DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
4. Learning
Competencies/ a. Transform rational a. Translate mathematical a. Analyze and solve a a. Analyze and solve a
Objectives algebraic expression into statements into algebraic variety of word problems in variety of word problems in
quadratic equations equations rational algebraic equations rational algebraic equations
b. Find the solutions of b. Analyze and solve a variety b. Synthesize all the b. Appreciate the importance
equations transformable to of word problems involving mathematical presentation of solving problem with
quadratic equations quadratic equations of problems
rational algebraic equation in
including rational algebraic c. Realize the role of c. Realize the role of
real-life situation
expression systematic planning in solving systematic planning in
c. Appreciate the problems solving problems
importance of rational
algebraic expressions in
real-life situation
II. CONTENT Equations Transformable Solving Problems Involving Solving Problems Solving Problems
Involving Quadratic Involving Quadratic
to Quadratic Equations Quadratic Equations Equations Equations
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pp. 50-53 pp. 54-57 pp. 54-57 pp. 54-57
2. Learner’s
Materials pp. 77-87 pp. 88-95 pp. 88-95 pp. 88-95
B. Establishing a 1. How did you find the 1. What words serve as clues to Cite an example or situation 1. Illustrate the different
purpose for the LCM of the following what operation symbol is to be in real life where the concept rectangular gardens
lesson expressions? used? of the quadratic equation that Coco Martin could
2. What mathematics 2. What must be considered in and rational algebraic make.
concepts or principles did translating verbal phrases to equation is applied. 2. What are the
you apply? dimensions of the
mathematical phrases and vice
3. Did you find any
versa? different gardens that
difficulty in performing
Coco Martin wants to
the task? 3. In translating a verbal phrase
to an algebraic expression, a
3. What is the area of
single word can make a
difference. Thus, every word in each garden in item 2?
the statement must be 4. What is the area of the
interpreted correctly. In what smallest garden that
way does it affect our dealings Coco Martin can
make? How about the
with others?
area of the largest
garden? Explain your
C. Presenting Example 1: Solve the Example 1: if the square of aExample. A tank fitted with Example. The denominator
examples/ rational Algebraic number is added to 3 times, the two pipes is to be filled with of a fraction is 4 more than
instances of the sum is 108. Find the number. water. One pipe can fill it in the numerator. If both the
lesson equation Solution: Let x be the number 15 hours. After it has been numerator and the
open for 3 hours, the second denominator of the fraction
pipe is opened and the tank are increased by 1, the
a. Multiply both sides
is filled in 4 hours more.
of the equation by
(x +12) (x – 9) = 0 How long would it take the resulting fraction equals .
the LCM of all
denominators. In x + 12 =0 x – 9 = 0 second pipe alone to fill the Find the fraction.
x = -12 x=9 tank?
the given
equation, the LCM Example 2. The speed at which
water travels in a pipe can be Let x be the time in hours for
is 4x. Let x, the numerator of the
measured by directing the flow the second pipe alone to fill
through an elbow and the tank.
measuring the height its spurts Then: Rate x Time = Part Then, x + 4 is the
out on the top. If the elbow Filled denominator.
height is 10cm, the equation Rate x Part Increasing both of these
relating the height of the water Time Filled expressions by 1, the
b. Write the resulting
above the elbow (in cm) and its
quadratic equation velocity v (in cm/sec) is given by First 7 resulting equation is
in standard form. Pipe
(h + 10). Find v if h =
2cm. Second 4
Solution: substitute the Pipe
c. Find the roots of
value of h in the formula:
the resulting Solution:
equation using
Solution: The LCD is (x + 5)(2).
any of the
methods of Multiplying both sides by the
= 1960 (12) LCD
solving quadratic = 23520
equations. Try
factoring in finding
the roots of the
equation. = 153.36 cm/sec.
x – 3 = 0 or x – 8 = 0 8x = 60 2 (x +1) = x + 5
x = 3 or x = 8 2x + 2 = x + 5
G. Finding practical What is the agricultural Use a variable to represent the Make a design or sketch Play the role of….
applications of product that is usually unknown quantity, and then plan of a table than can be By Group:
concepts and skills in known as source of write an equation from the given Cite and role play a situation
daily living income of Ibaeño? information. Explain how you made out of in real – life situation where
arrived at your answer. (Group plywood and 2” x 3” x 8’ the concept of quadratic and
Solve the following students into 5 and let them wood. Using the design or rational algebraic equation is
equations. Copy the work on these for 20 min) sketch plan, formulate applied. Formulate and solve
letter corresponding to Group 1 – Find the area and problems that involve problems out of these
each equation and write perimeter of one rectangular quadratic equations, then situations.
it above the pathway in your school campus. solve in as many ways as
corresponding answer in Group 2 – Find the length of possible.
the boxes below that fencing materials needed to
contain the answer code. enclose a rectangular lot of
administration building in your
school campus.
Group 3 – Find the area and
perimeter of any rectangular
garden in your school campus.
Group 4 – Find the area and
perimeter of the tarpaulin
needed that will fit to the wall of
the stage in your school
Group 5 – Number of hollow
blocks (5” x 4”) needed to
concretize the 3 walls of your
school campus Pavilion
including the 2 layered hollow
blocks below the ground.
H. Making STEPS IN There are conditions in a given There are conditions in a There are many types of
generalizations and TRANSFORMING problem which when translated given problem which when applied problems involving
abstractions about RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC to the equation form in one translated to the equation rational equation. Success in
the lesson EXPRESSION INTO variable lead to a quadratic form in one variable lead to solving them depends upon:
QUADRATIC equation and two answers are a quadratic equation and 1. Correct analysis of the
EQUATION obtained. In some problems, a two answers are obtained. In problem
set of answers can be some problems, a set of 2. Proper labeling of the
Multiply both sides
discarded. For instance, answers can be discarded. variable(s)
of the equation by negative dimensions of For instance, negative 3. Accurate statement of
the LCM of all rectangles and the negative time dimensions of rectangles the mathematical
denominators. In are disregarded. and the negative time are sentence
the given disregarded. 4. Systematic derivation
equation. of the truth set, and
Write the resulting 5. Proper translation into
the solution set
quadratic equation
in standard form.
a. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by: