Cytopathology of Infectious Diseases
Cytopathology of Infectious Diseases
Cytopathology of Infectious Diseases
Editorial Board
Syed Z. Ali, MD
Douglas P. Clark, MD
Yener S. Erozan, MD
of Infectious Diseases
Including Chapters 2 & 14 Co-authored by:
Tanvier Omar, MB BCH, FC Path (S.A.)
Chapters 3, 9, 10 & 13 Co-authored by:
Sara E. Monaco, MD
Chapter 4 Co-authored by:
Gladwyn Leiman, MBBCh, FIAC, FRCPath
Lynne S. Garcia, MS, CLS, FAAM
Chapter 5 Co-authored by:
R. Marshall Austin, MD, PhD
Chapter 6 Co-authored by:
Rodolfo Laucirica, MD
Chapter 7 Co-authored by:
Robert M. Najarian, MD
Helen H. Wang, MD, PhD
Chapter 8 Co-authored by:
Anil V. Parwani, MD, PhD
and Chapter 15 Co-authored by:
Robert A. Goulart, MD
Rafael Martínez-Girón, MD, PhD
Liron Pantanowitz, MD, MIAC Pam Michelow, MBBCh,
Department of Pathology MSc (Med Sci)
University of Pittsburgh Department of Anatomical
Medical Center Pathology, University of the
Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA Witwatersrand & National Health Laboratory Service
Johannesburg 2000, South Africa
Walid E. Khalbuss, MD, PhD, FIAC
Department of Pathology
University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
viii Foreword
x Series Preface
Foreword................................................................................. vii
Series Preface.......................................................................... ix
1 Introduction..................................................................... 1
2 Specimen Collection and Handling................................ 5
3 Host Reactions to Infection............................................. 13
4 Microbiology................................................................... 37
5 Gynecological Infections................................................ 85
6 Pulmonary Infections...................................................... 121
7 Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections................ 161
8 Urinary Tract Infections.................................................. 183
9 Central Nervous System Infections................................ 205
10 Hematologic Infections................................................... 231
11 Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections................. 257
12 Head and Neck Infections............................................... 279
13 Immunosuppressed Host................................................. 299
14 Ancillary Investigations.................................................. 321
15 Mimics and Contaminants.............................................. 351
Index....................................................................................... 379
xiv Contributors
Suggested Reading
Atkins KA, Powers CN. The cytopathology of infectious diseases. Adv
Anat Pathol. 2002;9:52–64.
Grieg EDW, Gray ACH. Note on the lymphatic glands in sleeping sickness.
Br Med J. 1904;1:1252.
Jannes G, De Vos D. A review of current and future molecular diag-
nostic tests for use in the microbiology laboratory. Methods Mol Biol.
Kradin RL, editor. Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease. Philadelphia:
Saunders Elsevier; 2010.
Lal A, Warren J, Bedrossian CW, Nayar R. The role of fine needle aspira-
tion in diagnosis of infectious disease. Lab Med. 2002;11:866–72.
Powers CN. Diagnosis of infectious diseases: a cytopathologist’s perspective.
Clin Microbiol Rev. 1998;11:341–65.
Silverman JF, Gay RM. Fine-needle aspiration and surgical pathol-
ogy of infectious lesions. morphologic features and the role of the
clinical microbiology laboratory for rapid diagnosis. Clin Lab Med.
Specimen Collection
and Handling
Pam Michelow1, Tanvier Omar2, and Liron Pantanowitz3
Cytology Unit, Department of Anatomical Pathology,
University of the Witwatersrand and National Health
Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Division of Cytopathology, Department of Anatomical Pathology,
National Health Laboratory Service and University of Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Specimen Type
●● Pap test (smear) involves scraping of the cervix with a cervi-
cal brush, broom, or wooden/plastic spatula. For anal Pap tests
a small brush or cotton-tipped rod is inserted into the anus.
Rinsing the collection device or detaching and placing it in
a vial containing proprietary preservative fluid (liquid-based
cytology) permits material to be processed for ancillary studies
(e.g., DNA testing for HPV, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia) and for
infections that cannot be reliably identified morphologically.
Conventional smears can also be used for ancillary studies
(e.g., HPV tests), by scraping material off slides.
Specimen Type 9
Specimen Sites
●● Genital tract. Collection of genital specimens includes Pap
smears, swabs, Tzanck preparations of ulcers, and infrequently
FNA. Typically, specimens in female patients to detect patho-
gens are acquired at the time of performing a Pap test. Many
common and uncommon pathogens can be identified on a Pap
smear (see Chap. 5). A wet preparation can be used to make
a rapid diagnosis of vaginitis. A definitive diagnosis of certain
pathogens may require culture, especially in cases of suspected
sexual abuse.
●● Urinary tract. The normal urinary tract is usually devoid of
bacteria, except for microflora of the urethral mucosa. Never-
theless, urine can become contaminated with bacteria of the
vaginal canal or perineum. For urinary tract infections, a mid-
stream “clean-catch” urine specimen is preferable. A 24-h urine
sample is recommended for suspected schistosomiasis. Cath-
eterized urine can be collected, but not urine from catheter bags.
Other specimens from the urinary tract that may be required to
diagnose infection include suprapubic aspirates (used mainly in
neonates and small children), upper tract brushings and wash-
ings, urinary diversions (e.g., ileal conduit), and kidney FNA.
●● Respiratory tract. Sputum is often submitted for the diagnosis of
infection. Multiple, early morning specimens improve sensitivity
because they harbor pooled overnight secretions, and hence they
are more likely to contain concentrated bacteria. All cytopre-
paratory techniques (pick and smear, Saccomanno, cytocentrif-
ugation, liquid based) are suitable. Sputa should be processed
as soon as possible, because after 20 h of refrigeration there is
a significant decrease in recoverable organisms. For pneumo-
cystis, the yield from sputum is generally low. Various grading
schemes (e.g., Bartlett grading system, Murray and Washington
Specimen Sites 11
Suggested Reading
Murray PR, Witebsky FG. The clinician and the microbiology laboratory.
In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Principles and practice
of infectious diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier; 2010. p. 233–65.
Winn W, Allen S, Janada W, Koneman E, Procop G, Schreckenberger P,
et al. Koneman’s color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology.
6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. p. 67–110.
Woods GL, Gutierrez Y. Diagnostic pathology of infectious diseases.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1993. p. 539–637.
Host Reactions to Infection
Sara E. Monaco1, Walid E. Khalbuss2,
and Liron Pantanowitz3
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Abundant neutrophils with degenerated cells and acellular
●● Examination at high power may reveal intracellular or extracel-
lular organisms, such as the negative image of mycobacteria
seen on Diff-Quik (DQ) stained smears within macrophages or
background material.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Cat scratch disease
●● Mycobacterial infection in children or immunocompromised
patients, when the body cannot mount a granulomatous response
●● Mimics include cellular degeneration, apoptosis (karyorrhectic
debris that mimics neutrophils), Kikuchi lymphadenitis, eosi-
nophilia (eosinophils mimic neutrophils, especially on Papani-
colaou stained smears)
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains and/or immunostains for organisms
●● Microbial cultures
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Viscous allergic mucin is seen with numerous eosinophils
and possibly Charcot Leyden crystals, which are needle or
rhomboid-shaped eosinophilic crystals.
●● Material should be carefully examined for fungus, particularly
Aspergillus spp.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Noninfectious inspissated mucin
●● Fungi other than Aspergillus such as mucormycosis and dema-
tiaceous fungi like Bipolaris spicifera or Curvularia lunata
16 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (PAS, GMS) and/or immunostains for fungal
●● Fungal cultures
Granulomatous Inflammation
●● A chronic inflammatory response comprised of aggregates of
epithelioid macrophages (histiocytes) with or without other
inflammatory cells.
●● Granulomas can be subclassified into necrotizing (caseating
with central necrosis) and non-necrotizing (without central
necrosis) granulomatous inflammation.
Granulomatous Inflammation 17
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Epithelioid macrophages have kidney bean or boomerang-
shaped nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and abundant ill-defined
●● Multinucleated giant cells may be seen including Langhans
giant cells (with nuclei arranged around the periphery of the cell
in a horseshoe pattern) or foreign body-type giant cells (with
scattered nuclei).
●● There may be evidence of phagocytosis of microorganisms or
other debris within macrophages.
●● Intermixed inflammatory cells are usually lymphocytes and
plasma cells, but neutrophils may also be seen.
●● Aspirates may have suboptimal cellularity if procured from
long-standing hyalinized granulomas.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation: Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection, fungal infection, cat-scratch disease.
●● Non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammation: Atypical myco-
bacterial infection (nontuberculous mycobacteria), fungal infec-
tion (Cryptococcus), sarcoidosis, foreign body.
●● Granulomatous inflammation with neutrophils: M. tuberculosis,
cat scratch disease, fat necrosis.
18 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains, immunostains, and/or PCR for organisms
●● Microbial cultures (Figs. 3.3–3.5 and Table 3.2)
Table 3.2. Cytomorphology of granulomatous and reactive host reactions compared to neoplasia.
Cytomorphologic features Granulomatous inflammation Reactive atypia Neoplasia
Cellularity Mild–moderate Low–moderate Usually high
Range of cell types Continuum (benign to reactive) Continuum (benign to reactive) Two populations (normal
and tumor)
Multinucleated giant cells Frequent Uncommon Uncommon
Host Reactions to Infection
Nuclei Boomerang to oval with smooth Smooth nuclear membrane Large with irregular
contours nuclear membrane
Nucleoli Present in epithelioid macrophages Uniform and small Prominent and irregular
Cytoplasm Vacuolated and ill-defined Depends on cell type, often dense Scant cytoplasm
squamoid with scalloped edges
Background Necrotic or non-necrotizing Clean or inflammatory Necrotic
Necrosis 21
●● Necrosis is the end result of cell death and an irreversible form
of cell injury that occurs with benign conditions (infection,
inflammation, infarction) and neoplasms (Fig. 3.6).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The gross appearance of aspirated necrosis is thick yellow-tan,
pus-like material. It is often easy to make smears with necrotic
material. More peripheral sampling of a lesion may be required
to see viable material.
●● Necrotic material forms amorphous, somewhat granular, thick
acellular debris, which can form linear rolls or lines on the slides
in some cases. Necrotic material may exhibit variable staining
with different stains.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation
●● Fat necrosis
●● Tumor necrosis
●● Inspissated cyst contents
●● Postprocedural necrosis (after previous FNA biopsy). Be cautious
not to over-interpret reactive atypia in a necrotic background
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains and/or immunostains for organisms
●● Microbial cultures
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Nuclear changes may include nuclear enlargement (e.g., cytome-
galovirus), smudgy chromatin (e.g., adenovirus in bronchial
epithelial cells), glassy chromatin (e.g., human polyoma virus
in urine), multinucleation (e.g., herpes simplex virus), large
prominent macronucleolus (e.g., owl eye appearance of cytome-
galovirus), intranuclear inclusions (margination of chromatin or
eosinophilic Cowdry bodies seen with Herpes simplex virus), or
koilocytic change (human papillomavirus in cervical Pap tests).
Reactive Epithelial and Mesenchymal Repair 23
Differential Diagnosis
●● Treatment (radiation, chemotherapy) related change
●● Degenerative change, which usually lacks multinucleation and
●● Malignancy
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemical stains for viral infections
●● Serology for viral infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens display a continuum of changes from benign cells to
cells with reactive or repair features. Unlike neoplasms there is a
lack of two distinct populations (i.e., normal and tumor cells).
●● Atypical cells have uniform nuclear membranes, occasional
small nucleoli, and collectively exhibit uniform repair-type
atypia (“school of fish” appearance) often with cohesive cell
24 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Differential Diagnosis
●● Reactive cellular atypia unrelated to infection (e.g., infarction)
●● Chemotherapy or radiation effect
●● Malignancy
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains and/or immunostains for organisms
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome 25
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Microorganisms like yeast may be seen without associated
inflammatory cells.
●● Samples may contain diffuse sheets of macrophages with abun-
dant foamy cytoplasm and numerous organisms.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Granulomatous inflammation
●● Conditions with numerous foamy histiocytes such as fat necrosis,
lipoid pneumonia, and Gaucher disease
●● Malignant histiocytosis
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains and/or immunostains for organisms
●● Microbial cultures
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Marked florid granulomatous inflammation or other inflamma-
tory response.
●● Microorganisms may not be identified at the site of inflamma-
Differential Diagnosis
●● Newly acquired infection
Ancillary Studies
●● Concomitant drop in HIV levels with improvement in CD4 cell
●● Special stains and/or immunostains for organisms
●● Microbial cultures
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The hallmark finding is macrophages with abundant cytoplasm
and peripherally located ingested RBCs or leukocytes.
●● Phagocytosed cells may be intact or fragmented, and with
emperipolesis may be surrounded by a thin cytoplasmic mem-
brane or halo.
●● Histiocytes are immunoreactive with CD68 and S100, but are
negative for CD1a.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-
Dorfman disease)
●● Noninfectious primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytsosis
●● Associated T-cell lymphoma
●● Malignant histiocytosis with atypical histiocytes
28 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunostains to characterize macrophages (S100 and CD68
●● Immunostains, serology and/or further microbiology studies to
detect an underlying viral infection
●● Ciliocytophthoria refers to the finding of anucleate apical por-
tions of ciliated epithelial cells (also referred to as detached
ciliary tufts). This may be seen in respiratory, gynecologic and
peritoneal cytology specimens.
●● Ciliocytophthoria can occur as a result of certain viral infections
(e.g., adenovirus infection in the lung), but may also be trau-
matic in nature (Fig. 3.9).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Single or multiple detached tufts of cilia without nuclei.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Noninfectious cause such as idiopathic or traumatic etiology.
●● Mimics: Ciliated microorganisms (e.g., Balantidium coli), para-
sites, foreign material.
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunostain for viral infections (e.g., Adenovirus)
Xanthogranulomatous Inflammation
●● This is an uncommon form of granulomatous inflammation
characterized by many lipid-laden foamy macrophages.
●● Such inflammation mainly involves the kidney (xanthogranulo-
matous pyelonephritis) or biliary system (xanthogranulomatous
cholecystitis). It is often observed in patients with diabetes and/
or some other form of immunocompromise.
●● The condition is most commonly associated with Proteus,
Escherichia coli, or Pseudomonas spp. infection (Fig. 3.10).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● There are numerous histiocytes with vacuolated or lipid-laden
cytoplasm (foam cells), as well as chronic inflammatory cells.
●● Occasionally multinucleated giant cells may be seen, including
Touton giant cells with nuclei placed around the periphery of
the cell.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other granulomatous or histiocytic processes
●● Malignancy such as renal cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain for associated bacteria
●● Immunostains to characterize macrophages (S100 and CD68
30 3. Host Reactions to Infection
●● This is an uncommon chronic granulomatous inflammatory
reaction of unknown etiology, thought to be due to the inabil-
ity of macrophages to eliminate Gram-negative coliforms (e.g.,
E. coli or Proteus).
●● It commonly affects the genitourinary tract (bladder), but has
also been described in a variety of different tissues.
●● In the urinary tract, malakoplakia is associated mainly with
E. coli. Pulmonary malakoplakia is a known complication of
Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in AIDS patients.
●● Macrophages contain Michaelis-Guttman bodies, which are
thought to represent mineralized bacterial fragments (Fig. 3.11).
Malakoplakia 31
Fig. 3.11. Malakoplakia (H&E stain, high magnification; inset: Pap stain,
high magnification). Macrophages are shown with characteristic eosi-
nophilic cytoplasm and targetoid, round intracytoplasmic inclusions known
as Michaelis-Guttman bodies.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens contain numerous macrophages (von Hansemann
cells) that have eosinophilic granular cytoplasm containing
cytoplasmic Michaelis-Guttman bodies.
●● Michaelis-Guttman bodies are round-to-oval, laminated inclu-
sions surrounded by a membrane or halo, that typically have
a calcified or clear core. These inclusions are usually PAS
positive, Grocott (GMS) positive, and von Kossa positive due to
their calcium composition.
●● Numerous bacteria may be seen among acute or chronic inflam-
32 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other infectious granulomatous disease (e.g., tuberculosis)
●● Intracellular yeast forms or other organisms
●● Foreign body-type granulomas with foreign material engulfed
●● Noninfectious granulomatous disease, particularly sarcoidosis
which may have similar Schaumann bodies (round, concen-
trically laminated calcium inclusions). The other inclusions
described with sarcoidosis are stellate-shaped asteroid bodies
and clear calcium oxalate Hamazaki-Wesenberg bodies
●● Psammomatous calcification
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for Michaelis-Guttman bodies (PAS positive,
GMS positive, von Kossa positive)
●● Gram stain to identify associated bacteria
●● Immunostains to characterize macrophages (S100 and CD68
●● Microbial culture (e.g., urine culture)
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology specimens contain a reactive spindle cell and/or
myofibroblastic proliferation with intermixed histiocytes and
inflammatory cells.
●● The inciting microorganism (e.g., parasitic worm) may be present.
Crystal Formation 33
Differential Diagnosis
●● Granulation tissue
●● Granulomatous inflammation
●● Spindle cell neoplasms: Renal cell carcinoma, melanoma, mesen-
chymal neoplasms including Kaposi sarcoma (LNA-1 immuno-
reactive for HHV8) and EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for organisms (e.g., acid fast stains for mycobac-
terial spindle cell pseudotumor)
●● EBV in situ hybridization (EBER) positivity may be seen in
EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors
●● PCR for mycobacteria
●● Immunostains to characterize lesional cells (macrophages are
S100 and CD68 positive, ALK negative, and myofibroblastic
cells may express smooth muscle actin)
Crystal Formation
●● Charcot-Leyden crystals are seen in association with eosi-
nophilia. They consist of lysophospholipase, which is produced
by eosinophils, and results from the breakdown of eosinophils.
●● Birefringent calcium oxalate crystals may be seen in association
with Aspergillus infection, particularly with Aspergillus niger.
Crystals are believed to form when oxalic acid precipitates and
undergoes crystallization when produced via a fermentation
process by Aspergillus.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Calcium oxalate crystals form rosettes or wheat sheaf-like clus-
ters and polarize under polarized microscopy (Fig. 3.12).
●● Charcot-Leyden crystals are needle- or rhomboid-shaped eosi-
nophilic crystals seen in association with eosinophilic inflam-
mation (Fig. 3.2).
●● The background may be inflammatory or necrotic.
34 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Differential Diagnosis
●● Calcium oxalate crystals: Aspergillus spp.
●● Charcot-Leyden crystals: Eosinophilic inflammation (allergy,
asthma, parasites)
●● Other crystals or foreign material
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (PAS, GMS) for fungal elements
●● Fungal culture for Aspergillus spp.
Splendore-Hoeppli Phenomenon
●● The Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon (also called asteroid
bodies) describes the formation of eosinophilic crystalline mate-
rial around microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, and parasites) or
biologically inert substances.
Splendore-Hoeppli Phenomenon 35
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The characteristic finding is a stellate or club-shaped acellu-
lar band-like structure surrounding microorganisms or sulfur
granules (in the case of actinomycosis), which separates them
from the background inflammatory cells and debris.
36 3. Host Reactions to Infection
Differential Diagnosis
●● Foreign, crystalline, or necrotic material
●● Fibrin deposition
●● Tophaceous lesions of gout
●● Granulomatous inflammation with keratin debris
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for microorganisms
Suggested Reading
Brummer E. Human defenses against Cryptococcus neoformans: an
update. Mycopathologia. 1999;143:121–5.
Gupta M, Venkatesh SK, Kumar A, Pandey R. Fine-needle aspira-
tion cytology of bilateral renal malakoplakia. Diagn Cytopathol.
Hadziyannis E, Yen-Lieberman B, Hall G, Procop GW. Ciliocytophthoria
in clinical virology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2000;124:1220–3.
Kradin RL, Mark EJ. The pathology of pulmonary disorders due to
Aspergillus spp. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2008;132:606–14.
Kumar N, Jain S, Murthy NS. Utility of repeat fine needle aspiration
in acute suppurative lesions: follow-up of 263 cases. Acta Cytol.
Pantanowitz L, Balogh K. Charcot-Leyden crystals: pathology and diag-
nostic utility. Ear Nose Throat J. 2004;83:489–90.
Pantanowitz L, Omar T, Sonnendecker H, Karstaedt AS. Bone marrow
cryptococcal infection in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
J Infect. 2000;41:92–4.
Rodig SJ, Dorfman DM. Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. Arch Pathol
Lab Med. 2001;125:1515–6.
Sereti I, Rodger AJ, French MA. Biomarkers in immune reconstitution
inflammatory syndrome: signals from pathogenesis. Curr Opin HIV
AIDS. 2010;5:504–10.
Zeppa P, Vetrani A, Ciancia G, Cuccuru A, Palombini L. Hemophagocytic
histiocytosis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology of the spleen:
a case report. Acta Cytol. 2004;48:415–9.
Liron Pantanowitz1, Gladwyn Leiman2, and Lynne S. Garcia3
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Fletcher Allen Health Care, Professor of Pathology,
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
LSG & Associates, 512-12th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402, USA
●● Viruses replicate only inside host cells. Their particles (called
virions) consist of DNA or RNA and a capsid (coat) that may
be surrounded by a lipid envelope. Once they attach to and pen-
etrate cells, they uncoat and replicate so that their progeny may
be released following host cell lysis.
●● Viral infection may cause cell death, proliferation, or neoplastic
transformation (oncogenesis) (Table 4.1). Tumor viruses may
promote cancer by expression of viral oncoproteins (or onco-
genes) and/or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes.
●● Papillomaviruses (genus) are nonenveloped viruses that contain
double-stranded circular DNA molecules that replicate exclusively
in skin and/or mucosal keratinocytes. They belong to the Papil-
lomaviridae family.
Viruses 39
Fig. 4.1. Viral cytopathic changes. (a) HPV showing a large binucleate
koilocyte and adjacent smaller high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
(HSIL) cell. (b) Herpes simplex virus showing a large multinucleated
epithelial cell with cowdry A inclusions and a smaller cell with an intra-
nuclear cowdry B inclusion. (c) CMV infected cell showing enlarge-
ment (cytomegaly), an intranuclear inclusion (“owl’s-eye” appearance),
and intracytoplasmic inclusions. (d) Molluscum contagiosum infection
showing a keratinocyte with an intranuclear inclusion (molluscum body).
(e) Measles (or RSV) infected syncytial giant cell with intranuclear inclu-
sions. (f) BK polyomavirus infected epithelial cells (decoy cells) showing
early (ground glass) and late (“fish-net stocking”) intranuclear inclusions,
as well as a comet cell in the middle with eccentric cytoplasm. (g) Adeno-
virus infected pneumocytes showing “smudge cells” with inclusions fill-
ing the nucleus and decapitated ciliated cells (ciliocytophthoria).
●● Herpesvirues (family Herpesviridae) are DNA viruses that may
cause latent or lytic infections. Reactivation of latent viruses has
been implicated in a number of diseases.
●● A major hallmark of herpes infection is the ability to infect
mainly epithelial mucosal cells and/or lymphocytes. Cytomega-
lovirus (CMV) can infect many cells types including epithelial
cells, endothelial cells, neuronal cells, smooth muscle cells, and
●● There are eight types of herpesvirus that may infect humans
(Table 4.2). They include the Alphaherpesviruses (HSV and
Varicella-Zoster virus [VZV]), Betaherpesviruses (CMV,
HHV6, HHV7), and Gammaherpesviruses (Epstein-Barr virus
[EBV] and KSHV). EBV and KSHV are oncogenic.
●● Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) have
similar characteristics. Viral infection typically results in the
Table 4.2. Human herpesviruses (HHV).
HHV type Virus name Target cells Disease
HHV1 Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) Mucoepithelium Oral and/or genital herpes
HHV2 Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) Mucoepithelium Oral and/or genital herpes
HHV3 Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) Mucoepithelium Chickenpox
HHV4 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Lymphocytes and epithelium Infectious mononucleosis
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
Gastric carcinoma
Oral hairy leukoplakia
HHV5 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Epithelium, monocytes, lymphocytes Acute (mono-like) illness
Systemic illness (e.g., pneumonia, hepatitis)
HHH6 Roseolovirus T lymphocytes and others Sixth disease (roseola infantum or exanthem
HHV7 Human herpes virus-7 (HHV-7) T lymphocytes and others Sixth disease (roseola infantum or exanthem
HHV8 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes Lymphocytes and endothelium Kaposi sarcoma
virus (KSHV) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Respiratory Viruses
●● Influenza and Parainfluenza viruses can cause severe respira-
tory tract disease (e.g., pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchioli-
tis). As infection usually does not cause characteristic cytologic
findings, the diagnosis requires isolation and identification of
the virus in the laboratory or a rise in serum antibodies.
●● Coronavirus causes illness ranging from the common cold to
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Respiratory samples
may show atypical reactive pneumocytes with or without back-
ground inflammation and marked fibrin exudate in cases with
diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).
●● Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes lower respiratory tract
infections mainly in childhood. RSV belongs to the same Para-
myxoviridae family as measles (Rubeola) and mumps viruses.
Both RSV and measles pneumonia can cause multinucleated syn-
cytial giant cells containing intranuclear and inconspicuous usually
paranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. Multinucleated giant cells are
usually rare, but when identified may contain up to 35 nuclei.
●● Adenoviruses. They were named after being first isolated from
adenoid samples. There are 55 described serotypes in humans
that cause respiratory tract infections (e.g., pharyngitis, pneu-
monia). Infection may also cause gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis,
hemorrhagic cystitis, meningoencephalitis, hepatitis, and dis-
seminated disease. Early infected cells may display small eosi-
nophilic inclusions. With late infection, basophilic intranuclear
inclusions eventually obscure the nucleus producing a charac-
teristic “smudge cell.”
●● Most people are infected with these viruses and hence are serop-
ositive for polyomaviruses. These double-stranded DNA viruses
tend to only cause infection in immunosuppressed individuals,
and are all potentially oncogenic. They fall under the SV40
(Simian vacuolating virus 40) clade seen in monkeys, except for
Merkel cell polyomavirus.
●● BK virus (BKV) has a tropism for cells of the genitourinary
tract. BKV may cause nephropathy in 1–10% of renal transplant
Viruses 45
●● Molluscum contagiosum virus. Infection involves the skin and
occasionally the mucous membranes. There are four types of
MCV (MCV-1–4). Skin lesions are self-limited and pearly in
appearance with an umbilicated (dimpled) center. Infected cells
are characterized by molluscum bodies (also called Henderson-
Paterson bodies). Unlike herpes, this virus does not remain
latent. As patients do not develop permanent immunity, repeated
infections can occur.
●● Retroviruses are enveloped viruses that belong to the viral family
Retroviridae. They are RNA viruses that replicate in host cells
using the enzyme reverse transcriptase to produce DNA from its
RNA genome. DNA is then incorporated into the host genome.
●● Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), types 1 and 2. HIV
belongs to the retrovirus family. Infection causes AIDS. Details
are covered in greater detail in Chap. 13.
●● Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV), types 1 and 2.
HTLV-1 is the first recognized retrovirus that causes adult T-cell
46 4. Microbiology
Miscellaneous Viruses
●● Hepatitis viruses. Several viruses may cause hepatitis including
Hepatitis A (RNA picornavirus), Hepatitis B (DNA hepadnavi-
rus), Hepatitis C (RNA flavivirus), Hepatitis E (RNA calicivi-
rus), and Hepatitis D (Delta agent). They usually do not cause
viral cytopathic changes seen in cytology samples. However, in
liver tissue chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) can cause a ground-
glass appearance of hepatocytes due to the accumulation of
HBsAg within the endoplasmic reticulum. Chronic infection
with HBV and hepatitis C (HCV) may lead to cirrhosis, liver
dysplasia, and ultimately hepatocellular carcinoma.
●● Parvoviruses. These are among the smallest known DNA viruses.
Parvovirus B19 (B19V) causes fifth disease (erythema infectio-
sum) and arthropathy. Infection of erythroid precursors in the bone
marrow may cause severe anemia characterized by giant normob-
lasts and intranuclear inclusions with a ground glass appearance
that tend to compress the chromatin against the nuclear mem-
brane. Cells with parvovirus B19 inclusions have been reported in
cytology fluid specimens from fetal cases with hydrops fetalis.
●● Bacteria (singular: bacterium) are single-celled microorganisms
that measure 0.5–5.0 mm in length. Mycoplasma spp. are among
the smallest bacteria. Bacteria have a wide range of shapes.
Most are spherical (cocci) or rod-shaped (bacilli), but they may
also be curved or spiral-shaped (e.g., spirochaetes, Helicobacter
pylori). Some bacteria are described as being coccobacilli
because they have the ability to exist as a coccus, bacillus, or
intermediate form (e.g., Haemophilus influenzae, Rhodococcus
equi, Bartonella spp.). Bacteria may also form pairs (e.g., dip-
loids), chains (e.g., Streptococcus), or clusters (e.g., Staphylo-
coccus). Some bacteria may also have flagella.
Bacteria 47
●● Mycobacteria are aerobic Gram-positive rod-shaped bacilli
that are acid–alcohol fast (so-called AFB) with acid fast stains
(Fite, Ziehl-Neelsen, Kinyoun, and auramine rhodamine stains).
Mycobacterium tuberculosis are strongly acid fast positive (stain
deep red), thin, and slightly curved bacilli that measure 0.3–
0.6 × 1–4 nm (Fig. 4.5). The bacteria of MAI are typically short
and cocobacillary like. Beading may be seen in some mycobac-
teria, which represents nonuniform staining of the bacillus. For
example, M. kansasii are characteristically long and broad and
exhibit a cross-banded or barred appearance.
