Philippinelit DLPDone
Philippinelit DLPDone
Philippinelit DLPDone
Prepared by :
Angelica A. Sanda
I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. define literature;
b. distinguish the major divisions and genres of literature ;
c. appreciate the importance of literature ; and
d. compose a free verse English Poem that focuses on the significance
of self-management.
II. Content
a. Topic: Major Devisions and Genres of Literature
b. Materials: Printed materials and white board marker
c. References: Philippine literature Instructional Learning guide page (1-3)
III. Procedure
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
A. Preliminaries
Good Morning class! Good afternoon ma'am!
Let us stand and pray. May I request Joan (Students will pray)
lead us into a prayer.
Checking of attendance
Please be seated. I will now check your
attendance. If your name will be called ,
say "present''
So what was our topic last meeting? Last meeting ma'am our lesson is all about
Anyone? the introduction to literature.
Well said.
Very good!
C. Presentation
Based from the activity you did a while
ago. What do you think is our topic today? I think ma'am we are going to discuss
Anyone? Yes Jemar? about the major division of literature.
Very Good!
D. Discussion
So, what are the two major division of These are prose and poetry , ma’am.
literature? Anyone?
Well said.
PROSE is a division of literature which
covers a literary work that is spoken or
written. There are two subdivisions of
prose and these are the Fiction and Non-
How about the two subdivisions of (Students will raise their hands)
poetry? Anyone? Fiction and non fiction ma'am
Very Good!
Based on your own ideas , what do you When we say fiction ma'am it is created
think is the difference between fiction and through the imagination of the writers
non-fiction class? while non- fiction it is based from facts,
real events and real people.
Very Good.
Now let’s proceed to Poetry.
POETRY is a division of literary works
which is expressed in verse, measure,
rhythm, sound, and imaginative language.
E. Generalization
What do you think is the differences (The students will raised their right
between the prose and poetry? Anyone? hands.)
For me ma'am prose can be spoken and
written while in poetry it has a verse,
measure, rhythm, sound, and imaginative
Yes, Exactly!
What do you think is the importance of Through poetry we can understand and
literature? respect the viewpoints of people across
the globe. We can adapt greater
understanding, not only of literature and
language, but ourselves and in the world
we live in.
Very good!
IV. Evaluation
True or False (Quiz)
Direction: Read and analyzed carefully the following statements.Write "True " if the statement
is correct and "False" if not .Place your answer before the number.
V. Assignment
Direction: Search and read the story entitled "The Necklace " by Guy de Maupassant. Identify
the essential parts of the plot in the story.