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LP Rascel

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Detailed Lesson Plan in PEH 2

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Identify the five senses
b. Determine the organ associated with each sense
c. Demonstrate the uses of this sense

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Five Senses
b. Reference: http://gabrielslibrary.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-father-goes-to-court-carlos-
c. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Video clips, Pictures
d. Values: Being aware to their senses
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Daily Routine

1.1 Greetings
Good Day Teacher!
Good day, Grade 2 students!

I am R ascel L. Sumalinog , but you can call

me Ma’am Rascel. And today, I will be your
Physical Education teacher.

1.2 Prayer

Before we begin our lesson for toclass!day, let’s

ask guidance from our Almighty God for a
meaningful learning experience today.
Who will lead the prayer?
Dianne. Let us bow our head and pray.

1.3 Checking of Attendance

May I know who is absent? None, ma’am!

Very good! Glad to know that everyone is


Let’s give everyone a round of applause.

2. Drill

For today, we shall start our learning adventure

with a dancing Exercise.
Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!
Are the directions clear with you class?
Yes, ma’am!

I feel your excitement and energy in the first
activity. Don’t you worry because I have
prepared several activities for you today.

3. Review

Class, what was our lesson last meeting?


Very good!

Now, what is an adjective?



I will show you a picture. What you are going

to do is to describe it in one word.

Do you understand, class? Beautiful

1st Picture:

Catriona Gray is beautiful inside

and out.

The adjective in the given sentence

is “beautiful”.
Now, who can give me a sentence using the
word “beautiful”?
It modifies/ describes Catriona
Lindy. Gray.


In the sentence given, what is the adjective?

It is a noun, ma’am!


That’s right!

What does the word “beautiful” modify?


What part of speech is the word/name

“Catriona Gray”?


Very good!

I’m very glad that you have really understood

our previous lesson. And I’m pretty sure that
you are ready for a new topic.

Its purpose is to listen, ma’am.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Preparation

1.1 Setting of Standards

We should participate in the
Now, as we go on with our lesson proper, let discussion and cooperate in the
us observe the following rules. group activities.

We should show love, ma’am!

What is the purpose of the ear?

Very good! First rule is you should listen Yes, ma’am!

when your teacher is talking.
What is the 2nd rule based on the 2nd photo?

You got it right!

How about the last rule based on the 3 rd


Great! We show love by respecting one

another, and that is our last rule.

Can I expect all of these from you, class?


1.2 Motivation
Yes, ma’am!
Before we proceed to our lesson proper, let’s
have an activity first.

I call this activity as “Show Me.” With the

name itself, I want you to show me one thing
which makes you happy. It can be a picture,
an object, or anything.
I think our new lesson today has
You are given 30 seconds to find that thing something to do with a person’s
and the first 5 persons who can show the happiness.
thing to me will have to strike a pose of a
happy person, then, they will be recognized
as winners for this activity and will be given
extra points.

Are my instructions clear with you, class?

Your time starts now…

Now, what do you think is our new lesson



You got it right!

2. Presentation

Today we will discuss a story that will show

what happiness truly means. The title of the
story is “My Father Goes to Court”.

In our learning adventure today, you, students

are expected to do the following:

a. determine the important details of the short

story “My Father Goes to Court”;

b. share your understanding about the essence

of happiness and contentment based on

personal experiences; and
c. perform a skit which shows the most
interesting part of the story.

But before that, let us know first the man behind

this story.

About the Author:

 Carlos S. Bulosan was a Filipino-
American novelist and poet.
 He was born in Binalonan, Pangasinan Yes, ma’am!
but at the age of 17, he immigrated to
America in 1930.
 His best-known works are “America is
in the Heart” and “My Father Goes to
Court” Lawyer

3. Unlocking of Difficulties

Before we read the story, let’s unlock some

difficult words that can be found in the selection
through Word Scramble game. Judge

All you have to do is to arrange the jumbled

letters in each item to reveal the word being
defined. Use the given pictures as your clues.

You are given 15 seconds for each item. Court

Am I making myself clear, class?

