vac or 30 Vdc 84-100009-001 SGB-32S Indoor Box .8 lb.

Wiring: Terminal block connections with clamp- 84-100009-002 SGB-32C Outdoor Box .8 lb.
ing plate for in and out wiring. Suitable
for up to 12 AWG wiring. 84-100008-002 Pkg. of (12) Breakrods (must >.25 lb.
order separately)
Mounting: Mounts to a standard single gang box,
or the SGB-32S or SGB-32C surface 06-118013-001 Spare Key for B10/B11 >.25 lb.
boxes. Two 6/32 screws ship with each

Keylock: Keyed to match Kidde Scorpio™, Gem- DIMENSIONS

ini™ II, PEGAsys™, and Orion™ control (shown with Fire System Release Label installed)
panels. One key ships with each unit.
Breakrod: Optional, order separately. Constructed
3.250 .960
of clear acrylic tubing. Visible from front
of unit if broken.

Temperature: -12ºF to 132ºF (-25ºC to 56ºC) FIRE FIRE

Dimensions: 4.75 in. H x 3.25 in. W x 1 in. D RELEASE RELEASE


Dimensions: 4.75 in. H x 3.25 in. W x 2.25 in. D 4.75
Construction: Steel sheet metal.

Conduit: Two knockouts for 1/2 in. conduit con-

nectors, one on top and bottom.

Mounting: B10 or B11 mounts to the box with (4)

8/32 screws, which ship with each box.


Dimensions: 4.75 in. H x 3.25 in. W x 2.25 in. D

Construction: Cast aluminum.

Conduit: One threaded opening for 1/2 in. conduit


Mounting: B10 or B11 mounts to the box with

(4) 8/32 screws and a foam gasket,
which ship with each box.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

FM-200 is a registered trademark of the Greak Lakes Chemical Corporation.
FE-13 is a trademark of DuPont.
Lexan is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The prod-
uct must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-84-05 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde WHDR™ Wet Chemical
Cylinder Assemblies A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: June 2010


• For use in WHDR Commercial Cooking • Easy-to-Read Pressure Gauge for Instant
Fire Suppression Systems Verification of System Readiness
• Flexible System Configurations • DOT/TC Stamped
• Five Cylinder Sizes to Suit any Application • UL Listed to Standard UL 300
• Factory Filled and Pressurized • ULC Listed to Standard ULC/ORD-C1254.6
• No Additional Hardware Required to Pressurize • ABS Type Approved and DNV Type Approved
or Regulate Flow for Marine Galleys to ISO Standard 15371
• Rugged, Nickel-Plated Brass Valve • System Operating Temperature Range
• Durable, Easy-to-Clean, Corrosion-Resistant from 0°F to 120°F (-18°C to 49°C)
White Powder Coat Finish

The WHDR Series cylinders are used in Kidde pre-engi-
neered wet chemical fire suppression systems for protec-
tion of ventilation equipment and appliances associated
with commercial cooking operations. The cylinders are
factory-filled with Kidde APC wet chemical agent and
pressurized with nitrogen to 175 psig at 70ºF (1207 KPa
at 21ºC). Kidde APC wet chemical agent provides fast,
efficient fire suppression, surface cooling, and prevents
re-ignition of fire.
WHDR series cylinders are available in 4 capacities and
5 different sizes to suit a variety of commercial cooking
fire protection applications (see Table 1). All cylinders
conform to DOT and TC specifications.
Kidde APC agent is discharged through the WHDR cylin-
der valve, a brass-alloy, nickel-plated forging, trusted
worldwide for over 30 years. The valve has a pressure
gauge to facilitate quick inspection and a 212ºF (100ºC)
fusible plug for safety relief in the event of over-pressur-
ization due to heating.
WHDR series cylinders are pneumatically actuated via a
System Valve Actuator (SVA), using either the XV™ Con-
trol System (P/N 87-120099-001) or KRS-50 Control Box
(P/N 87-120010-001). Kidde WHDR systems have a
listed operating temperature range of 0º F to 120ºF
(-18ºC to 49ºC).
All WHDR cylinders are shipped with an anti-recoil plate
and valve protection plate for safety.
Table 1: Cylinder Assembly Information

APC Wet Chemical Agent Charged Weight

Model Number Part Number Max. Flows
Fill Qty Gallons (Liters) lb. (kg)

WHDR-125 87-120001-001 4 1.33 (5.03) 30 (13.6)

WHDR-260 87-120002-001 8 2.66 (10.07) 56 (25.4)
WHDR-400S 87-120003-001 12 4.0 (15.14) 77 (34.9)
WHDR-400M 87-120006-001 12 4.0 (15.14) 77 (34.9)
WHDR-600 87-120005-001 18 6.0 (22.71) 112 (50.8)


Figure 1. Dimensions of Cylinder Assembly with SVA and XV Control System

Table 2: Dimensions of Cylinder Assembly with SVA and XV Control System


Model A B C D E F
Center of Top of Center of Top of SVA Overall Height Nominal
Discharge Port Cylinder Valve SVA Port Diameter

13-3/4 in. 15-1/4 in. 16-1/2 in. 17 in. 25-1/8 in. 8 in.
(349 mm) (387 mm) (419 mm) (432 mm) (638 mm) (203 mm)
19-9/16 in. 21 in. 22-5/16 in. 22-3/4 in. 30-15/16 in. 9 in.
(497 mm) (534 mm) (567 mm) (578 mm) (786 mm) (230 mm)
17-1/2 in. 19 in. 20-1/4 in. 20-3/4 in. 28-7/8 in. 12-1/4 in.
(445 mm) (483 mm) (514 mm) (527 mm) (733 mm) (311 mm)
22-15/16 in. 24-7/16 in. 25-11/16 in. 26-3/16 in. 34-5/16 in. 10 in.
(583 mm) (621 mm) (652 mm) (665 mm) (872 mm) (254 mm)
33-11/16 in. 35-3/16 in. 36-7/16 in. 36-15/16 in. 45-1/16 in. 10 in.
(856 mm) (894 mm) (929 mm) (938 mm) (1145 mm) (254 mm)

SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATOR, P/N 87-120042-001 WHDR cylinder and valve assemblies. The Discharge
A System Valve Actuator (SVA) must be mounted to Adapter Kit (DAK) consists of a valve outlet adapter, o-
every WHDR cylinder valve assembly (see Figure 2). ring and steel flange plate. The valve outlet adapter has a
The SVA contains a pneumatically operated piston, ¾” NPT male thread and ½” NPT female thread for con-
which depresses the cylinder valve stem to open the nection to system piping.
valve and discharge the wet chemical. The SVA has The Discharge Adapter can also be used as a recharge
ports for connection of actuation tubing or braided hose adapter to pressurize WHDR cylinders with nitrogen after
to the Kidde control system. Nitrogen from the control re-filling with Kidde APC wet chemical.
head flows through the actuation tubing, pressurizing the
SVA(s), thereby extending the internal SVA piston. The A Discharge Adapter Kit is required for every cylinder and
piston is equipped with a spring-loaded plunger, which must be ordered separately.
locks the piston in the actuated position, ensuring a com- FLANGE PLATE
plete cylinder discharge.

3/4 in. NPT

1/8 in.

Figure 4. Discharge Adapter Kit
Figure 2. System Valve Actuator
NUT 5/16-18

Each Kidde WHDR cylinder is factory equipped with an

anti-recoil plate and valve protection plate (see Figure 3).
The anti-recoil plate is a safety feature attached to the 5/16-18 X 1 in. LONG

valve outlet port. In the event of an accidental actuation

of a cylinder that is not properly secured and connected CYLINDER AND VALVE
to system piping, the anti-recoil plate will provide a con-
trolled, safe discharge. Figure 5. Discharge Adapter Kit Installation
The valve protection plate is installed on the valve actua-
tion port to prevent tampering or accidental depression of VENT PLUG, P/N 60-9196984-000
the valve actuation pin. The Vent Plug (see Figure 6) is installed in the discharge
piping near a WHDR cylinder to prevent pressure build
PLATE up in the system piping, caused by heat, from rupturing
the foil seals on the nozzles. The Vent Plug has a ½-inch
ANTI-RECOIL NPT male thread, and must be installed in an upright or
horizontal position, one per pipe network.

1/2 in.
(13 mm)
NPT 1-1/8 in.
(29 mm)
Figure 3. Anti-Recoil and Valve Protection Plates


The Discharge Adapter (see Figure 4 and Figure 5) pro- Figure 6. 1/2-inch Vent Plug, P/N 60-9196984-000
vides a means to connect agent distribution pipe to Kidde


Description Part Number

WHDR-125 Cylinder and Valve Assembly (4 Flow) 87-120001-001

WHDR-260 Cylinder and Valve Assembly (8 Flow) 87-120002-001

WHDR-400S Cylinder and Valve Assembly (12 Flow) 87-120003-001

WHDR-400M Cylinder and Valve Assembly (12 Flow) 87-120006-001

WHDR-600 Cylinder and Valve Assembly (18 Flow) 87-120005-001

Discharge Adapter Kit (one required for each cylinder) 83-844908-000

Vent Plug (one required for each set of piping 60-9196984-000

Pressure Gauge Shield 83-131024-001

WHDR-125 Wall Mount Bracket 60-9197430-000

WHDR-260 Wall Mount Bracket 60-9197263-000

WHDR-400S Wall Mount Bracket 60-9197415-000

WHDR-400M Wall Mount Bracket 60-9197414-000

WHDR-600 or 400M Shelf Bracket (wall or floor mount) 87-100013-001

Floor Mount Kit, for use with Shelf Bracket (on WHDR-600 and WHDR-400M) 87-100010-001

System Valve Actuator (one required per cylinder, one ships with each control head) 87-120042-001

WHDR Systems must be designed and installed in accordance with manual P/N 87-122000-001, Kidde WHDR Wet
Chemical Fire Suppression System Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

WHDR and XV are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular question, contact A UTC Fire & Security Company
KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-87-001 Rev BB © 2010 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde XV™ Control System
A UTC Fire & Security Company

P/N: 87-120099-001 Effective: November 2010


• For Use in: • Operates 2 Gas Valves
• WHDR™ Commercial Cooking Fire • Available 24 V Electrical Actuation
Suppression Systems • Attractive, Durable, Powdercoat Finish
• IND™ Industrial Fire Suppression Systems • Rugged, Die-Cast Aluminum Body
• Pneumatic Release of up to 20 Agent Cylinders • Tamper/Lock Port for Cover
• Two Discrete Mechanical Detection Lines • Easy to Install and Maintain
• Cylinder or Wall Mount • UL & ULC Listed
• Up to 400 ft. Mechanical Detection Cable • FM Approved for IND Systems

DESCRIPTION discharging the WHDR wet chemical or IND dry chemical

suppression agent. The XV can be mounted on a wall or
The Kidde XV Control System is a compact, versatile unit
directly to an SVA mounted on the cylinder.
used to actuate agent cylinders on Kidde WHDR and IND
Pre-Engineered fire suppression systems. The control The XV Control System is UL and ULC Listed with
head can be operated via: WHDR Wet Chemical and IND Dry Chemical Fire
Suppression Systems. The XV is FM approved with the
• Two Distinct Automatic Mechanical Detection Lines
IND Dry Chemical Systems.
(fusible links or thermo-bulb links)
• Optional Electrical Solenoid The XV comes ready to install, with three EMT
• Remote or Local Manual Mechanical Control connectors, one System Valve Actuator (SVA), two
microswitches, one nitrogen System Cartridge, and one
Upon actuation, the XV Control System discharges the
nitrogen test cartridge.
nitrogen System Cartridge, pressurizing the actuation
lines and System Valve Actuators (SVA) mounted on the
cylinder valve(s). The SVA(s) open the cylinder valve(s),

Figure 1. XV Control System, P/N 87-120099-001


Table 1. Mechanical Cable Parameters for WHDR & IND Systems

Max. Cable Max. Corner Max. Max. Tee

Kidde Cable Line
Length Pulleys Detectors Pulleys

Detection and Manual Release-to-Trip Line 1 200 ft. (60.96 m) 50 40 -

Detection and Manual Release-to-Trip Line 2 200 ft. (60.96 m) 50 40 -
Pull-to-Trip Remote Manual Release 100 ft. (30.48 m) 30 - 1*
Mechanical Gas Valve Line 100 ft. (30.48 m) 30 - 1*
*Tee pulleys count as two Corner Pulleys. Maximum is from XV Control, through the pulley, to each device.

Table 2. Actuation Parameters for WHDR Systems

Operating Number of
Maximum Total Length Minimum Total Length of Copper
Temperature Extinguishing
Copper Actuation Tubing Actuation Tubing
Range System Cylinders

0°F to 120°F 1-12 106 ft. (32.30 m)

5 ft. (1.52 m)
(-18°C to 49°C) 13-20 91 ft. (27.73 m)

Table 3. Actuation Parameters for IND Industrial Dry Chemical and Open-Face Spray Booth Systems

Operating Number of
Maximum Total Length Minimum Total Length of Copper
Temperature Extinguishing
Copper Actuation Tubing Actuation Tubing
Range System Cylinders

-40°F to 120°F 1-14 166 ft. (50.60 m)

5 ft. (1.52 m)
(-40°C to 49°C) 15-20 121 ft. (36.88 m)

Table 4. Actuation Parameters - IND Dry Chemical for Vehicle Spray Booths

Operating Number of
Maximum Total Length Minimum Total Length of Copper
Temperature Extinguishing
Copper Actuation Tubing Actuation Tubing
Range System Cylinders

1-8 200 ft. (60.96 m)

0°F to 120°F
9-15 160 ft. (48.76 m) 5 ft. (1.52 m)
(-18°C to 49°C)
16-20 140 ft. (42.67 m)

1. Braided high pressure nitrogen tubing (P/N 87-120045-00X), is required to connect the XV Control System to the
System Valve Actuator (SVA) when the XV Control System is cylinder mounted.
2. Copper tubing shall be 1/4-inch O.D. x 0.031-inch wall high pressure tubing.
3. When Control System is cylinder mounted and two or more cylinders are being actuated, a minimum of 5 ft.
(1.52 m) of 1/4-inch O.D. x 0.031-inch wall tubing shall be used for actuation lines.

4. When Control System is wall mounted, a minimum of 5 ft. (1.52 m) of 1/4-inch O.D. x 0.031-inch wall tubing shall
be used in the overall actuation line.
5. High pressure nitrogen tubing (P/N 87-120045-001 through 87-120045-003) may be used in place of copper tub-
ing, not to exceed a maximum length of 30 feet (9 m).
6. In every system, either single cylinder or multiple cylinder, a 1/8-inch NPT plug or vent check (P/N 877810) shall
be used in the outlet port of the last System Valve Actuator(s) in the actuation line.
7. A maximum of 2 Pressure Switches (P/N 486536) may be used in the actuation line.
The XV Control System uses a nitrogen cartridge for actuating the system cylinders and is charged with dry nitrogen
(see Figure 2). The cartridge is mounted inside the XV Control System to protect it from tampering and provides the
date of manufacturing and space (gray band) for recording the installation date.

5-1/8 in.
(130 mm)

1-9/16 in.
(40 mm)


Figure 2. System Nitrogen Cartridge,

P/N 87-120043-001

TEST CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120044-001

The Test Cartridge is used for functional testing of the Kidde WHDR Wet Chemical System and IND Dry Chemical
System*. The cartridge has a red band and is labeled “TEST CARTRIDGE” as shown in Figure 3.

*Note: The System Nitrogen Cartridge P/N 87-120043-001 is required for actuation and full discharge or "puff" tests,
and when a time delay is included (as in systems protecting Vehicle Spray Booths).

4 in.
(102 mm)

1 in.
(25 mm)

Figure 3. Test Cartridge, P/N 87-120044-001

A System Valve Actuator (SVA) must be mounted to every system cylinder valve assembly (see Figure 4). The SVA
has ports for low profile tubing runs, and is also equipped with a spring loaded plunger that locks the piston in the
discharged position, ensuring complete discharge of the cylinder(s) contents.

5/16-18 UNC

1/8 in.

1-3/4 in.
(44 mm)
1/8 in. NPT PLUG


Figure 4. System Valve Actuator (SVA), P/N 87-120042-001


The High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is used to connect the XV Control System to the SVA on all installations in which
the XV Control System is mounted to a wet or dry chemical cylinder. (see Figure 5). A 1/8-inch NPT (male) x 3/8-24 JIC
Adapter is included with the High Pressure Nitrogen Tubing.

1/2 in. HEX,

1/8 in. NPT 1/4 in. 37 DEGREE

1/8 in. NPT

A (MALE) x 3/8-24
Figure 5. External Tubing for XV Control System, P/N 87-120045-00X

Table 5. External Tubing for XV Control System

Part Number Length "A"

87-120045-001 7-1/2 in. (191 mm)

87-120045-002 24 in. (610 mm)
87-120045-003 60 in. (1524 mm)

SOLENOID, P/N 83-100034-001
An optional solenoid can be installed into the XV Control SOLENOID AND/OR OTHER
System, just under the actuation latch. The solenoid MICROSWITCH (INTERNAL)
operates directly on the actuation latch to activate the
system. This installation allows simultaneous usage of CONTROL PANEL

mechanical detection lines, or the lines can be locked

out. The solenoid includes two mounting bolts, the P/N 83-100034-001 OPEN TERMINAL 2 FLAG ENGAGED
bracket and a push plate which mounts onto the solenoid
body (Figure 6). The solenoid coil is 24 Vdc at 1.5 Amp
and at 70°F (21°C). Refer to Figure 7 for Release Wiring with
Terminal Type Microswitch.
When actuating the XV Control System with an optional ATTACH SOLENOID LEAD TO
solenoid, a UL Compatible and Listed fire control panel RELEASING CIRCUIT COMMON
with a supervised power supply is required, such as the IN COMPATIBLE CONTROL TERMINAL 1
9/64 in. ALLEN SCREWS (2)
Figure 7. Release Wiring with Terminal Type Microswitch

Note: Where electric detection and/or actuation is pro-

24 in. (610 mm) vided, supervision shall be provided in accor-
dance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and
Signaling Code. Alarms and indicators, along
with a supervised power source, shall be pro-
vided in accordance with NFPA 72. Electrical wir-
ing and equipment shall be provided in
accordance with NFPA 70, National Electric
Code. All installations are subject to the approval
Figure 6. Solenoid, P/N 83-100034-001 of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

KEEPER PIN, P/N 60-9197108-000

The Keeper Pin (P/N 60-9197108-000) is used to prevent
actuation while installing the system.

Figure 8. Keeper Pin, P/N 60-9197108-000

Description Part Number

XV Control System includes:

1 ea. 87-120042-001 System Valve Actuator
1 ea. 87-120043-001 System Nitrogen Cartridge
1 ea. 87-120044-001 Test Cartridge
1 ea. 87-120058-001 EMT Connector Kit
2 ea. 87-120039-001 Microswitch Kit
System Valve Actuator 87-120042-001
System Nitrogen Cartridge 87-120043-001
Test Cartridge 87-120044-001
High Pressure Hose for Cylinder Mount 87-120045-001
EMT Connector Kit 87-120058-001
Solenoid Electric Actuator Kit 83-100034-001
Microswitch Kit (SPDT), Solid Color Pigtails 87-120039-001
Microswitch Kit (SPDT), Striped Color Pigtails 87-120039-501
Terminal Type Microswitch Kit (SPDT) 87-120047-001

• WHDR Systems designed and installed according to • Vehicle Spray Booth Systems designed and installed
manual P/N 87-122000-001. according to manual P/N 83-100036-001.
• IND Systems designed and installed according to
manual P/N 220423.