●● Acid-fast staining of morphologically similar bacteria such as
Nocardia and Legionella is a possible pitfall in the cytologic
diagnosis of mycobacterial infection. Other organisms known to
be acid-fast positive include micrococcus species, the oocysts of
cryptosporidium species, Isospora belli, and sarcocystis.
●● Mycobacteria are grouped on the basis of their appearance
and rate of growth in culture (slow, intermediate, and rapidly
growing). According to the Runyon classification there are three
Bacteria 49
Filamentous Bacteria
●● Bacteria can be elongated to form filaments (e.g., Actinobac-
teria, Nocardia, Rhodococcus, Streptomyces, Actinomadura).
They can sometimes form complex, branched filaments that
morphologically resemble fungal mycelia (mass of branching
●● These bacteria are usually part of the normal oral flora. Most
infections are acquired by inhalation of the bacteria or via
●● Actinomyces (genus) belong to the Actinobacteria (class of
bacteria). Infection (actinomycosis) with these Gram-positive
bacteria forms multiple abscesses and sinus tracts that may dis-
charge sulfur granules. Actinomycosis is most frequently caused
by Actinomyces israelii.
●● Nocardia (genus) are weakly-staining Gram-positive bacte-
ria that form partially acid-fast beaded branching filaments.
There are a total of 85 species, although Nocardia asteroides
is the species that most frequently causes infection (nocar-
diosis). Nocardial disease (norcardiosis) includes pneumonia,
endocarditis, encephalitis, and/or brain abscess, as well cuta-
neous infections such as actinomycotic mycetoma (Figs. 4.6
and 4.7).
●● Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular Gram negative bacteria.
They are classified taxonomically into a separate order (Chlamy-
dia) because of their unique life cycle.
●● Organisms occur in two forms: an elementary body (0.3 mm)
that exists outside the host and infects host cells where it trans-
forms into a reticulate body (0.6 mm). Following replication,
new elementary bodies are released from the infected host cell
when it ruptures.
●● Chlamydia inclusion bodies may be identified within infected
cells. However, the cytologic findings (e.g., in a Pap test) are not
considered reliable. When stained with iodine, reticulate bodies
can be visualized as intracytoplasmic inclusions. They can also
52 4. Microbiology
Fig. 4.7. Actinomyces. (Top left) Clump of long filamentous bacteria are
shown (May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain, high magnification). (Top right)
Actinomyces from the mouth contaminating a bronchoalveolar lavage
ThinPrep specimen (Pap stain, high magnification). (Bottom left) Typi-
cal “dust bunny” seen on a cervical Pap test (Pap stain; high magnifica-
tion). (Bottom right) Sulfur granule is shown in the center of the cell block
preparation aspirated from an actinomycotic liver abscess (H&E stain,
intermediate magnification).
●● On the basis of morphologic forms fungi can be divided into
yeasts and hyphae.
●● Yeasts are unicellular fungi. They reproduce by budding (form-
ing blastoconidia) or fission. The term “yeast” is used only
to describe a morphological form of a fungus and is of no
taxonomic significance.
●● Hyphae (single hypha) are multicellular fungi. Morphologically
they are branching, thread-like tubular structures. Hyphae may
lack cross walls (coenocytic or aseptate) or have cross walls
(septate). A mold is a mass of hyphal elements (also called
Fungi 55
●● Candida is a polymorphic fungus that undergoes a yeast-to-
mycelial transition. In clinical specimens, they produce pseu-
dohyphae (hyphae that show distinct points of constriction
resembling sausage links), rarely true septate hyphae, and bud-
ding yeast forms (blastoconidia).
●● The yeast-like forms (blastoconidia) are oval and measure
3–5 mm in diameter
56 4. Microbiology
●● Cryptococci are small (5–15 mm) pleomorphic (ovoid to sphe-
roid) yeasts that are characterized by often having a thick gelatin-
like capsule and demonstrating narrow-based (teardrop-shaped)
budding. They have thin walls and are occasionally refractile.
Their capsules may have a diameter of up to five times that of
the fungal cell, and form a halo on Diff-Quik, Pap, and India
ink stains.
●● Smaller (2–5 mm) capsule-deficient cryptococci can resemble
other organisms with similar microforms (e.g., Histoplasma,
Candida, and immature spherules of Coccidioides immitis).
In such cases, with careful examination some weakly encap-
sulated yeasts can still be detected. Loss of capsular material
usually elicits an intense inflammatory reaction characterized
by suppuration and granulomas.
●● Yeasts usually produce single buds, but multiple buds and even
chains of budding cells may rarely be present.
Fungi 57
●● Aspergillus genus consists of many mold species. Pathogenic
species include Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus.
●● These fungi consist of septate hyphae that branch at 45° angles.
Other dichotomous hyphae that may mimic Aspergillus include
the hyalinohyphomyces (e.g., Fusarium, Penicillium) and der-
●● Species specific conidiophores called fruiting bodies have swollen
vesicles lined by phialides that give rise to many conidia. The pres-
ence of fruiting bodies in cytology samples are usually only seen
in samples obtained from cavities or other well oxygenated areas.
Fungi 59
●● The zygomycetes belong to the phylum Zygomycota (Table 4.4).
The two orders that contain fungi causing human disease are
the Mucorales and Entomophthorales. Most illness is linked to
Rhizopus spp. of the Mucorales.
60 4. Microbiology
Fig. 4.13. Aspergillus hyphae with branching at 45° angles are shown
(top left) in a ThinPrep specimen (Pap stain, high magnification), (top
right) direct smear (Pap stain, high magnification), (bottom left) with a
PAS stain (high magnification), and (bottom right) in a cell block (H&E
stain, high magnification).
Dimorphic Fungi
●● Dimorphic fungi can exist both as a mold form that consists of
hyphae (when grown at room temperature outside the host) and
as yeast (when grown at body temperature in the host). There-
fore, in clinical samples obtained from patients the cytologist
will encounter yeasts from these organisms (Table 4.6). Several
such fungal species are potential pathogens.
●● Blastomyces. The yeasts are 8–15 mm in size, have a double-
contour refractile wall, and demonstrate broad-based budding.
The most well-known species of this genus is Blastomyces
dermatitidis, endemic to the United States (especially the
southeastern, south central, and midwestern states) and Canada.
Table 4.5. Comparison between zygomycetes, Aspergillus spp., and Candida spp.
Morphologic feature Aspergillus Zygomycetes Candida
Fig. 4.14. Zygomycetes. (Left and top right) Zygomycete hyphae are
shown characterized by broad, aseptate (coenocytic) hyphae that dis-
play wide-angle branching (Pap stain, left high magnification, top right
intermediate magnification). (Bottom right) Fungal hyphae are shown
immunoreactive with a specific immunostain for zygomycetes (high
Cryptococcus Oval to round 5–15 Very rare Narrow based Extracellular and
pseudohyphae intracellular
Sporothrix Round to elon- 3–5 Rare hyphae Narrow based Mainly extracellular
●● Pneumocystis jirovecii (previously called Pneumocystis carinii)
is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Pneumocystis, which is the
causative organism of Pneumocystis pneumonia (or pneumocys-
tosis, formerly referred to as PCP).
●● The cysts often collapse forming crescent-shaped bodies.
●● All stages of the life cycle are found within the lung alveoli.
Once inhaled, unicellular trophozoites (1–4 mm, Giemsa posi-
tive) undergo binary fission to form a precyst (difficult to dis-
tinguish by light microscopy) and ultimately develop thick
walled cysts (5–8 mm, GMS positive). Spores (eight) form
within these cysts, which are eventually released on rupture of
the cyst wall.
●● This organism is often seen in the lungs of healthy individuals,
but is an opportunistic pathogen in immunosuppressed people,
especially those with AIDS.
●● Extrapulmonary disease may be seen with advanced HIV infec-
tion presenting with involvement of the lymph nodes, spleen,
liver, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, thyroid, adrenal
glands, kidneys, and within macrophages in pleural effusions
(Fig. 4.17).
Fungi 69
Dematiaceous Fungi
●● The dematiaceous (naturally pigmented) group of fungi pro-
duce melanin in their cell walls. As a result, fungal colonies
are brown when cultured and in tissue samples fungal forms are
characteristically pigmented. A Fontana-Masson stain can be
used to confirm the presence of fungal melanin pigment.
70 4. Microbiology
●● Dermatophytes cause infections of the skin and hair (ringworm
or tinea) as well as the nails (onychomycosis). The three genera
that cause these diseases include Microsporum, Epidermophy-
ton, and Trichophyton.
●● A rapid scraping of the nail, skin, or scalp can be used to iden-
tify characteristic hyphae and sometimes spores associated with
squamous cells or within broken hairshafts.
●● Hyalohyphomycosis is the term used to group together inva-
sive mycotic infections caused by hyaline septate hyphae. This
includes species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces,
Acremonium, Beauveria, Fusarium, and Scopulariopsis. They
may represent contamination or cause invasive disease in the
immunosuppressed host.
●● Fusarium hyphae are similar to those of Aspergillus, with septate
hyphae that branch at acute and right angles. Sporulation may
also occur in tissue with infection (fusariosis). Their macroco-
nidia are crescent-shaped, orangeophilic, and septate structures
that measure 80–120 × 3–6 mm in size.
●● Protozoa are unicellular motile organisms. They are tradition-
ally divided according to their means of locomotion such as
amebae, flagellates, and ciliates.
●● Their life cycle often alternates between trophozoites (feeding–
dividing stage) and cysts (dormant stage able to survive outside the
host). Their characteristics (particularly the nuclei and cytoplasmic
inclusions) help in species identification. Ingested cysts cause infec-
tion by excysting (releasing trophozoites) in the alimentary tract.
Parasites 71
Fig. 4.19. Leishmania. (Top left) Life cycle showing the transition from
a flagellated promastigote that occurs in the sandfly to small amastig-
otes without flagella in the human host: Promastigotes phagocytosed by
macrophages multiply within these cells and disseminate when released.
(Bottom left) Illustration of an ovoid amastigote shows a large nucleus
and prominent rod-shaped kinetoplast. (Right) This FNA sample obtained
from a Saudi Arabian child presenting with hepatosplenomegaly and
lymphadenopathy from kala-azar shows few scattered amastigotes (arrows)
among chronic inflammatory cells (Giemsa stain, high magnification).
●● The Apicomplexa are a diverse group of protists that includes
organisms such as coccidia (Sporozoa), Plasmodium spp. (cause
malaria), and Babesia (cause babesiosis). Malaria and babesiosis
are not discussed further because the diagnosis and speciation
of these organisms primarily requires examination of peripheral
blood smears and monoclonal antibody tests.
●● Coccidian diseases include cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium
spp.), isosporiasis (I. belli), cyclosporiasis (Cyclospora caye-
tanensis), sarcocystis, and toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii).
Parasites 75
●● Helminths (parasitic worms) are categorized into three groups:
cestodes (tapeworms), nematodes (roundworms), and trema-
todes (flukes) (Table 4.8). Flukes and tapeworms belong to the
phylum platyhelminthes (flatworms).
●● Clinical infection may be caused by adult worms, larvae, and/or
eggs (Fig. 4.21). Infections are usually diagnosed by the charac-
teristics of these different developmental stages.
Table 4.8. Common parasitic worms (helminthiases).
Helminth Worm Egg
Cestodes (tapeworms)
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) Scolex with four suckers and proglottids Radially striated wall (30–40 mm)
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) Scolex with four suckers, Radially striated wall (30–40 mm)
hooklets and proglottids
Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm) Scolex with wide proglottids Oval with operculum and knob at either
end (up to 60 mm)
Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm) Very small (2–4 cm) Wide inner and outer shells (30–47 mm),
contain polar filaments
Echinococcus spp. Protoscolices in hydatid cyst Identical to Taenia (30–45 mm)
Nematodes (round worms)
Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) Whip-like anterior end Barrel shaped with polar plugs at both ends
(20–50 mm)
Ascaris lumbricoides Large (up to 35 cm) Rough mammillated shell (up to 75 mm)
Necator americanus (hookworm) Mouthpart with cutting plates (adult worm) Thin wall with internal morula (35–75 mm)
Ancyclostoma duodenale (hookworm) Mouthpart with teeth (adult worm) Thin wall with internal morula (35–75 mm)
Strongyloides stercoralis Shorter buccal groove (mouth) Identical to hookworm (35–75 mm), rarely
than hookworm (rhabditiform larvae) seen
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) Pointed pin-like tail One side flattened (20–60 mm)
Trematodes (flukes)
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) Flat with cephalic cone Very large (up to 150 mm), operculated
(cannot distinguish from Fasciolopsis buski)
Fasciolopis buskii (intestinal fluke) Flat with pointed head Very large (up to 150 mm)
Clonorchis sinensis (liver fluke) Flat with snout-like head Small with shouldered operculum (12–20 mm)
Paragonimus westermani (lung fluke) Flat ovoid worm Oval with shouldered operculum (45–120 mm)
78 4. Microbiology
Fig. 4.21. Parasitic eggs are shown in cytologic preparations. (Top left)
Enterobius vermicularis. (Top middle) Taenia (tapeworm). (Top right)
Trichuris trichiura. (Bottom left) Ascaris lumbricoides. (Bottom middle)
Schistosoma haematobium. (Bottom right) Pollen grain (belonging to the
Caryophyllaceae family) that may be mistaken for Toxocara eggs (images
courtesy of Dr. Pam Michelow, South Africa and Dr. Rafael Martinez
Girón, Spain).
etrating the skin, infective larvae pass through the lung (Loef-
fler syndrome). They are then coughed or swallowed and infest
the duodenum. Here new autoinfective larvae may develop
(autoinfection) leading to chronic infection. In immunocom-
promised patients, larvae may penetrate the intestinal wall
Parasites 81
and the pattern of nuclei in their tail are the main features
used to distinguish the various species. Occult filariasis has
been diagnosed by many bloody FNA procedures containing
microfilariae, worms, or even eggs. Filarial morphology is
best appreciated with a Giemsa stain. The background tissue
response in cytology aspirates may include eosinophils, neu-
trophils, chronic inflammation, and even granulomas.
●● Trematodes. The flukes are oval or worm-like helminthes that are
parasites of molluscs and vertebrates. The liver flukes include
Fasciola hepatica and Clonorchis sinensis that result in infesta-
tion of the bile ducts and subsequent biliary fibrosis. Infection
with C. sinensis is a risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma. Fasci-
olopis buskii is an intestinal fluke that infests both the bile ducts
and duodenum. Paragonimus westermani, the lung fluke, causes
lung infestation with pulmonitis. Also included are the schisto-
somes (blood flukes).
Schistosomes. Infection by these trematodes causes schis-
●● Algae are ubiquitous and include a diverse group of simple
organisms that range from unicellular to multicellular forms.
The main algal groups include the cyanobacteria, green algae,
and red algae (e.g., dinoflagellates).
●● Most algae present in cytology samples are from contamination,
discussed in greater detail in Chap. 15.
Algae 83
Suggested Reading
Ash LR, Orihel TC. Ash & Orihel’s atlas of human parasitology. 5th ed.
Chicago: American Society for Clinical Pathology Press; 2007.
Bayón MN, Drut R. Cytologic diagnosis of adenovirus bronchopneumo-
nia. Acta Cytol. 1991;35:181–2.
Bhambhani S, Kashyap V. Amoebiasis: diagnosis by aspiration and exfo-
liative cytology. Cytopathology. 2001;12:329–33.
84 4. Microbiology
Inflammatory Changes
●● Acute inflammation. Various infectious agents may cause an
acute inflammatory infiltrate comprised of abundant neu-
trophils. However, the presence of neutrophils alone in Pap tests
does not necessarily indicate infection. If inflammatory changes
are marked and obscure the epithelial cells, the specimen may
be unsatisfactory for interpretation.
●● Follicular (lymphocytic) cervicitis. The formation of reactive lym-
phoid follicles in the subepithelium of the cervix may occasionally
be seen on a Pap test. It is more common in women who have an
atrophic cervix as the epithelium is thin, allowing the underlying
stroma to be sampled. Mature and immature lymphoid cells are
noted in addition to a few plasma cells and tingible-body macro-
phages. Follicular cervicitis is associated more often with Chlaym-
ida trachomatis than other infections of the cervix. The differential
diagnosis includes high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
(HSIL), endometrial cells, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
●● Epithelial change. Epithelial cells may show various degrees
of inflammatory and reparative change including cytoplas-
mic vacuolization, polychromasia, perinuclear halos, nuclear
enlargement, anisonucleosis, prominent nucleoli, mitoses, as
well as bi- and multinucleation. Reparative change can be dis-
tinguished from more severe (dysplastic or neoplastic) lesions
by the fact that cells showing repair show good cohesion,
flat monolayer sheets have a streaming appearance, maintain
polarity, and while they may have prominent nucleoli their
chromatin is evenly distributed within round, smooth, nuclear
membranes (Fig. 5.1).
Normal Flora
●● Lactobacillus (lactobacilli, formerly called Dőderlein bacilli)
are Gram-positive, anaerobic, lactic acid producing bacteria
normally found within the vagina (i.e., normal flora). Lactoba-
cilli such as Lactobacillus acidophilus maintain the acid vaginal
pH by converting cytoplasmic glycogen within intermediate
88 5. Gynecological Infections
Fig. 5.1. Inflammatory cells on Pap tests. (Upper left) ThinPrep Pap
test showing several pus balls characteristic of trichomoniasis (Pap stain,
intermediate magnification). (Bottom left) Follicular cervicitis seen on a
conventional Pap smear consists of polymorphous lymphocytes and sev-
eral tingible-body macrophages (Pap stain, high magnification). (Upper
right) This ThinPrep Pap test from a postmenopausal women with
follicular cervicitis shows a loose aggregate of lymphocytes in various
stages of maturation together with a tingible-body macrophage (Pap stain,
high magnification). (Bottom right) Cervix biopsy of follicular cervicitis
showing prominent subepithelial reactive lymphoid follicles with germinal
centers (H&E stain, low magnification; courtesy of Dr. Christopher Otis,
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA).
Fig. 5.2. Lactobacilli (high magnification images). (Top left) Thin bacilli
forming part of the normal flora are shown in this routine Pap test (Pap
stain, ThinPrep). (Bottom left) Multiple lactobacilli are seen coating
these two squamous epithelial cells, not to be confused with clue cells
(Pap stain). (Right) Long slender lactobacilli are seen associated with
cytolysis and bare nuclei (Pap stain, conventional smear).
Clinical Features
●● Common and normal finding in Pap tests. More common in the
second half of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and in
patients with diabetes mellitus.
●● Decreased with BV.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Slender, rod-like bacilli can be seen lying in the background
and/or over the surface of cells.
90 5. Gynecological Infections
Diagnostic Note
●● Lactobacilli can form long chains, not to be confused with
fungal hyphae.
●● Free-lying nuclei following cytolysis should be distinguished
from trichomonads, HSIL, endometrial cells, follicular cervicitis,
small cell carcinoma, and lymphoma.
●● Other sources of debris include atrophy and tumor diathesis.
●● Diagnostic ancillary tests are not required.
Leptothrix vaginalis
●● Leptothrix are long Gram positive anaerobic bacteria.
●● They are often associated with trichomonas infection (“spaghetti
and meatballs”).
Clinical Features
●● These bacteria are usually non-pathogenic on their own.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Long filamentous bacteria are seen that do not form spores.
Diagnostic Note
●● Compared to Actinomyces, Leptothrix are much less densely clus-
tered and are not associated with companion bacteria.
●● The finding of Leptothrix should encourage a thorough investi-
gation of the specimen for associated Trichomonas.
●● Ancillary tests are not required (Fig. 5.3).
Viral Infections 91
Viral Infections
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
●● Papillomaviruses are DNA viruses that belong to the family Papo-
viridae. They selectively infect skin and mucous membranes.
Genital HPV infection is almost exclusively sexually transmitted.
●● HPV is the dominant causative agent in anogenital warts, SILs,
and cervical carcinoma. Most HPV infections regress spontane-
ously. Persistence of oncogenic HPV infection is required for
progression to carcinoma.
●● There are over 100 different types of HPV. The types infect-
ing the female genital tract are divided into low- and high-risk
(HR). Low-risk (LR) HPVs are associated with condylomata
acuminata and LSIL, while the intermediate and HR oncogenic
HPV types are associated with LSIL, HSIL, and carcinoma.
92 5. Gynecological Infections
Clinical Features
●● Initial infection is often asymptomatic.
●● Condyloma accuminatum (anogenital warts). In women, these
lesions usually initially involve the posterior introitus and nearby
labia. They can extend to other parts of the vulva, vagina, and
cervix. They can occur singly or in clusters and appear as flesh-
colored or pink polypoid or flat lesions.
●● SIL. SIL are asymptomatic. Mucosal lesions can be identified
after application of acetic acid and are best visualized on col-
poscopy. The older concept that SIL progress from low-grade
(LSIL) to high-grade (HSIL) lesions has now been replaced by
the concept that LSIL and many CIN2 lesions are nonprogres-
sive lesions and that true precancerous lesions (CIN3) develop
de novo in a subset of patients with persistent high-risk HPV
●● Cervical carcinoma. Early invasive carcinoma may be asymp-
tomatic. Later stages present with watery or blood-stained
discharge, postcoital bleeding, or spontaneous, irregular vaginal
bleeding but may present with advanced local disease or metas-
tases. In such cases the cervix may appear irregular, raised, red-
dened, or ulcerated.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● HPV cytopathic effect includes koilocytosis and dyskeratosis
(atypical parakeratosis). In LSIL, koilocytosis is seen in inter-
mediate or superficial squamous cells (koilocytes) and includes
Viral Infections 93
Diagnostic Note
●● Detectable HPV does not always imply the presence of clinical
●● Squamous cells showing inflammatory changes may demon-
strate small clearings around the nucleus (perinuclear halo) and
enlarged nuclei. However, the nuclei in such reactive cells tend
to be more round and vesicular than in true koilocytes.
●● Navicular cells are boat-shaped squamous cells with an
intracytoplasmic vacuole containing glycogen. Empty vacu-
oles may resemble the halo seen in koilocytes, but the associ-
ated nuclear changes are not seen and the nucleus is usually
●● ASC-US is the term reserved for cells that are suggestive of, but
not diagnostic of, koilocytes.
●● Parakeratosis refers to small keratinized squames with
pyknotic nuclei. These cells and nuclei are much smaller than
Viral Infections 95
Ancillary Tests
●● Several FDA-approved options exist for HPV testing using
cervicovaginal Pap test material. Several non-FDA-approved
options are also available for routine use, but caution must be
exercised as clinical validation of routine non-FDA-approved
routine HPV tests and for more novel HPV tests is very limited.
Direct probe methods include Southern, dot blot, and in situ
Signal amplification systems include hybrid capture like
Clinical Features
●● The first episode of genital herpes usually produces fever,
headache, and malaise. Genital symptoms include pain, dysuria,
vaginal discharge, tender inguinal lymphadenopathy, and vary-
ing stages of vesicles, pustules, and/or ulcers on an erythematous
base. Recurrent genital herpes is usually milder and shorter than
the first episode. Patients may remain asymptomatic, but infec-
tious. Complications of infection include local spread, extragen-
ital lesions, superinfection, and CNS disease (e.g., meningitis).
●● Transmission to neonates during vaginal delivery may cause
serious disseminated infection. A Cesarean section may therefore
Viral Infections 97
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Infected squamous cells may show Cowdry type A inclusions
(eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions surrounded by a clear
zone) and/or Cowdry type B inclusions (nuclei molded rather
than overlapped, chromatin margination beneath the nuclear
membrane imparting a ground glass appearance to the nucleus,
and multinucleation).
●● A background acute inflammatory cell infiltrate may be marked.
98 5. Gynecological Infections
Diagnostic Note
●● The Bethesda system interpretation is “Cellular changes con-
sistent with herpes simplex virus.”
●● Reactive endocervical cells with multinucleation may mimic
herpetic change. Neoplastic cells with multinucleation and/or
pale vesicular nuclei may also mimic herpes (Fig. 5.8). Other
mimics of herpes may include reactive/repair change, air-drying
artifact, cell distortion, and poor cell preservation.
●● The differential diagnosis for large multinucleated cells on
a Pap test includes giant cell macrophages (granulomatous
Viral Infections 99
Ancillary Tests
●● Immunocytochemistry
●● HSV DNA detection by PCR or ISH
●● Serology (type-specific assays)
●● Viral culture
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
●● Detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) cytopathic effect in cervi-
cal Pap tests or biopsy is rare. CMV typically involves endocer-
vical glandular epithelium, and less commonly squamous cells.
●● The characteristic viral cytopathic change includes cytomegaly
with an intranuclear inclusion surrounded by a halo (“owl’s-eye”),
which can be confirmed using immunocytochemistry if necessary.
Clinical Features
●● Infection with M. contagiosum is common in the pubic area, and
infrequently affects the vagina and cervix.
●● Infection occurs after trauma to the skin or mucosa. Persist-
ent and disseminated infection occurs in immunosuppressed
patients like those with HIV coinfection.
100 5. Gynecological Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
Diagnostic Note
●● Molluscum bodies may mimic CMV intranuclear inclusions.
●● As this viral infection is recognized as being an STD, slides
should be carefully screened for the presence of other STDs.
●● Ancillary studies may include a confirmatory biopsy, PCR, and
electron microscopy.
Bacterial Infections 101
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis
●● BV is a polymicrobial infection associated with overgrowth of
several anaerobic bacteria including mainly Gardnerella vagina-
lis, but also Mobiluncus spp., Mycoplasma hominis, Prevotella
spp., Bacteroides spp., Ureaplasma spp., and Peptostreptococ-
cus spp.
●● These bacteria overgrow the lactobacilli, raising the vaginal pH
and produce malodorous amines.
●● BV is a risk factor for HPV infection acquisition. Women with
HPV-induced abnormalities in Pap tests have a higher propor-
tion of clue cells than their HPV-negative counterparts. The
exact association between BV and CIN development is unclear
(Fig. 5.10).
Fig. 5.10. Shift in vaginal flora. (Left) Conventional Pap smear show-
ing altered vaginal flora. The large number of bacteria in this specimen
imparts a gray color to the background smear (Pap stain, intermedi-
ate magnification). (Right) Clue cells are shown with squamous cells
coated by many small coccobacillary bacteria (Pap stain, ThinPrep,
high magnification).
102 5. Gynecological Infections
Clinical Features
●● Infection in women of any age can be asymptomatic or patients
may present with a vaginal discharge or offensive (fishy) odor.
Clinical (Amsel) criteria for the diagnosis include vaginal
pH ³ 4.7, homogeneous milk-like discharge, amine “fishy” odor,
and clue cells in a wet mount.
●● Gynecologic sequelae of BV may include increased frequency
of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and posthysterectomy
vaginal cuff cellulitis.
●● In pregnant women, BV can result in preterm labor, chorioamnio-
nitis, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum endometritis,
and low birth weight in newborns.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The characteristic finding is the presence of coccobacilli coating
squamous cells imparting a grainy look to the cell (so-called “clue
cells”). The adherence pattern of these bacteria to squamous cells
between conventional smears and liquid-based Pap tests is similar.
●● Coccobacilli may also form a film pattern in the background,
best seen in conventional smears. In liquid samples, the back-
ground may be clean or bacteria are more clumped.
●● Many erythrocytes may be observed attached to clue cells.
●● Lactobacilli are absent.
●● Background inflammation is variable but usually sparse.
●● Epithelial cells may have inflammatory and reactive changes.
Diagnostic Note
●● The Bethesda system interpretation is “shift in flora suggestive
of bacterial vaginosis.” The reason is that the detection of coc-
cobacilli does not necessarily indicate clinical infection of BV.
●● The presence of at least 20% clue cells on a cervical Pap test
appears to be an accurate and reproducible criterion for the diag-
nosis of BV.
Ancillary Tests
●● Although rarely used by cytologists, the “whiff test” can be per-
formed at the bedside, whereby volatile amines are liberated when
vaginal secretions are mixed with 10% potassium hydroxide.
Bacterial Infections 103
●● Gram stain
●● Culture
●● Multiplex PCR for both G. vaginalis and Mobiluncus spp.
Neisseria gonorrheae
●● Neisseria gonorrheae is a sexually transmitted infection.
●● They are Gram-negative diplococci, typically found within neu-
Clinical Features
●● Infected patients are often asymptomatic, but may present with
pruritis, a mucopurulent vaginal discharge, dysuria, and edema-
tous, friable cervix.
●● If untreated, urethritis, endometritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and
PID may develop. Scarring from PID may result in infertility or
ectopic pregnancy. Disseminated disease is possible.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Monococci or diplococci may be seen within neutrophils. How-
ever, cytolomorphology alone is not a reliable diagnostic modal-
ity and ancillary tests are required.
●● Patients with chronic gonorrhea infection may show reactive
epithelial change.
Diagnostic Note
●● Many women are routinely screened for N. gonorrheae infec-
tion, along with C. trachomatis at the time of Pap test collection.
Concomitant testing for these microorganisms does not appear
to affect the adequacy of the Pap test, even if separate endocer-
vical swabs are obtained before or after the Pap test. The type
of collection device (e.g., broom, brush) also does not appear to
impact the test.
●● Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs, see below) permit test-
ing of female patients to be performed on endocervical swabs,
liquid-based Pap specimens, self-collected vaginal swabs, and
urine specimens.
104 5. Gynecological Infections
Ancillary Tests
●● Gram stain.
●● DNA for N. gonorrheae can be performed on liquid-based cytol-
ogy of cervicovaginal specimens. Commercial kits are available
that employ NAAT. These offer more rapid results than culture.
