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©2021 International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860 eISSN 1906-9642 CODEN: ITJEA8

International Transaction Journal of Engineering,
Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

The Design and Implementation of IEC61850 SBUS

Server Island Detection Using a New Algorithm and
Futuristic Interface Communication
Muhammad Asad1*, Erum Pathan2, Muhammad Imran Rabani3, Sai Babu Goli4, Amjad
Ammar Qureshi5, Muhammad Shahid6, Amanullahkhan Pathan7, Nadim Imtiyaz Shaikh8
Commissioning Services Division-Central, National Grid, SAUDIA ARABIA.
Electronic Engineering Department, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering. Science and Technology,
Nawabshah, PAKISTAN.
Department of Electrical Contracting & Maintenance, XERVON, SAUDI ARABIA.
Commissioning Division, COA Saudi Electricity Company, SAUDI ARABIA.
Department of Assets and Engineering Management, Trafigura Nyrstar, AUSTRALIA.
Protection & Automation Engineer Siemens Ltd., SAUDI ARABIA.
Department of Power Transmission and Distribution, Larsen and Toubro, SAUDI ARABIA.
Department of Power Transmission and Distribution (IC), Larsen and Toubro, SAUDI ARABIA.
*Corresponding Author (Tel: +92-3322690991, Email: Erumasad79@gmail.com).
Paper ID: 12A3G Abstract
Volume 12 Issue 3 The boost insertion of DERs, large-scale PV, and wind energy are included in
the power distribution grid network, while fixed series (FSC), static var (SVC)
Received 01 October 2020
compensation, shunt capacitors, and reactors in the transmission grid
Received in revised form 15
December 2020
network stabilize the power system. The smooth-running system requires secured
Accepted 04 January 2021 and reliable island operation to avoid blackouts and brownouts. The unpredictable
Available online 12 January grid abnormalities such as DC supply failure, BCU faulty, server redundancy failure,
2021 mal-operation of the line protection, CBF protection, BB protection operation, and
lack of redundancy or mal-operated controller logics/hardwired contacts or causes
Keywords: of human errors in some cases could cause unintentional remote islanding. This
EcoSUI; SBUS Server; paper proposes a new algorithm with the unique design of adoptive logic developed
Remote island detection; first time at station level IEC61850 grid controller in SBUS Server EcoSUI
DERs; Large scale PV Engineering software to enhance the reliability and system redundancy which
tight grid; IED Scout; manipulates real-time grid variables instead of measuring only the PCC voltage,
Island scheme; Fault therefore there is no NDZ issue and power quality problem hence detects export
simulation; Island power failure (demand) at the grid and intimate plant controllers remotely to de-
dummy command; synchronize the generation (supply) for overall island operation, then proposed
Redundant best-standardized communication interfacing topology between grid controller to
communication; Power plant controllers.
Disciplinary: Electrical Engineering and Technology.

Cite This Article:

Asad, M., Pathan, E., Rabani, M. I, Goli, S. B, Qureshi, A. A., Shahid, M., Pathan, A., Shaikh, N. I. (2021). The
Design and Implementation of IEC61850 SBUS Server Island Detection Using a New Algorithm and
Futuristic Interface Communication. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, &
Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(3), 12A3G, 1-13. http://TUENGR.COM/V12/12A3G.pdf DOI:

