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Standard College

Blueprint of

Hospital Management Information


Prepared by:- Teshome Giza

Date:- 09/09/2015
Table of Contents Page
1. INTRODACTION..................................................................................................1
1.1. Background..................................................................................................................1
1.2. The Old System...........................................................................................................1
1.1. Statement Of Problem.................................................................................................2
1.2. Objectivise...................................................................................................................2
1.2.1. General objective...........................................................................................................3
1.2.2. Specific objective...........................................................................................................3
1.3. Feasibility Study..........................................................................................................3
1.4. Scope and Limitation...................................................................................................3
1.4.1. Scope.............................................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Limitation......................................................................................................................3
1.5. The New System..........................................................................................................4
1.6. Target Beneficiary.......................................................................................................4
2. System Requirement...............................................................................................5
2.1. Professional Cost................................................................................................5
2.2. Proposed system..................................................................................................6
2.3. The User Interface...............................................................................................6
2.4. Dataflow Diagram of the HMS system...............................................................7
2.5. Physical Network connection..............................................................................7
2.6. Schedule /Time Duration and Plan of Action......................................................8
3. Conclusion and Recommendation..........................................................................9
References................................................................................................................... 10
In the present era of globalization and advanced technology efficient record keeping cannot
be overemphasized. Imagine the scenario when the manual processes and manual modes of
instruction get replaced with electronic systems. One of such replacement can be done in the
area of patient’s database management system within a hospital. Developing patient database
management system software would benefit the hospital management who can have effortless
access to the data securely and more easily. Hospitals are not excluded in record keeping. The
records kept include patient data, which help to maintain patient’s medical records. The
medical records must have correctly all of the patient medical history. Physicians must
maintain flawless records, because this document serves a number of purposes. It serves as a
communication tool. As an important source of patient information. Well-kept records
usually reflect the level of care given to a patient by the physician. Therefore, medical
records can be used as an evaluation tool. The more complete the record, the better they will
serve the physician and the patient in the event of any action. Patient’s identity which
includes the patient’s first name, last name, sex, age, address, etc.

1.1. Background
A Hospital is a place where Patients come up for general diseases.
Hospitals provide facilities like :
 Consultation by Doctors on Diseases.
 Diagnosis for diseases.
 Providing treatment facility.
 Facility for admitting Patients (providing beds, nursing, medicines etc.)
 Immunization for Patients/Children.
Various operational works that are done in a Hospital are :
 Recording information about the Patients that come.
 Generating bills.
 Recording information related to diagnosis given to patients.
 Keeping record of the immunization provided to children/patients.
 Keeping information about various diseases and medicines available to cure them.

1.2. The Old System

The procedure involved in the current system is that, when a patient visits the hospital for
medication, the patient will first of all buy the identification card which contains name, and

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other relevant information needed, and card identification number. The patient will then wait
for the card to be processed together with a file jacket that holds the card that has column for
diagnosis made by physician, drugs prescribed, and date at the waiting room for the arrival of
the card. When the file arrived, the patient joints the queue to see a doctor. In this current
system, file cabinets are used for keeping individual patient card enclosed in a file. This
system is so tedious in tracing a record file slow in processing of records, space occupied by
the file time waiting while waiting for the patient file to be retrieved by the receptionist.
1.1. Statement Of Problem
Problems with conventional system
1. Lack of immediate retrievals:
The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular information like- E.g. - To
find out about the patient’s history, the user has to go through various registers. This results
in inconvenience and wastage of time.
2. Lack of immediate information storage:
The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at
right place.
3. Lack of prompt updating:
Various changes to information like patient details or immunization details of child are
difficult to make as paper work is involved.
4. Error prone manual calculation:
Manual calculations are error prone and take a lot of time this may result in incorrect
information. For example, calculation of patient’s bill based on various treatments.
5. Preparation of accurate and prompt reports:
This becomes a difficult task as information is difficult to collect from various registers.
1.2. Objectivise
Hospital Information Systems provide a common source of information about a patient’s
health history. The system has to keep data in secure place and controls who can reach the
data in certain circumstances. These systems enhance the ability of health care professionals
to coordinate care by providing a patient’s health information and visit history at the place
and time that it is needed. Patient’s laboratory test information. HIS provide internal and
external communication among health care providers. The Hospital Management Information
System may control organizations, which is Hospital in these case, official documentations,
financial situation reports, personal data, utilities and stock amounts, also keeps in secure

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place patients’ information, patients’ medical history, prescriptions, operations and laboratory
test results.
1.2.1. General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop Hospital Management Information System
to view patient data and patient history for analyzing and care patient.
1.2.2. Specific objective
 to gather patient information
 to identify and organize the requirements
 to model the new system that meets the requirements
 to demonstrate how the system can be implemented and tested

