STPM 2019 Sem 2u
STPM 2019 Sem 2u
STPM 2019 Sem 2u
1 The thermochemical equation for the disproportionation reaction of MgCl is given below.
The standard enthalpy of formation of MgCl, is -641 kJ mol-l. Which statement is not true
about the thermochemical equation?
+7 66 kJ
Na Na.(g) + Cl-(g)
+494 kJ -368 kJ
Na(s) + 1cl"rs)
L \\)./'
+230 kJ
atg) + Cl s)
D The total standard enthalpy of atomisation of sodium and chlorine is +230 kJ mol 1.
D E'unis +1.14 V.
The reactions and standard reduction potentials for several half-cells are given below.
Reaction E"IY
Co3*(aq) + e- +l .82
=== Co2*(aq)
Or(g) +Zld*(aq) +2e = - H2O(1) +t.23
- -0.26
Ti3*(aq) + e- =- Ti2*(aq) -0.37
7 The fust eight successive ionisation energies of element Mis given below.
8 An element, X, is in Period 3 of the Periodic Table which has n protons in its nucleus. X has a
high melting point but a poor electoical conductor while another element, Y,has (n + 1) protons in
its nucleus. Which statement is trueabout
,r.]"....r.r,.,, .:.
B ::
Iiormsanamphoterico"id".i' " "
C lhas a higher melting point thanX.
D lhas a lower first ionisation energy thanX.
9 The first four ionisation energies of an element, Q,inkJ mollare 900, 1800, 14800 and
21 000. The oxide of Q is an amphoteric and its chloride dissolves in water to produce an acidic
solution. What is p?
A Beryllium B Boron c Magnesium D Aluminium
11 The standard enthalpies of vaporisation of QClo and RCl, are +32.5 kJ molr and
+28.7 kJ mol.l respectively. which is the correct properties of
ecloand RClo?
A QClois more thermally stable thanrRCl.
B QCIohas a higher boiling point than rRClo.
C Q-Cl bond is stronger than R-Cl bond.
D Q-Cl bond is more polar than R-Clbond.
12 'fhe relative stabilities of +2 and +4 oxidation states for the elements in Group 14 are shown
in the graph below.
Relative stability
Si -Ge Sn Pb Element
13 why does the volatility of halogens, xr, decreases with increasing proton number?
A The size ofdincreases
14 When sodium salt, NaXis warmed with concentrated H2SO4, white fumes evolves. What could
be observed if a few drops of aqueous AgNO, are added to aqussus solution of NaX.l
A Awhite precipitate is formed.
B A yellow precipitate is formed.
C A colourless solution is formed.
D A cream coloured precipitate is formed.
all questions.
(o) Name a dilute acid that is commonly used as electrolyte in the anodisation prooess. t1l
(b) Write equations for the reactions which occur at the anode. 121 t)
(c) Explain why anodisation process can produce durable components of aluminium. 12)
(fl When a constant electric current flows for 3.75 hours through the electrolytic cell, there
is an increase of 15.3 g in mass of aluminium oxide at the anode. Calculate the amount of culrent
(a) State two factors that determine the colour of Il[Cr(CrO4)3].3H2O. 121
You may answer all the questions but, only the first two answers will be marked. Write the
answers on the answer sheets provided, Begin each answer on q na4) page of the answer sheet.
18 (a) The standard enthalpies of formation of HrO, MgO and Mg(OH), are -285.9 kJ mol 1,
-601 .8 kJ m ol-1 and-924.8 kJ mol1, respectively. Calculate the standard enthalpy of decomposition
of Mg(OH)r. t5l
(b) When 3.88 g NH4NO3 is dissolved in 60.0 g water in a calorimeter, the temperature drops
from 25.0 "C to 20.4 oC.
lspecific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J g-t anddensity of water is 1.00 g cm-31
(i) Calculate the standardenthalpy,e!4qge,gf t-he solution. t5l
(ii) Explain why the standard enthalpy changgpf fhe solution is endothermic. tsl
19 (a) Ca and Sr are two solid elements. Compare the melting points of these elements. 141
(b) X and Y are elements of Group 2 of the Periodic Table. X reacts with O, to form an
amphoteric oxide, while lreacts with O, to form IOr. Identi$r X and Y, andexplain their reactivity
towards Or. t8l
(c) lvlSOo is an ionic compound. Its standard hydration and lattice energies are -104.0 kJ
mol l and -12.8 kJ moL 1, respectively. Explain the solubility of the compound in water. t3l
20 (a) MClois the least thermally stable chloride in Group 14. MCI is also easily hydrolysed.
(i) Identify the chloride and explain its thermal stability. tsl
(ii) Describe the molecular shape of MCl4. l2l
(iii) Explain why MCl4 is easily hydrolysed. t4l
(b) Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral and a source of lithium. Describe the structure of
spodumene and draw its repeating units. 141