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1 Introduction
The stable power network should adhere to the rate of increasing DERs insertion into the
system is a challenging demand for power utilities, require transmission system enforcement as
power consumption expected to be double by 2050 [1]. Recently, Distributed Generation (DG),
large scale PV as well as wind plants have been developed rapidly [2, 3], however, it involves
complex challenges. Where the most crucial requirement is the islanding scenarios to be detected
due to loss of main Utilities.
There are two islanding operations, the intentional islanding is a general planned operation
for scheduled maintenance that is safe for the system, however, unintentional islanding occurs due
to an unexpected fault incident that immediately requires to de-synchronize the grid at PCC [4] and
directly impacts network stability. As a result, frequency and voltage become out of desired ranges
w.r.t grid, and this hazard could cause electrical devices and system equipment damages. Therefore,
such unintentional & uncontrolled islanding should distinguish the fault and island condition, The
IEC 62116 and IEEE 1547 standard [5] conclude that the PV system requires to be isolated from the
grid within 2 seconds after islanding conditions attained.
The selectivity of the island detection method must realize the following factor such as
reliability and NDZ limits, operating time, Impact on the grid power quality and transient response,
installation and running cost, grid topology, grid BB scheme, grid variables V, I & P, and type of
faults [6, 7].
The islanding detection methods are divided into local and remote methods. The local
methods and their sub-categories can be overviewed [8] in detail. The remote island method is
based on communication detects islanding situation from grid variables and send a signal to DGs or
power plant by sort of communication such as PLCC that transmits a continuous signal via the
power line to the DG [9], Signal extended by disconnect at grid requires unique transmission. while
SAS/SCADA uses grid IEC61850 controller to detect the island condition [6] which is most efficient
and reliable.
The smart remote islanding detection method is categorized into operating principles and
the Internet of things (IoT). The operating principle island detection based on synchro-phasor
[10],[11] which further categorized in PMU based which detects islanding by angle difference
method and slip acceleration method while distributed controlled island detection uses 87L line
difference communication for transfer trip [12]. Also, the centralized islanding detection method
utilizes the loss of mains (LOM) protection algorithm [13].
In the Internet island detection method, the export power failure indication by circuit
breaker status is broadcasted over a virtual private network (VPN) among the stations. A VPN is
implemented between stations. Control signals such as circuit-breaker status are broadcasted
through the Internet. This broadcast status is encapsulated in a message data ‘ping’ payload[14].
The computational intelligence techniques methodology has been described in
[15].Islanding protection using Neuro-fuzzy system and wavelet analysis in distributed generation

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inverter-based researched into [16, 17]. An adaptive artificial neural network controller was
proposed [18] to reduce the NDZ. The droop control and Variable Impedance insertion [19] methods
also offer different solutions to the subject. The islanding detection based on FPGA is elaborated in
The regional island detection method proposed in [21] implemented a load change method
to detect islanding by regional control devices.
The remote islanding is cost-effective but reliable and provides better performance over
conventional method to detect island time to be analyzed, The processing delay in island detection
algorithm such as 100ms in CID and 1.25 sec in PMU based [6] to be considered.
The main grid where PV or conventional power plants are connected could have multiple bus
bar schemes, In Saudi Arabia normally EHV substation has a ½ Circuit Breaker scheme, HV
Substation has a double bus bar configuration while the LV grid has a single Bus Bar scheme. The
existing island detection in the grid controller is not enough to decide whether the grid is fully dead
or its export energy failed. The only software-dependent island signal is extended to power plants
for islanding operation therefore it is necessary to verify all possible scenario to identify that the
grid is really dead or its export MW has failed to avoid island mal-operation, hence software and
hardware interlocks along-with 2oo3 redundancy technique must be ensured for operational
system reliability.
Most researchers have worked on IEC61850 bay level island detection engineering [1, 22, 23,
24, 25] by GOOSE, Data Object modeling, and report through data module methods, which are lack
of redundancy issues. The proposed method first time is introduced at station level engineering
which superscript and provides multi-level redundancy for island detection and its successful
2 Proposed System: Engineering and Design
2.1 IEC61850 Grid Controller Island Detection Engineering
The Substation automation system is comprised of three-level such as process level, Bay
level, and station level. The island command can be configured at station level and bay levels,
There are three ways to detect loss of grid or export power failure in IEC61850 SAS Engineering
such as, at Station level, In Common BCU by GOOSE and Report through data module Method
forming BCU network as open system interconnection (OIC) or IEC-IEC gateway in which all
concerned desired feeder BCU will report to common BCU which will work Server for them, This
IEC-IEC gateway interconnects to station level and report to main controller and gateways. The
disadvantage of both bay level engineering is as all concerned BCU signaling in a network will not
report to station level in case of common BCU failure.
The engineering process for an IEC 61850 project, starts with collecting each BCU/IED’s
ICD/CID/MCL files at bay level, these files are merged into an SCD that is unique for the entire grid.
The signals are mapped to station level by defining the data sets, logic, MMS, GSE, GSSE, and

