Insurance Slide
Insurance Slide
Insurance Slide
“Atits most general level, risk is used to describe any situation where there is
uncertainty about what outcome will occur.” (Gupta, 2009, p.3)
Risk is costly
Risk is the reason, loss is the consequence
Direct expected losses;
Indirect expected losses.
Types of risk
Business Risk and Personal Risk (Harrington and Niehaus, 2004)
Business Risk
price risk
Types of risk
Personal Risk
Types of risk
Pure Risks and Speculative Risks (Gupta, 2009)
Pure Risks: situations are those where there is a possibility of loss or no loss.
There is no gain to the individual or the organization
Speculative Risks are those where there is a possibility of gain as well as
loss. The element of gain is inherent or structured in such a situation
Pure risks are generally insurable while speculative ones are not.
Types of risk
Pure Risk
Risk analysis
Risk identification Risk evaluation
Statistical records
of losses
Risk Management Process
Riskcontrol: risk control consists of those techniques that are designed to
minimize, at the least possible costs, those risks to which the organization is
◼ In risk control, risks can be controlled by avoidance or by controlling losses.
Risk financing: Risk financing, in contrast with risk control, consists of
those techniques that focus on arrangements designed to guarantee
the availability of funds to meet those losses that do occur.
◼ Risk financing includes:
◼ Retention and self-insurance
◼ Transfer – insurance and non insurance
Methods of Handling Pure Risks
Avoidance: avoid the risks or circumstances which may lead to losses.
Loss control
Loss prevention: reduce loss frequency
Loss reduction: lower loss severity