HOLE 5-1/2 in. HOLE
(140 mm)

9-7/16 in.
7-5/8 in. (240 mm)
(194 mm)

3/4 in.
(19 mm)

4-3/8 in.
(112 mm) 3-3/4 in. 8-3/16 in.
1-5/16 in. HOLE (95 mm) (208 mm)
(34 mm)

Figure 9. XV Control System Dimensions

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

WHDR, IND, XV, AEGIS, and ARIES are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal,

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular question, contact A UTC Fire & Security Company
KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-87-027 Rev AF © 2010 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde ADS
395-lb. Cylinder and Valve Assembly with A UTC Fire & Security Company
Nitrogen Driver Assembly
P/N: 90-10039X-001 Effective: April 2007

• Designed for “Drop-In” Replacement for Halon • 200 lb. to 395 lb. Fill Capacity
Retrofit Applications • Optional Liquid Level Indicator
• Well Suited for Complicated Pipe Networks and • UL Listed
Large Area Coverage with Minimal Room for • FM Approved
Cylinder Storage

Kidde Fire Systems FM-200® ADS Series Engineered
Fire Suppression Systems are Listed by the Underwriters
Laboratory, Inc. (UL) and tested by Factory Mutual (FM).
These systems are designed for total flooding in accor-
dance with NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Extin-
guishing Systems. These systems have been tested to
UL 2166, Standard for Safety; Standard for Halocarbon
Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, and other
parameters established jointly by UL and FM.
The ADS uses a unique method for propelling the FM-
200 agent from the storage cylinder, through the piping
system and out of the discharge nozzles. Nitrogen gas
pressure from a separate storage cylinder is introduced
into the vapor space of the FM-200 cylinder at a con-
trolled rate. This nitrogen pressure acts to propel the liq-
uid FM-200 agent through the pipe at a higher flow rate. It
can also propel the FM-200 agent farther through the
pipe network allowing for the placement of storage cylin-
ders remotely from the protected hazard.
The FM-200 ADS Series is extremely well-suited to appli-
cations involving remote agent storage and situations
which limit the maximum pipe size to be used. The ADS
is capable of using smaller pipe sizes to discharge large
quantities of FM-200.
This system can be successfully applied to many existing
Halon 1301 system pipe networks, providing easy retrofit
of these systems to a new agent with long-term availabil-
When a control head actuates the nitrogen cylinder dis- OPERATING RANGE LIMITATIONS:
charge valve, the nitrogen pressure actuates the agent • The operating temperature range for all components
cylinder discharge valve and pressurizes the cylinder. used in the FM-200 ADS Series is 32°F to 130°F
FM-200 liquid agent is then propelled by its own vapor (0°C to 54°C).
pressure and the nitrogen pressure through the dis- • The agent cylinder operating temperature must be
charge valve and into the system pipe network. The FM- between 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C) when protect-
200 liquid agent travels through the system pipe network ing two or more separate hazards.
at a high flow rate.
15° 45°

21.75 in.
(552 mm)

8 5

19.00 in 6
(483 mm)
300 PSI 900

0 1200


65.25 in.
(1659 mm)

7 61.25 in. 63.22 in.

(1575 mm) (1605 mm)

58.00 in.
51.03 in. (1473 mm)
(1270 mm)

395 LB. 4070 CU. IN.

37.00 in.
(940 mm)



15.258 in.
(382 mm)
16.00 in. Dia. 10.50 in. Dia.
(406 mm) (267 mm)



Figure 1. Nitrogen and Agent Cylinders


Qty. P/N Description

3 6 7
1 1 06-236124-001 nitrogen transfer fitting

2 1 878737 pressure operated control head

2 3 2 06-118191-001 fitting flared 1/8-in. x 1/4-in.

1. FITTING - N2 TRANSFER 4 1 06-118193-001 3/16-in. flexible actuation hose
3. FITTING - FLARED 1/8" X 1/4”
4. HOSE - FLEXIBLE 3/16”
5 1 06-118192-001 1/8-in. branch tee
5. TEE - 1/8" BRANCH
6. VALVE - SCHRADER 6 1 WK-263303-000 1/8-in. Schrader valve
7 1 WK-263304-000 1/8-in. Schrader valve cap

Figure 2. Nitrogen Transfer Components

The FM-200 ADS Series installation is based on the 1. Check the pressure gauge of the nitrogen driver and
requirements of NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent the weight of the agent storage container.
Extinguishing Systems, Current Edition. • Nitrogen driver if the pressure is less than 1800
ASSEMBLY: PSI (124 bar) at 70°F (21°C)
Both the nitrogen driver and agent storage cylinders are Note: Pressure changes with temperature.
to be installed in the vertical position only. The nitrogen • The containers should be removed and carefully
driver is located to the immediate right apart from the inspected by certified personnel.
agent cylinder (see Figure 1). The nitrogen driver cylinder
• The containers should then be reconditioned,
is connected to the agent cylinder by using the nitrogen
recharged or replaced.
transfer components (1-in. nitrogen transfer hose, 3/4-in.
NPT transfer fitting, see Figure 2). The 3/4-in. transfer fit- 2. Check all components supporting hardware and
ting connects into the orifice fitting. The orifice fitting is a tighten, repair or replace as required.
custom fitting that is designed to regulate the nitrogen 3. Visually check all components for evidence of physi-
pressure flow required for the specific system. The orifice cal wear and tear and take whatever action is
fitting then connects into the 3/4-in. check diffuser required. Replace any component that looks like it
assembly to diffuse the nitrogen in a horizontal pattern. may be damaged or worn.
The control head is attached to the nitrogen driver by The following checks/tests should be conducted by quali-
means of electric, cable, lever, or pneumatic devices. fied personnel:
The actuating of the agent cylinder is done upon transfer 1. Determine the weight of FM-200 in each agent cylin-
of nitrogen from the driver cylinder using the actuation der by the procedure indicated in the Design, Instal-
assembly kit (P/N 06-129882-001). lation, Operation and Maintenance (DIOM) Manual
Assembly includes: (P/N 90-FM200M-030).
2. Functional tests of required system devices (refer-
• Nitrogen transfer fitting
ence the DIOM manual).
• 1/8-in. flex loop
3. All outlet piping must be cleaned and free of dirt,
• 1/8-in. flare fitting chips and other foreign material that may become
• 1/8-in. branch tee hazardous projectiles or cause the system to
• 1/8-in. Schrader fitting and cap become inoperative or ineffective at the time of dis-
• Pressure operated control head charge.
According to NFPA standards, the following inspection After a system has been discharged, it is recommended
and/or maintenance procedure must be scheduled as that the local authorized Kidde Distributor be contacted to
listed below and performed upon the occurrence of any recondition the system. Please reference the DIOM man-
event, which might affect the reliability of the system. ual (P/N 90-FM200M-030) for the appropriate recondi-
tioning kit.


Agent Storage Container Nitrogen Driver

90-10039X-001 90-104070-001
Imperial Metric Imperial Metric

Fill Range (lb. w/o LLI) 200 to 395 lb. 91 to 180 kg Factory Filled 1800 PSI Factory Filled 124 bar

Fill Range (lb. w/ LLI) 200 to 395 lb. 91 to 180 kg — —

Height 61.25 in. 155.60 cm 65.25 in. 165.70 cm

Diameter 16.0 in. 41.0 cm 10.5 in. 26.7 cm

Internal Volume 5.000 ft. 3

0.142 m 3
4070 cu. in. 0.0667 m3

Empty Weight 201 lb. 91.4 kg 184 lb. 83.5 kg

Temperature Range 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C

Agent Storage Cylinder:


1: w/Liquid Level Indicator

5: w/o Liquid Level Indicator

Nitrogen Driver:

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-90-104 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde ADS
225-lb. Cylinder and Valve Assembly with A UTC Fire & Security Company
Nitrogen Driver Assembly
P/N: 90-10022X-001 Effective: April 2007

• Designed for “Drop-In” Replacement for Halon • 114 lb. to 225 lb. Fill Capacity
Retrofit Applications • Optional Liquid Level Indicator
• Well Suited for Complicated Pipe Networks and • UL Listed
Large Area Coverage with Minimal Room for • FM Approved
Cylinder Storage

Kidde Fire Systems FM-200® ADS Series Engineered
Fire Suppression Systems are Listed by the Underwriters
Laboratory, Inc. (UL) and tested by Factory Mutual (FM).
These systems are designed for total flooding in accor-
dance with NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Extin-
guishing Systems. These systems have been tested to
UL 2166, Standard for Safety; Standard for Halocarbon
Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, and other
parameters established jointly by UL and FM.
The ADS uses a unique method for propelling the FM-
200 agent from the storage cylinder, through the piping
system and out of the discharge nozzles. Nitrogen gas
pressure from a separate storage cylinder is introduced
into the vapor space of the FM-200 cylinder at a con-
trolled rate. This nitrogen pressure acts to propel the liq-
uid FM-200 agent through the pipe at a higher flow rate. It
can also propel the FM-200 agent farther through the
pipe network allowing for the placement of storage cylin-
ders remotely from the protected hazard.
The FM-200 ADS Series is extremely well-suited to appli-
cations involving remote agent storage and situations
which limit the maximum pipe size to be used. The ADS
is capable of using smaller pipe sizes to discharge large
quantities of FM-200.
This system can be successfully applied to many existing
Halon 1301 system pipe networks, providing easy retrofit
of these systems to a new agent with long-term availabil-
When a control head actuates the nitrogen cylinder dis- OPERATING RANGE LIMITATIONS:
charge valve, the nitrogen pressure actuates the agent • The operating temperature range for all components
cylinder discharge valve and pressurizes the cylinder. used in the FM-200 ADS Series is 32°F to 130°F
FM-200 liquid agent is then propelled by its own vapor (0°C to 54°C).
pressure and the nitrogen pressure through the dis- • The agent cylinder operating temperature must be
charge valve and into the system pipe network. The FM- between 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C) when protect-
200 liquid agent travels through the system pipe network ing two or more separate hazards.
at a high flow rate.
15° 45°


21.75 in.
(552 mm)

19.00 in
(483 mm)

300 PSI 900

0 1200


58.75 in.
(1494 mm)
56.72 in.
7 (1440 mm)

55.50 in 51.50 in.

(1410 mm) (1308 mm)

45.25 in. 225 LB. 2300 CU. IN.

(1150 mm)

30.00 in.
(762.mm) 2


12.584 in.
(320 mm)
12.75 in. Dia. 8.50 in. Dia.
(324 mm) (216 mm)



Figure 1. Nitrogen and Agent Cylinders


Qty. P/N Description

3 6 7
1 1 06-236124-001 nitrogen transfer fitting

2 1 878737 pressure operated control head

2 3 2 06-118191-001 fitting flared 1/8-in. x 1/4-in.