Second-generation assays (e.g., APTIMA Combo 2 assay) can
simultaneously detect N. gonorrheae and C. trachomatis from
the same specimen.
●● Culture, which needs to be performed within 24 h or less of
specimen collection.
●● Also available are fluorescent antibody testing, co-agglutination,
and DNA probe.
●● Actinomyces spp. are Gram-positive, nonacid-fast bacte-
ria that exhibit branching, filamentous growth. Actinomy-
ces israelii is the species most commonly associated with
the female genital tract. They are part of the normal flora of
the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and less commonly the
vagina. Damage to the mucosa is required for the develop-
ment of actinomycosis.
●● Actinomyces spp. grow as colonies that can form abscesses and
subsequent fibrosis. Yellow sulfur granules containing bacteria
may be visible macroscopically.
●● Actinomyces infection of the female genital tract is most often
associated with intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUD) use.
Around 25% of patients with an IUD will have Actinomyces
present in their Pap test specimens. Rare cases may develop
endometritis and/or PID.
Clinical Features
●● Symptoms may include vaginal bleeding and discharge, fever,
weight loss, and abdominal pain. Patients may present with a
tubo-ovarian abscess (Fig. 5.11).
Bacterial Infections 105
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The main finding is dense basophilic balls (“dust bunnies”) of
bacteria with radiating filaments. Their center is often more
dense and poorly stained than the surrounding delicate fila-
ments (best visualized by focusing up and down). Occasionally
the organisms may be arranged in a horizontal array. At higher
magnification the filaments may be club-shaped and can be seen
branching at acute angles.
●● In conventional Pap smears bacteria balls are gray-blue in color,
whereas with liquid-based specimens they may be more eosi-
●● Acute inflammatory cells are often present in the background,
as well as macrophages, rare multinucleated giant cells and cal-
cified debris, the latter of which is probably from the IUD.
Diagnostic Note
●● The Bethesda system interpretation is “Bacteria morphologi-
cally consistent with Actinomyces spp.”
●● IUD removal and possible antibiotic treatment may be required
in symptomatic patients if actinomycosis is diagnosed.
106 5. Gynecological Infections
Ancillary Tests
●● Gram stain
●● Culture
Granuloma Venereum
●● This STD, also known as granuloma inguinale and Donovano-
sis, is caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, an intracellular Gram-
negative bacteria, sometimes referred to as a Donovan body.
●● The organism is seen in histiocytes, enclosed within thin-walled
intracytoplasmic vacuoles. The classic “safety-pin” appearance
of the bacteria is not apparent in alcohol-fixed smears.
●● There may be a paucity of epithelial cells present due to ulceration.
As a result, the majority of the Pap test is comprised of inflamma-
tory cells, mainly neutrophils but also macrophages. Epithelioid
histiocytes may be encountered, but giant cells are not seen. Intact
capillaries may be seen due to direct scraping of the stroma.
●● Various ancillary tests are available including special stains
(Romanowsky and Warthin-Starry stains), immunocytochemis-
try, PCR, serology, culture, and electron microscopy (Fig. 5.12).
●● Tuberculosis (TB) of the female genital tract is primarily caused
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
●● TB involvement of the female genital tract in almost all cases
is secondary to extragenital disease, and usually involves the
fallopian tubes and endometrium. Infection of the cervix is rare,
even where mycobacterial infection is endemic.
●● The cervix is infected through direct spread from the upper gen-
ital tract or lymphatic spread. It has been suggested that occa-
sionally cervical TB may be sexually transmitted from a partner
with tuberculous epididymitis or if infected sputum is used as a
sexual lubricant.
Clinical Features
●● Patients may present with amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities,
infertility, vaginal discharge, and postmenopausal bleeding. The
Bacterial Infections 107
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The main finding is granulomatous inflammation with or with-
out necrosis. Epithelioid histiocytes form sheets or can be seen
as single cells, along with acute and chronic inflammatory cells
in the background, as well as multinucleated giant cells.
108 5. Gynecological Infections
Diagnostic Note
●● The presence of granulomas with multinucleated giant cells in
Pap tests should raise the suspicion of tuberculosis.
●● Granulomas in Pap tests can also be seen in other conditions
such as syphilis, granuloma inguinale, amebiasis, schistosomia-
sis, foreign body (suture) granulomas, and malakoplakia.
Ancillary Tests
●● Acid-fast stains for mycobacteria
●● Autofluorescence
●● Culture
●● PCR
Chlamydia trachomatis
●● Chlamydia (previously called TRIC agent) are obligate intrac-
ellular Gram-negative bacteria. They require growing cells to
remain viable, forming intracellular inclusions as they grow.
●● C. trachomatis is transmitted via sexual contact and during vag-
inal child birth. This is the most common nonulcerative STD
worldwide. Coinfection with HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, HSV-2,
and HIV is common (Fig. 5.13).
Fig. 5.13. Chlamydia inclusions. (Left) Squamous cells on a Pap test are
shown with several small intracytoplasmic chlamydia inclusions (Pap stain,
high magnification). (Right) Squamous cell with a nebular body, which is
highly specific for chlamydial infection (Pap stain, high magnification).
Bacterial Infections 109
Clinical Features
●● Most infected patients are asymptomatic.
●● Female urogenital infection may cause vaginal bleeding, dis-
charge, pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and urinary symptoms. Patients
develop cervicitis (typically follicular type), and possibly salp-
ingitis, PID, and/or Reiter’s syndrome (genital inflammation
with conjunctivitis and arthritis).
●● Chlamydia may also result in ophthalmic infection (trachoma)
and systemic disease.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Inclusion bodies may be seen in squamous, endocervical, and/
or metaplastic cells. Several different types of inclusions have
been described including small elementary bodies, larger reticu-
late bodies, and aggregate bodies (e.g., nebular body).
●● Reactive cellular changes may include cytomegaly, nuclear
enlargement, nuclear irregularity, and multinucleation.
●● Mixed acute and chronic inflammatory cells are often present.
Diagnostic Note
●● The interpretation of Chlamydia is not included in the Bethesda
System, because of the low sensitivity and reproducibility of
cytologic findings and the availability of more specific detection
●● The finding of intracellular inclusions within epithelial cells is
not diagnostic of chlamydia infection, as there are many other
causes for such vacuoles (faux chlamydia inclusions) including
intracellular targetoid mucin, condensed secretions, intracellu-
lar debris, degeneration, IUD effect, and radiation change. Mac-
rophages may also show a similar vacuolated appearance.
Ancillary Tests
●● Giemsa stain demonstrates chlamydial organisms
●● NAAT, which facilitates screening. Swabs and liquid-based
samples are both acceptable. Commercial assays (e.g., APTIMA
Combo 2 assay) can simultaneously detect N. gonorrheae (GC)
and C. trachomatis (CT) from the same liquid-based cytology
specimen. Nucleic acid testing cannot differentiate dead from
viable organisms.
110 5. Gynecological Infections
Fungal Infections
●● Candida may be identified in the vaginal tract of up to 50% of
asymptomatic women.
●● Candida albicans is seen in most (90%) infections (called candi-
diasis or candidosis). Less common causes are Candida glabrata
(previously called Torulopsis glabrata) forms small budding
yeasts, but not pseudohyphae and Candida parapsilosis.
●● Pregnancy, diabetes, and immunosuppression predispose women
to the development of candidiasis.
●● Candida vulvovaginitis is not considered to be an STD, and
appears not to be associated with an increased risk of SIL.
Clinical Features
●● Infection can be asymptomatic or patients with vulvovaginitis
may experience pruritis, burning, or have a yellow-white thick
(“cheesy”) discharge.
Cytolomorphogic Features
●● Budding yeasts and/or pseudohyphae are noted (“sticks and
stones” or “spaghetti and meatballs”). Yeast are 3–7 mm in size,
round to oval, and sharply defined. Pseudohyphae are formed by
budding, have parallel side walls, and show constriction along
their length (like a string of sausages).
Fungal Infections 111
Fig. 5.14. Candida. (Left) Candida hyphae in this ThinPrep Pap test
appear to have skewered the surrounding squamous cells forming a shish
kebab-like structure (Pap stain, intermediate magnification). (Right)
Higher magnification shows characteristic pseudohyphae with distinct
constrictions along their length (Pap stain).
Diagnostic Note
●● The Bethesda System recommends reporting these organisms
as “Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Can-
dida spp.”
●● The identification of Candida on a Pap test does not necessarily
indicate infection.
●● Nonspecific reactive changes in squamous cells may be inter-
preted as ASC-US or pseudokoilocytosis. True dysplastic cells
have larger and more hyperchromatic nuclei.
112 5. Gynecological Infections
Fig. 5.15. Candida glabrata. With C. glabrata the only finding in a Pap test
is rare to many yeasts (left and right images Pap stain, high magnification).
Ancillary Tests
●● Special stains (PAS and GMS)
●● Fungal culture
Parasitic Infections
Trichomonas vaginalis
●● Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasitic protozoan that causes tri-
●● Trichomoniasis is a very common sexually transmitted infec-
tion. Its prevalence is highest among those with multiple sexual
partners and other sexually transmitted infections (Fig. 5.16).
Parasitic Infections 113
Clinical Features
●● Patients may be asymptomatic or present with burning, pruri-
tis, a profuse yellow-green, frothy and malodorous vaginal dis-
charge and dysuria. Males may present with urethritis.
●● Trichomonas may be associated with PID, infertility, and in preg-
nant women premature rupture of membranes and preterm birth.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Round to oval or pear-shaped extracellular organisms are seen
usually just slightly larger than inflammatory cells and paraba-
sal cells. They range in size from 15 to 30 mm. In liquid-based
preparations the organisms are often smaller due to rounding. On
114 5. Gynecological Infections
Diagnostic Note
●● Diagnosis made by the identification of trichomonads on wet
mount preparation and Pap test has lower sensitivity (50–80%)
compared to culture (70–100%).
●● The morphologic identification of T. vaginalis on a Pap test is
highly accurate and should not require confirmatory testing.
●● Degenerated inflammatory cells, cellular debris, degenerated
bare epithelial nuclei in atrophic vaginitis, and small mucus
aggregates may be confused with trichomonads. Trichomonads
by comparison have a well-defined shape and a gray eccentri-
cally located nucleus.
Ancillary Tests
●● Immunocytochemistry. With the p16 immunostain (using clone
G175-405 from BD Biosciences Pharmingen, San Diego, CA,
USA) nonspecific immunoreactivity of T. vaginalis has been
●● Immunofluorescent antibody staining
●● PCR
●● Culture
Parasitic Infections 115
●● Schistosomiasis is due to infection by the trematodes (flukes)
Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni, or S. japonicum. Cervi-
cal infections are most often due to S. haematobium.
●● Mature ova release miracidia in moist environments. The cervix
is sufficiently moist to allow this (Fig. 5.17).
Clinical Features
●● Cervical symptoms of infection include vaginal discharge and
bleeding. The infected cervix appears inflamed, ulcerated, nod-
ular, and friable, which may mimic carcinoma clinically.
116 5. Gynecological Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Viable ova are 150 mm in length and 50 mm in width and are sur-
rounded by a thick shell. S. haematobium has a terminal spine
while S. mansoni has a lateral one. S. japonicum is slightly oval
with a rudimentary lateral spine. Sometimes the structure of a
miracidium within the ovum is apparent.
●● Nonviable ova are empty (have no internal structure) and may
exhibit a variety of forms including calcified, black, opaque,
shrunken, or collapsed eggs. Empty shells are often found in
association with multinucleated histiocytes.
●● Miracidia are not often seen. They usually have a pointed ante-
rior end and round posterior end. Cilia are not seen on Pap
smear. The cytoplasm containing various structures within
the miracidia stain brightly eosinophilic while the nuclei are
●● There is usually an acute inflammatory infiltrate and multinu-
cleated histiocytes present in the background.
Diagnostic Note
●● Cervical infection may occur in the absence of urinary egg
●● The differential diagnosis for empty ova includes collections of
lubricant gel and plant cells. Lubricant gel lacks a spine and
is not refractile while plant cells may be refractile but lack a
●● Viable ova appear different from the ova of other parasites that
have been described in cervical smears including Ascaris, Tri-
churis, Enterobius, and Taenia. Refer to parasitic ova in Chap. 4.
●● Miracidia are larger than those of Balantidium coli.
Parasitic Infections 117
Ancillary Tests
●● Special stains include GMS and Ziehl-Neelsen
●● Serology
Enterobius vermicularis
●● Enterobius vermicularis (known as the pinworm or thread-
worm) is an intestinal parasite (nematode) that can occasionally
migrate to the vagina, uterus, and even the peritoneal cavity via
the fallopian tubes.
●● The finding of an adult pinworm and/or egg on a Pap test
slide likely represents contamination from perianal parasites
(gravid female worms and ova), or infrequently a true genital
Clinical Features
●● Symptoms of intestinal infection (enterobiasis) mainly include
perianal pruritis.
●● Vaginal discharge may occur with infestation of the lower
genital tract.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● An Enterobius ovum is oval, measures 50–60 × 20–30 mm in
size, and has a thick double-walled shell that is flattened on one
side. Occasionally, larvae may be seen in the ova or free-lying.
One may find one or many ova in a Pap test specimen.
●● The adult pinworm is cylindrical and has a sharply pointed pos-
terior end. Female worms measure 8–13 mm long and males are
only 2–5 mm in length. Both are ~0.5 mm thick.
●● With contamination there will be no associated inflammation.
With a true genital infection the background inflammatory
response varies and includes granulomatous inflammation.
Diagnostic Note
●● Psammoma bodies and pollen grain may mimic parasitic ova.
118 5. Gynecological Infections
Ancillary Tests
●● Microbiology consultation
●● Examination of stool for parasites and/or cellulose (Scotch/
sticky) tape applied to the perianal skin for microscopic exami-
nation (Fig. 5.18).
Insects 119
Phthirus pubis
●● Phthirus pubis, also known as pubic or crab lice, are wingless
parasitic insects usually found on pubic hair, but may also be
seen on other hairy parts of the body including the eyelashes.
●● Lice have three distinct body segments, in addition to crab-like
claws on the legs for climbing hairs. They have an overall “crab-
like” appearance. They measure between 1 and 2.5 mm in size.
●● The presence of a pubic louse on a Pap test represents a contam-
inant. The clinician should be alerted to the possible infestation
of the pubic hair.
●● Pediculus humanus capitis (head lice) and Pediculus humanus
human (body lice) are morphologically distinct (Fig. 5.19).
Fig. 5.19. Phthirus pubis seen on a conventional Pap smear (Pap stain,
medium magnification).
120 5. Gynecological Infections
Suggested Reading
Aslan DL, McKeon DM, Stelow EB, Gulbahce HE, Kjeldahl K, Pambuccian
SE. The diagnosis of trichomonas vaginalis in liquid-based Pap tests:
morphological characteristics. Diagn Cytopathol. 2005;32:253–9.
Discacciati M, Simoes J, Amaral R, Brolazo E, Rabelo-Santos S, Westin
M, et al. Presence of 20% or more clue cells: an accurate criterion for
the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in Papanicolaou cervical smears.
Diagn Cytopathol. 2006;34:272–6.
Giacomini G. Permanent diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis: gram stain or
Papanicolaou stain? Diagn Cytopathol. 2000;23:292–3.
Gupta R, Dey P, Jain V, Gupta N. Cervical tuberculosis detection in
Papanicolaou-stained smear: case report with review of literature.
Diagn Cytopathol. 2009;37:592–5.
Huang JC, Naylor B. Cytomegalovirus infection of the cervix detected
by cytology and histology: a report of five cases. Cytopathology. 1993;
Leiman G, Markowitz S, Margolius KA. Cytologic detection of cervical
granuloma inguinale. Diagn Cytopathol. 1986;2:138–43.
McMillan A. The detection of genital tract infection by Papanicolaou-
stained tests. Cytopathology. 2006;17:317–22.
Noël JC, Engohan-Aloghe C. Morphologic criteria associated with Tri-
chomonas vaginalis in liquid-based cytology. Acta Cytol. 2010;54:582–6.
Pantanowitz L, Florence RR, Goulart RA, Otis CN. Trichomonas vagi-
nalis p16 immunoreactivity in cervicovaginal Pap tests: a diagnostic
pitfall. Diagn Cytopathol. 2005;33:210–3.
Tambouret R. Gynecologic infections. In: Kradin RL, editor. Diagnostic
pathology of infectious disease. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2010.
p. 443–63.
Pulmonary Infections
Walid E. Khalbuss1, Rodolfo Laucirica2,
and Liron Pantanowitz1
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Department of Pathology and Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine,
Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, TX, USA
Viral Infections
Viruses are one of the most common causes of infection of the
respiratory tract. Not all viral infections have cytopathic changes
(e.g., influenza, swine flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome/
SARS, EBV). However, in many cases the cytologic features of
viral infection are fairly specific as to the etiology (Table 6.1).
Ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry, viral culture, and
molecular tests are often necessary to accurately identify the cause
of certain infections.
Clinical Features
●● HSV infection of the upper respiratory tract can lead to pharyn-
gitis, laryngotracheitis, and pneumonia. HSV infection of the
lung may cause a necrotizing pneumonia or diffuse interstitial
●● HSV commonly infects neonates and immunocompromised
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Herpetic inclusions can be found within metaplastic squamous
cells when the inflammation is centered around airways or in
multinucleated giant cells within necroinflammatory debris in
the interstitial form of disease.
●● Infected cells often display prominent nuclear molding.
●● Two forms of characteristic herpes inclusions may be seen,
including Cowdry type A inclusions (distinct eosinophilic
intranuclear inclusions surrounded by a clear halo due to mar-
gination of chromatin material) and Cowdry type B inclusions
(eosinophilic ground glass “smudge nuclei” with margination of
the chromatin material) (Fig. 6.1).
●● The background may have associated acute inflammatory cells
and necrosis.
124 6. Pulmonary Infections
Fig. 6.1. BAL specimen from a patient with a history of colon adeno-
carcinoma who presented with respiratory distress. The left photos show
characteristic of Cowdry type B herpes inclusions. The right photo shows
accompanying reactive reparative change with prominent and multiple nucle-
oli that mimics malignancy in this case (Pap stain, high magnification).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Nonspecific reactive bronchial cells and alveolar macrophages
(multinucleated bronchial cells and cells with clearing/washed
out nuclei).
●● Squamous dysplasia in metaplastic cells or in a squamous papil-
loma lesion.
●● The cytopathic features are identical to those of herpes zoster
(clinical history and/or ancillary studies are required to resolve
this differential diagnosis).
●● CMV infection (rarely causes multinucleation, see Fig. 6.2 (see
next page)).
Ancillary Studies
●● Most cases do not need ancillary studies to confirm the
Viral Infections 125
Fig. 6.2. Co-infection with CMV and P. jirovecii is shown in this BAL
specimen from an immunocompromised patient. Characteristic “owl eye”
inclusions are seen. Multinucleation is rare in CMV infection, but can
occur (see inset). Pneumocystis infection resulted in the cast of frothy
material; each circlet with a central dot is an organism (Pap stain, interme-
diate magnification left and high magnification right).
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
●● CMV is one of the most common causes of opportunistic infec-
tions involving the respiratory tract. In the respiratory tract, CMV
mainly targets pulmonary macrophages, endothelial cells and
fibroblasts, but virtually any cell can be infected by this virus.
126 6. Pulmonary Infections
Clinical Features
●● CMV pneumonia is frequently seen in patients with HIV/AIDS,
those receiving organ transplants, or individuals at the extremes
of age.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The diagnostic features of CMV infection include cytomegaly,
large amphophilic intranuclear inclusions with perinuclear halos
and chromatin margination (“owl eye” inclusion), and small
basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions.
●● The number of cells showing cytopathic changes varies with the
severity of infection or as a result of patients receiving prophy-
lactic antiviral therapy.
●● As CMV is frequently found in immunosuppressed patients, it
may be seen together with other opportunistic pathogens such as
fungi including P. jirovecii (Fig. 6.2).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Herpes simplex infection.
●● Neoplastic cells.
●● Reactive epithelial cells or macrophages with karyomegaly.
●● Other viral infections including adenovirus and RSV infection.
Ancillary Studies
●● Most cases do not need ancillary studies to confirm the diag-
●● Immunocytochemistry or in situ hybridization for CMV.
●● Molecular testing (PCR).
●● Viral culture.
●● Adenovirus is a DNA virus that can cause ulcerative bronchiolitis,
acute pneumonia, or diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).
Viral Infections 127
Fig. 6.3. Adenovirus pneumonia. The images on the left are of a smear
prepared from sputum showing an infected cell (circled) with a degenerated
nucleus (top left, Pap stain, intermediate magnification) and a detached cili-
ary tuft (bottom left, Pap stain, high magnification). The images on the right
are of a BAL from a child with adenovirus pneumonia showing a smudgy
appearing nucleus of an infected cell (top right, Pap stain, cytospin, high
magnification) with positive immunocytochemistry confirming this is due
to adenovirus infection (bottom right, high magnification) (BAL images
courtesy of Dr. S. Ranganathan, Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital, USA).
Clinical Features
●● Pulmonary adenovirus infections may occur in healthy subjects
living in close quarters (e.g., military recruits), but can also
cause severe and potentially fatal infections in immunocompro-
mised patients.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Infected cells exhibit two types of nuclear inclusions:
amphophilic intranuclear inclusions with perinuclear clearing
that mimic herpes simplex infection, or “smudge cells” where
large basophilic inclusions fill the entire nucleus and obscure
the chromatin detail (Fig. 6.3).
128 6. Pulmonary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other viral infections such as herpes infection.
●● Reactive epithelial cells.
●● Cytotoxic drug injury.
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemistry for adenovirus.
●● Monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay can be
performed on a fresh specimen.
●● Immunofluorescence assay.
●● Microbiology tissue culture.
●● PCR.
●● Electron microscopy.
Clinical Features
●● RSV is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infection
(bronchiolitis and pneumonia) during infancy and childhood.
●● RSV causes benign respiratory infections in older children
and has been linked to more severe adult community-acquired
pneumonia, acute bronchiolitis, and diffuse alveolar disease
(DAD) in the immunocompromised host or in lung allograft
Viral Infections 129
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Syncytial giant cells with cytoplasmic inclusions surrounded by
clear halos.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other viral infections such as human metapneumonia virus and
●● Benign noninfectious entities with giant cells.
Ancillary Studies
●● Binax NOW® RSV (BN) used on cytology specimens.
●● Microbiology tissue culture.
●● Shell vial culture.
●● PCR.
●● Human parainfluenza viruses are RNA viruses belonging to
the paramyxovidae family that cause upper respiratory tract
Clinical Features
●● In children, upper respiratory tract infections (e.g., croup) usually
follow a benign course.
●● Severe disease may occur in immunocompromised patients.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● As with RSV, this infection is associated with syncytial giant
cells and epithelial cells with intracytoplasmic inclusions. How-
ever, these inclusions tend to be more frequent and larger than
those seen with RSV.
●● Ciliocytophthoria may be prominent.
130 6. Pulmonary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other viral infections such as RSV.
●● Benign noninfectious entities with giant cells (e.g., hard metal
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemistry for parainfluenza virus.
●● Rapid real-time multiplex PCR assay.
●● Multiplex nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA)
●● Viral culture.
●● Measles (also known as rubeola) is an infection of the respi-
ratory system caused by the RNA rubeola virus of the genus
●● Measles pneumonia is a rare and serious complication of the viral
exanthem, especially in immunocompromised patients.
Clinical Features
●● Measles pneumonia can range from mild (bronchiolitis) to
severe (DAD) disease.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology specimens show large multinucleated giant cells with
cytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions. The intranuclear inclu-
sion has a glassy, eosinophilic appearance reminiscent of Cowdry
types A inclusions (Fig. 6.4).
●● There may be associated acute inflammation.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other viral infections such as RSV.
●● Benign noninfectious entities with giant cells morphology (e.g.,
hard metal pneumoconiosis).
Bacterial Infections 131
Ancillary Studies
●● Phloxine tartrazine special stain, which stains viral inclusions
bright red.
●● Serology: IgM (acute infection); IgG (immunity).
●● PCR (from a swab).
●● Viral culture.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial pneumonia may be lobar, lobular, or present in an atypi-
cal manner (e.g., mass-like or interstitial appearance). Gram-
positive and negative-bacteria are a common cause of pulmonary
132 6. Pulmonary Infections
●● Actinomyces are Gram-positive filamentous bacteria that cause
suppurative and granulomatous inflammation. Infections may
also result in bronchiectasis and abscesses containing sulfur
●● Pulmonary infections occur via aspiration of oral organisms and
are seen most often in persons with poor oral hygiene, immuno-
compromised patients, or from direct extension of cervicofacial
or subdiaphragmatic infection.
●● Secondary actinomycotic infection can involve devitalized lung
tissue damaged by other infections.
Clinical Features
●● The clinical manifestations of pulmonary actinomycosis are
fever, productive cough, and hemoptysis. Chronic infection may
cause sinus tracts.
●● Lung imaging findings may include consolidation, necrosis,
abscess, or an aspirated broncholith.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens contain acute inflammation and bacterial colonies
composed of thin beaded and delicate branching filaments
that are cyanophilic with a Pap stain (so-called “cotton ball”
●● Some cases may have sulfur granules which are colonies
of tangled Gram-positive bacilli, often coated with an eosi-
Bacterial Infections 133
Differential Diagnosis
●● Actinomyces are commonly found in tonsillar crypts, and
therefore may be seen (associated with squamous cells) con-
taminating sputum and bronchial specimens. Their presence on
FNA is unlikely to be due to contamination. True infection is
associated with abundant neutrophils.
●● Nocardia (less beading, no sulfur granules).
●● Botryomycosis (may also form sulfur granules, but contains
●● Mycobacteria.
●● Fungal infection.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (Actinomyces are positive with Gram and GMS
stains, but negative with an AFB/Fite stain).
●● Microbiology culture.
●● Nocardia are weakly staining Gram-positive, partially acid-fast,
rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria. They form beaded branching fila-
ments. The majority of infections (80%) are due to Nocardia
●● Pulmonary infection occurs via inhalation. Pre-existing pul-
monary disease, particularly pulmonary alveolar protienosis,
increases the risk of contracting Nocardia pneumonia.
Clinical Features
●● Patients commonly present with slowly progressive pneumo-
nia. In immuncompromised patients, infection may be associ-
ated with cavitary lung nodules. Infection can also spread to the
pleura or to chest wall.
134 6. Pulmonary Infections
Fig. 6.5. FNA of Nocardia pneumonia with numerous PMNs and necrotic
material (left image Pap stain, high magnification) associated with thin
filamentous branching bacteria (middle image Gram stain and right image
AFB stain, both high magnification).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology findings include those of acute pneumonia (numerous
neutrophils and necrotic material) together with the presence
of thin filamentous, beaded bacteria with right angle branching
that resembles Chinese letters (Fig. 6.5).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Actinomyces (more beading and more commonly have sulfur
●● Mycobacteria.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (Nocardia are positive with Gram and GMS
stains, and weakly positive with an AFB/Fite stain).
●● Microbiology culture.
Bacterial Infections 135
●● Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis. Pulmonary TB may be due to primary
or reactivation (chronic) infection. Pulmonary manifestations of
TB include bronchopneumonia, caseating pneumonia, nodular
disease (tuberculoma), tracheobronchitis, milliary disease, hilar
lymphadenopathy, and pleural disease.
●● Individuals at risk for infection are those who are immunosup-
pressed, the elderly, and infants.
●● Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), such as Mycobacterium
avium complex (MAC) and Mycobacterium kansasii, may also
cause pulmonary infections.
●● Infections are often associated with granulomatous inflammation.
In NTM infection, particularly in immunocompromised patients,
granulomas tend to be nonnecrotizing and incompletely formed.
Clinical Features
●● Patients usually present with night sweats, fever, weight loss,
fatigue, chronic cough, chest pain, hemoptysis, and possibly
extrapulmonary TB that may involve the pleura and mediastinal
lymph nodes.
●● Thoracic imaging studies may show infiltrates or cavities (espe-
cially of the upper lobes), solitary or milliary nodules, pleural
effusion, pneumothorax, and/or hilar lymphadenopathy.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The main finding is granulomas that show clusters of epithelioid
histiocytes that may be mixed with lymphocytes, Langhans, and/
or foreign body-type multinucleated giant cells with/without a
necrotic background (Fig. 6.6).
●● In NTM infections, macrophages laden with abundant myco-
bacteria may show abundant foamy cytoplasm (referred to as
pseudo-Gaucher cells).
●● A negative image of extracellular mycobacteria may be notable with
Diff-Quik, Giemsa, or other Romanowsky-type stains (Fig. 6.7).
In NTM infection, these unstained mycobacteria (especially within
macrophages) are usually more numerous.
Fig. 6.6. Necrotizing granulomatous pneumonia caused by M. tuberculosis
shown on Pap stained smears at high magnification (left and middle images)
and cell block (H&E stain, high magnification). Rare mycobacteria are seen
with an AFB stain (upper right image and inset, high magnification).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other microorganisms that cause necrotizing granulomatous
inflammation and are AFB positive (Nocardia, Rhodococcus,
and Legionella micdadei).
●● Noninfectious causes of granulomatous lung disease (e.g.,
Ancillary Studies
●● Acid-fast stains (Ziehl-Neelsen or Kinyoun stains). The diag-
nosis of mycobacterial infection can be on the basis of the
identification of microorganisms with acid-fast (AFB) stains.
Mycobacteria with M. tuberculosis compared to NTM may be
rare and require careful and lengthy scrutiny of slides. Some
mycobacteria have a distinct morphology; for example M. kansasii
resembles a shepherd’s crook or candy cane and Mycobacterium
fortuitum closely resembles Nocardia spp.