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GOOSE messages containing information (Analog/Digital, SPC, DPS, regulating step CMD, set-
point and T/F step indication) for engineering operation.

2.2 EcoSystem User Interface (EcoSUI) Island Detection Engineering

and Redundancy
EcoSUI is the operating interface (HMI) that provides the user with an interface for all
operational and engineering functions which facilitates both HMI and server engineering and
allows supervisory and controlling a grid. It communicates with other EcoSUI modules such as the
central DataBase (DB), and Station BUS (SBUS) Server, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: Island Detection Redundant communication

The central DB gets the configuration that is stored locally on each computer while the SBUS
server gets live values from SBUS equipment and retrieves data from BCU. There are two central DB
(DB0 is main and DB1 is redundant) and get an update in parallel which provides the redundancy
for configuration, Alarms, Events, Measurement, and Live Values which are real-time variables to
be used in island command configuration. If the Main Central DB is absent during EcoSUI or SBUS
Server startup, they will retrieve their configuration from the Backup Central DB, and If One Main
SBUS Server fails, status and values on EcoSUI keep updated to its backup SBUS Server, therefore
there are rare chances to fail island initial in a dual redundant system. The EcoSUI HMI allows the
operator to supervise, control and maintain the substations in a very quick and intuitive manner.

2.3 The Proposed Island Detection Algorithm

The proposed logic is prepared at station level in EcoSUI SBUS server engineering
application because it has the advantage to collect all data point of station level as well as bay level
simultaneously which provide easy access for island configuration.
The proposed method is unique from other conventional methods reported as it detects loss
of grid by substation real-time variables. The proposed island detection logic and coding were
designed for a 132KV substation where a double BB single circuit breaker scheme was used. This
logic will verify that substation export energy is failed (called dead grid) and the power plant must
go in islanding to keep a balance between generation and load. As per designed logic in Figure 3
and algorithm in Figure 2, the substation is said to be a dead grid or consider as export energy failed
when exported power feeders or line circuit breaker DPS/SPS Open status achieved due to its

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concerned protection operated or planned operation, grid export MW is less than -1, dead pole
detection <30% or no voltage archived and concerned BCU is valid or healthy. This same logic of
each exported feeder to be multiplied as per requirement and exported feeder status to be checked
by the intelligent controller from HMI/Servers measurement. The two Circuits A and B are
considered as exporting power for testing purposes.

Figure 2: Proposed Island detection algorithm.

Figure 3: Grid Station SLD and proposed logics for island detection for ECoSUI SBUS Server.

For double and Single Bus Bar scheme suggested the same logics because of single
controlling CB but ½ CB scheme requires two-controller CBs of each line so BB CB will have same
logics while additional Middle CB open status and validity or a healthy status of their controlling
CB are to be considered.
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2.4 Proposed Island Logic Implementation in EcoSUI SBUS Server
The replica of proposed logic in Figure 3 described in algorithm Figure 2 has been
implemented in EcoSUI SBUS Server presented in Figure 4 which will validate all assigned variables
Figure 5 and then it triggers the command to Common BCU where it will operate output contacts of
common BCU. The Common BCU configuration forming 2oo3 voting is represented in Figure 7.
The complete system architecture and scheme can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 4: Island command and configuration in EcoSUI SBUS Server V2.4.

