Indian Maritime University: B.Tech (Marine Engineering) June 2013 Examinations Fifth Semester Fluid Mechanics Ii
Indian Maritime University: B.Tech (Marine Engineering) June 2013 Examinations Fifth Semester Fluid Mechanics Ii
Indian Maritime University: B.Tech (Marine Engineering) June 2013 Examinations Fifth Semester Fluid Mechanics Ii
(iii) Question no. 1 (Part A) is compulsory. Answer any five from Part B
Compulsory Question.
(e) Define – Suction head, Delivery head, Static head and Manometric Head of a
centrifugal pump.
(h) Define – Gross Head, Net Head and name the important efficiencies of a turbine.
(i) What data are required to be determined for design of a Pelton Wheel?
2. (a) Find expression for Discharge and Work done for a reciprocating pump. (6M)
3. The diameter and stroke length of a single acting reciprocating pump are 12 cm and 20
cm respectively. The length of suction and delivery pipes are 8 m and 25 m respectively
and their diameters are 7.5 cm. If the pump is running at 40 r.p.m., and suction and
delivery heads are 4 m and 14 m respectively, find the pressure head in the cylinder:
(i) At the beginning of the suction and delivery stroke,
(ii) In the middle of suction and delivery stroke, and
(iii) At the end of the suction and delivery stroke.
Take atmospheric pressure head = 10.30 m of water and f = 0.009 for both pipes. (14M)
4. (a) A centrifugal pump is required to discharge 0.118 m³/s at a speed of 1450 r.p.m.
against a head of 25 m. The impeller diameter is 250 mm, its width at outlet is 50 mm
and Manometric efficiency is 75%. Determine the vane angle at the outer periphery of
the impeller. (7M)
(b) Find the power required to drive a centrifugal pump which delivers 0.04 m³/s of water
to a height of 20 m through a 15 cm diameter pipe and 100 m long. The overall
efficiency of the pump is 70% and co-efficient of friction, f = 0.15 in the formula hf =
4fLV² / (d × 2g). (7M)
(i) Reynolds’s Number (ii) Froude’s Number (ii) Euler’s Number (6M)
(14 M)
Shaft Power = 11,772 kW; Head = 380 m; Speed = 750 rpm; Overall Efficiency =
86%; Jet diameter is not to exceed one sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine:
(i) The wheel diameter, (ii) The number of jets required, and (iii) Diameter of
the jet.
Take Kv1 = 0.985 and Ku1 = 0.45
(b) Two jets strike the buckets of a Pelton wheel, which is having shaft power as 15450
kW. The diameter of each jet is given as 200 mm. If the net head on the turbine is 400
m, find the overall efficiency of the turbine. Take Cv = 1.0. (7M)
8. The water available for a Pelton wheel is 4 cumec and the total head from the reservoir to
the nozzle is 250 m. The turbine has two runners with two jets per runner. All the four
jets have the same diameters. The pipe line is 3000 m long. The efficiency of power
transmission through the pipe line and the nozzle is 91% and efficiency of each runner is
90%. The velocity co-efficient of each nozzle is 0.975 and co-efficient of friction ‘4f’ for
the pipe is 0.0045.
Determine: (i) The power developed by the turbine, (ii) the diameter of the jet, and
(14 M)