1. FITTING - N2 TRANSFER 4 1 06-118193-001 3/16-in. flexible actuation hose
3. FITTING - FLARED 1/8" X 1/4”
4. HOSE - FLEXIBLE 3/16”
5 1 06-118192-001 1/8-in. branch tee
5. TEE - 1/8" BRANCH
6. VALVE - SCHRADER 6 1 WK-263303-000 1/8-in. Schrader valve
7 1 WK-263304-000 1/8-in. Schrader valve cap

Figure 2. Nitrogen Transfer Components

The FM-200 ADS Series installation is based on the 1. Check the pressure gauge of the nitrogen driver and
requirements of NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent the weight of the agent storage container.
Extinguishing Systems, Current Edition. • Nitrogen driver if the pressure is less than 1800
ASSEMBLY: PSI (124 bar) at 70°F (21°C)
Both the nitrogen driver and agent storage cylinders are Note: Pressure changes with temperature.
to be installed in the vertical position only. The nitrogen • The containers should be removed and carefully
driver is located to the immediate right apart from the inspected by certified personnel.
agent cylinder (see Figure 1). The nitrogen driver cylinder
• The containers should then be reconditioned,
is connected to the agent cylinder by using the nitrogen
recharged or replaced.
transfer components (1-in. nitrogen transfer hose, 3/4-in.
NPT transfer fitting, see Figure 2). The 3/4-in. transfer fit- 2. Check all components supporting hardware and
ting connects into the orifice fitting. The orifice fitting is a tighten, repair or replace as required.
custom fitting that is designed to regulate the nitrogen 3. Visually check all components for evidence of physi-
pressure flow required for the specific system. The orifice cal wear and tear and take whatever action is
fitting then connects into the 3/4-in. check diffuser required. Replace any component that looks like it
assembly to diffuse the nitrogen in a horizontal pattern. may be damaged or worn.
The control head is attached to the nitrogen driver by The following checks/tests should be conducted by quali-
means of electric, cable, lever, or pneumatic devices. fied personnel:
The actuating of the agent cylinder is done upon transfer 1. Determine the weight of FM-200 in each agent cylin-
of nitrogen from the driver cylinder using the actuation der by the procedure indicated in the Design, Instal-
assembly kit (P/N 06-129882-001). lation, Operation and Maintenance (DIOM) Manual
Assembly includes: (P/N 90-FM200M-030).
2. Functional tests of required system devices (refer-
• Nitrogen transfer fitting
ence the DIOM manual).
• 1/8-in. flex loop
3. All outlet piping must be cleaned and free of dirt,
• 1/8-in. flare fitting chips and other foreign material that may become
• 1/8-in. branch tee hazardous projectiles or cause the system to
• 1/8-in. Schrader fitting and cap become inoperative or ineffective at the time of dis-
• Pressure operated control head charge.
According to NFPA standards, the following inspection After a system has been discharged, it is recommended
and/or maintenance procedure must be scheduled as that the local authorized Kidde Distributor be contacted to
listed below and performed upon the occurrence of any recondition the system. Please reference the DIOM man-
event, which might affect the reliability of the system. ual (P/N 90-FM200M-030) for the appropriate recondi-
tioning kit.


Agent Storage Container Nitrogen Driver

90-10022X-001 90-102300-001
Imperial Metric Imperial Metric

Fill Range (lb. w/o LLI) 114 to 225 lb. 52 to 102 kg Factory Filled 1800 PSI Factory Filled 124 bar

Fill Range (lb. w/ LLI) 114 to 225 lb. 52 to 102 kg — —

Height 55.50 in. 141.00 cm 58.75 in. 130.80 cm

Diameter 12.75 in. 32.00 cm 8.50 in. 21.60 cm

Internal Volume 2.859 ft.3

0.0810 m 3
2300 cu. in. 0.0377 m3

Empty Weight 133.0 lb. 60.0 kg 98 lb. 44.5 kg

Temperature Range 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C

Agent Storage Cylinder:


1: w/Liquid Level Indicator

5: w/o Liquid Level Indicator

Nitrogen Driver:

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-90-105 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
Kidde ADS
1010-lb. Cylinder and Valve Assembly with A UTC Fire & Security Company
Nitrogen Driver Assemblies
P/N: 90-1010X-001 Effective: April 2007

• Designed for “Drop-In” Replacement for Halon • 520 lb. to 1010 lb. Fill Capacity
Retrofit Applications • Optional Liquid Level Indicator
• Well Suited for Complicated Pipe Networks and • UL Listed
Large Area Coverage with Minimal Room for • FM Approved
Cylinder Storage
• 3-inch Valve Outlet

Kidde Fire Systems FM-200® ADS Series Engineered
Fire Suppression Systems are Listed by the Underwriters
Laboratory, Inc. (UL) and tested by Factory Mutual (FM).
These systems are designed for total flooding in accor-
dance with NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Extin-
guishing Systems. These systems have been tested to
UL 2166, Standard for Safety; Standard for Halocarbon
Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, and other
parameters established jointly by UL and FM.
The ADS uses a unique method for propelling the FM-
200 agent from the storage cylinder, through the piping
system and out of the discharge nozzles. Nitrogen gas
pressure from two separate storage cylinders is intro-
duced into the vapor space of the FM-200 cylinder at a
controlled rate. This nitrogen pressure acts to propel the
liquid FM-200 agent through the pipe at a higher flow
rate. It can also propel the FM-200 agent farther through
the pipe network allowing for the placement of storage
cylinders remotely from the protected hazard.
The FM-200 ADS Series is extremely well-suited to appli-
cations involving remote agent storage and situations
which limit the maximum pipe size to be used. The ADS
is capable of using smaller pipe sizes to discharge large
quantities of FM-200.
This system can be successfully applied to many existing
Halon 1301 system pipe networks, providing easy retrofit
of these systems to a new agent with long-term availabil-
When a control head actuates the two nitrogen cylinder OPERATING RANGE LIMITATIONS:
discharge valves, the nitrogen pressure actuates the • The operating temperature range for all components
agent cylinder discharge valve and pressurizes the cylin- used in the FM-200 ADS Series is 32°F to 130°F
der. FM-200 liquid agent is then propelled by its own (0°C to 54°C).
vapor pressure and the nitrogen pressure through the • The agent cylinder operating temperature must be
discharge valve and into the system pipe network. The between 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C) when protect-
FM-200 liquid agent travels through the system pipe net- ing two or more separate hazards.
work at a high flow rate.

20.0 SIDE VIEW 7

8 5


4 9

A 1010 lb. 4890 H


Figure 1. Nitrogen and Agent Cylinders

Table 1. Nitrogen and Agent Cylinder Dimensions, Imperial

Part Number

90-10101X-001 70.00 58.60 44.60 22.00 24.00 22.62 11.25 64.00 69.22 71.25 11.25

Note: The "X" within the part numbers denotes whether a liquid level indicator is ordered with the cylinder. A one (1) is used if a LLI is
needed, a zero (0) is used if one is not.

Table 2. Nitrogen and Agent Cylinder Dimensions, Metric

Part Number

90-10101X-001 1778 1488 1133 559 610 575 286 1626 1758 1810 286

Note: The "X" within the part numbers denotes whether a liquid level indicator is ordered with the cylinder. A one (1) is used if a LLI is
needed, a zero (0) is used if one is not.

The FM-200 ADS Series installation is based on the According to NFPA standards, the following inspection
requirements of NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent and/or maintenance procedure must be scheduled as
Extinguishing Systems, Current Edition. listed below and performed upon the occurrence of any
event, which might affect the reliability of the system.
Both the nitrogen drivers and agent storage cylinders are QUARTERLY:
to be installed in the vertical position only. The nitrogen 1. Check the weight of each agent storage container
driver is located to the immediate right apart from the and the pressure of the nitrogen drivers.
agent cylinder (see Figure 1). The nitrogen driver cylinder • Nitrogen driver if the pressure is less than 1800
is connected to the agent cylinder by using the nitrogen PSI (124 bar) at 70°F (21°C)
transfer components (two 1-in. nitrogen transfer hoses
Note: Pressure changes with temperature.
[P/N 06-118207-003] and a 3/4-in. NPT transfer fitting,
see Figure 2). The 3/4-in. transfer fitting connects into the •The containers should be removed and carefully
orifice fitting. The orifice fitting is a custom fitting that is inspected by certified personnel.
designed to regulate the nitrogen pressure flow required • The containers should then be reconditioned,
for the specific system. The orifice fitting then connects recharged or replaced.
into the nitrogen injector assembly to diffuse the nitrogen 2. Check all components supporting hardware and
in a horizontal pattern. tighten, repair or replace as required.
ACTUATION: 3. Visually check all components for evidence of physi-
The control head is attached to the master nitrogen driver cal wear and tear and take whatever action is
by means of electric, cable, lever, or pneumatic devices. required. Replace any component that looks like it
The actuating of the second nitrogen driver and agent may be damaged or worn.
cylinder is done upon transfer of nitrogen from the master SEMI-ANNUAL:
driver cylinder using the actuation assembly kit (P/N 06- The following checks/tests should be conducted by quali-
129985-001). fied personnel:
Assembly includes: 1. Determine the weight of FM-200 in each agent cylin-
• Nitrogen Transfer Fitting der by the procedure indicated in the Design, Instal-
lation, Operation and Maintenance (DIOM) Manual
• 1/8-in. Flex Loop
(P/N 90-FM200M-030).
• 1/8-in. Flare Fitting
2. Functional tests of required system devices (refer-
• 1/8-in. Branch Tee ence the DIOM manual).
• 1/8-in. Schrader Fitting and Cap
3. All outlet piping must be cleaned and free of dirt,
• Pressure Operated Control Head chips and other foreign material that may become
• 3/4-in. Nipple (Hex) hazardous projectiles or cause the system to
become inoperative or ineffective at the time of dis-

Table 3. Nitrogen Transfer Components Descriptions

3 6 7 Qty. Part Number Description

1 1 06-236260-001 Nitrogen Transfer "Y" Fitting

2 1 878737 Pressure Operated Control Head

3 2 06-118191-001 Fitting Flared 1/8" x 1/4"
1 4 1 06-118193-001 3/16" Flexible Actuation Hose

5 1 06-118192-001 1/8" Branch Tee

6 1 263303 1/8" Schrader Valve

3 7 1 263304 1/8" Schrader Valve Cap

8 1 06-118330-001 3/4" Nipple

Figure 2. Nitrogen Transfer Components


Agent Storage Container Nitrogen Driver

93-10101X-001 93-104890-001
Imperial Metric Imperial Metric

Fill Range (w/o LLI) 520 to 1010 lb. 236 to 466 kg Factory Filled to 1800 PSIG Factory Filled to127 bar

Fill Range (w/ LLI) 520 to 1010 lb. 236 to 458 kg — —

Height 70.0 in. 178.0 cm 65.25 in. 165.70 cm

Diameter 24.0 in. 61.0 cm 10.50 in. 26.70 cm

Internal Volume 13.0 cu. ft. 0.37 cu. m 4880 cu. in. 0.0667 cu. m

Empty Weight 505.0 lb. 229.0 kg 184.0 lb. 83.5 kg

Temperature Range 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C 32°F to 130°F 0°C to 54°C

After a system has been discharged, it is recom-
mended that the local authorized Kidde Distributor be
contacted to recondition the system. Please refer- Part Number Description
ence the DIOM manual (P/N 90-FM200M-030) for
the appropriate reconditioning kit.
90-10101X-001* Agent Storage Cylinder