Figure 4 shows the encoding of logic formulated and implemented in EcoSUI SBUS Server for
detail visualization, where * = substation name or code, ** = Circuit Name, E01 is Bay 01, E04 is Bay
04, and SGA is substation general alarm. In IEC standard +VE MW means the import and -VE MW
the export. The variable used in this logic is shown in Figure 3 and its validity status is illustrated in
Figure 5 while the possible action of this logic has been described in Figure 6.

Figure 6: EcoSUI Possible Action of proposed

Figure 5: EcoSUI SBUS Server Formula Editor variables. logic.

Figure 7: Common BCU configuration forming 2oo3 voting.

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Figure 8: Island dummy command SBUS server logic mapping.

Figure 9: Island dummy command configuration in PACis

Figure 10: Dummy command for the island operation.

3 Proposed Islanded Communication Scheme

Figure 11 describes the complete island detected alarm to be extended in power plant’s unit
control panels from the grid, the grid controller has to decide the when power plant leads to island
operation and trigger to Common BCUs through SAS network. The controller island detection logic
has been proposed in Figure 3. The island detection initiation could be transmitted to the power
plant by both reliable proposals. The proposal-1 requires software and hardware verification by
using three I/O Boxes or common BCUs. The inputs/outputs of the system which can’t be integrated
directly from IED functional block in IEC61850 or standalone equipment sources such DSM, FDR,
HVAC, and auxiliary system, etc., are required to terminate to I/O boxes or common BCU. The two
output contacts of each box designed in 2oo3 voting architecture are required to be operated by the
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same controller logics described in Figure 4, this software detected island signal should verify the
used common BCUs and concerned GIS BCUs are valid and healthy by their watchdog hardwired NC
contacts. This verified island signal (L52Loss_Grid) is further extended through interface panels to
the power plant where it operates a bi-stable relay and its contacts initiate a command to all plant
unit controllers simultaneously for overall island operation, while in Proposal-2 in Figure 12, The
island detected software initiation is directly sent via fiber optics redundant communication
network to the power plant to trigger additional installed I/O box. The number of output contacts
of this I/O Box can be configured depending upon the requirement for desired units to be islanding.
Proposal#2 requires additional BCU or I/O Module, however, Proposal#1 is made by existing BCUs
which require hardwiring modification only, therefore this paper focuses on proposal-2 which has
high software and hardware redundancy along with reliability and cost-effective.

Figure 11: Proposal-1 entire the island communication and DC hardwire schematics diagram.

Figure 12: Proposed-2 entire Island scheme with fibre optic communication.

4 Developed Real-Time Island Commissioning

The validation of configured Island Command initiation in EcoSUI V2.4 SBUS server software
can be tested by two commissioning procedures in both cases when the grid is live or energized and
dead grid.

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4.1 Actual Simulation by Secondary Injection FREJA 546 Megger by
using a Bi-stable Relay as Power Plant CB
The entire island simulation test was carried out presented in Figures 14 & 15 by arranging
Line E01 set as transmitting export power and its line CB and Dummy CB(Additional configuration
done to simulate as Power Plant in Figures 8, 9 & 10) were closed, used two sets of secondary
injection kit shown in Figure 13, one for IED fault simulation and other for injection measurement
voltage, current and MW to BCU while auto-reclosure of lines kept out of service. The one
additional output contact of protection IED 7SD522 configured to stop the second freja300 used for
BCU measurement to set sequence as both kits will stop together when injected Zone-1 fault in
Line protection IED 7SD522 so that IEC61850 controller detect dead grid or export energy failure by
proposed logic. The Controller logic trigger command to Common BCU, it operated the one bi-
stable relay (Considered as a plant) will give feedback to SAS HMI and open island dummy CB
(Considered PP CB Open) as shown in Figure 16 HMI event list which concludes successful island
operation by simulation.

Figure 13: Test Connection for fault simulation. Figure 14: Test platform connection with BCU for
island operation

Figure 15: Testbed connection with IED 7SD522.

Figure 16: HMI Events for island dummy command.

