Double Reinforcement Beam
Double Reinforcement Beam
Double Reinforcement Beam
Solutlon.Given: b= 300 mm d = 550 50 = 500 mm
A,, = 2500 mm A,, 400 mm?
SA =25 N/mm? [For M25 concrete|
s, = 500' (For Fe 500 steel)
d' 50
d S00
e Depth ofneutral axis
0.87 × f,A,, - fAse 0.87 x 500 × 2500 412 x 400
0.36 fa b 0.36 x 25 x 300
x, = 341.7 mm
=0.46 d [For Fe 500, Table 4.2]
= 0.46 x 500
X mor 230 mm
x umar' Hence, the section is over reinforced. As per code, for an over-reinforced section the
moment of resistance is limited to balanced moment of resistance.
u =u may = 230 mm
Moment of resistance (M,)
M, = 0.36fabx max (d-0.42 x, ma) +fA (d -)
M, = 0.36x 25 x 300 × 230 (500 -500 x 0.42 x 230) +412 x 400 (500 50)
M, = 324671400 Nmm
M, = 32A.67 kNm
Ast2 0.87 f, (d- d')
5. Determine Ast A., =Ast, t Ast Choose suitable diameter of bar and provide them.
6. Determine area of compression steel (A,)
A.gc Mu2
fse (d- d')
Provide A, by choosing suitable diameter of the bar
7. Check for deflection control
100 A
P, = bd and f, = 0.58f, Ast provided find k,, from Fig. 6.1
A_t reqd.
P. =
100Asc find k, from Fig. 6.2
(4) max
= 20x k, x ke
= 7x k, xke
[For simply supported beam)
(For cantilever beam]
then OK.
(4).. (2) provided
then redesign the section.
Doubiy Reinforced Beams 193
Note: Designfor flexure is till step 7, however, for full design of beams follow the steps 8, 9 and
8. CCheck for shear is to be done in the same way as explained in Chapter 5.
9. Checkfor development length by satisfying codal provision
10. Design summary and a sketch showing reinforcement detailing.
Design charts and tables are given in design aids for design of doubly reinforced sections. These
design charts/tables are prepared by using the equations already developed in Section 7.3.1 and 7.3.2.
These charts design and design tables have been prepared for a given concrete mix, type of steel
the value d (cover to compression steel). In charts 19 and 20 of "Design Aids' A,t, has been
plotted against(d - d') for different values of M,, for mild steel reinforcement (, =:250 N/mm', 0.875,
175 Nmm´). For other grades of steel, A., and A, can be obtained by multiplying the values taken
fromthese charts by the factors given in Table 7.2 of Design Aids.
TABLE 7.2. Multiplying Factors for Design Charts
Multiplying Factor Factor for A,. for d'ld
(Nmm for Ad 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
415 0.60 0.63 0.63 0.65 0.68
500 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.60
P, = Prlim t Pt
Ast Mu2
0.87 f, (d - d')
0.87 x 415 (500 - 50)
= 254.2 mm
No. of bars reqd. = 314
= 4.3 say 5
i Provide 5-20 mm diameter bar as tension steel.
196 Reinforced Cement
Area of compression steel (4,)
Concrete Deslgn
J (d- d')
353(500 50)
A. = 260.2 mm
.". Area of one 16 mm dia bar = 4 x 16 = 201 mm
260.2 = 1.3 say 2
No. of 16 mm dia bars reqd. = 201
.:. Provide 2-16 mm diameter bars as compression steel.
Example 7.7. A beam 250 mm x 550 mm effective is subjected to afactored
300 kNm. Determine the area of steel required. Use M20 concrete and Fe 250 steel. Assume d bending =50moment
Solution. Given: b= 250 mm mm.
d = 550 mm
d''= 50 mm
M, = 300 kNm =300 x 10° Nmm
fa = 20 N/mm [For M20 concrete]
s, = 250 N/mm² [For Fe 250 steell
d' 50
d S50
= 0.09, taking next higher value i.e., 0.1
= 0.1 and Fe 250 [From Table 7.11
Se = 217 Nmm?
Limiting moment of resistance M,u lim
Mu lim 0.36Jb. x max (d-0.42 max)
Xu max = 0.53d [From Table 4.2)
= 0.53 x 550 = 291.5 mm
M, lim = 0.36 x 20 x 250 x 291.5 (550 0.42 x 291.5)
= 224345979 Nmm
=224.3x 10° Nmm
M, = M, - M,lim
= 300 x 10º 224345979
= 75654021 Nmm
Area of tension steel (A,)
As1 0.87 f, (d -0.42 x max)
= 2412.4 mm
0.87 x 250(550-0.42 >x 291.5)
RelnforcedBeams 197
Mi, 7564021
As1 0.87 f, (d- d') 0.87 x 250(550 - 50)
= 695 mm?
A, = A, +Asf, =2412.4 + 695
A, = 3108.1 mm?
Area of one bar= 4 x25 =490.8 mm
No. of bars reqd. = 490.8 =6.3 say 7
diameter bars.
steel (A.,)
Area of compression
M, 75654021
Ase se (d-d') 217 (550 - 50)
A, = 692.3 mm
Using 16 mm
Area of one bar = Lx16' =201 mm
No. of bars reqd = =3.4 say 4
Example 7.8. Design a rectangular beam 230 mm x 600 mm over an effective span of 5 m.