90-104890-001** Nitrogen Driver

*Note: X denotes liquid level indicator. Use a 1 in place of the X to

order cylinder with LLI or a to order a cylinder without an LLI.
Example: 90-101010-001 (no LLI).
**Note: Two are required for each 1010 lb. agent cylinder.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques- A UTC Fire & Security Company
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. 400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-90-111 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
FE-13™ Clean Agent
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: April 2007


DESCRIPTION product that currently is being used as a

In response to the production phaseout of Halon fire chemical intermediate, refrigerant and etchant.
extinguishants, Kidde is now offering FE-13 (trifluo- PERFORMANCE
romethane) for applications requiring immediate avail- FE-13 extinguishes fires by both physical and chemical
ability of a clean, environmentally acceptable, and human means. Primarily, it raises the total heat capacity of the
compatible fire extinguishing agent. FE-13 has a higher environment to the point that the atmosphere will not sup-
vapor pressure than Halon 1301 and must be used in port combustion. In practice, however, extinguishment
systems designed for these pressures. Since FE-13 con- occurs at concentrations less then the theoretical heat
tains no chlorine or bromine, its ozone depletion potential capacity value. This is explained by assuming that the
is zero. FE-13 is an existing DuPont product that cur- agent also removes the free radicals which serve to
rently is being used as a chemical intermediate, refriger- maintain the combustion process.
ant and etchant. In response to the production phaseout
of Halon fire extinguishants, Kidde is now offering FE-13 The FE-13 extinguishing concentration for normal hep-
(trifluoromethane) for applications requiring immediate tane (cup burner method) is approximately 12.9% by vol-
availability of a clean, environmentally acceptable, and ume versus 3.5% for Halon 1301. However, on a weight
human compatible fire extinguishing agent. FE-13 has a basis, when compared to Halon 1301, only 1.68 times as
higher vapor pressure than Halon 1301 and must be many pounds of FE-13 are needed for extinguishment.
used in systems designed for these pressures.
Since FE-13 contains no chlorine or bromine, its ozone
depletion potential is zero. FE-13 is an existing DuPont

Table 1: Properties of FE-13

Total Flooding Agents

Halon 1301 FE-13

Chemical Formula CF3Cr CHF3

Ozone Depletion Potential 16 0

Molecular Weight 148.9 70.01

Boiling Point (°F/°C) -72.0/-57.8 -115.7/-82.0

Critical Temperature (°F/°C) 152.6/67.0 78.6/25.9

Liquid Density at 77°F (lb./ft.3) 96.01 41.82

at 25°C (g/cm3) 1.54 0.67

Vapor Pressure at 77°F (psia) 234.8 686

at 25°C (kPa absolute) 1620 4729

Heat of Vaporization at 70°F (Btu/lb.) 35.5 31.4

at 21.1°C (cal/g) 19.7 17.5

Extinguishing Concentration, heptane cup burner (% by volume) 3.5 12.9

Acute Toxicity (ALC or LC30 Rats; 4 hrs-ppm) 400,000 >650,000

Short term and extended inhalation studies on animals, FE-13 is a very stable compound and in the absence of
including histologic examination, indicates that FE-13 is excessive moisture is not expected to react with common
chemically and biologically unreactive. Although it has materials of construction such as steel, aluminum and
not been evaluated as extensively as Halon 1301, where brass. Likewise, many elastomers and plastics are
there are comparable studies, FE-13 exhibits lesser expected to be suitable for use with FE-13.
effects. In April of 1992 DuPont sponsored a study to AVAILABILITY
evaluate the cardiac sensitization potential of FE-13 in FE-13 is now on commercial production. FE-13 is listed
dogs. No serious arrhythmias were evoked after a five as acceptable for use by the U.S. Environmental Protec-
minute exposure to 30% FE-13 (and 70% air), followed tion Agency “wherever technical or market conditions
by an epinephrine challenge. It is not likely that higher warrant.” FE-13 is included in National Fire Protection
concentrations of FE-13 would be used for fire protection Standard 2001 where it is identified as HFC-23.
in normally occupied spaces because of excessive oxy-
gen depletion. Nevertheless, one additional test was per- SPECIFICATIONS
formed with added oxygen at 50% FE-13. Again, no DuPont quality specifications for FE-13 guarantee a very
serious arrhythmias were elicited. Other researchers pure and essentially residue-free product.
report that 80% by volume of FE-13 did not produce car-
diac sensitization in animals.
FE-13 is not a mutagen in the Ames Test. Purity,% by weight minimum: 99.7
When exposed to open flames, FE-13 will decompose Moisture, ppm by weight, maximum: 10
and produce hydrofluoric acid (HF). The amount of HF
will depend upon the size of the fire and the speed of the Acidity, ppm by weight, expressed as HCI 0.1
extinguishment. Even at low levels, these decomposition
products have a very acrid odor and are easily detected Residue, % by volume, maximum: 0.01
by the human senses. The natural tendency to escape
exposure should be heeded.

Figure 1. Saturated Vapor Pressure of FE-13

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
FE-13 is a trademark of Dupont.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-96-1300 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
FE-13™ Clean Agent Systems
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Effective: April 2007



FE-13 Fire Suppression Systems from Kidde are clean • High pressure
agent fire protection systems for special hazards. The • Ultimate human safety
combination of FE-13, a new agent from DuPont, and cyl- The beneficial characteristics of FE-13 clean agent sys-
inders and associated hardware from Kidde, the world tems from Kidde make them very suitable for many fire
leader in clean agent systems, brings another tool to bear hazards. The high pressure nature of the agent means
on the problem of fire protection in sensitive facilities that low temperature applications (down to -40°F [-40°C])
AGENT can be accomplished. This is the lowest available system
temperature today, and is unmatched by any other clean
• Clean
agent. High pressure also means thorough mixing within
• Efficient
the hazard, making FE-13 systems particularly suitable in
• Effective
cluttered hazards, and those with high ceilings. The UL
• Safe
Listed maximum nozzle height of 25 feet is the highest
• Environmentally acceptable
available today.
• Low boiling point
FE-13 represents the ultimate in human-safe clean agent
FE-13 is a high-pressure clean agent manufactured by
technology. These systems offer the widest safety margin
DuPont. The agent leaves no residue when discharged in
between use concentration and onset of exposure
a fire or non-fire situation. FE-13 efficiently suppresses
restrictions ever seen. Design planners can rely on FE-
fires by the process of physiochemical thermal transfer.
13 to provide effective protection at low temperatures,
The presence of the FE-13 molecule at the flame front
without human exposure issues when the hazard is at a
absorbs heat from the fire as a sponge absorbs liquid.
high temperature. Likewise, hazards with changeable
FE-13 is safe for use in occupied spaces with no expo-
contents are a challenge which can be faced with FE-13.
sure restrictions up to a concentration of 24%. The agent
Concentration for both the empty (gross) volume and
does not deplete stratospheric ozone, and has a suffi-
filled (net) volume can be safe for people, with no expo-
ciently low atmospheric lifetime to be ruled “Acceptable”
sure restrictions. If the hazard is a difficult one, requiring
by the US EPA. FE-13s low boiling point and high vapor
more than a minimum design concentration, the safety
pressure makes it useful for those applications requiring
margin of FE-13 allows a comfortable “cushion” of con-
agent storage below 0°F (-17°C). Additional information
centration, ensuring fire suppression which is both safe
on FE-13 can be found on Kidde data sheet 96-1300.
and effective.
HARDWARE Typical applications for FE-13 systems can include:
• Developed specifically for FE-13
• Oil and Gas
• Based on proven CO2 and Halon 1301 technology
– Pumping centers
• Two cylinder sizes
– Gathering stations
• Complete range of associated hardware
– Processing facilities
• Nozzles specifically developed for and tested with
– Compressor facilities
– Turbine enclosures
Because of FE-13s high vapor pressure, the agent must – Loading/unloading
be stored at room temperature in high pressure cylinders. • Industry/Manufacturing
Kidde has developed a new set of FE-13 agent hard- – Anechoic chambers
ware, based on proven high pressure CO2 and high – Turbine enclosures
pressure Halon1301 technology. This hardware meets all – Laboratories
requirements for storing, releasing, and distributing FE- – Flammable liquid storage
13 in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possi- • Vehicles
ble. Kidde FE-13 systems require no nitrogen superpres- – Locomotives
surization, since the agent’s own pressure is sufficient for – Draglines
distribution through piping and dispersion from specially- – Mining vehicles
developed FE-13 discharge nozzles.
– Unheated spaces
FE-13 clean agent is listed as “Acceptable” without use
– High-ceiling hazards
restrictions in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
SPECIFICATIONS (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) list.
DuPont quality specifications for FE-13 guarantee a very EPA states that FE-13 can be used wherever technical or
pure and essentially residue-free product. market conditions warrant. The agent is Component Rec-
ognized by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). FE-13
agent is included in the National Fire Protection Associa-
Purity,% by weight minimum: 99.7
tion (NFPA) Standard 2001, and is identified in that docu-
Moisture, ppm by weight, maximum: 10 ment as HFC-23. Kidde FE-13 engineered systems are
UL Listed. Kidde FE-13 agent storage containers are
Acidity, ppm by weight, expressed as HCI 0.1 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) approved.
Residue, % by volume, maximum: 0.01
Kidde initially launched FE-13 fire suppression systems
in September 1995. Since then, thousands of pounds of
DESIGN FE-13 have been deployed in Kidde fire systems. Agent
• Engineered design is available in system agent storage containers filled by
• Easy and flexible Kidde, and in bulk 140 lb. (63 kg) and 950 lb. (431 kg)
• Wide range of installation requirements shipping containers.
Kidde FE-13 systems use an engineered design concept ARCHITECTS SPECIFICATION
for flexibility and ease of use. Two cylinder sizes are
The fire suppression system for (insert hazard area) shall
available. Cylinders may be filled to one-pound incre-
be a Kidde FE-13 fire suppression system. The hardware
ments with FE-13, permitting precise tailoring of agent
shall be manufactured by Kidde, 400 Main St., Ashland,
quantity and concentration. A UL Listed computer calcu-
MA. USA. The agent shall be manufactured by DuPont,
lation program provides precise, accurate prediction of
USA, and shall be filled into the cylinders by Kidde. The
agent flow and outputs custom-drilled nozzle orifice
agent shall be stored in high-pressure seamless steel
cylinders meeting DOT requirements. The design con-
• Maximum nozzle area coverage: cept shall be engineered. The design concentration shall
30 ft. x 30 ft. (9.1 m x 9.1 m) be sufficient for the hazard, per NFPA 2001 and Kidde
• Maximum nozzle height: 25 ft. (7.6 m) design manual requirements, but in no case shall exceed
the safe level for occupants of the space. The agent stor-
• Fill range of 74 lb. cylinder: age shall be capable of a minimum in-service storage
40 - 74 lb. (18.2 kg - 33.6 kg) temperature of -40°F (-40°C). The nozzle shall be capa-
• Fill range of 115 lb. cylinder: ble of installation of a maximum height of 25 feet, with no
62 - 115 lb. (28.2 kg - 52.2 kg) other nozzles at lower levels required. The design, piping
• Agent storage temperature range: and installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 2001
-40°F to +130°F (-40°C to +54°C) and the Kidde FE-13 Engineered System design manual.
Acceptance of the finished system shall be in accordance
• Available nozzles: 180 degrees and 360 degrees with NFPA 2001 and the Kidde manual.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

FE-13 is a trademark of Dupont.

