DC 02 CC 0297
DC 02 CC 0297
DC 02 CC 0297
x DC 265/255/240 3. Click [Print] or [OK]. The button name depends on the application/operating system
in use.
x DC 220/230
4. Decide where to save the file then click [OK] or [Save], depending on the
x DCCS 50
application/operating system.
If the procedure above does not work for you, use the procedure in the following section
that corresponds to your operating system.
Customer Service Page 1
Alternative Methods to Create a Print Ready File
These terms are used in the examples:
Path Path to the location where you want to create the print ready file.
Print-ready.ps Name of the print ready file you are creating.
Options The arguments you are using for the job.
Filename Name of the file you are printing.
Queuename Queue name of the printer.
Use one of the following methods to create a print ready file:
• If you are using the DCPR print tool, type the following command:
dcpr -o /[path]/print-ready.ps -d[queuename] [options]
• In many applications, you are prompted for a print command within the Print dialog
box. Type the following:
cat > [path]/print-ready.ps
• CWPrint
After typing the CWPrint command:
- From GUI – in the print to file field, enter the name of the file you wish to create.
The file is created in your current working directory.
- From TTY – Type 13 (print to file) and press [Enter]. When prompted, supply
the (absolute path) file name, for example: /path/filename.ps
Perform the following steps to produce a print-ready file.
1. Select [File: Print] from your application.
2. Select [Properties].
3. Select the [Advanced] tab, make these selections:
• Under [Print To], check the box [Raw PostScript File].
• In the field provided, enter the file path and name.
4. Select [Save] and then [Print].
Page 2 Customer Service
Windows NT
1. Select [Start: Settings: Printers].
2. Right click on the printer you wish to use and select [Properties].
3. On the [Ports] tab, scroll through the list of ports until you find the port called [File]
and check the box to the left of it.
4. Click [OK].
Windows 9x and ME
1. Select [Start: Settings: Printers].
Note: In the Windows
operating systems, the 2. Right click on the printer you wish to use and select [Properties].
printer object on the
3. On the [Details] tab, select [File] from the pulldown menu labeled print to the
local host can be
following port.
configured directly to
print to file. 4. Click [OK].
Customer Service Page 3
Additional Information
Xerox Customer Service welcomes feedback on all documentation - send feedback via e-
mail to: USA.DSSC.Doc.Feedback@mc.usa.xerox.com.
You can reach Xerox Customer Support at 1-800-821-2797 (USA),
TTY 1-800-855-2880 or at http://www.xerox.com.
Other Tips about Xerox multifunction devices are available at the following URL:
XEROX ®, The Document Company ®, the digital X ®, and all Xerox product names are trademarks of XEROX
CORPORATION. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
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