SEPT 11 15 - DLL
SEPT 11 15 - DLL
SEPT 11 15 - DLL
b. Performance The learners formulate real-life problems involving factors and solve these with utmost accuracy using a variety of strategies.
c. Learning Factors completely different Factors completely different Factors completely Factors completely different Factors completely different
Competencies or types of polynomials types of polynomials different types of types of polynomials types of polynomials
Objectives: (polynomials with common (polynomials with common polynomials (polynomials (polynomials with common (polynomials with common
monomial factor, difference monomial factor, difference with common monomial monomial factor, difference monomial factor, difference
of two squares, sum and of two squares, sum and factor, difference of two of two squares, sum and of two squares, sum and
difference of two cubes, difference of two cubes, squares, sum and difference of two cubes, difference of two cubes,
perfect square trinomials, perfect square trinomials, difference of two cubes, perfect square trinomials, perfect square trinomials,
and general trinomials). and general trinomials). perfect square trinomials, and general trinomials). and general trinomials).
Factoring the difference of Factoring the difference of and general
Factoring thetrinomials).
sum and M8AL-Ia-b-1
Factoring polynomials with M8AL-Ia-b-1
Factoring perfect square
two squares two squares difference of two cubes difference of two squares trinomial
a. References
1. Teachers Guide Pages 34-36 Pages 34-36 Pages 36-37 Pages 34-35 Pages 38-40
2. Learners Materials Pages 32-34 Pages 32-34 Page 34-35 Page 32-33 Pages 36-38
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
A. Review previous Activity 1 Short recall of the lesson Review previous lesson by Short recall of the lesson (The teacher will ask the
lesson Or presenting the “Investigate Me!” discussed previously letting the students answer discussed previously. students to remember the
new lesson Investigate the number the exercises. characteristics of a perfect
pattern by comparing the What are the two types of square trinomial.)
products, and then give factoring being discussed Activity 1
your generalization and introduced to you? “Square Me!”
afterwards. What type of factoring can Square the following
NUMBER PATTERN be applied if you are given binomials:
a) (3)(1)=(2+1)(2-1)=? 49-n2? What are the Questions:
b) (11)(9)=(10+1)(10- factors? 1. Is it easy or difficult to
1)=? How about if you are given square a binomial?
c) (9)(5)=(7+2)(7-2)=? 36t2-8t? What are the 2. How do you square a
How do you think the factors? binomial?
products are obtained? 3. What do you call the
What is the relationship of product of a square of a
the product to its factor? binomial?
Have you seen any 4. How do you describe a
pattern in this activity? perfect square trinomial?
𝑎3 -𝑏 3
B. Establishing a The teacher then will ask If given this kind of If given this kind of
purpose for the lesson the student to recall what polynomial 𝑎3 -𝑏 3 can polynomial 𝑛2 + 16𝑛 + 64,
they have learned before we find the factor using can we find the factor using
about factors. greatest common monomial greatest common monomial
He/she will state that factor or difference of two factor, difference of two
factoring is the process of squares? Why? squares or sum and
obtaining the factors of a difference of two cubes?
product. It is the reverse of Why?
the process of finding the
product. The teacher also
ask the student about the
numbers that are perfect
square which shall be used
in presenting the lesson.
C. Presenting examples/ Investigation in Paper The teacher lets the The teacher lets the
instances of the new Folding students observe the given students observe the given
lesson Directions: and answer the questions and answer the questions
1. Get a square paper that follows. that follows.
and label the sides as a.
2. Cut out a small square
in any of its corner and
label the sides of the
small square as b.
3. Cut the remaining
figure in half.
4. Form a rectangle.
1. What is the area of
the square ABDC?
2. What is the area of
the cut out square
3. What is the area of
the new figure
4. What is the dimension
of the new figure
5. What pattern can you
make in the given
D. Discussing new The teacher starts the The teacher illustrate now The teacher lets the The teacher will emphasize The teacher illustrate now
concepts and practicing study of factoring with a on how to obtain the factor students find the factors of the steps in factoring the on how to obtain the factor
new skills #1 discussion of Difference of of difference of teo squares. the given polynomials sum and difference of two of perfect square trinomial.