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.

assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The
product must be properly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or ques-
tion, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000. A UTC Fire & Security Company
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-96-1350 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA
Fax: 508.881.8920
FE-13 Component Description
A UTC Fire & Security Company
FE-13 Container Data
Effective: April 2007


Part Number Height Diameter Volume

96-100065-001 51 in. 9 in. 1.55 ft.3

(1295 mm) (229 mm)
(.044 m3)

96-100112-001 58 in. 10-1/2 in. 2.40 ft.3

(1473 mm) (267 mm)
(.068 m3)

Gross Weight Gross Weight

Part Number Fill Range Empty Weight
(Minimum Fill) (Maximun Fill)

96-100065-001 40 - 74 lb. 115 lb. 155 lb. 189 lb.

(18.1 - 33.6 kg) (52.3 kg) (70.3 kg) (85.7 kg)

96-100112-001 62 - 115 lb. 188 lb. 250 lb. 303 lb.

(26.1 - 52.3 kg) (85.3 kg) (113.4 kg) (137.4 kg)

This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes Kidde Fire Systems
no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be A UTC Fire & Security Company
properly applied to work correctly. 400 Main Street
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, Ashland, MA 01721
contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.
Ph: 508.881.2000
K-96-9010 Rev AB © 2007 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Fax: 508.881.8920
The Engineering Specification Our Quality
The fire protection control system for The system shall be listed by Under-
is Certified Fire Systems
(INSERT HAZARD AREA DESCRIPTION) writers Laboratories (UL) and Factory
Kidde PEGAsys Systems are made in
shall be a Kidde PEGAsys System Mutual (FM) approved for use with
America in accordance with ISO 9001
manufactured by Kidde Fire Systems, agent releasing systems. The fire
certified quality standards and installed
400 Main Street, Ashland, MA USA. The protection control system shall be
and serviced by Kidde Distributors
system shall be of Distributed Intelli- installed in accordance with NFPA
worldwide. When you’ve specified
gence architecture wherein all analog Standard 72- 1996 and any applicable
“Kidde,” you’ve chosen the world’s most
fire detection and addressable field local codes. The agent releaseing
respected name in fire protection.
devices are individually microprocessor systems shall be installed in accor-
controlled. dance with all applicable NFPA
standards and local codes.
The system shall be a modular configu-
ration designed to permit flexibility in
systems expansion and/or modification.
The system shall support 255 intelligent
devices per loop and be capable of
power expansion to a maximum of 64
amps of 24 VDC power. The system
shall support expansion modules which
are microprocessor-based units to
provide maximum expansion of desired

Kidde PEGAsys Systems are Available From...

This literature is provided for

informational purposes only.
KIDDE assumes no responsibility
for the product’s suitability for a
KIDDE PEGAsys Systems ™

particular application. The Intelligent Fire Protection Control for Vital Facilities
product must be properly applied
to work correctly. If you need
more information on this product,
or if you have a particular
problem or question, contact
KIDDE, Ashland, MA 01721;
Telephone (508) 881-2000.

400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721
(508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920

FORM NO. KF-0045

© 2002 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
KIDDE PEGAsys Systems... A Kidde PEGAsys System can control
all your fire protection systems...
The Intelligent Way to Tie All Your Fire Detection, Alarm and Water Sprinkler System for Kidde IND Dry Chemical System, Kidde Carbon Dioxide
structural fire protection protects paint spray booths System protects manufactur-
Suppression Systems into One, State-of-the-Art Control System
ing machinery
Kidde FM-200 Clean Agent Kidde FE-13 Clean Agent System
System protects computer protects finished goods storage area
The Concept room and underfloor
What if there was a control system that used
microprocessor technology to share the tasks of
information gathering and reporting with its fire
detectors? What if that system was a powerful,
100% field programmable panel that could
control the release of up to nine separate fire
suppression systems, in addition to 255 intelli-
gent devices per SLC loop? What if
it came with easy-to-program, Windows™-based MANUFACTURING PLANT
software that automatically integrated every-
thing from fire detection to alarm to fire
suppression system release?

Well then… you’d have the revolutionary new
Kidde PEGAsys System. The intelligent answer to
integrated fire protection for vital facilities.

Faster response.
Thanks to Kidde’s unique Distributed Intelli-
gence architecture, you have more information
in a shorter period of time about any type of
fire/supervisory-related event. This enables you
to make intelligent decisions about your
response. In many cases, you can deal with the
incident without the evacuation of personnel or FINISHED
the unnecessary release of your fire suppression SHIPPING & GOODS

Greater reliability.
Smart fire detectors, coupled with the Kidde
PEGAsys control system, have been designed for
greater immunity to ambient electrical noise
that can lead to nuisance alarms. The net result
is more reliable fire detection with fewer
interruptions to your facility’s business continuity
than is available with other systems on the COMPUTER

Easier and more

economical to install.
Whether you’re upgrading fire protection for an
existing facility, or building a new complex, the Check Out the PEGAsys System…
Kidde PEGAsys System is a pleasure to install.
That’s because it can be programmed on site ✔ Ties facility’s entire fire protection – ✔ Uses SmartOne™ BIP (Broadcast ✔ Provides a 1000+ event history buffer for ✔ U.L. listed and approved by FM,
detection, alarm and suppression – into one, Indexing Protocol) for 100% digital documented after-event analysis CSFM and MEA (NYC)
using simple, Windows-based software to suit
integrated, highly reliable system loop communications that virtually
your facility and re-programmed when your eliminate common EMI and RFI ✔ Supports a complete range of suppression ✔ Installed and serviced by the
physical configuration changes. It also uses any ✔ Features the simplicity of a single, two-wire
interference, the cause of most
control features including dedicated abort, worldwide network of Kidde
loop of up to 10,000 feet that can accommo- manual release, supervisory input and time distributors
code compliant wire so retrofits can often be nuisance alarms
date as many as 255 intelligent input/output delay to discharge
done without replacing the wire. That’s a big Controls up to nine, independent ✔ Built to exacting quality standards
savings in time and labor when compared to
devices ✔ ✔ 100% field programmable using simple in an American ISO-certified
zones for all types of fire suppression
Windows- based software for fast on site facility
conventional fire alarm systems. systems – sprinklers, clean agent, dry
configuration or re-configuration
AlarmLine™ Addressable Effective: February, 2000

Linear Heat Detector



• UL Listed
• FM Approved
• CSFM (pending)
• MEA (pending)
• Low-cost interface between AlarmLineTM sensor cable
and control panel accepting SmartOneTM addressable
• Up to 255 Addressable AlarmLine Modules (AAM) per
addressable loop
• Real-time monitoring
• Software adjustable alarm set point
• Optional pre-alarm and overheat output configuration
• Three cable styles (standard, nylon, bronze braided)
• Sensor cable restorable up to 257o F
• Full supervision for short and open circuits
The AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector provides
• Two-color status-LED display for alarm and trouble
conditions early detection of fire or overheat condition in protected ar-
eas or equipment. It is especially suited for confined areas
• Intrinsically safe option
or environments where adverse ambient conditions cause
• Flexibility in zoning other detection devices to be unreliable or difficult to use.
The detector consists of two major components: A sensor
cable and an Addressable AlarmLine Module (AAM).
The AAM is used with any intelligent control panel that ac-
cepts SmartOne devices.

• Open-area protection
• Cable trays
• Rack storage
• Freezer warehouses
• Belt conveyers
• Floating roof fuel tanks
• Cooling towers
• Dust collectors
• Waste fuel drum storage
• Power distribution apparatus
• Escalators
• Tunnels
• Mines
• Hangers

Application Flexibility: Allows installation at point of risk. SENSOR CONDUCTOR
Programmable pre-alarm, alarm, and overheat levels for WIRE

differing ambient conditions.

Durability: Extrusion and braiding options to satisfy envi-
ronmental conditions and project risks. CABLE SENSOR

Reliability: Fault signaling of open and short circuit condi- PROTECTIVE INSULATION
tions, pre-alarm, alarm, and overheat reporting.
Recoverability: Self-restoring after fire events up to 257o F. Figure 1. Standard Sensor Cable
Sensitivity: Proven superiority over point-type measure- PART NUMBERS
Sensor cable is available with the following part numbers:
Standard Sensor Cable
AlarmLine’s analog heat sensing characteristics offer sev- Recommended for environments ranging from
eral distinct advantages: clean and dry to moderate dust and moisture.
Field Adjustability of pre-alarm, alarm, and overheat Nylon Coated Sensor Cable
setpoints: Pre-alarm, alarm, and overheat thresholds 73-117068-016
may be programmed to meet specific system require-
ments. Recommended for use in wet, oily, or corrosive
environments or outdoors. Use in freezer
Restorable: Cable does not need to be replaced after an warehouses.
alarm event as high as 257o F (125o C).
Phosphor Bronze Braided Sensor
Integrating: It is not necessary to reduce sensor spacing
with increased ceiling height per NFPA 72-1996, Sec- 73-117068-019
tion 5-, Exception (a). System sensitivity remains Recommended for applications requiring superior
constant as ceiling height increases without reducing abrasion protection and/or increased tensile
spacing. strength.
Short Circuit Discrimination: The system will produce a
trouble condition instead of a false alarm in the event of
a conductor to conductor short due to damage or elec-
trical faults. The AAM permits an AlarmLine sensor cable to be directly
interfaced to any control panel that accepts SmartOne ad-
dressable loop devices. This interface will allow for pre-alarm,
SENSOR CABLE alarm, and trouble conditions to be transmitted to the control
The AlarmLine sensor cable consists of four 26 AWG cop- panel via the Rx/Tx (Receive/Transmit) loop. The AAM moni-
per conductors, each color-coded in an insulated sheath tors the resistance of the sensor cable and generates a pre-
containing a negative temperature coefficient polymer (where alarm (if enabled), alarm, or overheat output (if enabled) when
an increase in temperature decreases the resistance of the the resistance drops below the programmed threshold. The
sensor). module also supervises the AlarmLine cable for opens and
shorts, which will generate a fault condition.
Two of the conductors are enameled and provide loop con-
tinuity supervision, but not temperature sensing. The con- All of the pre-alarm, alarm, overheat, and trouble conditions
ductors are twisted at thirty turns per foot (90 turns per meter) will be displayed on the Central Control Module (CCM) of
and protected by a flame-retardant outer extrusion or metal- the control panel. Up to 255 AAM modules can be connected
lic braid (See Figure 1). The color coding of the four inner to a single Rx/Tx module. Use of multiple AAMs allows flex-
conductors is repetitively marked on the outer coating every ibility in zoning larger installations for location of alarm and
three feet as an aid installation. Cable is sold in standard zone output control; the control panel acts as a central dis-
coils of 656 feet (200 meters). play and control interface.
NOTE: The maximum length of sensor cable per zone de- The AAM receives power directly from the Rx/Tx loop which
pends on the maximum ambient temperature de- eliminates the need for additional wiring and external power
fined on the nomogram(s) (See Figures 2 and 3). supplies.
Regardless of ambient temperature, however, the For further information on installation and configuration of
maximum length of cable is 3200 feet (1000 meters) the AAM, please refer to the AlarmLine Addressable Linear
per zone for Type “T” cable. Heat Detector Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
Manual, P/N 73.04.