1. is a licensed professional who advises and
represents others in legal matters

W L Y R E A Gavel

2. a public official appointed to decide cases in

a court of law Complaint


3. a tribunal presided over by a judge, judges,

or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases


4. a small mallet with which an auctioneer, a

judge, or the chair of a meeting hits a
surface to call for attention or order


5. A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory

or unacceptable

A C P I L N T M O 1. The story happened in the

island of Luzon.
2. The narrator together with his
4. Discussion family.
3. Their neighbor was a rich man
“My Father Goes to Court” and had a tall house.
by: Carlos S. Bulosan

When I was four, I lived with my mother Now, this rich man’s servants were
and brothers and sisters in a small town on the always frying and cooking
island of Luzon. We had a very rich man something good, and the aroma of
neighbor, whose sons and daughters seldom the food was wafted down to us
came out of the house. While we boys and girls form the windows of the big house.
played and sang in the sun, his children stayed We stood outside and took all the
inside and kept the windows closed. His house wonderful smells of the food into
was so tall that his children could look in the our beings.
window of our house and watched us played, or
slept, or ate.
1. The stood outside and took all
the wonderful smells of the
Questions: food.
1. Where did the story happen?

2. Who lived there?

3. Describe their neighbor.

1. They became healthy because

they went out in the sun and
bathed in the cool water of the
2. They claimed laughter as their
only wealth.

1. What did the family do when the rich As time went on, the rich
man’s servants were frying and cooking? man’s children became thin and
anemic, while we grew even more
robust and full of fire. Our faces
Some days the rich man appeared at a were bright and rosy, but theirs
window and glowered down at us. He looked at were pale and sad.
us one by one, as though he were condemning
us. We were all healthy because we went out in
the sun and bathed in the cool water of the river 1. The rich man’s children
that flowed from the mountains into the sea. became sick while the poor
We were always in the best of spirits and our man’s children were healthy.
laughter was contagious. Laughter was our only

1. How did they become healthy?

2. What did the family claim as their wealth?

1. It was the rich man who filed a

complaint against the poor

2. The rich man’s complaint was

that the poor man was stealing
the spirits of his wealth and
Question: 3. I think ma’am, the poor man
1. Compare the children of the rich man and would not plead guilty of the
the children of the poor man. rich man’s accusation.

One morning a policeman came to our house When the day came for us to
with a sealed paper. The rich man had filed a appear in court, we were the first to
complaint against us. Father went to the town arrive. Father sat on a chair in the
clerk and asked him what it was about. He told center of the courtroom. The rich
Father the man claimed that for years we had man arrived. He had grown old and
been stealing the spirit of his wealth and food. weak; his face was scarred with
deep lines. With him was his young
Questions: lawyer. Spectators came in and
1. Who filed a complaint against the poor almost filled the chairs. The judge
man? entered the room and sat on a high

2. What was the rich man’s complaint against 1. The rich man looked old and
the poor man? weak when he appeared at the

3. What do you think would happen next in the


Father got up and said, “I would

Questions: like to see the children of the
1. How did the rich man look like when he complainant, Judge.” “Bring the
appeared at the courtroom? children of the complainant.” They
came shyly. The spectators covered
their mouths with their hands.
After the courtroom preliminaries, the judge They were so amazed to see the
looked at father. “Do you have a lawyer?” he children so thin and pale. The
asked. “I don’t need a lawyer judge.” He said. children walked silently to a bench
“Proceed,” said the judge. and sat down without looking up.

The rich man’s lawyer jumped and pointed

his finger at Father, “Do you or do you not 1. The spectators were amazed upon
agree that you have been stealing the spirit of seeing the children because they
the complainant’s wealth and food?” looked so sick—thin and pale.

“I do not!” Father said. “Do you or do you

not agree that you and your family hung outside
your windows and inhaled the heavenly spirit of
the food?” “I agree,” Father said.

“How do you account for that?”

1. Why do you think the spectators were
amazed upon seeing the children of the
rich man?

Father could not say anything at first. 1. Maybe, he would pay the rich
Finally, he said, “I should like to cross – man with money.
examine the complaint.”