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Figure 17: 7SD522 IED line voltage pre-fault and Figure 18: 7SD522 IED line current pre-fault and
after a fault. after the fault

Figure 19: 7SD522 IED 21 Zone-1 start and trip with AR OFF.

Figure 20: 7SD522 IED Impedance Diagram X-R showing zone reach at the fault simulation.

Figures 17, 18, 19 & 20 show fault simulation summary extracted from SAS EWS in Comtrade
file from Sigra 4.55 software.

4.2 IIT Substation Automation Synthesizer Software and IED SCOUT

Software for Both Cases Either the Grid is Dead or Live
The IIT synthesizer and IED scout are simulation software to simulate all grid station
signals/ status without initiating actual sources from the field in the real system except SNMP
sources. It helps to validate all IEC61850 substation automation controller engineering as well as
gateway 101/104 Ports configuration, even these procedures do not require partial or full grid
station outage. The standalone laptop is required to connect with SAS network at station level to
Ethernet switch, but bay level all switches either power to be switched-off or keep disconnected
from station level as represented in Figure 21, final SCD file is to be imported in IIT synthesizer or
IED scout, then any IED/BCU can be viewed to simulate its Alarm, indication, commands and
measurement, each source select the value “True or False” and set time, then verify the changes

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reported in HMI, Thus each grid variables assigned for island command in IEC61850 grid controller
logics can easily be simulated and validated step by step.

Figure 21: IIT Synthesizer and IED Scout connection

5 Simulation Test Result and Discussion
Figure 16 predicts the controller itself island detection time by the proposed method that is
instantaneous due to the trigger feature but varies depending on the type of communication used.
The overall islanding time was calculated 299ms with proposed communication in Figure 11, while
100ms is expected by proposed communication in Figure 12 due to reason as there is no hardwires
or bistable relay between interfacing. The results express that the proposed method has less
detection time than earlier reported methods.
6 Conclusion
This paper provides a comprehensive summary of the latest remote islanding methods,
describe design factor to select, a possible cause of mal-operation of island detection and its
impact, and explained three best way to do island detection engineering in IEC61850 substation
automation system. A new remote islanding detection technique is proposed and designed first
time at station level IEC61850 SAS controller in ECOsui SBUS software which detects island
situation based on real-time grid variables to increase the reliability and availability after Root
Cause Analysis (RCA) in-depth of the reported incident caused 1669MW lost due to mal-operated
controller island detection logic and, then proposed two futuristic communication concept
designed interfacing for between IEC61850 grid controller to plant controllers keeping in view the
latest issues, was aimed at the re-validating various design and technical parameters of the
islanding situation. The island detection time itself in the controller is instantaneous and
observed faster with proposed fiber optics communication than hardwired interfacing. The
Application of the proposed method can easily be implemented and flexible in wide ranges of DGs,
large scale PV tide grids, wind-power plant, and conventional gas turbine and steam turbine power
plants. This paper also proposed two unique commissioning test procedures for island operation
detection time in live system as well as when the grid is dead. Actual simulation of grid variables in
real-time by secondary injection FREJA 546 Megger to detect an export power failure. The
procedure uses IEC61850 simulation software such as IIT Substation Automation Synthesizer and
IED SCOUT software to test each individual grid variables used in controller logic. The test-bed
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platform validates that the designed remote islanding detection algorithm and proposed
communication are easily implemented in DERs and large-scale PV and wind energy systems to
avoid blackouts and brownouts.
7 Availability of Data And Material
Data can be made available by contacting the corresponding author.

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Dr.Muhammad Asad Shaikh received a B.E in Electrical Power Engineering from QUEST, Pakistan & a PhD degree in
Electrical Engineering from Bakerville University. Also, he received a B.A degree, a DIT, Internship certificates in
various power sector companies and he has received technical, management and 5-Star Safety trainings. He is an active
member of Saudi & Pakistan Engineering Council. He has 15 years’ international experience and commissioned 26
Projects including Static VAR Compensation, Fixed Series Compensation and 380/132/13.8KV Power Substation
including BSP, he has sound technical experience in the field of Substation Automation System, Control & SCADA
Engineering (IEC61850, IEC60870-5-101/104), Project Management & Execution, Substation Testing and
Commissioning, Power System Planning and Operation, Power System Fault Investigation & Reporting.