The Addressable AlarmLine Module is available using the SENSOR MOUNTING HARDWARE
following part numbers:
Three types of standard mounting hardware (master clamp,
73-100001-001 flange clamp, nylon cable tie) for AlarmLine permit safe, se-
Module with operating temperature range of -40o F to cure sensor cable installation in most applications. Other
140o F (-40o C to 60o C). Mounted on a 4-inch square mounting means may be used as required by the specific
faceplate. AAM mounts in a 4-inch square backbox, 2- application. The sensor should be supported at a minimum
1/8-inches deep. of ten foot intervals on straight runs when under tension,
73-100003-001 and more as conditions dictate at corners and transition
points to provide suitable strain relief. Local codes or condi-
NEMA-4 sealed, protective polycarbonate enclosure
tions may also require the sensor to be supported at closer
used to mount AAM in wet or dusty environments.
intervals. Refer to Manual 73.04 for specific mounting infor-
Standard Nylon Coated Bronze Braided AAM SPECIFICATIONS
Sensor Sensor Sensor
Specification Value
Part Number 73-117068-013 73-117068-016 73-117068-019
Part Number (P/N) 73-100001-001
Black nylon Phosphor bronze
Jacket Construction Blue PVC extrusion over braid over blue Supply Voltage P.C. Line, 16.5 to 27.5 VDC
blue PVC PVC
Current Consumption, Standby 425 microAmps
Standard Available 656 feet (200m) 656 feet (200m) 656 feet (200m)
Current Consumption, Alarm 440 microAmps
Length reel reel reel
Current Consumption, Fault 425 microAmps
0.117 in. 0.153 in. 0.153 in.
External Diameter
(3.25 mm) (4.25 mm) (4.25 mm) Withstands 5% RMS 60-Hz supply noise or 1
V RMS 60 Hz sensor noise w ith negligible
Weight per 656 ft 7 lbs. 9.5 lbs 18.3 lbs.
Noise Performance performance change. RFI immunity at
(200m) (3.2 kg) (4.3 kg) (8.3 kg) 10V/meter field strength over the band of 20
Tensile Strength 100 N 100 N 1000 N to 900 MHz

Normal: Slow flash GREEN every 9 seconds

1 = Orange 1 = Orange 1 = Orange
2 = White 2 = White 2 = White Pre-Alarm: Slow flash RED every 9 seconds
3 = Red 3 = Red 3 = Red LED Pulse Modes
4 = Blue 4 = Blue 4 = Blue Alarm: Fast flash RED every 2 seconds

26 AWG Solid 26 AWG Solid 26 AWG Solid Trouble: Off

Conductor Material
Copper Copper Copper
-40 deg F to +140 deg F
Operating Temperature Range
0.018 in. 0.018 in. 0.018 in. (-40 deg C to +60 deg C)
Conductor Diameter
(0.460 mm) (0.460 mm) (0.460 mm)

Twist of Inner 30 per ft. 30 per ft. 30 per ft.

Conductors (90 per meter) (90 per meter) (90 per meter) INTRINSIC SAFETY BARRIERS
Dielectric Material
Specially Doped Specially Doped Specially Doped In classified hazardous areas where potentially explosive
Polymer Polymer Polymer
vapors, dust, or fibers exist, AlarmLine cable must installed
Standard Outer
using an intrinsic safety barrier. The barrier (P/N 73-117068-
Jacket Material
PVC PVC PVC 031) is a shunt diode safety barrier which limits the current
Voltage Proof and voltage in the sensor cable to safe levels. Each barrier
Between PVC Jacket 10 KV 10 KV 10 KV handles two conductors, so two barriers are needed for each
and a Conductor
sensor cable. The barriers are designed to mount in sepa-
Up to 212oF Up to 212oF Up to 212oF rate weathertight enclosures. The intrinsic safety barrier’s
(100oC) = 30 (100oC) = 30 (100oC) = 30
Years@ 257oF Years@ 257oF Years@ 257oF specifications are as follows:
(125oC) = 24 (125oC) = 24 (125oC) = 24
Hours. Self Hours. Self Hours. Self
Service Life Restores below Restores below Restores below
257oF (125oC) 257oF (125oC) 257oF (125oC)
Above Above Above
374oF(190oC) is 374oF(190oC) is 374oF(190oC) is
the destructive the destructive the destructive
temperature. temperature. temperature.

Maximum spacing
30 feet 30 feet 30 feet
between parallel
(9 meters) (9 meters) (9 meters)

cable length exceeds 3200 Ft., the alarm condition could be
U L L isted Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B,
an d
reached at room temperature (70o F (20o C)) for most switch
C, D Class II, Division I, Groups E,
F M Ap p ro vals F, G: Class III, Division 1 settings.Refer to Manual 73.04 for more information.

Op eratin g
-4°F (-20°C) to 140°F (60°C) A T L
Temp eratu re R an g e S
Alarm Maximum Specified Sensor
Configuration Ambient Alarm Cable
H u mid ity 5 - 95% R.H. Setting Temp. (F) Temp. (F) Length (Ft.)

Termin als Will accept up to #12 AWG 3200

Wo rkin g Vo ltag e 6V 2000

Maximu m Vo ltag e 7.5 V

F u se R atin g 100 mA 1
L e a k a g e C u rre n t 1 mA maximum at 6V 3

4 105 300
E n d -To -E n d 145 ohm maximum 5 95
R esistan ce 90 ohm minimum 6 105
115 130
7 140
120 100
73-117068-032 holds 2 barriers 8 130
73-117068-033 holds 5 barriers 9 140
165 50

E n clo su res 73-117068-034 holds 12 barriers 10 160

185 35
73-117068-035 holds 24 barriers 11 175 195 25
185 205
73-117068-036 holds 32 barriers 12 195 210
13 230
240 10


14 250
When determining the alarm temperature setting, the de- 16
signer must take into account environmental factors that may
affect the overall response of the system. By accounting for Figure 2. Example for Type “T” cable (Feet/Fahrenheit)
these factors, the designer minimizes unwanted alarms.
Below is a step by step procedure which instructs the de-
signer in selection of the proper alarm trip points. S A T L

The required alarm temperature and the correct alarm con- Alarm
figuration setting for the AAM are determined using the Settng Temp. (F) Temp. (F) Length (Ft.)

AlarmLine nomogram(s).
Measurements are in Feet/Fahrenheit or Meters/Centigrade. 2900
The use of the nomogram requires two known factors: 2000

• Maximum ambient temperature of the alarm zone. 1300

(Scale A).
1 825

• The total length of the sensor cable to be used. 2

(Scale L). 3
The resistance change required to create an alarm can be a 4
result of either a predetermined minimal increase in tem- 5 95
120 200
perature over the entire length of the sensor, or a significant
6 165
115 130
increase on a shorter section of cable. The alarm tempera-
120 100
8 150 80
ture in either case is determined only after the alarm trip 9
160 65

switch position for the entire sensor length is known. 10


185 35
A shorter section of sensor cable exposed to an overheat 11
175 195 25
condition will require a higher temperature to achieve an 12
alarm than a longer length of sensor cable exposed to the 13 230 10
same overheat condition. 14 250
The maximum length of sensor cable per zone depends on 5
the maximum ambient temperature defined on the nomo- 3

gram. Regardless of ambient, however, the maximum length Figure 3. Example for Type “T” Cable (Feet Fahrenheit)
of cable connected to a single AAM is 3200 feet (1000 m). If

The Addressable AlarmLine Module (P/N 73-100001-001)
may connected to any fire control panel that accepts
SmartOne addressable devices. The module is wired directly
to the Rx/Tx of the panel as shown in Figure 4.
Refer to Manual 73.04 for complete wiring information.

The NEMA-4 polycarbonate enclosure (P/N 73-100003-001)
is designed to mount the Addressable AlarmLineTM Module
in areas requiring additional protection from wet and/or dusty
environments. This enclosure is rated as follows:
• UL 508 Type 4, Type 4X, Type 6, Type 12, and Type 13
• NEMA Type 4, Type 4X, Type 6, Type 12, and Type 13
• CSA Type 4, Type 4X, Type 6, Type 12, and Type 13
• Flammability rating UL94-5V
• IEC 529, IP66
The enclosure is equipped with a clear cover so that the
AAM alarm/trouble status indicator LED can be viewed. The
cover also provides a molded-in wire-lead hole for tamper
resistant installation. Mounting holes for the enclosure are
Figure 4. Wiring the AAM to a Panel molded directly under the cover screws. A cover gasket as-
sures watertight and dust-tight seals. The impact-resistant,
glass-filled, polycarbonate enclosure material is easily
punched, drilled, or sawed to provide access for field wiring.
ENCLOSURE For further installation information, refer to Manual 73.04.






rt On
S ma


#8-32 SCREWS

Figure 5. NEMA-4 Enclosure with AAM


This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL,INC. assumes no
responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop-
TM erly applied to work correctly.
If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question,
contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000

73.02 02/00 ©Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA

TEL: (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Kidde WHDR™ Wet Chemical Systems:

24 Hour Protection for Commercial Kitchens

The heart and soul of every eating establishment is the

kitchen. Equipped with ranges, broilers, fryers and a
myriad of other high-temperature cooking appliances—no
other environment demands proper fire protection more
than today’s commercial kitchen.
The Kidde WHDR System is designed specifically for
commercial kitchen applications. By offering the most
flexible system configurations in the industry, Kidde
provides the most efficient protection for all cooking
applications and facilities. You can specify the type of
detection, control and cylinder size to fit your application.
Investing in a Kidde WHDR System guarantees more than
compliance with UL Standard 300, NFPA 96, NFPA 17A
and insurance codes—it provides protection from the
devastating consequences of a fire.
Kidde WHDR System

The Kidde WHDR System:

• Economical—cost-effective, code-compliant
fire suppression
• Fast and easy maintenance—semi-annual system
inspections and routine maintenance per NFPA
regulations are performed quickly and efficiently
• Reliable, proven protection—the WHDR System
is the choice of commercial kitchens, with
thousands of installations worldwide
• Global network—designed, manufactured and
installed by factory-trained Kidde Distributors
found around the world

UL Listed and ULC Listed

How the System Works

1. Fire is detected activating the XV TM

Control System (or the manual pull
station is actuated)... causing the
cylinder valve to open.
2. Pressure stored in the cylinder propels
the wet chemical agent through the 2 2
system piping and out of strategically 1 2 1
located nozzles. The Kidde WHDR
System automatically shuts down the
power source to appliances removing 3
the heat.
3. The wet chemical agent knocks down 2
flames quickly and forms a protective
layer that suppresses fire and prevents
fire re-ignition.