1.3. Feasibility Study

The feasibility study is an evaluations and analysis of the potential of the project. Feasibility
assessment unveils the economic, technical and operational area. Risk that are involved in
implementing of the project .it is a required activity for all information system project and
could potentially be a large undertaking. the following are major feasibly concerns that a
business must be in clear light about
1.4. Scope and Limitation
1.4.1. Scope
We have identified and set the activities that the system majorly covers: -
 Record the patient’s and the doctor /specialist’s information into the database.
 Update the patient’s health status report in every treatment activities.
 Establish and maintain communication between the Health Workers (Specialist,
Laboratory technician and Nurse).
 The system works offline and works on standalone computer

1.4.2. Limitation
 The system does not cover any kind of artificial intelligence supported patient
treatment and care activities.
 The system does not cover the whole scenarios of a patient treatment process rather
includes the basic interactions between the patient and the Doctor.
 The system is not proposed for all patients but for those who are in sever case.
 The system is not able to treat patients by itself, because it is difficult to implement
artificial intelligence in this level.

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1.5. The New System
This new system is designed for medical practitioner/physician to keep track of all patient’s
medical record/information such as diagnosis, drug prescribed, admission and discharged, etc
the new system will take care of the long processes and tedium work involved in tracing and
retrieving a patient’s record in the old system in a nut shell this will improve the efficiency of
the management in a daily work as it can provide required records on time.
1.6. Target Beneficiary
1. Planned approach towards working:
The working in the organization will be well planned and organized. The data will be stored
properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval of information as well as its storage.
2. Accuracy: The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operation
would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the centre is
3. Reliability: The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information.
4. No Redundancy: In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is
repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage space
and consistency in the data stored.
5. Immediate retrieval of information: The main objective of proposed system is to provide
for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of information would be available
whenever the user requires.
6. Immediate storage of information: In manual system there are many problems to store the
largest amount of information.
7. Easy to Operate: The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be
developed within a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.

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2. System Requirement
The hardware and software requirements needed for the effective and efficient running of the
system are described here.
No Item Name Description Quantity Unit Total price
1 COMPUTER DELL OPTIPLEX 10 120000 120000
 RAM size of at
least 1 GB.
 Processor speed
of 4.0 GHZ.
 A storage space
or Hard disk
space of 250 GB.
2 Windows 11 Operating system 10 1500 1500
4 driver Driver pack solution 17.1 10 1500 1500

5 MICROSOFT 2019 PLUS 10 1300 1300

6 DRIVER DRIVERPACK 10 1500 1500
7 ATIVIUS Kaspersky updated 10 1000 1000
Total Hardware and Software Costs 0 birr

2.1. Professional Cost

No Name Responsibility Professional payment
1 Doctor Perform over all
Nurse Perform activity
Receptionist Register Patients
Biologist laboratory diagnostics
pharmacist prescription drugs

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2.2. Proposed system

2.3. The User Interface

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2.4. Dataflow Diagram of the HMS system

2.5. Physical Network connection

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2.6. Schedule /Time Duration and Plan of Action

NO Activities Implementation dates

Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb
1 Identifying Problem
2 Preparing Value chain as
it is
3 Preparing Value chain of
best practice
4 Preparing blue print
5 Design
6 Prepare model
7 Implement technology
8 Make test
9 Maintain
10 Prepare Manual
11 Give training on
Technology for Hospital
Management Information
system technology
12 Transferring Technology

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3. Conclusion and Recommendation

In Conclusion, from a proper analysis and assessment of the designed system, it can be safely
concluded that the system is an efficient, usable and reliable records management system. It
is working properly and adequately meets the minimum expectations that were set for it
initially. The new system is expected to give benefits increased overall productivity,
performance and efficient records management. The paper “Hospital Management
Information System (HMIS)” is for computerizing the daily works carried out in a hospital.
The software takes care of all the requirements of an average hospital and is capable of
providing easy and effective storage of information related to patients that come up to the
hospital. It generates test reports; provide prescription details including various tests, and
medicines prescribed to patients by doctors. It also provides injection details and billing
facility on the basis of patient’s status for both indoor and outdoor patients. The system also
provides the facility of backup as per the requirement.

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 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Technology
Computer Engineering Department Hospital Management System Design and
Implementation BY Ahmed Shamel Noori Ali Fadhil Najem Supervised By Sama
Salam Samaan Thursday 2015 /05/21.
 International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 2(6), ISSN:
2394-9333 www.ijtrd.com IJTRD | Nov - Dec 2015 Available
Online@www.ijtrd.com 286 Designing A Web Based Hospital Management System
for MOUAU Clinic
 Hospital Management System Software Engineering Project Report MATA SUNDRI

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