Dr.Erum Pathan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electronic
Engineering of Quaid-E Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan. She
received a B.E in Electronic Engineering, an M.E degree in Telecommunication & Control from Mehran University of
Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan and a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from University Tun
Hussein Onn, Malaysia. Her research areas include robust control theory in smart grid application, parallel inverter and
Smart grid Control. She is also a member of the Pakistan Engineering Council. Email: erumasad79 @ gmail.com
Muhammad Imran Rabani received the B.E in Electrical Power Engineering from BZU, Pakistan in 2007. He is an
active member of Saudi & Pakistan Engineering Council. He is also a certified Engineer from APEGS, saskatchewan
Canada. He has 14 years’ international experience and commissioned 15 Projects. He has sound technical experience in
the field of Substation Automation System, Control & SCADA Engineering, Project Management & Execution,
Substation Testing and Commissioning, Power System Planning, Operation, Fault Investigation & Reporting. Email:
mimranbzu @ gmail. com

Sai Babu Goli got B.E in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
(JNTU), Hyderabad, India. He is an active member of Saudi Engineering Council. He has 15 years’ international
Experience in field of Power System Design and Protection, Project Execution, Commissioning Experience of EHV/HV
and LV substation, Transformer Installation at field, Transformer Design & Manufacturing Experience.

Amjad Ammar Qureshi is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a recognized global technical authority in Electrical,
Instrumentation, Integrated Control Systems, IIOT based Automation Systems and Communication systems. Having
delivered EPCC multibillion-dollar projects in Asia, Pacific and NA regions in the last 15 years, currently Leading Large
Scale Engineering Projects of Trafigura Nyrstar. Email: engr.amjadammar @ gmail.com

Muhammad Shahid received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Technology from Preston University, Pakistan, & a DIT
certification. he received technical certifications like IEC-61850 Bay unit configuration from Siemens-Saudi Arabia, GIS
commissioning & GIS High-voltage from Siemens AG-Germany, High-voltage equipment from HighVolt-Germany, He
has 14years internal experience and commissioned 24-projects including 500Kv & 380/132/13.8Kv Power Substations,
Static-Var Compensation Substation & 135MW Power Plant. He has sound technical experience in the field of
Substation Automation System & SCADA Engineering (IEC61850, IEC60870-5 101/104), Testing & Commissioning,
Project Planning, Management & Execution, IIoT based home Automation. Email: engr.shahid26 @ gmail.com
Amanullahkhan Pathan received a B.E in Electrical Power Engineering from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.
Additionally, he acquired a PMP certification in 2020. He has great skills in Strategic Planning, Project Planning &
Management, Process Improvement, Statutory Compliance, Resource Planning & Budgeting, Project Management, Cost
& Control, and Quality Control Management. He has 15 years’ international Experience in Power sector of with End-To-
End Experience in Managing, Executing, Project Planning, Coordination & Implementation from Scope Management to
Activity Sequencing, Effort & Cost Estimation and Risk Analysis to Operation Management in Line with Guidelines.
Email: amanullahpathan @ yahoo.com
Nadim Imtiyaz Shaikh received a B.E in Electrical Power Engineering from Sarvajanik College of Engineering and
Technology, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. Additionally, he acquired PMP certification in 2020. He is a
result-oriented Project Management Professional with 12 years of rich experience in Power Transmission and
Distribution section, Project Executions & Maintenance experience in Utility companies. He is focused & goal-
oriented, adept at Creating & Formulating Strategies for Accelerated Growth, Hard Working with Unsurpassed
Communication, Organized Presentation & Interpersonal Skills. Email: nahids12 @ yahoo.com

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