How the Agent Works

The Kidde WHDR system uses Kidde APC

wet chemical agent, which extinguishes Secondary Defense Typical Appliances
fire by: Protected:
• Ventilation
• Saponifying the surface grease
• Fryers
(converting it into
• Char-Broilers
combustion-resistant soap)
• Ranges
• The cooling effects of • Woks
water vaporization • Griddles
• Interrupting the chemical chain
reaction of combustion

Kidde APC wet chemical agent is proven Class K Extinguishers

to be the best suppressant for quick Portable fire extinguishers
knock-down and prevention of play an important role in
early defense against fire.
re-ignition of flame.
Class K-type suppressant
is used to combat the
especially difficult fuel
hazard presented by
extremely hot grease in
cooking environments.

Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.

A UTC Fire & Security Company WHDR and XV are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
400 Main Street
Ashland, MA 01721 SS K-008 September 2006 ©Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
Tel.: 508.881.2000 All Rights Reserved.
Fax: 508.881.8920
A UTC Fire & Security Company

Automatic, 24-Hour Protection

for Industrial Applications—
Kidde IND™ Dry Chemical System
Could you afford to have your production line shut down due
to a fire? Is there room in your operating budget to replace
machinery and facilities damaged by fire? If your company is
typical of today’s high-productivity, cost-conscious facilities, the
answer is, “No.” The Kidde IND Dry Chemical System is your best
choice for protection of any industrial process or machinery
where hazardous liquids or hazardous materials are involved.

The Kidde IND System is available in two basic configurations: as

a local application system or a total flood system. A local
application system is designed to protect a specific piece of
equipment, a total flood system is recommended for protection
of enclosed rooms or spaces. In addition to the configurations,
the Kidde IND System also offers options for detection and
control to create a system that will be ideal for your application.
Your Kidde Distributor can help you design the right system,
and the right approach, for your application. Kidde INDTM System

The Kidde IND System Features:

• Economical—the pre-engineered concept reduces
hardware and installation expenses providing
cost-effective fire protection
• Design flexibility—specify the system configuration
and components to meet the requirements of
your facility and industrial application
• Regulatory compliance—the installation of a Kidde
IND System guarantees your facility is compliant
with insurance, local and federal code standards
• Reliable, proven protection—researched, designed
manufactured and installed by Kidde, the world
leader in system solutions, IND Systems can be
found globally throughout the industrial world
• Portable reinforcement—always within reach, the
full line of Kidde portable fire extinguishers are
your first line of defense against fire

UL Listed, ULC Listed

and FM Approved
How the System Works

1. Fire detectors sense fire heat in work

area, plenum or duct…a signal is sent 1
to the Control Panel.
2. The Control Panel electrically activates
the Cylinder Control Head, which
opens the cylinder valve and actuates 4
the system.
2 1
3. The Control Panel sounds an alarm,
notifies the fire authorities and shuts 3
down airflow in the hazard area.

4. The fire is suppressed as dry chemical

is propelled by stored pressure
through the discharge pipes and 4
nozzles into the protected area. 3

Typical IND System

Single Nozzle Total-Flooding Coverage Module Applications:
• Quench/Dip Tanks
• Industrial/Automotive
Paint Spray Booths
• Coating Operations
20 ft.
• Electrical/Mechanical
16 ft.
• Boiler/Furnace Rooms
12 ft.
• Switchgear Rooms
8 ft. • Generator Rooms
5 ft.
• Flammable Liquid
Storage Areas
15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft.
• Paint Mixing Areas
• Spill Containment Dikes
4 ½ ft. 5 5/8 ft. 7 ½ ft. 7 ½ ft. 7 ½ ft. • Bulk Storage
• Modular HazMat
Storage Facilities
• Exhaust Ducts
• Machinery Spaces
• Environmental
Storage Facilities

A UTC Fire & Security Company Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
400 Main Street IND is a trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
Ashland, MA 01721
Tel.: 508.881.2000
Fax: 508.881.8920 SS K-009 October 2006 ©Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.
www.kiddefiresystems.com All Rights Reserved.

From the smallest loader Protect your operations from downtime and
to the largest draglines and your critical assets from fire damage—install
excavators, you can depend on a Kidde Sentinel Vehicle system today.
Kidde Fire Systems—
driving dependable
technology since 1917. We understand the rigors of your modern mining operation, whether you
are working underground or above-ground; drilling, digging, hauling or
processing the threat of fire is ever present. With a long legacy of providing the
best available fire protection many have come to depend on the high quality
Features: engineering and uncompromising performance of our vehicle systems. The Kidde
Sentinel system is an integrated solution that includes state of the art detection,
• AquaGreen XT™ environmentally control and notification coupled with multiple suppression agent options
non-reportable wet agent according to your specific need.
• Engineered for extreme environments
• Dual agent systems combine wet and
dry for ultimate protection Our standard solution combines our new Sentinel SA1 control unit with either
• Scalable, fully-featured control and multipurpose dry chemical or new AquaGreen XT wet agent suppression. The SA1 can
detection system utilize any of our detection technologies including LHS (Linear Heat Sensing) cable,
• Best-in-class infrared detection Detect-A-Fire® rate of rise compensated heat detectors or IR-1A infrared detectors.
technology • Sentinel control units are housed in ruggedized aluminum enclosures that
are IP 66/Nema 4 rated
• AquaGreen XT all new primary fire fighting wet agent—superior cooling
makes AquaGreen XT highly effective over a wide range of temperatures
• Stored pressure and electric actuation circuits for redundant actuation

For more complex installations and more challenging hazards the Sentinel NET control
system provides the operator with up to two interface units that provide real-time
status information via high quality 2-line display. Each control unit can control two
detection zones and two suppression releases and up to six control units can be
networked on a single system!
• Sentinel Net can be programmed with or without a laptop computer
• The system program and event log is stored on every controller on the network
• Brightness of display can be adjusted in seconds to suit conditions
Kidde Fire Systems
400 Main Street To greatly increase the efficiency of design, installation, service and maintenance
Ashland, MA 01721 USA the entire wiring system for either SA1 or NET systems is pre-configured with IP66
508.881.2000 ext. 2394 Deutsch connectors throughout. The best fire protection is now the easiest to install.

Kidde Sentinel: Standing Guard

SS K-018

Protect your operations from

Waste management is a demanding environment for the people, vehicles and
downtime and your critical assets machines engaged in the important work of handling the hundreds millions of
from fire damage—install a Kidde tons of waste produced every year in the US alone. Fires can start in the machine
or in the refuse material itself, causing equally significant risk to personnel.
Sentinel Vehicle System today.
Sentinel suppression options include both dry chemical powder and AquaGreen XT
aqueous agent. AquaGreen is ideally suited to the mixture of Class B fuel and
Class A debris that can accumulate on machines.

The Kidde Sentinel Vehicle System is an integrated fire protection solution

Features: that includes state-of-the-art detection and control. Coupled with a tailored
suppression package, the Sentinel System is flexible, easy to maintain and is
• AquaGreen XT™ aqueous agent specifically designed for applications such as waste management.
(non-reportable wet agent) effective
for Class A debris fires, as well as
Class B oil, lube and fuel fires
• Multipurpose Dry Chemical agent for
traditional multipurpose protection Our standard solution combines the Sentinel SA1 control unit with multipurpose dry
• Engineered for extreme environments chemical or AquaGreen XT wet agent. The SA1 can utilize any Sentinel detection
technology: LHS cable with the LHS base; Sentinel Detect-A-Fire; Sentinel IR-1A dual
• Dual agent systems that combine wet spectrum infrared detector and any combination thereof.
and dry chemical (Detect-Suppress-
Secure) • S entinel SA1 module is housed in robust die-cast aluminum enclosure
providing FM tested and approved IP66 and NEMA4 ratings
• Easy to use detection and control
• S entinel SA1 is available in both vehicle-powered and primary cell-powered
• Best-in-class infrared sensing
(primary cell will not operate IR detectors)
 quaGreen XT wet agent for primary fire protection is FM approved for
use from -40° F (-40° C) to 200° F (93° C)
 apable of both electric and pressure cylinder actuation
• S entinel SA1 is easy to program through User Interface
 ables for Sentinel SA1 are pre-terminated for ease of installation and
The Sentinel System uses non-explosive protractors for operation of cylinders and
remote system actuators. Since the cylinders can be opened both electrically and
with pressure, the Sentinel system offers “redundant” manual operation in case of
complete electrical failure.

Kidde Fire Systems The Primary cell power supplies 24/7 system protection for up to one full year. The
400 Main Street alternative Vehicle Power supply is available with rechargeable NiCad batteries that
Ashland, MA 01721 USA operate the system for one hour after vehicle shutdown. This provides protection
508.881.2000 ext. 2394
during that crucial time period following shutdown when many fires can start.

Kidde Sentinel: Standing Guard

SS K-022
Central Telefónica: (506) 2250-8292

Fax: Extensión 104

Apodo: 304-2010 Zapote, San José.

Correo: info@firesystemscr.com

Website: www.firesystmscr.com

Dirección: San José, Costa Rica, Desamparados.

Protegemos su vida y su patrimonio®

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