Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
• The measured quantity is always disturbed by the act of measurement, which makes a
perfect measurement theoretically impossible. Good instruments are designed to
minimize this effect.
Variable Conversion Element (Signal Conditioning):
• Sometimes the output of the primary sensing element may not be suited
to the system so the output is converted to some other suitable form
while preserving the information content of the original signal. e.g.
Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC).
• It may be necessary to convert the output signal of the primary sensing
element to another more suitable variable while keeping the information
content of the original signal.
• For instance, the displacement-measuring strain gauge has an output in
the form of a varying resistance. The resistance change cannot be easily
measured and so it is converted to a change in voltage by a bridge circuit,
which is a typical example of a variable conversion element.
• By manipulation it is meant a change in numerical value of the signal
according to some definite rule, or an increase in amplitude or power of
the input signal, keeping the original nature of the signal (physical
variable) preserved.
• Certain operations, like attenuation, amplification, addition, subtraction,
integration, differentiation, filtering, modulation, and sampling etc. are
performed on the signal to bring it to the desired form for the next stage
of measurement system to accept.
Data Transmission Element:
When functional element of an instrument are actually physically separated,
it becomes necessary to transmit the data from one to another.
• The stage which comprises signal conditioning and data transmission is
known as Intermediate Stage.
Instrument for monitoring (visual display analog or digital devices ), control,
or analysis purposes.
• Output may be numerical or graphical, discrete or continuous, permanent
or temporary.
• Data Analysis: Statistics, Probability, Fourier domain, Error and Uncertainty,
• Monitoring: Ammeters and Voltmeters
• Recording: magnetic tapes, storage type CRT, and digital computers
• Control and Analysis: Computers and Microprocessors.
Sensors & Transducers
A sensor is a primary element in instruments that detects the
magnitude of a physical quantity under investigation (e.g. pressure,
temperature, level, flow rate, position, velocity, acceleration, chemical
concentration, etc.) and converts it to an electrical signal (i.e. voltage)
An actuator is a device used to produce a motion or an action
(Signal Conditioning)
magnitude of the voltage signal is increased
signal inversion, differentiation, integration,
Ensure that recorded values are accurate indicators of variables sensed
A/D Conversion:
conversion of analog and continuous time signals as measured by
the sensor and modified by the signal conditioning circuitry into a
form a computer can understand
(Signal Conditioning)
Elements of Measurement System-Pressure Thermometer
Example - Strain Gage
Elongation or shrinking
of resistive grid –
change in resistance
Signal Conditioner:
Change in resistance
causes change in voltage
Change in voltage is
converted to strain
Essential elements of measurement
Physical variable Signal Output
Sensor Transducer
behavior (measurand) conditioner display
Variable conversion
Active and Passive Instruments:
Instruments are divided into active or passive ones according to
whether the instrument output:
• is entirely produced by the quantity being measured, or
• the quantity being measured simply modulates the magnitude of
some external power source