This document contains a compiler construction exam for a 7th semester BE Computer Science and Engineering student, to be held on September 26th, 2022 for 2 hours with 5 questions worth a total of 35 marks and weighing 25% of the course. The exam will be proctored by 5 faculty members and requires the student to answer all questions with proper justification, assuming any missing data.
This document contains a compiler construction exam for a 7th semester BE Computer Science and Engineering student, to be held on September 26th, 2022 for 2 hours with 5 questions worth a total of 35 marks and weighing 25% of the course. The exam will be proctored by 5 faculty members and requires the student to answer all questions with proper justification, assuming any missing data.
This document contains a compiler construction exam for a 7th semester BE Computer Science and Engineering student, to be held on September 26th, 2022 for 2 hours with 5 questions worth a total of 35 marks and weighing 25% of the course. The exam will be proctored by 5 faculty members and requires the student to answer all questions with proper justification, assuming any missing data.
This document contains a compiler construction exam for a 7th semester BE Computer Science and Engineering student, to be held on September 26th, 2022 for 2 hours with 5 questions worth a total of 35 marks and weighing 25% of the course. The exam will be proctored by 5 faculty members and requires the student to answer all questions with proper justification, assuming any missing data.
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
B E- COE, CSE (VII Semester) MST Course Code: UCS802
Course Name: Compiler Construction September 26, 2022 10:30 Time: 2 Hours, M. Marks: 35 Name Of Faculty: Karun Verma, Sunita Weightage: 25 Garhwal, Avadh Kishor, Rupali Bhardwaj, Rohit Ahuja
Note: Attempt all questions with proper justification. Assume missing data, if any, suitably.
Ql.a Consider the statement
counter = counter + interest*60 (5+2) Apply each phase of the compiler on the above statement to generate the target code. Q1.b Consider the given grammar S -4 SS + I SS *Ia Draw the parse tree for the string: aa+a*
Q2 Given the regular expression r = (al b)*Iba (2+3+2)
a) Convert the given r into NFA using Thompson's construction. b) Convert the obtained NFA into DFA using subset construction. c) Minimize the obtained DFA in 2 (b).
Q3 Consider the given grammar (3+2+2)
S —> AaAbIBbBa A —> E B -4 E a) Construct First and Follow sets for the non-terminals. b) Construct the LL(1) parsing table c) Show the parsing stack and the actions for the string: ba Q4 Consider the given grammar (4+3) S-* Ilother I —> if SI if S else S a) Construct LR(0) items for the given grammar. b) Construct the DFA of LR(0) items. Q5 a) Check whether the given grammar is ambiguous or not. (2+2+3) E —> E + ESE * EIid b) Remove left recursion of the grammar Q —> QLIL. c) Explain in brief the kind of errors handled by lexical and syntax analysis phase of a compiler.