Week-4-Q1-Gen Chem-Sep-18-22-Dll
Week-4-Q1-Gen Chem-Sep-18-22-Dll
Week-4-Q1-Gen Chem-Sep-18-22-Dll
C. Learning 1. Name compounds given their formula and write formula given the name of the compound (STEM_GC11AMlc-e-23)
with LC code
At the end of one-week discussion, the students will be able to:
1. Name compounds based on the given rules.
2. Write a formula given the name of a compound.
3. List the basic compounds that can be found at home and give their uses.
D. Integration Within the curriculum:
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Learning Activity Sheets Week 2A
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Laptop, Scissors, Questionnaires, Strips of Paper, Felt-tip-pen
● Checking of attendance
● Setting of rules
A. Reviewing Teaching
● The teacher will ask ● The teacher will ask about
previous lesson Ask the learners to recall Related
or presenting the importance of isotopes in Activities students about the the pointers of the topics
new lesson all aspect. activities done the past discussed the past day.
● Graphical Representations:
● Create bar graphs or pie
charts to visually represent
the cost breakdown of
components in different
products. Students can
analyze these graphs to
identify patterns and
B. Establishing a ● The teacher will let the
● ● The teacher will let the ● The teacher will let the ● The teacher will let the
purpose for the students read the objectives for
lesson the week. students read the students read the students read the
objectives for the week. objectives for the week. objectives for the week.
C. Presenting Begin by motivational - . After the preliminary activity, •After the preliminary activity, After the preliminary activity,
examples/ activities the teacher will proceed to the Review the lesson and
Instances of the •
1. Formula Speed Challenge: differentiated tasking. activities for a quiz.
new lesson Cr • Begin with a brief
eate flashcards with chemical •Using the same groupings,
overview of the importance
formulas on one side and the students will gather by
of chemical compounds in
compound names on the group in a designated area.
everyday life..
other. •Each group will be given an
activity sheet.
vide the class into teams.
Set a timer and see which Compound Selection :
team can match the most
formulas to their names Provide students with a list
correctly in a given time. of chemical compounds
(both names and
Questions: formulas).
The formula for sodium sulfate is
Allow each group to
choose one compound
The name for the compound
they will represent
Al₂O₃ is _____.
A covalent compound formed
between sulfur and oxygen has
the formula _____.
The formula for magnesium
Art Creation (visual-
chloride is _____. spatial intelligence):
Students or groups should
use their chosen
compound as inspiration to
create an artwork that
visually represents the
Encourage them to use
colors, shapes, and
symbols to convey the
elements and ratios in the
Students can also include
the chemical name and
formula within their
Promote linguistic
intelligence by having
students discuss and
describe the compounds.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Assign students to reflect
on their learning process
and jot down any
questions or challenges
they encountered.
Gather the class and
facilitate a group
D. Discussing new Follow up questions: Evaluate the artwork based on Follow-up questions can help
concepts and Rubrics: deepen students' understanding
1. Why is it essential to have a of common isotopes and their
practicing new systematic way of naming creativity 40%,
skills #1 uses while encouraging critical
chemical compounds? thinking and discussion. Here are
accuracy 50%in representing the
2. How do you think chemists around compound, and some follow-up questions related
the world communicate to this topic:
inclusion of the name and formula
effectively despite language
barriers, using chemical formulas
and names as their universal How can scientists determine the
language? age of a sample using radiometric
Interpersonal intelligence dating techniques?
• Assess students' What types of isotopes are
participation in discussions during commonly used in such dating
the gallery walk and reflection. methods?
E. Continuation of Facilitate a class discussion on the Sum up the key point of the
discussion of new Discussion of Naming and writing whole week topic.
Follow-up questions
concepts leading Chemical Formula
to formative can help deepen
assessment students'
understanding of
What did you learn about
chemical compounds
through this activity?
How did representing
compounds artistically help
you remember them?
Did you find this activity
Points Criteria
3 Answer is scientifically
explained consistent to the
concepts, and has no
3 Answer is scientifically
explained consistent to the
concepts, and has no
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lessons.
D. No. Learners who continue to require remediation
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
- The group finished the given task on time. The task given was executed well. The presentation was clear and direct to the point. All of the members was given
the chance to do the given task.
- The group finished the given task on time however it was not executed well. There are some parts that are not right. The presentation was somehow clear and
direct to the point. Only five (5) members was given the chance to do the given task.
- The group finished the task late. The presentation and the outcome of the task was not good. It was not clear, and it was presented just to have a presentation
in the group.