●● Mycobacteria may be weakly Gram-positive and will stain with
●● Fluorescence microscopy with fluorochrome dyes such as
auramine O or auramine–rhodamine are more sensitive and
specific than AFB stains.
●● Autofluorescence.
●● PCR for diagnosis and subclassification (can be done on cell
block material).
●● Culture for diagnosis and subclassification, although mycobac-
teria are slow growing and culture can take weeks (6–8 weeks
with conventional Lowenstein-Jensen medium and 3 weeks with
Middlebrook liquid and solid media).
●● Pneumonia is the predominant manifestation of Legionella
infection (Legionnaire’s disease).
●● Bacteria (Gram-negative coccobacilli) can be identified with
silver stains (Steiner, Warthin-Starry, or Diertrle stains), and are
often abundant prior to therapy. Legionella micdadei stains with
modified Ziehl-Neelsen stains.
138 6. Pulmonary Infections
Fungal Infections
Pulmonary fungal infections can be readily diagnosed by means
of exfoliative cytology or FNA. Infections are often associated
with a granulomatous or necroinflammatory reaction. Fungal mor-
phology varies with the stage of the disease and fungal organism.
Table 6.2 summarizes the cytologic features of common fungal
pathogens that infect the respiratory tract.
●● Candidiasis, infection caused by Candida spp., can involve the
lungs. Candida albicans is the primary causative agent. They
are yeast-like fungi that can form true hyphae and pseudohy-
●● Most cases of candida pneumonia are secondary to hematologi-
cal dissemination of organisms from a distant mucocutaneous
●● The respiratory tract is often colonized with Candida spp.,
especially in hospitalized patients. Patients at particular risk of
Clinical Features
●● Infection of the airways (laryngeal candidiasis and tracheobron-
chitis) may present with a sore throat, hoarseness, fever, produc-
tive cough, and possibly dyspnea. Candida pneumonia is usually
associated with disseminated candidiasis. The most common
form of infection is multiple lung abscesses.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens containing candida elements may contain pseudo-
hyphae (elongated yeast joined together), true hyphae, and/or
budding yeast (blastoconidia) with/without background inflam-
matory cells (Fig. 6.8).
140 6. Pulmonary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Contamination from oropharyngeal sites (e.g., oral thrush)
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., Aspergillus, cryptococcus)
●● Fungal mimics (e.g., synthetic fibers, pollen grains, etc.)
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS and PAS are positive)
●● Gram stain: Positive
●● Fungal culture
●● Histoplasmosis, caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma
capsulatum, infection is acquired through inhalation of infective
spores (microconidia), which primarily target macrophages in
the respiratory system.
●● Pulmonary infection may be acute or chronic and present with
localized or diffuse pulmonary disease.
Clinical Features
●● Pulmonary histoplasmosis can present clinically with pneu-
monia, lung nodule, cavitary lung disease, mediastinal or hilar
lymphadenopathy, and even superior vena cava syndrome or
obstruction of other mediastinal structures.
●● It is not uncommon for localized infections to mimic cancer.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● There are numerous intracellular yeasts measuring 3–5 mm, with
narrow based budding, within macrophages. When cells are
disrupted they may also be extracellularly located (Fig. 6.9).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Candida
●● Cryptococcus neoformans (microform)
Fungal Infections 141
●● Blastomyces dermatitidis
●● P. jiroveci
●● Microcalcifications (especially in the cell block)
●● Platelets (extracellular only)
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (GMS and PAS stains are positive)
●● Fungal culture
●● Antigen detection (enzyme immunoassay using urine, blood, or
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid).
●● Serology
142 6. Pulmonary Infections
●● This is a systemic infection caused by inhaling the conidia of the
dimorphic fungus B. dermatitidis.
●● Infections primarily involve the lung, usually associated with
the formation of microabscesses, but may disseminate to cause
extrapulmonary disease.
Clinical Features
●● Blastomycosis of the lung can be asymptomatic or manifest as
acute or chronic pneumonia. In the lungs, this organism usually
infects the upper lobes.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● One finds round large yeast (5–15 mm) that have a character-
istic double contoured thick cell wall, and show broad-base
●● There is often associated granulomatous inflammation present.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., the microform of H. capsulatum
and giant form of Coccidioides immitis).
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS and PAS are positive)
●● Mucicarmine stain (negative, to exclude cryptococcus)
●● Immunocytochemistry
●● Fungal culture
●● Humans are infected with cryptococcus by inhaling basid-
iospores or yeast. The important human pathogens are Crypto-
coccus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii.
Fungal Infections 143
Clinical Features
●● Cryptococcal pulmonary disease varies from asymptomatic
airway colonization to a slowly progressive lung mass (cryp-
tococcoma), pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), and pleural effusion.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Round to oval yeasts measuring 5–20 mm are seen with narrow-
based buds.
●● Yeasts are surrounded by thick capsules that are positive with muci-
carmine, alcian blue, and colloidal iron stains (Figs. 6.10 and 6.11).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., candida, blastomycosis)
●● Fungal mimics
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS and PAS are positive)
●● Mucicarmine stain is positive in encapsulated forms
●● Fontana-Masson stain may stain the yeast wall
●● India ink (requires live organisms)
●● Immunocytochemistry
●● Serum cryptococcal antigen
●● Fungal culture
●● C. immitis infection typically causes a necrotizing granuloma-
tous inflammation. The major pulmonary manifestations include
144 6. Pulmonary Infections
Fig. 6.10. Cryptococcus pneumonia. Yeasts are round to oval and have
narrow-based buds (Pap stain left image, high magnification). Yeasts may
resemble pneumocystis cysts, but tend to be more variable and often larger
in size (left inset, DQ stain, high magnification). Encapsulated cryptococ-
cal organisms are surrounded by a thick capsule that stains with GMS (top
right), PAS (middle right), and mucicarmine (bottom right) stains (high
Clinical Features
●● Most people are asymptomatic following initial respiratory expo-
sure to arthroconidia. Those who become ill typically develop res-
piratory symptoms, such as cough, pleurisy, fever, and weight loss.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The common morphologic forms of C. immitis seen in
cytology specimens are thick walled spherules (measuring
Fungal Infections 145
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other large fungal organisms (e.g., Rhinosporidium and Pro-
totheca wickerhamii).
●● Fungal mimics.
146 6. Pulmonary Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS, PAS).
●● Gram stain is negative.
●● Mucicarmine stain is positive.
●● Wet preparation of fresh samples using saline or potassium
hydroxide solution can be utilized to demonstrate spherules.
●● Calcofluor staining is positive.
Fungal Infections 147
●● Aspergillosis is caused by the fungus Aspergillus. Transmission
occurs via inhalation of airborne conidial forms.
●● Although most people are exposed to this fungus, infections
mainly occur in individuals with underlying lung disease (e.g.,
cystic fibrosis) or impaired immunity (e.g., transplant or AIDS
●● There are four types of lung disease caused by Aspergillus:
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Clinical Features
●● Symptoms depend on the type of infection, and range from
cough to hemoptysis or manifestations from extrapulmonary
●● Chest imaging findings are also variable and may include pul-
monary infiltrates or a lung cavity with a fungus ball.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Usually only the hyphal form is seen, characterized by septate
hyphae with relatively straight walls and 45° (dichotomous)
branching (Fig. 6.13).
●● Conidial forms of this organism (fruiting bodies) are seen when
this organism is exposed to air (e.g., abscess cavity or involve-
ment of large airways).
148 6. Pulmonary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., mucormycosis, candida, blasto-
●● Fungal mimics.
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS and PAS are positive).
●● Mucicarmine stain is positive.
Fungal Infections 149
Mucormycosis (Zygomycosis)
●● This invasive fungal infection is caused by mycelia-forming
fungi of the Mucorales (e.g., Rhizopus, Mucor spp.) and
Entomophthorales (e.g., Conidiobolus and Basidiobolus spp.)
●● Primary pulmonary zygomycosis tends to occur in patients with
immunosuppression such as patients with neutropenia, trans-
plant recipients, and in those persons receiving high-dose corti-
costeroid therapy (Fig. 6.14).
150 6. Pulmonary Infections
Clinical Features
●● Patients with pulmonary infection typically present with
respiratory symptoms like cough, hemoptysis, chest pain, and
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens contain broad, ribbon-like, nonseptate, irregularly
shaped hyphae with right-angle branching.
●● One may only find a terminal chlamydoconidium that is spheri-
cal with thick walls.
●● A necroinflammatory background is often present.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., candida, blastomycosis).
●● Fungal mimics.
Ancillary Studies
●● Fungal stains (GMS and PAS are positive).
●● Mucicarmine stain is positive.
●● Immunocytochemistry using a specific fungal antibody.
●● Direct immunofluorescence.
●● No serologic tests are available.
●● Fungal culture (3–5 days).
●● Pneumocystis pneumonia (or pneumocystosis) is caused by the
yeast-like fungus P. jirovecii (formerly called Pneumocystis
●● Infection typically involves the distal airspaces and is associated
with a foamy or frothy exudate.
●● Immunocompromised patients including persons with AIDS
and those receiving immunosuppressive therapy are at increased
risk of infection.
Fungal Infections 151
Clinical Features
●● Symptoms include fever, nonproductive cough, shortness of
breath, weight loss, and night sweats.
●● Complications may include pneumothorax and extrapulmo-
nary disease. Pleural effusion and intrathoracic adenopathy are
●● Specimens used to diagnose pulmonary infection include spu-
tum (induced sputum is more sensitive than expectorated sam-
ples), BAL (more invasive but has a greater diagnostic yield),
and for intubated patients tracheal aspirates.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The typical finding is circumscribed foamy alveolar foamy casts
that contain cysts. In some cases, casts may be absent, with
organisms present only within macrophages.
●● The background inflammatory infiltrate is variable, and may
rarely include granulomas.
●● Organisms are not well stained but are still visible with a Papan-
icolaou stain, seen mainly as multiple clear spaces within casts.
Cysts are best visualized with silver stains (e.g., GMS).
●● Cysts measure 4–8 mm, resemble crushed ping-pong balls
(cup-shaped), and with a GMS stain a central dot-like area may
be seen representing a focus of cell membrane condensation
(Fig. 6.15).
●● Cysts tend to be present in aggregates of 2–8, and should not be
confused with Histoplasma or Cryptococcus which typically do
not aggregate.
●● Budding does not occur. However, adjacent or overlapping cysts
may mimic budding organisms.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal organisms (e.g., Candida, cryptococcus, blastomy-
●● Alveolar proteinosis.
●● Amyloidosis.
●● Lysed red blood cells.
152 6. Pulmonary Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Cyst wall stains with GMS, PAS, and mucicarmine stains.
●● Intracystic or free sporozoites (not cyst walls) stain with Giemsa.
●● Immunocytochemistry using a specific Pneumocystis immuno
●● Calcofluor white.
●● Direct immunofluorescence.
●● PCR.
Parasitic Infections 153
Parasitic Infections
Parasites are rare in most developed countries, but may be endemic
in other parts of the world. Pulmonary involvement often occurs
because the lungs represent a site of infection during the life cycle
of some parasites. Infection is often associated with eosinophilia
in the blood and pulmonary tissue. Table 6.3 lists parasitic organ-
isms likely to infect the respiratory tract.
●● Humans may acquire Dirofilaria immitis (dog heartworm)
through insect vectors (mosquitoes) from dogs. Parasites that
become entrapped within pulmonary vessels may result in
pulmonary infarction.
●● FNA of infarcted nodules demonstrate worm fragments mixed
with necrotic lung tissue and an inflammatory and granuloma-
tous response.
●● Worms measure 120–310 mm in length depending on the sex
(females are larger than males). Dirofilaria are distinguished
from other nematodes by their prominent muscular lateral cords
and striated cuticle.
154 6. Pulmonary Infections
●● Strongyloides stercoralis involves the respiratory tract via hema-
togenous spread of the infective form (filariform larvae), espe-
cially in those who are immunosuppressed.
●● Sputum, tracheal aspirates, and BAL samples are all useful for
establishing the diagnosis.
●● Filariform larvae are large (400–500 mm), and possess notched
tails and a short buccal cavity. They need to be distinguished
from the larval forms of Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworms
(Fig. 6.16).
●● The species that commonly causes human infection is Parag-
onimus westermani.
Parasitic Infections 155
Fig. 6.17. Paragonimus eggs identified in this FNA cell block from a lung
nodule. The eggs have a thick, double contour shell (H&E stain, low and
high magnification, left and right respectively).
Toxoplasma gondii
●● Lung involvement occurs with severe disseminated infection
(toxoplasmosis), especially in neonates (via congenital trans-
placental infection) and immunocompromised patients.
●● Respiratory specimens like BAL require close inspection for
crescent or arc-shaped free (extracellular) trophozoites, as they
measure only around 5–7 mm in length. Macrophages may be
seen containing several parasites. Parasites contain a prominent
156 6. Pulmonary Infections
●● With Entamoeba histolytica infection, the lungs may be involved
by extension from an amebic liver abscess or via hematogenous
Parasitic Infections 157
Fig. 6.20. Echinococcosis (hydatid disease of the lung). This lung FNA
from a 38-year-old woman yielded 20 mL of clear fluid that contained
numerous intact protoscoleces containing radially arranged hooklets
shown with a DQ stain (left, intermediate magnification) and Pap stain
(upper right, intermediate magnification). Detached hooklets resembling
shark’s teeth are also seen (DQ stain, lower right, high magnification)
(images courtesy of Dr. Pawel Schubert, South Africa).
Suggested Reading
Lemos LB, Baliga M, Taylor BD, Cason ZJ, Lucia HL. Bronchoalveo-
lar lavage for diagnosis of fungal disease. Five years’ experience in a
southern United States rural area with many blastomycosis cases. Acta
Cytol. 1995;39:1101–11.
Moriarty AT, Darragh TM, Fatheree LA, Souers R, Wilbur DC. Perform-
ance of Candida – fungal-induced atypia and proficiency testing: obser-
vations from the College of American Pathologists proficiency testing
program. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2009;133:1272–5.
Naimey GL, Wuerker RB. Comparison of histologic stains in the diagnosis
of Pneumocystis carinii. Acta Cytol. 1995;39:1124–7.
Pisani RJ, Wright AJ. Clinical utility of bronchoalveolar lavage in immuno-
compromised hosts. Mayo Clin Proc. 1992;67:221–7.
Raab SS, Cheville JC, Bottles K, Cohen MB. Utility of Gomori methen-
amine silver stains in bronchoalveolar lavage specimens. Mod Pathol.
Saad RS, Silverman JF. Respiratory cytology: differential diagnosis and
pitfalls. Diagn Cytopathol. 2010;38:297–307.
Sheehan MM, Coker R, Coleman DV. Detection of cytomegalovirus
(CMV) in HIV+ patients: comparison of cytomorphology, immunocy-
tochemistry and in situ hybridization. Cytopathology. 1998;9:29–37.
Gastrointestinal and
Hepatobiliary Infections
Robert M. Najarian and Helen H. Wang
Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard
Medical School, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Gastrointestinal Infections
Fungal Esophagitis
●● Fungal esophagitis in both immunocompetent and immunocom-
promised patients results mainly from infection by Candida spp.
●● More rare forms of fungal esophagitis in immunocompromised
patients include those caused by dimorphic fungi, Aspergillus
spp., and the zygomycetes.
●● Infection typically presents in the mid to lower esophagus with
symptoms of dysphagia or odynophagia. However, patients can
be asymptomatic, especially those who are immunocompetent.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Infection with Candida spp. manifests with pseudohyphae or
budding yeast forms that stain blue to pink with the Papanico-
laou stain.
●● In contrast, true branching hyphae forming 45° angles in the
setting of a severely debilitated patient confirms the diagnosis
of Aspergillus infection.
●● Predominance of admixed neutrophils with reactive squamous cells
and focal necrosis may be seen in the background (Fig. 7.1).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Squamous epithelial reactive changes and an associated neu-
trophilic infiltrate can mimic those seen in viral esophagitis or
ulcers due to direct chemical injuries to the mucosa.
●● Flattened, desquamated anucleate squames, or ingested food can
approximate the appearance of fungal pseudohyphae, but can be
definitively ruled out by lack of staining of these elements with
a PAS plus diastase stain.
●● Oral flora in coccoid forms can be mistaken for yeast forms;
however, no budding will be demonstrated and deployment of
the brushing device in the tubular esophagus below the level of
the oral cavity should eliminate the risk of such bacterial con-
●● Filamentous (leptothrix-type) organisms may be associated with
esophageal malignancies. These may resemble actinomyces
Ancillary Studies
●● PAS plus diastase or methanamine silver stains will outline
hyphae, pseudohyphae, as well as budding yeast forms.
Gastrointestinal Infections 163
●● Fungal culture, while not time efficient for diagnosis, can help to
guide antimicrobial therapy and to identify species with resist-
ance to standard antifungal agents.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Esophageal brushings demonstrate large, glassy, eosinophilic
(Cowdry A) inclusions of the squamous epithelial cell nucleus,
with peripherally condensed margin of chromatin.
●● Multinucleation of squamous cells with molding of the nuclei to
each other and ground glass cytoplasmic change (Cowdry B) are
also characteristically seen.
●● Background neutrophils and necrotic debris may also be present.
Gastrointestinal Infections 165
Differential Diagnosis
●● Reactive cytologic changes seen adjacent to ulcers of varying
etiologies, as well as other infectious conditions, can mimic those
of herpes esophagitis. However, the presence of multinucleated
squamous cells with intracellular inclusions is fairly characteristic.
●● Carcinoma, since viral inclusions may be misinterpreted as
macronucleoli of malignant cells.
●● Radiation esophagitis can produce enlarged squamous cells
with degenerative changes that can simulate ground-glass type
viral inclusions.
●● Cytomegalovirus infection.
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunohistochemical stains for HSV 1 and 2 can increase the
sensitivity for detection of viral cytopathic effect.
●● Viral culture samples, while being highly sensitive for the diag-
nosis of HSV, also have the limitation of requiring days to weeks
for the characteristic cytopathic effect to develop in vitro.
●● Detection of viral DNA by PCR on blood samples is sensitive,
but not specific, for esophageal infection by herpes viruses.
●● CMV infection of the gastrointestinal tract occurs primarily in
the immunosuppressed patient population, including solid organ
and stem cell transplant recipients, as well as in patients receiv-
ing immunosuppression therapy.
●● Patients may present clinically with nonspecific symptoms such
as epigastric or abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
CMV infection of endothelial cells may also result in ischemic
necrosis with subsequent ulceration and/or pseudotumor forma-
tion causing bowel obstruction.
●● Endoscopy shows punched-out ulcers in the esophagus, stomach,
and/or colon with surrounding erythema (Fig. 7.3).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Mucosal brushings and biopsies demonstrate enlargement of
infected endothelial or mesenchymal cells with a characteristic
166 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Nucleoli of reactive squamous cells or adenocarcinoma
●● Enlarged endothelial cells within granulation tissue of an ulcer
●● Herpes simplex virus Cowdry A inclusions
Gastrointestinal Infections 167
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemical stain for cytomegalovirus can increase
sensitivity for detection of viral cytopathic effect from about 50
to 70% based on H&E evaluation alone to approximately 85%.
●● CMV DNA viral load performed on a blood specimen is
extremely sensitive for detecting infection, but is not predictive
of systemic disease, which requires demonstration of the organism
in a mucosal biopsy or sampling.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens obtained via touch imprints of endoscopic mucosal
biopsies reveal a flagellated, curved, or spiral bacterium (S or
C shaped) measuring 0.3 mm in width and 3–5 mm in length,
often in a background of mucus with superficial gastric foveolar
epithelial cells.
●● The presence of associated lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
(chronic gastritis) with scattered neutrophils (active gastritis) is
●● Glandular epithelial cells may show reparative atypia and intes-
tinal metaplasia.
●● Candida spp. may also be present if they have colonized an
associated peptic ulcer.
168 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Infection with other related spiral-shaped bacteria, such as Heli-
cobacter heilmanii can be excluded based upon morphology
alone, in that the latter bacterium is both larger in size (up to
7.5 mm) and more tightly coiled.
●● Debris caught in the superficial gastric mucin layer can often
cause diagnostic difficulty. This can be definitively resolved
with ancillary studies.
●● Contamination of slides with oral flora or environmental bac-
teria, some of which may stain using nonspecific ancillary
methods noted below, are chiefly excluded by the presence of a
polymorphous bacterial population.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains that increase the sensitivity of Helicobacter detec-
tion such as the silver-based Steiner, Warthin-Starry, Diff-Quik,
Gastrointestinal Infections 169
●● This gastrointestinal infection, caused by the intracellular pro-
tozoal parasite Cryptosporidium parvum, is most frequently
acquired through the ingestion of contaminated water or by
fecal–oral route.
●● While seen as a rare, self-limited infection in immunocompe-
tent individuals, systemic infection in those who are immu-
nocompromised, especially patients with AIDS, may involve
the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, including the
●● Clinically, immunocompetent patients present with a short dura-
tion of diarrheal illness including abdominal cramps and mild
malabsorption. Those with impaired immune function may have
a protracted course with severe weight loss, cholera-like watery
diarrhea, and frequent rates of relapse (Fig. 7.5).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens obtained via stool sampling or endoscopic brush-
ings/mucosal biopsies demonstrate spherical organisms meas-
uring 2–5 mm that irregularly protrude from the apical aspect of
the surface epithelium. The microorganisms appear to be adher-
ent to the epithelial cells.
●● Background inflammation is typically not present, but may be
seen in the setting of intense infections.
170 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Cellular debris and apical mucin adherent to epithelial surfaces
can mimic cryptosporidial infection and sometimes require the
use of ancillary detection techniques.
●● Cyclospora cayetanensis are also located apically within entero-
cytes, but are larger (8–10 mm) and GMS negative.
●● Microsporidiosis, where multiple microorganisms are collec-
tively located within a supranuclear intracytoplasmic vacuole.
●● Isospora belli are located within deeper intracytoplasmic vacuoles,
and are oval and larger (20 mm).
Gastrointestinal Infections 171
Ancillary Studies
●● Modified acid fast and silver-based stains (such as Steiner or
Warthin-Starry stains) are of benefit in the detection of crypt-
osporidial infection. They are GMS negative.
●● Immunocytochemical stain for Cryptosporidia.
●● Stool examination (modified acid fast stain).
●● Direct and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy can
increase the detection rate of oocysts in stool samples.
●● Transmission electron microscopy.
●● This is the most commonly diagnosed intestinal parasitic infec-
tion in both the United States and worldwide.
●● Infection caused by the extracellular protozoal parasite Gia-
rdia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis) is most frequently acquired
through the ingestion of contaminated water, typically untreated
water from springs or lakes or via the fecal–oral route in child
care settings.
●● In the acute phase, a self-limited, but severe diarrheal illness can
result in volume depletion while chronic infection can result in a
severe malabsorptive state with iron and folate deficiency.
●● Commonly associated symptoms include abdominal pain, cramp-
ing, nausea, and vomiting with acute illness and weight loss,
malabsorption, and malnutrition in chronic illness (Fig. 7.6).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens obtained via stool sampling, endoscopic brushings,
or mucosal biopsy imprints demonstrate flagellated, pear-shaped
organisms similar in size to the nuclei of intestinal epithelial
cells (12–15 mm in greatest dimension).
●● Parasites have a centrally placed nucleus that is gray to
lightly basophilic with the most common cytologic staining
Differential Diagnosis
●● Extracellular debris can rarely mimic giardial infection.
172 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Stool examination for ova and parasites, while reasonably sen-
sitive for organism detection in the setting of active infection,
often requires multiple samples to achieve high levels of diag-
nostic sensitivity.
●● Fecal antigen detection and stool PCR tests are available for
sensitive and specific organism detection.
●● An immunostain for c-kit (CD117) can be used to highlight tro-
phozoites and distinguish them from extracellular debris.
●● This is one of the most common gastrointestinal opportunistic
infections in the setting of HIV/AIDS.
Gastrointestinal Infections 173
Fig. 7.7. (Left and top right) Brushing from the biliary epithelium dem-
onstrates glandular epithelial cells with an intracellular cluster (arrow) of
numerous round spores with a purple color on Papanicolaou stain. Nearby
epithelial cells display a mild increase in nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and
prominent nucleoli (Pap stain, high magnification). (Bottom right) Micro-
sporidia spores within an intestinal epithelial cell (arrow) are readily visible
with a Brown-Brenn Gram stain (high magnification).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens obtained via mucosal biopsy demonstrate intestinal
epithelial cells with oval-shaped, supranuclear spores measuring
approximately 1 mm in diameter.
174 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Supranuclear mucin vacuoles of oval shape can mimic micro-
sporidia organisms. Problematic cases can be stained with muci-
carmine to demonstrate intracytoplasmic mucin.
Ancillary Studies
●● Acid fast, silver-based, Gram, and PAS stains can all help with
organism detection, as its small size and intracellular location
can easily lead to a false negative diagnosis.
●● Ultrastructural examination is useful in cases in which a particu-
lar species of organism must be isolated or for confirmation of
light microscopic findings.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Specimens obtained via brushings or mucosal biopsies dem-
onstrate organisms with a characteristic “beaded rod” shape
measuring 4–6 mm in length contained either within foamy his-
tiocytes or seen lying free in the background.
Gastrointestinal Infections 175
Differential Diagnosis
●● Whipple’s disease and histoplasmosis are diagnostic considera-
tions, which are both Periodic acid Schiff stain positive, but acid
fast negative.
Ancillary Studies
●● Acid fast stain of cytologic preparations or formalin fixed tissue
176 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
●● PCR analysis.
●● Mycobacterial culture is both sensitive and specific for organ-
ism detection, but requires weeks to months to achieve adequate
organism growth.
noma. SIL tend to, but not always, exhibit prominent kerati-
Contamination with bacteria and fecal material, which may
Intra-Abdominal Infections
Liver Abscess
●● The majority of liver abscesses are due to bacterial infections.
Pyogenic abscesses are mainly due to streptococci, staphylococci,
or enteric bacteria. They may occur as a result of ascending
Intra-Abdominal Infections 177
Fig. 7.9. Anal Pap test showing an incidental finding (arrow) of a patho-
genic ameba (higher magnification shown in the upper left inset) con-
taining phagocytosed erythrocytes (Pap stain, high magnification) (image
courtesy of Christine Panetti CT (ASCP), Baystate Medical Center,
Springfield, MA, USA).
●● Pancreatitis (usually acute) may be caused by a variety of infec-
tions including viruses (e.g., mumps, HSV, HIV), bacteria (e.g.,
mycoplasma, salmonella), fungi (e.g., Aspergillus), and parasites
(e.g., Toxoplasma, cryptosporidium, Ascaris). FNA is typically
not performed in patients with acute pancreatitis, but if performed
will show numerous neutrophils with fat necrosis, epithelial cells
with inflammatory atypia, and a dirty background.
●● Microorganisms may be detected in cytology material or can be
cultured from aspirated material submitted to the microbiology
●● As pancreatitis may occur secondary to obstruction from a
neoplasm, a careful search for associated neoplastic cells is
Hydatid Disease
●● Echinococcosis (hydatid disease) is caused by ingestion of
the larval forms of Echinococcus tapeworms, most commonly
Echinococcus granulosus, which spread via the portal venous
circulation to the liver.
Intra-Abdominal Infections 179
Cytomorphologic Features
●● A confirmatory diagnosis can be made by FNA of hepatic cystic
lesions that demonstrate ovoid protoscoleces measuring about
100 mm in diameter that are attached to the germinal membrane
of the cyst wall.
180 7. Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Infections
Fig. 7.11. Fine needle aspirate of hydatid cyst fluid demonstrates a pro-
toscolex with radial array of hooklets with a (left) Papanicolaou stain and
(top right) Diff-Quik stain (high magnification). (Lower right) Hydatid
cyst fluid is shown to contain only scattered hooklets without an associ-
ated protoscolex. Note their characteristic scimitar shape (Diff-Quik stain,
high magnification) (image courtesy of Thomas Buck, M.D., Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Differentiation of a viable hydatid cyst from simple benign
hepatic cysts or mesothelial inclusion cysts rests on the ability
to demonstrate any viable components of the hydatid cyst
including the protoscoleces, hooklets, or germinal membrane.
Intra-Abdominal Infections 181
Ancillary Studies
●● Serologic studies for antibodies to E. granulosus
Suggested Reading
Bean SM, Chhieng DC. Anal-rectal cytology: a review. Diagn Cytopathol.
Huppmann AR, Orenstein JM. Opportunistic disorders of the gastrointes-
tinal tract in the age of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Hum Pathol.
Kotler DP, Giang TT, Garro ML, Orenstein JM. Light microscopic diag-
nosis of microsporidiosis in patients with AIDS. Am J Gastroenterol.
Marshall JB, Kelley DH, Vogele KA. Giardiasis: diagnosis by endoscopic
brush biopsy of the duodenum. Am J Gastroenterol. 1984;79:517–9.
Muir SW, Murray J, Farquharson MA, Wheatley DJ, MCPhaden AR.
Detection of cytomegalovirus in upper gastrointestinal biopsies from
heart transplant recipients: comparison of light microscopy, immuno-
cytochemistry, in situ hybridization, and nested PCR. J Clin Pathol.
Ramanathan J, Rammouni M, Baran J, Khatib R. Herpes simplex esophag-
itis in the immunocompetent host: an overview. Am J Gastroenterol.
Senturk O, Canturk Z, Ercin C, et al. Comparison of five detection methods
for Helicobacter pylori. Acta Cytol. 2000;44:1010–4.
Urinary Tract Infections
Walid E. Khalbuss, Liron Pantanowitz,
and Anil V. Parwani
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Kidney Infections
In general, the morphologic characteristics of infectious agents
that affect the kidney are similar to those present in other organs.
Acute Pyelonephritis
●● Acute infection of the renal parenchyma and pelvis usually
results from a bacterial infection of the kidney, most commonly
with Escherichia coli ascent via the urethra. Other etiological
agents include Staphylococcus and Enterococci. Hematogenous
spread of microorganisms to the kidney can cause a renal abscess
that presents as a kidney mass.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● White blood cell (WBC) casts in urine samples are characteristic
of acute bacterial pyelonephritis, but are not always seen.
●● FNA of a renal or perirenal abscess contains mainly neutrophils
as well as chronic inflammatory cells and necrosis.
●● Viral inclusions (cytomegalovirus [CMV], polyoma (BK) virus,
adenovirus) may be seen in renal tubular cells.
●● Fungal casts may be identified. However, filamentous fungi may
not be present in voided urine specimens, and their diagnosis
may require direct ureteral or renal pelvis catheterization.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Overgrowth of bacteria or yeast (no inflammation is present).
Ancillary Studies
●● Urinalysis: >5 WBCs/HPF
●● Positive leukocyte esterase and nitrite tests
●● Gram stain for bacterial infection
●● GMS stain for fungal infection
●● Urine microbiology culture
Chronic Pyelonephritis
●● Chronic pyelonephritis is the result of a persistent renal infection
that may lead to chronic renal failure and small scarred kidneys.
●● Such chronic infections occur in patients with major anatomical
anomalies, renal stones, obstructive uropathy, or vesicoureteral
reflux. Obstruction leads to urine stasis which in turn results in
Kidney Infections 185
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The urine cytology of chronic pyelonephritis is nonspecific and
may include variable numbers of inflammatory cells, a granular
background (amorphous debris) indicative of tissue damage,
and casts (broad waxy, hyaline, and granular casts).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● FNA specimens contain vacuolated histiocytes admixed with
acute and chronic inflammatory cells, as well as occasional
multinucleated giant cells.
●● The findings in urine are nonspecific and may show an intense
inflammatory and/or hemorrhagic background.
186 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Nonspecific inflammatory response (requires clinical and radio-
logic correlation)
●● Inflammatory diseases with giant cells such as tuberculosis
Kidney Infections 187
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain for associated bacteria.
●● Immunostains to characterize macrophages (cytokeratin and
EMA negative, S100 and CD68 positive) in difficult cases.
Renal Tuberculosis
●● Mycobacterium tuberculosis seeding of the kidney usually
follows hematogenous spread from another infected site (e.g.,
pulmonary TB).
●● Atypical mycobacteria may also cause renal disease (e.g., Myco-
bacterium avium-intracellulare and M. bovis).
●● Infection is characterized by caseating granulomatous inflam-
mation, chronic interstitial inflammation, thyroidization of
tubules, glomerulosclerosis, fibrosis, calcification, and stricture
formation resulting in obstruction.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Urine specimens usually show sterile pyuria.
●● FNA material contains epithelioid granulomas, multinucleated
Langhans-type giant cells, and a granular necrotic background.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other necrotizing granulomatous infections (e.g., fungal infection).
●● Benign non-necrotizing granulomatous conditions (e.g., sar-
●● Granulomas associated with malignancy (e.g., lymphoma,
188 8. Urinary Tract Infections
●● XPN
●● Malakoplakia
●● Malignancy that mimics granulomas (e.g., renal cell carcinoma)
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for acid-fast mycobacteria
●● PCR to confirm the diagnosis and identify species
●● Microbiology cultures
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Urine usually shows nonspecific findings (e.g., neutrophils, reac-
tive urothelial cells, RBCs). Necrotizing granulomatous inflam-
mation is more likely to be observed in renal pelvic washings.
●● FNA of a fungal mass will show necrotizing granulomatous
●● Fungi including fungal casts may be seen. Depending on the
type of fungal infection specimens may include budding yeast
(e.g., narrow-based budding of Cryptococcus vs. broad-based
budding yeast diagnostic of balstomycosis), pseudohyphae
(Candida spp.), or true hyphae. Fungal organisms may be intra-
cellular within macrophages.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Overgrowth of fungi in urine (inflammation is usually absent)
●● Fungal mimics (e.g., contaminants)
Urinary Bladder Infections 189
Ancillary Studies
●● Urinalysis: >5 WBCs/HPF
●● Positive leukocyte esterase and nitrite tests
●● GMS or PAS stains for fungal elements
●● Mucicarmine stain for Cryptococcus
●● Calcofluor stain
●● Microbiology culture
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Bacterial colonies may be present. Bacterial morphology is
often altered (e.g., filamentous appearance) following antibiotic
therapy (Figs. 8.2–8.3).
●● Apart from acute inflammatory cells, urine specimens also
demonstrate nonspecific findings (reactive and degenerated
urothelial cells, RBCs, and cellular debris). In chronic infections
there are many more lymphocytes present (Fig. 8.4).
●● Bacterial cystitis may be superimposed on malignancy. There-
fore, admixed atypical or neoplastic urothelial cells should not
be overlooked.
190 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Fig. 8.2. Acute bacterial cystitis. The urine specimen shows a predomi-
nance of neutrophils with bacteria and occasional red blood cells. There
were very few urothelial cells present in this case (left and upper right
images: Pap stain, ThinPrep, high magnification; bottom right image:
H&E stain, cell block, high magnification).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Bacterial overgrowth (no inflammatory reaction is present)
●● Bacterial contamination from a neobladder urine specimen
●● Pyelonephritis (which often has associated WBC casts)
Ancillary Studies
●● Urinalysis: >5 WBCs/HPF
●● Positive leukocyte esterase and nitrite tests
●● Gram stain for bacteria
●● Microbiology culture
●● This is a rare chronic granulomatous disease that primarily
affects the urinary tract, particularly the bladder and ureters.
●● Urine culture often isolates E. coli.
Viral Infections 191
Fig. 8.3. (Top left image) Bacteria in urine exposed to excreted antibiotics
may assume unusual forms, such as these elongated Pseudomonas bacte-
ria identified in this treated patient (Pap stain, high magnification). Vari-
able numbers of bacteria in urine may be encountered (bottom left image)
due to fecal contamination or (right image) in degenerated ileal conduit
samples without associated acute inflammation (Pap stain, intermediate
Viral Infections
●● Viruses are a rare cause of cystitis, but may be seen in immu-
nosuppressed patients. Immunocytochemistry can be used for
192 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Fig. 8.4. Follicular cystitis. This voided urine specimen shows a pre-
dominance of lymphocytes associated with bacteria (left image; Pap stain,
intermediate magnification; upper right image; high magnification, Pap
stain; lower right image, H&E stain on cell block).
BK Polyomavirus
●● BK virus is a member of the polyomavirus family.
●● Infection is usually acquired at an early age. Up to 80% of the
population are likely to have had prior infection.
●● Polyomavirus remains latent within urothelium and kidney
tubular epithelial cells. Changes in host immune status can lead
194 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Fig. 8.6. HPV-related koilocytes are shown in this voided urine specimen
from a 31-year old male. He had a history of known anal condylomas (Pap
stain, high magnification).
Clinical Features
●● BK virus in immunocompetent individuals rarely causes disease.
Those people who are infected with this virus are usually asymp-
tomatic, or may manifest with a transient hematuria.
●● Infection in immunocompromised individuals may cause hem-
orrhagic cystitis, ureteral stenosis, and/or progressive renal dys-
function (nephritis).
Viral Infections 195
Fig. 8.7. Decoy cells are shown with viral changes in the (top left) inclu-
sion and (top right) postinclusion stages of BK polyomavirus infection
(Pap stain, high magnification). (Bottom left) A comet cell is shown with
an eccentrically placed glassy appearing nucleus (Pap stain, high magni-
fication). Cells infected with polyomavirus are shown to exhibit nuclear
immunoreactivity with a BK virus immunocytochemical stain (high
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The detection of decoy cells is easily identified (and even quantifi-
able) in routine Papanicolaou stained urine cytology specimens.
196 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Fig. 8.8. Polyoma virus infection in voided urine from a renal trans-
plant patient. Two types of inclusions in decoy cells can be appreciated
including cells with large homogenous, basophilic, glassy intranuclear
inclusions and those with vesicular nuclei containing clearing of their
chromatin. Note that these cells have no nuclear contour irregularity, an
important distinction from cells of high-grade urothelial carcinoma (Pap
stain, high magnification).
Differential Diagnosis
●● High-grade urothelial carcinoma
●● Degenerated (urothelial) cells. To avoid high levels of cellular
degeneration, it is best to avoid examining the first morning
urine specimen and promptly fix or transport urine to the cytol-
ogy laboratory for immediate processing
●● Radiation or chemotherapy effect
●● Other viral cytopathic change (e.g., adenovirus, herpes, CMV)
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemistry with Simian virus 40 (SV40) antibody
for BK virus
●● Serology is unhelpful as many people will demonstrate past
●● PCR (quantitative analysis is possible measuring BK virus DNA
loads in serum samples)
●● Electron microscopy
●● Kidney tissue biopsy (gold standard test)
Fungal Infections
●● Bladder fungal infections are mostly caused by C. albicans.
●● Infection may also be due to invasive fungi such as Aspergillus, Blas-
tomyces, Mucor, Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, and Coccidioides.
●● Candidal and bacterial infections frequently occur simulta-
198 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Clinical Features
●● Fungal infection of the bladder mostly affects women. Risk factors
include immunosuppression, indwelling devices, obstruction,
diabetes, or antibiotic therapy.
●● Most patients with candiduria are asymptomatic. Patients may
also present with urinary symptoms (nocturia, suprapubic pain,
frequency, and hematuria), complications (emphysematous cys-
titis, pyelonephritis, bezoars, abscess, rarely renal failure), and/
or disseminated disease.
●● Infections may cause cystitis with ulceration.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Fungal elements are identified in urine. Candida is the most
common fungus seen in urine specimens, and it is also the most
common contaminant.
●● True fungal cystitis should be only suggested if there is associated
acute inflammation and reactive cellular changes. Final diagno-
sis requires clinical and microbiology correlation (Fig. 8.9).
●● Budding yeast and pseudohyphal forms are characteristic of Can-
dida spp., larger yeasts with narrow-based budding surrounded
by clear capsule are characteristic of Cryptococcus, broad-based
budding yeast is diagnostic of blastomycosis, and intracellular
microorganisms are characteristic of histoplasmosis.
●● Nonspecific changes like hematuria may be present.
●● Fungal cystitis may be superimposed on malignancy. Therefore,
a careful search should be carried out for atypical or neoplastic
urothelial cells.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Fungal contaminants (usually have no inflammatory reaction)
●● Fungal infection of the kidney (casts are typically present)
●● Fungal mimics
Ancillary Studies
●● Urinalysis: >5 WBCs/HPF
●● Positive leukocyte esterase and nitrite tests
Parasites 199
Fig. 8.9. Acute candida cystitis. This voided urine specimen shows many
acute inflammatory cells and fungal microorganisms. The fungal organ-
isms include budding yeasts and pseudohyphal forms characteristic of
Candida spp. (left and upper right images: Pap stain, high magnification;
bottom right image: H&E cell block, high magnification). The specimen
contains atypical urothelial cells attributed to reactive changes associated
with this fungal infection (left upper inset: Pap stain, high magnification).
●● Schistosomiasis (also known as bilharzia) is caused by trema-
todes (flukes) of the genus Schistosoma. Schistosoma hemato-
bium causes urinary schistosomiasis.
200 8. Urinary Tract Infections
Fig. 8.10. Bladder schistosomiasis. The images show the ova of Schisto-
soma hematobium recognized by their terminal spine (DQ left, Pap stain
right, high magnification).
Clinical Features
●● Patients develop chronic cystitis and may present with hematuria.
●● Chronic infection can lead to fibrosis, urinary obstruction, and
rarely urothelial squamous cell carcinoma.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Microscopic identification of eggs in urine is the most practical
method for diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis.
Parasites 201
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other parasitic ova
●● Mimics of parasite eggs
Ancillary Studies
●● Microbiology consultation
●● Serum antibody detection
●● Tissue biopsy
●● Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the
protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis.
●● Parasites may cause urethritis and cystitis in both women and
men, particularly if there is a coexisting genital infection.
●● The cytomorphology of trichomonads in urine cytology is the
same as in Pap test (refer to Chap. 5). However, when in urine,
trichomonads may assume variable shapes (smaller and more
round in shape).
●● Trichomonas infection can cause an inflammatory reaction,
with a large number of neutrophils usually present in urine
●● Immunocytochemistry with p16 (clone G175-405, BD Bio-
sciences Pharmingen, San Diego, CA, USA) and microbiology
culture can help establish the diagnosis of trichomonas in urine
(Fig. 8.11).
202 8. Urinary Tract Infections
●● Urethral infections are typically sexually transmitted and may
be classified as gonococcal uretheritis (GU) or nongonococcal
uretheritis (NGU).
●● GU is caused by the Gram-negative intracellular diplococcus
Neisseria gonorrheae. NGU is due to infection with Chlamydia
trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis,
Mycoplasma genitalium, or T. vaginalis.
●● The cytomorphological features in urine include acute and/or
chronic inflammatory cells. NGU typically does not present
with a purulent discharge as with gonorrhea. Intracellular diplo-
cocci may rarely be detected with a Gram stain.
Suggested Reading
Cimbaluk D, Pitelka L, Kluskens L, Gattuso P. Update on human polyo-
mavirus BK nephropathy. Diagn Cytopathol. 2009;37:773–9.
Gupta M, Venkatesh SK, Kumar A, Pandey R. Fine-needle aspira-
tion cytology of bilateral renal malakoplakia. Diagn Cytopathol.
Kumar N, Jain S. Aspiration cytology of focal xanthogranulomatous pyelone-
phritis: a diagnostic challenge. Diagn Cytopathol. 2004;30:111–4.
Pantanowitz L, Cao QJ, Goulart RA, Otis CN. Diagnostic utility of p16
immunocytochemistry for Trichomonas in urine cytology. Cytojournal.
Waugh MS, Perfect JR, Dash RC. Schistosoma haematobium in urine:
morphology with ThinPrep method. Diagn Cytopathol. 2007;35:649–50.
Central Nervous System
Walid E. Khalbuss1, Pam Michelow2,
Sara E. Monaco1, and Liron Pantanowitz1
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Cytology Unit, Department of Anatomical Pathology, University of the
Witwatersrand and National Health Laboratory Service, Corner Hospital Hill
and De Korte Streets, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2000, South Africa
Parasitic meningitis Clear to cloudy Low or normal High Normal or increased neutrophils,
eosinophils, lymphocytes and/or
Intracranial hemorrhage Clear to pink-red to Normal to low High Normal or increased neutrophils and/or
xanthochromic (yellow-orange) lymphocytes
Neoplastic Clear to cloudy, pink-red or Normal to low Normal Normal or increased neutrophils and/or
xanthochromic if associated to increased lymphocytes
with hemorrhage
Acute Bacterial Meningitis 209
Fig. 9.1. Acute bacterial meningitis. The cytospin shows marked neutrophils
(PMNs) and cellular debris. Some lymphocytes and monocytes are also
present (Diff-Quik stain, intermediate magnification, left and high magnifica-
tion right). The Gram stain (inset) shows intracellular Gram negative bacilli
(high magnification).
Clinical Features
●● The classic clinical trial of acute meningitis is fever, mening-
ismus (stiff neck resistant to flexion), and a change in mental
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The cytologic features include CSF with a marked pleocytosis
(particularly neutrophils), cloudy turbid appearance, fibrin, and
cellular debris.
●● Very early disease may show very few cells or a predominance
of lymphocytes.
●● Occasionally intracellular bacteria may be identified.
Acute Bacterial Meningitis 211
Fig. 9.2. This cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is from a 73 year old male with
no prior history of malignancy. His CSF specimen shows numerous neu-
trophils with very rare large atypical cells (see circle, right) suspicious for
carcinoma (Diff-Quik stain; low magnification, left; and high magnifica-
tion, right). On follow up of this case, the patient was found to have a large
neuroendocrine carcinoma of the colon.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Early viral meningitis/encephalitis
●● Brain, subdural, and epidural abscess
●● Tuberculosis meningitis
●● Fungal infection
●● Traumatic tap
●● Toxoplasmosis
●● Brain tumor. Some high-grade brain tumors may show marked
necrosis and increased neutrophils, due to a paraneoplastic syn-
drome. Therefore, cases with neutrophilic pleocytosis should be
screened carefully for any atypical cells to exclude a neoplastic
process (Fig. 9.2)
●● Leukemia
212 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain
●● High protein levels in CSF
●● Low CSF glucose level (less than 50% of the serum level)
●● Microbiology bacterial culture (aerobic and anaerobic)
●● Bacterial antigens in CSF offer rapid testing
●● Molecular testing: PCR assays for specific organisms; amplifi-
cation of 16S rRNA gene; and ribosomal DNA assay
Viral Meningitis
●● Viral meningitis is also called “aseptic meningitis,” since there
are no bacteria grown on culture.
●● Early HIV infection (at the initial seroconversion stage) may
present as aseptic meningitis.
Clinical Features
●● Patients present with the clinical trial of acute meningitis that
includes fever, meningismus (stiff neck resistant to flexion), and
a change in mental status. They typically have no focal neuro-
logical disease or seizures.
●● CSF is usually under normal pressure and contains a moder-
ate number of white blood cells (<500/mm3). CSF may show a
marked pleocytosis for weeks.
●● The CSF initially may contain predominantly neutrophils
(PMNs), but after a day or two shows lymphocytosis.
●● CSF protein and glucose are within normal range or may show
minimal changes.
●● Viral meningitis is usually a self-limited disease and complica-
tions are infrequent (Fig. 9.3).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF is hypercellular with a predominance of lymphocytes.
●● Some atypical immature lymphocytes may be seen. Flow cytom-
etry may be necessary in such cases to exclude lymphoma.
Viral Meningitis 213
Fig. 9.3. This CSF is from a patient with viral meningitis showing marked
lymphocytosis. The CSF specimen shows numerous mature lymphocytes.
The microbiology cultures were negative (Diff-Quik stain, low magnifica-
tion left, and high magnification right).
Differential Diagnosis
●● Bacterial meningitis (late stage or partially treated)
●● Fungal infection
●● Lyme disease (comprised of polytypic B-cells)
●● Brain abscess
●● Parameningeal sepsis
Ancillary Studies
●● Stains for bacteria (Gram) and mycobacteria are negative
●● Glucose is normal and protein levels may be slightly high or
●● Viral cultures can be performed
214 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Mollaret Meningitis
●● This is a rare form of recurrent, aseptic, chronic meningitis that
may be related to Herpes simplex type 1 and 2 or West Nile
virus infection.
Mollaret Meningitis 215
Fig. 9.5. CSF from a 31 year old female with chronic Mollaret meningitis.
The specimen shows marked monocytosis present in a background of
scant mature lymphocytes. Monocytes exhibit a variety of nuclear mor-
phologies (see circles) including bean shaped and bilobed nuclei, as well
as cells with nuclear clefting and cerebriform nuclear contours (Diff-Quik
stain, intermediate magnification, left; and high magnification, right).
Clinical Features
●● Meningitis is usually mild and self-limiting. Patients experience
recurrent episodes of headache, fever, and photophobia sepa-
rated by symptom-free episodes.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF shows marked monocytosis with characteristic Mollaret
cells (activated monocytes).
●● Mollaret cells are somewhat bean shaped, have enlarged nuclei
and cerebriform nuclei with deep nuclear clefts, leading to their
characteristic “footprint” appearance. These cells are usually
seen within the first 24 h of the onset of symptoms.
●● There are often background lymphocytes and some degenerated
monocytes (“ghost cells”) present (Fig. 9.5).
216 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other inflammatory and infectious diseases of the CNS
●● Lymphoproliferative disorder
Ancillary Studies
●● PCR assays for viral agents such as HSV-2 or West Nile virus
(not all cases test positive)
Tuberculous Meningitis
●● Meningitis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis usually
results from seeding of a tuberculoma (benign mass caused
by tuberculosis) in the brain or meninges. Tuberculomas arise
largely as a result of hematogenous spread from distant disease
(typically in the lung) (Fig. 9.6).
Clinical Features
●● Children, debilitated and immune incompetent adults are at
greatest risk for TB meningitis.
●● Infected patients present with a headache, malaise, fever, and
weight loss.
●● The level of CSF protein is high and glucose is low.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF shows a moderate pleocytosis with a predominance of
Differential Diagnosis
●● Bacterial meningitis
●● Fungal meningitis
●● Lyme disease
●● Brain abscess
Cryptococcal Meningitis 217
Ancillary Studies
●● AFB stain, which is only occasionally positive (low sensitivity)
●● Culture for mycobacteria (takes 2–8 weeks to grow)
●● Chest X-ray, sputum, skull X-ray, and a tuberculin test may indi-
cate a distant source of infection
●● PCR for diagnostic confirmation and typing
Cryptococcal Meningitis
●● Meningitis occurs following CNS infection by the fungus Cryp-
tococcus neoformans, and less of C. gattii.
●● Cryptococcus is the most common mycosis of the CNS.
218 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Clinical Features
●● Meningitis may occur in healthy and immunocompromised
patients. Predisposing factors include a debilitated state, immune
incompetence, and diabetes mellitus.
●● Infection is indolent and symptoms may extend over a long
period before the diagnosis is confirmed.
●● Symptoms include headache and mental deterioration. Other
symptoms may include cranial nerve palsies and focal brain
stem dysfunction secondary to arteritis (Fig. 9.7).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cryptococcal yeast may be variable in number, ranging from rare
to abundant organisms. Yeast (5–15 mm) are round, but can be
indented and trap air under the coverslip, resulting in a crystal-
like refractile artifact. They are pink or purple with a Pap stain.
Blastomycosis 219
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal microorganisms
●● Mimics of fungus (such as talc)
Ancillary Studies
●● GMS and PAS stains
●● Mucicarmine stain to demonstrate mucin-positive capsules
●● India ink (requires a fresh specimen)
●● CSF antigen test
●● Immunocytochemistry using a specific antibody to C. neoformans
●● Blastomycosis is a chronic systemic fungal infection due to
Blastomyces dermatitidis that characteristically affects the skin
and lungs.
●● Involvement of the CSF (meningitis) or other CNS location
(intracranial mass lesion) is rare. Approximately 2.5% of patients
with pulmonary or systemic blastomycosis develop CNS
involvement (Fig. 9.8).
Clinical Features
●● Patients may present with clinical features typical of meningitis
or with signs and symptoms related to a brain mass.
●● The CSF protein level is usually elevated and CSF glucose level
typically normal or decreased.
220 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Fig. 9.8. Blastomycosis. The radiology image (upper left) from a 52-year-old
man shows a large posterior cerebellar brain mass due to blastomyco-
sis infection destroying the skull bone. The Pap stained imprint cytology
specimen shows numerous large budding yeasts (right image), with broad
based buds (middle left). A GMS stain is positive (bottom left). A brain
biopsy confirmed blastomycosis infection. All images are shown with
high magnification (images courtesy of Dr. Pawel Schubert, University of
Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● There is a CSF pleocytosis which may demonstrate a lymphocytic
or neutrophilic predominance. Patients may also present with
granulomatous meningitis.
●● The finding of large (8–15 mm) budding yeasts with broad based
buds is necessary to help establish the diagnosis. Yeasts are usu-
ally found within macrophages.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other fungal microorganisms
●● Neoplastic lesions in the case of a brain mass
●● Mimics of fungus (such as talc)
Brain Abscess 221
Ancillary Studies
●● Microbiology culture. This has low sensitivity for CSF obtained
via lumbar puncture. However, culture of ventricular fluid is
associated with greater sensitivity.
Brain Abscess
●● Bacteria are the most common organisms recovered from cultures
of brain abscesses, including Streptococcus cocci, Pseudomonas,
Neisseria, Haemophilus, Nocardia, and Mycobacterium. Most
brain abscesses are caused by infections with mixed flora.
●● Other organisms that may cause a brain abscess include fungi
and parasites (e.g., Toxoplasma gondii, amebae), especially in
immunocompromised patients.
●● The source of a brain abscess may be a local (skull fracture,
ear, dental, paranasal sinuses, epidural) or remote (lung, heart,
etc.) infection. Spread of microorganisms is by hematogenous
or direct extension.
●● Aerobic bacteria are frequently cultured from abscesses that
have sinus tracts connecting them to the exterior, such as
middle-ear infections and skull fractures. On the other hand,
areas in the brain with ischemic injury are most likely to include
anaerobic or microaerophilic organisms.
Clinical Features
●● Patients may experience symptoms related to increased intracra-
nial pressure (e.g., headache, vomiting, confusion, coma), infec-
tion (e.g., fever) and focal tissue damage (e.g., palsy).
●● An untreated brain abscess may cause cerebral herniation or
rupture into the ventricles, causing severe fatal meningitis.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Examination of the CSF shows no abnormalities or may be sim-
ilar to acute bacterial meningitis.
222 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Bacterial meningitis
●● Tuberculosis meningitis
●● Fungal infection
●● Brain tumor with acute inflammation
●● Leukemia
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain for bacteria
●● GMS and PAS stain for fungi
●● Acid-fast stain for mycobacteria and Norcardia
●● Microbiology culture
●● Immunocytochemistry for specific microorganisms (e.g.,
Shunt Infections
●● Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts are used for intracranial
pressure management and temporary CSF drainage.
●● An Ommaya reservoir is an intraventricular catheter system used
for the aspiration of CSF or for intrathecal delivery of drugs
(e.g., chemotherapy for brain tumors) into the CSF.
●● These foreign devices may introduce infections into the CNS.
Typical infections are caused by bacteria (e.g., Staphylococ-
cus epidermidis, S. aureus, Acinetobacter spp.) and rarely from
fungi (e.g., Candida spp.). Shunts terminating in the perito-
neal cavity have a greater risk of infection with Gram-negative
●● In patients with infected ventricular shunts, cultures of CSF
from the shunt or ventricles are more likely to be positive than
CSF obtained via lumbar puncture.
Neurosyphilis 223
Clinical Features
●● Infection of the CNS is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
in patients with CSF shunts. They may cause seizures and shunt
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF shows a pleocytosis and depending on the chronicity of
infection will have a lymphocytic or neutrophilic predomi-
●● Microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, Candida) may be observed.
Intracellular organisms are indicative of true infection, and not
just colonization.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Leukemoid reaction
●● Brain tumor with inflammation
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (Gram, GMS and PAS) for microorganisms
●● Microbiology culture
●● Neurosyphilis is caused by infection with the spirochetal bacte-
rium Treponema pallidum.
Clinical Features
●● Syphilis can produce a variety of CNS disorders which may
mimic other infections as well as vascular, neoplastic, or degen-
erative disease.
●● The most common presentation of neurosyphilis is meningitis
(28%), followed by systemic features and dementia.
224 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Fig. 9.9. Neurosyphilis. This CSF specimen from a 48 year old HIV posi-
tive male shows numerous lymphocytes and plasma cells (Diff-Quik stain,
Intermediate magnification, left; and high magnification, right). Serologi-
cal testing supported a diagnosis of neurosyphilis.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The cytological features of neurosyphilis are nonspecific, and
include pleocytosis with a marked increase in lymphocytes and
plasma cells.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other infectious agents
●● Other conditions with increased plasma cells such as plasma
cell neoplasia, late bacterial infection, and multiple sclerosis
Toxoplasmosis 225
Ancillary Studies
●● CSF chemistry (high protein level and positive IgG oligoclonal
●● Serology using (1) nonspecific (reagin) tests such as rapid plasma
reagin (RPR) or the VDRL, or (2) specific treponemal antibody
tests such as the fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA) test.
A false positive CSF VDRL occurs only when positive blood
is inadvertently introduced into the CSF by a traumatic lumbar
puncture. Occasionally all these tests are negative.
●● Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the obligate intracel-
lular protozoal parasite T. gondii.
●● Ingested oocysts transform into tachyzoites which localize in
neural and muscle tissue where they subsequently develop into
tissue cyst bradyzoites (Fig. 9.10).
Clinical Features
●● In the CNS, toxoplasmosis may present with meningoencepha-
litis or with multiple small abscesses.
●● Toxoplasmosis infection is more common in immunosuppressed
persons, and is a common opportunistic infection in AIDS
patients. It is the most common cause of a focal brain lesion in
patients with AIDS.
●● Congenital infection may cause underdevelopment of the cer-
ebrum resulting in microcephaly and mental retardation.
●● Ocular disease from Toxoplasma infection can result from con-
genital infection or infection after birth.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF in these cases shows neutrophils mixed with mononuclear
cells, and only rarely tachyzoites.
●● In cytology specimens from brain lesions, microorganisms are
usually sparse. Typical cysts containing oval- or crescent -shaped
226 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Fig. 9.10. Toxoplasmosis infection. These images are from imprint cytol-
ogy of a brain biopsy in an HIV + man. (Left) A small oval cyst with
intracellular parasites is shown (arrow) as well as several small scattered
parasites (circles) in the background (Pap stain, high magnification).
(Right) An immunostain confirms the presence of toxoplasmosis (high
Differential Diagnosis
●● Cerebral vasculitis
●● CNS lymphoma
●● HIV encephalopathy
●● HIV dementia
●● Other (non-HIV) forms of dementia
●● Cerebrovascular disease
●● Neurosyphilis
Neurocysticercosis 227
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (Giemsa stain)
●● Immunocytochemistry using antibodies for T. gondii
●● Serology
●● Neurocysticercosis is an infection of the brain or spinal cord due
to the pork tapeworm Taenia solium.
●● In the CNS, larvae cannot grow to adult worms. Hence, they
remain as cysts indefinitely. When they die the cyst ruptures
which evokes an inflammatory response.
●● T. solium is the most common helminthic infestation to affect
the CNS worldwide.
Clinical Features
●● Patients may present with seizures.
●● Imaging studies typically reveal a focal brain lesion.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF contains abundant eosinophils, as well as mononuclear
●● Larvae are not identified.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Angiostrongyliasis
●● Schistosomiasis
●● Other causes of CSF eosinophilic pleocytosis
Ancillary Studies
●● Serology
228 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Clinical Features
●● Patients may manifest with encephalitis and experience headache,
nausea, vomiting, neck rigidity, seizures, and eventually coma.
●● Death usually occurs within 14 days of exposure when the infec-
tion spreads to the brain stem.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Non-encapsulated ameba can be identified in CSF. They have a
relatively large nucleus and little cytoplasm.
●● CSF reveals a neutrophilic pleocytosis with early infection, and
a predominant mononuclear leukocytosis with more chronic
Differential Diagnosis
●● Ameba may be hard to differentiate from mononuclear cells.
●● Amebic brain abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica. These amebae
are not seen in CSF.
Ancillary Studies
●● Wet preparation to identify microorganism motility
●● Serology (rising titers)
Angiostrongyliasis 229
●● Angiostrongyliasis is an infection by a nematode from the Angi-
ostrongylus genus, usually from the lungworm Angiostrongylus
cantonensis acquired after consuming certain molluscs.
●● Circulating larvae migrate to the meninges where they may
develop into the adult form in the brain and CSF. However, they
soon die and incite an inflammatory reaction.
●● It is the most common cause of eosiniphilic meningitis.
Clinical Features
●● Patients are usually from or have traveled recently to the South
Pacific, Hawaii, or the Caribbean.
●● Patients usually present with a headache, and occasionally neck
stiffness and mild cognitive impairment.
●● Infection may resolve without treatment, but with a heavy load
of parasites there may be severe symptoms (paresis, coma), per-
manent CNS sequelae, or even death.
●● Unlike cysticercosis, focal brain lesions are not identified by
imaging studies.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● CSF typically shows a marked eosinophilic pleocytosis (greater
than 10% eosinophils).
●● Larvae are only rarely identified in CSF, especially in pediatric
Differential Diagnosis
●● Neurocysticercosis
●● Other roundworm infections that present with eosinophilic men-
ingitis (Gnathostoma spinigerum, Baylisascaris procyonis)
●● Other causes of CSF eosinophilic pleocytosis
230 9. Central Nervous System Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Serology (tests are not widely available)
Suggested Reading
Brogi E, Cibas ES. Cytologic detection of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites
in cerebrospinal fluid. Am J Clin Pathol. 2000;114:951–5.
Cajulis RS, Hayden R, Frias-Hidvegi D, Brody BA, Yu GH, Levy R. Role
of cytology in the intraoperative diagnosis of HIV-positive patients
undergoing stereotactic brain biopsy. Acta Cytol. 1997;41:481–6.
Chan TY, Parwani AV, Levi AW, Ali SZ. Mollaret’s meningitis: cytopatho-
logic analysis of fourteen cases. Diagn Cytopathol. 2003;28:227–31.
Garges HP, Moody MA, Cotten CM, Smith PB, Tiffany KF, Lenfestey R,
et al. Neonatal meningitis: what is the correlation among cerebrospinal
fluid cultures, blood cultures, and cerebrospinal fluid parameters? Pedi-
atrics. 2006;117:1094–100.
Gupta PK, Gupta PC, Roy S, Banerji AK. Herpes simplex encephalitis,
cerebrospinal fluid cytology studies. Two case reports. Acta Cytol.
Silverman JF. Cytopathology of fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the brain
and spinal cord. Diagn Cytopathol. 1986;2:312–9.
Teot LA, Sexton CW. Mollaret’s meningitis: case report with immunocy-
tochemical and polymerase chain reaction amplification studies. Diagn
Cytopathol. 1996;15:345–8.
van de Beek D, de Gans J, Tunkel AR, Wijdicks EF. Community-acquired
bacterial meningitis in adults. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:44–53.
Verstrepen WA, Bruynseels P, Mertens AH. Evaluation of a rapid real-
time RT-PCR assay for detection of enterovirus RNA in cerebrospinal
fluid specimens. J Clin Virol. 2002;25 Suppl 1:S39–43.
Weller PF, Liu LX. Eosinophilic meningitis. Semin Neurol. 1993;
Hematologic Infections
Sara E. Monaco, Walid E. Khalbuss,
and Liron Pantanowitz
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Infectious Viral, early bacterial, Bacteria, early cat Tuberculosis, Mycobacteria, EBV (infectious
etiology or early cat scratch scratch, tuberculosis, tuberculoid leprosy, fungi mononucleosis),
infection atypical mycobacteria, fungi, atypical toxoplasmosis
actinomyces, fungi, HSV, mycobacteria, cat
pneumocystis scratch, LGV,
Noninfectious Reactive lymphoid Kikuchi’s, SLE-related Foreign body, Metastatic tumor, Lymphoma
etiology hyperplasia, lymphadenopathy, sarcoidosis, infarction
dermatopathic infarction malignancy,
lymphadenitis, lipogranulomas
low-grade lymphoma
Lymph Node Infections 233
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Gross shows purulent aspirated material.
●● Predominance of neutrophils and inflammatory debris.
●● Careful examination may reveal intracellular and extracellular
Differential Diagnosis
●● Abscess
●● Cat Scratch disease
●● Lymphogranuloma venereum
●● Tularemia
234 10. Hematologic Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains and immunostains for organisms
●● Microbiology culture
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Aspirates contain a variable amount of acute suppurative or
granulomatous inflammatory material. Macrophages may form
tight granulomas, dispersed epithelioid histiocytes, or present as
suppurative granulomas.
●● Bacteria are only rarely identified without special stains.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation in Mycobacterial or
fungal infection
●● Acute suppurative lymphadenitis and abscess, which usually
lack granulomas
Lymph Node Infections 235
●● Tularemia
●● Lymphogranuloma venereum
Ancillary Studies
●● B. henselae form pleomorphic aggregates of bacilli that do not
stain well with a Gram stain. Therefore, a modified silver stain
(modified Steiner stain or Warthin-Starry stain) can be used for
their identification. Silver positive organisms may be hard to
distinguish from stained background debris.
●● Immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody to B. henselae.
Immunostains are more widely available, cost-effective, and
faster than molecular studies. This is the best way to identify
B. henselae, but the antibody will not detect other strains of
236 10. Hematologic Infections
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
●● This sexually transmitted disease is caused by infection with
Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligate intracellular organism.
●● Clinically, patients may present with a painless ulcer at the
mucosal site of entry about 7–12 days after sexual contact. Lym-
phadenopathy (buboes) follows 1–8 weeks later. Infected lymph
nodes are usually tender and mobile, but matted nodes and sinus
tracts can also occur.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● FNA of involved nodes yield neutrophils, other inflammatory
cells (plasma cells, lymphocytes), macrophages, and occasional
multinucleated giant cells, as well as necrosis.
●● Microorganisms are not readily identified without special stains.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
●● Cat Scratch disease
●● Tularemia
●● Kikuchi’s lymphadenitis
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains can be helpful. The organisms are Gram-negative
and can be identified with a Warthin-Starry stain.
●● Immunocytochemistry
●● Electron microscopy
●● PCR for the 16S ribosomal DNA
●● Microbiology culture
●● Complement fixation and serologic testing
Lymph Node Infections 237
Granulomatous Lymphadenitis
●● This type of chronic inflammation within a lymph node is com-
posed of aggregates of epithelioid macrophages (granulomas).
●● Granulomas can occur as a result of infectious processes (e.g.,
tuberculosis, fungal infection) or noninfectious processes
(e.g., sarcoidosis, foreign body reaction), and with certain
malignancies (Figs. 10.3 and 10.4).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Granulomas are characterized by clusters of epithelioid mac-
rophages. Reactive histiocytes have elongated, kidney bean or
boomerang-shaped vesicular nuclei with nucleoli, abundant
granular cytoplasm (eosinophilic on H&E and cyanophilic on
Pap stain), and ill-defined cytoplasmic cell borders sometimes
resulting in syncytial formation.
238 10. Hematologic Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Suppurative granulomatous inflammation may occur with
dimorphic fungi (Blastomyces, Coccidioides, Paracoccidioides,
Chromoblastomycosis and Phaeohyphomycosis, Sporotrichosis).
●● Granulomas may be associated with malignancy (e.g.,
lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, seminoma).
●● Mimics: Lymphohistiocytic aggregates in reactive lymphoid
hyperplasia, sinus histiocytosis, dendritic cells, low-grade
neoplasms (Table 10.2).
Table 10.2. Different patterns of granulomatous lymphadenitis.
Features Acute suppurative granulomas Necrotizing granulomas Non-necrotizing granulomas
Predominant cell type Neutrophils and epithelioid Epithelioid histiocytes Epithelioid histiocytes
Background Inflammatory or necrotic debris Necrotic debris Clean
Infection Bacteria, cat scratch disease, Tuberculosis, fungi, cat scratch Atypical mycobacteria, histoplasmosis,
tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, disease leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis
dimorphic fungi
Noninfectious etiology Immunodeficiency, lymph node Kikuchi lymphadenitis, Sarcoidosis, foreign-body, lipogranu-
infarction lymph node infarction lomas, lymphoma, metastatic
tumor (seminoma, squamous cell
Lymph Node Infections
240 10. Hematologic Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for mycobacteria (acid-fast bacilli [AFB]) and
fungi (Grocott, periodic acid-Schiff [PAS]) should be routinely
performed to exclude an infectious etiology.
●● Immunostains with S-100 and CD68 (KP1) can be used to con-
firm the presence of macrophages.
●● Polarization microscopy to exclude foreign polarizable material.
●● Microbiology culture.
Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis
●● Lymphadenitis may be caused by infection with Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (TB) or nontuberculous (atypical) mycobacteria
such as Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) belonging
to the group Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC).
●● Tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most common form of myco-
bacterial lymphadenitis in the world, and the most common
extrapulmonary manifestation of TB, predominantly in less
developed countries.
●● Individuals at risk for mycobacterial infection are young children,
elderly adults, and those who are immunosuppressed (e.g.,
human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]-positive patients).
●● In general, FNA detects around half of the cases of mycobacterial
lymphadenitis and has a high specificity and positive predictive
value. However, there is a high false negative rate due to the
absence of typical granulomas and/or necrosis in cases of early
tuberculous lymphadenitis. A combination of test modalities
including staining for AFB and PCR can optimize sensitivity
and specificity (Fig. 10.5).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Granulomas are composed of clusters of benign epithelioid
histiocytes that may be mixed with lymphocytes.
●● Tuberculous lymphadenitis has granulomas with Langhans
and/or foreign body-type multinucleated giant cells present in
a necrotic background. Mycobacteria are sparse and usually
difficult to see without special stains.
●● Nontuberculous lymphadenitis may show non-necrotizing
granulomas and macrophages with abundant foamy cytoplasm
Lymph Node Infections 241
Differential Diagnosis
●● Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine associated lymphad-
●● Granulomatous inflammation due to other infections (e.g., cat
scratch disease, fungi)
242 10. Hematologic Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Special AFB stains for mycobacteria (Ziehl-Neelsen or Kinyoun
●● Fluorescence microscopy with fluorochrome dyes such as
auramine O or auramine-rhodamine are more sensitive and spe-
cific than AFB stains
●● Autofluorescence
●● PCR for diagnosis and subclassification
●● Culture for diagnosis and subclassification, although mycobac-
teria are slow growing and culture can take weeks (6–8 weeks
with conventional Lowenstein-Jensen medium and 3 weeks with
Middlebrook liquid and solid media)
Fungal Lymphadenitis
●● Lymphadenitis can result from a variety of fungal infections.
The most common causative agents include Histoplasma capsu-
latum, Coccidioides immitis, and Cryptococcus neoformans.
●● Rare causes of fungal infection like Pneumocystis lymphad-
enitis usually arise in the setting of underlying HIV infection
(Fig. 10.6).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Granulomatous or acute inflammation with a necrotic or inflam-
matory background is likely to be encountered. Fungal elements
can be present in varying numbers.
●● C. neoformans has encapsulated yeast forms measuring 5–15 mm.
Their thick capsule causes a clear halo with a DQ stain. The finding
of narrow based budding (tear-drop shape yeast) is very helpful.
●● H. capsulatum is a much smaller round to oval yeast form meas-
uring 2–4 mm. Abundant macrophages in these cases are usually
Lymph Node Infections 243
Differential Diagnosis
●● Nonfungal granulomatous lymphadenitis (e.g., tuberculosis)
●● Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
244 10. Hematologic Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Histochemical stains for fungi include Grocott or Gomori meth-
enamine silver (GMS) and PAS.
●● Cryptococcus capsule also stains positive with mucicarmine and
Alcian blue stains.
●● A Fontana-Masson stain can be helpful to identify capsule-deficient
●● Specific immunostains may be required if available (e.g.,
●● Fungal culture.
Toxoplasma Lymphadenitis
●● Lymph node infection with the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii
can be congenital (fetal toxoplasmosis) or acquired.
●● Acquired infection causes localized lymphadenopathy, pre-
senting mainly in the posterior cervical nodes, in normal
●● Infections usually remain latent and only cause tissue damage
and/or systemic disease in immunocompromised patients.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology specimens characteristically show a polymorphous
lymphoid population, epithelioid cell clusters (epithelioid
microgranulomas), and aggregates of monocytoid B-cells with
or without a necrotic background.
●● Cysts with many bradyzoites (“bag of parasites”) and free extra-
cellular tachyzoites of T. gondii are rarely found in aspirates, but
have been reported.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Viral lymphadenitis
●● Granulomatous lymphadenitis
Lymph Node Infections 245
●● Leishmania lymphadenitis
●● Brucella infection (undulant fever)
●● Other causes of increased monocytoid B-cells (Table 10.3)
Ancillary Studies
●● Wright-Giemsa stain for parasites
●● Specific immunocytochemical stain if available
●● PCR using primers designed for the ribosomal DNA of T. gondii
●● Serology (high titers of IgG- and IgM-specific antibodies to
T. gondii is usually necessary for the diagnosis; IgM is usually
positive within 3 months of infection)
Leishmania Lymphadenitis
●● This is an uncommon cause of lymphadenopathy caused by
infection with the protozoan Leishmania, which is transmitted
by sandflies.
●● Infection may be associated with localized nodal infection drain-
ing a focus of cutaneous infection, or with visceral disease and
widespread lymphadenopathy (kala-azar) (Fig. 10.7).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Lymph node aspirates contain a polymorphous lymphoid back-
ground, necrotizing or non-necrotizing granulomatous inflam-
mation, and several plasma cells. Necrosis may be suppurative.
●● Organisms may be detected by finding amastigotes within macro-
phages (Leishman-Donovan bodies), or free on the slide follow-
ing rupture of cells, in routinely stained specimens. Amastigotes
are round to oval in shape and range in size from 1 to 3 mm.
246 10. Hematologic Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Granulomatous lymphadenitis.
●● Histoplasma lymphadenitis: yeast forms that mimic amastigotes
can be distinguished using a GMS stain which will not stain
Leishmania organisms.
Ancillary Studies
●● Parasites stain with Giemsa stains, but are negative with PAS
and silver stains (GMS)
●● Immunostain if available
Lymph Node Infections 247
●● Serology
●● Culture in appropriate media
●● Animal inoculation
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology samples have abundant necrotic debris with scattered
neutrophils and a mixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, but lack
●● Characteristic HSV viral inclusions such as multinucleation,
margination of chromatin, and molding have been reported to
occur in stromal cells, but not lymphoid cells.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
●● Cat scratch disease without granulomatous inflammation
●● Other viral lymphadenitides (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus [EBV], measles)
●● Lymph node infarction
●● Malignancy, particularly hematologic malignancy given that
most patients will have a history of a hematologic malignancy
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunohistochemical or in situ hybridization stain for HSV1/2
●● Viral culture
●● Molecular methods to prove whether infection is due to HSV1
or HSV2
248 10. Hematologic Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● In a lymph node FNA a prominent immunoblast population is
seen within a polymorphous lymphoid background admixed with
tingible body macrophages and plasmacytoid lymphocytes.
Lymph Node Infections 249
Differential Diagnosis
●● Viral lymphadenitis with an infectious mononucleosis-like syn-
drome (HIV, Cytomegaloviral [CMV], HSV, HHV6)
●● Toxoplasma lymphadenitis
●● Autoimmune disease (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis)
●● Lymphadenitis associated with drugs (e.g., phenytoin)
●● Vaccination associated lymphadenitis
●● Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
●● Hodgkin lymphoma
Ancillary Studies
●● Heterophil antibody testing (Paul-Bunnell test), MonoSpot test
(more sensitive assay), and EBV-specific serology studies can
be performed when infection is clinically suspected. The incu-
bation of the virus is 40–60 days, so serology is usually positive
at presentation.
●● Immunostains: Unlike classical Hodgkin lymphoma, the RS-
like cells in cases of infectious mononucleosis are positive for
pan-B cell markers (CD20) and negative for CD15 and CD30.
●● Flow cytometry should be performed particularly in those
cases with an exuberant immunoblastic reaction that mimics
a non-Hodgkin lymphoma (lymphocytes in reactive EBV
lymphadenopathy are polyclonal). Flow cytometry will not
exclude a Hodgkin lymphoma.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Polymorphous lymphocytes, as seen in reactive lymphoid hyper-
plasia, are seen with an increase of monocytoid B-cells.
●● Infected cells are often sparse and have characteristic CMV
intranuclear inclusions and sometimes multiple small cytoplas-
mic inclusions.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
●● Conditions with monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia (Table 10.3)
●● Toxoplasma lymphadenitis
●● Lymphoma: In classical Hodgkin lymphoma there is membra-
nous CD15 staining, as opposed to cytoplasmic immunoreactiv-
ity seen in CMV infected cells.
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunostains, including CMV immunostains. Cells containing
CMV inclusions express CD15, with a Golgi reaction or diffuse
cytoplasmic pattern.
HIV-Associated Lymphadenopathy
●● Lymph node enlargement occurring in a patient with HIV infec-
tion may be due to HIV infection itself and/or secondary to
co-infection (e.g., tuberculosis), an inflammatory process (e.g.,
Castleman disease or immune reconstitution inflammatory
syndrome), or malignancy (e.g., lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma,
●● An infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome may occur in acute
HIV infection that manifests with lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis,
a rash, and malaise. Chronic HIV-related lymphadenopathy
(progressive generalized lymphadenopathy) tends to present
Lymph Node Infections 251
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The architectural patterns of HIV lymphadenitis may not be
easy to recognize by FNA alone. Patterns A (early HIV infec-
tion) and B (chronic HIV infection) will both show the cyto-
morphologic findings of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, usually
with admixed plasma cells and monocytoid B-cells. Lymphocyte
depletion with follicular dendritic cells is seen in late stage HIV
●● Polykaryocytes or giant cells resembling Warthin-Finkeldey
giant cells with hyperchromatic overlapping nuclei and scant
cytoplasm may rarely be seen.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
●● Castleman disease
●● Lymphoma
Ancillary Studies
●● HIV status and peripheral blood CD4 cell count
●● p24 immunostain can be performed, with positive staining best
localized to dendritic cells
●● Special stains for mycobacteria and fungal infection as coexist-
ent pathology should always be excluded
252 10. Hematologic Infections
Spleen Infections
Bacilliary Peliosis
●● This is a vascular proliferation caused by infection with
B. henselae, occurring mainly in immunocompromised or AIDS
●● The spleen is rarely affected. More common sites of disease
include the skin (bacillary angiomatosis), lymph nodes, bone,
and liver.
●● Vascular proliferation resembling granulation tissue associated
with both neutrophils and mononuclear inflammatory cells is
the morphologic hallmark.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology samples show blood vessels with plump endothelial
cells present in a background of neutrophils, debris, and granu-
lar material.
●● Granular material containing bacteria may be seen.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Carrion’s Disease (Oroya fever) caused by Bartonella bacilliformis
●● Granulation tissue
●● Kaposi sarcoma
●● Castleman disease
●● Vascular tumors like hemangioma, littoral cell angioma, and
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains: Gram stain can be used to demonstrate Gram-
negative bacilli. A Warthin-Starry stain will highlight clusters
of the Gram-negative bacilli
●● Immunostain for Bartonella if available
●● Electron microscopy in difficult cases
●● Serology
●● Culture of aspirated material
●● Blood culture
Spleen Infections 253
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Aspirates contain abundant neutrophils that may be associated
with inflammatory debris.
●● Bacteria may be identified.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Blood contamination with neutrophilia.
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain
●● Tissue culture
●● Blood culture
Mycobacterial Infection
●● Patients infected with mycobacteria can present with diffuse
splenomegaly (e.g., multiple granulomas in miliary tuberculo-
sis) or focal lesions in the spleen (e.g., solid spindle cell nodule
in HIV+ patients).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Aspirates procured from granulomas show granulomatous
inflammation with or without necrosis.
●● In cases with atypical mycobacterial infection (e.g., MAI),
specimens usually contain numerous histiocytes with foamy or
granular cytoplasm.
254 10. Hematologic Infections
Differential Diagnosis
●● Fungal infection
●● Noninfectious granulomatous disease (e.g., sarcoidosis, chronic
granulomatous disease)
●● Peliosis
●● Felty syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis) where there is expansion
of red pulp cords and sinuses with macrophages
●● Proliferation of foamy macrophages due to other causes such as
ingestion of exogenous mineral oil, immune thrombocytopenic
purpura, metabolic storage disorders (Gaucher disease, Niemann-
Pick disease, Tay-Sachs disease), thalassemia, and hyperlipidemia
●● For splenic spindle cell lesion the differential includes inflam-
matory myofibroblastic tumor, vascular neoplasms like littoral
cell angioma, and sarcoma.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for mycobacteria will be positive for organisms,
which are usually abundant in cases of MAI. In spindle cell nod-
ules the spindle cells contain mycobacteria.
●● Immunostains to characterize spindle cells and exclude a vascu-
lar or other spindle cell tumor. These histiocytic spindle cells are
positive for macrophage markers (e.g., CD68) and negative for
keratin, actin, S-100, ALK, and endothelial antibodies.
●● Tissue culture
●● Blood culture
Infectious Mononucleosis
●● Splenomegaly in infectious mononucleosis due to EBV infec-
tion may lead to splenic rupture and death.
●● EBV infection results in white pulp hyperplasia without promi-
nent germinal centers, and expansion of the red pulp sinusoids
by immunoblasts.
●● EBV infection may also be associated with hemophagocytic
syndrome in the spleen.
Spleen Infections 255
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytology material will show increased immunoblasts which
have prominent nucleoli.
●● Hemophagocytosis may be evident.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
●● Hemophagocytic syndrome due to other etiologies
Ancillary Studies
●● Serology for evidence of EBV infection
●● Immunostains such as EBV latent membrane protein (LMP) for
staining EBV infected cells, and lymphoid cell markers to illus-
trate a reactive lymphoid process
●● EBV in situ hybridization (EBER)
●● Flow cytometry to exclude leukemia/lymphoma
Hydatid Cyst
●● Hydatid cysts due to Echinococcus granulosus infection (cystic
echinococcosis) can rarely occur in the spleen.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● FNA of the cyst wall will show scattered fragments of an
acellular, laminated membrane.
●● Aspiration of fluid (hydatid sand) may yield numerous invagi-
nated protoscoleces that bear hooklets as well as individual
scattered hooklets (18–35 mm in length). Hooklets are usually
present for longer because they resist degeneration.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Noninfectious splenic cysts (epithelial, mesothelial)
●● Pseudocyst
●● Lymphangioma
Ancillary Studies
●● Serology to confirm exposure to the parasite.
256 10. Hematologic Infections
Suggested Reading
Caponetti G, Pantanowitz L. HIV-associated lymphadenopathy. Ear Nose
Throat J. 2008;87:374–5.
Gaffey MJ, Ben-Ezra JM, Weiss LM. Herpes simplex lymphadenitis. Am
J Clin Pathol. 1991;95:709–14.
Gupta SK, Kumar B, Kaur S. Aspiration cytology of lymph nodes in
leprosy. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 1981;49:9–15.
Hadfield TL, Lamy Y, Wear DJ. Demonstration of Chlamydia trachomatis
in inguinal lymphadenitis of lymphogranuloma venereum: a light
microscopy, electron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction study.
Mod Pathol. 1995;8:924–9.
Monaco SE, Schuchert MJ, Khalbuss WE. Diagnostic difficulties and pit-
falls in rapid on-site evaluation of endobronchial ultrasound guided fine
needle aspiration. Cytojournal. 2010;7:9.
Shimizu K, Ito I, Sasaki H, Takada E, Sunagawa M, Masawa N. Fine-needle
aspiration of Toxoplasmic lymphadenitis in an intramammary lymph
node: a case report. Acta Cytol. 2001;45:259–62.
Silverman JF. Fine needle aspiration cytology of cat scratch disease. Acta
Cytol. 1985;29:542–7.
Solis OG, Belmonte AH, Ramaswamy G, Tchertkoff V. Pseudogaucher cells
in Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infections in acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Am J Clin Pathol. 1986;85:233–5.
Stanley MW, Steeper TA, Horwitz CA, Burton LG, Strickler JG, Borken S.
Fine-needle aspiration of lymph nodes in patients with acute infectious
mononucleosis. Diagn Cytopathol. 1990;6:323–9.
Tallada N, Raventós A, Martinez S, Compañó C, Almirante B. Leishma-
nia lymphadenitis diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Diagn
Cytopathol. 1993;9:673–6.
Breast, Skin,
and Musculoskeletal Infections
Pam Michelow1, Walid E. Khalbuss2,
and Liron Pantanowitz2
Cytology Unit, Department of Anatomical Pathology,
University of the Witwatersrand and National Health Laboratory Service,
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Breast Infections
●● Breast cytology including FNA and infrequently nipple dis-
charge evaluation may be useful in the management of breast
●● Most inflammatory lesions of the breast are benign in nature
(Table 11.1).
●● The most common microrganisms are bacteria, especially Sta-
phylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant Staphyloco-
ccus aureus (MRSA).
●● Unusual pathogens reported to involve the breast include cat
scratch disease, mycobacteria (tuberculosis and atypical myco-
bacteria), actinomycosis, fungi (e.g., Cryptococcus, Aspergillus,
Clinical Features
●● Acute breast infections typically affects women 15–45 years of
age (especially those lactating), infants under 2 months of age,
and adolescent girls. Breast infection in men is rare, and may
signify an underlying immune deficiency.
●● Patients usually present with a tender breast mass. They may also
have a purulent nipple discharge, drainage of pus from a mam-
mary fistula, and tender ipsilateral axillary lymphadenopathy.
●● Atypical presentations include bilateral breast mastitis and/or
breast abscesses, multiple breast abscesses, nipple inversion
and/or retraction, and septicemia and/or toxic shock syndrome.
260 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
Fig. 11.1. Acute mastitis. (Top left) Numerous neutrophils are shown from
a breast aspirate consistent with a breast abscess (Pap stain, high magnifi-
cation). (Bottom left) A group of reactive ductal epithelial cells is present
in a background of neutrophils from a case of acute mastitis (Diff-Quik
stain, high magnification). (Right) Anucleated squamous cells are shown
in a background of acute inflammation obtained from a subareolar abscess
caused by duct ectasia (top image is a Pap stain of intermediate magnifica-
tion; bottom image is a Diff-Quik stain at higher magnification).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Numerous neutrophils are the hallmark of an acute infection.
Frank pus may be obtained on aspiration.
●● Background necrosis and admixed inflammatory cells (eosi-
nophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes) may be
●● Occasionally the causative pathogen or foreign material may be
●● Reactive ductal epithelial cells may be observed including cell
enlargement and prominent nucleoli. These cells are cohesive
and have associated myoepithelial cells compared with duct
Breast Infections 261
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (e.g., Gram stain, acid-fast stain)
●● Microbiology culture
Clinical Features
●● Chronic breast infections may mimic breast cancer.
●● TB mastitis can present as a painless mass (nodular, diffuse, or
sclerosing type), breast edema, tender abscess, or with draining
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The hallmark feature is the finding of epithelioid macrophages
lying singly or present in clusters.
●● Varying quantities of multinucleated giant cells, lymphocytes,
plasma cells, neutrophils, necrosis and ductal epithelial cells,
with or without reactive atypia, may be seen.
●● Rarely the causative agent (e.g., fungal elements) may be seen.
Ancillary Studies
●● Polarization for foreign material
●● Special stains (Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen, PAS and/or GMS)
262 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
(ideally taken from the base of the lesion) may show herpes
simplex and varicella zoster cytopathic effect. In addition, the
waxy cytoplasmic inclusions (molluscum bodies) of Mollus-
cum contagiosum can be seen (Fig. 11.2).
Slit-skin smear. These smears are to be performed by making
Fig. 11.3. Cryptococcosis. (Left) The images shown are from an HIV
positive patient that presented with a large neck mass (cryptococcoma)
suspected to be an extranodal soft tissue lymphoma based on radiologi-
cal studies. There was no cervical lymphadenopathy seen. The specimen
shows granulomatous inflammation associated with extra- and intracel-
lular fungal organisms surrounded by a clear halo due to the cryptococcal
capsules (Diff-Quik stain, high magnification). (Right) Histopathologic
image showing yeasts in macrophages and giant cells (H&E stain, high
Fig. 11.5. Dermatophytosis. FNA in this case was obtained from multiple
purulent neck masses caused by infection due to Trichophyton violaceum.