Two Squares He/she can use the below by using the road cubes. He/she can use the
examples found in learner’s map in Activity 8 found on examples found in learner’s
module at page 33. page 35 of the learner’s module at page 37
1. 𝑥 3 -𝑦 3
2. 𝑥 3 + 𝑦 3
E. Discussing new The teacher illustrate now The teacher discusses and
concepts and practicing on how to obtain the factor illustrates thoroughly the
new skills #2 of difference of teo steps in finding the factors
squares. He/she can use of a polynomial with sum
the examples found in and difference of two
learner’s module at page cubes.
33. Give examples:
1. 8-𝑑 3
2. 𝑘 6 + 125
F. Developing mastery ( Students are grouped into The teacher lets the The teacher let the The teacher let the The teacher let the
leads to formative five. Each group will be students match polynomials students find the factors of students find the factors of students find the factors of
assessment) given an activity card with of column A to its the given polynomials. the given polynomials. the given polynomials.
the mathematical corresponding factors in
expression in factored column B. 1. 𝑚3 -𝑛3 1. 𝑚3 -𝑛3
form. The group members 2. 𝑔3 − 1 2. 𝑔3 − 1
shall answer the following: 1) 𝑐 3 + 4c + 4
2) 𝑏 3 – 18b + 81
a. what do you call the
3) 36 + 12k + 𝑘 3
given expression?
b. describe how each term
relates to each other.
A representative from each
group shall report their
output (maximum of 2
minutes each).
G. Finding practical A. The picture of Mayon Volcano
is enclosed in a square figure
applications of concepts
frame made up of bamboo. The
and skills in daily living area of a picture of Mayon
Volcano is 9 square units and the
area of a square picture frame
made up of bamboo is x2 square
units. Write a polynomial in
factored form to represent the
difference of two areas.
H. Making The teacher summarizes the The teacher summarizes the The teacher summarizes the The teacher summarizes the The teacher summarizes the steps
generalizations and concept of factoring polynomials concept of factoring polynomials steps in finding the factors of a steps in finding the factors of a in finding the factors of a given
with difference of two squares by with difference of two squares by given polynomial with sum and given polynomial with sum and perfect square trinomials through
abstractions about the asking the following questions: asking the following questions: difference of two cubes through difference of two cubes through asking the question:
lesson 1. What are the factors of 1. What are the factors of questions like: questions like: A. How do you factor perfect
polynomials with difference of polynomials with difference of two A. What are the steps in finding A. What are the steps in finding square trinomials?
two squares? squares? the factor of polynomial with sum the factor of polynomial with sum
2. How to find the factors of a 2. How to find the factors of a of two cubes? of two cubes?
given polynomial with difference given polynomial with difference of B. What are the steps in finding B. What are the steps in finding
of two squares? two squares? the factor of polynomial with the factor of polynomial with
difference of two cubes? difference of two cubes?
I. Evaluating Learning Find the factors of the Find the factors of the Factor the following perfect
Find the factors of the Find the factors of the given given polynomials. given polynomials. square trinomials:
given polynomials polynomials
1. 𝑐 2 -25 1. 𝑐 3 -𝑑 3 1. 𝑐 3 -𝑑 3
1. 𝑐 2 -25
2. 𝑤 2-1 2. 𝑤 6 + 1 2. 𝑤 6 + 1 1) 16 – 40n + 25𝑛3
2. 𝑤 2-1
3. 36-ℎ2 3. 216-ℎ9 3. 216-ℎ9 2) 𝑐 4 + 6c2 + 9
3. 36-ℎ2
4. k 2 -100 3)𝑏 2 + 4𝑏 + 4
4. k 2 -100
5. 1-𝑐 4 5. 1-𝑐 4
a. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
f. Whatwork?
difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
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