My Father Goes To Court Plan
My Father Goes To Court Plan
My Father Goes To Court Plan
C. Presentation
Very good! Raise your hands if you
This is called “Flip that feelings” want to answer.
each color has a question you need Wait for your name to be
to answer that will define who or called.
what makes you happy. Do not interrupt the
Today we will discuss a story that discussion.
will show what happiness truly Do not make a noise.
means. And the title is?
But first who is this man?
E. Generalization
The whole family stood outside
8 picture: did the poor man asked and inhaled the heavenly spirit
Happiness is priceless.
Communication – 5
Presentation – 5
Cooperation – 5
Behaviour – 5
IV. Evaluation
True or False: Write true if the statement is true, otherwise write false.
_______1. The rich man’s family and the narrator’s family get along very well.
_______2. The poor man’s family stole the aroma of the food.
_______3. The poor man’s family paid the rich man through the spirit of money.
_______4. The judge didn’t filed for guilt on the poor father.
_______5. The narrator’s family moved to town because their farm had flooded by the
sudden Philippine Typhoon.
_______6. The narrator’s family lived a happy life.
_______7. Money can buy us happiness.
_______8. Rich man’s family lived a happy life.
_______9. Money is everything.
______10. The narrators family have a healthy life.
V. Assignment
Bring a picture of someone who makes you happy, at the back of the picture. Give 5 reasons
on how do they make you happy.
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