(Left) Pink staining fungal elements are shown at high magnification with
a Pap stain that can also be appreciated as negative images on the Diff-
Quik stain (top right). Branching fungal hyphae are readily visible with a
methenamine silver stain (bottom right, high magnification) (images cour-
tesy of Dr. Pawel Schubert, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town).
●● Leprosy is a slowly progressive infection due to M. leprae. This
organism is an intracellular Gram-positive bacterium that is also
acid-fast, although less so than Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
●● Cytology has been utilized in the diagnosis and classification
of leprosy, as well as the evaluation of bacteriologic (bacterial
index [BI]) and morphologic indices (MI) (Fig. 11.4).
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 267
Clinical Features
●● Leprosy involves mainly the skin, nasal mucosa, and peripheral
●● There are five different categories depending on the host
response (Ridley-Jopling scale). These include tuberculous,
borderline tuberculoid, mid-borderline, and borderline leproma-
tous and lepromatous leprosy.
●● The WHO recommends classifying leprosy according to the
number of lesions and presence of bacilli on a skin smear. The
268 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The cytomorphology of lepromatous and borderline leproma-
tous leprosy include large numbers of neutrophils and foamy
macrophages (lepra cells).
●● Lepra cells may be multinucleated with round to oval nuclei,
finely granular chromatin, and inconspicuous nucleoli. The cells
have abundant cytoplasm containing vacuoles of various sizes.
Necrosis associated with a fatty background and epithelioid
histiocytes may be seen.
●● In tuberculoid and borderline tuberculoid leprosy, noncaseating
granulomas comprised of epithelioid histiocytes, Langhans-type
giant cells, and lymphocytes are seen.
●● Negative images of mycobacteria may be encountered on
Romanowsky-stained slides.
●● With acid-fast stains, the bacilli are visible both intra- and
extracellularly, 3–7 mm in length and may be beaded, straight,
or curved.
●● Bacilli are readily found in lepromatous and borderline lesions,
but are scanty in borderline tuberculoid and not usually found in
tuberculoid leprosy.
●● Acid-fast stained smears can be used to determine a BI and
Morphological Index (MI). The BI is an index of the bacillary
load in the patient (density of bacteria is based on counting AFB
per high power fields). The MI is an index of bacilli viability.
Solid bacilli are judged to be viable while fragmented or granu-
lar bacilli are interpreted to be nonviable. At least 200 discrete
bacilli should be evaluated.
Differential Diagnosis
●● Other granulomatous infections (e.g., leishmaniasis, toxoplas-
mosis, histoplasmosis, mycobacteria)
●● Noninfectious granulomatous reactions (e.g., foreign body)
●● Sarcoidosis
●● Sinus histiocytosis
●● Whipple’s disease
●● Lipid granuloma
●● Histiocytic disorders (e.g., Gauchers and Niemann-pick disease)
270 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (e.g., Fite)
●● Immunocytochemisry (M. lepra PGL-1 antibody test)
●● Molecular studies (PCR)
●● Lepromin skin test and lymphocyte transformation test (both usu-
ally positive in tuberculoid and borderline tuberculoid leprosy)
Cutaneous Mycoses
●● A large proportion of infectious skin diseases are caused by fungi.
These include dermatophytoses (ringworm), yeasts (e.g., Candida,
Cryptococcus, dimorphic fungi), and the dematiaceous fungi.
●● Dermatophytosis is a common fungal infection of the skin (tinea),
hair (e.g., kerion), and nails (onychomycosis). The many kerati-
nophilic fungal species belong to the genera Microsporum, Tricho-
phyton, and Epidermophyton. Infections are generally made using
skin scrapings examined microscopically with 10% potassium
hydroxide, by biopsy or culture. Deep infections (pseudomyc-
etoma) are uncommon, but when they occur these fungi cause a
mixed suppurative and granulomatous reaction (Fig. 11.5).
●● Sporotrichosis is caused by infection with the dimorphic fungus
Sporothrix schenckii, usually following percutaneous implan
tation from infected vegetable matter (e.g., splinter, rose thorn).
A single nodule at the trauma site may develop and subse-
quently spread as multiple nodules along local lymphatics.
These nodules can ulcerate. Visceral involvement may rarely
occur in immunosuppressed patients. Specimens demonstrate
granulomas with or without abscesses and sometimes the pres-
ence of PAS positive hyaline material due to increased immune
deposits. Sporothrix organisms may appear as yeast-like forms
(2–8 mm), elongated cells (so-called cigar bodies) that measure
2–4 × 4–10 mm, or rarely true hyphae. These fungal elements
stain with PAS, GMS, and anti-Sporothrix antibodies. They
need to be differentiated from the septate hyphae and spores of
alternariosis caused by Alternaria spp.
●● Dematiaceous (pigmented) fungi are divided into two clinico-
pathological groups (Fig. 11.6):
Chromomycosis (chromoblastomycosis). This chronic fungal
Cutaneous Parasites
●● Parasitic infections that may involve the skin include ameba, flag-
ellates (e.g., trypanosomes, leishmaniasis), trematodes (e.g., schis-
tosomiasis), cestodes (e.g., cysticercosis, echinococcocis), and
nematodes (e.g., onchocerciasis, dirofilariasis, larva migrans).
●● Leishmaniasis. Infection due to Leishmania may manifest with
cutaneous (oriental), mucocutaneous (American) and visceral
272 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
Fig. 11.7. Acute osteomyelitis. (Left) FNA of bone showing acute inflam-
matory cells and debris that included groups of bacterial cocci (upper left
inset) (Diff-Quik stain, high magnification). (Right) The images shown
are from a 49-year-old female who presented with a thoracic vertebral
lesion radiologically significant for osteomyelitis. (Top right) Most of the
specimen shows marked cellular debris and acute inflammatory cells (Pap
stain, high magnification). (Bottom right) The cell block in this latter case
shows similar marked acute inflammation associated with osteonecrotic
bone fragments (H&E stain, high magnification). A Gram stain on cell
block material was positive for Gram-positive cocci.
Bacillary Angiomatosis
●● Bacillary angiomatosis is an unusual vascular proliferation
caused by infection with Bartonella henselae.
●● It is seen predominantly in patients with AIDS, and may resemble
Kaposi sarcoma clinically. However, cases in immunocompetent
Table 11.3. Synovial fluid characteristics in septic arthritis.
Condition Appearance Color Consistency Cellularity Other elements
Normal Clear Yellow Viscous No or rare (<25%) neutrophils No clots, crystals or organisms
Viral Cloudy Yellow Low viscosity Lymphocytes and some neutrophils (>50%) May clot
Bacterial Cloudy Gray-green Low viscosity Abundant neutrophils (>75%) Often clots, culture positive
Fungal Variable Variable Low viscosity Lymphocytes and some neutrophils (>50%) None
Crystals Cloudy White Low viscosity Many neutrophils (<90%) Crystals
Bone and Joint Infections
276 11. Breast, Skin, and Musculoskeletal Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● The cytologic features are largely nonspecific including a speci-
men that contains blood and acute inflammatory cells.
●● The diagnosis is best made on cell block material and with ancil-
lary studies. The cell block will show a proliferation of small
blood vessels, including some that are ectatic and filled with
fibrin, erythrocytes, neutrophils, and leukocytoclastic debris.
●● Blood vessels are lined by plump endothelial cells protruding into
the vascular lumen. These endothelial cells have round or oval
nuclei with moderate atypia, vesicular chromatin, and nuclear
membrane folding. Their cytoplasm is finely vacuolated.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stain (the organisms can be detected with a Warthin-
Starry silver stain).
●● Immuncytochemistry (Bartonella antibodies are now available).
●● Electron microscopy (these studies will show an extracellular
aggregation of bacilli that have trilaminar walls including two
electron-dense layers separated by a less electron-dense layer).
Suggested Reading
Dabiri S, Hayes MM, Meymandi SS, Basiri M, Soleimani F, Mousavi MR.
Cytologic features of “dry-type” cutaneous leishmaniasis. Diagn
Cytopathol. 1998;19:182–5.
EL Hag IA, Fahal AH, Gasim ET. Fine needle aspiration cytology of
mycetoma. Acta Cytol. 1996;40:461–4.
Bone and Joint Infections 277
Many patients present with lesions of the head and neck. These
may be congenital, infectious, cystic, reactive, inflammatory, or
neoplastic in nature. Clinical examination and radiologic imaging
may not be sufficient to render an accurate diagnosis. Cytologic
evaluation in the form of smears and fine needle aspiration (FNA)
in this anatomical region is a rapid and accurate diagnostic modality
with good sensitivity and specificity for infectious diseases. This
chapter covers several key infections likely to be encountered in
this site. Infections involving cervical lymph nodes are addressed
in Chap. 10.
Acute Sialadenitis
●● Acute infection can involve any salivary gland, but is more
common in the major glands (especially the parotid).
●● Factors that increase the risk of infection are salivary stasis,
salivary duct stenosis, dehydration, diabetes mellitus, anorexia,
bulimia, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, Sjögren’s
syndrome, and certain medications.
●● Acute sialadenitis may result in an abscess. Patients present with ten-
der, indurated, enlarged, ill-defined swelling of their salivary glands.
Pus may discharge via the salivary duct orifice into the oral cavity.
●● A neutrophilic infiltrate may be associated with destruction of duc-
tal epithelium and loss of acini, especially with abscess formation
(Fig. 12.1).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● A marked inflammatory infiltrate that consists mainly of neu-
trophils with associated fibrin and debris is common.
●● Occasional duct cells, sometimes with marked reactive changes,
can be noted. Reactive atypia may mimic a neoplasm. Restricted
numbers and limited atypia of epithelial cells in the presence of
acute inflammation suggest sialadenitis rather than a neoplasm.
●● Stone fragments may be seen if there is an associated sialo-
●● Nontyrosine (amylase type) crystalloids (5–200 mm) may be iden-
tified. They are nonbirefringent, geometric in shape (rectangular,
rhomboid), and typically fragment in aspirated material. They
stain orange with Pap stain and pink in H&E stained cell blocks.
●● Granulation tissue may be present.
Salivary Gland Infections 281
Fig. 12.1. Acute sialadenitis. (Top left) Direct smear of a fine needle
aspiration (FNA) from a parotid gland showing numerous neutrophils and
debris consistent with acute sialadenitis. Culture revealed Staphylococcus
aureus (Pap stain, intermediate magnification). (Bottom left) Gram stain
from a salivary gland FNA showing scattered Gram-positive bacteria
(high magnification). (Right) Nontyrosine crystalloids admixed with acute
inflammatory cells in a case of acute sialadenitis (H&E stain, cell block,
high magnification).
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (Gram stain, silver stain)
●● Microbiology culture
Chronic Sialadenitis
●● Chronic sialadenitis due to infection may present as a distinct
mass, usually in the parotid gland. Noninfectious causes (e.g.,
Küttner’s tumor) can have similar changes (Table 12.1).
●● Chronic inflammation causes loss of acini, fibrosis, and duct
282 12. Head and Neck Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Salivary epithelial cells are scant, especially acinar cells which
are reduced in both size and number. Ductal cells may undergo
squamous, mucinous, goblet, or oncocytic metaplasia.
●● The background may contain blood, mucus, debris, varying
numbers of mononuclear inflammatory cells, and fibrous tissue
●● Microorganisms are rarely identified.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (e.g., Gram, GMS, PAS, acid-fast stains)
●● Serology (for Sjögren’s syndrome)
●● Immunophenotyping (e.g., flow cytometry) to exclude a non-
Hodgkin lymphoma
●● Microbiology culture
Thyroid Gland Infections 283
Granulomatous Sialadenitis
●● There are infectious and several noninfectious causes (e.g.,
sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis).
●● Infections include mycobacteria, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmo-
sis, cat scratch disease, and rhinosporidiosis. Infection of the
salivary gland may be the primary site of presentation.
●● Patients usually present with a firm, unilateral, or bilateral
swelling with or without pain. Occasional cases may produce
draining sinuses and facial nerve palsy, mimicking cancer.
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Epithelioid and possible multinucleated histiocytes are present
with a variable background of acute and chronic inflammatory
cells with/without necrosis.
●● Inflammation with foamy macrophages and associated reactive
epithelial atypia can be mistaken for mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
●● The causative organism (e.g., mycobacteria, fungi) may be seen.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains for mycobacteria (AFB) and fungi (GMS, PAS)
●● Immunocytochemistry (macrophages are CD68 positive)
●● Serology (e.g., toxoplasmosis, autoimmune disease)
●● Microbiology culture
●● PCR for microorganisms
Oropharyngeal Infections
●● Normal oropharyngeal flora do not usually cause disease.
Altered local factors, systemic disease, and unusual organisms
may overcome the defensive mechanism of this flora to cause
●● Many viral infections can involve the oropharynx such as herpes
viruses, HIV, HPV, EBV, rubeola (measles), rubella, mumps,
and Molluscum contagiosum.
●● HPV transmission can be sexual or vertical. The latter route
of infection may be related to juvenile onset laryngeal papil-
lomatosis. Oral verruca are due to HPV 2 and 4, focal epithelial
hyperplasia due to HPV 13, benign condyloma and papilloma-
tosis due to HPV 6 and 11, and squamous cell carcinoma related
to HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35. HPV related lesions in
this location do not exfoliate easily and their diagnosis is based
primarily on histology, not cytology.
●● Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy) is the most common deep infection
in the head and neck. FNA will show abscess material. It is usually
the result of a polymicrobial infection.
286 12. Head and Neck Infections
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Herpetic viral changes of Cowdry type A and B are evident,
which includes nuclear enlargement and molding, multinucleation,
peripheral condensation of chromatin, and eosinophilic intranu-
clear inclusions.
●● Acute and chronic inflammatory cells and debris are seen in the
●● The cytomorphology resembles varicella zoster virus infection,
but the clinical picture differs.
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemistry for HSV
●● Direct fluorescent assay
Oropharyngeal Infections 287
Fig. 12.2. Oral herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection showing charac-
teristic viral cytopathic changes with (left image) Pap stain, (top right)
Diff-Quik stain, and (bottom right) in H&E stained cell block material
(high magnification).
Cervicofacial Actinomycosis
●● Actinomyces are filamentous, branching, Gram-positive anaerobic
bacteria. The most common isolate is Actinomyces israelii.
Almost all species are commensals of the mouth.
●● Cervicofacial infection often involves the jaw (“lumpy jaw”)
leading to multiple abscesses, extensive fibrosis, and sinuses from
which pus with sulfur granules (bacterial colonies) may drain.
●● Trauma (like tooth extraction) or immunosuppression, are pre-
disposing factors for actinomycosis (Figs. 12.3 and 12.4).
288 12. Head and Neck Infections
Fig. 12.3. Oral actinomyces flora. (Left image) Filamentous bacteria are
shown without associated acute inflammatory cells (Pap stain, high mag-
nification). Actinomyces granules without inflammation are shown in this
tonsillectomy specimen, which are frequently embedded within tonsillar
crypts (H&E stain, intermediate magnification).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Cytologic specimens contain long, thin, and sometimes branched
filamentous bacteria that may radiate from a central area within
a sulfur granule.
●● True infection is usually associated with numerous neutrophils,
unlike contamination from oral flora.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (e.g., Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen, Fite). Actinomy-
ces needs to be distinguished from Nocardia as actinomyces
responds to penicillin while Nocardia is treated with sulfa drugs.
Unlike actinomyces, Nocardia often stains with acid-fast stains.
Actinomyces also tends to stain well with GMS.
●● Microbiology culture.
Oropharyngeal Infections 289
Oral Candidiasis
●● Candida normally colonizes the oral cavity. Clinical evidence of
infection (candidiasis or candidosis) depends on the immune sta-
tus of the host, mucosal environment, and strain of Candida spp.
●● Candida albicans is most frequently associated with oral can-
●● Clinical presentations include pseudomembranous candidiasis
(thrush), central papillary atrophy, cheilitis, as well as erythema-
tous, hyperplastic, and mucocutaneous lesions.
●● Oral Candida may be the presenting feature of HIV infection or
other cause of immunosuppression (Fig. 12.5).
290 12. Head and Neck Infections
Fig. 12.5. Oral candidiasis. (Left image) Oral smear showing abundant
pseudohyphae and yeasts of Candida albicans (PAS stain, intermediate
magnification) (photo courtesy of Dr. Shabnum Meer, University of the
Witwatersrand, South Africa). (Right image) Many spores can be seen
associated with debris in this case where Candida contaminated a herpetic
oral ulcer (Diff-Quik stain, high magnification).
Cytomorphologic Features
●● Pseudohyphae and/or yeasts are seen. Pseudohyphae are elon-
gated and constricted along their length. Yeasts are round to oval
in shape and 2–4 mm in size.
●● Candida glabrata exists only in a yeast form, with no pseudo-
●● If yeasts are prominent, the differential includes histoplasmosis,
cryptococcosis, and blastomycosis.
●● If pseudohyphae predominate, they need to be distinguished
from Aspergillus (septate and branches at 45°) and mucromy-
cosis (aseptate and branches at 90°), both of which do not form
budding yeasts.
Sinonasal Infections 291
Ancillary Studies
●● Wet mount (saline and 10% potassium hydroxide) prepared
from fresh material.
●● Special stains (PAS with diastase, GMS, others). Candida is
also Gram positive.
●● Microbiology culture
Sinonasal Infections
●● Infections of the nasal cavity and sinuses are common.
●● Typical viral infections are due to rhinovirus, adenovirus, parain-
fluenza, and influenza viruses.
●● Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococci spp., Peptostreptococci
spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are common bacteria asso-
ciated with sinusitis. Bacterial rhinosinusitis, however, is an
uncommon complication of acute viral rhinosinusitis.
●● Sinonasal fungal infections may be:
Noninvasive. This includes a fungal ball (also called myce-
●● Rhinoscleroma (or just scleroma) is associated with the bacterium
(coccobacillus) Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, acquired by direct
inhalation of infected material.
●● Specimens show a mixed inflammatory infiltrate of plasma
cells, lymphocytes, and foamy macrophages (called Mikulicz
cells) that contain bacteria.
●● Bacteria stain with silver stains like the Warthin-Starry stain.
Infected Embryologic Cysts 293
●● Rhinosporidiosis is due to chronic infection with Rhinosporidium
seeberi, believed to be an aquatic protistan parasite rather than a
fungus. Contact with stagnant water is a risk factor. This infec-
tion is endemic in India and Sri Lanka.
●● In addition to infecting the upper airways (causing polypoid
mucosal lesions), the conjunctiva and skin may be involved.
●● Specimens show sporangia and endospores present in a back-
ground of mixed inflammatory cells (plasma cells, lymphocytes,
histiocytes, neutrophils, and possible giant cells) and metaplas-
tic columnar cells. Neutrophils tend to form rosettes around the
●● The sporangia are large (100–300 mm), thick walled, and contain
hundreds to thousands of small round endospores (6–12 mm).
●● Sporangia and spores both stain with PAS, GMS, and muci-
●● The differential diagnosis includes Coccidioides immitis, which
produces spherules (30–60 mm), and Mucorales, which pro-
duces sporangia (30–70 mm). Myospherulosis may also mimic
rhinosporidiosis (see Chap. 15).
Fig. 12.7. FNA of an infected branchial cleft cyst in a 39-year old male
shows abundant neutrophils mixed with benign squamous cells (Pap stain,
low magnification).
Eye Infections
●● All structures of the eye can become infected.
●● Specimens from the eye suitable for cytologic evaluation include
conjunctival and corneal scrapings and aspirates of the anterior
chamber, vitreous cavity, and lacrimal glands.
●● Impression cytology of the ocular surface utilizes a collection
device, usually filter paper, applied to the conjunctiva or cor-
nea and then removed. This provides well-preserved cells and is
suitable for microscopic evaluation as well as PCR, flow cytom-
etry, immunocytochemistry, and culture. HSV, Acanthameba,
varicella-zoster virus, adenovirus, and rabies have been diag-
nosed using impression cytology in combination with various
ancillary techniques.
●● Pththirus pubis (crab louse) may infect eye lashes and could
therefore be present as a contaminant on specimens procured
from the eye.
Eye Infections 295
Fig. 12.8. Infected branchial cleft cyst. The aspirate contains mucinous
and metaplastic epithelium present with acute inflammatory cells (Diff-
Quik stain, left intermediate magnification, middle image high magnifica-
tion). The cell block contains fragments of granulation tissue (H&E stain,
right image, intermediate magnification).
Fig. 12.9. Ocular cryptococcosis. FNA of the vitreous fluid in this patient
revealed (left image) encapsulated Cryptococcal yeasts (Pap stain, high
magnification) with narrow-based budding (top right image) (H&E stain,
cell block, high magnification). (Bottom right image) Yeasts stain posi-
tively with mucicarmine stain (high magnification).
Ear Infections
●● While otic smears for cytologic evaluation are a useful tech-
nique used in veterinary practice, they are not utilized much in
human medicine.
●● Otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) is caused by excessive moisture
remaining in the ear canal, or disruption of the ear canal mucosa
by trauma.
●● The most common bacteria responsible for outer ear infections
are Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other
bacteria are less common. In a minority of cases (less than 10%),
a fungus is the cause of swimmer’s ear.
●● Confirmation of infection can be achieved by culture, rather
than cytologic examination of smears.
Suggested Reading
Braz-Silva PH, Magalhães MH, Hofman V, Ortega KL, Ilie MI, Odin G,
et al. Usefulness of oral cytopathology in the diagnosis of infectious
diseases. Cytopathology. 2010;21:285–99.
Deshpande AH, Munshi MM. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis diagnosis by
aspiration cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2000;23:97–100.
Gori S, Scasso A. Cytologic and differential diagnosis of rhinosporidiosis.
Acta Cytol. 1994;38:361–6.
McQuone S. Acute viral and bacterial infections of the salivary glands.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1999;32:1–17.
Rivasi F, Longanesi L, Casolari C, Croppo GP, Pierini G, Zunarelli E,
et al. Cytologic diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Report of a case
with correlative study with indirect immunofluorescence and scanning
electron microscopy. Acta Cytol. 1995;39:821–6.
Sah SP, Mishra A, Rani S, Ramachandran VG. Cervicofacial actino-
mycosis: diagnosis by fine needle aspiration cytology. Acta Cytol.
Schnadig VJ, Rassekh CH, Gourley WK. Allergic fungal sinusitis. A report
of two cases with diagnosis by intraoperative aspiration cytology. Acta
Cytol. 1999;43:268–72.
Immunosuppressed Host
Pam Michelow1, Sara E. Monaco2,
and Liron Pantanowitz2
Cytology Unit, Department of Anatomical Pathology,
University of the Witwatersrand and National Health Laboratory Service,
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
●● Posttransplant infections (Table 13.1) may occur early after
transplantation (first month), after an intermediate period (1–6
months), or after 6 months.
Early period: Infection may be derived from the donor or
Cervicovaginal Disease
●● HIV-infected women harbor a wider range of HPV types, have
more persistent HPV, higher rates of progressive squamous
intraepithelial lesion (SIL), and present with invasive cervical
cancer 10–15 years earlier than HIV-negative counterparts with
more advanced disease.
●● With HIV infection there is a tenfold increase in the rate of
abnormal Pap tests compared to HIV-negative women, espe-
cially when the CD4 count falls below <200 cells/mm3.
304 13. Immunosuppressed Host
Anal Disease
●● Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the anus, associated with
high-risk HPV types, is higher among HIV-positive women
and men, especially in men who have sex with men (MSM).
The incidence continues to increase despite the widespread use
of ART.
●● Anal cytology (Anal Pap test) is covered in detail in Chap. 7. The
sensitivity of anal cytology to identify anal squamous lesions
ranges between 69 and 93%, but suffers from low reported spe-
cificity (32–59%).
●● There are currently no consensus guidelines regarding anal
●● Unlike cervical cancer, HPV testing of anal cytology samples
has shown poor positive predictive value for high grade anal
intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN).
●● HIV-related lymphadenopathy may occur at any stage of HIV
disease and can be due to a wide variety of reactive, infectious,
and neoplastic causes (Table 13.3). Most of these entities are
discussed in detail in Chap. 10.
●● The most common FNA diagnoses made from HIV-related
lymph nodes are reactive lymphadenopathy followed by infec-
tion and then malignancy.
●● Rare infectious causes of HIV lymphadenopathy may be encoun-
tered such as Pneumocystis jirovecii lymphadenitis.
●● HIV-infected patients are at increased risk of developing mul-
ticentric Castleman disease (MCD), which is often associated
with HHV8 infection. Although atypical follicular dendritic
cells are thought to be diagnostic of Castleman disease, they are
not consistently found on FNA of lymph nodes.
Oropharyngeal Disease 305
Oropharyngeal Disease
●● Immunosuppressed patients, especially those with HIV infec-
tion, may manifest with diverse diseases of the oropharynx.
●● Oral candidiasis. True infection should be suspected when fun-
gal elements (yeasts, hyphae, and pseudohyphae) are intermin-
gled with inflammatory cells and debris. The presence of thrush
is a frequent source of Candida contamination in gastrointesti-
nal and respiratory tract samples (e.g., bronchoalveolar lavage)
in these patients.
●● Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) (Fig. 13.3). This EBV-associated
disease causes white patches on the side of the tongue, typically
with a corrugated or hairy appearance, but can also be smooth
and flat. Cytology specimens may show prominent nuclear
beading (peripheral margination and clumping of chromatin),
eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions, and ground glass nuclei.
Detection of EBV DNA can be confirmed by PCR or in situ
hybridization, as well as viral culture.
●● Herpes simplex virus. The diagnosis can be confirmed using a
Tzanck smear, immunohistochemical stains for HSV1/2, direct
fluorescent assay, PCR for viral DNA, and viral culture.
306 13. Immunosuppressed Host
Fig. 13.3. Oral hairy leukoplakia. (Top) Patient with white patches shown
on the side of the tongue. (Bottom) Oral smear showing EBV infected
epithelial cells with prominent nuclear beading (Pap stain, high magni-
fication) (photographs courtesy of Dr. Shabnum Meer, Division of Oral
Pathology, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa).
308 13. Immunosuppressed Host
Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative
Disorder (PTLD)
●● PTLD is a well-recognized complication of transplantation.
Most cases are observed in the first year after transplanta-
tion. The greater the immunosuppression, the higher the inci-
dence of PTLD and the earlier it occurs.
●● In most cases, PTLD is associated with EBV infection of B-cells.
Therefore, evaluation of tumor for the presence of EBV is very
important, and can be accomplished by demonstrating the pres-
ence of EBV-encoded RNA (EBER) using in situ hybridization
in tumor cells.
●● EBV is uncommon with PTLD that presents in adults, late after
transplantation, tumors that are monomorphic, and more resist-
ant to treatment. PTLD of T-cell and NK-cell phenotypes is also
usually not associated with EBV infection, and does not respond
to immunosuppression dose reduction. Hence, it carries an unfa-
vorable prognosis.
Lymphoproliferative Disorders 309
Plasmablastic Lymphoma
●● This is an aggressive lymphoma that is EBV-associated (EBER-
positive, LMP-negative).
●● Tumors commonly present in the oral cavity, but have been
described in many other sites. Two subtypes have been described:
(1) oral mucosa type and (2) plasmablastic lymphoma with plas-
macytic differentiation.
●● Lymphoma cells (plasmablasts) are large, round to oval with
abundant cytoplasm, a paranuclear hof, eccentrically situated
nuclei, and single or multiple nucleoli. They often mimic other
poorly differentiated neoplasms including carcinoma. There
may be associated background apoptosis and tingible body
310 13. Immunosuppressed Host
●● Tumor cells are positive for plasma cell markers (CD138, CD38,
MUM1), CD79a, CD30, and EMA. They may be negative or
weakly positive for CD45 (LCA), CD20, and PAX5.
Hodgkin Lymphoma
●● Hodgkin lymphoma is currently among the most common non-
AIDS defining cancer (NADC) encountered, particularly the
mixed cellularity and lymphocyte-depleted subtypes.
●● Approximately 75–100% of these AIDS-associated cases have
EBV coinfection.
●● In HIV patients, Hodgkin lymphoma may be widely dissemi-
nated with frequent extranodal disease, but rare mediastinal
Pulmonary Disease
●● Infection. Specific microorganisms likely to be encountered
include conventional causes of bacterial pneumonia, mycobac-
terial infection, P. jirovecii, Cryptococcus neoformans, and various
viral infections (e.g., CMV, HSV).
A potential pulmonary pathogen may be identified in approxi-
fluid that contains very few mesothelial cells (Fig. 13.8) and
typically increased numbers of lymphocytes (often >50%
lymphocytes). In HIV+ patients an AFB smear may be positive
316 13. Immunosuppressed Host
Renal Disease
●● BK polyomavirus infection in immunocompromised individuals
can cause renal dysfunction and abnormal urine cytology (cov-
ered in Chap. 8).
●● In some (1–10%) renal transplant recipients, BK virus may
infect and replicate within the renal graft (called BK nephropa-
thy). As a result, up to 80% of these patients may lose their renal
grafts. Nephritis can arise soon (within days) after transplanta-
tion to as late as 5 years.
●● In bone marrow transplant patients, BK virus is a frequent cause
of hemorrhagic cystitis.
Fig. 13.9. HIV-associated spindle cell lesions. (Top left) FNA from a
neck lymph node showing LNA-1 negative spindle cells arranged in a
large cluster. Culture revealed Mycobacterium tuberculosis confirming
the diagnosis of Mycobacterial spindle cell pseudotumor (Pap stain, inter-
mediate magnification). (Bottom left) Kaposi sarcoma spindle cell nuclei
stain positively with LNA-1 confirming HHV8 infection (immunostain,
high magnification). (Right) Lung FNA from an HIV+ male showing
loose aggregates of spindle cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclear
atypia in a necrotic background. Ancillary investigations confirmed the
presence of a leimyosarcoma (Pap stain, intermediate magnification).
