DLL-Week 6 - Sept. 26-30
DLL-Week 6 - Sept. 26-30
DLL-Week 6 - Sept. 26-30
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher SARAH JANE B. PINEDA Learning Area Mathematics 8
Teaching Dates and
September 23 - 26, 2022 (Week 6) Quarter FIRST
Step 1:
Group Activity: The class will be divided into 6 2x2 – 14k + 24
groups. Step 2:
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new 2(x2 – 7k + 12)
skills #2 Factor each given quadratic trinomial: Step 3: Determine the factors of the
remaining trinomial. jr-pool.com
For Groups 1, 3, & 5: 3x2 + 8x + 5
For Groups 2, 4, & 6: 6z2 – 5z – 6 2 (x – 4) (x – 3)
A rectangular swimming pool in a resort in
Tagaytay City is twice as long as its wide. A
small concrete walkway surrounds the pool.
The walkway is a constant 2 feet wide and has
an area of 196 square feet. Find the dimensions
of the pool.
F.Developing mastery The teacher will present the concept of factoring Factor the following into its simplest Solve the following problems:
quadratic trinomial forms: 1. The side of a cube is represented by x + 1.
ax2 + bx + c, where a > 1. 1. 2x2 + 10x – 48 Find, in terms of x, the volume of the cube.
2. 12x2 – 20x – 8
Factor the following: 3. 5a2 + 15ab + 10b2
1. 2x2 + 7x + 3
2. 3x2 – 4x – 7 clipartpanda.com
3. 3x2 – 8x + 4 2. Let an integer be represented by x. Find, in
terms of x, the product of three
consecutive integers.
DAY 1-2 DAY 3 DAY 4
Match the places in column A with their Arrange the indicated solutions following Solve: Write a variable expression for the area
products in column B by factoring the given the steps in factoring general quadratic of a square whose side is x + 8.
quadratic trinomials represented by each place. trinomial.
Method A
a. 2(a + 6) (a + 3)
b. 2a2 + 18a + 36
c. 2(a2 + 9a + 18)
G. Finding practical applications of concepts classroomclipart.com
and skills in daily living
Method B
a. 2a(a + 3) + 12a (a + 3)
b. 2(a + 6) (a + 3)
c. (2a2 + 6a) + (12a + 36)
d. 2a2 + 18a + 36
e. 2a2 + 6a + 12a + 36
f. (2a + 12a (a + 3)
In factoring Quadratic Trinomials given a > 1: In factoring Quadratic Trinomials: Steps in Solving Word Problems
1. Find the product of the leading term and the 1. Find the product of the leading term and 1. Read the problem carefully and decide
last term. the last term. what numbers are asked for.
2. Find the factors of the product of the leading 2. Find the factors of the product of the 2. Choose a variable to represent the
term and the last term whose sum is equal to leading term and the last term whose unknown and the other quantities needed
the middle term. sum is equal to the middle term. in terms of a variable.
3. Rewrite the trinomial as a four-term 3. Rewrite the trinomial as a four-term 3. Form the equation or inequality showing
expression by replacing the middle term with expression by replacing the middle term the relationships given in the problem.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions the sum of the factors. with the sum of the factors. 4. Solve and find the solutions of the
about the lesson 4. Group the terms with common factors. 4. Group the terms with common factors. equation or inequality.
5. Factor the groups using greatest common 5. Factor the groups using greatest common Check your results with the requirements
monomial factor. monomial factor. stated in the word problem.
6. Factor out the common binomial factor and 6. Factor out the common binomial factor
write the remaining factor as a sum or and write the remaining factor as a sum
difference of the common monomial factors. or difference of the common monomial
7. If possible, simplify the factors using
common monomial factor.
I. Evaluating learning A. Factor the following: Factor the following: a. Think of a number. Subtract 7. Multiply by
1. 2x2 + 3x + 1 1. 6m2 – 6m – 12 3. Add 30. Divide by 3. Subtract the
2. 2x2 – 3x – 2 2. 6x2 – 20x + 6 original number. The result is always 3.
3. 25a2 – 10a + 1 3. 3x2 + 6x – 24 Use polynomials to illustrate this number
B. Answer the following: 4. 5z2 – 15z – 50 trick.
4. One of the factors of 11x2 + 23x + 2 is 4a2 – 28a + 48
(x + 2). What is the other factor?
5. Find the missing terms: 3x2 – 4x – 15 = (x -
___) (___ + 5)
DAY 1-2 DAY 3 DAY 4
a. w2 + 5w + 36 = 0
b. w2 – 5w – 36 = 0
c. w2 – 5w + 36 = 0
w2 + 5w – 36 = 0
J. Additional activities for application or Peer Mentoring/ Group Activity Peer Mentoring/ Group Activity Peer Mentoring/ Group Activity
remediation Follow up Follow up Solve the following problems:
Factor the following: Answer the following: 1. The square of a positive integer is 98 less
1. 2x2 + x – 6 1. There are two consecutive integers. If the than twice the square of the next
2. 6x2 – 20x + 6 first integer is x, what is the second consecutive integer. Find the integers.
3. 6m2 – 6m – 12 integer? 2. Find two positive consecutive integers
4. 8x2 + 22x + 9 2. There are two consecutive odd integers. whose product is 132.
5. 4n2 + 12nx + 9x2 If the first odd integer is x, what is the
second odd integer?
3. There are two consecutives even
integers. If the first even integer is x,
what is the second even integer?
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80% 12
C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
DAY 1-2 DAY 3 DAY 4
D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation