4th Week 8
4th Week 8
4th Week 8
Write the LC
EN3LC-IVa-j2.16 EN3RC-IVh-j1.2 EN3PW-IVh-i-6 EN3G-IVh-5.6 EN3V-1h-i-26
code for each
II. CONTENT Identifying Cause and Interpreting simple Reading words with vowel Giving the synonyms Showing
Effect graphs and Tables diphthongs and antonyms of understanding of the
common adjectives meaning of words
with vowel
diphthongs by using
them in correct
A. References
1. Teacher’s pp.400-401 pp.412
Guide pages
2. Learner’s pp. 352-353, p 230 pp. 358-359 pp. 226, 237, 251, 264 pp 251-253
3. Textbook English for All Times
pages Reading 3pp. 88-90,96
4. Additional Pictures, flashcards , simple table and graph, Pictures, power point Pictures of synonyms Pictures, chart,
Materials activity sheets, power chart, pictures presentation, chart and antonyms, power power point
from Learning point presentation point presentation presentation
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Ask questions about In the story I am Andres Show table and graphs. Reading diphthongs oy, Naming pictures with
previous lesson Filipino heroes Bonifacio,Why did he Discuss briefly how to oi, ou, and ow. the vowel
or presenting the need to make wooden interpret data in a graph Using flow chart diphthongs oy
new lesson canes and fans? and table. oi,ou,ow
Underline the cause and
circle the effect.
B. Establishing a Showing different pictures What are the vegetables Reading words with the Showing synonyms and Reading words with
purpose for the to unlock difficult words. found in your school vowel diphthongs of oy, oi, antonyms of common the vowel
lesson orphaned garden? ou, ow. words. diphthongs of oy, oi,
products Oy oi ou, ow. Then, try to
heroes toy coin give your own
boy soil understanding about
soy coil each word.
Roy boil
Diphthongs oy (boy)
ou ow -Roy’s yellow toy
-out low -two cow boys
Shout crown -field of soy
Mouse gown -your toy
house owl
Diphthongs oi
Diphthongs ou
Diphthongs ow
C. Presenting Read the story I Am Showing different Showing pictures. Let the A synonym is a word From the lists of
examples/instanc Andres Bonifacio , while vegetables found in your pupils say the names of that means exactly or diphthongs choose
es new lesson reading the story ,ask area. Ask the pupils if such things. Give nearly the same as at least five words
some questions how many of them like to emphasis to the another word. Study the and use it in a
eat such vegetables. diphthongs. examples below. sentence.
How do you think Andres Make a table from the
Bonifacio took care of his data you gained and ask Give- offer
brothers and sisters after questions about it. jump-leap
they were orphaned? expose-reveal
What kind of brother was laugh-giggle
he? Antonyms are words
with opposite meanings.
Study the examples
D. Discussing new From the data gathered, Group Activity: Write sentences
concepts and How did he learn many present a simple graph. Make a list of words for Choose the synonym of about the pictures.
practicing new things? What is the graph about? the following diphthongs the italicized word in
skills #1 Cause What information can you and read it aloud. each sentence. Write the
Effect get from the graph? Group 1. Diphthongs oy letter of your answer on
(boy) your paper.
Andres Bonifacio He learned Oil gown
read books many things Group 2. Dipthongs oi and 1. My little brother
oy is a very
Why do you think he is sociable child.
considered as one of our Group 3. Dipthongs ou He loves to play Mouse toy
heroes? Group 4. Diphthongs ow with almost all of What should be
the children in remember in writing
the a sentence?
neighborhood. 1. Always begin
a. Friendly with capital
b. unfriendl letter
c. indifferent and end with
a period.
2. Earthworms
burrow into the
soil and make it
more fertile.
a. Lend
b. b. open
c. c. dig
3. The soldiers
betrayed their
captain. They
turned out to be
the captain’s
a. hugged
b. went against
c. ran over
4. Our books were
cheap when we
first bought
a. Inexpensive
b. Extraordinary
c. special
5. c_ _n B.
a. found
b. low
c. huge
d. sad
e. end
F. Developing Group Activity How many of you do the Name the pictures. Read the story “In My Write the correct
mastery Group 1- following chores at Write /ow/ on the blanks to Own Little Wonder” on word from the box to
(Leads to Formative Group 1- home? Complete the complete their names. page 88-89, English for complete the
Assessment 3) Color the cause in each sentence blue
table and make a graph Write the completed all times Reading 3. Do sentences below.
and effect in each sentence red.
slow grow
mouse blow
G. Finding practical Read the sentences What are your favorite Read the following words. Choose the synonyms of Re arrange the
applications of below. Underline the fruits? Put them in their proper the underlined word from jumled words to
concepts and effect once and the cause Make a list of those fruits. column. the choices below each make a good
skills in daily twice in each sentence. . Interpret the data by boy, sow, ,oyster, found, sentence. sentence
living 1.People cry because they answering questions oil, now, round, brown, , p. 96, English for All 1.sits my best friend
are sad. about it crown, foil, house, , loud Times Reading4 last row in the
2. Andres Bonifacio made Pupils Favorite Fruits 2.cats after the run
wooden canes and paper 80 /oy/ /oi/ /ou/ / mouse
fans because he had to 40 ow/ 3. favorite yellow is
support his younger color her
brother and sister. 4. doggie found I on
e a s e go
3. He fought bravely pl an pe ng the street
ap an gra ora man
because he wanted to be b 5. cow milk give us
free and independent.
4. He stopped studying
because his parents died
when he was still young.
5. Because of war, many
were wounded and sick.
H. Making How do we identify the Based from the How do we read How do you write a
generalizations cause and the effect in a exercises given, how can diphthongs / oy/. /Oi/, /ou/, What is synonym? complete sentence?
and abstractions sentence? we interpret table and /ow/? Give an example
about the lesson 1. Read for simple graph? Let them read the words A synonym is a word
information. in each column correctly. that means exactly or
2. Find the nearly the same as
information that another word.
tells the reason
why something What is antonym?
happens or why
something has to Antonyms are words
be done. That is with opposite meanings.
the CAUSE.
3. Find the
information that
tells the result or
effect of the cause.
That is the
I. Evaluating Match each cause on the Study the bar graph,then Match the pictures in Give the synonyms and Use the following
learning left with an effect on the answer the questions column A to column B. antonyms of the following words with vowel
right below. Then read the phrases words. diphthongs in a
Cause correctly. sentence
_1.The phone rang Aling Tinay’s Vegetable Words
1. fast
Synonyms Antonyms 1. destroy
_2. Dad locked the car Sales A. 2. coin
door 6
__.1. 3. house
5 3. talkative
_3.Amy was hungry 4. loud
4 __. 2. 4. early
_4.All the clothes were 3 5. gown
dirty 2
_5.Someone came to the 1 ___3
Effect ay ya nt to on
ech ala gpla ma oni ___4
p p to
a. She ate dinner am eg
b. We couldn’t get in
the car 1. How many basket of ___5
c. We had nothing to tomato did Aling Tinay
wear sell? B.
d. He answered it 2. How many baskets of a. a red gown
e. The dog began to pechay did she sell? b. funny clown
bark 3. Which vegetable did c. a huge house
she sell the least? d. a boy frown
4. Which vegetables had e. a cumulus cloud
the same baskets sold?
5. Which vegetable
should she sell more
J. Additional Underline the cause and Choose words from the Complete each
activities for box the effect in the learned diphthongs and sentence .write the
application or following sentences use it in a sentence. Opposite of the word
remediation under the line.
1. Mom had a lot of 1. We feel very
laundry to do after the ______(happy)
camping trip. 2. It has a _______
grassy lawn.
2. The stranger came to (big)
the door the dog started 3. We are sure to
barking loudly. see ______
( a few)
3. Marie joined the book Things in this
club because she loved to place.
read. 4. The mouse could
just squeeze
4. Arjo burned his hand through the _____
when he took the lid of the wide opening.
hot pan. 5. My cat’s tongue is
5. Dad cooked (smooth)
hamburgers and hot dogs as sandpaper.
in order to have enough
for the picnic.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. Of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other