The superimposed load on the beam in 50 kN/m. Effective cover to reinforcement is taken as 50 mm.
Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Solution. Given: b = 230mm, d = 600- 50= 550 mm
l= 5 m Ja =20 N/mm
Imposed load = 50 kN/m = 415 N/mm
I Design or factored load
Self weight = 0.23 x 0.6 x 1x 25 = 3.45 KNm (Unit weight of R.C.C. =25 kNm')
Imposed load = 50 KN/m
Total load = 53.45 kN/m
Design load/factored load = 1.5 x 53.45
w, = 80.175 kN/m
IDesign moment (M,) and design
shear (V)
80.175 x 5?
M, = 8 8
M, = 250.55 KNm
80.175 >x5
Reinforced Cement
V,, = W, X 2
V, = 200.4 KN
2 Concret De
d' 50
d S50 -=0.09, taking higher value of 0.1, from Table 71
J =353 N/mm
Area of compression steel (A,)
fe (d- d') 353 (550 - 50) =388.6 mm
Using 16 mm diameter bar
Area of one bar = X162
Ast Mulim
0.87 f, (d-0.42 x,
0.87 x 415 (550 0.42 x 246)
Asi =1128.3 mm
Mu2 68583288.3
Astz 0.87 f, (d - d') 0.87 x 415x (550-50)
= 380 mm
A, = x 20 =314 mm?
Number of bars required = = 4.8 say 5
Reinforced Beams
provided = 1570 mm)
5-20 mm dia bars, (A
Provide curtailed at a distance of 0.08 = 0.08 x 5000 = 400 mm from the supports.
.: (wobars
of for deflection
=9.09 <21.36
provided 550
(). provided
,hence OK.
IDesign of shear
V, = 200.4 kN
200.4 x 10
230 x 550
=1.58 N/mm?
P, =
100. A_ 100 x 942
bd 230 × 550
For M20
concrete, P, ==0.75 from Table 5.1
T =0.56 N/mm
> hence shear reinforcement is to be
Shear resistance of provided
us= V-Tob= 200.4 x 10 0.56 × 230 x 550 = 129560 N
S, =
0.87 f,.A, 0.87 x 415 x 100.5
0.4b 0.4 x 230 =394 mm
The maX spacing should also be less than following:
(i) 0.75d =0.75 x 550 = 412.5 mm
(ii) 300 mm
.:. Provide 2 lgd 8 mm @ 150 mm
The arrangement of reinforcement of bars in shown in Fig. 7.4.
2 lgd 8 mm @ 150 mm dc
2-#16 mm bars
2lgd 8 mm o
@150 mm clc
(a 4 b)
5-#20 mm
400 mm
3- #20mm bars
400 mm
5 m 230 mm
Example 7.9. A rectangular R.C.C. beam is 200 mm wide and 500 mm deep. It is reinforced w
4bars of 25 mm diameterincompression. Find out the area of tensile reinforcement required. Aso n
out the moment of resistance of this section. Use M20 concrete and Fe 250 steel. Assume cover for tens
reinforcement = 50 mm.
Momentof M, = M, im + M u
(d-0.42 max)
Mlim = 0.36Jok b. Xu max
-0.42 x 238.5)
= 0.36 x 20 x 200 x 238.5 (450
120145615 Nmm
Muz = fA d- d)
=217.5 x 1963 (450 S50)
= 170781000
290926615 Nmm
M. = 120145 615 + 17075 1000 =
M, = 290.9 kNm
for an ultimate
Design a reinforced concrete beam of dimensions 300 mm x 600 mm
Example 7.10. and Fe 415 steel. Use Design Aids.
kNm. Use M20 concrete
moment of 350
b = 300 mm, D=600 mm
Solution. Given:
sa = 20 N/mm
f,= 415N/mm?
M, = 350 kNm
mm dia, bars
Assuming 25 mm clear cOver and 20
Effective depth, d = 600- 25 10 = 565 mm
and M20 concrete
From Table D of Design Aids, forf,= 415 N/mm
Mim = 2.76
M,, lim =2.76 x 300 x 5652 = 264 kNmn
M, > Mu lim
Hence, doubly reinforced section is to be designed.
Mu 350 × 10 =3.65 N/mm
bd? 300 × 5652
Assuming d'=50 mm
d' =
= 0.088 [next higher value 0.1 is to be considered]
d 565
From Table 50 of Design Aids
For Mu
bd? = 3.65,
202 Reinforced Cement
= 0.1 Concret De
P, = 1.23
P, = 0.29
1.23 x300 x565 = 2085 mm
Ast 100
0.29 x 300 × 565
= 492 mm
Ae 100
at mid span =
Maximum moment 8
65.7 x 4.52
M = 166.5 kNm
Modular ratio for compression steel (m,) is taken as
beams are designed when the dimensions of the beam are restricted.
5. Continuous beams are reinforced beams.
designed as
O. In steel beam theory,
7. Steel
concrete is totally
beam theory is applicable to those beams in which area of steel in compression is
area of steel in tension.