318 13. Immunosuppressed Host
Fig. 13.10. Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma showing fascicles and sheets
of atypical spindle cells with moderate amounts of cytoplasm, finely
granular chromatin, and small nucleoli (Pap stain, left intermediate mag-
nification, right high magnification).
Suggested Reading
Ellison E, Lapuerta P, Martin S. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) in HIV+
patients: results from a series of 655 aspirates. Cytopathology.
Gattuso P, Castelli MJ, Peng Y, Reddy VB. Posttransplant lymphopro-
liferative disorders: a fine-needle aspiration biopsy study. Diagn
Cytopathol. 1997;16:392–5.
Hanks D, Bhargava V. Fine-needle aspiration diagnosis of HIV-related
conditions. Pathology. 1996;4:221–52.
Kocjan G, Miller R. The cytology of HIV-induced immunosuppression.
Changing pattern of disease in the era of highly active antiretroviral
therapy. Cytopathology. 2001;12:281–96.
Lobenthal SW, Hajdu SI. The cytopathology of bone marrow transplanta-
tion. Acta Cytol. 1990;34:559–66.
Michelow P, Meyers T, Dubb M, Wright C. The utility of fine needle
aspiration in HIV positive children. Cytopathology. 2008;19:86–93.
Spindle Cell Lesions 319
Romanowsky Stains
●● Romanowsky stains are applied to air-dried smears and blood
smears. Several different types of Romanowsky stains exist
(e.g., DQ, May-Grunwald and Giemsa [MGG]), but all are
based on a combination of reduced eosin, methylene blue, and
thiazine dyes.
●● Romanowsky stains are used, for the most part, to stain cyto-
plasm, and extracellular substances. Bacteria, fungi, and para-
sites are often easier to detect on Romanowsky, as compared to
Pap, stained smears. They also allow one to identify the nega-
tive image (unstained element) of certain microorganisms (e.g.,
mycobacteria) if present.
Special Stains 323
Toluidine Blue
●● Toluidine blue is a rapid stain for use on fresh specimens to
assess specimen adequacy.
●● Some organisms (e.g., Pneumocystis jirovecii) can be readily
identified with Toluidine blue staining, allowing the specimen
to be placed in the appropriate microbiologic medium for best
culture results.
Cell Blocks
●● Cell blocks are created by placing cytology material into a fixa-
tive, of which several are available such as 10% buffered for-
malin. The liquid specimen is centrifuged to create a cell pellet,
which is embedded for sectioning as for biopsy material.
●● Both conventional exfoliative and aspiration cytology have lim-
ited material available for ancillary investigations. The use of cell
block technique allows for many sections to be made and hence
multiple special stains and immunostains can be performed for
infectious diseases. Large structures floating in liquid-based
specimen vials may only be identified in cell block material.
Special Stains
●● Most staining methods available for formalin-fixed tissues can be
successfully adapted for cytology smear and cell block material.
●● With the exception of acid-fast and Gram stain where air-dried
material is preferred, the stains described below are better
324 14. Ancillary Investigations
Bacterial Stains
Gram Stain
●● The Gram stain differentially stains Gram positive and Gram
negative bacteria. It is well suited for use with air-dried smears.
●● The differential staining results from differences in the chemical
(peptidoglycan) composition and thickness of the cell walls of
Gram positive and Gram negative organisms.
●● There are four basic steps of the Gram stain: (step 1) apply a
primary stain (crystal violet or methylene violet); (step 2) add
a trapping agent (Lugol’s iodine); (step 3) rapid decolorization
Bacterial Stains 325
Fig. 14.1. Gram stained bacteria (Gram stains, high magnification). (Left)
Clusters of Gram positive Staphylococcus aureus cocci are shown in this
specimen from an infected skin wound. (Right) Numerous Gram negative
Haemophilus rods and coccobacilli are present in the background among
neutrophils and bronchial cells in this bronchoalveolar lavage specimen.
Warthin-Starry Stain
●● This is a fastidious stain used for identifying spirochetes, Bar-
tonella henselae and Bartonella quintana, Donovan bodies, and
H. pylori. It is also capable of demonstrating Klebsiella and
Leptospira bacteria as well as microsporidia, although this is
rarely indicated.
●● The stain employs a silver heat impregnation technique. Once
silver salts deposit onto the organisms, they are reduced with
hydroquinone to produce a silver metal.
●● Microbes appear somewhat magnified and stain black in a
golden brown background.
●● Stains with necrotic material or cells with intracellular debris
that show nonspecific staining are difficult to interpret. The
incubation step of this stain is critical to provide a well-stained
slide. Over- or underdeveloped sections are frustratingly diffi-
cult to interpret. Nonspecific precipitation can be removed by
rapid rinsing in 2.5% iron alum.
Fungal Stains 327
Fungal Stains
●● Fungi are usually visualized as spores and/or hyphae. Specific
host responses together with the size, septation, budding, and
branching characteristics of these fungal elements assist in
fungal speciation.
●● Factors that may influence the appearance of fungal elements
include the age of the fungal lesion, effects of antifungal therapy,
type of infectious tissue, and host immune response.
●● Fungi possess polysaccharide-rich cell walls. The oxidation
of these carbohydrate components to dialdehydes forms the
328 14. Ancillary Investigations
Grocott methanamine Polysaccharide cell walls are Highlights fungal cell walls and Over-incubation and
silver (GMS) oxidized in chromic acid to Pneumocystis jirovecii cysts. Some bacteria, uneven temperatures
expose aldehydes prior to silver actinomycetes and Nocardia stain result in distortion
impregnation. Light green or brown-black. Useful in staining carbohydrate of internal fungal
H&E can be used as a counterstain centers of dead mycobacteria where cell morphology
wall integrity is compromised. Also stains
E. histolytica, encysted amoebas, CMV
intracytoplasmic inclusions, echinococcal
cyst wall and algae
Stains for Rickettsia 331
Fig. 14.4. Fungal stains (high magnification). (Upper left) PAS high-
lighting Cryptococcus in an FNA of a lymph node. (Bottom left) GMS
demonstrates Pneumocystis jirovecii cysts in an alveolar cast from a bron-
choalveolar lavage. (Upper right) Mucicarmine highlights several encapsu-
lated C. neoformans yeast. Note the narrow-based budding of an organism
in the upper center of the image. (Bottom right) Lactol-phenol cotton blue
stain is used to illustrate Aspergillus flavus isolated from fungal culture.
●● Immunocytochemistry uses antibodies to detect the presence
of proteins or antigens in cells and tissues. The material to be
tested can be smears, imprints, cytospin cell suspensions on
glass slides, or cell blocks. Cell blocks are preferred for immu-
nocytochemistry as they allow for optimal antigen retrieval.
However, alcohol-fixed and air-dried material can be success-
fully used with some modifications.
●● Where smears, imprints, and cytospins are being prepared spe-
cifically for immunocytochemistry, they should preferably be
air-dried prior to fixation in acetone using charged/adhesive
slides. Acetone is less destructive of tissue epitopes than alco-
hol, and will allow for superior antigen retrieval.
●● All alcohol-fixed material should be decolorized in acid-alcohol
before being postfixed in 10% buffered formalin for 30 seconds
In Situ Hybridization 335
In Situ Hybridization
●● ISH utilizes a complementary and known DNA or RNA strand
(probe) to localize a specific DNA or RNA sequence. Several
different methods are used to identify the hybridized probe-
target complex including fluorescent tags (FISH), chromagens
(CISH), and nonisotopic labeling systems (NISH). PCR can
then be used to amplify the DNA or RNA sequences obtained
using ISH.
●● Fresh or destained archival material can be utilized for FISH,
although destained archival material yields less consistent
results. Air-dried and fixed smears including liquid-based prepa-
rations and paraffin-embedded cell blocks are suitable for ISH.
●● The advantage of ISH over immunocytochemistry is that the
actual gene product is identified rather than protein uptake or
receptor-bound proteins, reducing false-positive, and false-
negative results that may occur with immunocytochemistry. ISH
allows staining to be correlated with cellular morphology.
Table 14.4. Useful commercially available immunocytochemistry antibodies for microbe identification.
Microorganism Localization Comment
Actinomycetes Bacteria Antibodies for Actinomyces genus, A. israelii and A. naeslundii
Adenovirus Nuclear Pan-adenovirus marker; monoclonal antibody is reactive with all 41 sero-
types of adenovirus
Aspergillus Fungal elements Genus specific only. Stains fungus cell wall, septa, and cytoplasm
Bartonella henselae Bacteria Polyclonal antibody that does not differentiate between B. henselae and
B. quintana. There is also a monoclonal antibody specific for B. henselae
BK virus Nuclear Specific for BK virus. The antibody is directed against the large T cell
antigen of SV40 virus
Candida albicans Fungal elements Does cross-react with other yeasts
Cryptococcus Fungal elements Stains different Cryptococcus neoformans and serotypes
Ancillary Investigations
Cytomegalovirus Nuclear and cytoplasmic No cross-reaction with other herpes viruses or adenovirus
EBV latent membrane protein Membranous and cytoplasmic Monoclonal antibodies to LMP-1 or LMP-2
Epstein Barr virus Nuclear Acetone fixed tissue only; replicating and latent infection (EBNA2)
Giardia intestinalis Extracellular Stains protozoa on luminal surface of epithelia
Helicobacter pylori Bacteria Also cytoplasmic staining
Hepatitis B core Ag Nuclear and cytoplasmic Targets core antigen in infected cells
Hepatitis B surface Ag Cytoplasmic Targets surface antigen in infected cells (HBsAg)
Hepatitis C virus Cytoplasmic Sensitivity variable
Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 Nuclear and cytoplasmic Some cross-reactivity may be observed. Polyclonal antibody does not
distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2
Human Herpesvirus 8 Nuclear Targets latent nuclear antigen-1 (LNA-1); also called latent associated
nuclear antigen-1 (LANA)
Human immunodeficiency virus Granular staining close to Targets P24 protein. Not suited to tissues that have had prolonged fixation
infected cell in formalin
Human papilloma virus (HPV) Nuclear Major capsid protein antibody expressed in HPV type 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33,
42, 51, 52, 56 and 58
Merkel cell polyomavirus Nuclear Majority (not all) Merkel cell tumors are positive
Mycobacterium bovis Cell wall of organism Raised against BCG
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cell wall of organism Species specific. With anti-BCG polyclonal antibody has shown better
sensitivity than AFB staining, except in cases where there are very few
bacilli. A polyclonal antibody against the M. tuberculosis-secreted anti-
gen MPT64 is also useful
Parvovirus B19 Nuclear and cytoplasmic Recognizes an epitope common to VP1 and VP2 proteins of human Parvo-
virus B19
Pneumocystis jiroveci Cyst wall Specific to P. jiroveci (formerly P. carinii). Stained rings correspond to
individual cyst walls
Prion protein Cytoplasmic Also called prion protein PrP antibody
Respiratory syncytial virus Cytoplasm and cell membrane There are multiple types and subtypes of RSV that may not be covered by
all clones
Toxoplasma gondii Parasites Stains bradyzoites and tachyzoites. Targets Toxoplasma gondii p30 surface
Varicella Zoster virus Cytoplasmic Specific for varicella zoster; does not cross-react
Zygomycoses Fungal elements Genus specific only
In Situ Hybridization
338 14. Ancillary Investigations
Fluorescent Stains
●● Certain organisms when combined with fluorescent molecules
will fluoresce when viewed with a fluorescent light microscope.
This is based on the ability of some organisms to produce fluo-
rescent light after absorption of ultraviolet light. Fluorescent
molecules are called fluorophores or fluorochromes and include
green fluorescent protein and fluorescein. Several fluorescent
stains may be used simultaneously permitting information on
multiple parameters to be collected concurrently.
●● This technique is useful to rapidly identify various bacteria and
fungi that cause identical clinical conditions. Both P. jirovecii
and mycobacteria fluoresce when stained with a Papanicolaou
stain and viewed under a fluorescent microscope autofluoresce.
P. jirovecii cysts appear greenish yellow with irregular shapes
while mycobacteria appear as brilliant green bacilli.
342 14. Ancillary Investigations
Flow Cytometry
●● Particles in a liquid sample are passed individually in front of
an intense light source. Light scatter and fluorescence of dif-
ferent wave lengths are measured. Multiple parameters can be
measured simultaneously. A single cell suspension is required
for flow cytometry, which makes cytologic specimens ideal.
●● Flow cytometry has numerous applications including lymphoma
and leukemia diagnosis, identifying and counting microbes
(such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites), and evaluating the
host response to infection.
●● Flow cytometry is useful in managing HIV-infected patients by
measuring CD4 T-cell counts and CD4/CD8 ratios.
344 14. Ancillary Investigations
●● In terms of infectious disease, serology involves the use of blood
tests to detect the presence of antibodies against a microorgan-
ism. Some microorganisms (antigens) stimulate their human
host to produce antibodies. There are several serology tech-
niques that can be used depending on the antibodies being stud-
ied including enzyme-linked immunosorbent serologic assay
(ELISA), agglutination, precipitation, complement fixation, and
fluorescent antibodies.
●● Serology provides an indirect marker for current or past infec-
tion. IgM is useful as a measure of acute phase infection.
A fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer is indicative of acute
infection. IgG indicates past infection and determines if protec-
tive antibodies are present.
●● Serology is very useful in diagnosing atypical pneumonia,
syphilis, brucellosis, and many viral infections such as hepatitis,
HIV, and EBV if infectious mononucleosis is suspected.
Fig. 14.14. Hybrid Capture II assay steps. (1) Target DNA is denatured.
(2) RNA-probes hybridize with target DNA. (3) The RNA-DNA hybrids
are captured onto the microplate well surface. (4) Amplification of hybrids
with multiple antibodies conjugated to an enzyme (alkaline phosphatase).
(5) The enzyme cleaves a chemiluminescent substrate, emitting light that
gets measured.
Fig. 14.15. Real-time PCR amplification curve for HHV-8 over 50 cycles.
The colored lines indicate different patients. Patients indicated with blue and
yellow lines are positive for HHV-8 DNA, while the samples from patients
indicated by red, purple and pink lines do not have HHV-8 DNA (courtesy
of Sharlene Naidoo, Department of Anatomical Pathology, University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg).
Fig. 14.16. Culture plate of Nocardia spp. This photograph was taken
through a dissecting microscope and shows waxy and bumpy colonies on
culture (courtesy of Dr. Warren Lowman, Department of Microbiology,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg).
Suggested Reading
Armbruster C, Pokieser L, Hassl A. Diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii
pneumonia by bronchoalveolar lavage in AIDS patients. Comparison
of Diff-Quik, fungifluor stain, direct immunofluorescence test and
polymerase chain reaction. Acta Cytol. 1995;39:1089–93.
Atkins KA, Powers CN. The cytopathology of infectious diseases. Adv
Anat Pathol. 2002;9:52–64.
Bancroft J, Gamble M. Theory and practice of histological techniques. 6th
ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008.
Bravo L, Procop G. Recent advances in diagnostic microbiology. Semin
Hematol. 2009;46:248–58.
Eyzaguirre E, Haque AK. Application of immunohistochemistry to infec-
tions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2008;132:424–31.
Hubbard RA. Human papillomavirus testing methods. Arch Pathol Lab
Med. 2003;127:940–5.
Lott RL. Fungi. In: Brown RW, editor. Histologic preparations: common
problems and their solutions. Chicago: CAP Press; 2009. p. 85–94.
Nuovo GJ. The surgical and cytopathology of viral infections: utility of
immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and in situ polymerase
chain reaction amplification. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2006;10:117–31.
Oliveira A, French C. Application of fluorescence in situ hybridization in
cytopathology. A review. Acta Cytol. 2005;49:587–94.
Woods GL, Walker DH. Detection of infection or infectious agents by use
of cytologic and histologic stains. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1996;9:382–404.
Mimics and Contaminants
Liron Pantanowitz1, Robert A. Goulart2,
and Rafael Martínez-Girón3
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 201, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
New England Pathology Associates, Mercy Medical Center, Sisters
of Providence Health System/Catholic Health East, 299 Carew Street,
Springfield, MA 01104, USA
CF Anatomía Patológica y Citología, Instituto de Piedras Blancas,
Piedras Blancas, Asturias 33450, Spain
Ancillary Studies
●● Immunocytochemistry for specific viruses.
Fig. 15.2. Retroplasia. These bronchial epithelial cells on a sputum
smear show degenerative changes. Note the chromatin condensation
(retroplasia) mimicking intranuclear inclusions similar to CMV (Pap
stain, high magnification).
Fig. 15.4. Normal oral flora. (Upper left, high magnification) Sarcina
forms on a sputum smear, illustrating their characteristic appearance in
tetrads (buckets of eight elements). This type of bacteria is frequently
observed as a commensal flora in the mouth (Pap stain). (Bottom left, high
magnification) Leptotrichia buccalis present as a contaminant on a spu-
tum smear (Pap stain). (Upper right, high magnification) Actinomyces-
like organisms contained within a sputum smear. Their presence indicates
oral contamination and not a true infection (Pap stain). (Bottom right,
intermediate magnification) Oropharyngeal contamination composed of
anucleate squames and filamentous bacteria present within the cell block
of a bronchoalveolar lavage specimen (H&E stain).
Mimics of Fungal Infection 357
Ancillary Studies
●● Gram stain
●● Bacterial culture
Fig. 15.7. Red blood cell fungal mimics. (Upper left) Acetic acid effect is
shown on erythrocytes in a Pap smear. Due to their decoloration, these red
blood cells may be misinterpreted as fungal yeast. Their size, relatively
uniform morphology, and absence of both budding and clear halos are
important keys to the differential diagnosis (Pap stain, high magnifica-
tion). (Bottom left) Erythrocytes contained within a bronchoalveolar lavage
(BAL) smear mimic Pneumocystis microorganisms. Red blood cells have
irregularities and thickenings in their outlines and condensation of content
in the center (Pap stain, high magnification). (Upper right) Degenerated
erythrocytes on a cervicovaginal smear, likely due to ethanol. Because of
their appearance, they could be confused with fungal yeasts (Pap stain,
high magnification). (Bottom right) Granular bloody cast seen in a BAL
specimen resembling an alveolar cast of Pneumocystis infection. Unlike a
true cast, this blood aggregate has irregular edges (Pap stain, intermediate
Fig. 15.8. Fungal mimics. Multiple structures are shown that resemble
fungal hyphae, as seen within several direct smear preparations (Pap and
Diff-Quik stains, high magnification).
Fig. 15.10. Pollen grains (high magnification images). (Upper left) Pollen
grains belonging to the Betulaceae family seen within a sputum smear. In
these structures, a refractile capsule and three surface apertures (pores) are
observed (Pap stain). (Bottom left) Pollen grain belonging to the Pinaceae
family present within a sputum smear. Because their airborne sacs are
broken, the undulations on the wrinkled surface may mimic an Ascaris
lumbricoides egg (Pap stain). (Upper right) Pollen grains belonging to
the Liliaceae family detected on a sputum smear. The grains are large
(about 300 × 150 mm), ovoid in shape, with refractile capsules and notable
folds on the surface (Pap stain). (Bottom right) Pollen grains belonging to
the Caryophyllaceae family present within a sputum smear. Due to their
round shape (approximately 70 mm in diameter) and evident capsule, these
structures may be mistaken for Toxocara eggs (Pap stain).
seen with a Pap stain, but fail to stain with GMS and PAS stains.
They may resemble endosporulating fungi like coccidiomycosis
and rhinosporidiosis, as well as other sporangia.
Ancillary Studies
●● Special stains (GMS, PAS) for fungi
●● Fungal culture
364 15. Mimics and Contaminants
Fig. 15.11. Calcification mimicking fungal (left) hyphae and (right) yeast
(H&E stain, intermediate magnification).
I nfections due to B. coli are rare and mainly involve the large
intestine. B. coli are much larger (40–100 mm) than ciliocytoph-
thoria (10–12 mm). Ciliocytophthoria usually demonstrate cilia
resting on a terminal bar predominantly along one edge whereas
B. coli are uniformly covered with cilia. Also, ciliocytophthoria
368 15. Mimics and Contaminants
Fig. 15.15. Leisegang rings. These cell block specimens prepared from
fine needle aspirates of hemorrhagic cysts show laminated ring-like struc-
tures. (Left) The bodies present are of variable size and shape. Some rings
contain a distinct double-layer outer wall (H&E stain, intermediate mag-
nification). (Right) In these two darker colored Leisegang rings, one can
see faint radial striations and an amorphous central nidus (H&E stain, high
Ancillary Studies
●● Light polarization or specialized illumination (e.g., Nomarski
technique) used to enhance the contrast in unstained, transpar-
ent samples.
●● Serology for parasite exposure and eosinophilia
●● Von Kossa stain for calcification
Fig. 15.18. Algae (high magnification images). (Upper left) Diatom frus-
tule (Navicula spp.) present within a sputum smear. Note the characteris-
tic thick silicified cell wall, elongate shape, and presence of transversal
striations in this diatom (Pap stain). (Bottom left) The freshwater red algae
belonging to Rhodophyta was identified in this Pap smear. The round
forms are arranged as beads on a necklace (Pap stain). (Upper right) Spu-
tum smear in which a sphere-like structure containing numerous round
cells was identified, compatible with Eudorina spp. (Pap stain). This
could be mistaken for adenocarcinoma. (Bottom right) In this cervicovagi-
nal smear, there is an unbranched filament (Ulothrix spp.) with identical
C-shaped chloroplasts and thick cellular walls (Pap stain).
Ancillary Studies
●● Expert consultation (e.g., microbiologist, botanist)
Ancillary Studies
●● Expert consultation (e.g., microbiologist, zoologist)
Animal Contaminants and Mimics 375
Fig. 15.20. Carpet beetle. (Left) Bottom portion of a carpet beetle larva
covered with many hairy bristles (low magnification). (Right) A carpet
beetle hair contaminant present on a cervicovaginal Pap test (Pap stain,
high magnification).
Fig. 15.22. Water contaminant on a sputum smear. This image shows part
of an aquatic insect (Daphnia spp.) with numerous filtering filaments (Pap
stain, high magnification).
Suggested Reading
Avrin E, Marquet E, Schwarz R, Sobel H. Plant cells resembling tumor
cells in routine cytology. Am J Clin Pathol. 1972;57:303–5.
Hadziyannis E, Yen-Lieberman B, Hall G, Procop GW. Ciliocytophthoria
in clinical virology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2000;124:1220–3.
Martínez-Girón R. Sporangia, sporangium-like spherules and mimicking
structures in respiratory cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2010;38:897–9.
Martínez-Girón R, González-López JR, Escobar-Stein J, Jou-Muñoz
C, García-Miralles M, Ribas-Barceló A. Freshwater microorganisms
and other arthropods in Papanicolaou smears. Diagn Cytopathol.
Martínez-Girón R, González-López JR, Esteban JG, García-Miralles MT,
Alvarez-de-los-Heros C, Ribas-Barceló A. Worm-like artifacts in exfo-
liative cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2006;34:636–9.
Martínez-Girón R, Jodra-Fernández O, Tormo-Molina R, Esteban JG,
Ribas-Barceló A. Uncommon structures simulating helminth eggs in
sputum. Acta Cytol. 2005;49:578–80.
Martínez-Girón R, Ribas-Barceló A. Algae in cytologic smears. Acta
Cytol. 2001;45:936–40.
Animal Contaminants and Mimics 377
A Amebae (sarcodina), 71
Abscess, 132 Anal disease, 303–304
brain, 219–221 Anal Pap test, 176, 177
breast, 259 Ancillary investigations
liver, 176–179 bacterial stains
Acid-fast stains, for mycobacteria, acid-fast stains,
327, 328 mycobacteria, 327
Actinomyces, 51, 53 Gram stain, 324–325
gynecological infections Helicobacter pylori, 325–326
ancillary tests, 106 Warthin–Starry stain,
clinical features, 104, 105 326–327
cytomorphologic features, 105 cell blocks, 323
diagnosis, 105 culture and sensitivity, 347–348
microbiology, 104 electron microscopy (EM), 347
pulmonary infections flow cytometry, 343
ancillary studies, 133 fluorescent stains, 341–343
clinical features, 132 fungal stains
cytomorphologic features, characteristics, 328, 330
132–133 Fontana-Masson stain, 331
differential diagnosis, 133 immunocytochemistry
microbiology, 132 antibodies, 335–337
Adenovirus, 44 Aspergillus, 335, 338
pulmonary infections Pap test, 335, 339
ancillary studies, 128 in situ hybridization (ISH)
clinical features, 127 advantages, 335
cytomorphologic features, cervix condyloma, 339, 340
127–128 Epstein–Barr virus, 339, 341
differential diagnosis, 128 infectious mononucleosis.,
pneumonia, 126, 128 339, 340
urinary tract infections, 192 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
AIDS-related lymphomas (ARL), 309 amplicons, 345
Algae, 82–83 DNA sequencing and melt
Allergic mucin, 15–16 curve analysis, 346
Cytology (cont.) E
microorganisms, 2 Echinococcosis. See Hydatid disease
molecular studies, 1, 3 Echinococcus granulosus, 79, 80
routine stains spleen infections, 255
H&E stain, 323 Emperipolesis, 26–28
Pap stain, 322 Empyema, pleural infections
Romanowsky stains, 322 and, 159
Toluidine blue, 323 Entamoeba, 156–157
specimen Enterobius vermicularis, 79–81
diagnosis, 2 ancillary tests, 118
procurement, 1 clinical features, 117
triage, 2 cytomorphologic features, 117
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 42 diagnosis, 117–118
clinical features, 99–100 microbiology, 117
cytomorphologic features, 100 Eosinophilia
diagnosis, 100 and allergic mucin
gastrointestinal infections ancillary studies, 16
ancillary studies, 167 Charcot-Leyden crystals, 16
cytomorphologic features, cytomorphologic features, 15
165–166 differential diagnosis, 15
differential diagnosis, pleocytosis, 207
166–167 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 42, 43
endothelial cells, 165, 166 mesenchymal tumors, 316–317
esophageal brushing, related lymphadenopathy (see
165, 166 Infectious mononucleosis
lymphadenitis, 249–250 lymphadenitis)
microbiology, 99 Eye infection
Molluscum contagiosum, bacterial, 296
99, 100 chlamydial, 296
pulmonary infections, 125–127 fungal, 296–297
urinary tract infections, 193 parasitic, 297–298
Pththirus pubis, 294
viral ophthalmic infections, 295
Daphnia, 373
Decoy cells, in BK polyomavirus, F
194, 195 Female genital tract infections, 85, 86
Dematiaceous fungi, 69–70 Filamentous bacteria, 51–53
Demodex folliculorum, 265 Filariae, 81–82
Dermatophytes, 70 Fine needle aspiration (FNA), 2, 9–10
Dermatophytosis, 266, 270 of hydatid cyst fluid, 180
Diatoms, 371–372 of Nocardia pneumonia, 134
Dieterle stain, 327 Flagellates (Mastigophora), 71–73
Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis Fluids, 9, 12
(DILS), 308 Flukes. See Trematodes (flukes)
Dirofilariasis, 153–154 Fluorescent stains
Donovanosis, 106, 107 Candida, 342
Index 385
oropharyngeal disease K
herpes simplex virus, Kaposi sarcoma, spindle cell
305–306 lesions, 316
OHL, 305, 307 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes
oral candidiasis, 305 virus (KSHV), 42
Penicillium marneffei infection, Kidney infections
299, 300 fungal, 188–189
pulmonary disease pyelonephritis
effusions, 315–316 acute, 183–184
infection, 314 chronic, 184–185
neoplasia, 315 renal tuberculosis, 187–188
renal disease, 316 xanthogranulomatous pyelone-
salivary gland lesions, 306–308 phritis (XPN), 185–187
spindle cell lesions, 316–318 Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, 292
transplantation, 300–301 Koilocytosis and HPV, 93
Impaired cell-mediated
immunity, 25
Infected branchial cleft cyst, L
293–295 Lactobacilli, 87–89
Infectious mononucleosis Lactol-phenol cotton blue (LPCB)
lymphadenitis, 248–249 stain, 331
Inflammatory pseudotumor reaction Legionella, 137–138
ancillary studies, 33 Leishmania, 72–74
cytomorphologic features, 32 Leishmania lymphadenitis, 245–247
differential diagnosis, 33 Leishmaniasis, 271–272
Influenza viruses, 44 Leprosy
Insects, 119 ancillary studies, 270
In situ hybridization (ISH) bacteriologic index and morpho-
advantages, 335 logic indices, 265, 266
cervix condyloma, 339, 340 clinical features, 267–268
Epstein–Barr virus, 339, 341 cytomorphologic features, 269
infectious mononucleosis., differential diagnosis, 269
339, 340 Mycobacterium leprae, 266
Intestinal amebae, 71 Leptothrix vaginalis, 90–91
Intra-abdominal infections Liver abscesses, 176–179
diagnosis of, 161 Lung infections, 121, 147. See also
hydatid disease, 178–181 Pulmonary infections
liver abscesses, 176–179 Lymph node infections
pancreatitis, 178 acute suppurative lymphadenitis
peritoneal effusion, 181 ancillary studies, 234
IRIS. See Immune reconstitution causative organisms, 231
inflammatory syndrome cytomorphologic features, 233
(IRIS) differential diagnosis, 233–234
cat scratch lymphadenitis,
J CMV lymphadenitis, 249–250
JC virus (JCV), 45 fungal lymphadenitis, 242–244
390 Index