“Proceed.” He walked over to where we

children were sitting on the bench
“Do you claim that we stole the spirit of your and took my straw hat off my lap
wealth and became a laughing family while and began filling it up with centavo
yours became gloomy and sad?” Father said. pieces that he took out of his
pockets. He strode into the other
“Yes.” room with the hat in his hands. It
was almost full of coins.
“Do you claim that we stole the spirit of your
food by hanging outside your windows when “Are you ready?” Father called.
your servants cooked it?” Father said.
“Proceed.” The judge said.
The sweet tinkle of the coins
“Then we are going to pay you right now,” carried beautifully in the
Father said. courtroom. Father came back and
stood before the complaint.

Question: “Did you hear it?” he asked.

1. How do you think would the poor man pay
the rich man? “Hear what?” the man asked.

“The spirit of the money when I

shook this hat?” he asked.


“Then you are paid,” Father said.

The rich man opened his mouth to

speak and fell to the floor without a
sound. The lawyer rushed to his
aid. The judge pounded his gravel.

“Case dismissed.” He said.

1. The father wanted to convey

that the jingling of the coins
was a fair equivalent to being
charged to pay for the spirit of
food, which his family
supposedly got from its smell.

2. He meant that that his

payment, the spirit of the coins,
was fair payment for the spirit
of food which his family
supposedly got.

1. What did the father want to convey
when he shook the hat with the coins in

The author of the story “My Father

Goes to court” is Carlos Bulosan.

2. What did he mean by saying, “Then you

are paid”?
The story revolved on two families,
the rich and the poor.

Father walked around the courtroom. The Being contented and happy in life
judge even came down to his high chair to is the message shown in the story.
shake hands with him. “You like to hear my
family laugh, judge?” Father asked “Why not?”
“Did you hear that children?” Father said. My
sister started it. The rest of us followed them
and soon the spectators were laughing with us,
holding their bellies and bending over the
chairs. And the laughter of the judge was the
loudest of all. None, ma’am!

C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization

Ask the learners:

1. Who is the author of the story that we For me ma’am, being contented in
discussed earlier? life is the only way to be happy.

Very good!

2. What was the story all about?

Good job!

3. What is the message of the story?


The story shows that living a simple life and

being contented is much better that living in a
luxurious place but lonely.

Do you have questions about the story?

Yes, ma’am!

2. Valuing

Now class, what do you think is the connection

of “Happiness” and “Contentment”?
That’s a great answer!
From the story, we can conclude that if you are
contented of what you have in life, you are
happy. Just like with the poor family, although
they don’t have everything, still they’re
contented. And that’s the essence of real

3. Application (Differentiated Tasks)

I will divide the class into three (3) groups.

Each group will be given a task to accomplish.
You are given five (5) minutes to accomplish
your tasks. Afterwards, you will present it in the

Did you get my instructions, class?

Perform a skit that shows the most
interesting part of the story.


Draw an image or symbol that shows the
economic differences of the families with a
short quotation.


Think of a song related to happiness. Sing
the intro and the chorus parts.

You will be rated according to the following


 Content - 40 points
 Delivery - 30 points
 Creativity - 20 points
 Cooperation - 10 points
Total - 100 points

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Determine whether each statement is true or false based on the story. Write true if the
is true; otherwise, write false.
_______1. The rich man’s family and the narrator’s family get along very well.
_______2. The poor man’s family stole the aroma of the food.
_______3. The poor man’s family paid the rich man through the spirit of money.
_______4. The judge didn’t file for guilt on the poor father.
_______5. The narrator’s family moved to town because their farm had flooded by the sudden
Philippine Typhoon.
_______6. The narrator’s family lived a happy life.
_______7. Money can buy us happiness.
_______8. Rich man’s family lived a happy life.
_______9. Money is everything.
______10. The narrator’s family have a healthy life.

V. Agreement
Bring a picture of someone who makes you happy. At the back of the picture, give 5 reasons why
does he/she make you happy.

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